Gas Storage and Transmissions
15 June - 16 June 2016
Gas Storage and Transmissions

SAE Media Group’s 10th annual Gas Storage and TranSAE Media Groupssions conference returns to London June 2016! There is much debate and discussion around the European and UK Gas market where demand has struggled to keep up with storage capacity, however, new approaches to regulation and changing stances of many European governments combined with new infrastructure projects signal an exciting and profitable climate for this sector. Therefore, it is once again vital that the industry come together to discuss how to move forward as a collective, overcome any existing concerns and utilise the commercial opportunities that the gas storage and tranSAE Media Groupssions sector offers. Join us in London to hear about the latest in legislation as we discuss the role that regulators must play in rejuvenating this dynamic market. We will also explore the latest and future infrastructural developments across Europe, including the forthcoming Nord Stream 2 project. We will assess whether diversifying gas supply routes and new interconnector projects can meet the growing need for natural gas imports in Europe as production in the North Sea continues to fall. Join key decision makers from Europe’s biggest storage operators to discuss the role storage and tranSAE Media Groupssion can play in safeguarding the EU's security of energy supply.

SAE Media Group’s 10th annual Gas Storage and TranSAE Media Groupssions conference will explore how the changing landscape of the energy industry will impact this sector. We will be looking at the current state of the European Gas market and security of supply, gas tranSAE Media Groupssion and how gas storage will contribute to future demand, infrastructure and investment challenges. These are just some of the questions and discussions that will be had at SAE Media Group’s 10th annual Gas Storage and TranSAE Media Groupssion Conference, can you afford to miss out?


Christoph von dem Bussche

Christoph von dem Bussche

Managing Director , Gascade
Christophe Poillion

Christophe Poillion

Vice President of European Affairs , GRTgaz
Ed Freeman

Ed Freeman

Manager, Gas Systems, Ofgem
Gabriele Lucchesi

Gabriele Lucchesi

Managing Director, Edison Stoccagio Spa
Ralph Bahke

Ralph Bahke

Managing Director, ONTRAS

Akos Kriston

Deputy Director , Hungarian Gas Storage Plc
Akos Kriston

Alan McFadden

Head of Gas Storage , SSE
Alan  McFadden

Ben Farrington

Director, Littlefoot Consulting Ltd
Ben  Farrington

Ben has been involved with many aspects of the storage problem over the last 20 years.
First selling capacity into an over-supplied GB market, then trading different storages in a tightening market. He went on to author two security of supply studies for DECC: the first one in 2005/06 had the tightest infrastructure on record, the second had supply transformed by new gas import infrastructure.
Following the “dash” for renewable generation, Ben is now studying a new role for flexible gas in the transition to a low carbon future.

Christoph von dem Bussche

Managing Director , Gascade
Christoph von dem Bussche

Christophe Poillion

Vice President of European Affairs , GRTgaz
Christophe Poillion

Ed Freeman

Manager, Gas Systems, Ofgem
Ed Freeman

Gabriele Lucchesi

Managing Director, Edison Stoccagio Spa
Gabriele Lucchesi

Hans-Aage Nielsen

Gas Market Development, Energinet.dk
Hans-Aage  Nielsen

James Henderson

Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
James Henderson

Michael Kohl

Commercial Managing Director , RWE Gasspeicher GmbH
Michael  Kohl

Ms Sylvie Cornot-Gandolphe

President, SCG Consulting
Ms Sylvie  Cornot-Gandolphe

Nick White

Principal Consultant, MJM Energy
Nick White

Paul Corcoran

Chief Financial Officer, Nord Stream A G
Paul Corcoran

Piotr Kus

Director, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Piotr  Kus

Ralph Bahke

Managing Director, ONTRAS
Ralph Bahke

Rhys Ashman

Operational Capability Development & Risk Manager, National Grid
Rhys Ashman

Robert Sale

Regulation and Business Development Director, Interconnector UK
Robert Sale

Robert Sale has been IUK’s Business Development and Regulation Director since 2011. He leads IUK’s strategy and engagement with regulators and public authorities; and he is programme director of IUK’s transition to a new regime following the expiry of its initial set of long term contracts in 2018. He previously held roles in Ofgem, National Grid, PwC, and BP. He is an economist, specialising in regulation and corporate strategy

Zbynek Pokorny

Head of Sales, RWE Gas Storage
Zbynek Pokorny

Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Opening Remarks

Kostadin Sirleshtov

Kostadin Sirleshtov, Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna LLP

Pavlin Stoyanov

Pavlin Stoyanov, Senior Associate , CMS Cameron McKenna LLP



The Energy Union and the opportunities it brings to Europe in the field of gas storage and pipelines


  • Overview of the key policy documents behind the Energy Union
  • The key objectives and their delivery in the field of gas storage and pipelines    
  • The projects of common interest – aims, feasibility, financing  
  • The likely developments in the next 12 months   
  • Kostadin Sirleshtov

    Kostadin Sirleshtov, Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna LLP

    Pavlin Stoyanov

    Pavlin Stoyanov, Senior Associate , CMS Cameron McKenna LLP



    The legal framework for the delivery of gas storage and pipeline projects in the EU

  • Third energy package and beyond
  • The role of the ACER and the regulators in the member-states    
  • The role of the legislation in the member-states  
  • The legal framework on the operation of the gas storage and pipeline projects
  • Kostadin Sirleshtov

    Kostadin Sirleshtov, Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna LLP

    Pavlin Stoyanov

    Pavlin Stoyanov, Senior Associate , CMS Cameron McKenna LLP



    Morning Coffee



    Lessons learnt from Galata and Szoreg-1 gas storage projects

  • The history of Galata project
  • Interactive analysis of the main reasons for the project not happening to date
  • The history of Szoreg-1 and its refinancing   
  • Interactive analysis of the main reasons for the success of the project
  • Kostadin Sirleshtov

    Kostadin Sirleshtov, Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna LLP

    Pavlin Stoyanov

    Pavlin Stoyanov, Senior Associate , CMS Cameron McKenna LLP



    Lessons learnt from North and South Stream pipeline projects

  • The history of North Stream project
  • Interactive analysis of the main reasons for the success of the project    
  • The history of South Stream project  
  • Interactive analysis of the main reasons for the failure of the project  
  • Kostadin Sirleshtov

    Kostadin Sirleshtov, Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna LLP

    Pavlin Stoyanov

    Pavlin Stoyanov, Senior Associate , CMS Cameron McKenna LLP



    Closing Remarks

    Kostadin Sirleshtov

    Kostadin Sirleshtov, Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna LLP

    Pavlin Stoyanov

    Pavlin Stoyanov, Senior Associate , CMS Cameron McKenna LLP



    End of workshop






    Introduction to Energy Exemplar and PLEXOS Modelling

    Christos Papadopoulos

    Christos Papadopoulos, Regional Director Europe, Energy Exemplar

  • Energy Exemplar and PLEXOS
  • Introduction to gas markets’ fundamentals 
  • Mathematical programming and optimisation
  • clock


    European gas market target model and global gas market

    Christos Papadopoulos

    Christos Papadopoulos, Regional Director Europe, Energy Exemplar

  • Energy Union: The European gas market target model
  • Investment planning in such a volatile global gas market
  • LT gas supply contracts vs ST hub pricing
  • Modeling gas systems/markets’ and supply/demand fundamentals    


  • clock


    Networking Afternoon Tea



    PLEXOS for gas – modelling features and timeframes

    Christos Papadopoulos

    Christos Papadopoulos, Regional Director Europe, Energy Exemplar

  • Investment planning for gas fields, pipelines, storage and LNG infrastructure
  • Evaluation and modeling of gas storage and cross-border transmission systems 
  • Modeling gas contracts and external markets
  • Flexibility requirements for short-term and real-time trading and balancing   
  • clock


    Gas portfolio assets optimisation - Why integrated energy modelling?

    Christos Papadopoulos

    Christos Papadopoulos, Regional Director Europe, Energy Exemplar

  • Gas portfolio asset optimisation – physical and financial portfolios
  • Why integrated energy modeling and optimisation
  • Gas/power/emissions/heat/water modeling - co-optimization


  • clock


    Closing Remarks

    Christos Papadopoulos

    Christos Papadopoulos, Regional Director Europe, Energy Exemplar



    End of workshop



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Ben Farrington, Director, Littlefoot Consulting Ltd



    Regulating storage in challenging market conditions

    Ed Freeman

    Ed Freeman, Manager, Gas Systems, Ofgem

  • The role of storage and the importance of effective regulation
  • CEER Vision on regulatory arrangements for the gas storage market
  • Facilitating competition and ensuring security of supply
  • Barriers to storage product innovation
  • clock


    Security of supply in a declining gas market

    Hans-Aage  Nielsen

    Hans-Aage Nielsen, Gas Market Development, Energinet.dk

  • Assessing the current gas storage market
  • European market coupling for flexibility
  • How will the European gas market be affected by COP 21?
  • clock


    Desperate European gas storage operators (SSOs): Everything must go!

    Zbynek Pokorny

    Zbynek Pokorny, Head of Sales, RWE Gas Storage

  • A close look at recent storage prices
  • Current prices supporting long-term booking
  • Example of profitable storage usage
  • Storage obligation in CZ: Myths and reality
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Where next for the gas storage market

    Akos Kriston

    Akos Kriston, Deputy Director , Hungarian Gas Storage Plc

  • Value drivers of gas storage flexibility: Why it is essential to be flexible and fast
  • New storage business models for Europe
  • Future proofing gas storage
  • clock


    Assessing the impact of the new regulation on the gas storage market

    Michael  Kohl

    Michael Kohl, Commercial Managing Director , RWE Gasspeicher GmbH

  • EU-LNG and gas storage strategy
  • Security of supply directive
  • Network code tariff
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Gas storage in Europe: Where are we now?

  • The European gas storage market in 2015
  • Still a difficult context
  • The role and values of storage are not recognised
  • New regulation
  • Outlook to 2035: Better or worse?
  • Ms Sylvie  Cornot-Gandolphe

    Ms Sylvie Cornot-Gandolphe, President, SCG Consulting



    The Italian gas storage system: A unique case in Europe

    Gabriele Lucchesi

    Gabriele Lucchesi, Managing Director, Edison Stoccagio Spa

  • Overview of the Italian gas storage system
  • Regulatory framework: Current rules and evolution
  • Incentives on the development of additional peak capacities rather than volumes
  • Storage tariffs
  • Guaranteeing adequate return on invested capital
  • Finding the right balance between a liquid market and security of supply
  • The potential of a new gas balancing market
  • clock


    Transporting gas to the storage facilities

    Christoph von dem Bussche

    Christoph von dem Bussche, Managing Director , Gascade

  • Case Study: Do new projects mean a more assured security of supply than expected for Europe?
  • Is there enough demand? Is demand enough?
  • Assessing the obstacles that must be overcome to introduce new gas infrastructure
  • National and European grid development plans
  • Time schedules – ‘how to square the circle’
  • Satisfying the needs of both regulatory bodies and the transport customers
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    UK Gas Storage – A look at the regulatory and financial considerations from the perspective of one of the UK’s largest operators

    Alan  McFadden

    Alan McFadden, Head of Gas Storage , SSE

  • An exclusive interview that will delve into the issues and challenges facing the UK gas storage market
  • The portfolio value, or not, of operating both the oldest and slowest cycling and newest and fastest cycling MRS assets in the UK
  • Operating the only nTPA MRS site in the UK in a value reducing and highly competitive market
  • clock


    Assessing the role of LNG in the gas storage market

  • When will additional gas be coming from LNG?
  • How will more LNG coming online have an
  • impact on gas storage?
  • When will traders move back to gas storage?
  • Hans-Aage  Nielsen

    Hans-Aage Nielsen, Gas Market Development, Energinet.dk

    Michael  Kohl

    Michael Kohl, Commercial Managing Director , RWE Gasspeicher GmbH

    Ed Freeman

    Ed Freeman, Manager, Gas Systems, Ofgem

    Ben Farrington, Director, Littlefoot Consulting Ltd



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Ben Farrington, Director, Littlefoot Consulting Ltd



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Nick White

    Nick White, Principal Consultant, MJM Energy



    Natural gas market and infrastructure in Central and Eastern Europe

    Piotr  Kus

    Piotr Kus, Director, Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.

  • Role of natural gas in region’s energy policy
  • Market evolution and major developments
  • Overview of current and planned investment projects
  • Changes in regulatory landscape
  • clock


    The European energy union in practice

    Christophe Poillion

    Christophe Poillion, Vice President of European Affairs , GRTgaz

  • The rules for gas market integration
  • How to overcome the barriers which are preventing the development of gas infrastructure
  • Ensuring the development of a pan-European transmission system in line with the EU’s energy goals
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    The role of Russian gas supply in Europe's energy security

    James Henderson

    James Henderson, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

  • The role of Russian gas in the European gas balance
  • Russian gas export policy in the new conditions
  • New routes for the Russian gas: Assessing different options
  • Russian pipeline gas vs US LNG
  • clock


    Nord Stream: Enhancing Europe’s long-term energy security

    Paul Corcoran

    Paul Corcoran, Chief Financial Officer, Nord Stream A G

  • Assessing the growing natural gas import gap in the EU and the evaluating the best supply options
  • The role of Nord Stream: Guaranteeing safe and reliable gas supplies to Europe while protecting the environment
  • Evaluating the need for gas imports and stronger EU internal gas market
  • How Nord Stream 2 can help achieve this
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Why interconnectors are so important

    Robert Sale, Regulation and Business Development Director, Interconnector UK

  • The role of interconnectors in ensuring security of supply
  • Role of interconnectors in promoting trade and liquidity
  • Challenges facing interconnectors and gas supply in Europe
  • Overcoming the challenges interconnectors face
  • clock


    What does the future hold for transmissions networks?

    Rhys Ashman

    Rhys Ashman, Operational Capability Development & Risk Manager, National Grid

  • Assessing future network flexibility and capacity requirements
  • What direction is the UK national transmission system moving in?
  • How do evolving customer’s needs set the direction?
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    The future role of gas infrastructure in evolving energy markets

    Ralph Bahke

    Ralph Bahke, Managing Director, ONTRAS

  • The impacts of decreased production of natural gas and new gas sources and transport routes
  • Does the desire for green energy require new solutions mean for gas storage and transmissions?
  • The advantages of collaboration between electricity and gas networks
  • How increasing gas infrastructure can play a significant role in decreasing atmospheric CO2
  • clock


    Final recap of the conference

    Nick White

    Nick White, Principal Consultant, MJM Energy

    Delegates can utilise this opportunity to debate and discuss any core issues/ questions with the speakers and other attendees.



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Deputy Director
    Hungarian Gas Storage Plc
    Head of Gas Storage
    Littlefoot Consulting Ltd
    Managing Director
    Vice President of European Affairs
    Manager, Gas Systems
    Managing Director
    Edison Stoccagio Spa
    Gas Market Development
    Senior Research Fellow
    Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
    Commercial Managing Director
    RWE Gasspeicher GmbH
    SCG Consulting
    Principal Consultant
    MJM Energy
    Chief Financial Officer
    Nord Stream A G
    Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
    Managing Director
    Operational Capability Development & Risk Manager
    National Grid
    Regulation and Business Development Director
    Interconnector UK
    Head of Sales
    RWE Gas Storage

    Official Associations



    Gas portfolio asset optimisation

    Gas portfolio asset optimisation

    Holiday Inn Kensington Forum
    14 June 2016
    London, United Kingdom


    Holiday Inn Kensington Forum

    97 Cromwell Road , London, United Kingdom

    Holiday Inn Kensington Forum is perfectly situated in one of London’s most luxurious and beautiful areas within South Kensington. 

    The hotel is just 2 minutes walk from Gloucester Road tube station for convenient travel to Hyde Park, London Eye, Tower Bridge plus more of London’s top attractions. There are also easy and direct links to some major transport hubs including Victoria, Kings Cross St Pancras, Paddington and Heathrow. 

    This distinctive hotel in south London has so much to offer to make all guests really feel at home. The latest Holiday Inn relaunch is not just about the new look and feel for the hotel but to offer guests more benefits during their stay including a pillow menu for extra comfort during their sleep and a curved shower rail for more spacious feel. 

    In addition to our 906 rooms, all business guests can take advantage of our meeting and conference facilities including High Speed Internet Access and unlimited Starbucks coffee at The Academy. Our hotel’s professional event planners are on board to help take the hard work and stress away from planning your next event. 

    So whether you in London on business or pleasure, make the Holiday Inn London Kensington Forum your first choice of hotel and book your accommodation for our lowest internet rate guarantee. 

    A number of our clients have been approached by third party organisations offering to book hotel rooms. We would advise that you do not book through them as they are not representing the SMi Group. SMi Group books all hotel rooms directly. If you are approached by a third party organisation then please contact us before making any bookings. If you have already booked a hotel room using a third party organisation, we would highly recommend contacting the hotel you were booked into to ensure a booking has been made for you. We would also advise you to please check the terms and conditions of the booking carefully.

    Preliminary list of attendees for SMi's 10th annual Gas Storage and Transmissions conference


    Media Partners

    International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy


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    Navigant Research


    Navigant Research is a market research and consulting team that provides in-depth analysis of global clean technology markets. The team's research methodology combines supply-side industry analysis, end-user primary research and demand assessment, and deep examination of technology trends to provide a comprehensive view of these industry sectors.

    Petroleum Africa


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    International Journal of Global Energy Issues


    The International Journal of Global Energy Issues provides an international forum and authoritative source of information on renewable and non-renewable energy resources, energy-economic systems, energy and environment, international energy policy issues, technological innovation and new energy sources. It envisages the use of analytical tools and concepts from multifarious disciplines to address concerns for ecological, social, economic and political dimensions of sustainability.IJGEI seeks to establish an effective channel for communication between policymakers, government agencies, concerned citizens, consumer bodies, industry, public authorities and members of academic/research institutions

    NRG Expert


    NRGExpert is an independent energy market intelligence and research company. We specialise in energy market research reports, energy market databases and energy market consulting as well as analysis and market forecasts. Our global energy market research reports cover the electricity, water and waste, gas, hydrogen, nuclear and the renewable energy markets. We follow the energy markets very closely and we produce a wide range of reports, databases and directories. We also answer very specific energy market information requirements with our energy market consulting and data services. We provide information to a wide range of companies, associations, education and government bodies and organisations.

    World Oils


    Worldoils is a company that combines the power of marketing as well as the in-house expertise for the Oil, Gas, Offshore and the Maritime industries. Worldoils' web portal www.worldoils.com has become a truly central platform for visitors who need information regarding oil and gas products and services, research, training, conferences, news and events as well as a popular advertising base for providers of Oil, Gas, Marine and Offshore services. Worldoils has also launched the jobs system and a marketplace. In the recent months, Worldoils has strengthened its position as a fast developing central place for buying and selling of land rigs, offshore rigs,barge rigs and other oilfield and subsea equipment.

    Int. J. of Global Environmental Issues


    The International Journal of Global Environmental Issues is a refereed reference and authoritative source of information in the field. Facing up to the challenge of longer-term issues, it completes the trio of journals (together with the International Journal of Environment and Pollution and the International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management) which offer a comprehensive view of the key issues in the environmental debate.

    European Offshore Petroleum Newsletter


    European Offshore Petroleum Newsletter is the weekly executive report for petroleum professionals who rely on expert analysis, timely news, exclusive information and business opportunity leads. Subscribers to European Offshore Petroleum Newsletter receive the latest on: oil and gas field developments, activities of operators, fabricators, contractors and leading service and supply companies. It also includes the fortnightly Sharewatch, the exclusive financial share report on the European oil and service companies. For a free trial to European Offshore Petroleum Newsletter please e-mail subs@ogilviepub.com or register online at: http://www.ogilviepub.com or call +44 (0) 191 567 8497

    European Gas Hub


    European Gas Hub is the gateway to information on the European gas industry. We are the number one online source for professionals in the European energy and commodities sector (natural gas, LNG, coal, power) including: market analysts & forecasting, traders, business developers, consultants, structuring and origination, risk management.

    International Journal of Critical Infrastructures


    IJCIS provides a professional and scholarly forum for cross-learning between different scientific and technological disciplines, and between business and economic, as well as between societal and managerial, disciplines in the area of critical infrastructures. Critical infrastructures are networks for the provision of telecommunication and information services, energy services (electrical power, natural gas, oil and heat), water supply, transportation of people and goods, banking and financial services, government services and emergency services.

    Int. J. of Environmental Technology and Management


    IJETM is a refereed and authoritative source of information in the field of environmental technology and management. Together with its sister publications IJEP and IJGEnvI, it provides a comprehensive coverage of environmental issues. It deals with the shorter-term, covering both engineering/technical and management solutions.

    Global Energy Certification (GEC)


    The Global Energy Certification (GEC) designation is a 100% online-based energy industry training and certification program that can be completed as quickly as you’d like. With 12 examination dates offered each year, the GEC program is flexible and made to fit your schedule. The GEC program is the most popular and trusted certification program built exclusively by and for energy industry professionals.

    E&P Daily


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    International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology


    IJOGCT is a multidisciplinary refereed journal that is concerned with exploration, production, processing and refining, storage and transportation, economical, managerial, business, environmental, safety and security issues related to oil, natural gas, coal and petrochemicals as well as manufacturing and refining of biofuels.

    Official Associations

    Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE)

    Official Associations

    Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) is an association representing the interests of European natural gas infrastructure operators active in natural gas transmission, storage and LNG regasification. GIE is a trusted partner of European institutions, regulatory bodies and industry stakeholders. It is based in Brussels, the heart of European policymaking. GIE currently represents 68 member companies from 25 countries.


    Official Associations

    Cedigaz is an international association dedicated to natural gas information, created in 1961 by a group of international gas companies and the Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP Energies Nouvelles). It is based near Paris. Cedigaz has more than 150 members in 40 countries. Cedigaz' goals consist in gathering, compiling and analysing worldwide economical information on natural gas, LNG and unconventional gas in an exhaustive and critical way. The information that Cedigaz deals with touches on all activities and aspects of the gas industry (exploration, reserves, production and processing, transportation, trade, storage, distribution and consumption of natural gas). Cedigaz diffuses the information in its periodic bulletins, surveys and online databases.


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    Holiday Inn Kensington Forum

    97 Cromwell Road
    London SW7 4DN
    United Kingdom

    Holiday Inn Kensington Forum

    Holiday Inn Kensington Forum is perfectly situated in one of London’s most luxurious and beautiful areas within South Kensington. 

    The hotel is just 2 minutes walk from Gloucester Road tube station for convenient travel to Hyde Park, London Eye, Tower Bridge plus more of London’s top attractions. There are also easy and direct links to some major transport hubs including Victoria, Kings Cross St Pancras, Paddington and Heathrow. 

    This distinctive hotel in south London has so much to offer to make all guests really feel at home. The latest Holiday Inn relaunch is not just about the new look and feel for the hotel but to offer guests more benefits during their stay including a pillow menu for extra comfort during their sleep and a curved shower rail for more spacious feel. 

    In addition to our 906 rooms, all business guests can take advantage of our meeting and conference facilities including High Speed Internet Access and unlimited Starbucks coffee at The Academy. Our hotel’s professional event planners are on board to help take the hard work and stress away from planning your next event. 

    So whether you in London on business or pleasure, make the Holiday Inn London Kensington Forum your first choice of hotel and book your accommodation for our lowest internet rate guarantee. 



    speaker image












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    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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