Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials
9 April - 10 April 2018
Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials

With recent continuous developments in biotechnology, genomics and medicine, there is a high demand for more innovative and adaptive ways to design drug development programs.With adaptive design protocols becoming ever more complex, Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials 2018 will equip you with the latest knowledge about the changing attitudes of the regulatory bodies to adaptive designs, how technology and experimental approaches will enrich your adaptive trials and how to ameliorate risks and errors in your adaptive designs.

Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials 2018 will continue the discussion on recent developments and applications of state-of-the-art adaptive design techniques in clinical research. Experienced industry experts from across the globe will discuss recent real-life applications of group sequential and adaptive enrichment designs and give presentations on confirmatory designs with treatment selection and the use of basket, umbrella and platform studies in personalised medicine. Updates on the regulatory aspects and the evaluation of the use of new digital technologies in adaptive trials will also expand your knowledge of the current outlook in adaptive designs.


Beatrice  Panico

Beatrice Panico

Medical Assessor, MHRA
Christine Fletcher

Christine Fletcher

Executive Director Biostatistics, Amgen
Frank Fleischer

Frank Fleischer

Expert Statistician Methodology , Boehringer-Ingelheim
James Matcham

James Matcham

Head of Biometrics, Early Clinical Development, AstraZeneca
Olivier Collignon

Olivier Collignon

Biostatistician, European Medicines Agency (EMA)

Beatrice Panico

Medical Assessor, MHRA
Beatrice  Panico

Maria Beatrice Panico is currently a Medical Assessor in the Clinical Trials Unit at the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
She is a medical doctor, fully qualified in Neurology with a PhD in Neuroscience. She has extensive experience in pharmacovigilance in the pharmaceutical industry.

Bob Clay

Managing Director, Highbury Regulatory Science
Bob Clay

Bob Clay established a regulatory consultancy practice through Highbury Regulatory Science in 2014, supporting small/medium size companies and their investors to develop regulatory/business strategies across multiple therapeutic and geographic areas. Previously, he was VP Global Regulatory Affairs at AstraZeneca with responsible for oncology, infection and personalised healthcare. Bob is a board member of TOPRA and President during 2017; a member of the Expert Scientific Advisory Committee for Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV). Bob has held significant leadership roles in regulatory affairs in regional and global functions at Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Kinapse.

Chris Harbron

Principal Statistical Scientist , Roche Products Ltd
Chris Harbron

Chris Harbron is a Principal Statistical Scientist within the Methods, Collaboration and Outreach (MCO) group of the Biostatistics function at Roche. Through a variety of roles within the pharmaceutical industry Chris has worked in all stages of the drug development pipeline from drug discovery to early and late development. He has a particular interest in the design and analysis challenges in the application and discovery of biomarkers both for Personalised HealthCare and for robust decision making. Chris has published and presented widely both within the statistical and the broader scientific literature.

Chris Jennison

Professor of Statistics, University Of Bath
Chris Jennison

Christopher Jennison is Professor of Statistics at the University of Bath, UK. His PhD research at Cornell University concerned the sequential analysis of clinical trials and he has continued to work in this area for the past 35 years. His book with Professor Bruce Turnbull, "Group Sequential Methods with Applications to Clinical Trials", is a standard text on this topic and is widely used by practising statisticians. Professor Jennison's research is informed by experience of clinical trial analysis at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston and a broad range of consultancy with Medical Research institutes and Pharmaceutical companies.

Christine Fletcher

Executive Director Biostatistics, Amgen
Christine Fletcher

Chrissie is a Regional Head in Global Biostatistical Science at Amgen and she leads a Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Biostatistics group. Chrissie has worked in the Pharmaceutical Industry for over 25 years and has experience of developing and commercialising new medicines from a variety of therapeutic areas across all phases of clinical development.

Chrissie is currently the Vice-President of the European Federation of Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry (EFSPI), and co-chair of the Clinical Development Expert Group for the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).

Chrissie is a Chartered Statistician and Chartered Scientist of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS). Chrissie has an MSc in Applied Statistics and a BSc (Hons) in Statistics with Management Science Techniques.

Corine Baayen

Senior Biostatistician, Lundbeck Pharma
Corine Baayen

Corine Baayen did her PhD in biostatistics and bioinformatics at H. Lundbeck A/S and the University of Copenhagen as part of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network MEDIASRES. She then continued to work as a biostatistician at the University Hospital of Nantes and later as a statistical consultant at Capionis in France. She is currently working as a senior statistician at Lundbeck in Denmark.

Daniela Casula

Biostatistician, GSK
Daniela Casula

Graduated in statistic and economical sciences at the University of Siena, Daniela takes a second level master in advanced biostatistic for clinical research at University of Padua.
First experience with clinical research was done in Chiron, a biotech Company, as statistical programmer starting in 2002. In 2006 the Company was acquired by Novartis and she became biostatistician assigned to influenza vaccine project, influenza vaccine that was licensed in USA in November 2009.
In 2010 she left the vaccine research for an experience in pharma and move to Chiesi Farmaceutici, in the nord of Italy, where she was appointed as senior biostatistician working mainly in CNS and Stem Cell projects. In Chiesi she had her first experience in proposing an adaptive design that was then converted in a simpler group sequential design for a phase 2b study in CNS.
In 2013 she came back to vaccine development and after a couple of years working as project statistician for rabies vaccine the Company was acquired by GSK Biologicals, becoming GSK Vaccine.
At present Daniela is the lead statistician for COPD vaccine project in GSK Vaccine.

Frank Fleischer

Expert Statistician Methodology , Boehringer-Ingelheim
Frank Fleischer

Being a trained mathematician and statistician Frank has worked for more than 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry. He is a member of the statistical methodology group at Boehringer Ingelheim. Frank is considered with methodological questions regarding adaptive designs, statistical decision making, dose finding and Bayesian data enrichment as well as with piloting these methods in clinical trials. Through this role several projects across different TAs and phases are supported. Formerly he has been a project statistician for different projects in oncology, immunology and the biosimilars.

Heiko Goette

Biostatistician, Merck & KGaA
Heiko Goette

Heiko has been a Biostatistician at Merck KGaA in Germany since 2009. Before this he spent 5 years working as a research assistant at the Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. He graduated with a Statistics major, University of Dortmund, Germany in 2004 and received his doctorate in 2008 from Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany.

James Matcham

Head of Biometrics, Early Clinical Development, AstraZeneca
James Matcham

James Matcham is the Head of Early Clinical Development Biometrics at AstraZeneca. After completing his studies he began his career as a Research Fellow at the Applied Statistics Research Unit at the University of Kent, UK. He then completed 21 years at Amgen where he worked on the development and regulatory/reimbursement approval of many of their biotechnology products, representing the company at regulatory submissions in the US and the EU. James now leads the Biometrics team specialising in early clinical trial design, decisions and analysis at AstraZeneca. His interests include adaptive trial design, the application of Bayesian methods and quantitative decision making.

James Wason

Group Leader, MRC Biostatistics Unit
James Wason

James Wason currently holds a joint appointment between the MRC Biostatistics Unit (University of Cambridge) and Newcastle University. He leads a research group focused on development of statistical methods for more efficient trials. His research interests are adaptive designs, using biomarkers prospectively during trials and analysis of composite endpoints. As well as working on methodology, James is very interested in applying novel methods in real clinical trials. He’s currently involved in several ongoing trials using novel designs.

Loic Darchy

Head of Statistical Sciences & Modeling France, Sanofi Aventis
Loic Darchy

Michael Proschan

Mathmatical Statistician, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Michael Proschan

Michael Proschan has been a Mathematical Statistician in the Biostatistics Research Branch at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since January of 2006. Prior to coming to NIAID, he spent about 16 years at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. He co-authored the books: Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials: A Unified Approach, with Gordon Lan and Janet Wittes (Springer, 2006) and Essentials of Probability Theory for Statisticians, (CRC Press, 2016) with Pamela Shaw.

Dr. Proschan received his Ph.D. in Statistics from Florida State University in 1989, M.S. in Statistics from Stanford University in 1982, and B.S. in Statistics and Mathematics (double major) from Florida State University in 1980. He became a Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2005.

Olivier Collignon

Biostatistician, European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Olivier Collignon

Dr Olivier Collignon works as biostatistician at the Luxembourg Institute of Health since 2011 and holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics since 2009. He is currently seconded at the European Medicines Agency in London since 2014, where he participates to the scientific evaluation of the design and results of clinical trials to obtain marketing authorization of new drugs in Europe. He is especially interested in adaptive designs, basket trials and historical controls and their applications to oncology. Dr Collignon has also been involved in the National Cancer Registry of Luxembourg with which he has led collaborations with the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon.
His expertise also consists in developing variable selection methods to detect promising biomarkers and build efficient clinical prediction models.

Ros Walley

Statistician, UCB Pharma
Ros Walley

Ros Walley studied at Cambridge University for her degree and post-graduate qualification and has worked in Pharma for over 20 years. She has supported a wide range of preclinical, clinical and biomarker areas and she is now a member of the UCB Centre for Excellence in Statistical Innovation providing statistical consultancy across the portfolio. She has a particular focus on Bayesian statistics but more generally is interested in any statistical methodology that will facilitate clear decision-marking.

Sue Todd

Professor of Medical Statistics, University of Reading
Sue Todd

Sue is Professor of Medical Statistics within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Reading and has over 25 years’ experience as an applied academic statistician working in the fields of clinical trials and epidemiology. Her particular research areas of interest are adaptive designs and group-sequential clinical trials. Recent research has considered methodology for novel study design and analysis in these areas, in particular seamless phase II/III clinical trials involving treatment or subpopulation selection and multiple endpoints of interest.

Tom Parke

Director of Software Solutions, Berry Consultants, LLP
Tom Parke

Tom Parke is Director of Software Solutions for Berry Consultants. Tom joined Berry Consultants in 2016 and previously worked at Tessella, a UK scientific software company where he first met Don Berry in 1998 when he managed the development and running of a software system to support Pfizer’s ASTIN Stroke trial – a ground breaking response adaptive randomization dose ranging trial designed by Don and Peter Mueller.

Following that he managed multiple projects to support different aspects of many adaptive clinical trials, mostly designed by Berry Consultants and projects to develop clinical trial simulators, first with Pfizer, then Wyeth, and finally to develop FACTS.

Tom originally graduated with joint First Class Honors in Maths and Computer Science from Bristol University, and enjoyed two decades in the software industry before stumbling upon the wonderful world of adaptive clinical trials.



Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Opening Remarks and Introductions

Chris Jennison

Chris Jennison, Professor of Statistics, University Of Bath



Group sequential tests (GSTs)

  • Motivation for sequential testing
  • Error spending tests
  • Example: A GST with a survival endpoint
  • Inference on termination of a GST
  • clock


    Multiple testing procedures

  • Introduction to multiple testing
  • Graphical representations
  • Combining multiple testing and GSTs
  • Testing a secondary endpoint after a GST
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Adaptive clinical trial designs

  • Combination tests
  • Sample size re-estimation
  • Testing multiple hypotheses
  • Closed testing procedures
  • clock


    Example: A survival trial with treatment selection

  • An adaptive design
  • Avoiding type I error inflation
  • Assessing the benefits of the adaptive design
  • clock


    Closing Remarks



    End of Workshop



    Registration & Coffee



    Opening Remarks and Introductions

    Tom Parke

    Tom Parke, Director of Software Solutions, Berry Consultants, LLP



    Introduction: Basket trials, Umbrella trials and Platform trials; Whats the big attraction?

  • What are Basket, Umbrella and Platform Trials
  • If we consider the time taken, and the number of subjects tested to develop a successful treatment
  • How do these trials compare to conventional development strategies?
  • clock


    Case Studies

    We will look as the similarities and differences in the designs of the platform trials for:

  • Ebola
  • Brain cancer (Glioblastoma – “GBM”).
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Alzheimer’s
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Statistical Issues

  •  What are the key statistical issues for a platform trial?
  • The use of adaptation
  • The use of longitudinal modelling
  • Who are the control subjects?
  • What is the required degree of type-1 error control?
  • clock


    Political, operational and regulatory issues

  • Setting up a platform trial – where’s the money coming from?
  • Where are the treatments coming from
  • Who is more important, the subject or the provider of the novel treatment?
  • How do we consent patients
  • How do we manage: updates, limiting un-blinding, adding treatments, frequent and complex statistical analyses?
  • What do the regulators think of all this?


  • clock


    Q&A and Discussion



    Closing remarks and end of workshop



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Corine Baayen, Senior Biostatistician, Lundbeck Pharma



    Innovations in clinical trial design: Lessons learnt from adaptive designs

    Christine Fletcher, Executive Director Biostatistics, Amgen

  • Why are adaptive designs used in clinical trials?
  • What have we learnt from adaptive designs?
  • What does the future of adaptive deigns look like?
  • Other innovations in clinical trial design
  • clock


    MHRA: Regulatory perspective on adaptive design trials

    Beatrice Panico, Medical Assessor, MHRA

  • Points to consider for initial Clinical Trial Authorisation (CTA) applications
  • Points to consider when submitting substantial amendments
  • Safety considerations
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Real-life examples from an industry perspective: Boehringer-Ingelheim

    Frank Fleischer, Expert Statistician Methodology , Boehringer-Ingelheim

  • A confirmatory enrichment design using group-sequential and interleaving techniques
  • Comparing different adaptive enrichment designs
  • A selection design for determining the most equivalent drug formulation
  • Adaptive randomisation for cut-off determination in the early phase
  • Future areas of interest for adaptive designs in clinical development
  • clock


    How does the increased use of technology and novel clinical trial design impact regulatory advice and shape development of new medicines

    Bob Clay, Managing Director, Highbury Regulatory Science

  • How does the increased use of technology in adaptive trials impact regulatory guidance?
  • What are the regulatory bodies’ attitudes to novel adaptive clinical trials?
  • What are the challenges and opportunities with novel adaptive designs
  • How will in vitro diagnostic regulations impact the application of adaptive trials?
  • What does the future for adaptive designs, in the context of other approaches to obtaining evidence on the safety, efficacy and effectiveness look like?
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Confirmatory Adaptive Designs involving Selection

    Sue Todd, Professor of Medical Statistics, University of Reading

  • Summary of options for trials with treatment selection
  • Consideration of trials with subpopulation selection
  • Overview of examples of trials in practice
  • clock


    Case Study: A Phase 2/3 Adaptive Seamless Study Design in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

    Daniela Casula, Biostatistician, GSK

  • Study design and comparison with standard approach
  • The ‘issue’ with the interim analysis
  • Simulation plan and results
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Latest developments in adaptive designs: a company's perspective - Sanofi-Aventis

    Loic Darchy

    Loic Darchy, Head of Statistical Sciences & Modeling France, Sanofi Aventis

  • Overview of the latest research at Sanofi
  • Examples of how Sanofi is currently using adaptive designs in their clinical trials 
  • Current issues being faced and challenges ahead
  • clock


    A Case Study: Sequential trials in the context of competing risks

    Corine Baayen, Senior Biostatistician, Lundbeck Pharma

  • How can we evaluate competing risk data in group sequential trials?
  • A case study illustrating the state of the art, typical challenges and open issues
  • A discussion of remaining open questions
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Corine Baayen, Senior Biostatistician, Lundbeck Pharma



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    James Matcham, Head of Biometrics, Early Clinical Development, AstraZeneca



    Platform studies in drug development

    James Matcham, Head of Biometrics, Early Clinical Development, AstraZeneca

  • The use of Basket and Umbrella Studies
  • Benefits of a Platform Study approach in Oncology
  • Practical challenges with Platform Studies
  • Applications in other therapeutic areas
  • clock


    Regulatory perspectives for the planning and assessment of umbrella and basket trials

    Olivier Collignon, Biostatistician, European Medicines Agency (EMA)

  • Evaluation of the consistency of response across several sub-studies based on different conditions, pooling of the sub-studies and impact on regulatory assessment
  • The debatable necessity to control for multiplicity
  • Additional issues relating to biomarker development and integration of historical controls
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Design and analysis of platform trials assessing multiple treatments and biomarkers

    James Wason, Group Leader, MRC Biostatistics Unit

  • How traditional trial design could be improved when treatments are expected to have different efficacy in different groups
  • A review and comparison of designs available for testing multiple treatments in multiple subgroups
  • An overview of methodology work done to address statistical issues arising when new treatments and biomarkers can be added in, including error rates, use of non-concurrent controls, planning confirmatory studies
  • A description of future research directions in this area
  • clock


    Panel Discussion: experimental and novel approaches in adaptive designs

  • What experimental and novel approaches are being used by pharmaceutical companies?
  • Why are novel approaches used and what benefits do they bring?
  • Challenges associated with the use of novel adaptions
  • Future outlook for new experimental adaptions and novel approaches
  • Olivier Collignon, Biostatistician, European Medicines Agency (EMA)

    James Matcham, Head of Biometrics, Early Clinical Development, AstraZeneca

    Ros Walley, Statistician, UCB Pharma



    Networking Lunch



    Self adapting priors

    Ros Walley, Statistician, UCB Pharma

  • Incorporating relevant historical information though a Bayesian informative prior is increasingly used in Early Clinical Development
  • Concern about potential prior-data conflict can lead to heavy discounting of this information
  • Instead “self-adapting priors” can be used which alter the down-weighting depending on the discrepancy between the prior and the data
  • clock


    The Role of Re-randomization Tests in Adaptive Methods with Planned or Unplanned Changes

    Michael Proschan, Mathmatical Statistician, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

  • Unplanned changes can still be analysed in a valid way
  • The real null hypothesis being tested with covariate- and response-adaptive randomization
  • Temporal trends?  Re-randomization tests to the rescue!
  • Are re-randomization tests always valid?
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Right Patient, Right Design : Facilitating Personalised HealthCare with Adaptive Designs

    Chris Harbron, Principal Statistical Scientist , Roche Products Ltd

  • Personalised HealthCare (PHC),  targeting therapies to those patients most likely to benefit is becoming increasingly important
  • During development there can be uncertainty on the optimal PHC strategy, both on the need for a biomarker and the exact definition of a biomarker
  • Adaptive designs provide an efficient way of mitigating this uncertainty whilst still maintaining the overall rigour and operating characteristics of the trial
  • clock


    Adequate decision making in development programmes for targeted therapies

    Heiko Goette, Biostatistician, Merck & KGaA

  • Development programmes for targeted therapies usually consist of early phase trial for identifying a target subgroup among several biomarker candidates followed by a confirmatory trial
  • Design options for confirmatory trial: targeted subgroup enrichment design or adaptive enrichment design
  • Results from early phase trial influence go/no go decision, choice of confirmatory trial design as well as interim decision rule of adaptive design
  • Early phase results need to be adjusted for data-driven selection to allow adequate decision making
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    James Matcham, Head of Biometrics, Early Clinical Development, AstraZeneca

    Medical Assessor
    Managing Director
    Highbury Regulatory Science
    Principal Statistical Scientist
    Roche Products Ltd
    Professor of Statistics
    University Of Bath
    Executive Director Biostatistics
    Senior Biostatistician
    Lundbeck Pharma
    Expert Statistician Methodology
    Merck & KGaA
    Head of Biometrics, Early Clinical Development
    Group Leader
    MRC Biostatistics Unit
    Head of Statistical Sciences & Modeling France
    Sanofi Aventis
    Mathmatical Statistician
    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
    European Medicines Agency (EMA)
    UCB Pharma
    Professor of Medical Statistics
    University of Reading
    Director of Software Solutions
    Berry Consultants, LLP

    Sponsors and Exhibitors




    Speaker Interview - Daniela Casula, Lead Statistician, GlaxoSmithKline


    SPEAKER INTERVIEW - Tom Parke, Director of Software Solutions, Berry Consulting


    SPEAKER INTERVIEW - Frank Fleischer, Expert Statistician Methodology, Boehringer-Ingelheim


    SPEAKER INTERVIEW - Alex Novartis, Director & Statistical Scientist, Novartis


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    GCE Solutions

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    GCE Solutions is a global clinical research services and solutions organization specializing in all aspects of clinical data. GCE provides high caliber statistical support with unmatched biostatistics expertise. GCE’s experienced statisticians cover a wide range of therapeutic areas, all phases of clinical trials, submissions/publications, real world evidence, and data visualization. The company’s industry-recognized experts are globally located across the USA, Canada, Europe, India, Mexico, and South Africa. GCE’s key services are Statistical Programming, Biostatistics, Data Management, Data Provisioning, Data Visualization, Medical Writing, RBM, Biometrics Software, and Clinical IT.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Mevia helps patients adhere to their medication. Our technology allows for real-time monitoring and support to allow for better data quality and faster clinical trials. With our suite of medication support solutions we are able to not only measure directly in the package when a pill is taken but also support through sms, email, automated phone calls or push notifications through our app.

    Media Partners

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    speaker image












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    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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