Telecoms for Smart Grids
23 September - 24 September 2013
Telecoms for Smart Grids

VIP Guest places for Utilities available, while positions remain

Preferred bidders for Smart Meters competitions

Announcement from DECC website 14/8/2013 10:30am

"Preferred bidders for the competitions to establish the shared infrastructure needed to roll out smart meters across Great Britain have been announced.

Notification of successful applicant in relation to the grant of an electricity smart meter communication licence and a gas smart meter communication licence
These competitions will form the Data and Communications Company which is responsible for linking 53 million smart electricity and gas meters in homes and small businesses with the business systems of energy suppliers, network operators and energy service companies."

Our 3rd annual conference, Telecoms for Smart Grids, will address the current development of both UK and European communications infrastructures for Utilities. We will be discussing what communication infrastructure and backbone will be most secure, flexible, scalable and reliable. We will hear first results and challenges from key pilot projects, along with a view to next steps and conclusions.

The conference will give first hand insight and experience from Utilities on the progress and outcomes of trials in Smart Grid Communications technologies, such as

  • Fibre to building feasibility
  • IT Infrastructure for electric mobility
  • 4G for Smart Grid
  • Smart Communications in the Home
  • Privacy and security
  • Communications selection criteria
  • Cost benefit, roll out considerations
  • Security
  • Experience with UK metering thus far
  • Integration with Renewable Energy Systems
  • Wireless IP Communications based on Wimax
  • Monitoring, Control and low latency considerations
  • Testing Long Range Radio
  • Teleprotection
  • CDMA 450 - European utility choses to deply its own private mobile network
  • Substation LAN and WAN design challenges
  • Data optimasation for IEC 61850 traffic over RF mesh network

"We found the event well organized with an extensive range of very competent speakers who clearly knew their topics very well. An excellent opportunity to network.” -Gilat

“What was really great about this event, was the balance between technical presentations (projects, trials…), policies – challenges – EU commission update and companies’ positioning – strategies in the Smart Grid world (telco, ICT…). -EDF Energy

“Very useful and definitely worthwhile attending”- Hughes Europe

“Thanks for the invitation and I must say that I’ve enjoyed the conference and the opportunity to share EDP developments on telecommunications for smart grids.
It’s important to continue sharing knowledge and ideas between utilities and telecom operators because we have a lot to learn with each other, and this conference was an example.”


Join us this September 23rd and 24th as we bring leading UK and European Utilities, Government and leading communication technology authorities for an in depth discussion on current pilot projects, challenges and solutions

NEW FOR 2013

This year's event will also include a post conference workshop on the 25th of September "Get Smart with Business Process Models," led by Hippo Software.

Gillian Adens, Director at Hippo Software and Ian Freeman, Systems Architect at Scottish and Southern Energy wrote this white paper on our their use of techniques like BPMN and UML on smart grid projects at SSE. The white paper is free to download and will also be distributed at the conference.

DOWNLOAD: Smart Grid – From System Trials to ‘Business as Usual’

Future Networks and Policy at Scottish & Southern Energy Power Distribution are researching new systems and building foundations for Smart Grid Networks. This paper tells of a journey based on a vision to introduce more formal modelling methods using an IT practice to allow thecompany to deliver business-driven end-to-end solutions that meet business needs.


Ashley C. Brown

Ashley C. Brown

Counsel to Greenberg Traurig, and Executive Director Harvard Electricity Policy Group, Harvard University
David Ross Scott

David Ross Scott

Industry Relationship Manager , Scottish Power
Denis O'Leary

Denis O'Leary

Head of Smart Energy Technologies, ESB
Gillian Adens

Gillian Adens

Director, Hippo Software
Gordon Hewitt

Gordon Hewitt

ICT Project Manager, Scottish and Southern Energy
Markus Hofsaess

Markus Hofsaess

Technology & Solutions, EON
Mervyn   Kelly

Mervyn Kelly

EMEA Marketing Director, CIENA LIMITED
Tim Manandhar

Tim Manandhar

Low Carbon Solutions Design Manager, UK Power Networks

Andy Slater

Director, Sensus
Andy Slater

Ashley C. Brown

Counsel to Greenberg Traurig, and Executive Director Harvard Electricity Policy Group, Harvard University
Ashley C. Brown

Carlos Lourenco

Head of M2M, Optimus
Carlos Lourenco

Colin Mallett

CEO, Trusted Renewables
Colin Mallett

David Green

CEO and Founder Ecoisland Partnership, Eco Island
David Green

David Ross Scott

Industry Relationship Manager , Scottish Power
David Ross Scott

Denis O'Leary

Head of Smart Energy Technologies, ESB
Denis O'Leary

Edward Hamilton

Senior Manager, Price Waterhouse Coopers
Edward Hamilton

Erik Moll

Telecom Policy Advisor , Alliander
Erik Moll

Gareth Tuckwell

Consultant Trainer, Hippo Software
Gareth   Tuckwell

Gillian Adens

Director, Hippo Software
Gillian Adens

Giovanni Coppola

Innovation Manager, Enel Distribuzione Sp A
Giovanni Coppola

Gordon Hewitt

ICT Project Manager, Scottish and Southern Energy
Gordon Hewitt

Gunnar Hoffman

Manager of Technology Corporate R&D, RWE AG
Gunnar Hoffman

Ilan Barda

Ilan Barda

Markus Hofsaess

Technology & Solutions, EON
Markus Hofsaess

Mervyn Kelly

EMEA Marketing Director, CIENA LIMITED
Mervyn   Kelly

Milo Broekmans

Senior Enterprise Architect, Stedin
Milo Broekmans

Nigel Bessant

Project Delivery Manager , Scottish and Southern Energy
Nigel Bessant

Piotr Cofta

CTO, Trusted Renewables
Piotr Cofta

Sanna Atherton

Senior Project Manager, Western Power Distribution
Sanna Atherton

Tim Manandhar

Low Carbon Solutions Design Manager, UK Power Networks
Tim Manandhar

Tracey Sheehan

Partner, Taylor Wessing
Tracey  Sheehan

Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Introduction from workshop leaders



What is BPMN and what are the benefits



BPMN essentials – basic concepts and notation



Essentials in practice: group exercises



Tea and Coffee break



BPMN advanced – additional concepts and notation



Advanced in practice: group exercises



Demonstration of EA – creating BPMN models



Advantages of EA (reuse, traceability, documentation)



Lunch break



Role play to identify processes and activities



Group participation – business process models with flipcharts and post-its



Formal models – document resulting BPMN diagrams in EA



Tea and Coffee Break



Q&A / EA demo session



Workshop close



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Edward Hamilton

Edward Hamilton, Senior Manager, Price Waterhouse Coopers



Emerging Communications Technology Selected for use on the New Thames Valley Vision Smart Grid Project

  • Project Overview                                  
  • Communications Security Requirements       
  • Product Maturity in Smart Grid Solutions        
  • Communications Selection Criteria                
  • Comparison with Contemporary Solutions        
  • Conclusions 
  • Gordon Hewitt

    Gordon Hewitt, ICT Project Manager, Scottish and Southern Energy

    Nigel Bessant

    Nigel Bessant, Project Delivery Manager , Scottish and Southern Energy



    Communication requirements - An EON case study

    Markus Hofsaess

    Markus Hofsaess, Technology & Solutions, EON

  • Regulatory requirements
  • Smart meters – Roll out considerations
  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Outlooks and testing
  • Results
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Smart Metering - Testing Long Range Radio Technology for WAN Coverage

    David Ross Scott

    David Ross Scott , Industry Relationship Manager , Scottish Power



    GB Smart Metering – Northern England and Scotland

    Andy Slater

    Andy Slater, Director, Sensus

    Why Long Rang Radio was successful:

    -          trial results and proof points,
    -          single technology (no infill),
    -          proven solution 16m installs to date.
    Characteristics and challenges of the Region
    High level planning for rollout


    Smart Energy – Challenges against the background of an increasing share of RES

    Gunnar Hoffman

    Gunnar Hoffman, Manager of Technology Corporate R&D, RWE AG

  • Motivation for the Integration of RES
  • Challenges associated with the energy turnaround
  • Potential solutions in the area of Smart Energy
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Introducing Project Falcon

    Sanna Atherton

    Sanna Atherton, Senior Project Manager, Western Power Distribution

    Project Falcon is a major LCNF project led by Western Power Distribution. It aims to explore methods for coping with increased demand for electricity. Traditionally, increased demand for electricity has been handled using reinforcement - essentially making the network stronger, for example with thicker cables. Project Falcon will test six alternatives to reinforcement

  • What we set out to do, challenges and lessons learnt
  • How a wireless IP communications network based on WiMax has been designed to accommodate the different requirements including, monitoring, control and low latency applications such as tele-protection
  • WPD’s future plans and what we think it’ll mean to other DNOs
  • clock


    A Smarter Approach to Utility Networks

    Mervyn   Kelly

    Mervyn Kelly, EMEA Marketing Director, CIENA LIMITED

  • The transformation of utilities landscape and business models
  • Utility network modernization strategy
                     - A new generation of IP and Ethernet packet based network architectures
                      - Performance, complexity and cost considerations
  •  The attributes of Carrier Ethernet-based Packet-Optical Networks
  • Capital and operational savings

    Presented by Ciena and IBM, speaker to be announced

  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    CDMA-450: a new approach for DSO’s in Europe

    Erik Moll

    Erik Moll, Telecom Policy Advisor , Alliander

  •  Why Alliander has decided to deploy its own private mobile network based on CDMA-450
  •  Is also involving a unique partnership and working together between Alliander and telco’s – explain the partnership and model
  • Is good for Europe: 450 MHz band is a good band for Utilities in Europe, innovation, public interest
  • clock


    Implementation of smart solutions for connecting Distributed Generation - Flexible Plug and Play Low Carbon Networks

    Tim Manandhar

    Tim Manandhar, Low Carbon Solutions Design Manager, UK Power Networks

  • Project approach and objectives
  • Design and implementation of RF mesh solution
  • Substation LAN and WAN design challenges
  • End to End testing for the comms solution
  • Data optimisation for IEC 61850 traffic over RF mesh network
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Edward Hamilton

    Edward Hamilton, Senior Manager, Price Waterhouse Coopers



    Smart Grid Regulatory and Competition Issues

    Ashley C. Brown

    Ashley C. Brown, Counsel to Greenberg Traurig, and Executive Director Harvard Electricity Policy Group, Harvard University

  • Regulatory Policy and Smart Grid
  • Smart Meters and Billing: Competition Policy Issues
  • Smart Grid and Pricing for End Users
  • Smart Grid: Implications for Pricing Distributed Generation
  • clock


    Deployment of a Fibre Optic Telecoms network on the Distribution Electrical network in the Republic of Ireland

    Denis O'Leary

    Denis O'Leary, Head of Smart Energy Technologies, ESB

  • Technical deployment trials and strategies
  • Hardware devices and design solutions
  • Smart Grid benefits to the Electrical System Operator / Asset Owner
  • Fibre to the Building feasibility
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Green eMotion FP7 project: Interoperability and Smart Grids

    Giovanni Coppola

    Giovanni Coppola, Innovation Manager, Enel Distribuzione Sp A

  • IT infrastructure enabling electric mobility as market-ready application of Smart Grids.
  • Outcomes of Green eMotion test phase of the roaming platform for electric mobility.
  • Insights over business models evaluation for charging infrastructure deployment.
  • Smart-Grids integration of EVs: concept and demonstration in Italy
  • clock


    Data communication in smart grids taking privacy and security in mind

    Milo Broekmans

    Milo Broekmans, Senior Enterprise Architect, Stedin

  • Why privacy and security matter
  • Aspects of privacy and security in smart grids
  • Security and privacy by design
  • Implications of taking security and privacy into account
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Securing the Smart-Grid backhauling network in view of future applications

    Ilan Barda

    Ilan Barda, CEO, RADiFlow

  • Description of common smart-grid backhauling solutions
  • Overview of current security capabilities in smart-grid networking
  • Future Smart-Grid applications and their impact on the security requirements
  • Secure network architecture for the future Smart-Grid applications
  • Customer case study – Deploying a future-ready secure smart-grid network


  • clock


    Trust-enhanced risk management for smart systems

  • Smart grid is at the forefront of new risks
  • Existing risk management tools are not best suited for the job
  • Existing theories may device solutions - or not
  • In-depth analysis of risks is unnecessary complicated
  • Trust-Enhanced Risk Management can deliver better analytics
  • Piotr Cofta

    Piotr Cofta, CTO, Trusted Renewables

    Colin Mallett

    Colin Mallett, CEO, Trusted Renewables



    Afternoon Tea



    A European perspective in respect of two of the Key Challenges surrounding the roll out of Smart Grids

    Tracey  Sheehan

    Tracey Sheehan , Partner, Taylor Wessing

    Objective of Presentation
    > The purpose of my presentation is to give the delegates a high level European perspective in respect of two  of the  Key Challenges surrounding the roll out of Smart Grids
    > Within the European Economic Area, the EU Commission is currently exploring how it can achieve cross member state co-operation, common level of network security, drive down costs
    > The driver for this is an uneven level of capabilities at national level across the EU, ensuring security of critical infrastructure and driving down costs of infrastructure roll out.

    1.) EU draft cyber security directive

    • Increased IT expenditure:
    • Conflicting obligations
    • Objection against mandatory reporting
    • Launch of Cyber Information Sharing Partnership (CISP)

                2.) EU draft regulation to reduce broadband costs

    • Cost Controls
    • It is recognised that the largest single cost component is civil engineering - up to 80%.
    • Enhancing transparency and coordination of civil engineering works;
    • Handling requests to rollout networks in a more efficient and transparent way;
    • Ensuring the EU is ready for Next Generation Access buildings;
    • Making a better use of existing infrastructure, including across utilities.
    • Industry Thoughts - Support from telecoms operatorS




    Telecoms and Utilities – Convergence? What can utilities learn from mobile operators?

    Carlos Lourenco

    Carlos Lourenco, Head of M2M, Optimus

  • What Mobile operators learned in the market that can be now also valuable to the Power utilities?
  • Why Telco industry may help to develop suitable operational capabilities to the Power industry?
  • Who can provide insightful marketing role models and customer management strategies to PowerCo’s?
  • Where should Mobile operators position themselves to better leverage the development of Smartgrids?
  • How can Mobile networks scale and cope with the needs of the future advanced Smartgrids services?
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Hippo Software
    Innovation Manager
    Enel Distribuzione Sp A
    ICT Project Manager
    Scottish and Southern Energy
    Manager of Technology Corporate R&D
    RWE AG
    Technology & Solutions
    EMEA Marketing Director
    Senior Enterprise Architect
    Project Delivery Manager
    Scottish and Southern Energy
    Trusted Renewables
    Senior Project Manager
    Western Power Distribution
    Consultant Trainer
    Hippo Software
    Counsel to Greenberg Traurig, and Executive Director Harvard Electricity Policy Group
    Harvard University
    Low Carbon Solutions Design Manager
    UK Power Networks
    Taylor Wessing
    Head of M2M
    Trusted Renewables
    CEO and Founder Ecoisland Partnership
    Eco Island
    Industry Relationship Manager
    Scottish Power
    Head of Smart Energy Technologies
    Senior Manager
    Price Waterhouse Coopers
    Telecom Policy Advisor


    Get Smart with Business Process Models

    Get Smart with Business Process Models

    Marriott Regents Park
    25 September 2013
    London, United Kingdom

    Marriott Regents Park

    128 King Henry's Road
    London NW3 3ST
    United Kingdom

    Marriott Regents Park

    This 4 star north London hotel in zone 2 is the perfect destination for the astute business traveler as well as the leisure guest that knows how convenient north London hotels are, as a base from which to explore the city .Bond Street is just 3 stops from Swiss Cottage underground station on the Jubilee Line, so you can be shopping, exploring the sights and taking in one of London’s world-renowned West End shows in less than 15 minutes when you stay at this hotel near central London. At the same time, the hive of activity that is Camden Town, the chic shops, cafes and restaurants of Primrose Hill and ZSL’s London Zoo in Regents Park are all just a short walk from this hotel in north London.



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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