Electric Vehicles
13 February - 14 February 2012
Electric Vehicles

Chairmans opening remarks: "In an incredibly short space of time, specialist knowledge of Electric Vehicles has accelerated beyond all recognition. Unlike EVs themselves, famed for their lack of noise, the expert participants of this conference will engage in lively discussion and dissemination of cutting edge findings regarding the integration of electric vehicles into the transport system and energy infrastructure"

The rise of the Electric Vehicle market and its potential global adoption is creating a significant impact on the electrical infrastructure, Grid operators and the future energy landscape.

Automotive manufacturers have embraced the opportunity as an incremental shift towards carbon reduction, battery manufacturers are realizing their future business case and the need to develop more sophisticated storage platforms, and utilities are seeking further understanding on how infrastructure changes and the electric transport market will impact supply and demand and load balancing.

 London is leading the way with sustainable transport



Ian Allen, Manager Environmental Strategy, Vauxhall Motors Limited

Ampera and the future of e-mobility


Craig Dyke,Strategy Development Manager, National Grid

Balancing the grid in a changing world


Linda Christensen, Senior Researcher Department of Transport, Technical University of Denmark

Electric Vehicles and the Customers


Sara Bell, Head of Commercial Strategy, Future Networks, UK Power Networks

 How best to meet demand from the country’s anticipated growth in the use of electric vehicles


Gerry Wardell, Director, Codema

Integration of E-Mobility into the City Agenda


Senan McGrath, Chief Technology Officer, ESB eCars

Experience of a National Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure


Joerg Lohr, Senior Manager Sales and Business Development, RWE Effizienz

The core challenges in the development of an optimised EV infrastructure


Dan Taylor, Director of New Ventures, British Gas

Taking the lead


Danny Geldtmeijer, Innovator, Enexis

Smart Charging, a multiple party demonstration project


Vibeke Kristiansen, Communications Officer, ChoosEV

Denmark – The country of sustainable transport


 Anders Bavnhoj Hansen, Chief Consultant, Strategic Planning, Energinet.dk

Charging EV’s intelligently in a windpower dominated power system


Mia Paukovic, Researcher Energy Demand and Consumers, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)

Preferences of potential users of electric cars: charging, off-peak charging and V2G services - A survey in eight EU countries


Jorgen Christensen, CTO, Danish Energy Association

Edison Project


David Farr, Project Manager, SSE

EVs - meeting the demand


John Lowes,  Senior Specialist, CHARGE YOUR CAR (NORTH) ltd

EV Infrastructure – The experience of the North East?


 John Batterbee, Transport Manager, Energy Technologies Institute

The business case for mass market deployment of plug in vehicles


Mark Burgess,  Lecturer, Oxford Brookes University



Ben Godfrey, Innovation and Low Carbon Networks Enginee, Western Power Distribution

 A Electricity Networks Perspective on the implications of mass EV uptake


Morten Brønnum Andersen, Chief Consultant, Danish Energy Association

Denmark - The country of sustainable transport


Goran Strbac, Professor of Electrical Engineering Systems, Imperial College London

Integration of electric vehicles in the electricity system operation and development

  Onoph Coran, CEO, E-LAAD

The Dutch approach


Samantha Kennedy, Head of Strategy & Stakeholder Partnerships, Transport for London

Source London


Brian McBeth, Project Manager Business Development e-Mobility, Daimler

Developing the Electric Vehicle Ecosystem







Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Mark Burgess

Mark Burgess, Professor, Oxford Brookes University



Balancing the Grid in a Changing World

Craig Dyke

Craig Dyke, Strategy Development Manager, National Grid

  • How to balance the grid with high penetration of renewables and the role that demand side can play
  • Developing balancing services for the demand side
  • How will EV affect the demand shape and how easy will it be to forecast
  • Exploring the competing needs of the System Operator and the network owner
  • clock


    The Dutch Approach

    Onoph Caron

    Onoph Caron, CEO, E-Laad

  • Project overview E-laad foundation
  • Open Charge Point Protocol
  • TCO charge infrastructure
  • Marketmodel?
  • clock


    An Electricity Networks Perspective on the implications of Mass EV uptake

    Ben  Godfrey

    Ben Godfrey, Innovation and Low Carbon Networks Engineer, Western Power Distribution

  • What are the implications for the local grid of EV charging?
  • How can EV's be integrated into a 'Smart Grid'
  • Who needs to cooperate to ensure seemless interoperability for customers?
  • What have we learnt from involvement in early UK trials
  • clock


    How Best to Meet Demand from the Country's Anticipated Growth in the Use of Electric Vehicles

    Sara Bell

    Sara Bell, Head of Commercial Strategy, UK Power Networks

  • EV charging will create an increase in electricity demand. How do we charge EV's in a manner that minimises growth in peak demand and maximises use of renewable, intermittent generation sources?
  • What systems and commercial arrangements are required to to cost optimise EV charging?
  • How do stakeholders effectively collaborate to ensure positive consumer outcomes?
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    The Core Challenges in the Development of an Optimised EV Infrastructure

    Joerg  Lohr

    Joerg Lohr , Senior Manager Sales and Business Development, RWE Effizienz GmbH

  • Business case for smart charging infrastructure
  • Technology developments
  • Plugged in places
  • RWE charging infrastructure
  • Amsterdam model
  • Bespoke EV tariff
  • clock


    Low Carbon Vehicle Development in the UK

    John Lowes

    John Lowes, Senior Specialist, CHARGE YOUR CAR (NORTH) Ltd

  • Public and home charging - Lessons learnt
  • Infrastructure - The future
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Leading the Electric Car Charge

    Daniel Taylor

    Daniel Taylor, Director of New Ventures, British Gas

  • Customer engagement through tariff's and smart charging
  • Partnerships to develop the UK EV charging infrastructure
  • Long term strategies for a low carbon economy
  • clock


    EV's - Meeting the Demand

    David Farr

    David Farr, Project Manager, SSE

  • Generation impact of EV's
  • EV's and the distribution networks
  • Power demand and smart metering
  • Key infrastructure requirements
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Source London

    Samantha Kennedy

    Samantha Kennedy, Head of Strategy and Stakeholder Partnerships, Transport for London

  • Implementing a new pan-London charging infrastructure for EV's
  • Creating a package of supportive measures to make EV's a real choice for a more sustainable transport future
  • Working in collaboration with a range of private and public sector partners for success
  • Making London the EV capital of Europe
  • clock


    Ampera and the Future of e-Mobility

    Ian Allen

    Ian Allen, Manager Environmental Strategy, Vauxhall Motors

  • Ampera - Europe's first extended range Electric Vehicle
  • E-mobility - A modular approach
  • Hydrogen - The fuel of the future
  • clock


    The Business Case for Mass-Market Deployment of Plug-in Vehicles

    John  Batterbee

    John Batterbee, Manager - Transport Programme, Energy Technologies Institute

  • Performance and cost of the range of power-train options to 2050 (e.g. fuel efficiency, electric range, etc)
  • Recharging infrastructure requirements and costs
  • Mass-market consumer attitudes and choices
  • Market drivers, economics and carbon benefits
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Mark Burgess

    Mark Burgess, Professor, Oxford Brookes University



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Mark Burgess

    Mark Burgess, Professor, Oxford Brookes University



    Integration of E-Mobility into the City Agenda

    Gerry Wardell

    Gerry Wardell, Director, Codema

  • Project overview
  • Billing infrastructure
  • Intelligent charging technologies
  • Charging infrastructure
  • Integrating EV's with energy sustainability - Smart Energy Zones
  • Project update: Focus on Dublin
  • clock


    Integration of Electric Vehicles in the Electricity System Operation and Development

    Goran Strbac

    Goran Strbac, Professor of Electrical Energy Systems, Imperial College London



    ECN: Preferences of Potential Users of Electric Cars: Charging, Off-Peak Charging and V2G Services - A survey im Eight EU Countries

    Mia  Paukovic

    Mia Paukovic, Researcher Energy Demand and Consumers, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands

  • How does the actual daily mileage of consumers compare to their required mileage for EV's?
  • What are the preferred charging locations of consumers?
  • How can financial incentives influence consumer's choices?
  • Acceptance of delayed charging schemes during night time
  • Interest to participate in vehicle-to-grid schemes (V2G)
  • Key consumer barriers in joining V2G schemes
  • Im[act of battery leasing on delayed charging and V2G schemes
  • Presented results are outcomes of the EU FP7 project 'Grid for Vehicles'
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Experience of a National Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

    Senan McGrath

    Senan McGrath, Chief Technology Officer, ESB

  • Ireland's EV Charging Infrastructure
  • Driver experience
  • Payments systems
  • Smart charging
  • clock


    Developing the Electric Vehicle Ecosystem

    Brian  McBeth

    Brian McBeth, Project Manager Business Development e-Mobility, Daimler

  • Creating marketable products and services that customers want
  • Innovative cooperation models between OEM's and new business partners
  • EV product and services - Now and the near future
  • Bringing electric vehicles to volume production - what needs to be done
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Smart Charging, a Multiple Party Demonstration Project

    Danny Geldtmeijer

    Danny Geldtmeijer, Innovator, Enexis

  • What is smart charging?
  • How can various actors interact, i.e.what is a possible market model
  • How does the IT-architecture supporting this look like
  • Lessons learned from the first smart charging demonstration project in the Netherlands
  • clock


    Charging EV's Intelligently in a Windpower Dominated Power System

    Anders  Bavnhøj Hansen

    Anders Bavnhøj Hansen, Civil Engineer, Energinet.dk

  • Key success factors for intelligent charging
  • Adapting Denmark's electricity infrastructure to enable EV uptake
  • Comunication between the grid, vehicle and consumer
  • Working towards a fully integrated smart grid - an indicative roadmap
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Practical experience of an EMO

    Vibeke Agerdal  Kristiansen

    Vibeke Agerdal Kristiansen, Communication Officer, ChoosEV

  • Infrastructure 
  • Intelligent charging
  • Test-an-EV (resarch project)
  • clock


    Electric Vehicles and the Customers

    Linda Christensen

    Linda Christensen, Senior Researcher, DTU

  • Travel behaviour and the need for charging outside home
  • EV owner's demand for public charging pole infrastructure
  • EV owners demand for fast charging on long distance travels
  • The market potential for EV's dependent on charging infrastructure and prices
  • Will a swapping station infrastructure be rentable for the investors or is government subsidies need (a Danish case study)
  • Are eventual government investments feasible from a social economic point of view
  • clock


    Edison project

    Jorgen Christensen

    Jorgen Christensen, CTO, Danish Energy Association

  • Using the EV charging network as a storage reservoir to balance the intermittency of wind
  • Developing a smart electrical power infrastructure
  • Smart communication with the grid
  • Maximising potential of wind farms to reduced the transport sector emissions and balance the grid
  • Working with consumers to create an integrated solution
  • clock


    Denmark - The country of Sustainble Transport

    Morten  Andersen

    Morten Andersen, Chief Consultant, Danish Electric Vehicle Alliance

  • Status for the penetration of EV in Denmark
  • Policy incentives
  • Employment opportunities
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Mark Burgess

    Mark Burgess, Professor, Oxford Brookes University

    Copthorne Tara Hotel

    Scarsdale Place
    London W8 5SR
    United Kingdom

    Copthorne Tara Hotel

    The Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington is an elegant contemporary four-star hotel in prestigious Kensington, located just a two minutes walk from High Street Kensington underground station, making exploring easy. The hotel offers well-appointed and comfortable guest rooms combining Standard, Superior and Club accommodation. Club rooms offer iconic views over the city and include Club Lounge access for complimentary breakfast and refreshments. Guests can sample the authentic Singaporean, Malaysian and Chinese cuisine at Bugis Street, traditional pub fare at the Brasserie Restaurant & Bar or relax with a delicious drink at West8 Cocktail Lounge & Bar.

    The Copthorne Tara Hotel boasts 745 square meters of flexible meeting space, consisting of the Shannon Suite and the Liffey Suite, ideal for hosting conferences, weddings and social events. Facilities include access to the business centre 24 hours a day, fully equipped fitness room, gift shop, theatre desk and Bureau de Change. With ample onsite parking outside the London congestion charge zone and excellent transport links via Heathrow Airport, the hotel is the perfect location for business or leisure stays. The hotel is within close proximity to the shops of High Street Kensington, Knightsbridge and Westfield London, Olympia Conference Centre, Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Palace and Hyde Park.




    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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