European Smart Grid Cyber Security
9 March - 10 March 2015
European Smart Grid Cyber Security

SAE Media Group is delighted to announce its 5th annual European Smart Grid Cyber Security Conference on 9th and 10th March, 2015 at the Marriott Hotel, Regents Park in London. The conference will strengthen knowledge of smart grids, cyber security,  smart meters, facilitating new business relationships and accelerating the process of transition from aging infrastructures in their economic growth and commercial viability.

This event will bring together key opinion-leaders, utilities, senior government officials, consultants, international investors, CTOs, senior engineers and vendors. It will give them direct access to utilities and decision-makers involved in the electricity sector. This ground-breaking event will also highlight and identify vulnerabilities, threats and how to classify cyber-attacks, with real life case scenarios from simulated and non-simulated  attacks on smart grid.

It will address data migration between cloud vendors, the challenges of legacy security and privacy software. Additionally, it will explore the quantification of costs and ROI of cyber security technologies, implementing of coding techniques.
It will provide guidance and strategic advice on smart grid and cyber security exploring a risk-based and a policy-based approach to ensure security, integrity, reliability and confidentiality in the interdependent European smart grid.  


Previous testimonial :  

“Good insight on standards and risks and very informative about current research” Cert-UK

If you are interested in speaking at this conference, please get in touch with the producer at smiproduction@smi-online.co.uk

If you are interested in sponsoring this conference, please get in touch with our sponsorship team at sponsorshipdept@smi-online.co.uk


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Welcome and Introduction

Soren Peter Nielsen

Soren Peter Nielsen, Managing Consultant, NineConsult A/S



Presentation of different models for a rollout of secure standardized communications infrastructure with

Soren Peter Nielsen

Soren Peter Nielsen, Managing Consultant, NineConsult A/S



Morning Coffee



Break out into smaller groups to discuss pros and cons of the different models

Soren Peter Nielsen

Soren Peter Nielsen, Managing Consultant, NineConsult A/S



Interactive Q & A session

Soren Peter Nielsen

Soren Peter Nielsen, Managing Consultant, NineConsult A/S



Networking Lunch



End of Workshop



Registration & Coffee



Introduction and Threat Assessment in Smart Meters

Jose Reynaldo Formigoni Filho

Jose Reynaldo Formigoni Filho, Information Security Technical Manager, CPqD



Possible Attacks in Brazilian Power Companies

Jose Reynaldo Formigoni Filho

Jose Reynaldo Formigoni Filho, Information Security Technical Manager, CPqD



Coffee Break



Methodology of Vulnerability Assessment

Jose Reynaldo Formigoni Filho

Jose Reynaldo Formigoni Filho, Information Security Technical Manager, CPqD



Security Tests and Laboratory Certification

Jose Reynaldo Formigoni Filho

Jose Reynaldo Formigoni Filho, Information Security Technical Manager, CPqD



End of Workshop



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Dieter Sarrazyn

Dieter Sarrazyn, Consultant & Managing Partner , Toreon CVBA



Finding the Best Means to Respond to Security Threats

Michael  John

Michael John, Senior Security Consultant, ENCS


·         The scope of cyber threats in the 21st century

·         Tapping into new solutions and new technology to combat cyber threats

·         Perspective from the European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS)




Cyber Security - An Enterprise Risk & Governance Priority

·          Understanding what truly matters and just how much

·          Integrate and wrap all that technology

·          Yes better situational awareness & monitoring, but ‘respond’ sand ‘recover’ too

·          Lesson learning & sharing for more than merely ‘the sum of the parts’


Stephen  Daniels

Stephen Daniels, Strategic Business Advisor, Cyber Security , CGI IT UK Limited



Morning Coffee



The evolution and implications of cyber threats for Smart Grids

Andrew Beckett

Andrew Beckett, Managing Director, Regency IT Consulting and Head of Cyber Security , Airbus Defence and Space

-          Source of threats

-          Perceived motivations

-          Implications for Europe




Cyber Threat Intelligence applied to Industrial Control Systems and Smart Grids

  • Basic concepts on SmartGrid Cyber Attacks
  • Example of real attacks to IEC 61850 architectur    ICS Security: the challenge to detect a cyber attack in an Industrial Process world 
  • Connecting the dots with Threat Intelligence needs capability from both worlds - ICT and IC    
  •  Suggested framework to transform the Threat Intelligence in Actionable Information for the Security team

  • Andrea  Carcano

    Andrea Carcano, CEO and Co-Founder , Nozomi Networks SA

    Toto Zammataro

    Toto Zammataro, Senior Advisor , Intellium Ltd.



    Defending ICS from Cyberthreats with a Next-Generation Platform Security

    Justin Harris

    Justin Harris, Sytems Engineer , Palo Alto Networks

    • The different kinds of cyberthreats to SCADA and Industrial Control Systems (advanced targeted attacks, protocol exploits, unintentional insider error, misappropriation of resources)
    • The kinds of frameworks and capabilities required to effectively address these cyberthreats and the shortcomings of legacy technologies in meeting these requirements
    • Next-generation network and endpoint security technologies
    •  How they can be used to increase situational awareness, provide more granular and effective access control, and deter advanced persistent threats (APT) in control systems environments




    Networking Lunch



    Securing the Advanced Metering Infrastructure – Removing Piracy

  •  Description of The End To End AMI architecture
  • Analysis of possible vulnerabilities and significant threats that jeopardize the meter, concentrator and Headend
  •  List of security solutions that are required to mediate each threat
  • More Detailed descriptions of the various security solutions/products


  •  Description of The End To End AMI architecture
  • Analysis of possible vulnerabilities and significant threats that jeopardize the meter, concentrator and Headend
  •  List of security solutions that are required to mediate each threat
  • More Detailed descriptions of the various security solutions/products


  •  Description of The End To End AMI architecture
  • Analysis of possible vulnerabilities and significant threats that jeopardize the meter, concentrator and Headend
  •  List of security solutions that are required to mediate each threat
  • More Detailed descriptions of the various security solutions/products


  • Steve Epstein

    Steve Epstein, Distinguished Engineer, IoT Security , Cisco Systems



    ETSI Cyber Security standardization

    Carmine Rizzo

    Carmine Rizzo, Technical Officer, ETSI


    ·         Overview of ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)

    ·         ETSI Cyber Security work in its Technical Committee “CYBER”

    ·         Collaboration with other Standards Developing Organisations

    ·         Other planned ETSI Cyber Security activities




    ENISA’S work on smart grid cyber security

  •    Security measures for smart grids
  •   Security certification for smart grids
  •    Smart grid security governance models in Europe


  • Cedric  Levy Bencheton

    Cedric Levy Bencheton, Expert, ENISA - European Network and Information Security Agency



    Afternoon Tea



    IT-Systems / SCADA Systems and IT-Security

    Dominik Spannheimer

    Dominik Spannheimer, Chief Information Officer, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH

    ·         Situation in  Germany

    ·         Situation 50Hertz / Transmission System Operator

    ·         Conlusions / recommendations




    Securing the Industrial Internet

    Nir Giller, CTO and Co-Founder, CyberX



    Protecting the energy sector’s infrastructure from cyber attack

    Ruth Davis

    Ruth Davis, Head of Programme Cyber, Criminal Justice and National Security , techUK

  • Detecting threats and risks- assessment of Cyber attacks
  • Challenges and opportunities in the market
  •  Developing Cyber Security Guidelines
  • Financial mechanism, incentives and regulatory framework
  • Outlining Cybersecurity standards
  • clock


    Grid Computing - Can You Keep Control of a Distributed Infrastructure?

    Felix Lindner

    Felix Lindner, Head, Recurity Labs GmbH

    ·         Computer Network Defence (CND) is hard, and sprinkling your computers all over the country doesn’t make it easier. Which additional attack vectors must be covered?

    ·         How are computer network based attacks against utilities performed? How will the smart grid change that picture?

    ·         Know your enemy: Who are the attackers and what do they want?

    ·         No magic box in the network will do defence for you, but your staff well might.

    ·         Compliance is not Security. Occasionally, it’s the opposite. How do we deal with regulated vulnerability?





    Smart Grid and Cyber Security: a case for national, regional or local approach

    ·          Harmonisation of Cybersecurity standards- a long term vision

    ·          The role of PPP

    ·          Do we need a specific legislation to deal with cyber-attacks?

    ·          Does cyber-security need a policy or risk-based approach?

    ·          Defining the role of the EU and local energy authorities in protecting the smart grid


    Felix Lindner

    Felix Lindner, Head, Recurity Labs GmbH

    ·          Harmonisation of Cybersecurity standards- a long term vision

    ·          The role of PPP

    ·          Do we need a specific legislation to deal with cyber-attacks?

    ·          Does cyber-security need a policy or risk-based approach?

    ·          Defining the role of the EU and local energy authorities in protecting the smart grid


    ·          Harmonisation of Cybersecurity standards- a long term vision

    ·          The role of PPP

    ·          Do we need a specific legislation to deal with cyber-attacks?

    ·          Does cyber-security need a policy or risk-based approach?

    ·          Defining the role of the EU and local energy authorities in protecting the smart grid


    Nir Giller, CTO and Co-Founder, CyberX

    Dieter Sarrazyn

    Dieter Sarrazyn, Consultant & Managing Partner , Toreon CVBA



    Chairman's Closing Remarks and Close of Day One



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Dieter Sarrazyn

    Dieter Sarrazyn, Consultant & Managing Partner , Toreon CVBA



    The Role of Standards and Certification in Cyber Security Assurance

    Steve G. Watkins

    Steve G. Watkins, Director, IT Governance Ltd


    ·         The challenge – are standards, audits and your own business objectives compatible?

    ·         Balancing the variety of standards and associated assurance mechanisms.

    ·         How to determine what is right for your organisation.

    ·         Picking the right partners to help




    Implementing Secure Communications for Critical Infrastructure - A Danish example

    Soren Peter Nielsen

    Soren Peter Nielsen, Managing Consultant, NineConsult A/S

    ·          Introduction to the Combined Heat and Power Plant Communications (CHPCOM) project 

    ·          Smart Grid solutions for data communication across actors in the energy sector 

    ·          The use of IEC 62351 to ensure data communication 

    ·          The use of X.509 based PKI for authentication of actors 

    ·          Role-based access control

    ·          Trust Framework requirements




    Morning Coffee



    Evolving Best Practices for Communications Security

    • Cyber threat update
    • Modern inter-networking impairs security
    • Hardware-enforced network security
    • Smart Grid use cases
    • Pervasive threats drive best-practice evolution

    Michael  Piccalo

    Michael Piccalo, Director of Industrial Security, Waterfall Security Solutions



    How to use Government Digital Infrastructure Components to Develop Data Exchange in the Energy Sector- Estonian Case study

    Kristo  Klesment

    Kristo Klesment, Project Manager, Elering SA

    ·         Estfeed is data sharing platform (EU wide authentication, identification, crypto channels, log management, encryption, mandate management, public key infrastructure (PKI)).

    ·         Simple data collection software (open source components) for smart meter infrastructure. System for consumer accessing its hourly readings without third parties involved. Mandates for sellers accessing the readings

  • System for consumer accessing its hourly readings without third parties involved. Mandates for sellers accessingg the readings
  • The free software infrastructure connecting e-service databases of the whole public sector



  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Reshaping ICS Cybersecurity

    Daniel  Trivellato

    Daniel Trivellato, Product Manager Industrial Control Systems, Security Matters

  • The real ICS threats: it’s not all about Stuxnet
  • Effective monitoring for operations and cybersecurity
  • Case studies
  • clock


    Case Study : Smart Grid Projects, Privacy and the Brazilian Scenario

    Jose Reynaldo Formigoni Filho

    Jose Reynaldo Formigoni Filho, Information Security Technical Manager, CPqD

    Moacir Giansante

    Moacir Giansante, Supply Chain Director, CPqD



    A pragmatic, enabling approach to Cyber Security

    David Rutherford

    David Rutherford , CEO, Power Networks Demonstration Centre- Strathclyde University

  • Vulnerability of Assets
  • Cyber concerns
  • A  Risk Based Approach
  • Testing Options



  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Security concerns for smart grid end-user application services

    Giovanni Coppola

    Giovanni Coppola, Product Manager, Enel Distribuzione Sp A

    ·         Enel’s Electric Mobility Technology

    ·         Electric mobility as end-user application services

    ·         Security concerns: customer

    ·         Security concerns: business 



    Security related lessons learned from the Eandis Flemish Pilot

    Steven Frere

    Steven Frere, Senior Datacom Expert Smart Metering, Eandis

    ·          Introduction Eandis – Flemish pilot

    ·          Eandis smart meter concept

    o    Multi gateway & filtering

    o    Smart Communication Module (SCM)

    o    E2E security by design

    ·          Challenges at set-up and operation

    ·          Lessons Learned




    An Integrated Approach to Cybersecurity within Enexis – lessons learned

    ·         Which challenges is Enexis facing with it’s cybersecurity roadmap (IT/OT/Smartmeters)?

    ·         Aligning Corporate Strategy with the cybersecurity approach

    ·         How to identify internal and external stakeholders and satisfying their (security) needs

    ·         Lesson’s learned from security monitoring in the OT domain

    ·         A practical approach to embedding security in a Private Virtual Network Operator environment (PVNO)


    Mauriche Kroos

    Mauriche Kroos, Security Officer, Enexis

    Philip Westbroek

    Philip Westbroek, Telecommunications and Cybersecurity Advisor, Enexis



    Organisational and Technical Security Challenges

    Eric Luiijf

    Eric Luiijf, Principal Consultant, T N O

    ·          Are you ready to manage and securely maintain millions of devices?

    ·          What does Moore’s law tell us?

    ·          Software ages! Are you prepared?

    ·          Did you plan for an emergency upgrade of hundred thousands of security components?

    ·          Is the public and are your MPs prepared for a rough smart grid learning curve
    facing more power disruptions and less reliability?

    ·          R&D challenges




    Data Driven Strategies for Prioritizing Malicious Code Threats within Cloud and Smart Grids Infrastructures

    Alessandro Parisi

    Alessandro Parisi, Ethical Hacker, Data Scientist, StartITHub.com

  • How Smart Grids changed the Security Risk Landscape

  • - Delving into Critical Infrastructure Security Threats

  • - The Smart Grid as an Opportunity for Big Data Cybersecurity Analytics 

  • - Protecting Smart Grids with Proactive Security Approaches 

  • - Prioritization Strategies for Smart Grids Malware Analysis


  • clock


    Chairman's Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Dieter Sarrazyn

    Dieter Sarrazyn, Consultant & Managing Partner , Toreon CVBA

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Official Media Partner

    Platinum Media Partners

    Silver Media Partners


    Sponsors and Exhibitors


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Cisco is the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate. Cisco provides IoT Security solutions for the Automotive, Critical Infrastructure, Smart Grid and Connected Home markets. Cisco’s extensive security experience enables service providers with state-of-the-art solutions that strike the right balance between security and price. The rapid expansion of connected devices, as the Internet of Things, introduces new opportunities for enabling new services and merging new technologies with modern life. Cisco secures these services.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    CyberX provides an advanced security platform for the Industrial Internet, focusing on Energy utilities and the Gas & Oil industry. Though the Industrial Internet is rapidly changing our lives with the convergence of machines and intelligent data, the transformation cannot prosper without cyber-security as one of its pillars. CyberX’s solutions secures these networks with its situational aware and fully-agnostic technology.

    L-3 TRL Technology

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    IGUANA Security is a new brand developed specifically for the Critical National Infrastructure market and is brought to you by UK based L-3 TRL Technology; with over 30 years experience in developing and delivering innovative, high technology defence and security solutions helping organisations to protect against evolving threats. We have developed long standing relationships with government agencies and commercial service providers through supporting their wide ranging network architectures, providing real-time effective assistance in the critical area of Cyber Defence. IGUANA Security provide organisations with the necessary security functions to protect the integrity, confidentiality and availability of networks whilst enabling greater business efficiency.

    Palo Alto Networks

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Palo Alto Networks has pioneered the next generation of network security with an innovative infrastructure platform that allows organisations to secure their network and safely enable the applications running on it. This platform has three major elements: Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW), Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP), and Threat Intelligence Cloud (TIC). The NGFW delivers application, user, and content visibility and control with in-line protection against network based cyber threats. AEP delivers protection against cyber attacks that aim to exploit software vulnerabilities on a broad variety of fixed and virtual endpoints. TIC provides central intelligence capabilities and automated delivery of preventative measures against cyber attacks. We protect the networks of more than 25,000 organisations across multiple industries and are currently a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Firewalls – our fourth consecutive appearance in the Leader’s Quadrant.

    Power Networks Demonstration Centre University of Strathclyde

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    The Power Networks Demonstration Centre is an innovative development and demonstration facility founded by the University of Strathclyde, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Funding Council and founding members Scottish Power Energy Networks and Scottish and Southern Energy Distribution. The 13,000 sq. ft. facility comprises of a unique 11kV and LV network environment representative of UK networks, secure test bays, MW-scale MG Set, dedicated SCADA control room and real-time simulation suite. This affords the pre-commercial testing of HV and LV equipment and secondary control, protection and measurement systems. The Centre membership is growing and now includes S&C Electric, Omicron and Locamation. The PNDC vision is to undertake a range of innovative projects that will accelerate the proving and adoption of new ‘smart’ technologies, from advanced power grids incorporating renewable generation to electric vehicles and household appliances. PNDC is committed to developing and testing new low carbon technologies by providing a realistic environment to trial them more quickly and effectively under a range of challenging power system scenarios. The Centre aims to set new standards in electrical distribution with a focus on a range of technology streams.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    SecurityMatters provides critical infrastructure and industrial automation companies with best-of-class industrial cyber resilience technology that enables quick identification and recovery from threats to operational continuity. SecurityMatters has a global customer base, with partners and customers in all critical industries. The unique knowledge and expertise of SecurityMatters were recognized by Gartner in 2014, when SecurityMatters became the first company ever nominated as a Cool Vendor for technology and service providers in the OT market. Based on continuous research and development, innovation and dedication to excellence we continue to strive and lead the way in industrial cyber resilience.

    Waterfall Security Solutions

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Waterfall Security Solutions Ltd. is the leading provider of Unidirectional Security Gateways™ for industrial control networks and critical infrastructures. Waterfall’s Unidirectional Gateways are hardware-enforced and are stronger than firewalls, reducing the cost and complexity of compliance with NERC-CIP, NRC, NIST, CFATS and other regulations. Waterfall’s products are deployed in utilities throughout North America. Waterfall’s offerings include support for leading industrial applications, including the OSIsoft PI™ Historian, the GE Proficy™ iHistorian, Siemens SIMATIC™/Spectrum™ solutions and GE OSM™ remote monitoring platforms, as well as OPC, Modbus, DNP3, ICCP and other industrial protocols.

    Media Partners


    Official Media Partner

    GeoConnexion International and GeoConnexion UK bring you the latest news and stories plus reports from geotechnology industries in UK, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, North America and Asia. Coverage of topics such as 3D Visualisation, Remote Sensing, LiDAR, Cloud, Mobile Mapping, Navigation with emphases on healthcare, public safety, retail, the environment, utilities, surveying, LBS, transport/ logistics, telecommunications and more. Subscribe to GeoConnexion magazines and sign up for free GeoConnexion Newsletters: visit GeoConnexion.com Tel: +44 1223 279151; Email: info@geoconnexion.com

    Media Partners

    Virus Bulletin

    Platinum Media Partners

    Virus Bulletin is a security information portal, testing and certification body with a formidable reputation for providing users with free of charge independent intelligence about the latest developments in the global threat landscape. It includes comparative product reviews featuring the unique VB100 (anti-virus) & VBSpam (anti-spam) award scheme and a wealth of material dating back to 1989. The annual international Virus Bulletin conference is cited by many as the IT security event of the year.

    Media Partners

    Navigant Research

    Silver Media Partners

    Navigant Research is a market research and consulting team that provides in-depth analysis of global clean technology markets. The team's research methodology combines supply-side industry analysis, end-user primary research and demand assessment, and deep examination of technology trends to provide a comprehensive view of these industry sectors.

    Media Partners

    Power Technology


    Future Power Technology is an established monthly digital magazine, offering in-depth coverage of the global power industry in an exciting, interactive format.

    Brought to you by an experienced editorial and design team, Future Power Technology is the essential read for any decision maker wanting up-to-date power industry news and analysis, with articles and interviews on new technology, energy, construction projects and designs, operations and maintenance and much more. . .

    You can view our previous issues now, and subscribe to the magazine for free to get each new issue delivered directly to your inbox.

    ABI Research


    ABI Research is the leader in technology market intelligence. Our analysts act as an extension of the world’s most innovative organizations, accelerating their overall decision-making process to more quickly and confidently execute strategies. We assess markets to explore trends, offer insight into the changing landscape, and define tomorrow’s strategic technologies. For more information, visit www.abiresearch.com



    Water Technology provides the latest in news, views and project information from the water industry internationally, covering industrial and municipal wastewater treatment and water supply and transmission. Water Technology reaches leading engineers and technologists in the water utilities sector and uses its global network of journalists to cover the pressing issues busy professionals need to know about to keep on top of this demanding industry.



    Engerati is a central destination for delegates from leading global energy events to network, collaborate, share and engage. We provide our members with completely free access to our ever-growing archive of industry news, white papers, case studies, webinars, video presentations, interviews and blogs. Engerati is an invaluable resource to all energy professionals – nowhere else can you get such in-depth information on the global energy industry for free.

    IT Today


    IT Today serves as a forum for exchanging best practices and insights based on managerial experience in order to advance the practice of information technology (IT or ICT) systems management. Its targeted IT community readership is the same as its targeted authors: IT practitioners and consultants who are thought leaders in applying theoretical frameworks and deriving insights from the field.



    CyberSecurityJobsite.com is an on-line job board designed and marketed to attract candidates who work within the Cyber Security environment. We advertise 100’s of job opportunities both on a Permanent and Contract basis covering opportunities within all industry sectors. Visit our site www.CyberSecurityJobsite.com to search for your next job opportunity.

    TechWeekEurope UK


    TechWeekEurope UK, is the authoritative UK source for news, features and reviews of business technology. Its aim is to help IT decision makers enhance their business with technology. The site provides insight on topics including mobility, security, cloud computing, public sector and sustainable IT. TechWeekEurope UK is published by NetMediaEurope, a leading B2B IT publisher owning a portfolio of 30 sites across Europe.

    M2M Now


    Focused on machine to machine communications, M2M Now is an m2m news, blog-led website, supported by a the quarterly print m2m news magazine M2M Now, regular webinars and industry videos. The website provides a forum for industry experts to debate key issues, a resource centre for learning and up to the minute news.

    OSGP Alliance


    The OSGP Alliance, founded in 2006 as the Energy Services Network Association (ESNA), is an independent global, not-for-profit association that promotes the adoption of the Open Smart Grid Protocol (OSGP) and related services and infrastructure for smart grid applications. Members include utilities, software, hardware and service providers, and solution integrators that share a common goal and vision for promoting open standards for energy demand side management, smart grid and smart metering systems. More information about the OSGP Alliance can be found at www.osgp.org

    A. Cullen & Associates, Inc.


    With our finger on the pulse of the ever-evolving Smart Grid, commodities and energy industries, and our eyes clearly focused on the future, we offer clients a distinct and important advantage in identifying and recruiting the talent required to adapt and succeed in the face of change. Backed by over a decade of industry experience, we have a track record of building profitable teams in these niche sectors. Armed with a keen understanding of legislative and regulatory change, industry business model evolution and human capital trends, we help our clients continually stay one step ahead of the competition.

    IT Governance Ltd


    IT Governance Ltd provides end-to-end cyber-security management solutions to help clients globally protect critical and sensitive information. We are the single source provider for comprehensive information, advice, books, tools, training and consultancy for information security, IT governance, risk management and compliance. Visit our website to learn more about our products and services: www.itgovernance.co.uk

    Information Security Today


    Information Security Today provides essential information for managing the security of a modern, evolving enterprise. It is written for information security managers and other technical managers and staff who are the first-line support responsible for the daily, efficient operation of security policies, procedures, standards, and practices.

    International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications


    A fundamental, omnipresent feature of the global information age is that cyber-capabilities, e.g. computing, communication and control, are inherently embedded in numerous physical/engineered systems from the nano-world to large-scale systems-of-systems. Many scientific/technological challenges require intensive multidisciplinary studies, calling for new formulations, techniques and innovative solutions from a spectrum of communities in systems engineering/control/communications. IJSCC offers a vibrant discussion forum in this interdisciplinary area, especially communication systems augmented by control techniques and control systems whose components are interconnected via communication networks.

    Electrical Review


    Electrical Review is the longest established UK electrical journal first published in 1872. Electrical Review is considered essential reading for electrical engineers, project managers consultants and electrical contractors working in high tech building technology sector, industry, electricity supply industries. Our mission is to deliver feature length technical editorial content, comment and opinion articles plus the latest products and services. Electrical Review is the only publication and website to offer this invaluable content free, and is widely considered the only magazine electrical engineers should take seriously. Register for free today at www.electricalreview.co.uk

    Marriott Regents Park

    128 King Henry's Road
    London NW3 3ST
    United Kingdom

    Marriott Regents Park

    This 4 star north London hotel in zone 2 is the perfect destination for the astute business traveler as well as the leisure guest that knows how convenient north London hotels are, as a base from which to explore the city .Bond Street is just 3 stops from Swiss Cottage underground station on the Jubilee Line, so you can be shopping, exploring the sights and taking in one of London’s world-renowned West End shows in less than 15 minutes when you stay at this hotel near central London. At the same time, the hive of activity that is Camden Town, the chic shops, cafes and restaurants of Primrose Hill and ZSL’s London Zoo in Regents Park are all just a short walk from this hotel in north London.



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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