European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy
14 November - 15 November 2011
European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy

The European Smart Grid Cyber Security Forum March 12th and 13th London is now booking. This is the flagship Cyber event in Europe for Smart Grids and heavily supported by Government, Utilities, Academia and the most authoritative solution providers.

If you wish to be involved please visit the site at http://www.smartgridcybersecurity.co.uk or call Jamison Nesbitt at +44 (0)20 7827 6164 or jnesbitt@SAE Media Group-online.co.uk to avoid disappointment.

We would like to thank all who were involved in our Privacy launch.

We are on the threshold of an energy revolution that will give low-carbon energy technologies a crucial role. Energy efficiency, many types of renewable energy, carbon capture and storage, new energy transportation and distribution technologies, and sustainable mobility will all require widespread deployment if we are to reach our world's greenhouse-gas emission goals. Every country and sector of the economy must be involved.

Alliander, the largest energy network company in the Netherlands, is set on contributing to this global responsibility by collaborating with universities and research labs, government and public organizations, vendors and solution integrators. Alliander believes that improvements in ICT security increase the robustness and resilience of the smart grid from both a physical and cyber perspective. Robust IT security contributes to our goal to create a save smart grid environment where we can work together on a high quality level.

Therefore, we believe that there simply cannot be enough discussion, collaboration and partnerships developed around the security and privacy architecture of the Smart Grid. That is why we are supporting SAE Media Group’s forthcoming Smart Grid Cyber and Privacy event in Holland as premier Knowledge partners. We believe face to face networking forums of this nature provide an ideal opportunity for us to meet and develop the landscape for new frontiers.

Please join us at the European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy conference November 14 & 15 in Amsterdam!

Bram Reinders, Alliance Manager, Alliander

In association with...

Knowledge partners Alliander will be presenting at European Smart Grid Privacy and Security

Mark Ossel - Chairmans Welcome: "There are many events covering smart metering, smart grid and related topics. And, this fall even more than ever! It is difficult to choose which one to attend. Looking at this program, the topics covered and the speakers, I can advise you to go here"

The vision of the future Smart Grid involves a unprecedented transformation of our current electrical industry, with the introduction and integration of an intelligent communications architecture.

While the benefits of carbon reduction, reliability and controlled consumption remain firm drivers to support this change, the vulnerability and threat profile associated with the business model remain a critical priority.

SAE Media Group’s Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy Forum will address the threat landscape of cyber attacks, as well as privacy, integrity, and security of data involving Smart Grid technology.
Dont miss this opportunity to engage, network, and understand how the industry intends on responsibly developing and deploying our future global infrastructure.

Join the discussion with other delegates and industry professionals on the Linkedin group at  http://events.linkedin.com/European-Smart-Grid-Cyber-Security/pub/715316



 William Barker (NIST) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy

William Barker, Chief Security Advisor, NIST

   Michelle Chibba (Information Privacy Commissioner of Ontario) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy

Michelle Chibba, Director of Policy, Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario

 IPC will be speaking at Smart Grid Privacy and Security
 Dr Alexander Dix (Berlin Data Commissioner for Data Protection) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy Dr Alexander Dix, Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Berlin's Data Commissioner  The German data commissioner will be speaking at Smart Grid Privacy and Security David Greer (Univeristy of Tulsa) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy David Greer, Executive Director, University of Tulsa’s Institute for Information Security (iSec)  
Patricia Robison (Con Edison) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy

Patricia Robison, Smart Grid Project Manager, Con Edison of New York

   Johan Rambi (Alliander) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy

Johan Rambi, Privacy and Security Officer, Alliander

 Frans Campfens (Alliander) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy

Frans Campfens, Senior Consultant Smart Grid, Alliander

Dutch utility Alliander speaking at Smart Grid Privacy and Security  

Hans de Heer,Principal Consultant, KEMA Nederland B.V

  Giovanna Dondossola, Cyber Security Task Leader, RSE  Boas Bierings (Enexis) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy

Boas Bierings, Program Manager Privacy and Security, Enexis

 Dutch utility Enexis speaking at Smart Grid Privacy and Security
 Nuno Pereira (EDP) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy

Nuno Pereira, Information Systems Officer, EDP

Portugese utility speaking at Smart Grid Privacy and Security  Tobias Jeske (Univeristy of Hamburg) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy

Tobias Jeske, Research Associate,  University of Hamburg

 Eva Visser (Project Moore) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy

Eva Visser, IT Lawyer, Projectmoore

 Job de Haas (Riscure) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy Paul Verhaar, Security Evaluation Manager, Riscure  
 Ralph Moonen (IT Security eXperts) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy Ralph Moonen, Director, Information Technology Security eXperts    

Lieutenant Colonel Willaim Hagestad II US Marine Corps (Retired), CEO, Red-Dragonrising 

 Annemarier Zielstra (CPNI.NL) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy Annemarie Zielstra, Director, CPNI.NL     Mark Ossel, Board Member, ESNA  
  Alex Campbell, Security Consultant, Deloitte     Bob Lockhart, Senior Analyst, Pike Research  
  Jani Valtari, SGEM Program Manager, CLEEN SGEM (CLEEN) will bespeaking at Smart Grid Privacy and Security  Dariusz Kloza (Virje Universiteit Brussel) speaking at European Smart Grid Cyber Security and Privacy Dariusz Kloza, Doctoral Researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  Robert Cragie, Chair, Security Task Group, Zigbee Alliance   David Scott, Manager – Accenture Security Practice, Accenture 
  Charles Palmer, Project Hydra Project Manager, Accute Technology Limited    Monika Stajnarova, Junior Economic Officer, BEUC  

Colin Blou, Vice President Sales North America, Waterfall Security Solutions

  Paul Oudshoorn, Manager – Accenture Security Practice, Accenture  


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Mark Ossel

Mark Ossel, ESNA Board Memeber and VP, Echelon Energy and Utility



The role of standards in achieving Smart Grid security and privacy goals

William  Barker

William Barker , Cybersecurity Coordinator for the U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST

• Standards as policy implementation mechanisms
• Standardization process options
• US Smart Grid interoperability panel
• Smart Grid security and privacy goals and means



Build privacy by design into Smart Meters: Gain consumer trust and confidence in the Smart Grid

• Smart meter and privacy issues
• Privacy by Design as an internationally recognized privacy standard
• Building privacy solutions into Smart Meter and networked infrastructure through Privacy by Design

Michelle Chibba

Michelle Chibba, Director of Policy, Information and Privacy Commissioner

Alexander Dix

Alexander Dix, Commissioner, Berlin Data Commissioner



Roadmap to secure process control systems

Annemarie  Zielstra

Annemarie Zielstra, Director CPNINL, Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI)

• How to secure against the risks and the challenges
• Cyber-TEC initiative
• Security of process control systems
• Securing critical information infrastructure through cooperation, education and innovation



Morning Coffee



Privacy and security concerns on using metering data for grid management. The smart metering grid operator interface P5

• Privacy & security framework in the Netherlands
• Increasing possibilities of Smart Meters
• The value of grid measurements for the DNO
• Structured and authorized access of Smart Meter data for network management

Frans Campfens

Frans Campfens, Senior Consultant SmartGrids (ICT) and AMR, Alliander N.V.

Hans de Heer

Hans de Heer, Principal Consultant , Kema Nederland BV



Advanced Threats vs. “Best Practice” Security

Colin Blou

Colin Blou, Vice President Sales , Waterfall Security Solutions

Advanced Persistent Threats
- on the term
- Latest examples
Advanced Protection for Advanced Threats
• Market Solutions
• The Waterfall Solution
Waterfall Unidirectional Gateway Solutions
- Understanding the solution
- Example through various Waterfall applications



Current status on security and privacy files in the Netherlands and in Brussels

Johan  Rambi

Johan Rambi , Privacy & Security Officer , Alliander N.V.

• Status privacy & security implementation in the Netherlands
• Privacy & security requirements in national proposal for small deployment
• Smart Grid security development in the Netherlands
• European developments from EC and collaboration with DSO’s



A global view of smart grid security: threats, standards and regulations

Paul  Oudshoorn

Paul Oudshoorn , Managers Accenture Security Practice, Accenture

David  Scott

David Scott, Managers Accenture Security Practice, Accenture



Networking Lunch



Re-using Smart Card Technology for Security and Privacy in Smart Metering

Charles Palmer

Charles Palmer, Project Hydra Project Manager , Acute Technology Limited

  • Reports on work from "Project Hydra" - a UK smart meter pilot programme.
  • Compares smart meters with smart cards, SIM cards, pay TV from a security perspective.
  • Examines the smart card security technologies.
  • Shows how "local processing" can also solve the smart meter privacy problem.
  • clock


    A smart grid in TClouds

    Nuno Pereira

    Nuno Pereira, Smart Grids and TClouds, EDP - Energias de Portugal

    • The TClouds Project
       o Goals and objectives
       o The European consortium
       o Key results
    • Smart Grid and home healthcare scenarios
    • Security challenges
    • Advantages and constrains



    Overview of Institute for Information Security at the University of Tulsa

    David Greer

    David Greer, Executive Director, The Institute for Information Security

    • Cyber security research initiatives
    • What is Cyberspace?
    • Security challenges in an interconnected world
    • Exposures and realized threats
    • What happens when controls fail?
    • Creating a secure culture
    • Business factors for academic partnerships



    Afternoon Tea



    Finnish Smart Grids and secure telecommunications as base for Smart Grid security

    Jani Valtari

    Jani Valtari, SGEM Program Manager, CLEEN

    • CLEEN Ltd - Industry Driven Joint R&D&I for Energy and Environment
    • SGEM – Finnish Smart Grid research program
    • Challenges of Smart Grid Communication
    • New security approaches built on proved communication security
    • Secure processes ensure secure products and services



    UK approach to smart metering security

    Alex Campbell

    Alex Campbell, Senior Manager, Deloitte

    • Steps for ensuring security is designed into the end-to-end Smart Metering system
    • Outline the key stakeholders
    • Collaboration mechanisms
    • Main security outputs (technical and governance)



    Embedded security lessons for the Smart Meter industry

    Paul Verhaar

    Paul Verhaar, Security Evaluation Manager, Riscure

    • What are the assets of a smart meter?
    • What are the security threats and attacks?
    • What kinds of security features are required?
    • What can we learn from embedded security in other industries?
    • Test techniques



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Mark Ossel

    Mark Ossel, ESNA Board Memeber and VP, Echelon Energy and Utility



    Securing the Smart Grid cyber infrastructure

    Patricia  Robison

    Patricia Robison, Smart Grid Project Manager, Con Edison of New York, Inc.

    • Securely extending and interconnecting the electric Grid with Smart Grid components and communications
    • Applying the NIST framework and IEC standards to Smart Grid implementations
    • Layering cyber Security across Smart Grid components and communications
    • Smart Grid cyber security integrated with critical infrastructure protection
    • Enabling situational awareness for Smart Grid electric system and cyber security monitoring



    Update: the role of the DNO in Smart Grid cyber security

    Frans Campfens

    Frans Campfens, Senior Consultant SmartGrids (ICT) and AMR, Alliander N.V.

    • Smart Grid scenarios
    • The local system operator concept
    • Grid Connection Register concept (GCR)
    • The DNO as certification authority
    • Security by design



    Privacy and security of the Enexis Smart Metering infrastructure

    Boas Bierings

    Boas Bierings, Program Manager Privacy and Security, Enexis

    • Privacy policy
    • Security requirements
    • Key management
    • Penetration testing



    Morning Coffee



    Privacy preserving Smart Metering

    Tobias Jeske

    Tobias Jeske, Research Associate, Institute for Security in Distributed Applications

    • Data protection issues in the smart grid
    • Solutions for privacy-preserving reporting from Smart Meters
    • A new practical solution for privacy-preserving reporting without a trusted-third party
    • Implementation results



    Consumer concerns related to privacy and security in Smart Metering

    Monika Stajnarova

    Monika Stajnarova, Economic Officer, BEUC

    • Privacy and security risks and challenges - consumer perspective;
    • The role of consumers;
    • Key principles to safeguard consumers’ privacy and security;
    • The way forward - what is necessary for a successful deployment of Smart Meters.



    Smart Grid: the (Dutch) legal privacy framework

    Eva Visser

    Eva Visser, Partner, Projectmoore

    • Back to basics: Smart Grid Data and data protection law
    • Who’s in control?
    • Legal grounds to process Smart Grid Data
    • The Dutch case: Smart Metering
    • Smart Grid Security
    • Privacy as market differentiator



    Networking Lunch



    The current, real-world state of Smart Grid cyber security

    Bob Lockhart

    Bob Lockhart, Senior Analyst , Pike Research

    • What is actually being implemented?
    • Where are the biggest holes?
    • Cures on the horizon
    • What are people talking about
    • Covering:  AMI, industrial control, SG communications, and electric vehicles



    Smart meters and privacy: Can two walk together?

    Darek  Kloza

    Darek Kloza, LL.M. in Law and Technology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel



    Leading Principles in Smart Grid Cyber Security

    Giovanna Dondossola

    Giovanna Dondossola, Cyber Secuirty Task Leader, RSE

    o Grid control systems cyber security – RSE activities
    o EPCIP EU Directive 2008/114/EC – Italian Legislative Decree 61/2011
    o Cyber-power risk index – pivotal factors
    o Cyber attacks – comprehensive models
    o Attack experiments – role, scenarios, effect analysis
    o Experimental results – recommendations from sample attacks to the RSE grid control testbed
    o Cyber security standards for smart grids – inputs from RSE activities



    Afternoon Tea



    Privacy and security in the Home Area Network

    Robert Cragie

    Robert Cragie, Chair, Security Task Group, ZigBee Alliance

    • Information Security Pillars
    • Cryptography
       o Public key cryptography
       o Symmetric key cryptography
       o Hybrid cryptography
    • Home Area Network
       o What is a Home Area Network?
       o Topologies
    • Protocol stack security
       o Building blocks
       o Frame security
       o Authentication and key establishment
       o Credentials
    • ZigBee SEP 1.0 stack security description
    • ZigBee SEP 2.0 stack security description
    • Service provider registration
    • HAN data privacy
       o Data at rest
       o Data in trans



    Security best practices in metering IT infrastructure

    Ralph Moonen

    Ralph Moonen, Director, Information Technology Security eXperts

    • GPRS/3G threats and recent developments
    • Network architecture do's and don’ts
    • Communications security (encryption & authentication)
    • Network and application testing



    Defence in depth: A case study on what we can learn from Chinese cyber information threats. Past, present and future

    William Hagestad II

    William Hagestad II, CEO and President, Red-Dragonrising

    • Fundamental statistics of the Chinese cyber threat
    • Chinese government cyber initiatives
    • Peoples Liberation Army Information Warfare
    • Commercial Enterprises as a cyber threat vector
    • Nationalistic threads of hackers
    • Examining the Jade Ball – What are the future Chinese Cyber threats
    • Conclusions and recommendations



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Mark Ossel

    Mark Ossel, ESNA Board Memeber and VP, Echelon Energy and Utility

    Hotel Schiphol A4

    Rijksweg A4 3 - 2132 MA

    Hotel Schiphol A4



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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