Distribution Automation Europe
14 October - 15 October 2013
Distribution Automation Europe

SAE Media Group's 3rd annual Distribution Automation Europe conference will set out how to accommodate the impact of renewables growth and improve communication system architecture to increase the reliability and efficiency of future networks.

Deploying a smart distribution network is a critical goal for utilities to help manage electricity needs by making grids more efficient, reliable, and secure and reducing carbon emissions. Next generation hardware and software for DA gives utilities many more options in meeting these goals.

The conference is packed with practical case-study presentations including Vattenfall’s Smart Grid Gotland project, the Electricity North West Capacity to Customer (C2C) LCNF initiative, and Western Power Distribution’s Falcon project. Combined with a distinguished international speaker line up from Germany, France, Finland, Sweden, the UK, and the Netherlands this event will give you a clear understanding of how to derive maximum value from your distribution automation investments.


Paul Turner

Paul Turner

C2C Technical Manager, Electricity North West
Robin Hagemans

Robin Hagemans

Manager Grid Information & Control, Alliander
Stefan  Rebner

Stefan Rebner

Head of Development, Network Operations, Fortum Distribution

Alistair Steele

Project Manager, Future Networks and Policy, SSE Power Distribution
Alistair  Steele

Ander Madariaga

Research Fellow, Power Network Demonstration Centre
Ander Madariaga

Andrew Starr

Professor, Cranfield University
Andrew Starr

Brett Luedde

Director Critical Infrastructure Security, Secure Network Systems, ViaSat Inc.
Brett Luedde

Furong Li

Professor, The University of Bath
Furong  Li

Gavin Shaddick

Reader, The University of Bath
Gavin Shaddick

Goran Strbac

Professor, Imperial College London
Goran Strbac

Gunnar Lorenz

Head of Unit - Networks, Eurelectric
Gunnar  Lorenz

Jean Baptiste Galland

Head of Strategy and Smart Grid, ERDF Electricite De France
Jean Baptiste Galland

Johan Söderbom

Head of Department, R&D for Distribution and Sales , Vattenfall
Johan  Söderbom

John Outram

Managing Director, Outram Research Ltd
John Outram

John has been steeped in signal processing, pulling signals out of noise, throughout his career. He started as an avionics engineer with Plessey Company designing communications, navigation and radar systems - his signal processor was chosen to represent the UK in an intense international competition to replace the Instrument Landing System (ILS) used by aircraft worldwide - then became a consultant to Plessey, MoD, CAA, Racal and others. Since starting Outram Research he has improved ultrasonic inspection capabilities at Rolls-Royce and continues to supply signal processors for marine radar beacons, all involving small signal extraction. Since 1984 Outram Research have designed and more recently manufactured increasingly capable logging devices, now principally aimed at demanding utility requirements. John’s patent portfolio includes the very successful Adaptive Store recording regime used by leading utilities around the world, and he now adds algorithms for fault level prediction based on measurement of network disturbances. Outram Research's fault level technology, developed with the support of Scottish Power, is in use with SPEN and WPD and on trial with other UK and US utilities.

Kemal Celik

VP, Smart Grid Technologies & Grid Management, NEXANT
Kemal  Celik

Kemal Celik is a vice-president at Nexant’s Grid Management Division, responsible development of distribution network software applications. During his 15 year tenure at Nexant, he has led consulting projects for smart grid, power quality and energy markets’ design and deployment. Kemal has a Ph.D., Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M and is a senior member of IEEE.

Muhammad Yousuf

CEO, Dan & Adam Ltd
Muhammad Yousuf

Muhammad Yousuf established Dan & Adam Ltd in 2010 as an engineering consultancy specialising in renewable energies, telecommunications, smart grids and smart cities and has over 20 years’ experience at Tier 1 in ICT roles in the UK, EU and Middle East.  Muhammad was head of engineering and business development for Marconi in Saudi Arabia until 2007. From 1997, Muhammad was with Marconi being responsible for a range of senior technical, project management and business development roles from transmission data through to network management dealing with BT amongst other globally-renowned companies. He was also heavily involved with Energis. Muhammad Yousuf has three masters; an MBA, an MSc in Optical Electronics, and an MA in Islamic Finance.

Numerous multi-billion ICT products and network management systems have been created by Dan & Adam Ltd staff and large international networks designed, developed and deployed by them. These products have been installed extensively within many of the world’s leading telecoms operators.

Paul Jewell

Policy Manager, Western Power Distribution
Paul Jewell

Paul Turner

C2C Technical Manager, Electricity North West
Paul Turner

Paul joined United Utilities (subsequently Electricity North West) as a graduate engineer in 1999. Since then he has carried out a variety of roles in the control environment such as outage planning manager and automation development manager. Paul is an authorised control engineer and is currently using these skills as the technical manager on the Capacity-to-Customers and customer load active system services projects.

Paulo Pereira

Consulting Systems Engineer , Cisco
Paulo Pereira

Connected Energy Networks is a Cisco focus area that aims to enable utilities to supply electricity in a more efficient and sustainable way, allowing consumers to gain better efficiency and control of their energy consumption. As part of the Emerging Technologies Group, Paulo helps utilities translate business requirements into deliverable solutions that support evolving utility architecture needs from generation to consumption. Paulo is a Cigre Member in Portugal and is a Regular Member of the Cigre D2.46 Working Group focused on application and management of cyber security measures for protection and control systems.

Paulo’s current focus in on evolving architectures for smart grids including IEC61850 and full digital substation automation, packet based MPLS WAN networks to support next generation utilities services, IP based secure communications for distribution automation, and smart grid end-to-end security. Paulo has a very strong IP multiservice networking background (including voice, video and several legacy Enterprise applications), is industry trained in a number of utility applications, technologies and standards, and has a master degree in Electronics and Telecommunications.

Peter Lang

Senior Technology Transfer Engineer, UK Power Networks
Peter Lang

Robin Hagemans

Manager Grid Information & Control, Alliander
Robin Hagemans

Robin Hagemans MSc is responsible for grid information and control with a special interest in smart grid analytics IT within Alliander. Robin is a seasoned professional in the area of translating complex grid –related analytics into robust and scalable IT solutions. Within Alliander Robin was chairman of the Infrastructure Advisory Board, responsible for developing Alliander’s Vision & Strategy on Telecommunications, an important part of the entire smart grid strategy. He was also Technical Automation and Telecom Manager at Liandon, part of Alliander. Liandon is responsible for establishing, maintaining and running the high-to-medium voltage grid for Alliander.

Recently Robin introduced successful innovative analytics applications for asset management and grid management business decision support. Robin has two Master degrees: one in statistical engineering and one in business administration. The latter focused on how to use innovation as a means for transforming businesses and the energy industry. Robin also holds a BSc in Process Engineering. With this background Robin is the right person for combining the real-time, transactional, and geographical IT worlds into the new energy transition IT world of analytics and business decision support.

Stefan Rebner

Head of Development, Network Operations, Fortum Distribution
Stefan  Rebner

Stefan Rebner heads up business and process development within Fortum Distribution, focusing on strategic development and mid –to-long term actions. Starting in 2008 Stefan introduced smart grid development plans at Fortum and was the project manager for the start up of the “Stockholm Royal Seaport” project together with major Swedish companies and the city of Stockholm. This is also a project within the Clinton Climate Initiative supported by the Clinton Foundation. Currently, Stefan’s group are working on a total-system reengineering to support the future demands of electricity distribution including usage of AMI, demand response, business process management, and general smart grid technical support with a special focus on communication technology and solutions.

Uwe Fischer

Head of Asset Information Systems, E.ON Group
Uwe Fischer

If you are interested in speaking at this conference, please get in touch with the producer at smiproduction@smi-online.co.uk

If you are interested in sponsoring this conference, please get in touch with our sponsorship team at sponsorshipdept@smi-online.co.uk

Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chair's Opening Remarks

Gunnar  Lorenz

Gunnar Lorenz, Head of Unit - Networks, Eurelectric



Overcoming the challenges to adopting an advanced distribution management system (DMS) for an automated network

Uwe Fischer

Uwe Fischer, Head of Asset Information Systems, E.ON Group


•               Extracting information from the network and verifying its quality
•               Ensuring the real-time monitoring and control of a rapidly expanding portfolio of renewable assets
•               Adopting an enterprise-wide uniform naming convention to allow for correct identification and interpretation of incoming data


How are supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems evolving to support the demands of distribution automation?

Stefan Rebner, Head of Development, Network Operations, Fortum Distribution


•               Instigating a planning and procurement strategy for new SCADA requirements
•               Dealing with large increases in data volumes and monitoring
•               Ensuring real-time control and connections into components that control information and recloser interconnection
•               The SCADA environment is expanding - customers are the future endpoint. How to deal with the 2-way interaction


Morning Coffee



Cybersecurity for distribution automation and control systems assets and networks

Brett Luedde

Brett Luedde, Director Critical Infrastructure Security, Secure Network Systems, ViaSat Inc.

  • Securing critical infrastructure control system assets while maintaining real-time control and minimising system downtime
  • How distribution automation improves operational efficiencies but also increases the need for comprehensive security and cyber-security capabilities
  • Addressing the likelihood of cyber intrusions as almost certain to increase as infrastructure transitions from centrally-managed and “silo” solutions to more distributed common platforms that can perform a wide variety of functions
  • Real field experience and key concepts to educate and challenge the audience and give them practical ideas to take back to their organisations
  • clock


    Delivering advanced automation informed by network awareness

    Peter Lang

    Peter Lang, Senior Technology Transfer Engineer, UK Power Networks


    •               Enhancing security of supply taking into account demand side response and local distributed generation
    •               The value of system integration to improve network awareness
    •               Compensating for mismatches in localised energy production and consumption


    FALCON project - communications choices and options for distribution automation and monitoring

    Paul Jewell

    Paul Jewell, Policy Manager, Western Power Distribution


    ·          Making the business case for communications technology investment to prevent delays and extra cost in distribution automation adoption
    ·          Initial performance results from project Falcon’s private radio network capability
    ·          Addressing  scalability, flexibility, reliability and security requirements
    ·          Low cost, reliable, and good bandwidth provision – how can these communications attributes all be delivered?


    Networking Lunch



    Towards active management for an advanced distribution network

    Jean Baptiste Galland

    Jean Baptiste Galland, Head of Strategy and Smart Grid, ERDF Electricite De France


    ·          Improving network management to identify fault flows and reduce customer interruptions
    ·          Identifying fault flow direction to create dynamic, self-healing networks
    ·          Addressing and overcoming monitoring challenges


    Using data analytics to identify network problems and signal veracity from real-time information

    Robin Hagemans, Manager Grid Information & Control, Alliander


    ·          Information overload – identifying need-to-know signals for distribution automation to improve network performance
    ·          Using algorithms to determine network optimal intervention after and before an outage to limit disruption to customers as a whole
    ·          Collecting data for use in modelling long-term electrical system behaviours


    Afternoon Tea



    Role and value of flexible technologies in supporting efficient distribution network operation and development

    Goran Strbac

    Goran Strbac, Professor, Imperial College London


    ·          Need for automation and control in future distribution networks
    ·          Benefits of flexible demand and generation and advanced network control technologies
    ·          Emerging Lessons from Low Carbon London
    ·          Commercial framework for automation and control of future distribution networks


    Planning, designing and deploying a robust, multi-services communication system architecture to maximise the potential of your distribution automation investments

    Paulo Pereira, Consulting Systems Engineer , Cisco


    ·          Ensuring the interoperability of interconnected systems
    ·          Using pilots to test the operational capability and manageability of new technology
    ·          How a scalable and secure multi-services communications architecture improves grid reliability


    Chair’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Gunnar  Lorenz

    Gunnar Lorenz, Head of Unit - Networks, Eurelectric



    Registration & Coffee



    Chair's Opening Remarks

    Ander Madariaga

    Ander Madariaga, Research Fellow, Power Network Demonstration Centre



    SSE Power Distribution Isle of Wight self-healing distribution automation communications case study


    ·          Using communications and real-time data to isolate faults and reconfigure switches to minimise service disruption
    ·          Key issues in modelling background traffic messaging of the smart electrical network on the Isle of Wight
    ·          Ensuring comprehensive approach to network integrity including network management of smart network
    ·          Developing design guidelines for smart grids

    Alistair  Steele

    Alistair Steele, Project Manager, Future Networks and Policy, SSE Power Distribution

    Muhammad Yousuf, CEO, Dan & Adam Ltd



    Keeping your network safe under increasingly dynamic conditions requires a thorough knowledge of fault levels with respect to infrastructure capacity and protection circuitry

    John Outram, Managing Director, Outram Research Ltd


    ·          Accurate fault level - The challenge facing planners and operations managers
    ·          Slow-time and real-time fault level measurement - exploiting network disturbances both natural and artificial
    ·          Determining the benefits and savings arising


    Morning Coffee



    The new demand-side management (DSM) paradigm

    Kemal Celik, VP, Smart Grid Technologies & Grid Management, NEXANT

    Many municipal and community utilities have set aggressive objectives to utilize local and sustainable energy sources while significantly reducing energy consumption through demand side management.  In order to achieve the goal of sustainable energy sourcing, these small utilities invest in local distributed energy production while reducing energy consumption through installation of smart energy management systems (SEMS) at each customer site.  By benchmarking the energy consumption at the individual customer level and generating personalized advice, real-time demand reduction is delivered at 10 to 15% of the overall demand.  An integrated energy management system (i-EMS) coordinates the balance of energy demand and response, and calculates the CO2 emissions enabling the participants to act on the price and CO2 emission levels.



    Electricity North West Capacity to Customer (C2C) LCNF initiative - combining network automation and interruptible service to potentially double network capacity

    Paul Turner, C2C Technical Manager, Electricity North West


    ·          Testing ways to take advantage of the existing high-voltage network by using existing technologies combined with new customer contracts
    ·          Offsetting the need for new infrastructure improvement costs being passed on to customers
    ·          Releasing previously untapped emergency network capacity for everyday use


    Creating and using LV network templates to identify network stresses


    ·          Collecting data for use in modelling long-term system behaviours        
    ·          Identify patterns of variability in substation demand profiles to create templates
    ·          Application of templates to identify network pressure points

    Gavin Shaddick

    Gavin Shaddick, Reader, The University of Bath

    Furong  Li

    Furong Li, Professor, The University of Bath



    Networking Lunch



    Power Network Demonstration Centre, Strathclyde University - testing the operational capability of new technology by simulating multiple network event scenarios

    Ander Madariaga

    Ander Madariaga, Research Fellow, Power Network Demonstration Centre


    ·          Designing a real testing environment for distribution automation on high and low voltage networks
    ·          Analysing emerging technologies for improved monitoring
    ·          Accelerating the testing process by testing for major events missed during the normal course of a field trial with different network topologies


    Combining energy storage with demand-side management in order to increase the hosting capacity in an existing distribution network

    Johan  Söderbom

    Johan Söderbom , Head of Department, R&D for Distribution and Sales , Vattenfall



    ·          Experiences from the Smart Grid Gotland Project in Sweden
    ·          Challenges in the Vattenfall network on Gotland
    ·          Integrated "Smart Grid" approach to address the challenges
    ·          Additional benefits based on a storage solution


    Afternoon Tea



    Active distribution system management as a key tool for the smooth integration of distributed generation

    Gunnar  Lorenz

    Gunnar Lorenz, Head of Unit - Networks, Eurelectric


    ·          Exploring  network planning and access options that would reduce the need for investment
    ·          Determining the minimum technical criteria of distributed generation for proper integration into the network
    ·          Using flexibility to solve distribution grid constraints - technical tools that allow DSOs to become real ‘system operators’


    Adding value in distribution automation: monitoring systems

    Andrew Starr

    Andrew Starr, Professor, Cranfield University


    ·          Value from condition monitoring: improved availability, reduced maintenance and life extension
    ·          Distributed monitoring systems: architecture and data structure
    ·          Remote monitoring of the distribution and downstream systems.


    Chair’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Ander Madariaga

    Ander Madariaga, Research Fellow, Power Network Demonstration Centre

    Project Manager, Future Networks and Policy
    SSE Power Distribution
    Head of Department, R&D for Distribution and Sales
    Managing Director
    Outram Research Ltd
    VP, Smart Grid Technologies & Grid Management
    Dan & Adam Ltd
    Policy Manager
    Western Power Distribution
    C2C Technical Manager
    Electricity North West
    Consulting Systems Engineer
    Senior Technology Transfer Engineer
    UK Power Networks
    Manager Grid Information & Control
    Head of Development, Network Operations
    Fortum Distribution
    Research Fellow
    Power Network Demonstration Centre
    Head of Asset Information Systems
    E.ON Group
    Cranfield University
    Director Critical Infrastructure Security, Secure Network Systems
    ViaSat Inc.
    The University of Bath
    The University of Bath
    Imperial College London
    Head of Unit - Networks
    Head of Strategy and Smart Grid
    ERDF Electricite De France

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    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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