Associated with the conference there will be a half-day interactive workshop on:
'Tools and Techniques for Optimal Drug Development Portfolio Planning: Portfolio Selection, Resource Allocation, and Risk Mitigation'
taking place on Tuesday 28th of July. Leading this workshop will be Vladimir Shnaydman, President, ORBee Consulting
To see more information about the workshop, please see the comprehensive workshop page
Conference agenda
Optimization of strategic portfolio planning
Technique overview
Components of portfolio optimization tool
-Projects value – qualitative, quantitative (rNPV)
-Resources – money, manpower
-Business rules and strategic goals
Portfolio scenarios
-Modification of strategic goals
-Bottleneck analysis
-Contingency planning
Risk and uncertainty in portfolio planning
Strategic and operational risk
Risk assessment techniques
Flaw of averages
Portfolio simulation for risk assessment and analysis of risk mitigation strategies
Workflow modelling
Portfolio simulation/animation
Portfolio value vs. risk
Analysis of risk mitigation strategies
-Contingency planning
-Growth options/secondary indications
-Reformulation (new tricks for old drugs)
-In- out-licensing
Chairman's Opening Remarks Tony Ellery, Former Global Head of Lifecycle Management in Portfolio Management, Novartis, Ellery Consulting Linking portfolio management with business strategy
Developing an integrated approach to portfolio management
Closing the gap between theory and practise
Adapting to the organisational culture
Tips for successful integration
Presentation content contributed to by:
Miriam Halperin Wernli, Head Business and Science Affairs, Actelion Pharmaceuticals
Hans Hoogkamer , Senior Director, Business and Science Affairs, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Portfolio management: Integrated approaches to R&D Mellor Hennessy, Global Portfolio Strategist, AstraZeneca • Aligning portfolio & productivity with corporate strategy
• How to identify, select and manage a new project from R&D and drive up performance
• Informed and effective resource allocation Tailoring R&D portfolio management to the needs of your company Kerstin Bode-Greuel, Lecturer, University of Essen/PME Institute
The ‘must-haves’ and the ‘optionals’ in R&D portfolio management
Requirements in companies of different sizes
Managing the portfolio across the discovery/development interface
Effective portfolio risk management
Project and portfolio risk analysis Kimber Hardy, Head of Valuation and Analysis, Portfolio Management , Merck Serono
Measuring Project and Portfolio Risk
Portfolio simulations. Monte Carlo analysis
Correlated risks in development portfolios
Risk mitigation
Where is the strategy in the strategy? Mike Rea, Chief Executive Officer, IDEA Pharma
What does portfolio strategy mean in early phase?
Aligning Discovery, Clinical, Market Access and Commercial
Integrating Value Proposition in early phase development: biomarkers, PROs, PE assessment
Holistic portfolio management at Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Alessio Merlin, Director, Strategic Planning , Bayer Schering Pharma
Key elements of portfolio management approach
Decision analysis process at R&D milestones
Bridging strategy claims and operational reality
Life Cycle Management - the academic spin-out contribution Howard Stevens, Professor, University Of Strathclyde
Innovation management in the universities
Success case studies
Managing spin-out interface with big pharma
Portfolio Management – It’s not about the numbers Tim Harris, Director, Respiratory & Immuno-inflammation Portfolio Management, GSK
Why Portfolio Management should not just focus on probabilities and NPVs
How to integrate the context into the thinking
The fully integrated strategic portfolio
Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One Tony Ellery, Former Global Head of Lifecycle Management in Portfolio Management, Novartis, Ellery Consulting Chairman's Opening Remarks Tony Ellery, Former Global Head of Lifecycle Management in Portfolio Management, Novartis, Ellery Consulting Managing a mixed portfolio: Making key decisions at the science, project, resource, and governance level Carmel Egan, Vice President Project Management, Eli Lilly
Managing diverse portfolios comprised of small chemical structures and a range of complex biomolecules
Providing portfolio governance from discovery through commercialization, decision making and prioritization
The factors involved in the reliable delivery of a blended portfolio comprised of 30%-40% biomolecules
Lilly’s approach to achieve improved patient outcomes
Fully utilising the external universe of talent and capabilities to optimally manage a complex portfolio
PANEL DISCUSSION: In-house portfolio vs. in-licensing/out-licensing strategies
Big Pharma R&D (Research & Development) vs. Big Pharma S&D (Search & Development)
Different approaches and experiences across pharmaceutical industry
How the Biotech Company Strategies fit to these changes
Marie Bernasconi, Global Program Team Director, Novartis Tony Ellery, Former Global Head of Lifecycle Management in Portfolio Management, Novartis, Ellery Consulting Carmel Egan, Vice President Project Management, Eli Lilly Mellor Hennessy, Global Portfolio Strategist, AstraZeneca New approaches towards managing a portfolio of innovation projects Ulrich Betz, Director, Merck
Innovation management at Merck Serono
Cross-divisional idea competition
Using new web2.0 tools
Fostering innovativeness and entrepreneurial thinking
Creating and challenging LCM brand plans Tony Ellery, Former Global Head of Lifecycle Management in Portfolio Management, Novartis, Ellery Consulting
Selecting and implementing sustainable LCM strategies
Combining LCM strategies for maximum effectiveness
Credibility / robustness tests for LCM brand plans
Life-cycle Management - Applied case study
Early stage LCM: How to maximize value of products across lifecycle, when to implement and execute
Experiences of being close to the market
Lessons to be learned
Marie Bernasconi, Global Program Team Director, Novartis Early stage strategies and intellectual property Julie Barrett-Major, Director of Intellectual Property, Norgine Ltd
"Publish and be Damned!" (Duke of Wellington) - Patent issues in early stages
Patents as tools to assist portfolio management
Patents as taskmasters in product lifecycles
"What's in a Name?" (Shakespeare) - Naming issues in early stages
Trademarks considerations in product portfolios
An update on data protection developments: Elisabeth Berthet-Maillols, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, Armengaud-Guerlain
The global marketing authorization (MA) regarding various holders of MAs
The global MA regarding racemate/enantiomer : citalopram/escitalopram and zopiclone/eszopiclone cases
What about the data protection of a new generation of a biologic product ?
The reference product
Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Afternoon Tea - Close of Day Two
Holiday Inn Bloomsbury 28 June 2011 London, United Kingdom
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