3D Cell Culture
20 February - 21 February 2019
3D Cell Culture

SAE Media Group’s 3rd Annual Conference
3D Cell Culture
February 20-21, 2019 | London, United Kingdom
Cell Culture in an important tool for research and development within the life science industry. Over the past few years, 3D Cell Culture has gained momentum within the pharmaceutical industry due to the benefits that this model offers over conventional cell culture methods. 3D cell culture enables cells to grow and interact with their surroundings in all three dimensions, better mimicking the in-vivo conditions in which the cells are naturally present. This enhances the ability for scientists to study basic biological mechanisms such as cell number monitoring, cell viability, proliferation and morphology. 3D cell cultures also have greater stability and longer life spans.

Researchers globally are realizing the potential of 3D cell culture for various applications, including testing and discovering new drugs to treat cancer, organ-on-chip models to study the human physiology in an organ specific context, and 3D cell printing to produce organ models. Therefore, this market is likely to grow over the next few years and is in fact projected to reach USD 1.7 Million by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 20.3% between 2017-2022. Growth in this market is also driven by global factors such as a need for alternative methods to animal resting, funding from governments and private entities and technological advancements in the field.

Join us in February 2019, as we look at the latest developments in the 3D Cell Culture field. Network with industry experts, gain insight into how the pharmaceutical industry is utilizing 3D Cell Culture technologies to enhance research and development, discuss the potential for novel in-vitro cell culture models to replace animal models, and discover novel 3D cell culture systems, organ-on-chip, 3D imaging of organoids and other technologies in development.


Andrew Spragg

Andrew Spragg

Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, Jellagen Pty Ltd
Asli Akidil

Asli Akidil

Cell and Molecular Scientist , AstraZeneca
Gary Allenby

Gary Allenby

Business Development Director and Chief Scientific Officer, Aurelia Bioscience
Jason Ekert

Jason Ekert

Head of Complex In Vitro Models, GSK
Philip Hewitt

Philip Hewitt

Head of Early Investigative Toxicology, Merck KGaA
Stefan Przyborski

Stefan Przyborski

Proessor of Cell Technology, University of Durham
William Mattes

William Mattes

Director, Division of Systems Biology, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Andrew Spragg

Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, Jellagen Pty Ltd
Andrew Spragg

Prof. Andrew Mearns Spragg is a scientific entrepreneur and marine biotechnology pioneer with a successful track record of growing venture backed technology businesses.

For the past 18 years, his career has focused on the creation of companies involved with the commercial exploitation of marine biotechnologies. Andrew has successfully raised to date over £16M in equity finance from VCs and Angels and has secured competitive grant funding from EU and UK sources worth >£3M. He was the recipient of the 2007 Gannochy Award and Medal from the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scotland’s highest award for Innovation and his entrepreneurial achievements were recognised through winning the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the year 2008 in Health Care for Scotland. Andrew holds Honorary Professorships from the University of Stirling (2012-2016) and University of the Highlands and Islands. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Royal Society of Biology and is an Emeritus Member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh’s Young Academy of Scotland.

Andrew founded Jellagen in 2013, and established the first manufacturing plant of Jellyfish Collagen as well as building in-house collagen standards and first data sets. He is a member of the Board and Executive Committee, responsible for Scientific and Technology strategy, Product Development and Business Development activities.

Anne Rios

Principal Investigator, Princess Maxima Center
Anne Rios

Anne Rios obtained her PhD in 2011. Her work represented a novel cell signalling mechanism that triggers the differentiation of a defined subset of cells within a stem pool (Nature, 2011). She, then joined the laboratory of Professors Visvader focusing on Breast Cancer. In 2016, she received the Medical Innovation Award (Centenary Institute Lawrence Creative Prize Winner) for her postdoctoral’s work (Nature, 2014). In 2017, she was appointed group leader at the Princess Máxima Center and head the Princess Máxima Imaging Centre. She is currently investigating the cellular mechanisms underlying pediactric and adult solid tumor progression using State-of-the-art imaging technologies.

Asli Akidil

Cell and Molecular Scientist , AstraZeneca
Asli Akidil

Asli Akidil is a cell and molecular scientist within the Microphysiological Systems Centre of Excellence (MPS CoE), which is part of the Drug Safety and Metabolism(DSM) department at AstraZeneca. The MPS CoE team aims to implement both healthy and diseased-based organ-on-a-chip models for preclinical drug safety assessments and provide a platform on which early innovative drug delivery systems can be further tested. She is currently focusing on the implementation of the liver-on-a-chip platform and on the development of biomarker detection methods by employing automated confocal imaging and analysis processes.
After graduating from Hacettepe University with a BSc in Chemistry, Asli went on to complete her MSc in Advanced Material Sciences at the University of Ulm, specialising in Biomaterials. She wrote her master’s thesis at the world-renowned Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, where she focused on designing in vivo like 3D platforms for both cancer and healthy cell lines.
Upon completing of her thesis, Asli joined the Molecular Genetics for Myeloid Leukaemia clinical research group at the University Hospital of Ulm. Here, she was part of a study that performed mutation analysis in genes that are known to be involved in hematopoietic differentiation and proliferation, which result in acute myeloid leukaemia.
She then spent three years as a researcher based in the Welcome Trust Sanger Institute and worked on collaborative projects, funded by the Medicines for Malaria Venture and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The research project was to identify new anti-malarial compounds as well as define the alternations in human malaria parasites genomes that causes resistance to current drugs and treatments. To achieve this, she worked on the development of new molecular genetic approaches with CRISPR/Cas9 technology.

Gary Allenby

Business Development Director and Chief Scientific Officer, Aurelia Bioscience
Gary Allenby

After completing a Ph.D. in reproductive toxicology I post-doc’ed at Hoffmann La Roche U.S.A, studying the pharmacology of retinoid biology. I returned to the U.K. into Lead Generation at Glaxo Wellcome, developing cell-based assays and working with vendors to validate new technologies for screening. In 2000 I joined Hit Identification at AstraZeneca, developing assays for respiratory and inflammatory disease and continuing to work with vendors. In 2011 I became a founding entrepreneur of Aurelia Bioscience, a pre-clinical contract research organisation specialising in the development of cell-based assays for compound and biologics screening. Our unique selling point is the development of more physiological phenotypic assays.

George Vlachogiannis

Senior Scientific Officer, The Institute of Cancer Research
George  Vlachogiannis

I took my undergraduate and postgraduate training as a molecular biologist in Greece, the University of Washington (Seattle, WA, USA), and the University of Cambridge (UK). In 2008 I joined the CRUK London Research Institute and Julian Downward’s lab as a PhD candidate, where I investigated potential synthetic lethal interactions with loss of the tumour suppressor gene PTEN. Following the completion of my PhD training I joined the ICR and Nicola Valeri’s team, where I established and characterized a large biobank of organoids from patients with various metastatic gastrointestinal cancers.

Heloise Ragelle

Postdoctoral researcher, Roche
Heloise  Ragelle

Héloïse Ragelle is a postdoctoral researcher at Roche Innovation Center Basel developing organ-on-a-chip systems for ophthalmic drug development. She has a PhD in pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences from UCLouvain where she developed nanoparticles for nucleic acid therapy. In addition, she obtained postdoctoral training at MIT where she worked on stem cell matrices and 3D-printed biomaterials.

Himjyot Jaiswal

Senior Scientist, Novo Nordisk
Himjyot Jaiswal

I am senior scientist in discovery biology and pharmacology department in Novo Nordisk, Oxford working on developing stem cell derived hepatocyte platform to do complex disease modeling and screening. Currently I am optimizing 2D and 3D protocols for different stem cell derived tissues to study organ crosstalk during metabolic disease. Prior to this I was working at Astra Zeneca, Gothenburg, developing the inducible CRISPR-Cas9 system to do gene modification in vivo and in vitro.
I received Ph.D in Biochemistry from University of Freiburg, Germany on the study of ribosome associated chaperone and its role in translation. upon completion of Ph.D. I moved to Karolinska institute, Sweden for my Postdoc studying the activity of ATM kinase in stopping the cell cycle after double strand break using live cell reporters.


Jason Ekert

Head of Complex In Vitro Models, GSK
Jason Ekert

I head the Complex In Vitro Models group in the R&D Platform Technology & Sciences organization at GlaxoSmithKline. I lead an integrated enterprise strategy for sustained, portfolio driven growth in R&D applications of human-relevant and translatable complex in vitro models (eg Spheroids, Organoids, MPS and bioprinting). Before coming to GSK I spent 11 years at Janssen BioTherapeutics in early biotherapeutic drug discovery in target discovery, drug validation and MOA studies applying complex cell-based assays across multiple therapeutic areas. My current focus at GSK is to improve predictive validity of early preclinical models leading to better characterized molecules, decreased R&D cycle time and a reduction in attrition.

Kevin Fournier

Sales and Applications Manager, Poietis
Kevin Fournier

Kevin Fournier studied medicine, cell biology and toxicology. He obtained his PhD in 2015 at the
French School of Public Health, where he worked on cumulative impact of indoor contaminants
on human health.During his PhD, his mentors were Andreas Kortenkamp, Bernard Jégou,
Nathalie Bonvallot and Denis Zmirou-Navier.
He then worked for 2 years at the French Consumer Institute as head of health and cosmetics
departments. His works gave rise around twenty published articles that have contributed to
changes in the consumption patterns in France.
He is now responsible for sales and in vitro application systems at Poietis since 2018.

Krzysztof Wrzesinski

CSO/Founder, CelVivo ICS
Krzysztof Wrzesinski

Krzysztof Wrzesinski is CSO and co-founder of CelVivo IVS, a company dedicated to 3D-cell culture technology. He received his PhD in 2005 (University of Southern Denmark-SDU). As postdoctoral fellow (at the Danish Biotechnology Instrument Centre-DABIC) he developed Laser-Micromanipulation-System able to operate on live tissues (collaboration with Olympus-Denmark A/S) From 2009 he worked in DrugMode ApS and became General Manager in 2010. In 2011 he became Associate Professor at SDU and co-founded ‘Tissue-Culture-Engineering-Laboratory’ research group. He is focusing on physiological characterization of 3D-tissue like structures and establishing in-vitro systems for pre-clinical development of drugs and toxicological assessment of chemicals.

Marta Rucka

Product Manager, Promega
Marta Rucka

Michael Raghunath

Head Center for Cell Biology & Tissue Engineering Director Competence Center TEDD, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Michael  Raghunath

Michael Raghunath is a physician scientist heading the Center for Cell Biology & Tissue Engineering at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. From 2003-2016 he was a tenured Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore (Biomedical Engineering/Biochemistry/A*STAR Institute for Medical Biology). As council member of TERMIS-EU, he is experienced in fundamental, clinical and industrial research with accomplishments in the fields of in matrix biology (pathobiochemistry of collagens and elastic microfibrils) and skin biology (wound repair, cornification disorders). He has pioneered the systematic use of macromolecular crowding as novel technology in tissue engineering to build cell-specific and lineage-directing microenvironments.

Michele Zagnoni

Senior Lecturer, University Of Strathclyde
Michele Zagnoni

Dr Michele Zagnoni leads a multidisciplinary research group focussed on the development of microfluidic technologies for healthcare applications, including fundamental biological research, drug screening, personalized medicine therapy, organ-on-a-chip and synthetic biology (www.zagnonilab.com). Recently, he became the Chief Scientific Officer of ScreenIn3D.www.screenin3d.com

Patrick Kugelmeier

Director of Science, Kugelmeiers
Patrick Kugelmeier

Patrick Kugelmeier studied medicine and did his medical thesis in islet transplantation for the treatment of Diabetes. The joy of research led to an MD-PhD program for the early differentiation of stem cells. Cell culture technologies at that time didn't allow for good data reproducibility, because stem cells were cultured in 2D. Fueled by the clinical need of small, size-controlled cell clusters to improve islet transplantation and the insights from the sensitivity of stem cells, he began to develop what was later to become the Sphericalplate 5D.
After the MD-PhD program, he did his clinical training in visceral and transplant surgery followed by trauma surgery. Besides the clinical work, the Sphericalplate 5D was further developed. Finally, it became clear that this technology opens a new dimension in cell transplantation and regenerative medicine and Dr. Kugelmeier decided to quit surgery to fully live this vision within a startup-company, the Kugelmeiers AG.

Philip Hewitt

Head of Early Investigative Toxicology, Merck KGaA
Philip Hewitt

I originally trained as a Medical Biochemist at the University of Birmingham (1986-1989). I worked as a Research Assistant in the Pharmacology and Toxicology Department at Imperial College, London where I received my PhD in the lab of Dr Sharon Hotchkiss. The main theme of the research project was “percutaneous absorption: metabolic and kinetic parameters”. In 1996, I transferred to The University of California, San Francisco, in the Dermatology Department; I spent 18 months there under the guidance of Prof. Howard Maibach. In 1998 I started a permanent position in the Institute of Toxicology at Merck KGaA in Germany, where I established the Molecular Toxicology Group. I am currently responsible for early cytotoxicity screening, hepatotoxicity methods, biomarker monitoring, CYP induction studies, genotoxicity testing and cytokine screening. I work with several PhD students, on external collaborative projects and I am team representative on several internal pharmaceutical projects.

Richard Oreffo

Director, Centre for Human Development, University Of Southampton
Richard Oreffo

Professor Richard OC Oreffo

Richard holds the chair of Musculoskeletal Science and is co-founder and Director of the Centre for Human Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration at the University of Southampton. He leads the Bone and Joint Research Group, a large multidisciplinary research group focused on developing strategies to repair bone & cartilage and understanding bone development; with translation a key personal driver. To achieve these goals, he has brought together and developed teams of clinicians and life scientists over the last twenty years. In 2014, his group conducted the first 3D titanium-bone stem cell impaction bone graft.
Richard serves / has served on a number of Research Council Committees, Industrial committees and international advisory boards and holds a number of visiting professorships. He has published over 285 peer-reviewed papers (H-index 63; >14,000 citations ISI WoS), including breakthrough publications on skeletal stem cells and nanotopography, bone regeneration as well as epigenetics, holds 6 patents and is founder and CSO of Renovos Biologics Limited (www.renovos.co.uk) spun out in 2017.

Robert Vries

Managing Director, Hubrecht Organoid Technology
Robert Vries

Robert received his PhD in Biochemistry form the Leiden University Medical Center on the study of Oncogenic cell transformation. He subsequently moved to Stanford University (USA) to do his Post Doc studying neural stem cells. Upon his return to the Netherlands he continued the study of stem cells in the group of Prof Hans Clevers at the Hubrecht Institute in The Netherlands.
In the group of Hans Clevers he was part of the team that developed the breakthrough technology that allowed the expansion of adult stem cells. The so called Organoid Technology became the basis of the non-profit company ‘Hubrecht Organoid Technology’ (HUB) of which he is currently the managing director.


Sally Price

Head of Cell and Translational Science, Medicines Discovery Catapult
Sally  Price

Sally Price is Head of Cell and Translational Science at the Medicines Discovery Catapult (MDC), an Innovate UK backed not-for-profit company supporting the UK SME community to develop better medicines. She is responsible for a team of scientists developing complex cell models that will enable better translation of drugs to the clinic. Sally has significant expertise in applying in vitro models to drug discovery gained from a decade of working in the pharmaceutical industry, leading several global collaborations with academic groups and supporting a number of SMEs. She has particular interests in developing better models for neurodegenerative and kidney diseases.

Samuel Jackson

Programme Manager, Disease Models, NC3Rs
Samuel Jackson

Dr Jackson was awarded a PhD in Neurobiology in 2004 for work studying the role of the cannabinoid system in neurodegeneration related to multiple sclerosis. During postdoctoral positions at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, UCL and QMUL, he developed and employed animal and in vitro models of demyelinating disease to probe therapeutic approaches to remyelination and neuroprotection. Following 3 years at Eli Lilly working on the neurobiology and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, Dr Jackson left the lab to apply his knowledge of animal and alternative modelling at the NC3Rs. He is currently managing a programme of work to enable the development and uptake of human tissue based models, microphysiological systems and other alternative methods to diverse research areas, including cancer and safety pharmacology.

Stefan Przyborski

Proessor of Cell Technology, University of Durham
Stefan Przyborski

Professor Przyborski holds an academic position as Professor in Cell Technology at Durham University. He has over 25 years experience in cell biology with specific interests in cell culture technology, neuroscience and stem cell research. In recent years he has developed a multi-disciplinary approach through collaborative projects with physical scientists to develop novel ways of solving biological problems. He has formed alliances with pharmaceutical and biotech companies, has published over 100 scientific papers and has filed several patents. He is also the founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Reinnervate (now part of ReproCELL Europe), a biotechnology company founded in 2002 as a spinout from Durham University UK. Professor Przyborski is developing new and innovative ways to manage the growth and function of cultured cells. These enabling technologies have multiple applications and will be particularly relevant to building models of human tissues to advance basic research and drug discovery.

William Mattes

Director, Division of Systems Biology, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
William Mattes

Dr. Mattes is the Director of the Division of Systems Biology, part of the FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Research. He has been an independent consultant as well as Director of Toxicology at the Critical Path Institute where he developed and directed the Predictive Safety Testing Consortium (PSTC), a collaboration of the world’s major pharmaceutical companies, with FDA and EMEA advisors. This work resulted in the establishment of a formal process of FDA/EMA biomarker qualification. Dr. Mattes also developed the COPD Biomarkers Qualification Consortium. Dr. Mattes other positions included senior scientific director of Toxicogenomics at Gene Logic, Associate Director of Toxicogenomics and Group Leader of Genetic Toxicology at Pharmacia Corp, Kalamazoo, MI, Group Leader of Experimental Toxicology and Metabolism at Ciba Pharmaceuticals, Summit, NJ, and Group Leader of Molecular and Cellular Toxicology, Ciba-Geigy Agricultural Chemical Division, Farmington, CT.

Wouter Strijker

Business Developer, Mimetas
Wouter Strijker

Wouter Strijker is business developer at Mimetas. Mimetas develops better predictive human tissue and disease models using organ-on-a-chip technology. His core-product, the OrganoPlate®, allows perfused 3D cell culture, membrane free co-culture and culture of tubules and vessels. Mimetas works for nearly all major pharmaceutical companies worldwide on a variety of models for compound screening and toxicity testing. As a business developer, Wouter initiates and manages these collaboration with great enthusiasm.
Wouter received a bachelor’s degree in life sciences & technology and a Master in Management, Policy-Analysis and Entrepreneurship in the Life Sciences. Before joining Mimetas, he worked at HollandBIO, the Dutch biotech industry association.


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Stefan Przyborski, Proessor of Cell Technology, University of Durham



Development and application of bioengineered models of human tissues in vitro

Stefan Przyborski, Proessor of Cell Technology, University of Durham

  • Novel cell culture technologies are providing new opportunities to bioengineer human tissue constructs in vitro
  • Such tissue equivalent models enable the development of new in vitro assays and assessment of drug activity
  • Building models that more accurately simulate normal tissue structure for R&D use will enhance the predictive accuracy of in vitro assays
  • Here we demonstrate the potential of such technology to create new opportunities for discovery research, drug assessment and safety screening
  • clock


    From the Well to the Cell: Novel Technologies for Imaging and Analysis in 3D Cell Culture Workflows

    Wouter Strijker, Business Developer, Mimetas

  • Development of physiologically relevant organ-on-a-chip tissue models for drug development
  • Translatable assays and readouts for healthy and diseased human organ models
  • Quantitative characterization of complex phenotypic effects using high content imaging and 3D analysis
  • clock


    Musculoskeletal regeneration harnessing preclinical models for tissue repair

    Richard Oreffo, Director, Centre for Human Development, University Of Southampton

  • Overview of UKRMP Smart Materials HUB work in the field
  • Development of ex vivo and organotypic models for skeletal tissue repair – a simple screen approach
  • Use of innovative biomaterials in skeletal repair
  • Translation and challenges of skeletal tissue engineering approaches for patient benefit
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Novel approaches to study cell health and signalling in 3D microtissues

    Marta Rucka

    Marta Rucka, Product Manager, Promega

  • Considerations for choosing the best 3D-compatible assay
  • Real-time approaches to save precious samples and time
  • Making the most of your 3D microtissues: same-well or sequential multiplexing for more biologically relevant data



    3D cell culture in the advancement of medicines discovery

    Sally Price, Head of Cell and Translational Science, Medicines Discovery Catapult

  • The need for 3D models in developing new medicines and current challenges
  • Developments in 3D models that are advancing medicines discovery
  • How the Medicines Discovery Catapult is using 3D cell cultures in collaborative projects
  • Examples/case studies from our work
  • clock


    Improving preclinical predictivity with human-based 3D models

    Samuel Jackson, Programme Manager, Disease Models, NC3Rs

  • The failure of compounds during clinical development has been linked to the poor predictivity of models used for basic research and drug development
  • New technologies are rapidly evolving which enable complex 3D cell culture models to be built with human cells or tissue, and which closely mimic some aspects of human physiology and disease
  • Application of these technologies to basic research and drug development holds the promise of being able to better predict safe or efficacious medicines before clinical trials are initiated
  • In addition, these new ways of working often bring time or money savings, and minimise the reliance on animal models
  • In this talk the principles of implementing the 3Rs with new technology will be illustrated with examples from the NC3Rs and wider research community
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    CRACK-IT: Development of 3D eye models for early assessment of retinal toxicity

    Philip Hewitt, Head of Early Investigative Toxicology, Merck KGaA

  • What is a CRACK-IT challenge?
  • Why Establish human 3D retinal cell model: perspective from the pharmaceutical industry
  • iPSC derived multiplayer retinal models: first functional characterization – and safety testing
  • Potential use of 3D retinal models in future toxicity testing paradigms
  • clock


    PANEL DISCUSSION: Will 3D Cell Culture replace animal models?

  • Advantages and disadvantages of 3D Cell Culture vs animal models
  • Where are we now; and where do we need to go?
  • Is the technology advanced enough to fully replace animal models?
  • Future of 3D Cell Culture
  • Stefan Przyborski, Proessor of Cell Technology, University of Durham

    Jason Ekert, Head of Complex In Vitro Models, GSK

    Himjyot Jaiswal

    Himjyot Jaiswal, Senior Scientist, Novo Nordisk



    Afternoon Tea



    Tools, not toys: from innovation to regulatory application

    William Mattes, Director, Division of Systems Biology, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

  • An incredibly important consideration for any new technology is what decisions will be made by its use
  • The “Context of Use” should guide what information is needed to “validate” a new technology
  • The role of new technologies in regulatory processes can be informed by Biomarker / Drug Development Tool Qualification process developed by FDA and EMA
  • clock


    Amplification of extracellular matrix via macromolecular crowding in 2D, 3D, cell culture and in bioprinting

    Michael Raghunath, Head Center for Cell Biology & Tissue Engineering Director Competence Center TEDD, Zurich University of Applied Sciences

  • The importance of the cellular microenvironment in controlling cell behavior and fate
  • Current highly aqueous culture conditions impair efficient ECM deposition
  • Overcoming this issue by introducing macromolecular crowding (MMC) into the culture medium of monolayer cultures or hydrogels
  • MMC adopted by the pharma industry for antifibrotic screening: production of stem cell matrix, and tuning the microarchitecture of bioprinted collagen hydrogels
  • clock


    Meeting tissue engineering challenges with 4D bioprinting

    Kevin Fournier, Sales and Applications Manager, Poietis

  • Laser assisted bioprinting
  • 3D bioprinting
  • Tissue engineering
  • 3D in vitro tissue models
  • clock


    3-dimensional imaging of organoids

    Anne Rios, Principal Investigator, Princess Maxima Center

  • Protocol of 3D imaging of intact organoids
  • High throughput 3D live imaging and automated quantification
  • In vivo model for human cancer based on organoid technology
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Stefan Przyborski, Proessor of Cell Technology, University of Durham



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Asli Akidil, Cell and Molecular Scientist , AstraZeneca



    3D goes clinical – Modified islet transplantation as blueprint for future 3D cell transplantation

    Patrick Kugelmeier, Director of Science, Kugelmeiers

  • The future operating theatre will be the laboratory
  • 3D cell culture as a prerequisite for future cell transplantation applications
  • Challenges in preparing a clinical trial for cell therapy using the example of modified islet transplantation
  • Consequences for future cell therapies
  • clock


    Not all 3-D is the same! The development of cell-based assay formats for compound profiling using

    Gary Allenby, Business Development Director and Chief Scientific Officer, Aurelia Bioscience

  • Electrospun fibres have been used to generate a high throughput chemotaxis model for profiling compounds using human derived primary cells in 3-D
  • Electrospun fibres can be used to grow human iPSC derived cortical neurones for profiling of compounds for safety assessement in 3-D
  • Who needs a plate washer – we will show data generated in a number of kinetic cell based binding assays in which we have used electrospun fibre to manipulate cells to improve assay performance
  • Combination of electrospun fibres and 3-D printing – an example of how to generate more complex models of biology in a well plate
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    Metabolic equilibrium in 3D environments: a key to stable, reproducible, mimetic tissues

    Krzysztof Wrzesinski, CSO/Founder, CelVivo ICS

  • The two ‘extremes’ of cellular programming - the cultural divide between 2D and 3D cell cultures
  • Analysis of the proteomes and cellular architecture at these two extremes
  • Tissue like hypoxia promotes the recovery of functional processes in-vitro
  • The next generation 3D omnigravital spheroid cell culture system
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Developing translationally relevant 3D models for pre-clinical drug development

    Jason Ekert, Head of Complex In Vitro Models, GSK

  • Challenges and opportunities in developing translationally relevant 3D models
  • What components need to be considered when developing human relevant and predictive 3D models?
  • How do we characterize, scale and automate 3D models in preclinical drug discovery?
  • clock


    Human 3D ophthalmic and neuronal models for drug development

    Heloise Ragelle, Postdoctoral researcher, Roche

  • Presentation of 3D models of the brain and retina
  • Applications and limitations of such models for drug development and safety testing
  • Future trends and needs in the field
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    Jellagen, a next generation collagen matrix for 3D cell culture application

    Andrew Spragg, Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, Jellagen Pty Ltd

  • Introduction to Jellagen
  • Why jellyfish collagen
  • Cell culture models case study for tissue engineering 
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    A microfluidic platform for 3D oncology

    Michele Zagnoni, Senior Lecturer, University Of Strathclyde

  • Performing drug screening of tissue derived from cancer patient biopsies using physiologically relevant 3D tumour models presents challenges due to the limited amount of available cell material
  • We have developed a microfluidic platform that enables drug screening of  multicellular spheroids derived from tumour biopsies, allowing extensive anticancer compound screening prior to treatment
  • This technology could prove a useful tool for personalised medicine and future drug development
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    Automated confocal imaging and analysis process for liver-on-a-chip platform

    Asli Akidil, Cell and Molecular Scientist , AstraZeneca

  • Advantages of a liver-on-a-chip platform over traditional 2D models
  • Introduction to automated confocal imaging and analysis process on liver-on-a-chip platform
  • Benefits of using automated imaging and analysis process as a detection method
  • Challenges of optimizing the automated analysis process for the quadruple co-culture liver-on-a-chip platform
  • clock


    Organoids: a patient in the lab

    Robert Vries, Managing Director, Hubrecht Organoid Technology

  • Patient derived adult stem cells Organoids are a clinically relevant in vitro model
  • Genetically stable, long term expanding, epithelial cultures
  • Capture patient population heterogeneity and intra patient heterogeneity
  • Use of human airway organoids for the in vitro study of hereditary, malignant or infectious pulmonary diseases
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Co-clinical trials using patient-derived organoids in metastatic gastrointestinal cancers

  • Bio-banking organoids from metastatic patients enrolled in clinical trials
  • Characterizing organoids and parental biopsies
  • Performing High-throughput screenings in 3-D
  • Co-clinical trial results: comparing responses observed in the lab with patients’ outcomes
  • George Vlachogiannis, Senior Scientific Officer, The Institute of Cancer Research



    Organoids for advanced disease modelling and drug discovery

    Himjyot Jaiswal, Senior Scientist, Novo Nordisk

  • 3D culture system is emerging, not only as new  tool in early drug discovery but also as potential therapeutics to treat disease.
  • 3D system mimics the complex  in vivo cellular heterogeneity.
  • 3D organoid model comprised of multiple cell types provide an attractive approach to investigate key intra- and intercellular signalling pathways.


  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Founder & Chief Scientific Officer
    Jellagen Pty Ltd
    Principal Investigator
    Princess Maxima Center
    Cell and Molecular Scientist
    Business Development Director and Chief Scientific Officer
    Aurelia Bioscience
    Senior Scientific Officer
    The Institute of Cancer Research
    Postdoctoral researcher
    Senior Scientist
    Novo Nordisk
    Head of Complex In Vitro Models
    Sales and Applications Manager
    CelVivo ICS
    Product Manager
    Head Center for Cell Biology & Tissue Engineering Director Competence Center TEDD
    Zurich University of Applied Sciences
    Senior Lecturer
    University Of Strathclyde
    Director of Science
    Head of Early Investigative Toxicology
    Merck KGaA
    Director, Centre for Human Development
    University Of Southampton
    Managing Director
    Hubrecht Organoid Technology
    Head of Cell and Translational Science
    Medicines Discovery Catapult
    Programme Manager, Disease Models
    Proessor of Cell Technology
    University of Durham
    Director, Division of Systems Biology
    U.S. Food and Drug Administration
    Business Developer

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Official Media Partner


    Speaker Interview GEORGE VLACHOGIANNIS, The Institute of Cancer Research


    JUST UPDATED 3D Cell Culture Attendees 2019


    Past Attendee List for 3D Cell Culture


    Speaker Interview WOUTER STRIJKER, Mimetas


    2017 Speaker Presentation - Corning


    2017 Speaker Presentation - MERCK


    2017 Speaker Presentation - ROCHE


    2018 Speaker Presentation - AstraZeneca


    2018 Speaker Presentation - GSK


    2018 Speaker Presentation - JELLAGEN


    Speaker Interview - ASLI AKIDIL, AstraZeneca


    3D CEll Culture - WORKSHOP


    Conference Speakers


    3D Cell Culture 2019 2-DAY AGENDA


    Speaker Interview PATRICK KUGELMEIER, Kugelmeiers


    Speaker Interview ROBERT VRIES, Hubrecht Institute


    Speaker Interview PHILIP HEWITT, MERCK


    3D Cell Culture 2019 Brochure


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Competence Centre TEDD

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Competence Centre TEDD - The first centre of its kind. The continually rising numbers of compound failures leading to early withdrawals and the increasing cost of drug development are fuelling the demand for biologically more complex cell models. Here, physiological relevance is key for improving the predictive power of cell-based assays. 3D cell culture technology, organ-like tissue models and associated analytical tools are essential for basic and pharmaceutical research as well as for the evaluation of chemicals and cosmetics. The TEDD Competence Centre is a collaborative innovation platform, dedicated to 3D cell culture technology and organ-like tissue models for drug development, substance testing, personalized and regenerative medicine. Thus, TEDD also promotes the 3R of animal welfare with a particular emphasis on the third R, replace. As an information and matchmaking hub, TEDD transfers knowledge and technologies in order to promote the development and application of 3D cell culture. The TEDD community is currently composed of partners from academia, clinical medicine and industry. The industrial partners represent the majority of TEDD partners and comprise a spectrum from young spin-off company to world player. Thus, TEDD represents the entire value chain of biotech R&D relevant for 3D tissue engineering, be it ultra flat 3D monolayer culture, bioprinted tissue constructs, or organoids.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    InoCure s.r.o. is a SME focused on development of advanced nanomaterials for life science use. We are developing drug delivery and scaffolding systems based on nano/microparticles (µSphere technology) and nanofibrous systems (InoMATRIX technology). InoCure helps its partners design next generation of drug delivery systems and introduce those into mass production.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Jellagen is a UK Marine Biotechnologies Company based in Cardiff, UK, whose strategic mission is to utilise sustainable marine species and natural resources to develop a range of state of the art scientific products. Currently, Jellagen offers products in its first range of 2D & 3D Cell Culture Reagents with the second phase to include medical devices and biomaterials in the areas of wound and regenerative medicine. www.jellagen.co.uk

    Molecular Devices

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    As one of the world’s leading providers of instruments and software for cellular imaging and analysis, we enable scientists working in pharmaceutical development and life science research to get deeper insights into their 2D and 3D biology. Our ImageXpress family of systems offers a wide range of technologies, including:
    • • 3D Confocal Imaging
    • • Live Cell Imaging
    • • High-Content Imaging & Analysis
    • • Widefield Imaging
    • • Automated Microscopy
    All our systems support a wide variety of applications, including organ-on-a chip assays, 3D biology, spheroid assays, stem cell imaging, cell viability, proliferation and morphology, neurite outgrowth, cardiomyocytes and much more. From routine assays to high-content screens to investigate compound effects on physiological models, we can help you to address your specific research questions. In addition to an extensive range of assays, we can also address just about any combination of throughput, content, and budget needs.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Promega is a global leader in providing innovative solutions and technical support to life scientists asking fundamental questions about biological processes and applying scientific knowledge to discover new therapeutics, diagnose and treat diseases and use genetics for human identification. Promega offers a portfolio of cell-based assays for phenotypic analysis of 3D cell cultures.

    Media Partners

    Drug Discovery Today

    Official Media Partner

    Drug Discovery Today covers the whole of the preclinical drug discovery process. The reviews are cutting edge, written by experts in their respective fields and cover all aspects of drug discovery from genomic and proteomic approaches, computational drug design, medicinal chemistry and the translation of these sciences to therapies.

    Genetic Engineering News

    Official Media Partner

    Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN) is the most authoritative and widely read biotechnology news publication in the world.Published 21 times a year,GEN's unique news and technology focus include the entire bioproduct life cycle from early-stage R&D to applied research and bioprocess through to commercialization. GEN is the only publication that provides the full range of the biotechnology market coverage in areas such as omics, drugs and biomarker discovery, bioprocessing, clinical research, molecular diagnostics and biobusiness. For a free subscription go to: http://www.genengnews.com/subscriptions.aspx

    Drug Target Review

    Official Media Partner

    Drug Target Review’s quarterly magazine, website and annual events program provides high quality content with peer-written articles that are submitted exclusively by the world’s most respected scientists in their field. This attracts a committed base of readers, users and delegates made up of senior decision-makers from the life science and drug discovery industries at the top pharmaceutical companies, as well as academics and scientists from the top research institutes across the globe.


    Official Media Partner

    Labiotech.eu is the leading digital media covering the European Biotech industry. Over 100,000 monthly visitors use it to keep an eye on the business and innovations in biotechnology. Hope you'll enjoy reading our stories!


    Official Media Partner

    Biocompare.com is the leading resource for up-to-date product information, product reviews, and new technologies for life scientists. Biocompare combines an in-depth knowledge of life science products and new technologies with the power of the Internet to offer scientists the most dynamic, relevant, and innovative media-based marketplace for life science information.

    Media Partners

    BioChem Adda


    BioChem Adda is a Not-just-for-Profit organization which aims to bring out the most reliable and transparent information about everything related to jobs, careers, education, news, articles, and events from the field of BioSciences and Chemistry!





    Gate2Biotech is a portal that unites biotechnological community in Central Europe. It covers all the news in the field of biotechnology. Thanks to the the portal the companies engaged in the field can easily search for research institutions and other partners to solve technical problems they are facing and here they can also present their services offer to potential partners from the Czech Republic and abroad. Gate2Biotech portal serves as a bridge connecting scientific and commercial sector. It incorporates offices and support organizations dedicated to promoting transfer of innovative technologies into a unified communication platform of Czech and international biotechnologies. As a mediator of information it draws attention to biotechnologies and support of their application and transfer into practice. It also functions as a tool for encouraging non-professionals (especially scientists and students) towards innovative business or applied research.

    Contract Biotechnology


    Contract-Biotechnology.com is a web-based platform for laboratory outsourcing solutions. It is an online R&D matching tool that connects Scientifics and service and product providers worldwide. The platform Contract-Biotechnology.com would help you in the process of finding the right partner saving time and money, because with one single and secure application you would be able to receive multiple quotes quickly, keeping your contact information confidential. Contract-Biotechnology.com is the new Collaboration Network Model for Discovery Research and Development. Contract-Biotechnology.com team has extensive experience working for pharmaceuticals, biotechs, universities and academic research institutes and can help you addressing your key gaps.

    Swiss Biotech Association


    The Swiss Biotech Association (SBA) is the national industry association for biotechnology, including pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, agriculture, food, cosmetics, environmental biotechnology, and specialty chemicals. Members are companies active in modern biotechnology, such as R&D, Production, Marketing and Sales, Finance, Services and Consulting. SBA provides a networking platform for Life Science clusters, academic and federal institutions the like. Founded in March 1998, the Association grows steadily.

    Technology Networks


    Founded in 2000, Technology Networks is established as the leading news provider for life science and drug discovery professionals. In addition, we provide unique content including webcasts, videos, application notes and posters from recent conferences. Our portfolio now includes around 30 focussed scientific communities, all of which are accessible free of charge within TechnologyNetworks.com



    Pharmalicensing (www.pharmalicensing.com) is the premier biopharmaceutical Open Innovation resource designed for professionals involved with partnering, licensing and business development worldwide. Actively supporting all forms of partnering and in- and out-licensing activities, Pharmalicensing utilizes the unique online Showcase Profiling & Discover services, as well as its renowned Partnering Search service leveraging its global network of industry experts, to enable companies to identify and engage with appropriate partners around the world. Pharmalicensing is actively utilized by many tens of thousands of industry professionals each month. Pharmalicensing is a division of Cognis Group, Inc.



    Pharmalicensing (www.pharmalicensing.com) is the premier biopharmaceutical Open Innovation resource designed for professionals involved with partnering, licensing and business development worldwide. Actively supporting all forms of partnering and in- and out-licensing activities, Pharmalicensing utilizes the unique online Showcase Profiling & Discover services, as well as its renowned Partnering Search service leveraging its global network of industry experts, to enable companies to identify and engage with appropriate partners around the world. Pharmalicensing is actively utilized by many tens of thousands of industry professionals each month. Pharmalicensing is a division of Cognis Group, Inc.



    MedNous is a print publication and website about medical innovation in Europe. It carries exclusive interviews with companies that are at the forefront of medical technology, as well as contributor articles from prominent practitioners. Our mission is to identify significant advances in medicine and to explain how this innovation is being commercialised. In doing so, we talk to venture capitalists about what products and platforms they are supporting. We report on how regulators cope with the accelerating pace of innovation. And we regularly cover the latest developments in the discovery and development of new medical concepts in the area of antibodies, vaccines, small molecules, regenerative medicine and nanomedicines. MedNous combines the English word for medicine with the Greek word for intellect. And those with nous are readers of our publication. Visit our website: www.mednous.com



    CanBiotech - A Portal and B2B Outsourcing Marketplace for the Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry. The Marketplace features the Outsourcing Services Showcase; the Portal features our biopharmaceutical and venture capital directories and databases. Publications include the BioMedical Outsourcing Report and the Bio Outsourcing Asia© Publication.

    SciDoc Publishers


    SciDoc Publishers is a major source provider of e-journals in the field of Science, Technology and Medicine (STM). The nature of journals - Open Access and Peer-reviewed. We are aimed with a sole motive in making a mark in the field of Open Access, by propagating the knowledge to the scientific community. Our prime concern involves, the knowledge to reach millions of readers and give them access to scientific publications - online.



    IPI – International Pharmaceutical Industry Established by professionals with over 30 years experience in the Pharmaceutical and Life sciences publishing sectors. We have identified the needs of these dynamic industries, and have listened carefully to our readers and advertisers. With strong collaboration between Pharmaceutical and Life sciences Industry Associations we have created a global distribution network. We give you a promise to become a reliable extension of your marketing and communication arm. If necessary we will integrate our expertise with your needs. Incorporating new and innovative communication methods we will help to highlight your expertise.

    Drug Development Technology


    Drugdevelopment-technology.com covers every aspect of the drug development and research process, from conception to pre-FDA approval. Our global network of journalists updates the site with the latest and most significant industry developments. This coverage allows us to provide everyone - from senior management through to research and QA staff – with in-depth reviews of the latest projects, advance notice of new product releases and analysis of the latest procedural and legislative developments.

    Bentham Science


    Bentham Science Publishers is a major STM journal publisher of 130 plus print and online journal. Out of these, 40 journals have already registered good IMPACT FACTORS as per Journal Citation Reports® 2017. These titles have extensive readership mostly in Europe and North America. For a detailed profile please visit our website at http://www.benthamscience.com. Besides, Bentham Science publishes eBooks in all areas of Science, Technology and Medicine. Our eBooks provide professionals, academicians, corporate researchers, graduates and undergraduates worldwide with the most current information in their subject areas of interest. Our eBooks are also available in the ePub and Kindle formats besides the PDF edition here http://ebooks.benthamscience.com/. Bentham is offering attendees of this conference discounts on its publication. For more information click here

    Copthorne Tara Hotel

    Scarsdale Place
    London W8 5SR
    United Kingdom

    Copthorne Tara Hotel

    The Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington is an elegant contemporary four-star hotel in prestigious Kensington, located just a two minutes walk from High Street Kensington underground station, making exploring easy. The hotel offers well-appointed and comfortable guest rooms combining Standard, Superior and Club accommodation. Club rooms offer iconic views over the city and include Club Lounge access for complimentary breakfast and refreshments. Guests can sample the authentic Singaporean, Malaysian and Chinese cuisine at Bugis Street, traditional pub fare at the Brasserie Restaurant & Bar or relax with a delicious drink at West8 Cocktail Lounge & Bar.

    The Copthorne Tara Hotel boasts 745 square meters of flexible meeting space, consisting of the Shannon Suite and the Liffey Suite, ideal for hosting conferences, weddings and social events. Facilities include access to the business centre 24 hours a day, fully equipped fitness room, gift shop, theatre desk and Bureau de Change. With ample onsite parking outside the London congestion charge zone and excellent transport links via Heathrow Airport, the hotel is the perfect location for business or leisure stays. The hotel is within close proximity to the shops of High Street Kensington, Knightsbridge and Westfield London, Olympia Conference Centre, Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Palace and Hyde Park.




    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7827 6000 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7827 6001
    Website: http://www.smgconferences.com Email: events@saemediagroup.com
    Registered in England - SMi Group Ltd trading as SAE Media Group

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