Drug Discovery

SAE Media Group proudly presents its inaugural Drug Discovery conference in London, 2017!

In recent years, the Pharmaceutical/Biotech industry has undergone radical changes which have increased our understanding of drug discovery and development, however there are still many hurdles that the industry face.

The gap between a laboratory discovery and an approved drug on the market is a decade-long process of laboratory testing, evaluation in animal models and human clinical trials that can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. SAE Media Group's inaugural Drug Discovery conference 27th-28th March 2017 aims to bridge the gaps in approval for drug discovery and development by discussing the latest scientific breakthroughs, exploring novel technologies and approaches that can be used to overcome drug development challenges.

Our Drug Discovery conference highlights the latest scientific breakthroughs and new approaches that are driving the success of the drug discovery industry. The conference explores innovative technologies and approaches that can be used to overcome drug development challenges and bring together industry leaders who will highlight future opportunities for novel therapeutic discovery.

Now is the time to invest and join us next March for SAE Media Group's inaugural Drug Discovery conference!



Guido Hanauer

Guido Hanauer

Scientific Director Translational Medicine, Takeda
Lorenz Mayr

Lorenz Mayr

Vice President and Global Head, Reagents & Assay Development, AstraZeneca
Matthias Frech

Matthias Frech

Director Molecular Interactions and Biophysics, Merck KGaA
Stevan Djuric

Stevan Djuric

Senior Director Discovery Chemistry and Technology, AbbVie

Anthony Nicholls

President, CEO, OpenEye Scientific Software
Anthony Nicholls

Eric Valeur

Associate Director, New Modalities & Lead Generation , AstraZeneca
Eric Valeur

Guido Hanauer

Scientific Director Translational Medicine, Takeda
Guido Hanauer

Lewis Vidler

Research Scientist, Eli Lilly & Co
Lewis Vidler

Lorenz Mayr

Vice President and Global Head, Reagents & Assay Development, AstraZeneca
Lorenz Mayr

Marta Westwood

Senior Scientist, UCB Pharma Limited
Marta Westwood

Matthias Frech

Director Molecular Interactions and Biophysics, Merck KGaA
Matthias Frech

Michael Hennig

CEO, leadXpro AG
Michael Hennig

Nigel Swain

Senior Medicinal Chemist , Heptares Therapeutics
Nigel  Swain

Patrick Jimonet

External Innovation Drug Discovery, Sanofi
Patrick Jimonet

Reyk Horland

Head of Business Development, Tissuse G Mb H
Reyk Horland

Roderick Hubbard

Senior Fellow, Vernalis Research Ltd
Roderick  Hubbard

Steffen Jaensch

Senior Scientist, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV
Steffen Jaensch

Steffen Weinbrenner

Head Drug Discovery, Polyphor Ltd
Steffen Weinbrenner

Stephen Pickett

Senior Scientific Investigator, GSK Fellow, GlaxoSmithKline
Stephen  Pickett

Stevan Djuric

Senior Director Discovery Chemistry and Technology, AbbVie
Stevan Djuric

Ulrich Schopfer

Head of Integrated Target & Lead Discovery, Novartis
Ulrich Schopfer

Werngard Czechtizky

Section Head, Medicinal Chemistry, Sanofi-Aventis
Werngard  Czechtizky


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Opening remarks and introductions

Patrick Jimonet

Patrick Jimonet, External innovation for lead generation , Sanofi

Eric Valeur

Eric Valeur, Associate Director, New Modalities & Lead Generation , AstraZeneca



Current hit finding strategies and small molecule collections have clear limitations

Patrick Jimonet

Patrick Jimonet, External innovation for lead generation , Sanofi

Eric Valeur

Eric Valeur, Associate Director, New Modalities & Lead Generation , AstraZeneca



New modalities and technologies can address targets intractable with classical approaches

Patrick Jimonet

Patrick Jimonet, External innovation for lead generation , Sanofi

Eric Valeur

Eric Valeur, Associate Director, New Modalities & Lead Generation , AstraZeneca



Morning Coffee



New business models, partnerships, consortia, open innovation, give access to external knowledge and innovative solutions

Patrick Jimonet

Patrick Jimonet, External innovation for lead generation , Sanofi

Eric Valeur

Eric Valeur, Associate Director, New Modalities & Lead Generation , AstraZeneca



Outlook: will directed evolution, synthetic biology, microfl uidics, and other novel approaches enable a new lead generation paradigm?

Patrick Jimonet

Patrick Jimonet, External innovation for lead generation , Sanofi

Eric Valeur

Eric Valeur, Associate Director, New Modalities & Lead Generation , AstraZeneca



Close of Workshop

Patrick Jimonet

Patrick Jimonet, External innovation for lead generation , Sanofi

Eric Valeur

Eric Valeur, Associate Director, New Modalities & Lead Generation , AstraZeneca



Registration & Coffee

Klara Valko

Klara Valko, Director, Bio-Mimetic Chromatography Consultancy



Most important physicochemical and biomimetic properties in early drug discovery process - lead optimisaiton

Klara Valko

Klara Valko, Director, Bio-Mimetic Chromatography Consultancy



Octanol/water partition and chromatographic lipophilicty in comparison to biomimetic protein and phospholipid binding

Klara Valko

Klara Valko, Director, Bio-Mimetic Chromatography Consultancy



Afternoon Tea



Comparing various lipophilicity scales by solvation equation approach’ strucute - binding propertly relationships; Models for in vivo distribution, drug effi ciency, tissue binding

Klara Valko

Klara Valko, Director, Bio-Mimetic Chromatography Consultancy



Examples for the application of these properties



Close of workshop

Klara Valko

Klara Valko, Director, Bio-Mimetic Chromatography Consultancy



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Werngard  Czechtizky

Werngard Czechtizky, Section Head, Medicinal Chemistry, Sanofi-Aventis



Transforming and Translating Drug Discovery – Use of the CRISPR/Cas9 Technology in Target Discovery, Hit Finding and Translational Studies

Lorenz Mayr

Lorenz Mayr, Vice President and Global Head, Reagents & Assay Development, AstraZeneca

  • Overview of PGE and introduction to CRISPR/Cas9
  • technology
  • Applications in target fi nding, hit & lead discovery,
  • efficacy & safety models
  • AstraZeneca’s unique approach towards innovation
  • & collaboration
  • Case studies from AstraZeneca’s drug discovery programmes
  • Future outlook of PGE for drug discovery & therapeutic applications




    Quality by design in support of early discovery

    Stephen  Pickett

    Stephen Pickett, Senior Scientific Investigator, GSK Fellow, GlaxoSmithKline

  • Designing a compound collection to support different screening paradigms
  • Maximizing information from high throughput and phenotypic screening
  • Predictive modeling to support lead generation and optimization
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Orion: CADD reimagined as a cloud enterprise

    Anthony Nicholls

    Anthony Nicholls, President, CEO, OpenEye Scientific Software

  • Orion is OpenEye’s reimagining of all the elements of CADD conducted entirely within a cloud service, in our case Amazon Web Services (AWS), delivered as either a hosted system or an in-house VPC solution
  • As a 'cloud native' platform Orion completely automates and manages access to large scale AWS processing and storage
  • In-cloud facilities include molecular design, 3D visualization, data analysis, results/method sharing and project organization
  • All of OpenEye science is included, enabling users to construct innovative workflows with Floe, our pipelining tool
  • As an open platform Orion allows for straightforward integration of third-party code (customer, academic, vendor)
  • Interaction with Orion is via a simple webpage, deliverable on any internet-enabled device
  • clock


    Fragments for drug discovery and chemical biology

  • Recent experience with conventional (kinases) and more challenging (Bcl-2 and Mcl-1) targets
  • Current topics in fragment methods - 3D fragments,off-rate screening
  • Fragments for chemical biology (antimicrobial target ID and activating industrial enzymes)
  • Roderick  Hubbard

    Roderick Hubbard , Senior Fellow, Vernalis Research Ltd



    Networking Lunch



    Structure based drug discovery on membrane protein targets: New developments and advancements

    Michael Hennig

    Michael Hennig, CEO, leadXpro AG

  • Structure based drug discovery for soluble proteins is routinely used in pharmaceutical industry, but transmembrane proteins are still challenging
  • Progress in membrane protein expression, purifi cation and solubilization as well as use of serial crystallography at synchrotron and Free Electron Laser (FEL)
  • Recent developments on single particle cryo-Electron
  • Microscopy for high resolution structure determination
  • Outline of new opportunities for hit and lead discovery using information derived from biophysical methods and structures of membrane protein drug targets


  • clock


    Large scale analysis of a pharmaceutical company database to inform future drug discovery

    Lewis Vidler

    Lewis Vidler, Research Scientist, Eli Lilly & Co



    Afternoon Tea



    Approaches to identify small molecule binders and more

    Marta Westwood

    Marta Westwood, Senior Scientist, UCB Pharma Limited



    Phenotypic screening in drug discovery

    Ulrich Schopfer

    Ulrich Schopfer, Head of Integrated Target & Lead Discovery, Novartis



    New approaches in lead generation: Towards drugs for every targets

  • Limitations of current hit finding strategies and small molecule collections
  • New business models, partnerships, consortia, open innovation in lead generation
  • Addressing ‘intractable’ targets with New modalities and novel technologies
  • A new lead generation paradigm with synthetic biology, drug conjugates, and novel mode of actions
  • Patrick Jimonet

    Patrick Jimonet, Manager, Sanofi

    Eric Valeur

    Eric Valeur, Associate Director, New Modalities & Lead Generation , AstraZeneca



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Werngard  Czechtizky

    Werngard Czechtizky, Section Head, Medicinal Chemistry, Sanofi-Aventis



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Guido Hanauer

    Guido Hanauer, Scientific Director Translational Medicine, Takeda



    Is translational medicine capable to increase success rate in the pharmaceutical industry?

    Guido Hanauer

    Guido Hanauer, Scientific Director Translational Medicine, Takeda

  • Tasks of translational medicine
  • Tools used in translational medicine
  • Critical evaluation of these tools
  • Reinventing translational medicine
  • clock


    Image-based phenomics for drug discovery

    Steffen Jaensch

    Steffen Jaensch, Senior Scientist, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV



    Morning Coffee



    Advancing structural information of ligand-receptor complexes

    Matthias Frech

    Matthias Frech, Director Molecular Interactions and Biophysics, Merck KGaA



    Application of enabling chemistry technology to the acceleration of the drug discovery process

    Stevan Djuric

    Stevan Djuric, Senior Director Discovery Chemistry and Technology, AbbVie



    Networking Lunch



    Macrocycles as new therapeutic modalities for challenging targets in drug discovery

    Steffen Weinbrenner

    Steffen Weinbrenner, Head Drug Discovery, Polyphor Ltd



    Determination of high-resolution X-ray structures of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to discover new drug lead compounds

    Nigel  Swain

    Nigel Swain, Senior Medicinal Chemist , Heptares Therapeutics



    Afternoon Tea



    Expanding the chemical space using NPs: Internal approaches & collaborations

    Werngard  Czechtizky

    Werngard Czechtizky, Section Head, Medicinal Chemistry, Sanofi-Aventis

  • Overview on Sanofi natural products
  • NP based collaborations
  • Toxins – from isolation to synthesis and structure elucidation
  • TAFIa inhibition – converting a NP to a potent SM lead compound
  • clock


    Multi-Organ-Chip developments: Towards a paradigm shift in drug development?

    Reyk Horland

    Reyk Horland, Head of Business Development, Tissuse G Mb H



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Guido Hanauer

    Guido Hanauer, Scientific Director Translational Medicine, Takeda

    President, CEO
    OpenEye Scientific Software
    Associate Director, New Modalities & Lead Generation
    Scientific Director Translational Medicine
    Research Scientist
    Eli Lilly & Co
    Vice President and Global Head, Reagents & Assay Development
    Senior Scientist
    UCB Pharma Limited
    Director Molecular Interactions and Biophysics
    Merck KGaA
    leadXpro AG
    Senior Medicinal Chemist
    Heptares Therapeutics
    External Innovation Drug Discovery
    Head of Business Development
    Tissuse G Mb H
    Senior Fellow
    Vernalis Research Ltd
    Senior Scientist
    Janssen Pharmaceutica NV
    Head Drug Discovery
    Polyphor Ltd
    Senior Scientific Investigator, GSK Fellow
    Senior Director Discovery Chemistry and Technology
    Head of Integrated Target & Lead Discovery
    Section Head, Medicinal Chemistry

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Official Media Partner

    Official Publication


    2017 Delegate Profile List


    Interview with Lewis Vidler, Research Scientist, Eli Lilly


    Interview with Patrick Jimonet, Sanofi


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Cisbio Bioassays

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Cisbio Bioassays develops and markets products and technologies used for in vitro diagnostics and drug discovery. With its proprietary technology, HTRF®, the company is a leader in homogeneous fluorescence detection methods, and offers first class assays and services for drug discovery researchers. In addition, Cisbio Bioassays provides a broad range of immunoassays for in vitro diagnostics, mainly tailored for cancerous pathologies, as well as metabolic and auto-immune diseases. Based in Codolet, France, Cisbio Bioassays owns facilities in Bedford, MA, U.S.A., Shanghai, China, and Tokyo, Japan, and also markets its global offer through a network of distributors.

    OpenEye Scientific Software

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    OpenEye has built a solid reputation as a scientific leader in the field of molecular design based on two decades of delivering useful applications and programming toolkits. Our scientific approach has focussed on the power of molecular 3D structure to inform and guide, in particular via the concept of shape similarity. We have changed industry perception of what is possible with the speed, robustness and scalability of our tools and have recently built these into a ground-up, cloud-native platform, Orion. Combining unlimited computation and storage with powerful tools for data sharing, visualization and analysis in an open development platform, Orion offers unprecedented capabilities for drug discovery and optimization.

    Media Partners

    Chimica Oggi – Chemistry Today

    Official Media Partner

    Chimica Oggi – Chemistry Today, the international journal of Fine Chemicals, Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, is a peer reviewed, bimonthly journal, specialized in fine chemistry, pharmaceuticals, analytical technologies, chemical engineering and biotechnology of the TKS – TeknoScienze Publisher. Founded in 1983 Chimica Oggi – Chemistry Today soon became a leading journal in linking industry and academia and gained an immediate appreciation.

    Media Partners

    International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics

    Official Publication

    IJMEI promotes an understanding of the structural/functional aspects of disease mechanisms and the application of technology towards the treatment/management of such diseases. It seeks to promote interdisciplinary collaboration between those interested in the theoretical and clinical aspects of medicine and to foster the application of computers and mathematics to problems arising from medical sciences. IJMEI includes authoritative review papers, the reporting of original research, and evaluation reports of new/existing techniques and devices. Each issue also contains a comprehensive information service.

    International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology

    Official Publication

    IJBET addresses cutting-edge research in the multi-disciplinary area of biomedical engineering and technology. Medical science incorporates scientific/technological advances combining to produce more accurate diagnoses, effective treatments with fewer side effects, and improved ability to prevent disease and provide superior-quality healthcare. A key field here is biomedical engineering/technology, offering a synthesis of physical, chemical, mathematical and computational sciences combined with engineering principles to enhance R&D in biology, medicine, behaviour, and health. IJBET includes the Asia-Pacific Chapter in Biomedical Wireless Technology (APC-BWT).

    International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine

    Official Publication

    Functional informatics and personalised medicine in the new era of biomedical sciences and computational sciences are interactive disciplines that hold great promise for the advancement of cutting-edge research and development in biomedical informatics and pharmaceutical sciences. IJFIPM is dedicated to promoting the research, education and awareness of functional informatics and personalised medicine, and provides a common platform for the cross-fertilisation of ideas by bridging important and complementary disciplines into an interactive and attractive forum.

    International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design

    Official Publication

    IJCBDD, an International Society of Intelligent Biological Medicine official journal, bridges the gap between two very important, complementary disciplines, computational biology and drug design. Through advances in high-throughput genome sequencing and digital imaging technologies, biocomputing, drug design and medical research have unfolded new, predictive sciences such as genomics, proteomics, lipidomics, metabolomics, cytomics and pharmaconomics. These promote new computational, statistical and biomedical approaches to drug design/development, besides unleashing the potential of significantly more accurate, effective personalised diagnosis, therapeutics and patient care.

    Int. J. of Biotechnology

    Official Publication

    IJBT provides an international forum and refereed authoritative source of information in the field of Biotechnology and Biotechnics, with emphasis on management and economics, as well as the political and social issues. It aims to disseminate knowledge, provide a learned reference in the field, and establish channels of communication between academic and research experts, policy makers and executives in industry, commerce and investment institutions.

    Media Partners

    International Pharmaceutical Industry


    IPI gives you an insight into all areas of Biopharm, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare. IPI provides a proven supportive means of communication to the Pharmaceutical, Bio Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Medical Devices industry, incorporating the latest in research and technology innovations, regulatory guidelines, marketing and communication strategies.



    FarmavitaR+ is the professional network of experts and service providers. Network is gathering local consultants from 90 countries in Europe, Asia, North America, Latin America, Australia and Africa. Management of international, multi-centre projects is our core competence. FarmavitaR+ is providing solutions related to pharmaceutical, medical device, food supplement and cosmetic products. Scope of services is related to solutions for product development, quality assurance, clinical trials, product registration, portfolio analysis, lifecycle management, vigilance/risk management, pricing/reimbursing, market access and promotional compliance. FarmavitaR+ is brand name of Farmavita Regulanet Ltd. Visit https://farmavitar.com for more information. Outsource anything you can think of!



    SelectScience is an independent, online information resource for the worldwide scientific community, and the home of trusted information for laboratory scientists. Discover the latest drug discovery and development technologies, products and techniques with product reviews, videos, application notes and news articles. Become a member for free today.

    Medical News Today


    Medical News Today is the largest independent medical and health news site on the web - with over 10,000,000 monthly unique users it is ranked number one for medical news on all major search engines. Medical News Today is used by pharmaceutical, biotech and health organizations, advertising agencies, PR companies and vertical ad networks to deliver targeted campaigns to HCPs, patients and caregivers. To find out how Medical News Today can help you to reach the right audience contact peter@medicalnewstoday.com or visit www.medicalnewstoday.com.



    Labsave is the leading savings website for Laboratory Equipment and Lab Supplies. We work closely with the top suppliers in the world to bring you the best products at the most competitive prices. We are constantly striving to secure the biggest and most exclusive offers that you won’t find anywhere else! http://www.labsave.com/



    The RareBase Networking Portal links people and companies throughout the world with an interest in rare and paediatric diseases.

    Swiss Biotech Association


    The Swiss Biotech Association (SBA) is the national industry association for biotechnology, including pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, agriculture, food, cosmetics, environmental biotechnology, and specialty chemicals. Members are companies active in modern biotechnology, such as R&D, Production, Marketing and Sales, Finance, Services and Consulting. SBA provides a networking platform for Life Science clusters, academic and federal institutions the like. Founded in March 1998, the Association grows steadily.

    Pharmaceutical Technology


    Pharmaceutical-technology.com is the only website focusing specifically on issues relevant to pharmaceutical professionals working with technology, be it development, engineering, IT or production. Pharmaceutical-technology.com brings you the latest in industry projects and updates, along with the news, views and trends that leading professionals – from senior executives to manufacturing managers and heads of procurement – require to stay on top of their field.



    Pharmalicensing (www.pharmalicensing.com) is the premier biopharmaceutical Open Innovation resource designed for professionals involved with partnering, licensing and business development worldwide. Actively supporting all forms of partnering and in- and out-licensing activities, Pharmalicensing utilizes the unique online Showcase Profiling & Discover services, as well as its renowned Partnering Search service leveraging its global network of industry experts, to enable companies to identify and engage with appropriate partners around the world. Pharmalicensing is actively utilized by many tens of thousands of industry professionals each month. Pharmalicensing is a division of Cognis Group, Inc.

    Inderscience Publishers


    Inderscience is a dynamic, leading, independent journal publisher. The company disseminates the latest research across the broad fields of science, engineering and technology; management, public and business administration; environment, ecological economics and sustainable development; computing, ICT and internet/web services, and related areas. Inderscience offers over 35 years' experience in publishing and has succeeded in building a substantial collection approaching 400 high-quality peer-reviewed international research journals in both online and print formats. We offer a variety of ways to keep up-to-date with the latest published leading-edge research while our online collection represents a fully-searchable digital archive of around 60,000 articles.



    Labiotech.eu is the leading digital media covering the European Biotech industry. Over 100,000 monthly visitors use it to keep an eye on the business and innovations in biotechnology. Hope you'll enjoy reading our stories!

    evvnt Ltd


    evvnt enables people all over the world to fill their events utilising the most effective event listing sites on the web. Every minute, with little more than a click, more events and conferences appear in listings, in search engines and on mobile - discoverable by both category and location. With next to no effort customers of evvnt get better attendance, while consumers find events they previously had no idea existed. To date customers in 70 countries worldwide have submitted over 500,000 thousand event listings, created over 300,000 live links, and generated 1 million clicks to ticketing and registration pages. Learn more at www.evvnt.com

    Drug Discovery Today


    Drug Discovery Today covers the whole of the preclinical drug discovery process. The reviews are cutting edge, written by experts in their respective fields and cover all aspects of drug discovery from genomic and proteomic approaches, computational drug design, medicinal chemistry and the translation of these sciences to therapies.

    BioChem Adda


    BioChem Adda is a Not-just-for-Profit organization which aims to bring out the most reliable and transparent information about everything related to jobs, careers, education, news, articles, and events from the field of BioSciences and Chemistry!



    PharmaVision offers a consultancy service providing independent pharmaceutical thematic research to the healthcare industry, the investment community and competitive intelligence specialists. We perform due diligence research and provide expert commentary in healthcare. Our reports combine scientific analysis in drug delivery, R&D technologies and pharmaceutical products including patient modelling, product/technology forecasts and market trends evaluation.

    Drug Development Technology


    Drugdevelopment-technology.com covers every aspect of the drug development and research process, from conception to pre-FDA approval. Our global network of journalists updates the site with the latest and most significant industry developments. This coverage allows us to provide everyone - from senior management through to research and QA staff – with in-depth reviews of the latest projects, advance notice of new product releases and analysis of the latest procedural and legislative developments.



    PharmaCircle is an innovative knowledge management company serving the current and future global leaders in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology related industries. PharmaCircle is a one stop information and analysis source for pipeline, products, clinical trials, drug delivery technologies, deals and acquisitions, company financials, venture capital investments, product sales, pharmaceutical services, news, patents and more….

    Technology Networks


    Founded in 2000, Technology Networks is established as the leading news provider for life science and drug discovery professionals. In addition, we provide unique content including webcasts, videos, application notes and posters from recent conferences. Our portfolio now includes around 30 focussed scientific communities, all of which are accessible free of charge within TechnologyNetworks.com



    MedNous is a print publication and website about medical innovation in Europe. It carries exclusive interviews with companies that are at the forefront of medical technology, as well as contributor articles from prominent practitioners. Our mission is to identify significant advances in medicine and to explain how this innovation is being commercialised. In doing so, we talk to venture capitalists about what products and platforms they are supporting. We report on how regulators cope with the accelerating pace of innovation. And we regularly cover the latest developments in the discovery and development of new medical concepts in the area of antibodies, vaccines, small molecules, regenerative medicine and nanomedicines. MedNous combines the English word for medicine with the Greek word for intellect. And those with nous are readers of our publication. Visit our website: www.mednous.com



    Biosave.com brings together the best Life Science promotions, product releases, featured products, publications, videos and events from 100’s of leading Life Science suppliers. Updated 24 hours a day, Biosave is constantly uploading special promotions and exciting product news that you won’t find anywhere else. Our goal is to provide our users with the most exclusive product information to help reach that all important purchasing decision.



    Absave.com is the leading savings website for Antibodies and Immunological Products. Search our extensive database of Antibodies, Kits, Proteins & Peptides, Reagents, etc. to find the best savings!

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    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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