About the conference
Following the successes of our previous KOL conferences in London, Munich and Stockholm over the past three years, SAE Media Group are proud to present the latest event in our KOL Management Portfolio - KOL: Knowledge Leader Partnerships.
Taking place in London, UK, this conference will look at the interaction between key academics/physicians and industry as a vital part of any marketing strategy to commercialise a new drug.
The identification and management of such key opinion leaders can be both challenging and rewarding for all involved. With controversy surrounding these interactions, the conference aims to focus on getting the relationship right between industry and academia. With leading opinion leaders giving their perspective alongside discussions from those in industry tasked with forging these relationships, this conference is a must attend event.
Allowing for plenty of discussion within the programme this conference is unique in providing an ideal platform to obtain the building blocks needed for successful KOL interactions, whilst offering networking opportunities throughout the day.
Help to dispel some of the myths that blight the public perception of these relationships by participating in healthy debate and discussion about the way to move forward with these essential exchanges.
Why not attend the associated workshops as well?
Associated with the conference there will be two half-day workshops taking place on 28th September
- Morning - Putting the Strategy into Opinion Leadership - Hosted by Rob Barker, Managing Partner, The Central Group
- Afternoon - KOLs - From Identification to Management - Hosted by Anja Frommelt, KOL Management Project Consultant, Bayer Schering Pharma
Led by leaders in their field, these workshops are an excellent opportunity to explore in a more intimate and interactive setting issues which will be discussed at the conference. Subjects covered include KOL identification and ranking, opinion leader management, opinion leader strategy, segmentation, assessing spheres of influence and creating the opinion leader plan. To see more information about the workshops, please see the opinion leader workshops page.
Keen to see the detailed programme? Click here.
Want to download the brochure? Click here.
Register for the event here!
Group discounts available - click here
Fancy speaking at the conference? Do you know of anyone who may be interested in speaking? We are always on the look-out for new speakers for our upcoming conferences. Let us know - contact the Conference Producer.
Who is chairing this event?
Day One
Isaac Batley
Joint Founder and CEO
iS Health Group
Day Two
Nick Broughton
Managing Director
Who is speaking at this event?
Our keynote speakers
Fiona Godlee
British Medical Journal
Ales Kminek
Medical Marketing Director
Gunnar Schröfel
Global Customer Relationship Excellence Expert
Bayer Schering Pharma
Tobias Gantner
Head Health Economics and Outcomes Research
Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Germany
To see the full agenda for the event, click here.
Our expert speakers
Philippe Fonjallaz, KOL Collaborations, Merck Serono
Nick Broughton, Managing Director, pharmaceuticalethics.com
Robert Nauman, Principal, BioPharma Advisors
Alan Morris, Head of Client Services, Complete Medical Group
Amanda Smith, Global Head, Caudex Medical
Christian Schweiger, Managing Director, Tachris AG
Isaac Batley, Joint Founder and CEO, iS Health Group
Sanjay Singhvi, Director, System Analytic
Kilian Weiß, Member of the Board, Mederi AG
Sebastian Weiß, Head of Consulting, Mederi AG

Transcription CD ROM
SMi are pleased to announce our Transcription CD ROM
What does it include?
- The latest presentations from each expert speaker
- Carefully transcribed speaker documentation in PDF format
- Convenience of having information in text for ease of reference
Please Note: If would prefer not to receive this service you can opt out by e-mailing cservices@smi-online.co.uk. A fee of £100 will be deducted from your purchase.
Collection CD ROM
Why not consider our collection CD ROM?
It will provide you with all the latest information as well as allow you to look back over the previous year's developments.
This collection includes:
- KOL Knowledge Leaders Partnerships (2010)
- Key Opinion Leaders Europe (2009)
- KOL Europe (2010)
- Key Opinion Leaders (2008)
- KOL Knowledge Leaders (2009)
Purchase this collection and save nearly £900 in comparison to buying the individual CDROM’s.
Conference agenda
Welcome and introductions The science of opinion leadership WORKSHOP: Practical case studies exploring how the position of the product on the adoption curve affects OL strategy Workshop feedback and discussion OL influence on product discontinuance, global vs. local needs of the OL strategy WORKSHOP: Creating the OL plan, the process and practical implications General discussion and questions Welcome and introductions Identifying relevant KOLs for a project Ranking criteria for KOLs Approaching KOLs for involvement and Regulatory considerations Managing the relationship A KOL's sphere of influence Chairman's opening remarks Isaac Batley, Joint Founder and CEO, iS Health Group Creating value from networks - A new approach towards integrated stakeholder management
Why the integrated perspective changes the game
How you can benefit along the product lifecycle
How our clients create value from networks
Kilian Weiß, Member of the Board, Mederi AG Sebastian Weiß, Head of Consulting, Mederi AG KOL management tools: more pain than pleasure Sanjay Singhvi, Director, System Analytic
Great in theory, but why so many failures in practice?
Sharing the burden of tracking and compliance: with agencies and KOLs themselves
New tools/models to address transparency/regulatory issues
Objectivity factors
Recruitment options
Is length of project a determining factor?
Philippe Fonjallaz, KOL Collaborations, Merck Serono Christian Schweiger , Managing Director, Tachris AG Stakeholder management - the holistic approach Christian Schweiger , Managing Director, Tachris AG
Integrated stakeholder management is more than KOL management
Definition and scope of SHM
The high importance of Professional Associations and challenges of co-operating with Patient Associations
Fostering your scientific credibility - how to establish contacts and long-term partnerships
Examples of co-operation with European Society of Cardiology, Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute and Federation of Scleroderma Associations
KOL - Partnership development Gunnar Schröfel, Global Customer Relationship Excellence Expert, Bayer Schering Pharma
Objective-driven approach to initiate partnership with KOLs
Internal alignment of KOL co-operations across functions in an international organisation
Streamlining internal communication in the course of the partnership
Organisational implications
'If you can say which corn will grow and which will not': A German healthcare futurist's view on pricing and reimbursement issues - what the Zeitgeist tries to tell us Tobias Gantner, Head Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Germany
Tectum cum proximum ardet: Global and local health political trends and issues
SHIs and governments as decision makers and distinctive players
Tempora mutantur: From share of voice via sales force to political guidance via HTA
Felix qui potest rerum cognoscere causas: The new KOL - from trusted partner to data trustree
"I fought the law...": Value Dossiers - tools of rational rationing and reasoning
Contracts and OR (outcomes research): methods, models and markets - not necessarily the same thing
Bene docet qui bene distiguit: Get involved in shaping your own future
The geophilosophic continental drift: Why KOLs do have their endemic zone
The unknown KOL: The educated citizen and the path to enlightnment
Broken states and broken myths: pharma responsibility and credibility of innovations in sight of overall national economics
Who are the KOLs of the future? Amanda Smith, Global Head, Caudex Medical
What's wrong with the current KOL model?
What has changed?
How far should the definition of KOL change?
Direct product involvement vs. therapeutic area knowledge
Increasing independence without sacrificing knowledge and reputation
Does public perception matter?
Amanda Smith, Global Head, Caudex Medical Tobias Gantner, Head Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Germany Chairman’s closing remarks and close of day one Re-registration and coffee Chairman's opening remarks Nick Broughton, Managing Director, pharmaceuticalethics.com Ales Kminek, Medical Marketing Director, AstraZeneca
KOLs in CEE and EU 15: similarities and differences
Optimal approach to KOLs: international or national?
Measurement of success/failure in KOL relations
Isaac Batley, Joint Founder and CEO, iS Health Group
Move from only 'prescribers' being KOLs
Benefits of using other health and medical workers
Where should the broadening definition of KOL stop?
Does having an intermediary between KOL and industry add to trust?
Is the split large enough to matter?
Who really benefits from the arrangement?
Isaac Batley, Joint Founder and CEO, iS Health Group Philippe Fonjallaz, KOL Collaborations, Merck Serono Ales Kminek, Medical Marketing Director, AstraZeneca Are KOLs good for healthcare? Fiona Godlee, Editor in Chief, BMJ
Impact of relationships on science and healthcare
Can straight marketing work?
Is there a need for doctors to be involved with industry?
National differences in a global industry Alan Morris, Head of Client Services, Complete Medical Group
National and regional differences: regulation, culture and usual practice
Global and local KOLs
Practical implications
A panel made up of some of the speakers from both days of the conference will offer their expertise to give delegates advice on how is best to plan, implement and develop a KOL project and relationship Tobias Gantner, Head Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Germany Alan Morris, Head of Client Services, Complete Medical Group Philippe Fonjallaz, KOL Collaborations, Merck Serono Regulation of KOL-industry relationships Nick Broughton, Managing Director, pharmaceuticalethics.com
The ABPI code
Do current regulations benefit pharma too much?
Should regulators get involved?
What changes would aid transparency
Payment strategies and structures for KOLs Robert Nauman, Principal, BioPharma Advisors
What represents 'fair market value' for payment of KOLs?
Determining individual influence
What is too much?
Chairman’s closing remarks and close of conference
Copthorne Tara Hotel 28 September 2010 London, United Kingdom Copthorne Tara Hotel 28 September 2010 London, United Kingdom
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SAE Media Group