Superbugs & Superdrugs

Antibiotics have been one of the most transformational discoveries in medicine saving millions of lives around the world. The rise of resistance poses an unprecedented threat to public health rekindling a drive for new, effective and safe drugs to beat the superbugs, combined with efforts to raise awareness around the use of antimicrobials.

 This conference takes a holistic look at the issues and aims to equip delegates to take on the challenges of conserving the effectiveness of existing antibacterial drugs, developing new ones and tackling biosecuiry and Ebola threats. Bringing in voices from pharma, academia, government, regulatory perspectives, consultants and funding bodies this conference is the ideal meeting place to share the latest updates, case studies and strategies to seize the opportunities ahead and  usher in the next generation of superdrugs.





Colin J Suckling

Colin J Suckling

Research Professor of Chemistry, University of Strathclyde
David Spring

David Spring

Professor of Chemistry , Cambridge University
Domingo  Gargallo-Viola

Domingo Gargallo-Viola

Chief Scientific Officer, ABAC Therapeutics
Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz

Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz

Director of Consulting, Office of Health Economics (OHE)
Neil Stokes

Neil Stokes

Head of Biology, Redx Anti-Infectives
Richard Bergstrom

Richard Bergstrom

Director General, EFPIA

Colin J Suckling

Research Professor of Chemistry, University of Strathclyde
Colin J Suckling

David Findlay

Commercial Director, II-ID Global Franchise, GlaxoSmithkline
David Findlay

David Scott

Licensing & Business Development Consultant, PharmaConsulting
David Scott

David Spring

Professor of Chemistry , Cambridge University
David Spring

David Williams

Chief Executive Officer, Discuva
David Williams

Dawn Firmin

Head of Project Management , MGB Biopharma
Dawn Firmin

Domingo Gargallo-Viola

Chief Scientific Officer, ABAC Therapeutics
Domingo  Gargallo-Viola

Fiona Marston

Chief Executive, Absynth Biologics
Fiona Marston

Frederick Wittke

Medical Director , Debiopharm International
Frederick  Wittke

Ian Friedland

Chief Medical Officer, Achaogen, Inc.
Ian  Friedland

Jerome Gabard

CEO, Pherecydes
Jerome  Gabard

Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz

Director of Consulting, Office of Health Economics (OHE)
Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz

Melissa Stundick

Acting Branch Chief, Broad Spectrum Antimicrobials Program, BARDA
Melissa Stundick

Neil Stokes

Head of Biology, Redx Anti-Infectives
Neil Stokes

Patricia Paukovits

Scientific Officer, European Commision
Patricia  Paukovits

Richard Bax

Senior Partner, TranScrip Partners
Richard Bax

Richard Bergstrom

Director General, EFPIA
Richard Bergstrom

Ryan Cirz

Director of Biology , Achaogen
Ryan  Cirz

Timothy Jinks

Senior Business Analyst, Wellcome Trust Innovations
Timothy Jinks

William Weiss

Director of Pre-Clinical Services, University of North Texas Health Science Center
William Weiss

Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Opening Remarks



Creating a target product profile

• Defining what is needed - definition of spectrum, indications and route of administration



Pre- clinical work to enable human studies

• What is specific to antimicrobials



Morning Coffee



Into man and defining the dose, PK/PD and



Clinical trials, indications, geographic



Closing remarks



End of workshop



Registration & Coffee



Introduction to licensing

• Overview of the licensing process
• Who should be included in the licencing



Preparing a product dossier format

• What are the key elements and issues
• What big pharma says it wants



Afternoon Tea



Product evaluation and due diligence

• 4-step process
• Key technical issues to consider



Open discussion



End of workshop



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Richard Bax

Richard Bax, Senior Partner, TranScrip Partners



Do we need new business models for rewarding new antibiotics?

Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz

Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz, Director of Consulting, Office of Health Economics (OHE)

• Economic challenges – is there a need for a new business model?
• Incentives – what has worked in the past?
• Addressing the challenges – what could be the new business model?
• On-going initiatives



DRIVE-AB: An industry perspective

David Findlay

David Findlay, Commercial Director, II-ID Global Franchise, GlaxoSmithkline

• The need for delivery of a new commercial model
• Objectives and structure of DRIVE-AB
• Partnership approach to delivering a new commercial model
• Beyond DRIVE-AB



Morning Coffee



The changing role of academia in antimicrobial drug discovery

William Weiss

William Weiss, Director of Pre-Clinical Services, University of North Texas Health Science Center

• Historical perspective of academic involvement in drug development
• Growth of the modern pharmaceutical industry and detachment from academia
• Downturn in antibacterial discovery and development and current need for increased research capabilities
• Collaboration of industry and academia in drug discovery and development
• Novel partnering models to increase innovation in pharmaceutical R&D



Partnering and working with BARDA

Melissa Stundick

Melissa Stundick, Acting Branch Chief, Broad Spectrum Antimicrobials Program, BARDA

• Discuss recent US government initiatives for countering antimicrobial resistance
• Discuss how those initiatives impact BARDA’s future investments
• Understand BARDA’s research priorities and areas of interest
• Learn how BARDA forms partnerships for the development of antibacterial therapies



Networking Lunch



Thousands of new antibiotic classes: The road to patients

David Williams

David Williams, Chief Executive Officer, Discuva

• New small molecule discovery paradigm
• The use of new technologies
• A novel validated approach to anti-bacterial therap



Where have all the bugs gone? Challenges in enrolling resistant pathogen studies

Ian  Friedland

Ian Friedland, Chief Medical Officer, Achaogen, Inc.

• Resistant Gram negative infections are a worldwide threat
• However, challenges to conducting acceptable studies focused on resistant pathogens are numerous
• Development pathways relying on such studies require flexibility
• Potential ways forward are suggested



Afternoon Tea



PhagoBurn: from cold war to “hot” phage therapy

Jerome  Gabard

Jerome Gabard, CEO, Pherecydes

• The band: Pherecydes Pharma and the French Defence Health Service
• The tune: Phage against MDR E. coli and P. aeruginosa bacteria
• The gear: PhagoBurn, 1st phage therapy multicentre European trial



There’s no escape – single target, multiple effects

Colin J Suckling

Colin J Suckling, Research Professor of Chemistry, University of Strathclyde

• A dirty drug to clean up infection?
• Catastrophic failure in a bug
• Chemical mechanism, biological consequence
• Is it safe to target DNA?



Prevention is better than cure?

Fiona Marston

Fiona Marston, Chief Executive, Absynth Biologics

• Is there a role for vaccines in the fight against microbial drug resistance?
• Why is it proving difficult to develop a Staph. aureus vaccine?
• A different approach – to improve chances of success
• A platform for other vaccines



Panel Discussion: How to de-risk and optimise clinical development of antimicrobials

Richard Bax

Richard Bax, Senior Partner, TranScrip Partners



Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

Richard Bax

Richard Bax, Senior Partner, TranScrip Partners



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Richard Bax

Richard Bax, Senior Partner, TranScrip Partners



50 years of frustration. What have we learned? What can we do to escape from this nightmare?

Domingo  Gargallo-Viola

Domingo Gargallo-Viola, Chief Scientific Officer, ABAC Therapeutics

• Despite the enormous efforts in industry research for discovering broad-spectrum antibacterials with new mechanisms of action, the newest molecular mechanism of action is 50 years old. What can we do to provide solutions to this dangerous fact?
• Attrition is a major issue in drug discovery and development, making the drug development process enormously inefficient and costly. Can we be more successful?
• The business opportunities in infectious diseases, necessarily go through a radical paradigm shift and high doses of disruptive innovation.
• To improve productivity and delivery, it is necessary to review topics such as: target product profile, drug discovery strategy and collaborations





Novel inhibitors of topoisomerases for drug-resistant bacteria

Neil Stokes

Neil Stokes, Head of Biology, Redx Anti-Infectives

• Strategies for new antibacterial discovery
• Gram-positive inhibitors with potent activity against MRSA
• Broad-spectrum agents for MDR Gram-negatives
• Innovative partnerships in antibiotic development



Morning Coffee



Debio1450: Another drug against Staphylococci?

Frederick  Wittke

Frederick Wittke, Medical Director , Debiopharm International

• Description of the mechanism of action of a new antibiotic with narrow specificity
• To understand the impact of antibiotics on the human microbiome
• Understand the current status of development of Debio1450



MGB Biopharma: Bringing True Novelty to the Anti-Infective Space

Dawn Firmin

Dawn Firmin, Head of Project Management , MGB Biopharma

• New class of anti-infectives for the treatment of C. difficile infections
• Efficacy: MGB-BP-3 v’s gold standard
• Benefits to NHS and patients
• Use in line with antibiotic stewardship to combat resistance



Networking Lunch



Anti-gram-negative drug discovery: A humbling test of perseverance

Ryan  Cirz

Ryan Cirz, Director of Biology , Achaogen

• What to target (and how that reveals the limitations of our scientific creativity)
• Why is it so difficult to find the right chemistry and achieve potency?
• Key challenges in translation



Panel Discussion: How to best ensure a reliable pipeline of appropriate drugs?

Richard Bax

Richard Bax, Senior Partner, TranScrip Partners



Afternoon Tea



Antibiotics and their alternatives – fixing and feeding the pipeline

Patricia  Paukovits

Patricia Paukovits, Scientific Officer, European Commision


       Research strategy and actions
       Collaboration across countries, sectors and disciplines
       New funding instruments
  • Horizon Prize for better use of Antibiotics
  • clock


    Antibiotics and their alternatives –Is there a need for innovative finance?

    Stefan Acsinte

    Stefan Acsinte, Legal Counsel, European Investment Bank

    • EIB’s financing mechanisms supporting R&D investments
    • Overview of InnovFin Programme under Horizon 2020



    Wellcome Trust funding opportunities

    Timothy Jinks

    Timothy Jinks, Senior Business Analyst, Wellcome Trust Innovations

    •       Introducing Wellcome Trust Innovations – What is our mission? 
    •       How we are seeking innovative therapeutics and diagnostics to transform the treatment of infectious diseases
    •       Examples of success
    •       The selection process and a view of the investment selection criteria



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Richard Bax

    Richard Bax, Senior Partner, TranScrip Partners

    Research Professor of Chemistry
    University of Strathclyde
    Commercial Director, II-ID Global Franchise
    Licensing & Business Development Consultant
    Professor of Chemistry
    Cambridge University
    Chief Executive Officer
    Head of Project Management
    MGB Biopharma
    Chief Scientific Officer
    ABAC Therapeutics
    Chief Executive
    Absynth Biologics
    Medical Director
    Debiopharm International
    Chief Medical Officer
    Achaogen, Inc.
    Director of Consulting
    Office of Health Economics (OHE)
    Acting Branch Chief, Broad Spectrum Antimicrobials Program
    Head of Biology
    Redx Anti-Infectives
    Scientific Officer
    European Commision
    Senior Partner
    TranScrip Partners
    Director General
    Director of Biology
    Senior Business Analyst
    Wellcome Trust Innovations
    Director of Pre-Clinical Services
    University of North Texas Health Science Center

    Official Media Partner



    Interview with Jerome Gabard, CEO, Phercydes


    Q&A with Keith William, Director and Consultant, KW Drug Developments Ltd & Boyd Consultants


    Superbugs & Superdrugs 2015 | Is your name on the list?


    Media Partners

    Journal of Infection Prevention

    Official Media Partner

    Journal of Infection Prevention aims to advance evidence based infection prevention and control, and to provide a publishing platform for all health professionals interested in this field of practice. The bi-monthly journal is peer-reviewed and contains a wide range of articles. Find out more online: http://jip.sagepub.com Journal of Infection Prevention is published by SAGE Publications.

    Global Biodefense

    Official Media Partner

    Global Biodefense publishes the latest news on vaccine and therapeutics countermeasure development, biosurveillance and detection technologies, food safety and biosecurity, and CBRN incident preparedness and response. Visit our website to access daily news updates, organization profiles, conference listings, and the latest in funding opportunities for advancing biodefense technology.

    Media Partners

    Cutting Edge


    Cutting Edge Information provides customized research and benchmarking reports to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and other life science companies. We provide off-the-shelf and customized research for key areas including medical affairs, clinical development, market access, regulatory affairs, marketing management, sales and HCP fair market value.



    CanBiotech - A Portal and B2B Outsourcing Marketplace for the Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry. The Marketplace features the Outsourcing Services Showcase; the Portal features our biopharmaceutical and venture capital directories and databases. Publications include the BioMedical Outsourcing Report and the Bio Outsourcing Asia© Publication.



    PMR (www.pmrcorporate.com) is a British-American company providing market information, advice and services to international businesses interested in Central and Eastern European countries as well as other emerging markets. PMR's key areas of operation include business publications (through PMR Publications), consultancy (through PMR Consulting) and market research (through PMR Research ). Being present on the market since 1995, offering high international standards in projects and publications, as well as providing one of the most frequently visited and top-ranked websites, PMR is one of the largest companies of its type in the region.



    MedNous is a print publication and website about medical innovation in Europe. It carries exclusive interviews with companies that are at the forefront of medical technology, as well as contributor articles from prominent practitioners. Our mission is to identify significant advances in medicine and to explain how this innovation is being commercialised. In doing so, we talk to venture capitalists about what products and platforms they are supporting. We report on how regulators cope with the accelerating pace of innovation. And we regularly cover the latest developments in the discovery and development of new medical concepts in the area of antibodies, vaccines, small molecules, regenerative medicine and nanomedicines. MedNous combines the English word for medicine with the Greek word for intellect. And those with nous are readers of our publication. Visit our website: www.mednous.com



    Gate2Biotech is a portal that unites biotechnological community in Central Europe. It covers all the news in the field of biotechnology. Thanks to the the portal the companies engaged in the field can easily search for research institutions and other partners to solve technical problems they are facing and here they can also present their services offer to potential partners from the Czech Republic and abroad. Gate2Biotech portal serves as a bridge connecting scientific and commercial sector. It incorporates offices and support organizations dedicated to promoting transfer of innovative technologies into a unified communication platform of Czech and international biotechnologies. As a mediator of information it draws attention to biotechnologies and support of their application and transfer into practice. It also functions as a tool for encouraging non-professionals (especially scientists and students) towards innovative business or applied research.

    Drug Development Technology


    Drugdevelopment-technology.com covers every aspect of the drug development and research process, from conception to pre-FDA approval. Our global network of journalists updates the site with the latest and most significant industry developments. This coverage allows us to provide everyone - from senior management through to research and QA staff – with in-depth reviews of the latest projects, advance notice of new product releases and analysis of the latest procedural and legislative developments.

    Journal of Chemotherapy


    Journal of Chemotherapy is an international multidisciplinary journal committed to the rapid publication of high quality, peer-reviewed, original research. The journal publishes original experimental and clinical research articles, reviews, brief communications and letters on all aspects of antimicrobial, anticancer and immunomodulating chemotherapy. Review articles by authoritative experts on new trends and developments in the relevant fields are also invited.

    Scrip Intelligence


    SCRIP Intelligence is the leading source of news and strategic analysis for the global pharmaceutical industry. We filter the flood of information on the industry and apply the knowledge of our extensive network of analysts, journalists and key opinion leaders to provide our readers with timely business-critical market and competitor intelligence.

    Antibodies Online


    antibodies-online.com facilitates researchers to find the appropriate antibodies for their respective research project. As an independent and multi-vendor marketplace for research antibodies and thanks to the cooperation with more than 130 different manufacturers, a large selection of Antibodies (over 700,000), ELISA Kits (over 130,000), Secondary Antibodies (17,000), Proteins (130,000), Peptides and Isotype Controls is available. By supporting the Independent Validation Initiative and the Resource Identification Initiative, antibodies-online.com also addresses the important topics of transparent product quality and scientific reproducibility. In addition scientists receive news and detailed information about the individual antibodies from databases such as the PubMed and others.

    Drug Discovery World


    For over a decade DDW has continued to be the ‘must read’ journal within the DD&D Arena. DDW is recognised for voicing the opinions of some of the Industry’s leading luminaries and has become a recognised platform for Industry Gurus to debate some of the more challenging technological and business issues facing the the life science industry. DDW adheres to the maxim..... ‘Turning Science into Business’ DDW examines the advances in new technologies and the associated implications within the context of developing new and efficacious therapeutics. DDW is distinguishable in that it reaches out to a global audience at both bench and boardroom level, allowing both camps to profit from the uncomplicated style of editorial but at the same time challenges our readers to look at new ways to overcome discovery bottlenecks, embrace nascent technologies and build next generation technology platforms.



    www.PharmCast.com is the world leading website designed specifically for pharmaceutical, clinical and biotechnology professionals. www.PharmCast.com brings up-to-date information on pharmaceutical patents, FDA, news, jobs and Buyer's Guide to our visitors. It was created and is maintained by pharmaceutical and biotechnology professionals. Visit www.PharmCast.com and discover for yourself why it is so popular among professionals.



    Absave.com is the leading savings website for Antibodies and Immunological Products. Search our extensive database of Antibodies, Kits, Proteins & Peptides, Reagents, etc. to find the best savings!



    SelectScience is an independent, online information resource for the worldwide scientific community, and the home of trusted information for laboratory scientists. Discover the latest drug discovery and development technologies, products and techniques with product reviews, videos, application notes and news articles. Become a member for free today.

    BioMed Central - Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases


    Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases is an open access, online journal that encompasses all aspects of rare diseases and orphan drugs. The journal publishes high-quality reviews on specific rare diseases. In addition, the journal may consider articles on clinical trial outcome reports, either positive or negative, and articles on public health issues in the field of rare diseases and orphan drugs.

    Contract Biotechnology


    Contract-Biotechnology.com is a web-based platform for laboratory outsourcing solutions. It is an online R&D matching tool that connects Scientifics and service and product providers worldwide. The platform Contract-Biotechnology.com would help you in the process of finding the right partner saving time and money, because with one single and secure application you would be able to receive multiple quotes quickly, keeping your contact information confidential. Contract-Biotechnology.com is the new Collaboration Network Model for Discovery Research and Development. Contract-Biotechnology.com team has extensive experience working for pharmaceuticals, biotechs, universities and academic research institutes and can help you addressing your key gaps.



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    Pharmaceutical Technology


    Pharmaceutical-technology.com is the only website focusing specifically on issues relevant to pharmaceutical professionals working with technology, be it development, engineering, IT or production. Pharmaceutical-technology.com brings you the latest in industry projects and updates, along with the news, views and trends that leading professionals – from senior executives to manufacturing managers and heads of procurement – require to stay on top of their field.

    Pharma Technology Focus


    Pharma Technology Focus Magazine is a dynamic bi-monthly online publication available on iPad and online. It offers in-depth coverage of the most important issues and the latest developments in the pharmaceutical industry, in an innovative digital format. Brought to you by an experienced editorial and design team, Pharma Technology Focus is the essential magazine for decision-makers wanting up-to-date pharmaceutical industry news and analysis, with articles and features covering technology, discovery and development, packaging and labelling, supply chains, manufacturing and ingredients, trials and successes and much more.

    International Pharmaceutical Industry


    IPI gives you an insight into all areas of Biopharm, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare. IPI provides a proven supportive means of communication to the Pharmaceutical, Bio Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Medical Devices industry, incorporating the latest in research and technology innovations, regulatory guidelines, marketing and communication strategies.

    Bentham Science


    Bentham Science Publishers is a major STM journal publisher of 130 plus print and online journal. Out of these, 40 journals have already registered good IMPACT FACTORS as per Journal Citation Reports® 2017. These titles have extensive readership mostly in Europe and North America. For a detailed profile please visit our website at http://www.benthamscience.com. Besides, Bentham Science publishes eBooks in all areas of Science, Technology and Medicine. Our eBooks provide professionals, academicians, corporate researchers, graduates and undergraduates worldwide with the most current information in their subject areas of interest. Our eBooks are also available in the ePub and Kindle formats besides the PDF edition here http://ebooks.benthamscience.com/. Bentham is offering attendees of this conference discounts on its publication. For more information click here

    Thomson Reuters


    Thomson Reuters is the leading source of intelligent information for professionals around the world. We provide essential information to keep you in touch with the rapidly-changing pharmaceutical and chemical markets, expert services to help you make informed, early decisions, and intuitive technology to manage and support your discovery and development activities. Our products give you the intelligence, tools and expertise to help you optimize your IP portfolio, monitor industry developments, identify licensing and partnering opportunities, deliver successful regulatory submissions, and support your scientific messaging, marketing, product positioning, and awareness campaigns.



    FarmavitaR+ is the professional network of experts and service providers. Network is gathering local consultants from 90 countries in Europe, Asia, North America, Latin America, Australia and Africa. Management of international, multi-centre projects is our core competence. FarmavitaR+ is providing solutions related to pharmaceutical, medical device, food supplement and cosmetic products. Scope of services is related to solutions for product development, quality assurance, clinical trials, product registration, portfolio analysis, lifecycle management, vigilance/risk management, pricing/reimbursing, market access and promotional compliance. FarmavitaR+ is brand name of Farmavita Regulanet Ltd. Visit https://farmavitar.com for more information. Outsource anything you can think of!

    KONGPOSH Publications


    KONGPOSH Publications is one of India’s leading Pharma Publishers. The Pharma Review® is a bi-monthly article based journal covering various fields of pharmacy. Participation and distribution in over 30 Expos & Conferences worldwide each year. It is widely read by decision makers, middle management and the academia. Also available in E-book format. Other publications : Indian Pharma Reference Guide (Annual) – Names and address of Pharmaceuticals, Bulk Drugs, Machinery’s & Instrumentation, AYUSH Manufacturers; and much more; High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography; Elements of Pharmacovigilance; Regulation of Clinical Trials; AYUSH (CD); NDDS/AMD (CD)

    British Pharmacological Society


    The British Pharmacological Society (BPS) is the primary UK learned society concerned with research into drugs and the way they work. Our members work in academia, industry, regulatory agencies and the health services, and many are medically qualified. The Society covers the whole spectrum of pharmacology, including laboratory, clinical, and toxicological aspects. Clinical pharmacology is the medical speciality dedicated to promoting safe and effective use of medicines for patient benefit. Clinical pharmacologists work as consultants in the NHS and many hold prominent positions in UK Universities.



    Established in October 2003, PharmiWeb Solutions is an energetic, innovative provider of web-based solutions for the pharmaceutical sector, with customers such as AstraZeneca, Roche, Servier Laboratories, and Merck With solutions in three key areas: Online Publishing, e-Business and Mobile Computing, we deliver connectivity – between people and applications – unlocking islands of data and knowledge. We own some of the sector’s most innovative Online Publications: PharmiWeb.com, HospitalPharma.com and Detail-Direct.com. We are actively developing solutions for Mobile Computing platforms. For example, our PharmiTabTM e-pharmacy solution runs real-time patient data and prescribing transactions in a busy hospital environment, on a TabletPC, wireless client/server platform. e-Business solutions range from e-Detailing, to Online Market Research, all designed to increase reach, increase sales, and to reduce administration and costs.



    PharmaCircle is an innovative knowledge management company serving the current and future global leaders in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology related industries. PharmaCircle is a one stop information and analysis source for pipeline, products, clinical trials, drug delivery technologies, deals and acquisitions, company financials, venture capital investments, product sales, pharmaceutical services, news, patents and more….



    PharmaVOICE magazine, and its supporting VIEW publications, provide commentary about the challenges and trends impacting the life-sciences industry, covering a range of issues from molecule through market. PharmaVOICE's more than 41,000 U.S.-based subscribers are also kept abreast of the latest trends through additional media resources, including WebSeminars, Podcasts, Videocasts, and White Papers.

    Drug Discovery Today


    Drug Discovery Today covers the whole of the preclinical drug discovery process. The reviews are cutting edge, written by experts in their respective fields and cover all aspects of drug discovery from genomic and proteomic approaches, computational drug design, medicinal chemistry and the translation of these sciences to therapies.



    Pharmalicensing (www.pharmalicensing.com) is the premier biopharmaceutical Open Innovation resource designed for professionals involved with partnering, licensing and business development worldwide. Actively supporting all forms of partnering and in- and out-licensing activities, Pharmalicensing utilizes the unique online Showcase Profiling & Discover services, as well as its renowned Partnering Search service leveraging its global network of industry experts, to enable companies to identify and engage with appropriate partners around the world. Pharmalicensing is actively utilized by many tens of thousands of industry professionals each month. Pharmalicensing is a division of Cognis Group, Inc.

    Bioportfolio Limited


    BioPortfolio.com is a leading news, information and knowledge resource covering the global life science industries impacted by biotechnology. The site aims to provide the lay person, the researcher and the management executive with a single location to source core information on specific bio-related topics, to collate relevant data associated with each topic and to point the user to relevant knowledge resources

    World Pharma Today






    PharmaVision offers a consultancy service providing independent pharmaceutical thematic research to the healthcare industry, the investment community and competitive intelligence specialists. We perform due diligence research and provide expert commentary in healthcare. Our reports combine scientific analysis in drug delivery, R&D technologies and pharmaceutical products including patient modelling, product/technology forecasts and market trends evaluation.

    The Pharma Letter


    The Pharma Letter provides subscribers with daily, up-to-date news, business intelligence, comment and analysis for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and generics sectors of the health care industry, backed by a team of respected writers with many years of experience in the field.

    BioMed Central – Annals of Clinical Microbiology and antimicrobials


    Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials is an open access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on information concerning clinical microbiology, infectious diseases and antimicrobials. The journal aims to improve the communication between basic and clinical science in the field of clinical microbiology and antimicrobial treatment.

    BioMed Central - Gut Pathogens


    Gut Pathogens publishes research on biological and clinical aspects of pathogens, commensals and functional microbiota of the gut, including probiotic bacteria, yeasts and their products. The journal considers timely reports on novel aspects of genomics, metagenomics, microbiota profiling and systems biology, as well as studies identifying new genome sequences of gut microbes.

    Technology Networks


    Founded in 2000, Technology Networks is established as the leading news provider for life science and drug discovery professionals. In addition, we provide unique content including webcasts, videos, application notes and posters from recent conferences. Our portfolio now includes around 30 focussed scientific communities, all of which are accessible free of charge within TechnologyNetworks.com

    Lab Bulletin


    Lab Bulletin is a free online resource for scientists and laboratory professionals where you can catch up on the latest news for laboratory products and services. You will find an extensive directory of laboratory suppliers and manufacturers enabling you to contact companies quickly and easily to request further information. Lab Bulletin also publishes four free monthly E-Newsletters keeping you up-to-date with all of the latest laboratory products and industry news directly to your inbox. We have dedicated E-Newsletters for Chromatography and Spectroscopy, Microscopy and Image Analysis, weekly Industry News updates and our monthly Lab Bulletin E-Newsletter sent out to over 29,000 readers worldwide. To request your free copy click here

    BioMed Central - Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control


    Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control aims to be a global forum for all those working on the prevention, diagnostic and treatment of health-care associated infections and antimicrobial resistance development in all health-care settings. The journal covers a broad spectrum of 'preeminent practices' and 'best available data' to the 'best interventional and translational research' and innovative (technical) developments in the field of infection control.



    LabRoots is a free, social networking site that enables scientists, engineers, and other technical professionals to connect, collaborate with, and learn from each other. LabRoots fosters world-wide scientific communication and incorporates the newest social networking technologies. LabRoots allows scientists to connect with each other as they describe their research interests on a myriad of unique features and tools, discovering meaningful collaborations across geographic boundaries and fields of expertise.



    Biosave.com brings together the best Life Science promotions, product releases, featured products, publications, videos and events from 100’s of leading Life Science suppliers. Updated 24 hours a day, Biosave is constantly uploading special promotions and exciting product news that you won’t find anywhere else. Our goal is to provide our users with the most exclusive product information to help reach that all important purchasing decision.

    One Nucleus


    Established in May 2010, One Nucleus is the result of the merger of ERBI and London Biotechnology Network. One Nucleus is a not-for-profit membership organisation for international life science and healthcare companies and the largest of its kind in Europe. The company is based in Cambridge UK and London, at the heart of Europe's largest cluster. The 470 members include pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device and diagnostic companies and associated technical and commercial Service Providers.



    pharmaphorum drives innovation within the pharmaceutical industry, by bringing healthcare together through a suite of media services that help produce and disseminate thought leadership, combined with an online platform for communicating messages to a global audience.Visit www.pharmaphorum.com

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    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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