Biosimilars and Biobetters
27 September - 28 September 2017
Biosimilars and Biobetters



SAE Media Group are thrilled to present the 2017 8th annual conference on Biosimilars & Biobetters taking place on 27th & 28th September in Central London, UK.

As the patents for several innovator biologics expire, biopharmaceutical companies are taking the opportunity to develop more affordable forms creating a rapidly booming biosimilars market. However, as the field of biosimilars evolves, challenges in immunogenicity studies, securing market share, exclusivity and regulations still persist.

Join us this autumn to arm yourself with the key requirements and tools for successful market entry through strategic direction on commercialisation; insight into potential therapeutic areas; and critical updates on interchangeability guidelines and patient litigation.

A must attend for principle scientists and regulatory experts involved in biotechnology, market access and compliance, Biosimilars & Biobetters 2017 will capture expert insight by honing in on current market trends through to emerging opportunities and global developments.



Bernd Liedert

Bernd Liedert

Senior Clinical Program Leader Biosimilars, Boehringer Ingelheim
Harish  Pai

Harish Pai

Principal Scientific Manager, Biocon
HoUng Kim

HoUng Kim

Division Head Strategy and Operations, Celltrion Healthcare
Ildiko Aradi

Ildiko Aradi

Head, Clinical Development of Biologics, Gedeon Richter
Louis Boon

Louis Boon

Chief Scientific Officer, Bioceros
Stephen  Murby

Stephen Murby

International Advisory Board Member, Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines
Thomas  Sachnik

Thomas Sachnik

Sr Manager Strategic Associate to the President & CEO Generics Europe , Teva Pharma BV

Bernd Liedert

Senior Clinical Program Leader Biosimilars, Boehringer Ingelheim
Bernd Liedert

Chris Teale

Vice President Europe, GfK HealthCare
Chris Teale

Dominic Adair

Partner, Bristows LLC
Dominic Adair

Glenn Kazo

President, Prolong Pharmaceuticals
Glenn Kazo

Harish Pai

Principal Scientific Manager, Biocon
Harish  Pai

HoUng Kim

Division Head Strategy and Operations, Celltrion Healthcare
HoUng Kim

Ildiko Aradi

Head, Clinical Development of Biologics, Gedeon Richter
Ildiko Aradi

Louis Boon

Chief Scientific Officer, Bioceros
Louis Boon

Martyn Hann

Partner, IP, Mishcon de Reya LLP
Martyn  Hann

Michel Mikhail

International Expert in Regulatory Affairs, International Expert in Biosimilars,
Michel  Mikhail

Natasha Pearman

Managing Associate, Mishcon de Reya LLP
Natasha Pearman

Omar Ali

Visiting Lecturer, Value Based Pricing & Outcomes Based Innovative Contracting and Former Advisor to NICE, University Of Portsmouth
Omar Ali

Richard Peck

Vice President Regulatory Affairs, Lupin (Europe)
Richard  Peck

Robert Forbes

Professor of Clinical Pharmaceutics, University Of Central Lancashire
Robert Forbes

Rodeina Challand

Director, Challand Biosimilar Consulting
Rodeina Challand

Steinar Madsen

Medical Director, Norwegian Medicines Agency
Steinar Madsen

Stephen Murby

International Advisory Board Member, Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines
Stephen  Murby

Thomas Sachnik

Sr Manager Strategic Associate to the President & CEO Generics Europe , Teva Pharma BV
Thomas  Sachnik

Ulrike Banning

Consultant, European Thought Leadership, QuintilesIMS
Ulrike Banning


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Chris Teale

Chris Teale, Vice President Europe, GfK HealthCare



Session 1 - Learning from the past and looking

Chris Teale

Chris Teale, Vice President Europe, GfK HealthCare

  • Tracking
  • What to track, How to track, How to use the Insights
  • Learnings from the Past:
  • The 1st wave of biosimilars (EPO, HGH; G-CSF)
  • The current wave (Anti-TNFs)
  • Implications for the future:
  • The next wave of biosimilars (Oncology and beyond)


  • clock


    Session 2- Commercial Differentiation

    Chris Teale

    Chris Teale, Vice President Europe, GfK HealthCare

  • Company differentiation
  • Product differentiation
  • Data differentiation
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Session 3 - Competitive Simulation

    Chris Teale

    Chris Teale, Vice President Europe, GfK HealthCare

  • Forecasting & Foresight
  • Market dynamics (Leveraging interchangeability, substitution & switching)
  • Pricing dynamics
  • Multi-criteria decision-making
  • clock


    Session 4 - Discussion Session: Key Learnings

    Chris Teale

    Chris Teale, Vice President Europe, GfK HealthCare

  • Critical Success Factors
  • What to do… and what not to do
  • Tracking
  • Interpreting
  • Deciding
  • clock


    Closing remarks



    End of workshop



    Registration & Coffee



    Opening remarks and introductions

    Michel  Mikhail

    Michel Mikhail, International Expert in Regulatory Affairs, International Expert in Biosimilars,



    Session 1 - Biosimilar Interchangeability: The newest regulation in the USA

    Michel  Mikhail

    Michel Mikhail, International Expert in Regulatory Affairs, International Expert in Biosimilars,

    In the USA only interchangeable products can be substituted for
    the reference product by a pharmacist without the intervention of a health care provider. The interchangeability regulation is in the form of guidance:

  • Interchangeable biologics must be biosimilar to the reference biologic
  • If administered more than once, data must show the safety and effi cacy risks of switching
  • If not administered more than once, justify the omission of a switching study
  • The clinical data must demonstrate switching risk in a ll of the reference biologic’s licensed conditions of use
  • The data must support the “totality of the evidence” and “reduction of residual uncertainty”
  • Switching study design is defined and described in the guidance
  • Guidance describes what is insuffi cient to demonstrate interchangeability
  • The use of post-marketing data from a biosimilar
  • The presentation and design attributes must be the same to enable substitution
  • clock


    Session 2- The impact of biosimilar interchangeability in the USA

    Michel  Mikhail

    Michel Mikhail, International Expert in Regulatory Affairs, International Expert in Biosimilars,

  • An interchangeability rating may result in the perception that the product is superior in quality to other biosimilars
  • Where will an interchangeable biosimilar have the most impact?
  • How will payors react?
  • Likely competitor response
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Session 3 - The NOR-SWITCH Study in Europe on Interchangeability

    Michel  Mikhail

    Michel Mikhail, International Expert in Regulatory Affairs, International Expert in Biosimilars,

  • Evaluate the efficacy and safety of switching from innovator infliximab (Remicade) to biosimilar
    infliximab (Remsima)
  • Primary endpoint: disease worsening
  • Secondary endpoint: safety, immunogenicity
  • One time switch
  • clock


    Highlighting the Differences between EU and USA in Terms of regulatory Requirements

    Michel  Mikhail

    Michel Mikhail, International Expert in Regulatory Affairs, International Expert in Biosimilars,

  • Introducing the 3 R principle to reduce animal studies
  • Introducing the Global reference Product notion
  • Extrapolation of Indications
  • No Interchangeability Requirement: this is in the Member States responsibility
  • Post-marketing surveillance Black triangle in EU
  • clock


    Closing Remarks



    End of workshop



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairs' Opening Remarks

    Michel  Mikhail

    Michel Mikhail, International Expert in Regulatory Affairs, International Expert in Biosimilars,

    Louis Boon

    Louis Boon, Chief Scientific Officer, Bioceros



    Biosimilars - the second wave

    Ulrike Banning

    Ulrike Banning, Consultant, European Thought Leadership, QuintilesIMS



    First biosimilar approval in osteoporosis

    Ildiko Aradi

    Ildiko Aradi, Head, Clinical Development of Biologics, Gedeon Richter

  • Key development steps for biosimilar teriparatide
  • Medical device aspects
  • Clinical development programme challenges of biosimilar teriparatide
  • Market access challenges
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    The role of competition and IP law in early access to market for Biosimilars

  • Overview of Competition Law
  • Barriers to entry and expansion facing biosimilars
  • Competition Authorities track record in pharma
  • Strategic use of competition and IP law

  • Natasha Pearman

    Natasha Pearman, Managing Associate, Mishcon de Reya LLP

    Martyn  Hann

    Martyn Hann, Partner, IP, Mishcon de Reya LLP



    Payers perspectives on biosimilars - impact & implications of CQUINs and Consequences for brands & biosimilars

    Omar Ali

    Omar Ali, Visiting Lecturer, Value Based Pricing & Outcomes Based Innovative Contracting and Former Advisor to NICE, University Of Portsmouth

  • NHS Fiscal overview and medicines funding landscape 
  • New NHS CQUINs on Biosimilars and how payers are implementing this
  • How Payers are aligning biosimilars with innovative parent brands to streamline patient care settings
  • Physician loyalty [brand v biosimilar and biosimilar v biosimilar] and how this affects formulary uptake
  • What value offerings from biosimilars resonate with payers and formulary decision makers
  • Drivers for outcomes based, innovative contracting for new medicines
  • Bridging the 'uncertainty gap' between payers & pharma - the shifting paradigm
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    When the market wants BioBetters – developing the next generation Anti-Neutropenic Factor

    Glenn Kazo

    Glenn Kazo, President, Prolong Pharmaceuticals

  • Neulasta is one of the most desirable targets for biosimilar development
  • Ongoing technical and market challenges to biosimilar versions of Neulasta 
  • A new paradigm—preventing neutropenia vs treating the condition
  • Commercial approach to developing ANF-RhoTM.
  • clock


    The biosimilar business case

    Thomas  Sachnik

    Thomas Sachnik, Sr Manager Strategic Associate to the President & CEO Generics Europe , Teva Pharma BV

  • The profitability of the biosimilar business and its sustainability remains a major question mark for the corporate decision makers in pharma
  • The past has shown a variety of partnerships in the field driven by a high degree of uncertainty of the business model of biosimilars – While investments are high and returns uncertain, risk is shared by partnerships and collaborations along the entire value chain of biosimilars
  • Comparing the biosimilar waves, how will the business case change and how did and will the competitive landscape evolve?
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Modern biosimilar analytical methods

    Harish  Pai

    Harish Pai, Principal Scientific Manager, Biocon

  • Functional characterization is an area of immense importance
  • In-vitro methods need to be sensitive enough to pick up the differences in biosimilar assessment
  • Establishing totality of evidence based on the mechanism of action
  • Use of in-vitro functional assays for extrapolation of clinical indication
  • clock


    Round Table: China's biosimilars guideline and EU requirements

    The Round Table will invite the panel of distinguished speakers to address the following topics:

  • China's biosimilars Guidelines: 2 years after - sharing experience from and with the audience
  • EU relaxing requirements: Introduction of global reference products in the overarching guidelines, 3R and reducing animal data, extrapolation of indications
  • Norswitch study and interchangeability vs US-Draft guidance on interchangeability and requirement for 3 times switch study.
  • Michel  Mikhail

    Michel Mikhail, International Expert in Regulatory Affairs, International Expert in Biosimilars,

    Omar Ali

    Omar Ali, Visiting Lecturer, Value Based Pricing & Outcomes Based Innovative Contracting and Former Advisor to NICE, University Of Portsmouth

    Richard  Peck

    Richard Peck , Vice President Regulatory Affairs, Lupin (Europe)

    Ildiko Aradi

    Ildiko Aradi, Head, Clinical Development of Biologics, Gedeon Richter



    Latest developments in strategies to bring biosimilars to the market

    Richard  Peck

    Richard Peck , Vice President Regulatory Affairs, Lupin (Europe)

  • Challenges and opportunities faced by manufacturers in developing biosimilars
  • How to overcome challenges, increase development success and optimise results
  • Techniques in bringing the next generation biosimilars to the market
  • Ensuring market share: product differentiation
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairs' Opening Remarks

    Michel  Mikhail

    Michel Mikhail, International Expert in Regulatory Affairs, International Expert in Biosimilars,

    Louis Boon

    Louis Boon, Chief Scientific Officer, Bioceros



    Celltrion Healthcare case study: evidence-based approach to meet the expectations of different stakeholders

    HoUng Kim

    HoUng Kim, Division Head Strategy and Operations, Celltrion Healthcare



    FDA Interchangeability guideline: what does it mean to the industry?

    Rodeina Challand

    Rodeina Challand, Director, Challand Biosimilar Consulting

  • The importance of interchangeability: Patients and healthcare professionals
  • FDA Guidance on gaining interchangeable biosimilar approval - scope
  • Designing switching studies, choosing reference products and monitoring immune responses
  • Regulatory and operational challenges
  • Rest of the world status
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Clinical data extrapolation in biosimilars development

    Bernd Liedert

    Bernd Liedert, Senior Clinical Program Leader Biosimilars, Boehringer Ingelheim

  • Across indications in immunology: Known, plausible and hypothetical modes of action
  • From metastatic to adjuvant: Across disease stages in oncology
  • Extrapolation of PK, immunogenicity and safety
  • The AIID community, anti-TNF biosimilars and extrapolation
  • Interchangeability by extrapolation
  • clock


    From biosimilars to biogenerics

    Steinar Madsen

    Steinar Madsen, Medical Director, Norwegian Medicines Agency

  • Attitudes and acceptance in clinical practice
  • Uptake in clinical practice
  • Nor-Switch study and other clinical trials
  • Switching and interchangeability
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    SPOT and process modulation technology to reduce cost of goods (COGs) for biosimilar development

    Louis Boon

    Louis Boon, Chief Scientific Officer, Bioceros

  • Specific productivity increase by SPOT
  • Process modulation to meet CQAs
  • Costs of Goods reduction
  • Custom bio-assays
  • clock


    A novel analytical approach to biosimilar characterisation

    Robert Forbes

    Robert Forbes, Professor of Clinical Pharmaceutics, University Of Central Lancashire



    Afternoon Tea



    When push comes to push back…Australia and the flaw in payerdriven substitution

    Stephen  Murby

    Stephen Murby, International Advisory Board Member, Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines

  • Just as biologics are not chemicals so there is a need for new business models for biosimilars
  • Substitution of biosimilars is not the same as supervised clinical switching
  • Biosimilar pharmas & payers underestimate patients, prescribers and pharmacists at their risk
  • The key to access is confidence not cost
  • clock


    Expiring patents- court cases and how these are developing

    Dominic Adair

    Dominic Adair, Partner, Bristows LLC

  • Expenses involved in development and whether these can be recovered in the current UK market
  • Overview of current IP laws in biosimilars and developments in patent expiry
  • Launching case against a biosimilar company
  • Case study of Abbvie vs Fujifilm- what might this mean for future litigation cases?
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Senior Clinical Program Leader Biosimilars
    Boehringer Ingelheim
    Vice President Europe
    GfK HealthCare
    Bristows LLC
    Prolong Pharmaceuticals
    Principal Scientific Manager
    Division Head Strategy and Operations
    Celltrion Healthcare
    Head, Clinical Development of Biologics
    Gedeon Richter
    Chief Scientific Officer
    Partner, IP
    Mishcon de Reya LLP
    International Expert in Regulatory Affairs, International Expert in Biosimilars
    Managing Associate
    Mishcon de Reya LLP
    Visiting Lecturer, Value Based Pricing & Outcomes Based Innovative Contracting and Former Advisor to NICE
    University Of Portsmouth
    Vice President Regulatory Affairs
    Lupin (Europe)
    Professor of Clinical Pharmaceutics
    University Of Central Lancashire
    Challand Biosimilar Consulting
    Medical Director
    Norwegian Medicines Agency
    International Advisory Board Member
    Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines
    Sr Manager Strategic Associate to the President & CEO Generics Europe
    Teva Pharma BV
    Consultant, European Thought Leadership

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Official Media Partner

    Official Online Media Partners


    Preliminary Attendee List Biosimilars 2017


    An Interview with Prolong Pharmaceuticals


    New Interview with Celltrion Healthcare Ahead of Biosimilars 2017


    Bioceros Q&A | An Interview with CSO and Founder, Dr Louis Boon


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Mishcon de Reya

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Founded in 1937, Mishcon de Reya is one of the UK's fastest growing law firms. Our Life Sciences Group comprises lawyers who are passionate and knowledgeable about all aspects of the sector, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and crop sciences. Our lawyers give both contentious and non-contentious advice, with our litigation practice focusing on resolving patent, regulatory, major contract and competition law disputes.

    Media Partners


    Official Media Partner

    At FierceMarkets, our mission is as clear today as it was at our founding in 2000: be the first place to turn to for information-hungry executives in dynamic industries and a trusted partner for the marketing teams that need to reach them. Back then, we saw the coming power of blogs, web journalism, digital marketing and email communications, and launched our first email newsletter, FierceWireless, to begin fulfilling that mission for the mobile telecommunications industry. Today, our family of over 100 email newsletter publications and websites carries out that same mission for many more industries and millions of users, while we also evolve to address the latest trends in digital media -- mobile devices, social media, native advertising and content marketing. Regardless of what the next trend may be, however, we remain fiercely committed to independent insights for our readers and marketing success for our customers.

    Generics Bulletin

    Official Media Partner

    Generics bulletin provides its subscribers with up-to-date commercial intelligence about business opportunities in the global generic medicines and biosimilars markets. Accurate and reliable news reports reveal the strategies of the world’s leading generics companies and analyse their business performance, plans and product portfolios. Patent and pricing issues, regulatory changes, government initiatives, market opportunities and industry consolidation provide the wider context for Generics bulletin’s comprehensive industry coverage. With subscribers in nearly 60 countries, Generics bulletin is read by senior executives in all of the world’s leading generics companies, as well as by industry watchers and those supplying active ingredients, goods and services to the global generic and biosimilar medicines industries.

    Media Partners

    BioChem Adda

    Official Online Media Partners

    BioChem Adda is a Not-just-for-Profit organization which aims to bring out the most reliable and transparent information about everything related to jobs, careers, education, news, articles, and events from the field of BioSciences and Chemistry!

    Media Partners



    PharmaCircle is an innovative knowledge management company serving the current and future global leaders in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology related industries. PharmaCircle is a one stop information and analysis source for pipeline, products, clinical trials, drug delivery technologies, deals and acquisitions, company financials, venture capital investments, product sales, pharmaceutical services, news, patents and more….

    Swiss Biotech Association


    The Swiss Biotech Association (SBA) is the national industry association for biotechnology, including pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, agriculture, food, cosmetics, environmental biotechnology, and specialty chemicals. Members are companies active in modern biotechnology, such as R&D, Production, Marketing and Sales, Finance, Services and Consulting. SBA provides a networking platform for Life Science clusters, academic and federal institutions the like. Founded in March 1998, the Association grows steadily.



    Absave.com is the leading savings website for Antibodies and Immunological Products. Search our extensive database of Antibodies, Kits, Proteins & Peptides, Reagents, etc. to find the best savings!

    Drug Development Technology


    Drugdevelopment-technology.com covers every aspect of the drug development and research process, from conception to pre-FDA approval. Our global network of journalists updates the site with the latest and most significant industry developments. This coverage allows us to provide everyone - from senior management through to research and QA staff – with in-depth reviews of the latest projects, advance notice of new product releases and analysis of the latest procedural and legislative developments.



    CanBiotech - A Portal and B2B Outsourcing Marketplace for the Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry. The Marketplace features the Outsourcing Services Showcase; the Portal features our biopharmaceutical and venture capital directories and databases. Publications include the BioMedical Outsourcing Report and the Bio Outsourcing Asia© Publication.

    Bentham Science


    Bentham Science Publishers is a major STM journal publisher of 130 plus print and online journal. Out of these, 40 journals have already registered good IMPACT FACTORS as per Journal Citation Reports® 2017. These titles have extensive readership mostly in Europe and North America. For a detailed profile please visit our website at http://www.benthamscience.com. Besides, Bentham Science publishes eBooks in all areas of Science, Technology and Medicine. Our eBooks provide professionals, academicians, corporate researchers, graduates and undergraduates worldwide with the most current information in their subject areas of interest. Our eBooks are also available in the ePub and Kindle formats besides the PDF edition here http://ebooks.benthamscience.com/. Bentham is offering attendees of this conference discounts on its publication. For more information click here



    FarmavitaR+ is the professional network of experts and service providers. Network is gathering local consultants from 90 countries in Europe, Asia, North America, Latin America, Australia and Africa. Management of international, multi-centre projects is our core competence. FarmavitaR+ is providing solutions related to pharmaceutical, medical device, food supplement and cosmetic products. Scope of services is related to solutions for product development, quality assurance, clinical trials, product registration, portfolio analysis, lifecycle management, vigilance/risk management, pricing/reimbursing, market access and promotional compliance. FarmavitaR+ is brand name of Farmavita Regulanet Ltd. Visit https://farmavitar.com for more information. Outsource anything you can think of!



    Biosave.com brings together the best Life Science promotions, product releases, featured products, publications, videos and events from 100’s of leading Life Science suppliers. Updated 24 hours a day, Biosave is constantly uploading special promotions and exciting product news that you won’t find anywhere else. Our goal is to provide our users with the most exclusive product information to help reach that all important purchasing decision.



    GBI is an information, applications, and services company focused on the healthcare industry. Leveraging data from across the healthcare value chain, GBI creates web and mobile applications that enable individuals and organizations to make better decisions and communicate more effectively.



    Established in October 2003, PharmiWeb Solutions is an energetic, innovative provider of web-based solutions for the pharmaceutical sector, with customers such as AstraZeneca, Roche, Servier Laboratories, and Merck With solutions in three key areas: Online Publishing, e-Business and Mobile Computing, we deliver connectivity – between people and applications – unlocking islands of data and knowledge. We own some of the sector’s most innovative Online Publications: PharmiWeb.com, HospitalPharma.com and Detail-Direct.com. We are actively developing solutions for Mobile Computing platforms. For example, our PharmiTabTM e-pharmacy solution runs real-time patient data and prescribing transactions in a busy hospital environment, on a TabletPC, wireless client/server platform. e-Business solutions range from e-Detailing, to Online Market Research, all designed to increase reach, increase sales, and to reduce administration and costs.



    Pharmalicensing (www.pharmalicensing.com) is the premier biopharmaceutical Open Innovation resource designed for professionals involved with partnering, licensing and business development worldwide. Actively supporting all forms of partnering and in- and out-licensing activities, Pharmalicensing utilizes the unique online Showcase Profiling & Discover services, as well as its renowned Partnering Search service leveraging its global network of industry experts, to enable companies to identify and engage with appropriate partners around the world. Pharmalicensing is actively utilized by many tens of thousands of industry professionals each month. Pharmalicensing is a division of Cognis Group, Inc.



    Gate2Biotech is a portal that unites biotechnological community in Central Europe. It covers all the news in the field of biotechnology. Thanks to the the portal the companies engaged in the field can easily search for research institutions and other partners to solve technical problems they are facing and here they can also present their services offer to potential partners from the Czech Republic and abroad. Gate2Biotech portal serves as a bridge connecting scientific and commercial sector. It incorporates offices and support organizations dedicated to promoting transfer of innovative technologies into a unified communication platform of Czech and international biotechnologies. As a mediator of information it draws attention to biotechnologies and support of their application and transfer into practice. It also functions as a tool for encouraging non-professionals (especially scientists and students) towards innovative business or applied research.

    Technology Networks


    Founded in 2000, Technology Networks is established as the leading news provider for life science and drug discovery professionals. In addition, we provide unique content including webcasts, videos, application notes and posters from recent conferences. Our portfolio now includes around 30 focussed scientific communities, all of which are accessible free of charge within TechnologyNetworks.com

    International Pharmaceutical Industry


    IPI gives you an insight into all areas of Biopharm, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare. IPI provides a proven supportive means of communication to the Pharmaceutical, Bio Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Medical Devices industry, incorporating the latest in research and technology innovations, regulatory guidelines, marketing and communication strategies.

    BioPharm Insight


    BioPharm Insight is your definitive guide to the global life sciences community. Subscribers take action on forward-looking intelligence uncovered by an independent team of investigative journalists, and make strategic business decisions using the most comprehensive and powerful real-time database of market analytics and key contacts. Featuring an intuitive online interface and exclusive Active IntelT relational content technology, BioPharm Insight provides an unrivaled capability to segment and analyze the industry with detailed and searchable profiles.

    SciDoc Publishers


    SciDoc Publishers is a major source provider of e-journals in the field of Science, Technology and Medicine (STM). The nature of journals - Open Access and Peer-reviewed. We are aimed with a sole motive in making a mark in the field of Open Access, by propagating the knowledge to the scientific community. Our prime concern involves, the knowledge to reach millions of readers and give them access to scientific publications - online.

    Pharmaceutical Technology


    Pharmaceutical-technology.com is the only website focusing specifically on issues relevant to pharmaceutical professionals working with technology, be it development, engineering, IT or production. Pharmaceutical-technology.com brings you the latest in industry projects and updates, along with the news, views and trends that leading professionals – from senior executives to manufacturing managers and heads of procurement – require to stay on top of their field.



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    SelectScience is an independent, online information resource for the worldwide scientific community, and the home of trusted information for laboratory scientists. Discover the latest drug discovery and development technologies, products and techniques with product reviews, videos, application notes and news articles. Become a member for free today.



    PharmaVOICE magazine, and its supporting VIEW publications, provide commentary about the challenges and trends impacting the life-sciences industry, covering a range of issues from molecule through market. PharmaVOICE's more than 41,000 U.S.-based subscribers are also kept abreast of the latest trends through additional media resources, including WebSeminars, Podcasts, Videocasts, and White Papers.

    Drug Discovery Today


    Drug Discovery Today covers the whole of the preclinical drug discovery process. The reviews are cutting edge, written by experts in their respective fields and cover all aspects of drug discovery from genomic and proteomic approaches, computational drug design, medicinal chemistry and the translation of these sciences to therapies.



    PharmaVision offers a consultancy service providing independent pharmaceutical thematic research to the healthcare industry, the investment community and competitive intelligence specialists. We perform due diligence research and provide expert commentary in healthcare. Our reports combine scientific analysis in drug delivery, R&D technologies and pharmaceutical products including patient modelling, product/technology forecasts and market trends evaluation.

    European Biotechnology Network


    The European Biotechnology Network is dedicated to facilitating co-operation between professionals in biotechnology and the life sciences all over Europe. The non-profit organisation brings research groups, universities, SMEs, large companies and indeed all actors in biotechnology together to build and deliver partnerships.

    Inderscience Publishers


    Inderscience is a dynamic, leading, independent journal publisher. The company disseminates the latest research across the broad fields of science, engineering and technology; management, public and business administration; environment, ecological economics and sustainable development; computing, ICT and internet/web services, and related areas. Inderscience offers over 35 years' experience in publishing and has succeeded in building a substantial collection approaching 400 high-quality peer-reviewed international research journals in both online and print formats. We offer a variety of ways to keep up-to-date with the latest published leading-edge research while our online collection represents a fully-searchable digital archive of around 60,000 articles.

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    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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