
Group's 7th annual conference on Biobanking, taking place on 14th & 15th June 2017 in Central London, UK, will bring together Europe’s leading biorepositories, regulatory representatives and scientific pioneers to strengthen knowledge in biosample management as well as explore future advances in areas such as mobile bio-banking and cloud based sample management.

Understanding the ethical and regulatory framework as well as the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on collaborative science in Europe will be a major focus. Plus, don’t miss keynote addresses from a selection of European biobanks currently adding value to clinical research through successful biobanking strategies including the European Sperm Bank, UK Biobank, UCL Baby Biobank, Auria Biobank and more.

Exclusive updates from the European Commision and NIBSC-MHRA, will be just some of the event highlights for 2017. Join us this June for innovative discussions through a series of interactive presentations, panel discussions and roundtables and address relevant and critical issues on how to improve your biobanking practice.

Don't forget to visit our "associated events" tab for details on the interactive workshop on biobanking and stratified medicines led by Biotheque Wallonie-Bruxelles (BWB)


Annemette  Arndal-Lauritzen

Annemette Arndal-Lauritzen

CEO, European Sperm Bank
Emanuele Barbarossa

Emanuele Barbarossa

Legal Adviser, Policy Analyst, European Commission
Kristian Spreckley

Kristian Spreckley

Business Development Director, UK Biobank/ UK Biocentre
Peadar Mac Gabhann

Peadar Mac Gabhann

Director, Biostor Ireland
Sarah Gilbert

Sarah Gilbert

Project Manager, MHRA-NIBSC

Annemette Arndal-Lauritzen

CEO, European Sperm Bank
Annemette  Arndal-Lauritzen

With European Sperm Bank since 2013. Ms. Arndal Lauritzen has worked with ethics, health and health-related issues in major managerial positions and also served as an appointed board member in health-related companies. Prior hereto, she worked with business development and legal issues in the telecommunications industry after serving 9 years as a bar-admitted lawyer with a leading Danish law firm. She holds a Master’s degree in law from the University of Copenhagen as well as a Bachelor’s degree in commerce from Copenhagen Business School.

Brian Thomson

Director and Clinical Lead for 100K Genome Project, Nottingham Health Science Biobank
Brian Thomson

Dr Brian Thomson qualified in medicine from the University of Edinburgh and trained in Edinburgh, London and Cambridge before becoming Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in Nottingham. He has held MRC Training and Clinician Scientist Fellowships in London and Cambridge and was awarded a PhD in 1992. Dr Thomson is founder and Director of the Nottingham Health Science Biobank (NHSB). The NHSB is the only NHS led Biobank in England and brings together a centralised quality assured tissue resource and an innovative informatics strategy to provide a unique platform for research. Dr Thomson leads the NHSE 100,000 Genome Project in Nottingham and is co-investigator for the UKCRC Tissue Directory and Co-ordination Centre.

Charles Hunt

Operations Manager, UK Stem Cell Bank, MHRA-NIBSC
Charles Hunt

Emanuele Barbarossa

Legal Adviser, Policy Analyst, European Commission
Emanuele Barbarossa

Emanuele is a Brussels-based Italian lawyer with expertise in European public affairs and legislation, and extensive international and multicultural exposure. After a Master Degree in European law from Italy and Sweden and some experience in translation, he worked in private counselling before joining the Bertelsmann Stiftung and Project for A Democratic Union, two European think tanks.
Currently at DG Research & Innovation of the European Commission, Emanuele is working as Legal Advisor and Policy Analyst in the Unit "Data, Open Access and Foresight". Within the Open Science Team he specialises in the impact of data protection rules on the research sector in Europe and the future European Open Science Cloud. From and R&I perspective, Emanuele also focuses on data flow policies and regulation, and follows a number of initiatives under the umbrella of the Digital Single Market, as well as developments in the field of intellectual property.

Fabricio Barros

Deputy Operations Manager, Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust
Fabricio  Barros

Joanna Baxter

Lead Scientist/Senior Research Associate, Cambridge Blood and Stem Cell Biobank
Joanna Baxter

Karina Bienfait

Head, Global Genomics Policy, Process and Compliance Principal Scientist, Merck
Karina Bienfait

Kristian Spreckley

Business Development Director, UK Biobank/ UK Biocentre
Kristian Spreckley

Kristian Spreckley is Business Development Director at UK Biocentre. Kristian’s main role is to engage with researcher’s around the country to understand their research needs and to build the National Biosample Centre’s service offering to enable world class scientific research. He has a background in genetics, specifically in the genetics of osteo and rheumatoid arthritis and started his career working on breast and prostate cancer. From their he moved into the commercial sector selling molecular biology instrumentation and then large-scale automation to the international biobanking industry before joining UK Biobank/ UK Biocentre.

Laurent Dolle

Operating Director, BWB
Laurent Dolle

Laurent Dollé earned his PhD degree in Cell Biology and Life Sciences from the University of Science and Technologies of Lille (France) in 2003. Laurent joined then the group of Professor Marc Mareel from the University of Gent in Belgium to become specialist in breast cancer cell invasion and metastasis processes. After several positions at different Universities or Institutions of Belgium, Laurent has over 16 years of experience working in the Life Sciences field. In 2012, Laurent became Assistant Professor at the Free University of Brussels VUB), and developed several skills in stem cells isolation, maintenance and differentiation and was the first to identify liver stem cells from healthy non-manipulated livers by playing with an innovative technique based on Aldehyde dehydrogenase. Laurent Dollé is currently the Operating Director of BWB (Biobanking Wallonia-Brussels; Belgium).

Marcel Bruinenberg

Project Manager LifeStore, LifelinesNL
Marcel  Bruinenberg

Matthew McLoughlin

Senior Director, Scientist
Matthew McLoughlin

Heading a cross industry team, Matt has led the development of a human biospecimen acquisition platform (COMPLI(tm)) that helps researchers quickly acquire the human samples they need for their research projects, but also ensures that all biosamples are treated in an ethically compliant way that respects the wishes of the sample donor. COMPLI(tm) establishes a rigorous compliance and governance framework that increases visibility, traceability and control for commercial and academic sources of human biospecimens. He has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 16 years. For 15 years he worked within AstraZeneca (AZ), spending 12 years as a senior scientist working in R&D Genetics and Personalised Healthcare & Biomarkers before moving to Procurement to become the Global Category Manager for Human Biological Samples (HBS). Within this role he implemented a new category strategy that transformed the compliance, visibility, traceability and accessibility to HBS for scientists across the global AZ geographic footprint.

Nita Solanky

Manager, Genetics & Epigenetics in Health, Institute of Child Health, UCL, Baby Bio Bank
Nita Solanky

Pablo Jordan

CEO, Dreampath Diagnostics
Pablo Jordan

Peadar Mac Gabhann

Director, Biostor Ireland
Peadar Mac Gabhann

Peadar Mac Gabhann graduated from the National University of Ireland, University College Dublin with a M.Sc. in Industrial Microbiology. He carried out post graduate research at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) Amsterdam, Biogen at ETH Zurich and the Faculty of Medicine at Kyoto University Japan. He joined Schering Plough Corporation (Merck) and was a key member of staff in the start-up of the first world-wide Biopharma facility in Cork for the commercial production of Interferon in 1983. As Director and board member of Schering Plough Japan, he led the company’s research and Asian business development operations. Peadar has more than 30 years’ experience at the forefront of the international pharmaceutical industry. In the past 10 years he co-founded and directed two Life Science start-ups and participated in several international EU FP7 projects: He has presented a position paper on “Biobanks - Key Resources for Advancement of Biotechnology & Human Health” to the expert group of the EU Parliament on the Future of Medicine. He is also national expert representing Ireland on the working group to establish a new ISO standard in Biobanking. He currently consults with Jacobs Engineering on the design and construction of major Biopharma facilities for Bristol Myers Squibb and Shire Pharmaceuticals in Dublin, he lectures part-time in Pharmaceutical Business at Griffith College Dublin as well as running a certified Tissue Establishment in Wexford, Biostór Ireland.

Samu Kurki

Senior Scientist , Auria Biobank
Samu Kurki

Samu Kurki, PhD, is a senior scientist working at Auria Biobank, the first clinical biobank in Finland. The true value of clinical biobanks both for academic investigators and for companies is in the ability to link biobank samples with the associated clinical data (electronic health records, national registries, etc). This makes it possible to select the clinically relevant phenotypes of patients for biobank studies, such as, patients who did or did not respond to certain treatment. Samu Kurki has years of experience on working with and integrating biobank and hospital IT infrastructure and using clinical data for biobank studies.

Sarah Gilbert

Project Manager, MHRA-NIBSC
Sarah Gilbert

Sarah is a principal scientist at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC), a centre of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
After studying Microbiology and Virology at the University of Warwick Sarah began working at NIBSC within the Centre for AIDS reagents, first as a scientist and later as project manager. Sarah has been the project manager for the repository for 16 years.
Sarah is also the Project Manager for an EC grant funded project EURIPRED. This project aims to link biobanks worldwide for Poverty Related Disease research, using clinical isolates from biobank partners to create novel research reagents for use in research on Malaria, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B and C and HIV. Sarah has significant expertise in the logistics of biological materials worldwide and an interest in facilitating research through the fostering of collaborations and material sharing.

Sayeda Abu-Amero

Senior Teaching Fellow, Institute Of Child Health
Sayeda Abu-Amero

Vincent von Walcke-Wulffen

CEO, BioKryo GmbH
Vincent von Walcke-Wulffen

Dr. von Walcke-Wulffen studied at the University of Hamburg Business Administration with a minor field of study in chemistry. In 2004 he was a research assistant at the Fraunhofer IBMT in the working group "Cryobank" responsible for legal and administrative aspects of the Fraunhofer Biobank “Eurocryo”. Later he become responsible for technical and transport aspects of the biobank.
Since 2005 he is the director of the alliance of German Cryobanks e.V. and since 2010 he is founder and managing director of BioKryo GmbH. BioKryo is a GMP-biobank for the storage for cryopreserved samples for later diagnostic and therapeutic use.


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chair’s Morning Opening Remarks

Joanna Baxter

Joanna Baxter, Lead Scientist/Senior Research Associate, Cambridge Blood and Stem Cell Biobank



The impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on collaborative science in Europe

Emanuele Barbarossa, Legal Adviser, Policy Analyst, European Commission

  • GDPR overview
  • The impact on research policy
  • The 'Research exemption'
  • What lies ahead
  • clock


    Ethical and regulatory considerations in Sperm Banking

    Annemette Arndal-Lauritzen, CEO, European Sperm Bank

    Sperm banking is a topic that raises ethical issues abundantly. Hear one of the world’s leading sperm banks thoughts on:

  • Short and long term implications for the children, the mothers/ parents and the donors
  • Obligation and possibility to influence the public opinion as well as politicians
  • The ethical issues of the future, when creating human life
  • The upcoming EU data protection regulations
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Ethical and Regulatory Considerations of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Banking

    Charles Hunt

    Charles Hunt, Operations Manager, UK Stem Cell Bank, MHRA-NIBSC

  • Ethical oversight and regulation in the EU and UK
  • Traceability and consent
  • Ensuring compliance in the banking of embryonic stem cells for cellular therapy
  • Role of the UK Stem Cell Bank
  • clock


    Ethics and biobanking practice

    Fabricio  Barros

    Fabricio Barros, Deputy Operations Manager, Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust

  • Policies and practices governing relationships between biobanks, contributors and users
  • Ethical dilemmas raised by developments in the linking and sharing of biobank data
  • The changing nature of expectations and the need to promote greater trust
  • clock


    The Baby Bio Bank: A legacy for researchers worldwide into common complications of pregnancy

  • Setting up and coordinating a multi-site Biobank
  • Recruiting additional family members and neonates
  • Dealing with large data and sample sets
  • Improving sustainability
  • Nita Solanky

    Nita Solanky, Manager, Genetics & Epigenetics in Health, Institute of Child Health, UCL, Baby Bio Bank

    Sayeda Abu-Amero

    Sayeda Abu-Amero, Senior Teaching Fellow, Institute Of Child Health



    Networking Lunch



    Chair’s Afternoon Opening Remarks

    Brian Thomson, Director and Clinical Lead for 100K Genome Project, Nottingham Health Science Biobank



    CASE STUDY: Biosample access in academic setting

    Joanna Baxter

    Joanna Baxter, Lead Scientist/Senior Research Associate, Cambridge Blood and Stem Cell Biobank

  • Sustainability models in a funding-sparse era
  • Tailoring prospective collections for possible future research
  • Meeting and sustaining standards for collaboration with industry
  • clock


    Mobile Biobanking in routine and emergency cases

    Vincent von Walcke-Wulffen, CEO, BioKryo GmbH



    Afternoon Tea



    Broad vs.standard consent, the ethical implications

    Brian Thomson, Director and Clinical Lead for 100K Genome Project, Nottingham Health Science Biobank

    Models of consent to facilitate the secondary use of biosamples and linked clinical data for research may be either 'broad', with generic permission for the research use of donated samples, or standard 'study-specific' consent, requiring specific consent for each future research study. Each model implies a different balance between the level of control and information given to the donor and the facilitation of personalised and population level research. This topic and its ethical implications will be discussed under the following headings:

  • Gaining broad consent
  • Attaining clinical phenotype data
  • Maintaining confidentiality
  • Access to information
  • clock


    PANEL DEBATE WITH SCIENTIFIC BOARD: Public engagement barriers: Obstacles to people donating tissue for biomedical research

  • Developments in information technologies
  • The ethics of passing on genomic data
  • Are there barriers?
  • Are the barriers due to processes or people?
  • Brian Thomson, Director and Clinical Lead for 100K Genome Project, Nottingham Health Science Biobank

    Fabricio  Barros

    Fabricio Barros, Deputy Operations Manager, Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One



    Registration & Coffee



    Chair's Morning Opening Remarks

    Laurent Dolle

    Laurent Dolle, Operating Manager, BWB



    CASE STUDY: The use of biobank samples to progress research in Poverty Related Diseases

    Sarah Gilbert, Project Manager, MHRA-NIBSC



    A revolution in tissue block archiving and management to optimise workflow and patient safety

    Pablo Jordan

    Pablo Jordan, CEO, Dreampath Diagnostics

  • Ensures traceablity of the paraffin block via management software
  • Automates and simplifies the multi-steps of paraffin block sorting, archiving and retrieving
  • Minimises labour costs and maximises security & safety of blocks
  • Enables staff to carry out other valuable tasks
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Human biospecimen acquisition; risks, challenges and solutions

    Matthew McLoughlin, Senior Director, Scientist



    The “next generation” virtual biorepository: Managing biospecimens from precision medicine trials

    Karina Bienfait

    Karina Bienfait, Head, Global Genomics Policy, Process and Compliance Principal Scientist, Merck

  • Discuss challenges in managing specimens collected in complex, biomarker driven trials
  • Provide an overview of our company’s solution in managing chain of custody, logistics, analysis and consent associated with biospecimens
  • Future points to consider in optimizing the next generation biorepository framework
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Chair’s Afternoon Opening Remarks

    Brian Thomson, Director and Clinical Lead for 100K Genome Project, Nottingham Health Science Biobank



    Beyond biobanking towards digital future

    Samu Kurki, Senior Scientist , Auria Biobank

    The biobanked samples and associated clinical and phenotypic data contained in the Finnish Biobanks and electronic health records (EHR) could provide opportunities for early recognition, successful targeted treatment, and effective preventive strategies to a variety of diseases and too many other indications. Creation of an unrivalled personalised medicine
    research tool has already raised major interest by the global pharma industry and is expected to provide a true competitive edge for Finnish health sector and greatly increase the interest for foreign investments

  • Auria Biobank: Transforming today’s data and samples into knowledge of tomorrow
  • Creating an unrivalled personalised medicine tool both for pharmaceutical industry and academic investigators
  • clock


    CASE STUDY: Cloud-based Sample Management of multi-centre Clinical Trial in Corneal Transplantation

    Peadar Mac Gabhann, Director, Biostor Ireland



    Lifelines’ biomaterials collection and accessibility to researchers

    Marcel  Bruinenberg

    Marcel Bruinenberg, Project Manager LifeStore, LifelinesNL

    Lifelines is a three-generation cohortstudy and biobank including over 165,000 participants in the northern part of the Netherlands. The aim is to follow up this population during 30 years, and collect both subjective (questionnaires) and objective data (e.g. measurements in biomaterials) and biomaterials. Lifelines facilitates with these materials scientific research on healthy ageing

  • Sample and data quality
  • Implementation of comprehensive sample collection
  • Population-level analysis of gut microbiome variation project
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Generating high quality biological samples for high quality research

    Kristian Spreckley, Business Development Director, UK Biobank/ UK Biocentre

  • Sample linkage: Establishing accurate linkage of patient and sample data
  • Sample logistics: Maintaining sample integrity during transportation
  • Sample processing: The importance of sample and data tracking during processing tasks
  • Sample storage: Creating accurate sample traceability during storage and retrieval activities
  • LIMS: A fundamental prerequisite to successful sample and data traceability
  • clock


    The changing world of drug development

    Laurent Dolle, Operating Director, BWB

    An academic research network’s perspective on the implementation of biobanking in the future world of anticancer drug development

  • Drug Development/design and their challenges
  • The “seven wonders” for the future anticancer medicine world
  • Emerging sample-related standards
  • Standardised improved pre-analytical workfl ows
  • The next generation of biobanking: The forgotten pillar
  • Perspectives & conclusions
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    European Sperm Bank
    Director and Clinical Lead for 100K Genome Project
    Nottingham Health Science Biobank
    Operations Manager, UK Stem Cell Bank
    Legal Adviser, Policy Analyst
    European Commission
    Deputy Operations Manager
    Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust
    Lead Scientist/Senior Research Associate
    Cambridge Blood and Stem Cell Biobank
    Head, Global Genomics Policy, Process and Compliance Principal Scientist
    Business Development Director
    UK Biobank/ UK Biocentre
    Operating Director
    Project Manager LifeStore
    Senior Director
    Manager, Genetics & Epigenetics in Health
    Institute of Child Health, UCL, Baby Bio Bank
    Dreampath Diagnostics
    Biostor Ireland
    Senior Scientist
    Auria Biobank
    Project Manager
    Senior Teaching Fellow
    Institute Of Child Health
    BioKryo GmbH

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Official Media Partner

    Official Publication


    2017 Preliminary Attendee List


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Brooks Life Science Systems

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Brooks is a leading worldwide provider of automation and cryogenic solutions for multiple markets including Life Sciences. Brooks Life Science Systems is a business unit of Brooks Automation, a financially strong organization with sales of over $500M employing over 1500 worldwide. Brooks HQ is situated in Chelmsford US, with operations in North America, Europe and Asia.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Liconic is the world’s largest supplier exclusively specialized in Automated Storage Systems. 25 years of experience and thousands of systems sold worldwide have resulted in the market’s most comprehensive selection of Automated Biobanking Repositories. Each of Liconic various product lines are tailored to best fit specific application needs. Liconic manufacture systems with temperatures ranging form +70°C to -196°C, Liconic have recently launched the BiOLiX STV- 196°C Series. The only truly capacity configurable automated cryogenic temperature (-180°C to -196°C) system in the industry (cell lines, cord blood, tissue). Please visit our booth for a consultation. LiCONiC is a certified company and ISO 9001 compliant. Cooperate member at SiLA and ESBB. Member at the DIN working group to define guidelines of handling Biosamples and Biobanks.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Scientist is on a mission to empower and connect researchers worldwide. By enabling scientists to easily Outsource Everything But the Genius™, we are pioneering a faster, leaner and more innovation-centric approach to research. Our vision is to create a world in which scientists are limited only by their imagination.

    Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $18 billion and more than 55,000 employees globally. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our customers accelerate life sciences research, solve complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productivity. Through our premier brands – Thermo Scientific, Applied Biosystems, Invitrogen, Fisher Scientific and Unity Lab Services – we offer an unmatched combination of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and comprehensive support. The mission and objective of the Anatomical Pathology division is to be the leading provider of innovative Pathology tools and services, that enable our customers to improve patients’ health, now and for generations to come.

    Media Partners

    Biopreservation & Biobanking Journal

    Official Media Partner

    Biopreservation and Biobanking is the first journal to provide a unifying forum for the peer-reviewed communication of recent advances in the emerging and evolving field of biospecimen procurement, processing, preservation, and banking. The Journal publishes a range of original articles focusing on current challenges and problems related to the processing of macromolecules, cells, and tissues. It also explores the ethical, legal, and societal considerations surrounding biobanking and biorepository operation.

    Media Partners

    International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology

    Official Publication

    IJBET addresses cutting-edge research in the multi-disciplinary area of biomedical engineering and technology. Medical science incorporates scientific/technological advances combining to produce more accurate diagnoses, effective treatments with fewer side effects, and improved ability to prevent disease and provide superior-quality healthcare. A key field here is biomedical engineering/technology, offering a synthesis of physical, chemical, mathematical and computational sciences combined with engineering principles to enhance R&D in biology, medicine, behaviour, and health. IJBET includes the Asia-Pacific Chapter in Biomedical Wireless Technology (APC-BWT).

    International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics

    Official Publication

    Mining bioinformatics data is an emerging area at the intersection between bioinformatics and data mining. The objective of IJDMB is to facilitate collaboration between data mining researchers and bioinformaticians by presenting cutting edge research topics and methodologies in the area of data mining for bioinformatics. This perspective acknowledges the inter-disciplinary nature of research in data mining and bioinformatics and provides a unified forum for researchers/practitioners/students/policy makers to share the latest research and developments in this fast growing multi-disciplinary research area.

    International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine

    Official Publication

    Functional informatics and personalised medicine in the new era of biomedical sciences and computational sciences are interactive disciplines that hold great promise for the advancement of cutting-edge research and development in biomedical informatics and pharmaceutical sciences. IJFIPM is dedicated to promoting the research, education and awareness of functional informatics and personalised medicine, and provides a common platform for the cross-fertilisation of ideas by bridging important and complementary disciplines into an interactive and attractive forum.

    International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management

    Official Publication

    IJRAM is an interdisciplinary and refereed journal that provides cross learning between: • Different business and economics, as well as scientific and technological, disciplines • Energy industries, environmental and ecological systems • Safety, public health and medical services • Software services, reliability and safety

    International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design

    Official Publication

    IJCBDD, an International Society of Intelligent Biological Medicine official journal, bridges the gap between two very important, complementary disciplines, computational biology and drug design. Through advances in high-throughput genome sequencing and digital imaging technologies, biocomputing, drug design and medical research have unfolded new, predictive sciences such as genomics, proteomics, lipidomics, metabolomics, cytomics and pharmaconomics. These promote new computational, statistical and biomedical approaches to drug design/development, besides unleashing the potential of significantly more accurate, effective personalised diagnosis, therapeutics and patient care.

    Media Partners



    Absave.com is the leading savings website for Antibodies and Immunological Products. Search our extensive database of Antibodies, Kits, Proteins & Peptides, Reagents, etc. to find the best savings!



    Gate2Biotech is a portal that unites biotechnological community in Central Europe. It covers all the news in the field of biotechnology. Thanks to the the portal the companies engaged in the field can easily search for research institutions and other partners to solve technical problems they are facing and here they can also present their services offer to potential partners from the Czech Republic and abroad. Gate2Biotech portal serves as a bridge connecting scientific and commercial sector. It incorporates offices and support organizations dedicated to promoting transfer of innovative technologies into a unified communication platform of Czech and international biotechnologies. As a mediator of information it draws attention to biotechnologies and support of their application and transfer into practice. It also functions as a tool for encouraging non-professionals (especially scientists and students) towards innovative business or applied research.



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    GBI is an information, applications, and services company focused on the healthcare industry. Leveraging data from across the healthcare value chain, GBI creates web and mobile applications that enable individuals and organizations to make better decisions and communicate more effectively.

    Select Science


    SelectScience is an independent, online information resource for the worldwide scientific community, and the home of trusted information for laboratory scientists. Discover impartial, expert opinion and trusted reviews about latest laboratory equipment and techniques; plus videos, application notes and science news from around the world. Become a member for free today.

    Contract Biotechnology


    Contract-Biotechnology.com is a web-based platform for laboratory outsourcing solutions. It is an online R&D matching tool that connects Scientifics and service and product providers worldwide. The platform Contract-Biotechnology.com would help you in the process of finding the right partner saving time and money, because with one single and secure application you would be able to receive multiple quotes quickly, keeping your contact information confidential. Contract-Biotechnology.com is the new Collaboration Network Model for Discovery Research and Development. Contract-Biotechnology.com team has extensive experience working for pharmaceuticals, biotechs, universities and academic research institutes and can help you addressing your key gaps.

    Drug Target Review


    Drug Target Review’s quarterly magazine, website and annual events program provides high quality content with peer-written articles that are submitted exclusively by the world’s most respected scientists in their field. This attracts a committed base of readers, users and delegates made up of senior decision-makers from the life science and drug discovery industries at the top pharmaceutical companies, as well as academics and scientists from the top research institutes across the globe.



    Pharmalicensing (www.pharmalicensing.com) is the premier biopharmaceutical Open Innovation resource designed for professionals involved with partnering, licensing and business development worldwide. Actively supporting all forms of partnering and in- and out-licensing activities, Pharmalicensing utilizes the unique online Showcase Profiling & Discover services, as well as its renowned Partnering Search service leveraging its global network of industry experts, to enable companies to identify and engage with appropriate partners around the world. Pharmalicensing is actively utilized by many tens of thousands of industry professionals each month. Pharmalicensing is a division of Cognis Group, Inc.



    PharmaCircle is an innovative knowledge management company serving the current and future global leaders in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology related industries. PharmaCircle is a one stop information and analysis source for pipeline, products, clinical trials, drug delivery technologies, deals and acquisitions, company financials, venture capital investments, product sales, pharmaceutical services, news, patents and more….



    MedNous is a print publication and website about medical innovation in Europe. It carries exclusive interviews with companies that are at the forefront of medical technology, as well as contributor articles from prominent practitioners. Our mission is to identify significant advances in medicine and to explain how this innovation is being commercialised. In doing so, we talk to venture capitalists about what products and platforms they are supporting. We report on how regulators cope with the accelerating pace of innovation. And we regularly cover the latest developments in the discovery and development of new medical concepts in the area of antibodies, vaccines, small molecules, regenerative medicine and nanomedicines. MedNous combines the English word for medicine with the Greek word for intellect. And those with nous are readers of our publication. Visit our website: www.mednous.com

    Swiss Biotech Association


    The Swiss Biotech Association (SBA) is the national industry association for biotechnology, including pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, agriculture, food, cosmetics, environmental biotechnology, and specialty chemicals. Members are companies active in modern biotechnology, such as R&D, Production, Marketing and Sales, Finance, Services and Consulting. SBA provides a networking platform for Life Science clusters, academic and federal institutions the like. Founded in March 1998, the Association grows steadily.

    BioChem Adda


    BioChem Adda is a Not-just-for-Profit organization which aims to bring out the most reliable and transparent information about everything related to jobs, careers, education, news, articles, and events from the field of BioSciences and Chemistry!



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    Technology Networks


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    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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