"The Doctor does not treat mankind except accidentally...So if someone...
knows the universal without knowing the individuals contained in it, he will often fail in his
treatment; for it is the individual that has to be treated."
Aristotle, Metaphysics
What is this event about?
About the conference
Following the successes of our previous events on pharmacogenomics, biomarkers and stem cells, SAE Media Group is proud to present its inaugural conference on Personalised Medicine.
Taking place in London, UK, this conference will look at the latest in science, R&D, business strategies and legal issues for developing personalised therapeutics, and successfully introducing them to the marketplace.
Covering various approaches towards developing personalised therapeutics - biomarkers, pharmacogenomics, pharmacogenetics and stem cells, the conference will introduce both a pharmaceutical industry and a diagnostics industry perspective on the best way to move forward with developing companion diagnostics, marketing strategies, reimbursement issues and making personalised medicine viable in a commercial marketplace.
Issues considered during the conference will include:
- Should pharma develop companion diagnostics internally, partner, or acquire diagnostic technologies?
- Is co-development the best method for companion diagnostics?
- What is the regulatory perspective on stratified and personalised therapeutics?
- How can the industry be creative with partnering strategies?
- Can current blockbuster drugs be repositioned as personalised medicines through resequencing?
- How do we identify and validate biomarkers for personalised medicines?
- Are pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics the right way forward?
- How far can stem cell technologies be used to personalise therapeutics?
Why not attend the associated workshop as well?
Associated with the conference there will be a half-day interactive workshop on "What's Holding Personalised Medicine Back - How Can We Move It Forward?", taking place on 13th October. It will cover biomarker validation and qualification, clinical trial design and analysis for personalised therapeutics and intellectual property, ethical and policy issues. This will be led by Shawnmarie Mayrand-Chung from the Biomarkers Consortium at the US National Institutes of Health. To see more information about the workshop, please see the Personalised Medicine workshop page.
Keen to see the detailed programme? Click here.
Want to download the brochure? Click here.
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Fancy speaking at the conference? Do you know of anyone who may be interested in speaking? We are always on the look-out for new speakers for our upcoming conferences. Let us know: contact the Conference Producer.
For sponsorship and exhibitioning opportunities, contact our Sponsorship Department.
Who is chairing this event?
Day One
Cecilia Schott
Director of Business Development
Day Two
Martin Wilkins
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Head of the Division of Experimental Medicine
Imperial College London
Who is speaking at this event?
Our keynote speakers
Cecilia Schott
Director of Business Development
Hakan Sakul
Senior Director, Translational Oncology Group
John Whittaker
Director, Statistical Genetics
Patrik Kolar
Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Research Genomics and Systems Biology
European Commission
Ian White
Associate Director, Experimental Medicine
UCB Celltech
Niko Drivas
Senior Licensing Manager
Abbott Molecular
Our expert speakers also include
Iain Miller, Executive Director, Theranostics Strategy and Business Development, bioMérieux
Lincoln Tsang, Partner, Arnold & Porter LLP
Ziad Taib, Statistical Science Director, AstraZeneca
Eddie Blair, Director, Integrated Medicines
Rob Horne, Director, Centre for Behavioural Medicine, School of Pharmacy, University of London
Ian Hall, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Nottingham
Roger Corder, Professor of Experimental Therapeutics, William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London
Balazs Sarkadi, Head, Membrane Biology Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Austin Tanney, Scientific Liaison Manager, Almac Group
Carol Berry, Vice President and General Manager, Pharmacogenomic and CLIA Services, Asuragen
Angela Flannery, Lead Specialist, Stratified Medicine, Technology Strategy Board
To see the full agenda for the event, click here.
Transcription CD ROM
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- - The latest presentations from each expert speaker
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Conference agenda
Chairman's opening remarks Cecilia Schott, Director of Business Development, AstraZeneca Strengthening big pharma's personalised medicine pipeline via partnerships with diagnostics companies Cecilia Schott, Director of Business Development, AstraZeneca
Developing a forward-looking pipeline
In-house or partnerships?
Examples from AstraZeneca experience
Pfizer/Abbott Molecular collaboration: Hakan Sakul, Senior Director, Translational Oncology Group, Pfizer
Our increased understanding of molecular pathways in oncology in recent years has contributed to the development of diagnostics assays that enable implementation of personalised medicine
Most pharma companies rely on collaborations with diagnostics companies for the development and commercialisation of companion diagnostics assays
Pharma and Dx companies traditionally have different paths to markets, each party has to rely on the success of the other to successfully co-develop Rx and Dx
This presentation will focus on a case study for a late-stage NSCLC compound and will outline the development of a companion diagnostic assay being used in patient identification
Pfizer/Abbott Molecular collaboration: Niko Drivas, Senior Licensing Manager, Abbott Molecular
The contract
Facilitating the regulatory strategy
Critical elements of clinical studies
Delivering commercial value
Alliance management: maximizing the partnership dynamics
Pfizer/Abbott Molecular collaboration: Q&A Hakan Sakul, Senior Director, Translational Oncology Group, Pfizer Niko Drivas, Senior Licensing Manager, Abbott Molecular Creative models for companion diagnostic development Carol Berry, Vice President and General Manager Pharmacogenomic and CLIA Services, Asuragen
What development models will the FDA accept?
Building in flexibility
Creative marketing models
Partnering for companion test development: perspective of a global IVD company Iain Miller, Executive Director, Theranostics Strategy and Business Development, bioMérieux
Drivers and challenges associated with partnering
Case study examples of specific deals
Broad strategy
Differing models
Accelerating development
Business factors
Iain Miller, Executive Director, Theranostics Strategy and Business Development, bioMérieux Patrik Kolar, Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Research Genomics and Systems Biology, European Commission Eddie Blair, Director, Integrated Medicines Deep resequencing as a tool for drug repositioning John Whittaker, Director, Statistical Genetics, GlaxoSmithKline
Deep resequencing provides a powerful tool for drug development via the exhaustive discovery of genetic variation in drug targets
Novel associations of such variants with disease can suggest new uses for existing drugs
Here we discuss an ongoing experiment on 200 genes and 15,000 individuals
The rough guide to outsourcing of genomics activities Ian White, Associate Director, Experimental Medicine, UCB Celltech
Selecting the destination
Planning the route
Making the most of what you find when you get there
Valuing companion diagnostics Eddie Blair, Director, Integrated Medicines
Development of companion diagnostics and personalised medicine
Assessment of the true value of companion diagnostics
Impact of valuation on relationships, regulation and reimbursement
Application of stem cells in pharmacological and toxicological screening Balazs Sarkadi, Head, Membrane Biology Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Using HuESCs and iPSCs as relevant model systems in toxicology and pharmacology screening
Genetically engineering human pluripotent stem cells to express reporter constructs
Differentiating reporter cell lines into specific tissue types
Screening for modulation of differentiation and sensitivity of cell types
Role in new drug development, assessing environmental toxicity and reducing animal experiments
Chairman’s closing remarks and close of day one Re-registration and coffee Chairman's opening remarks Martin Wilkins, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Head of the Division of Experimental Medicine, Imperial College London European-"omics" Collaborative's research - facilitating the progress of personalised medicine Patrik Kolar, Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Research Genomics and Systems Biology, European Commission
Philosophy of the Collaborative's research in the EU Framework Research Programmes and their application in Health Research
Structure of the Health Programme and the position of the "omics"-related activities in it
Success stories in "omics" research funded so far enabling personalised medicine
Forward look
The development of multigene prognostic and predictive tests for cancer management Austin Tanney, Scientific Liaison Manager, Almac Group
Oncology is a primary focus for personalised medicine
Cancer treatment needs to be better tailored to improve patient outcome
Discussion of issues involved in the development of prognostic and predictive tests
Stratified approaches to the management of common respiratory diseases Ian Hall, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University Of Nottingham
The potential to use stratified approaches to define patient populations with different treatment requirements or different treatment responses in respiratory disease
Focus on asthma and COPD
The use of genetics and other approaches to stratify patients
Regulatory issues
Biomarkers in drug development: some statistical issues - with a focus on cardiovascular diseases Ziad Taib, Statistical Science Director, AstraZeneca
Biomarkers in drug development
Types of biomarkers
Analytical evaluation and validation of biomarkers
Statistical issues
A few CV examples
Patient adherence: implications for personalised medicine Rob Horne, Director, Centre for Behavioural Medicine, School of Pharmacy, University of London
The capacity of personalised medicine to improve health outcomes is dependent on patient adherence
Over a third of prescribed medicines are not taken as advised
This session will examine the reasons for nonadherence to medicines and explore the implications for personalised medicine
Reducing cardiovascular risk: diagnosis and treatment of endothelial dysfunction Roger Corder, Professor of Experimental Therapeutics, William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London
Characteristics of endothelial dysfunction and influence on cardiovascular risk
Patient groups requiring assessment of endothelial function
Need for biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction
Treatment options for endothelial dysfunction
Current challenges to the regulatory framework Lincoln Tsang, Partner, Arnold and Porter LLP
Will the regulatory threshold for product approval be changed?
How this will impact the benefit/risk assessment paradigm
Will this likely expedite patient access to innovative medicines?
A stratified medicines initiative for the UK Angela Flannery, Lead Specialist, Stratified Medicines, Technology Strategy Board
Announcement about the Technology Strategy Board's competition for genomics research projects in the UK
Chairman’s closing remarks and close of day two
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