Military Robotics & Autonomous Systems
31 March - 2 April 2025

The Military Robotics & Autonomous Systems Conference is returning bigger than ever in 2025. With the world less stable and the threat of conflict ever greater; the successful implementation and integration of risk reducing, yet tempo and mass generating robotics and autonomous systems is more crucial than ever.

With the increasing deployment of Uncrewed systems in Ukraine and more frequent tactical experiments with mission-capable UXS in NATO nations, the RAS community must prioritize the safe and effective operationalization of these systems.

With the dedicated focus day and 4 separate afternoon streams, covering all aspects of RAS, the MRAS conference is, as ever, the best place to gain essential knowledge and insight from MRAS programmes from across the globe, and where the capabilities, challenges and opportunities of these programmes lie.

“If you want to increase your knowledge and build your understanding of the complexities of RAS, this event is a must.”
- Defence Futures, British Army


General Sir Roly Walker

General Sir Roly Walker

Chief of the General Staff CGS, British Army
Mr James Gavin

Mr James Gavin

Head of the Future Capability Group, DE&S, UK Ministry of Defence
Mr Robert Monto

Mr Robert Monto

Director, Advanced Concepts & Critical Technologies, US Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO)

Brigadier (Ret.) Ian Cameron-Mowat

Director, IMP Castle Associates Limited
Brigadier (Ret.) Ian Cameron-Mowat

 Ian Cameron-Mowat joined the Royal Corps of Signals in 1983 with an honours degree in Russian from Glasgow University. He had a busy Cold War culminating in his two-year tour on detached duty as a specialist intelligence officer in the final years of the Berlin Wall. Otherwise he alternated between more mainstream Royal Signals appointments at troop, squadron and Regimental level, equipment capability, and posts in intelligence and security in the UK and with the United Nations.

His final seven years in uniform were spent, first as a colonel and finally as a brigadier, heading Special Projects and Force Protection teams in the MOD’s procurement organisation, Defence Equipment and Support. Among other areas, he was responsible for the UK’s remote-controlled vehicle programmes, counter-IED systems, bomb disposal, force protection surveillance and novel protection systems for armoured vehicles.

On leaving the Army in early 2010 he founded a consultancy helping companies to identify and win opportunities in equipment programmes in the UK and allied countries. His work has included advice to UK MOD and support to British and international clients in robotics, UAS and counter-UAS, electronic countermeasures, surveillance, vehicle integration, communications, survivability and the manufacturing supply chain, along with extensive conference chairing.

Outside work, his interests are fairly standard – travel, foreign languages, military history, archaeology, dogs, cooking, gadgets - all that sort of thing.

Brigadier Paul Hughes

Head of Engineering Assurance and Certification Land, DE&S
Brigadier Paul Hughes

 Brigadier Paul Hughes commissioned into the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineering (REME) in 1992. Following a number of appointments at regimental duty and successful completion of the Officers’ Long Aeronautical Engineering (OLAE) course, he promoted to Major in 2005.
Completing SO2 staff appointments supporting the defence training review (DTR) at Cosford and latterly as the lead for personnel and infrastructure on the Army General Staff he was selected for sub-unit command in 2010.
Command of 4 Regiment Army Air Corp workshop followed, during which his unit supported Apache Helicopters on Op HERRICK (Afghanistan) and Op ELLAMY (Libya). Subsequently selected to be the engineering member on the 3-man service inquiry panel investigating the Red Arrows’ XX177 fatal accident in Nov 11, he remained committed to the enquiry until its conclusion in 2014.
A short period as the mechanical engineering authority within the Apache Helicopter Project Team followed.
Gaining promotion to Lieutenant Colonel in Sep 13, assuming the post of continuing airworthiness manager / chief air engineer for Army unmanned air systems he deployed on OP HERRICK (Afghanistan) to support Watchkeeper’s inaugural operational flight. Lieutenant Colonel Hughes was then selected as the inaugural Commanding Officer of 106 Battalion REME in Feb 15. Forming the Army Reserve unit as a result of Army 2020 restructuring, with an Area Of Responsibility (AOR) covering the entirety of Scotland and Northern Ireland, during his tenure he recruited over 350 personnel and deployed the unit to Cyprus on Ex LION STAR.
Returning to the Apache Delivery Team in the role of SO1 Engineering Airworthiness Authority in Apr 17 he introduced the Emergency Flotation System to the platform. Short toured from the appointment he gained promotion to Colonel in Apr 18 assuming the role of Type Airworthiness Authority and Chief Engineer within the Remotely Piloted Air Systems’ Delivery Team.
He has held type airworthiness authority for the entirety of UK Defence Remotely Piloted Air Systems including Reaper (Class 3), Protector (Class 3), Watchkeeper (Class 2) and Minis Portfolio (Class 1). He also led UK certification effort to gain a Military Type Certificate for the Protector RPAS; an achievement scheduled for achievement in 2024 which will be a global first for an RPAS of the Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) class.
Promoted to Brigadier in 2023 he is now the Head of Engineering Assurance for the Land Domain within Defence Equipment and Support responsible for overseeing effective procurement of equipment that is safe to operate.
A fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society and Chartered Engineer, Brigadier Hughes enjoys mentoring those seeking professional registration and conducting interviews on behalf of the society.

Captain Artiom van den Broek

Project Officer, Military Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence, Royal Netherlands Army
Captain Artiom van den Broek

 Artiom van den Broek, a Dutch military officer serving in the Royal Netherlands Army, specializes in the innovative field of Robotics and Autonomous Systems. His expertise lies in applied military autonomy and artificial intelligence for unmanned vehicles. He holds a master’s degree in applied physics, with a specialization in quantum nanoscience, from Delft University of Technology (Faculty of Applied Sciences). Currently in his second year as a PhD candidate, he is focused on designing military autonomous systems at the University of Twente (Faculty of Engineering Technology).

Captain Artur Varanda

Project Officer for Remote and Autonomous Systems, Army Centre for Operational Experimentation and Technological Modernization
Captain Artur Varanda

 Captain Artur Varanda is a Project Officer for Remote and Autonomous Systems at the Army Experimentation and Technological Modernisation Centre. An Artillery Officer by training, he is a graduate of the Portuguese Military Academy and holds a Master’s in Geographic Information Systems and Science from the Nova University of Lisbon, where he is also an invited lecturer at the Bachelor’s in Data Science program. His current posting followed a command tour as Officer Commanding of a Ground-Based Air Defence Battery, which included the role of Project Officer at the “Short Range Air Defence” and “Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems” programs.

Captain Christian Andersson

Research Officer, Finnish National Defence University
Captain Christian Andersson

 Captain Christian Andersson works in the Finnish National Defence University as a research officer and a scientist. He received his M.Sc.Tech in Automation & hydraulics from Tampere University of Technology in 2018. He later graduated with a master´s degree in military sciences in 2022. He is preparing two dissertations, first on Artificial Intelligence in Military Unmanned Ground Vehicles and the second one on development and uses of Military Unmanned Ground Vehicles. His scientific researchers focuses on developing Evolutionary algorithms for UGV’s and further developing an Autonomous Multi-Purpose Ground Vehicle. Despite his young career he is already participating in several research projects in Finland.

Colonel Charles Seaberry

Director, DEVCOM FWD Element-Atlantic, US Army DEVCOM
Colonel Charles Seaberry

Charles M. Seaberry graduated from Augusta State University in 2001
and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Finance Corps.
His first assignment was assistant S-3 of the HHC training support Battalion at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Since then, he has served in a variety of command and staff positions to include, Company executive officer, 369 AG Battalion; Commander, Charlie Company, 1/61 Infantry; Aide de Camp to the post commander at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.

In 2007, LTC Seaberry assessed into the Army Acquisition Corps. His career highlights include serving as a Contingency Contracting Officer, assigned to the 641st Contingency Contracting Team (CCT) at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. Following this assignment, he joined the 411th Contracting Support Brigade at Camp Coiner, Seoul, Korea. Here, LTC Seaberry took on the roles of Branch Chief and a Warranted Contracting Officer for a Regional Contracting Office at Camp Henry, Daegu, Korea. During his time in Korea, he also served as Team Leader of the 646th CCT. The dedication and outstanding performance in contingency operations earned him the prestigious Expeditionary Contracting Command's Medallion in 2011.

Following his role as a Contingency Contracting Officer, LTC Seaberry served as Deputy Division Chief of Contracting for the Los Angeles District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2012. He then participated in the Army's Training with Industry (TWI) program at Lockheed Martin in Orlando, FL. Transitioning from TWI, he assumed the position of Assistant Program Manager (APM) for Games for Training at Program Executive Office, Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation (PEO STRI). Subsequently, LTC Seaberry served as the executive officer for PEO STRI, followed by the role of Assistant Executive Officer to the Principal Military Deputy, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology, stationed at the Pentagon. LTC Seaberry, a centrally selected Product Manager for the Common Synthetic Environment (PdM CSE), successfully delivered the Army's revolutionary software solutions: the Synthetic Training Environment (STE) and Live, Virtual, Constructive, Integrated Architecture (LVC-IA).

Following completion at the US Army War College, he now serves as Director of Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) - Atlantic, overseeing S&T collaboration, research, and ally interoperability in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. As the Army's S&T lead to NATO, he prioritizes promoting interoperability and modernization to foster cooperative R&D partnerships with foreign entities.

Lieutenant Colonel Seaberry’s education includes: Master of Arts in Management/Leadership from Webster University, Master of Business Administration in Contract Management from the Naval Postgraduate School, and Master of National Security and Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College. LTC Seaberry is Level III certified in Contracting and Program Management.

LTC Seaberry’s awards and decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal (6 Oak Leaf Clusters), Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal (2 Oak Leaf Clusters), Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terror Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Army Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon (2 Oak Leaf Clusters), Army Staff Identification Badge and the German Army Proficiency Badge (Gold).

Lieutenant Colonel Seaberry is happily married and has a son and daughter.

Colonel Jason Dudley

Chief, Ops Group Bravo, US Army Joint Modernization Command
Colonel Jason Dudley

Colonel Jason Dudley is a native of Newport News, Virginia, and graduated from Poquoson High School, Poquoson, Virginia, in 1997. Colonel Dudley enlisted in the Army on May 5th, 1998, and spent three years in the United States Army Reserve whilst completing his undergraduate education. Colonel Dudley was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Armor in May 2001 upon graduating Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia.
Colonel Dudley has served in all key and developmental positions from Platoon Leader through Battalion Commander. He has deployed thrice on Operation Iraqi Freedom, and once on Operation Inherent Resolve. His five most recent assignments are:
• Senior Instructor, Tactics Wing, Australian School of Armour, Puckapunyal, Victoria, Australia (2016-2018)
• Battalion Commander, 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment, Fort Jackson, South Carolina (2019-2021)
• G3 Operations Officer, Army Training Center, Fort Jackson, South Carolina (2021-2022)

• Graduate Student, Defense Strategic Studies Course, Australian War College, Canberra, Australia (2023)

• Chief, Operations Group Bravo, Joint Modernization Command, Fort Bliss, Texas (2024-Present)

Colonel Dudley’s professional military education includes the Armor Officer Basic Course, the Scout Leaders Course (Army Reconnaissance Course), the Armor Officer Advanced Course, the Cavalry Leaders Course, Command & General Staff College, Australian Army War College, Airborne School, Jumpmaster School, and the Pathfinder course.
His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal (2), the Meritorious Service Medal (6), the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Achievement Medal (2), the Army Reserve Achievement Medal, the Iraqi Campaign Medal (5 Campaign Stars), the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal (2), the Armed Forces Service Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Combat Action Badge, the Parachutist Badge, and the Pathfinder Badge. Colonel Dudley has also been awarded the Military Order of Saint George (Bronze) by the Armor & Cavalry Association. Colonel Dudley holds a Bachelor of Science in Government from Christopher Newport University (Virginia), a Master of Science in Human Resource Development from the University of Houston (Texas), and a Master of Science in National Security and Strategy from Deakin University (Australia).

Colonel Remi Pellabeuf

Head of the Future Combat Laboratory, French Army
Colonel Remi Pellabeuf

Colonel Toby Till

Commander, Experimentation and Trials Group (ETG) , British Army
Colonel Toby Till

 Colonel Toby Till has commanded the UK Experimentation and Trials Group since June 2022. His previous experience includes Infantry Battalion command (Coldstream Guards) with Light Infantry, Armoured Infantry, Reconnaissance, Close Observation and Airborne Pathfinder experience over 31 years. On the staff he has completed multiple capability roles covering concepts, capability delivery as well as a planner in Divisional and Operational HQ. He has served 3 tours in Northern Ireland, 3 in Afghanistan, 1 in Iraq, as well in Kosovo with the UNHCR. He has trained globally including in Southeast Asia, Central and North America, Africa and across Europe.

Dr Mark Hoepflinger

Head of the Swiss Drone and Robotics Centre SDRC, Armasuisse
Dr Mark Hoepflinger

 Dr. Markus Andreas (Mark) Hoepflinger holds a Master degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from ETH Zurich. After his Master in the field of space robotics, Mark Hoepflinger was employed as engineer for the Swiss locomotion subsystem breadboard for ESA’s ExoMars project. He then conducted a PhD at the Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL) at ETH Zurich with the main focus on terrain perception for legged robots. From 2013 to 2015, Mark was employed at ASL as leading researcher on various national and international research projects and Pioneer Fellow for a legged robotics company. Since 2015, Mark Hoepflinger is leading the governmental research program ‘Unmanned Systems/Robotics’ at armasuisse Science + Technology and is currently head of the "Swiss Drone and Robotics Centre" of the Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) and since 2024, head of competence centers of armasuisse S+T. In his military militia function, Höpflinger is a member of the Military Strategy Staff (MSS).

Dr Stuart Young

Program Manager, Tactical Technology officer (TTO) , DARPA
Dr Stuart Young

 Stuart Young joined DARPA in January 2020 as a program manager in the Tactical Technology Office. His expertise includes autonomous/unmanned ground and air vehicles, intelligent behaviors for unmanned systems, multi-agent teaming, applied artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), and field robotics technologies.
Prior to joining DARPA, he served as program manager for AI for Maneuver and Mobility at the Army Research Laboratory (ARL), focusing on basic and applied research in efforts to develop intelligent behaviors and foundational autonomy for collaborating robotic teams operating in militarily relevant environments. He previously served as division chief for the Information Sciences Division at ARL, where he led a large team of researchers performing basic and applied research in intelligent behaviors for autonomous Army robots, machine learning for C3I, and natural language understanding for multi-domain battle. He also led the ARL Robotics Collaborative Technology Alliance, in addition to serving as a branch chief and researcher dedicated to intelligent robotic behaviors. Young participated in numerous DARPA initiatives through his career including the Tactical Mobile Robotics, Mind’s Eye, DARPA Robotics Challenge, UGCV PerceptOR Integrator, and Learning Applied to Ground Robotics programs.
Young holds a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington. He earned a Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School, and holds a Doctor of Philosophy in systems engineering from The George Washington University. He previously served 13 years in the U.S. Army Reserve as a captain in the Engineer Branch.

General Sir Roly Walker

Chief of the General Staff CGS, British Army
General Sir Roly Walker

 General Sir Roly Walker was commissioned into the Irish Guards in 1993, and served with the UK’s Special Forces from 1997. He commanded the Grenadier Guards in 2009, promoting to the General Staff four years later.

He has commanded at company, squadron, battle group, brigade and SF group levels, variously in Northern Ireland, Afghanistan, Iraq, as well as joint command of operations across Europe, the broader Middle East, Africa and South America. On the Staff, he has served in brigade, divisional, army and strategic HQs.

Since April 2021, he was the Deputy Chief of Defence Staff (Military Strategy & Operations) during which time he was responsible for advising on and directing operations to support the government’s response to Covid, the death of the late Duke of Edinburgh, the withdrawal from Kabul, the full scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the death of the late Queen Elizabeth II and coronation of His Majesty King Charles III, numerous evacuation operations, and most recently, the Hamas attacks on Israel. In June 2024 General Walker was appointed as the Chief of the General Staff.

He was made a Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath in 2023, and a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order in 2010. General Walker is the President of the Honourable Artillery Company, Army Rugby, and Army Winter Sports.

Married, with three daughters, he lives in Herefordshire.

Lieutenant Colonel Davide Pugliese

SO1 Concept Development, Italian Army
Lieutenant Colonel Davide Pugliese

 LTC Davide Pugliese currently serves as chief of the concept development and space branches, a subset of the Innovation and Space office of the Italian Army General Staff.
Before assuming command of the Innovation branches, LTC Pugliese held numerous operational Warfighter positions from Cavalry Platoon Leader, Cadets Platoon leader, armoured Coy Commander, recce Squadron Commander to Cavalry Battalion Commander, serving in numerous Operations, such as ISAF, UNIFIL, KFOR and IRAQ “Antica Babilonia”. As Staff Officer LTC Pugliese served in planning, operations and personnel branches.
His program management experience, especially in CD&E experiments, spans from investigating the impact of Emerging & Disruptive Technologies in the way ITA Army conducts operations to various robotics autonomous systems and space programs for the Defense.

Lieutenant Colonel Geraint Thatcher

SO1 Strike Network Project, Royal Marines
Lieutenant Colonel Geraint Thatcher

Lieutenant Colonel James de St John-Pryce

Former Commanding Officer, Armoured Trials & Development Unit, British Army
Lieutenant Colonel James de St John-Pryce

 Lieutenant Colonel James de St John-Pryce commissioned into the Blues and Royals after a childhood in France and the usual schooling and university in England. With a passion for the role and challenges of reconnaissance, he served in the Household Cavalry Regiment on Scimitar vehicles before stints in training and at ceremonial mounted duty. After an Iraq tour in Media operations, he returned to Basra as the Operations Officer for the Brigade Reconnaissance Force at the height of the violence. Following a posting as Adjutant to the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment, he attended the Defence Academy Intermediate Command and Staff Course.
At the Permanent Joint Headquarters in Northwood, he was the J3 Joint Effects desk officer before being selected as Military Assistant to the Assistant Chief of Staff J3 (Operations) at the culmination of campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan; punctuated by the evacuation and subsequent bombing campaign of Libya. Returning to reconnaissance to command C Squadron of the Household Cavalry Regiment in preparation for a tour of Afghanistan on Scimitar 2. This was followed by tours on the Syria desk in Military Strategic Effects in MOD and the Foreign Office; as Plans Officer for the European Union Training Mission in Mogadishu and as Requirements Manager on the AJAX programme in Abbey Wood. He returned to the Household Cavalry as Second in Command and has more recently specialised in global crisis response as the J3/Operations and Africa Team Leader for the Joint Force Headquarters.
Foremost are his passion for flying (fixed winged aircraft), skiing (generally with a small parachute - speed riding) and reforming the Army's least useful anachronisms.
He has commanded the Armoured Trials and Development Unit since July 2021 and will shortly leave the Army seeking new challenges.

Lieutenant Colonel Jochem Vlaardingerbroek

Commander Robotics and Autonomous Systems Unit, Royal Netherlands Army
Lieutenant Colonel Jochem Vlaardingerbroek

 Lt-Col Jochem Vlaardingerbroek has been in the Army for 25 years. Following graduation from the Royal Military Academy, he has done several operational functions in the fields of reconnaissance and operational intelligence, including three deployments to Afghanistan. More recently, he graduated from Delft University of Technology with a master’s degree in control engineering. Currently he is the commanding officer of the Dutch Robotics and Autonomous Systems unit.

Lieutenant Colonel Johnny Hanlon

SO1 Soldier Systems - Soldier Works, British Army
Lieutenant Colonel Johnny Hanlon

Lieutenant Colonel Josh Halloran

Robotic & Autonomous Systems Implementation and Coordination Office, Future Land Warfare, Land Capability Division, Australian Army
Lieutenant Colonel Josh Halloran

 Lieutenant Colonel Halloran entered the Australian Defence Force Academy in 2007 completing a Bachelor of Business in 2008. He graduated from the Royal Military College – Duntroon in 2009 and was commissioned into the Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.

LTCOL Halloran has had a number of regimental postings; including Technical Support Troop Commander at the 16th Air Defence Regiment, Platoon Commander at the Army Recruit Training Centre, Second in Charge and Operations Officer of the Operational Support Squadron at the 1st Combat Engineer Regiment, and as the Adjutant and Logistics Officer at the 7th Combat Signals Regiment.

In 2016, LTCOL Halloran was selected to attend the Capability Technology Management College, gaining a Master of Capability Management through the University of New South Wales. LTCOL Halloran has subsequently performed capability roles across all levels of Defence.

In 2017 LTCOL Halloran was employed within Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group as a Project Manager within LAND 200 where he was responsible for delivering training and simulation systems to digitise the All Corps Officer and Soldier Training Continuum. In 2019 LTCOL Halloran posted to the Army Logistic Training Centre, where he led the development of the Mobility Training Framework; requiring him to generate consensus across Army to adopt technological advancements in order to improve the way Army trains and operates protected mobility vehicles.

Throughout 2020-2022 LTCOL Halloran successfully filled a number of roles within Force Integration Division. He directly supported an ADF Senior Leader; contributed to the development of the Joint Force Interoperability Guidance; supported the adoption of the Defence Enterprise Resource Planning Program; and gained exposure advanced joint capabilities.

LTCOL Halloran is currently posted to the Robotic and Autonomous Systems Implementation and Coordination Office (RICO) as the SO1 Emerging Technology; where he is focused on how Army can accelerate the adoption of emerging and disruptive technology into the Integrated Force, inform the future Land Operational Concept Document and future Land Capability acquisitions.

LTCOL Halloran’s operational experience includes deployment on OP HIGHROAD in 2018-2019 within the NATO Combined Joint Operations Centre, where he was subsequently awarded an ADF Silver Commendation and US Army Commendation Medal.


Lieutenant Colonel Robbie Hicks

SO1 Robotics & Autonomous Systems, British Army
Lieutenant Colonel Robbie Hicks

Major Ivo Peets

EDF Future Force Development Project, Estonian Defence Forces
Major Ivo Peets

Mr Amish Patel

Senior Engineer - Robotic Solutions , Pearson Engineering
Mr Amish Patel

 Amish Patel is a Senior Engineer - Robotic Solutions at Pearson Engineering. After achieving an MEng in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Sheffield, Amish's journey at Pearson Engineering began in 2017 where he joined as a Graduate Engineer. Since joining, Amish has led on R&D developments within the robotics and autonomous arena. In his commitment to advancing in the field, Amish is currently on the path to achieving Chartered Engineer status with the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

The vast experience gained through testing and refining robotic systems for military end-users has allowed Amish to develop and refine solutions to aid combat engineers and their efforts. As the military world shifts towards a more robotic and autonomous mindset, his work has primarily focussed on the development of robotic and autonomous combat engineering equipment.

Mr Asaf Klein

ATeMM Program Manager, Plasan Sasa Ltd
Mr Asaf Klein

 Asaf Klein serves as program manager of the ATeMM (All-terrain electric mission module).
Asaf brings more than 20 years of operational and technical experience in combat proven systems.
Prior to his appointment as the ATeMM program manager, Before joining PLASAN,
Asaf spent 15 years at AMAREL, professional services company in the defense sector, starting as implementing operational systems
and working his way up to head of business department Supporting numerous defense projects.

Mr Barry Paton

DUxDA Team Leader, StratCom
Mr Barry Paton

 I have worked in Defence for 28 years, throughout my career I have successfully delivered a wide range of Defence Capabilities ranging from Communications, Cruise Missiles, Lethality, EOD&S, Counter Terrorism, Helicopters and my current role as head of the Defence Uncrewed Systems Design Authority (DUxDA).
In my current role I strive to enable the Coherence and Coordination of the UK Defence Uncrewed Systems Portfolio, and Collaborate with all stakeholders to accelerate the development of uncrewed systems capabilities to meet Defences priorities now and in the future.

Mr Darren Fisher

Resilient Navigation Business Development - APAC & EMEAI, Honeywell Aerospace
Mr Darren Fisher

 Following his engineering studies and a time in the Semiconductor world, Darren has been operating in the Navigation world for over 20 years. He has experience supporting clients across APAC and EMEAI in areas as diverse as GNSS Simulation for receiver and system testing, GNSS receivers themselves, and latterly multi-sensor Navigation systems at Honeywell Aerospace.
He is a founding member of the Honeywell HGuide team, whose mission is to support commercial, industrial and defence programs with accurate, resilient navigation solutions with no-license required, low SWaP-C products.

He has been discussing GNSS denied environments for longer than it has been fashionable, and now his colleagues refer to him as a ‘Subject Matter Expert’ in the field of Inertial navigation, but as his LinkedIn Bio states, he is not entirely sure he’s earnt that just yet.

Mr Guy Powell

Principal Adviser - Land Autonomy, Project Technical Authority - Land RAS demonstration, Project Technical Authority - Autonomous Collaborative Partners, DSTL
Mr Guy Powell

 Guy Powell is Principal Adviser (Mounted systems) to the Land Systems Programme within Dstl. He is also Principal Technical Authority for project JTARR (Joint Tactical Autonomous Resupply and Replenishment) leading a team conducting scientific assessment of RAS technologies, through trials and supporting studies of exemplar ground platforms. While the primary focus of this work is application to Autonomous Resupply, it will likely have wider applicability across a range of capabilities.
Guy has worked in Defence R&D for over 30 years across a breadth of technical areas including land platforms, Robotics & Autonomous Systems (RAS), weapons and energetic materials.

Mr James Gavin

Head of the Future Capability Group, DE&S, UK Ministry of Defence
Mr James Gavin

James Gavin is the head of the Future Capability Group (FCG) at Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S).

The FCG exists to help explore new capabilities so that they can then be exploited at scale. Increasingly projects are ‘Agile By Default’ to deliver early operational advantage. The Group works closely with all the Front-line Commands, DSTL and central MOD areas such as the DIU and DASA. James has served in the military, the civil service and industry before joining DE&S. He is a passionate advocate of delivering Operational Advantage through a better application of strategic thinking on innovation, inclusive cultures and sustainability.

Mr John Crozier

Principal Vetronics Systems Engineer Platform Systems Division, DSTL, UK MoD
Mr John Crozier

 Works in the United Kingdom (UK) Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) Platform Systems Division as the Principal Vetronics Systems Engineer Land Robotic and Autonomous Systems (RAS).
Recent work includes the development of an eco-system of RAS digital twins for the trialling, testing and development of RAS systems operating in Land environments, Command and Control (C2) systems for future novel weapons and the development of Land Combat Platform Situation Awareness capabilities.
John is the UK MOD Lead for the NATO Military Vetronics Association (MILVA) and supports the development of NATO STANAG 4754 NGVA and UK DEF STAN 23-009 Generic Vehicle Architecture standards.

Mr Luke Gallantree

Senior Principal Engineer, DSTL
Mr Luke Gallantree

 Luke Gallantree is a Senior Principal Engineer at Dstl and is the Land domains technical authority for Close Combat and Soldier Systems research and development. He is responsible for implementing the Science and Technology (S&T) response to the MOD’s future strategic direction on how the British Army will field RAS capabilities in 2030 and beyond.
He currently holds the role of UK Principal Panel Member for the NATO STO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel, and chairs a number of research activities currently focusing on Augmented Reality and RAS. He is an officer within the British Army Reserve Forces currently working at the UK Strategic Command and is a Chartered Engineer.

Mr Mario Martinho

Deputy Head of Technology and Innovation Unit, European Defence Agency
Mr Mario Martinho

 Mario Martinho is the Deputy Head of the Technology and Innovation Unit at the European Defence Agency (EDA). In this role, he oversees strategic initiatives aimed at fostering innovation and technological advancements across military domains.

He also serves as the Head of the Capability & Technology Group Ground Systems, responsible for coordinating the Agency’s research and technology activities related to military land systems. His responsibilities span a broad range of topics, including manned and unmanned combat and multipurpose platforms, integrated systems (C4I, energy, MUM-T, etc), soldier systems, combat engineering, force protection, and logistics for land operations.

Additionally, Mario leads the coordination of EDA’s Ad Hoc Working Group on Autonomous Systems and EDA’s Action Plan on Autonomous Systems, emphasizing his commitment to advancing autonomous systems, disruptive technologies, and cross-domain capabilities within European defence frameworks.

Mario Martinho holds a master’s degree in Military Engineering, a postgraduate qualification in Military Sciences – Security and Defence, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Political Science.

Mr Martin Joesaar

Program Officer - EU Defence Innovation Office in Kyiv, European Commission
Mr Martin Joesaar

  Mr Martin Jõesaar served in the Estonian Defence Forces for 16 years as an officer. He added valuable contribution into the integration of Short Range Air Defence Missile Systems to the existing units at the early stage of his career. However, the latter part and the majority of his time was spent on helping to build up the Special Operations Forces Unit in order to meet the new challenges of NATO. This included different command positions within in the structure and contribution as an instructor and an operations officer at the HQ, including a deployment to Afghanistan under CJSOTF10 in 2012.
In 2019, Mr Jõesaar left the military in a rank of major and joined the Defence Industry side instead as the COO of an unmanned aerial systems developer and producer Threod Systems, based in Estonia. Additionally to the everyday coordination, ensuring the smooth process flow internally in the factory, one of the main roles for him was sharing the end-user experience. Threod Systems specialises on providing the state of the art equipment tailored according to the needs of the military and security forces. In which it is crucial to understand the intelligence collection details and its connections to the higher level HQ planning process for providing the full solution for the clients.
In the end of 2020, Mr Jõesaar accepted the offer to become the representative of the participating member states of the iMUGS project. By being the link between the industry consortium and the participating nations, he will play the key role in ensuring the full transparency of the project and helping all counterparts to understand the process in the mutual way. Coordinating such a complex international and multilingual project was the kind of challenge he gladly accepted.

Mr Neema Daneshvar

Vice President of Product, Silvus Technologies
Mr Neema Daneshvar

 As VP of Product at Silvus Technologies, Neema Daneshvar leads cross-functional teams to drive innovation, expanding Silvus’ reach into new markets while meeting the evolving needs of customers. Since stepping into this role in 2022, Neema has leveraged his deep technical expertise, strategic vision, and leadership to shape the future of Silvus’ product offerings. His journey—from engineering to sales leadership and now product strategy—reflects his dedication to Silvus’ mission of solving the toughest tactical communications problems on the planet.

Mr Nicholas Valentine

Lead Engineer - Human Machine Teaming, DE&S
Mr Nicholas Valentine

 Nicky is the Lead Engineer on the British Army’s Human Machine Teaming project. He has an MSc in Robotics and Automation and a BEng in Mechanical Engineering. Following graduation he completed the DE&S engineering graduate scheme with placements including the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, Clearpath Robotics and Horiba MIRA. In his time in the Future Capability Group he has taken a leading technical role on Robotic Platoon Vehicles, Heavy UGV Challenge, and the Leader Follower logistics element of Project THESEUS. An Army Reservist, in 2017 he deployed as an infrastructure engineer on Op KIPION, designing and delivering infrastructure across Ops TORAL and SHADER, and is now a Troop Sgt in the Royal Engineers Railway Team.

Mr Raul Rikk

Capability Development Director, Milrem Robotics
Mr Raul Rikk

 Raul Rikk is the Capability Development Director at Milrem Robotics. His areas of responsibility include strategic planning, the development of military robotics concepts, and the execution of long-term development projects, including those for the EU and NATO.

Previously, he served as the Estonian Director of National Cyber Security, where his primary role was to manage, organize, and coordinate the provision of national cyber security both domestically and internationally.

Raul has been involved in developing digital society and cyber security capabilities in various countries. He is one of the founders of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. He also created the National Cyber Security Index.

Raul holds a master's degree from the Finnish National Defense University and a master's degree in IT Management from Tallinn University. He is also a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.

Mr Richard Lennane

Disarmament Adviser, Legal Division, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Mr Richard Lennane

 Richard Lennane is Disarmament Adviser in the Legal Division of the International Committee of the Red Cross. He has long experience in multilateral disarmament and arms control, in government, the United Nations, and civil society. Richard worked in the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs from 2001-2013, and was head of the Biological Weapons Convention Implementation Support Unit from its creation in 2007. From 2014-2016 he headed the innovative nuclear disarmament NGO ‘Wildfire’, and was Executive Director of the Geneva Disarmament Platform from 2016 to 2020. He served as a diplomat in the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade from 1992 to 2001, with postings to Egypt and Syria.

Mr Richard Pass

, ARX Robotics GmbH
Mr Richard Pass

 Richard joined ARX Robotics after building the defence tech focused non-profit, Future Forces. Prior to that, he was a strategy consultant at McKinsey & Company in the UK and Colombia working across sectors. Richard spent five years as a regular tank officer in the British Army after a stint in the Civil Service Fast Stream as a government economist. He is currently a Millennium Leadership Fellow of the Atlantic Council.

Mr Robert Monto

Director, Advanced Concepts & Critical Technologies, US Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO)
Mr Robert Monto

 Mr. Robert Monto Jr joined the Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical
Technologies Office (RCCTO), then known as the Army Rapid Capabilities
Office, in September of 2016. He serves as Director, Advanced Concepts and
Critical Technologies. In this position he is responsible for identifying and
recommending evolving areas of operational need; discover disruptive
capabilities in support of National / Army strategies; assess and provide a
comprehensive plan in support of providing residual combat capability for
military operations. He directly and continuously aligns and encourages
academia, industry, and Science and Technology organizations to bring
solutions to emerging needs identified by the Army RCCTO’s Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors include the Secretary of the Army, Under Secretary, Army
Acquisition Execution, Chief of Staff, Vice Chief of Staff, and the Army Futures
Command Commander. While scouting and identifying technologies in
identified focus areas, Mr. Monto also drives the organization to look for
overmatch capabilities to close existing strategic gaps, as well as identify disruptive, game- changing
technologies. The mission includes the following operating concepts: rapidly assess, develop, test, and transition
advanced technologies to address high priority items from Army leadership. His office serves as the quick
reaction cell for rigorous research and analysis, prototyping, experimentation, and assessment.
Mr. Monto previously served as the Technical Director for Product Manager (PdM) Tactical Mission Command
(TMC) out of Program Executive Officer for Command, Control and Communications – Tactical (PEO C3T) from
August 2011 to August 2015, where he led the technical direction for an ACAT IAC MAIS program, leading core,
matrix, and contractor personnel in the development, testing, procurement, and product improvements of the
Army's mission command systems. Responsible for the technical strategy, planning, and execution to meet
requirements while balancing user ONSs and other stake holder expectations. Products included Command
Post of the Future, Command Post Web, and Battle Command Common Services. Prior to his role as Technical
Director, Mr. Monto was the Assistant Product Manager (APM) for Battle Command Web and APM for
Maneuver Control System from November 2008 to August 2011, responsible for cost, schedule, performance,
and all programmatic level decisions. During this time, he participated in multiple tests, certifications, and
fieldings of Army systems; deploying overseas multiple times to assist, and ensure, fielding success.
Mr. Monto holds an M.S. & B.S. in Software Engineering from Monmouth University. He is a graduate of the
Defense Acquisition University’s Senior Service College Fellowship. He holds executive certificates from The
Wharton School, MIT Management Sloan School, University of Pennsylvania, and Eckerd College. He is a
recipient of the Civilian Service Commendation Medal; Commander’s Award for Civilian Service and three
times been awarded the Achievement Medal for Civilian Service. He is a recipient of the Army Acquisition
Corps Level III in Systems Planning, Research, Development, and Engineering, and he is a member of the Army
Acquisition Corps.

Mr Stuart Hatfield

Division Chief, Army G-8 Human Machine Integration, US Army
Mr Stuart Hatfield

Mr Tiago Lanca

Project Officer, Innovation , European Defence Agency
Mr Tiago Lanca

 Tiago Mendes Lança is as a Project Officer for Innovation at the European Defence Agency. His role in the Hub for European Defence Innovation (HEDI) includes activities related to the Uptake of Innovation. He served the Portuguese Navy as a naval officer for 12 years, in various roles on board warships, with deployments in several real-world operations, notably EUNAVFOR ATALANTA (Gulf of Aden), the Flag Officer Sea Training with the Royal Navy, humanitarian disaster relief operations in Africa and various multinational joint exercises. He was a staff officer in the Portuguese Navy Fleet Command (N3/N5 Operations and Planning). In 2017 he was the founder of the Unmanned Systems Operational Experimentation Unit (CEOV), a new technological guerrilla unit that performed experimentation and rapid prototyping with unmanned systems, which supported both capacity building efforts and operations with Portuguese Marine Corps and Navy SOF. He supported the development of Portuguese Navy's maritime operational experimentation center (CEOM) in Troia, and the REP MUS exercise series. In 2020, he was seconded as a national expert to the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) where he coordinated the implementation of research and innovation pilot projects related with surveillance and border control, in particular, a maritime surveillance Aerostat project in Greece, the Prize Contest on the Detection of Low Flying Objects in Estonia and a project on the integration Vertical Take Off and Landing UAVs on board maritime assets in Italy for coast guard functions.

Mr Will Ryan

PM, Autonomy Portfolio, Defense Innovation Unit
Mr Will Ryan

 Major Will Ryan is a program manager on DIU’s Autonomy Portfolio where he leads DIU’s ground autonomy efforts and supports several UAS projects.

Over the past 15 years, Will has served in various leadership and staff positions in both conventional and special operations units. Prior to joining DIU, Will served as the Operations Of?cer and Executive Of?cer for 3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. Will has also served in the 173rd Airborne Brigade, the 75th Regimental Special Troops Battalion, and 2nd Infantry Division and deployed multiple times across the CENTCOM, EUCOM, and AFRICOM theaters.

Will received a BS in Engineering Management from the United States Military Academy and an MBA from the Yale School of Management.

Senior Representative

, Brave1
Senior Representative

Senior Representative,

, Elbit Systems UK
Senior Representative,

Sergeant Major Corey Wilkens

PM Sandhills Project, 20th Engineer Brigade, US Army
Sergeant Major Corey Wilkens

NEW for 2025:

Focus Day: Multi-domain Integration

The 2025 MRAS conference will feature a focus day on Multi-domain Integration (MDI), highlighting the growing role of uncrewed systems (UxS) across all domains—Land, Air, Sea, and Cyber. As UxS capabilities expand, integrating them will enable more coordinated and effective operations. Large-scale trials like Project Convergence underscore AUKUS’s commitment to interoperability, resilience, redundancy, and cost efficiency, all crucial for achieving strategic advantage. MDI marks the next critical step in UxS development.

Enhancing Lethality Stream:

The British Army aims to double its lethality by 2027 and triple it by 2030, with uncrewed systems (UxS) playing a key role. This session will showcase how allies and industry are advancing lethality through RAS, featuring insights from nations like Ukraine and Estonia, where the need for lethal UxS is urgent.

New speakers from several key organisations:

Including: British Army | Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering | US Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) | Defense Innovation Unit | DARPA | DE&S | US Army Joint Modernization Command | French Army | Royal Marines | Estonian Defence Forces | US Army | DSTL, UK MoD


Military Robotics & Autonomous Systems is the leading event dedicated to the development, procurement and integration of Uncrewed Systems (UxS).

Listen to keynote briefings from senior UK, US and allied RAS programme managers

Discover the latest topics for the advancement of uncrewed systems, including multi-domain integration, lethality, autonomy, mounted and dismounted combat and much more

Meet and network with the key decision-makers from both military and industry to discuss modernisation and optimisation of Robotic & Autonomous Systems

“Excellent event for all who are involved with military robotics, autonomous systems, unmanned systems and questions around the use of them in military context." - National Finnish Defence Forces University

Key themes for 2025:

  • Multi-domain Integration
  • Enhancing Lethality
  • Pan-european collaboration


Our approach sets us apart from other events. We're committed to providing genuine insight and meaningful learning experiences. Our discussions are led by expertly selected participants, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the latest developments from both industry and military sectors.

This three-day event is your gateway to interacting with key stakeholders spanning military, government, and industry, offering a comprehensive exploration of the sector's future. Immerse yourself in unparalleled networking opportunities at this conference.

To discuss your involvement as a sponsor contact, Alex Darby, Sponsorship Manager on alex.darby@saemediagroup.com or call on +44 (0) 20 7827 6107

Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee

 The 2025 MRAS conference will for the first time include a dedicated focus day on the Multi-domain Integration (MDI). As Uncrewed Systems grow in their capability, the next challenge for future forces is Multi-domain Integration. The integration of UxS across all domains (Land, Air, Sea and Cyber) will allow more coordinated and effective operations as UxS enter all domains of the battlefield. Work taking place in the largest UxS trials such as Project Convergence show AUKUS’s commitment to ensuring Interoperability, Resilience and Redundancy, and Cost Efficiency that will ultimately lead to Strategic Advantage MDI is the next hurdle in the development of UxS.



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Mr Martin Joesaar, Program Officer - EU Defence Innovation Office in Kyiv, European Commission



UK Experimentation and Trials Groups RAS lessons from Project CONVERGENCE Capstone

Colonel Toby Till, Commander, Experimentation and Trials Group (ETG) , British Army

 • Project CONVERGENCE Capstone 5 – UK RAS Activities and Lessons Learned
• Current Projects and Priorities
• What we need from our Industry Partners



Planning, Synchronizing, and Executing Project Convergence with Experimental Technology

Colonel Jason Dudley, Chief, Ops Group Bravo, US Army Joint Modernization Command

 • Joint Modernization Command’s role in the Army Modernization Enterprise
• Capstone planning timeline, supporting unit synchronization, and Capstone execution
• Post-Capstone reporting requirements and deliverables



Morning Coffee



The Future Commando Force

Lieutenant Colonel Geraint Thatcher

Lieutenant Colonel Geraint Thatcher, SO1 Strike Network Project, Royal Marines

 • CF Innovation and Integration by Design
• Transfer of Technology through Defence
• Scaling Successes



GNSS Denied Navigation

Mr Darren Fisher, Resilient Navigation Business Development - APAC & EMEAI, Honeywell Aerospace

  •  Explore GNSS vulnerabilities
  • How a multi-layered approach can overcome GNSS challenges with platform-appropriate solutions.
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    The EDA Action Plan on Autonomous Systems (APAS)

    Mr Mario Martinho, Deputy Head of Technology and Innovation Unit, European Defence Agency

  •  Overview of the Action Plan on Autonomous Systems (APAS) and the Autonomous Systems Community of Interest (ASCI)
  • Key action lines
  • Challenges and opportunities
  • The AS RADAR – an early warning tool
  • clock


    The Future of European Defence and the Role of Autonomous Systems

    Mr Mario Martinho, Deputy Head of Technology and Innovation Unit, European Defence Agency

    Mr Martin Joesaar, Program Officer - EU Defence Innovation Office in Kyiv, European Commission



    Afternoon Tea



    Increasing Autonomy in Weapons Systems & Humanitarian Operations

     • Outlining ICRC’s understanding of autonomous weapon systems, along with potential humanitarian, legal and ethical concerns, and ICRC’s recommendations in response
    • Brief introduction to ICRC’s work on weapons and new technologies
    • Applications of robotic and autonomous systems in humanitarian action in conflict zones, and considerations for humanitarians

    Mr Richard Lennane, Disarmament Adviser, Legal Division, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Mr Martin Joesaar, Program Officer - EU Defence Innovation Office in Kyiv, European Commission



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Mr Martin Joesaar, Program Officer - EU Defence Innovation Office in Kyiv, European Commission



    Pulling the Future into the Present – Autonomy and Lethality in the British Army

    General Sir Roly Walker, Chief of the General Staff CGS, British Army



    The British Army’s approach to Robotic and Autonomous Systems

    Lieutenant Colonel Robbie Hicks

    Lieutenant Colonel Robbie Hicks, SO1 Robotics & Autonomous Systems, British Army

     • The future of RAS in the British Army
    • How we will get there
    • What we are doing now



    UxS Acquisition Mechanisms and Demand Signals at a Time of Change

    Mr James Gavin, Head of the Future Capability Group, DE&S, UK Ministry of Defence

     • MOD DES organisational changes linked to UxS
    • How new policies will impact how and what UxS the UK MOD buy and support
    • Demand signal trends resulting from Ukraine and MOD Front Line Command needs
    • Pending and future possible Opportunities



    Session Reserved for Gold Sponsor - Elbit Systems



    Morning Coffee



    UGVs are ready to make armies more lethal

    Mr Richard Pass, , ARX Robotics GmbH

  • UGV technology is now ready and battle tested in Ukraine
  • They can enhance mission success and save lives across use cases (examples)
  • UGVs compliment existing assets and enable greater effect per pound spent
  • Software is just as important as the hardware
  • Autonmous conversions of legacy assets is possible today
  • clock


    Driving Assurance and Certification Standards for UxS in the Land Domain

    Brigadier Paul Hughes, Head of Engineering Assurance and Certification Land, DE&S

     • The Rationale for Land Certification
    • The Land Certification Process and applicability to Autonomy
    • Land Platforms undergoing certification and lessons learned



    Session Reserved for Gold Sponsor - IAI



    Networking Lunch



    Chairs Opening Remarks

    Lieutenant Colonel James de St John-Pryce, Former Commanding Officer, Armoured Trials & Development Unit, British Army



    Integrating Resilient RAS into the Force

    Mr Guy Powell, Principal Adviser - Land Autonomy, Project Technical Authority - Land RAS demonstration, Project Technical Authority - Autonomous Collaborative Partners, DSTL

     • On-going work on resilient Autonomy
    • Integration of RAS into the mounted force
    • Development of digital environments to derisk integration and reduce costs



    ATeMM – Combat proven, advantages and lesson learned from 5 years of development

    Mr Asaf Klein, ATeMM Program Manager, Plasan Sasa Ltd

  • ATeMM development
  • Challenges in modern battlefield
  • Operational uses
  • Capabilities
  • Operational benefits
  • clock


    Breaking Barriers - How Can Robotics Revolutionise Minefield Breaching?

    Mr Amish Patel, Senior Engineer - Robotic Solutions , Pearson Engineering

     • Approach to Combat Engineering Today

    • The Need For Robotic Minefield Breaching

    • Upgrading Legacy Engineering Vehicles with Robotics

    • RCV-Pioneer - Minefield Breacher Modular Mission Payload for RCV's

    • The Roadmap To Autonomous Combat Engineering



    Afternoon Tea



    Do Androids Dream of Electric Hurdles? An Intro to Project PANDORA

    Mr Nicholas Valentine, Lead Engineer - Human Machine Teaming, DE&S

     • DE&S Future Capability Innovation (FCI) and Futures Lab are running a project to build a temporary RAS test area to understand the ‘reality gap’ between real world and simulated testing of RAS
    • I’ll be telling the story up until this point, where did the project come from, why do we need it, and how are we delivering it?
    • I’ll also be revealing any insights we’ve revealed so far



    An eco-system of Digital Twins for Robotic and Autonomous Capability Development

    Mr John Crozier , Principal Vetronics Systems Engineer Platform Systems Division, DSTL, UK MoD



    Chair's Closing Remarks

    Lieutenant Colonel James de St John-Pryce, Former Commanding Officer, Armoured Trials & Development Unit, British Army



    Chairs Opening Remarks

    Mr Martin Joesaar, Program Officer - EU Defence Innovation Office in Kyiv, European Commission



    Supporting the Integration of RAS & AI into the Future Soldier

    Lieutenant Colonel Johnny Hanlon

    Lieutenant Colonel Johnny Hanlon, SO1 Soldier Systems - Soldier Works, British Army

     • Managing the Soldier capability and role of industry
    • Importance of the tactical data network
    • Enabling the Sensor-Decider-Effector chain
    • Role of experimentation



    Session Reserved for Sponsor - Silvus

    Mr Neema Daneshvar, Vice President of Product, Silvus Technologies



    A French Army Perspective

    Colonel Remi Pellabeuf

    Colonel Remi Pellabeuf, Head of the Future Combat Laboratory, French Army

     • Working towards a RAS capability
    • Current trials and experimentation
    • Roadmap for future developments



    Afternoon Tea




    Mr Raul Rikk, Capability Development Director, Milrem Robotics

  •  Russian UGS capabilities – Current developments and operational use.
  • European UGS efforts – Key projects and technological progress.
  • The way forward – Trends, challenges and needed capabilities.
  • Unmanned Battalion – is it doable in Europe?
  • New products by Milrem Robotics.
  • clock


    Italy’s RAS Experimentation Campaign – Executing Logistics Tasks with RAS

    Lieutenant Colonel Davide Pugliese, SO1 Concept Development, Italian Army

     • Italian Army concept development & experimentation campaign on RAS, focused on “distributed logistics”: early partial results and challenges
    • Italian Army exploring the RAS employment in underground environment



    Developing a (C-)UxS ecosystem for the Portuguese Army: the “Remote and Autonomous Systems” Program

    Captain Artur Varanda, Project Officer for Remote and Autonomous Systems, Army Centre for Operational Experimentation and Technological Modernization

     • Filling Capability Gaps vs. Implementing Disruptive Tech
    o The Impact of UxS on Land Tactics
    o Implementing an Evolving UxS Ecosystem
    • From CONOPS to Capability through Operational Experimentation
    o From Use Cases to Specs
    o From Prototype to Low-Rate Initial Production
    o The role of Operational Experimentation



    Chair's Closing Remarks

    Mr Martin Joesaar, Program Officer - EU Defence Innovation Office in Kyiv, European Commission



    Networking Reception - Sponsored by Thales



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Mr Martin Joesaar, Program Officer - EU Defence Innovation Office in Kyiv, European Commission



    Human Machine Integrated Formations – Developments today feed Innovation for Tomorrow

    Mr Robert Monto, Director, Advanced Concepts & Critical Technologies, US Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO)

     • Enhancing Autonomy and Automation in Military Operations
    • Background and Development Roadmap of RCCTO’s Human
    Machine Integration Formations (HMIF) effort
    • The HMIF MOSA architecture facilitating the integration of cuttingedge
    industry autonomy solutions
    • AUKUS collaboration opportunities for network and RAS control



    Continuous Transformation

    Colonel Charles Seaberry, Director, DEVCOM FWD Element-Atlantic, US Army DEVCOM

     • The AFC team works with teammates and partners to implement Continuous Transformation to ensure war-winning future readiness.
    • The AFC team, comprising organizations and experts across the nation, applies three (3) priorities: (1) Design Army 2040, (2) Deliver Army 2030 and (3) Prioritize People
    • We aggressively pursue transformation opportunities and priorities across three time horizons: Transforming in Contact, Deliberate Transformation, and Concept Driven Transformation, while protecting key capabilities from strategic competitors.



    Accelerating the Australian Army’s adoption Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy

    Lieutenant Colonel Josh Halloran, Robotic & Autonomous Systems Implementation and Coordination Office, Future Land Warfare, Land Capability Division, Australian Army

    • Australian Army’s approach to deliberate experimentation and continual adaptation
    • Establishing human-machine teams to realise the Army’s RAS vision
    • Governance of AI enabled Capabilities



    Morning Coffee



    AUKUS – Working Collaboratively to deliver RAS capabilities

  • Current cooperation efforts
  • Learning from each other
  • Future plans
  • Lieutenant Colonel Robbie Hicks

    Lieutenant Colonel Robbie Hicks, SO1 Robotics & Autonomous Systems, British Army

    Lieutenant Colonel Josh Halloran, Robotic & Autonomous Systems Implementation and Coordination Office, Future Land Warfare, Land Capability Division, Australian Army

    Mr Stuart Hatfield

    Mr Stuart Hatfield, Division Chief, Army G-8 Human Machine Integration, US Army



    Experiments with CUGS and Near Future Developments

    Lieutenant Colonel Jochem Vlaardingerbroek, Commander Robotics and Autonomous Systems Unit, Royal Netherlands Army

    • Results from experimentation
    • Partnering with allies
    • Path to operationalisation



    Networking Lunch



    Chair's Opening Remarks

    Mr Luke Gallantree, Senior Principal Engineer, DSTL



    Developing Autonomy for Unmanned Systems

    Captain Artiom van den Broek, Project Officer, Military Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence, Royal Netherlands Army

     • Clarifying autonomy for military utilization
    • Stating the requirements needed to develop autonomy at and with (NL) MoD
    • Showing examples of developed software for autonomous behaviour



    Session Reserved for Sponsor - BAE Systems



    Accelerating the Adoption of Commercial Autonomy for DoD

    Mr Will Ryan, PM, Autonomy Portfolio, Defense Innovation Unit

     • DIU Overview and Process
    • Current state of commercial autonomy
    • Challenges and opportunities for autonomy in the military context



    Afternoon Tea



    Session Reserved for Sponsor



    Robotic Autonomy in Complex Environments with Resiliency (RACER) Programme - Developing and Demonstrating New Autonomy Algorithm Technologies

    Dr Stuart Young, Program Manager, Tactical Technology officer (TTO) , DARPA

     • High-speed offroad ground autonomy in military environments
    • Experimentation and assessment of autonomy in fi eld
    • Transition of autonomy to operational units



    Activities of the Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) in the field of Uncrewed Systems

    Dr Mark Hoepflinger, Head of the Swiss Drone and Robotics Centre SDRC, Armasuisse

     • DDPS research activities in the field of uncrewed systems
    • Swiss approach to anticipating rapid technological development in the field of robotics/drones
    • Introduction of the Swiss drone task force
    • Brief introduction to ongoing and planned procurement projects



    Chair's Closing Remarks

    Mr Luke Gallantree, Senior Principal Engineer, DSTL



    Chair's Opening Remarks

    Brigadier (Ret.) Ian Cameron-Mowat, Director, IMP Castle Associates Limited



    Estonian Defence Forces Force Structure 2040: Replacing Legacy Systems and Ensuring Deterrence through RAS Integration

    Major Ivo Peets

    Major Ivo Peets, EDF Future Force Development Project, Estonian Defence Forces

     • Overview of Estonia's 10-year Force Development Programme
    • RAS Integration Requirements (real requirements that trigger the integration and phasing out of legacy systems)
    • Lessons from 3 Years of RAS Integration
    • Comprehensive Integration Strategy
    • Future Force Structure Template



    Session Reserved for Sponsor



    Unmanned Ground Vehicles - Next Gamechanger of Modern War

    Senior Representative

    Senior Representative , , Brave1

     • BRAVE1 as a key driving force of Ukrainian defence tech
    • Experience and war-proven technologies: what can Ukraine
    offer to the world
    • AI and Robots: how Ukraine is merging these technologies



    Afternoon Tea



    Session Reserved for Sponsor



    Robotics in the Breach: Lessons Learned from The Sandhills Project

    Sergeant Major Corey Wilkens

    Sergeant Major Corey Wilkens, PM Sandhills Project, 20th Engineer Brigade, US Army

     • Sandhills Project Overview – Unmanned Robotic Breaching
    • Systems and Network Integration at Scale
    • Task Oriented vs Platform Oriented Modernization
    • A Different Approach to Understanding Requirements



    Effectiveness of an expendable unmanned ground vehicle defending against a mechanized infantry company’s - A Virtual Simulation Experiment Results and Lessons Learned

    Captain Christian Andersson, Research Officer, Finnish National Defence University

     • Recap the experiment setup and system tested (Laykka UGV)
    • Results found in this combat simulations pros and cons of this type of sacrificial system
    • Lesson learned from conducting this experiment and what type of developments and improvements we need for this type of UGV for it to be efficient in a fight against mechanized infantry



    Chair's Closing Remarks

    Brigadier (Ret.) Ian Cameron-Mowat, Director, IMP Castle Associates Limited

    Chief of the General Staff CGS
    British Army
    Director, Advanced Concepts & Critical Technologies
    US Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO)
    Chief, Ops Group Bravo
    US Army Joint Modernization Command
    Head of the Future Combat Laboratory
    French Army
    Director, DEVCOM FWD Element-Atlantic
    US Army DEVCOM
    SO1 Robotics & Autonomous Systems
    British Army
    Commander Robotics and Autonomous Systems Unit
    Royal Netherlands Army
    SO1 Soldier Systems - Soldier Works
    British Army
    SO1 Strike Network Project
    Royal Marines
    SO1 Concept Development
    Italian Army
    PM, Autonomy Portfolio
    Defense Innovation Unit
    Program Manager, Tactical Technology officer (TTO)
    DUxDA Team Leader
    Principal Adviser - Land Autonomy, Project Technical Authority - Land RAS demonstration, Project Technical Authority - Autonomous Collaborative Partners
    Head of the Future Capability Group
    DE&S, UK Ministry of Defence
    Head of Engineering Assurance and Certification Land
    EDF Future Force Development Project
    Estonian Defence Forces
    Project Officer, Military Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence
    Royal Netherlands Army
    Project Officer for Remote and Autonomous Systems
    Army Centre for Operational Experimentation and Technological Modernization
    Research Officer
    Finnish National Defence University
    IMP Castle Associates Limited
    Commander, Experimentation and Trials Group (ETG)
    British Army
    Head of the Swiss Drone and Robotics Centre SDRC
    Former Commanding Officer, Armoured Trials & Development Unit
    British Army
    Robotic & Autonomous Systems Implementation and Coordination Office, Future Land Warfare, Land Capability Division
    Australian Army
    Senior Engineer - Robotic Solutions
    Pearson Engineering
    ATeMM Program Manager
    Plasan Sasa Ltd
    Resilient Navigation Business Development - APAC & EMEAI
    Honeywell Aerospace
    Principal Vetronics Systems Engineer Platform Systems Division
    DSTL, UK MoD
    Senior Principal Engineer
    Deputy Head of Technology and Innovation Unit
    European Defence Agency
    Program Officer - EU Defence Innovation Office in Kyiv
    European Commission
    Vice President of Product
    Silvus Technologies
    Lead Engineer - Human Machine Teaming
    Capability Development Director
    Milrem Robotics
    Disarmament Adviser, Legal Division
    International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
    ARX Robotics GmbH
    Division Chief, Army G-8 Human Machine Integration
    US Army
    Project Officer, Innovation
    European Defence Agency
    Elbit Systems UK
    PM Sandhills Project, 20th Engineer Brigade
    US Army

    Gold Sponsor



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    Sponsor Interview - ARX Robotics


    Sponsor Interview - Pearson Engineering


    Sponsor Interview - Milrem Robotics


    Current Attendee List


    Past Attendee List


    Past Presentation - Nicola Vecchione


    Past Presentation - Charles Bradford


    Past Presentation - Tim Wright


    Chair Letter - Martin Joesaar


    Sponsorship Prospectus


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    ARX Robotics

    Gold Sponsor

    ARX Robotics is a German venture capital-financed dual-use company that develops autonomous unmanned ground systems with scalable hardware components and software architectures. By building software-defined, modular platforms for mass deployment, ARX leverages the transformative potential of robotics to reshape opportunities in productivity, efficiency, and safety for various workforces and industries. ARX systems are currently being deployed, procured, or tested by six European armed forces in the areas of reconnaissance, surveillance, transportation, CASEVAC, training, and simulation.

    ELTA Systems

    Gold Sponsor

    ELTA Systems Ltd. (“ELTA”) is a group and wholly-owned subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd (“IAI”), Israel’s leading Defense Company and a global leader in the defense and aerospace sectors. ELTA’s vast product portfolio includes solutions for Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR), Early Warning, Self-Protection, Fire Control, SIGINT, Electronic Attack/Self-Protection, C4I, Autonomous Ground Systems, Cyber, Homeland Security (HLS), and Multi-INT platforms.


    BAE Systems


    BAE Systems, Inc. and its 35,000 people are part of a global defense, aerospace and security company with 89,600 employees worldwide. We deliver products and services for air, land, sea and space, as well as advanced electronics, intelligence, security, and IT solutions and support services. Our dedication shows in everything we design, produce and deliver— to protect those who protect us in a high-performance, innovative culture. We push the limits of possibility to provide a critical advantage to our customers where it counts.



    Honeywell Aerospace products and services are found on virtually every commercial, defense and space aircraft. The Aerospace business unit builds aircraft engines, cockpit and cabin electronics, wireless connectivity systems, mechanical components and more. It’s hardware and software solutions create more fuel-efficient aircraft, more direct and on-time flights, and safer skies and airports.

    Honeywell has been at the forefront of airborne Satellite Communication (SATCOM) systems innovation for over three decades. From the early systems in the early 1990s, which provided reliable cockpit connectivity for the first time, our constant innovation has enabled military aircraft to carry out missions more efficiently and safely.

    Honeywell’s SATCOM technology leadership has enabled military organizations to enjoy progressively faster and improved connectivity. From on-board phones and faxes, to Swift64, to SwiftBroadBand, and to today’s Global Xpress powered by Honeywell JetWave and JetWave MCX’s network agnostic capability, this has set a new standard for aviation connectivity.

    With SATCOM research, technology, and support centers of excellence in Canada, USA, UK, France, and India, Honeywell has vast experience and capability in innovating, developing, manufacturing, certifying, and supporting SATCOM systems.

    Today, our SATCOM systems can be found on thousands of aircraft worldwide, across the General Aviation, Business Aviation, Commercial Air Transport and Defense sectors. Our extensive global support infrastructure ensures customers have access to expert support wherever they are.

    Iveco Defence Vehicles S.p.a.


    Iveco Defence Vehicles (IDV), a company of the Iveco Group, specialises in the development and manufacturing of a broad range of military vehicles and innovative protection solutions that meet the needs of customers worldwide. Our product range includes wheeled armoured combat vehicles, multirole protected and non-protected vehicles, tactical and logistics trucks as well as uncrewed vehicles. We provide state-of-the-art uncrewed capability across our product range by integrating our AI-based MACE autonomy kit providing a range of control options. Many of our uncrewed systems are based around our autonomous 6x6 VIKING, a multirole, highly configurable vehicle designed to meet a wide spectrum of customer requirements and operational needs by integrating a range of sensors and effectors. IDV’s solutions have been proven to operate in Open Network Systems, sharing sensor and effector information as well as vehicle and sensor control solutions across broader Battlefield Management Systems.

    Milrem Robotics


    Milrem Robotics is the leading European robotics and autonomous systems developer and systems integrator. The company is known for their THeMIS and Multiscope UGVs, the Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle and MIFIK the autonomy kit. The Type-X RCV is intended to support mechanized units, raising troop survivability and lowering lethality risks by increasing standoff distance from enemy units.

    Milrem Robotics is the leader of the iMUGS consortium that was awarded 30.6 MEUR from the European Commission’s European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) to develop a European standardized unmanned ground system (UGS).

    Milrem Robotics’ products and services have been sold to 16 countries, including 8 NATO members. The company’s offices are in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands and the US.

    Pearson Engineering


    Pearson Engineering has a world-proven ability to deliver against the most complex defence and security challenges.

    We are expert in battlefield mobility - breaching, detection, defeat and clearance of mines and explosives as well as combat bridge launch systems, non-lethal counter mobility products and specialised counter terror systems. Further, we deliver special project support, assembly, and manufacturing services for defence programmes from our facility in the UK.

    We are a long-standing supplier of combat engineering equipment and through life support to Armed Forces throughout the world and we have contributed to significant armoured vehicle programmes including the British Army’s Trojan and Terrier capabilities, as well as to the U.S Army’s Assault Breacher Vehicle. Our products range from heavy-duty mine ploughs for main battle tanks through to nimble, protective Counter-IED rollers for light weight vehicles.

    Our products are in constant development to meet the needs of the modern Warfighter and our dedicated Research & Development team are currently working on several novel technologies to both anticipate and respond to future requirements.

    Our Engineers and Project Managers are highly trained and have experience in delivering high-specification, complex engineering products, often against demanding programme requirements and deadlines. We can call upon an established local, national, and international supply chain comprising companies which have proven themselves in some of the world’s biggest defence programmes.

    To find out more, please contact pearson@pearson-eng.com or follow us on Twitter @Pearson_Eng_Ltd.



    Plasan is a global leader in the field of survivability and armor solutions for a variety of applications. At Plasan, we are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art vehicle protection solutions, ensuring the safety of defense and security forces globally. With over four decades of expertise, we specialize in developing and manufacturing armor and survivability solutions for land, air, and naval platforms. Established in 1985, Plasan is a trusted partner in the defense market, offering tailored innovations to meet evolving customer needs. Its technological solutions are fitted in the most advanced platforms in the world.

    Silvus Technologies


    As the world’s leading developer of advanced tactical MANET communication systems, Silvus Technologies is reshaping mesh network technology for mission-critical applications on the ground, in the air, and at sea. The Silvus family of StreamCaster MANET radios deliver high-fidelity video, voice and data communications with class-leading output power, range, and mobility. At the heart of every StreamCaster MANET radio is Silvus’ proprietary MN-MIMO waveform technology that creates a self-healing, self-forming and adaptive mesh network – capable of linking hundreds of nodes with unmatched data rate throughput, EW resiliency, and scalability. With a focus on continually improving size, weight, power, and cost, Silvus is delivering the next generation of tactical communications, providing the warfighter with capability overmatch across the spectrum domain.



    Thales technologies harness information to deliver a battle-winning advantage at the edge – today and tomorrow. Our smart sensing solutions make it possible to see the unseen. Our air defence capabilities are proven to secure the skies. We offer protected mobility solutions that are highly adaptable and vehicle mission systems that ensure an operational edge. Through our integrated soldier systems, we ensure enhanced battlefield awareness and faster tactical decision making. All of this is underpinned by our secure, end to end communications and networks moving data seamlessly across the battlespace.


    ANELLO Photonics


    ANELLO Photonics is a leading developer of inertial navigation solutions in GPS-denied environments. The ANELLO solutions are based on the disruptive SiPhOGTM (Silicon Photonics Optical Gyroscope) that provides accuracy and reliability paired with an unprecedented reduction in cost and SWaP (size, weight and power) footprint. ANELLO offers state of the art Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) and Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) that are meticulously crafted to meet the requirements of challenging operations in GPS-denied environments. ANELLO's solutions excel in meeting the rigorous navigation and positioning demands of autonomous applications across Agriculture, Construction, Trucking, Drones/UAVs, Automotive, and Defense sectors.



    Arondite is a UK-based defence technology company. The company was founded in 2023 with the mission to enable human-machine teaming at scale. Our flagship AI software platform, Cobalt, enables operators to connect, control and manage any autonomous system, sensor or effector and then manage the data they generate. Cobalt helps organisations ensure their systems are interoperable, no matter the manufacturer, allowing defence users to select the best blend of systems for the task at hand. It can be deployed in any setting from the individual operator up to strategic headquarters. Enterprise data can be integrated to form a common operating picture and allow AI-driven analysis and faster decision-making at every level.

    Brave1 Ukrainian Defense Innovations


    United coordinational platform created by the Government of Ukraine to promote collaboration between all stakeholders of the defense tech industry by providing them with organizational, informational, and financial support for defense tech projects in Ukraine



    DCE is a sovereign UK specialist in the design of uncrewed ground vehicles and robotic control systems used across defence, security, civil infrastructure and the nuclear industry. Our proven Marionette™ technology has been deployed across platforms (wheeled, tracked and legged) ranging from 50kg to 35 tons + and enables the rapid build of safe, reliable, optionally crewed vehicles and conversion of legacy assets to remote and autonomous operation. Modular and open architecture by design, Marionette is directly compatible with key vehicle standards including the UK’s DEFSTAN 23-009 (Generic Vehicle Architecture) and the related NATO GVA, as well as the US Army’s Interoperability Profile. Furthermore a vendor-agnostic standardised software interface enables an ‘integrate once and deploy’ addition of autonomy to platforms maximising operational flexibility. DCE works with customers small and large across NATO and AUKUS to address defence’s most challenging problems, whether in robotics or associated fields including communications and payloads.



    DOK-ING is a global market leader in special purpose robotics & autonomous systems with more than 80% of the market share in 40+ countries.

    By integrating its own innovations and new technologies, DOK-ING develops and manufactures robotic and autonomous systems to protect human lives & property in dull, dirty and dangerous environments, known to responders, primarily in Military Engineering, CBRNe, Counter-Terrorism, Emergency Response & Underground Mining.

    Military Engineering portfolio consists of three demining robotic systems: compact EOD robotic system MV-2, multi mission EOD robotic system MV-4 resistant to all AP mines detonations and UXOs of similar intensity and MV-10 heavy-duty EOD robotic system with high engine power & supreme explosion resistance.

    Robotic system MV-3 Hystrix is intended for support in counter-terrorism, hostage release operations and social unrest crisis missions.

    Emergency Response Robotic System MVF-5 Tusk serves first responders to execute tasks in the harshest, most demanding and life-threatening conditions.

    For operating in extreme CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) conditions, MVC-8 Komodo is a unique next-gen remote-controlled unmanned ground system solution.

    In more than 30 years of being in the business, DOK-ING has been recognised for changing the industrial landscape with its innovative approach and has won many international awards.



    Elsight specializes in advanced communication solutions for uncrewed systems with over 300,000 operational flight hours on dozens of platforms in diverse and challenging environments world over. Elsight solutions are software-centric, hardware-agnostic, and designed for minimum SWaP, ensuring reliable, adaptive, and secure communication even in contested or disconnected environments. These capabilities have been pivotal in enhancing situational awareness and interoperability, aligning with modernization goals across defense aviation ecosystems. Today’s UAS systems demand unhindered freedom of maneuver anywhere, anytime, without loss of communication. Elsight offers advanced communication capabilities that enable the dispersion of data over all the available wireless spectrum concurrently. The approach is to utilize the widespread available commercial and military spectrum, including the public and/or private LTE/5G, Point-to-point radio (MANET), and Satellite links. The solution adds a logical connectivity overlay that aggregates all communication paths into one. This approach allows smooth handoff with zero downtime between the communication paths.

    Overview Ltd


    Overview, an award-winning UK innovator, designs and manufactures cutting-edge Remote and Autonomous Sensor Systems for defence, security and C-UAS applications. Our 60 strong team deliver more than 70,000 products per year to global customers. Leveraging our unique Integrated Servo Drives, our PodView product family delivers unparalleled agility, minimal latency, and AI edge processing across a multi-sensor platform. Proven in recent UK MoD trials, PodView significantly enhances ISTAR, forward observation, and force protection capabilities. By automating dull, difficult, and dangerous tasks, PodView empowers real-time human oversight over the detect, decide, and effect chain. In addition to PodView, Overview also provide a range of PTZ cameras optimised for perimeter and critical national infrastructure protection. Our Lelantos product family provides class leading, direct drive, Pan Tilt units providing a unique combination of precision, silent operation and agility in a rugged and low SW&P-C package.

    Oxford Technical Solutions Ltd


    At OxTS, we have been pushing the performance limits from MEMS-based GNSS/INS for over twenty years. Today, thousands of engineers are collecting and using position, orientation and dynamics data to develop and deploy vehicles and other autonomous platforms around the world. Our focus on robustness and scalability has led to our GNSS/INS systems becoming the go-to solution for automotive testing and an attractive alternative to FOG-based systems in other industries.

    Rheinmetall Canada Inc.


    Passion for technology

    Rheinmetall Canada is a proud member of Germany's Rheinmetall Group, Europe’s foremost supplier of army technology and a longstanding partner of armed forces.

    As an internationally recognized systems integrator, Rheinmetall Canada creates technologically advanced, fully-customized solutions for soldier systems, robotic systems, weapon systems, and C4I systems.

    Located in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Ottawa, and other locations throughout the world, over 375 employees put their expertise to work and push back their limits to ensure the success of each mandate.

    Media Partners

    Defence Global

    Official Media Partner

    Defence Global provides an essential link between the Defence & Security Manufacturers and Suppliers, Government and Military sectors globally. Defence Global is a quarterly, tri-service publication providing articles and informative analysis from respected journalists and writers worldwide to attract a sophisticated and broad audience. Defence Global is published in February, May, August and November, with a professional and stylish design in both printed copy and digital format. The printed copies are perfect bound, full colour throughout with high quality art and photography. Defence Global is used as a reference tool providing a professional and intelligent read. We work with industry experts and corporate clients to include Defence and Security Manufacturers and Suppliers, as well as Governments, MoDs, Military Authorities and Senior Management Teams.

    Armada International

    Official Media Partner

    ARMADA INTERNATIONAL is leading defence magazine which reports on and analyses defence systems, equipment and technology. Together with its Compendium supplements, ARMADA provides defence planners in the militaries, in government, in procurement and in the defence industry itself with the information they need to plan their strategies.


    Official Media Partner

    Professionals in the Aerospace & Defence market use the ASD Media internet platforms to:
    • Be informed on the latest market developments; www.asd-network.com
    • Find the latest business news; www.asd-network.com
    • Find the upcoming events; www.asd-network.com
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    • Distribute news globally. www.asdwire.com
    The ASD Media platforms are well known and used intensively, your company is able to benefit from these large numbers of users. Be informed with ASD-Network; Create exposure for your company with ASDSource, distribute your news with ASDWire or advertise with us, build your brand and increase traffic to your company’s website.

    For more detailed information please contact with: ASD MEDIA

    Unmanned Network

    Official Media Partner

    The Unmanned Network connects unmanned stakeholders throughout the extensive unmanned ecosystem - from OEMs, via sub-system manufacturers, service providers, to end-users, and all other relevant parties. Requirements, posted directly by network members, are immediately converted to direct, viable leads to other members of the network with instant access via the unique opportunity module. Whether as a company, or as an individual, and seeking unmanned systems, components, services, consulting, open positions (HR), manufacturing, logistics, training, events and more the network is the perfect platform.

    Desider Magazine

    Official Media Partner

    Desider is our monthly corporate magazine, aimed at readers across the wider MOD, armed forces and industry. The publication covers stories and features about support to operations and equipment acquisition. It also covers the work of people in DE&S and its partners in industry, and other corporate news and information.


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    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7827 6000 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7827 6001
    Website: http://www.smgconferences.com Email: events@saemediagroup.com
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