
Join us this June for MILSATCOM USA, the premier event dedicated to exploring the future of military satellite communications.

This conference brings together over 150 attendees, including a 50/50 mix of industry leaders and government officials.

Key topics include:

  • COMSATCOM updates and SATCOM Policy developments.
  • Innovations in SATCOM for Special Forces.
  • Cybersecurity solutions for space systems.

Gain exclusive insights into cutting-edge advancements while engaging with experts shaping the industry’s future!

Limited spaces available with savings the earlier you book!
Free for US DOD! Secure your spot today.






Arthur Grijalva

Arthur Grijalva

Director, SpaceWERX
Clare Hopper

Clare Hopper

Director, Commercial Satellite Communications Office , United States Space Force
Colonel Jeff Weisler

Colonel Jeff Weisler

Commander, Space Delta 8
Major General Steven Butow

Major General Steven Butow

Military Deputy, Defense Innovation Unit
Mike Dean

Mike Dean

Director, Command, Control and Communications Infrastructure , C3 Infrastructure, US DoD CIO
Senior Representative

Senior Representative

, Canadian DND

Arthur Grijalva

Director, SpaceWERX
Arthur Grijalva

 ARTHUR F. GRIJALVA is the Director of SpaceWERX, guiding strategic initiatives for the Space Force focused on innovative space technologies and partnerships. Steering a $460M annual portfolio, his leadership of SpaceWERX Ventures, Spark, and Prime programs accelerates the integration of commercial technology into space defense. His journey commenced at the U.S. Air Force Academy, which led to a distinguished tenure as the Deputy Director for Acquisition Delta-Space Warfighting at Space Systems Command, where he oversaw significant classified projects. He holds an M.S. in Industrial Engineering from New Mexico State University and is an alumnus of the University of Southern California's SHIELD program, a joint endeavor of the Price School of Public Policy & Viterbi School of Engineering, to enhance his expertise.

Ben Camerlin

Mobility and Satellite Communications Program Manager, Office of Enterprise Technology Solutions, Information Technology Category (ITC), Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)
Ben Camerlin

Mr. Ben Camerlin is the Mobility and Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Program Manager in the Office of Enterprise Technology Solutions, Information Technology Category (ITC), Federal Acquisition Service (FAS). The Federal Acquisition Service provides buying platforms and acquisition services to Federal, DoD, State and Local governments for a broad range of items from office supplies to motor vehicles to information technology and telecommunications products and services.

Ben is responsible for managing GSA’s Enterprise
Wireless Mobility, Commercial SATCOM (COMSATCOM), and Earth Observation Solutions
service offerings via multiple government contract
solutions to include the Best in Class (BIC) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Special Item
Numbers (SINs) for Wireless Mobility, COMSATCOM, and Earth Observation services; the Complex Commercial SATCOM Solutions (CS3) multiple award IDIQ contract; as well as the
transitioning of services off of the expiring Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) – Wireless
Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA). In his role he works closely with multiple government
agencies to address their unique enterprise and mission enabling communications requirements, as well as commercial industry partners to identify capabilities and emerging technologies to address customers’ mobility and SATCOM requirements. Ben joined GSA in 2015 as an IT Specialist. He is a veteran of the United States Army, where he served for ten years as a Satellite Communications Systems Non-commissioned officer (NCO) with multiple deployments in support of Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom.

Bernard Edwards

Deputy Communications & Navigation Lead, NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate
Bernard Edwards

Bernard Edwards is the Deputy Communications and Navigation Systems Capability Lead for NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate. In that role, he provides technical advice to NASA’s Science Mission Directorate and the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate. He also serves as the Chief Communications Systems Engineer at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. He supports the NASA representative to the Interagency Operations Advisory Group (IOAG) and until 2024 chaired the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Optical Communications Working Group. He also served as the Chief Engineer for the Laser Communications Relay Demonstration Project. He received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering in 1989, a M.S. in Electrical Engineering in 1991, and a M.S. in Computer Science in 1993 all from The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

Cherilyn Pascoe

Director, National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
Cherilyn Pascoe

Cherilyn Pascoe is the Director of the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), U.S. Department of Commerce. As Director, she provides the strategic direction and technical leadership for the NCCoE, which brings experts from industry, government, and academia together to solve cybersecurity challenges. Pascoe previously served as Senior Technology Policy Advisor, advising NIST leadership on technology policy and strategy, including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and privacy. She has served as the lead of the Cybersecurity Framework program (Journey to NIST CSF 2.0) and supported the NIST AI Risk Management Framework development. Prior to joining NIST, she served more than a decade in staff leadership roles on the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation working for former Senator Hutchison (R-TX), Senator Thune (R-SD), and Senator Wicker (R-MS). She served as Deputy Policy Director managing the Committee’s Space and Science Subcommittee, which has legislative and oversight jurisdiction over science, technology, standards, and civil space policy. During her time on the Hill, she led efforts to develop and advance several notable pieces of legislation, including the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act, the AV Start Act, as well as three surface transportation reauthorization laws and ten cybersecurity laws. Pascoe received her M.A. in International Science and Technology Policy from the George Washington University and her B.S. Chem. with Highest Honors in Chemistry from the University of Michigan.

Clare Hopper

Director, Commercial Satellite Communications Office , United States Space Force
Clare Hopper

Clare A. Hopper is Director, Commercial Satellite Communications (COMSATCOM) Office, assigned to the Space Systems Command, United States Space Force, Washington, D.C. She is responsible for delivering COMSATCOM capabilities to support the joint warfighter, federal agencies, and international partners. Her portfolio includes the Enhanced Mobile Satellite Service (EMSS) Program Office, the EMSS Capabilities Office and the Department of Defense COMSATCOM Solutions Program Office.

EMSS is an $800 million global satellite program that provides the Department of Defense, federal and coalition partners with unlimited access to the commercial Iridium constellation, a mesh-network of 66 on-orbit cross-linked satellites, through a dedicated, EMSS controlled gateway.

The COMSATCOM Solutions Program Office acquires any commercial satellite capability for any customer, anywhere, and has over $5 billion under management.

Prior to this role, Mrs. Hopper was the SATCOM Division Chief, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). In this role she managed the Department of Defense Enterprise Gateways Program Office, the SATCOM Operations Integration Branch, and the COMSATCOM portfolio described above, prior to its Congressionally directed transfer to the United States Space Force. Other assignments include Program Manager, EMSS and Program Manager for a classified telecommunications system within DISA’s National Leadership Command Capabilities Center (NLCC). Mrs. Hopper began her career in government with DISA as a Contracting Officer, and served as the Chief, Special Projects Contracting Branch, which held a contracts portfolio valued over $2 billion.

Prior to joining the government, Mrs. Hopper was a retirement funds analyst for T. Rowe Price.

Mrs. Hopper received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance from West Virginia University and is a Certified Public Accountant.

Mrs. Hopper is Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Level 3 certified in Contracting from the Defense Acquisition University (DAU).

Colonel Jeff Weisler

Commander, Space Delta 8
Colonel Jeff Weisler

Colonel Jeff Weisler is the Commander of Space Delta 8. He is responsible for the Department of Defense (DoD) Military Satellite Communications System (MILSATCOM) and is the focal point for U.S. protected and assured SATCOM.  As Commander his team executes command and control of the nation’s MILSATCOM constellation, develops and trains space warfighters, and delivers joint force capabilities through 24/7 crew operations. Additionally, Delta 8 generates, presents, and sustains a $55B+ SATCOM portfolio with units and Guardians stationed around the world supporting eleven combatant commands and numerous Allies.  He previously served as the Electromagnetic Warfare Mission Area Team Chief, Commander’s Action Group (CAG) Director for SpOC, and is a graduate of Joint Warfighter Strategy course at the Air War College, Maxwell AFB. He is the former Commander of the 21st Operations Support Squadron located at then Peterson AFB. He led over 180 plus U.S. and Canadian Air Force military, DoD civilian and contractor personnel responsible for supporting 21 operational units and nearly 2,000 space operators distributed across nine countries.

Colonel Weisler was commissioned in 2001 as a distinguished graduate of the United States Air Force Officer Training School following a successful enlisted career culminating as the personal security officer to the Air Force Vice Chief of Staff. Career highlights include deployment commander for the first operational space electromagnetic warfare unit in Northern Syria. Additionally, he served as the Advanced Program Chief in Seoul, Korea, advising the United States Forces Korea (USFK) Commander on special technical operations in support of Pacific Command (PACOM)/USFK priorities. He has served in a variety of air and space operations and staff assignments, including tours in the Pentagon on the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) Briefing Team and as a Military Assistant to the DoD Executive Agent for Space Director. He also was the executive officer to the wing commander of the largest space wing in the Air Force. 
Additionally, Col Weisler has served as an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Squadron Assistant Director of Operations, Squadron Flight Commander, Combat Crew Commander, and ICBM instructor. He has also completed multiple deployments to include those to Syria, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Cuba.

David Logsdon

Senior Director, Space Policy, ITI Space Enterprise Council
David Logsdon

David Logsdon is the Senior Director, Space Policy, ITI Space Enterprise Council.  In his role, he has created and implemented a strategic international space cooperation engagement plan involving multiple countries, which has helped drive US engagement (both G-to-G and private sector) with international partners. Logsdon facilitated the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreements with seven countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Norway).  Logsdon was one of the leading players in helping get Technology Safeguards Agreements signed and ratified between the US and Brazilian and Australian governments. Logsdon also led trade missions to Brazil and Chile.

Logsdon holds a private sector leadership position within the DHS CISA Space Systems Security and Resilience Landscape working group, leading an effort to create a space/cybersecurity/zero trust framework. Logsdon is also the Vice Chair of the IEEE International government subgroup, helping create a global space and cybersecurity standard.

Dr Brendan Mulvaney

Director, China Aerospace Studies Institute, USAF
Dr Brendan Mulvaney

Dr. Brendan Mulvaney is currently the Director of the China Aerospace Studies Institute at National Defense University. He was a Marine for a quarter of a century, where he flew more than 2000 hours as an AH-1W Cobra pilot, and was an Olmsted Scholar in Shanghai, China.

He enlisted in 1991 and was commissioned in 1993 after graduating from UC San Diego. He earned his Master’s in Leadership from the University of San Diego in 2002, and was selected as one of three Marine Olmsted Scholars for 2003. He studied at Fudan University in Shanghai, China from 2003-2005 where he earned his Ph.D. in International Relations.
He served several tours in California, Iraq, Japan, and the Western Pacific. He served as the first Director of the Commandant’s Red Team, and supervised the implementation of Red Teaming in the Marine Corps. In 2013 he transferred to the U.S. Naval Academy, where he was the Associate Chair for the Languages and Cultures Department, and taught Mandarin Chinese, Chinese culture, and cross-cultural literacy.

Dr Julie Smith

Principal Research Physicist, AFRL/RVBY
Dr Julie Smith

Julie Smith is a Senior Research Physicist for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Space Vehicles Directorate.  Julie received her Master’s degree in Physics from the University of New Mexico in 2008 and began working for AFRL’s Directed Energy Directorate at Starfire Optical Range right after.  For 7 years in the Directed Energy Directorate, Julie worked on advances in atmospheric propagation, atmospheric modeling and simulation, MEMS technology, adaptive optics, quantum communications and optical communications.  In 2015 Julie moved to AFRL’s Space Vehicles Directorate to work with the Future Space Communications group where she leads efforts to advance satellite communications throughout the DoD.

Erin Carper

Senior Materiel Leader, Tactical SATCOM Acquisition Delta, Military Communications & Position, Navigation, and Timing Directorate, Space Systems Command
Erin Carper

Jennifer Connell

Program Manager SATCOM portfolio, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Jennifer Connell

Mrs. Jennifer Connell is an SATCOM and Information Technology Cyber Subject Matter Expert for Next Generation Networks Priority Services Sub-Division. In her role, she helps lead the nationwide team effort to deliver priority capabilities in telecommunications commercial and government networks in support of Public Safety, Critical Infrastructure, and the National Security / Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) community.

Prior to joining CISA in April of 2022, Mrs. Connell provided SATCOM, IT and cybersecurity capability and investment guidance to the Department of Defense for delivering SATCOM, command, control, communications, computers, and cyber capabilities to the warfighter. She developed strategic recommendations to support executive leadership decisions for key stakeholders from the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff, Military Departments, Combatant Commands and Agencies during Integrated Program and Budget Reviews. She presented alternative capability investments and submissions as part of her evaluation of programs and/or portfolios of programs.

Mrs. Connell has a wide range of experience designing, installing, operating, maintaining, deploying, sustaining, and managing satellite communications networks using her extensive knowledge of multi-band systems and associated modems, RF and IF systems, routers, servers and related ancillary systems. She has 18 years of experience in the military and commercial sectors.

Kyle Kemble

Space Data Transport Division Chief, Space Warfighting Analysis Center (SWAC)
Kyle Kemble

Kyle Kemble is the Space Data Transport Division Chief at the Space Warfighting Analysis Center (SWAC) in the United States Space Force (USSF).

The SWAC is chartered to develop analytically derived force designs to guide mission area strategies informing the investment priorities for the Chief of Space Operations. In Kyle’s case this is focused on the communications services to support both satellites and terrestrial warfighters across the globe.
As the DoD pivots into a JADC2 era the evolving user and threat landscapes challenge how services are currently rendered – Force Designs are developed to balance the performance needs of users, enable “Resilient-by-Design” services for a contested environment, and determine affordable courses of action to mitigate operational liabilities.
In 2021 the Space Data Transport division released the Data Transmit & Receive Network Force Design for USSF satellite operations, and in 2022 the team released the overarching Space Data Transport Force Design Topology to describe Resilient-By-Design services for the warfighter. Now the division is currently investigating government reference architectures for Broadband, Mobile, and Space Transport Services.
Prior to joining the SWAC from 2013-2020 Kyle worked at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Space Vehicles directorate where he was a program manager in the Small Satellite Portfolio. There he led 6 flight missions investigating technologies enabling small satellite missions for the DoD, as well as distributed and disaggregated systems for hybrid architectures.
During his undergraduate and graduate degrees in the Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department at the University of Colorado Boulder in partnership with the Colorado Space Grant Consortium (COSGC) he was involved with the AFRL University Nanosatellite Program (UNP) fifth competition cycle with the Drag & Atmospheric Neutral Density Explorer that launched in 2013.

Major General Steven Butow

Military Deputy, Defense Innovation Unit
Major General Steven Butow

Maj Gen Steve “Bucky” Butow, USAF, is the Military Deputy of the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), Office of the Secretary of Defense.

General Butow joined the team in 2015 as an early plank owner when DIU was known as the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx). He initially served as West Coast Military Lead and helped establish the organization’s operating locations in Silicon Valley, California; Boston, Massachusetts; and Austin, Texas. In 2016, he was was selected as DIU’s first Space Portfolio Director. Upon promotion to brigadier general, Butow continued this role at DIU as a DoD civilian.

General Butow continues to serve as the Commander of the California Air National Guard in a dual Title 10/32 status where he leads 4,900 Airmen assigned to five wings and a headquarters staff performing air, space and cyber operations as part of the Total Air Force. He commanded the 129th Rescue Wing at Moffett Field, CA, from 2011 to 2014.

General Butow’s previous Title 10 leadership assignments include Deputy Director of the Joint Search and Rescue Center for U.S. Central Command in 2005, and as Chief of Personnel Recovery for U.S. Air Forces Central in 2007 supporting Operations IRAQI and ENDURING FREEDOM. Prior to joining DIU, Butow was the Vice Chief of the Joint Staff, California Military Department with responsibilities including cybersecurity, incident awareness and innovation. He has deployed ten times to support combat and contingency operations across Southwest Asia, the Middle East, the Horn of Africa and other global locations. General Butow has more than 3,500 flying hours in T-37, T-38, C-130, HC-130 and MC-130P aircraft.

Butow graduated from San Jose State University with a B.A. in Physics & Astronomy and earned a M.S. in Management with specialization in Air and Space Strategic Studies from the University of Maryland. He has also completed executive courses at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, and was a member of the National Leadership Preparedness Initiative (NPLI) Cohort 16. Butow is a lifetime member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi for academic achievement.

As a researcher with the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute, Butow worked on instrument concepts for Mars surface soil analysis at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, CA. He later served as co-principal investigator for a series of airborne science missions for which he was recognized for outstanding achievement and contributions to the Space Science Division in 1999 and received an Ames Honor Award as a member of an Astrobiology Mission Project Team in 2000.

Michael Maddox

Chief, J636, JSOC
Michael Maddox

Mike Dean

Director, Command, Control and Communications Infrastructure , C3 Infrastructure, US DoD CIO
Mike Dean

Mr. Mike Dean became a member of the Senior Executive Service (SES) in 2024. He currently serves as Director, Command, Control, and Communications Infrastructure (C3I) office of the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO). In this position, he leads the governance, oversight and policy development of DoD tactical communications, tactical data links, combat identification systems, public safety communications, satellite communications, positioning, navigation and timing, and mobility/5G systems.

Previously, Mr. Dean served as Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Division Chief for C3I, providing technical expertise, oversight and broad guidance on policy, programmatic and technical issues relating to DoD SATCOM as well as serving as the DoD CIO’s focal point for international partnership activities in SATCOM to include the NATO SATCOM Services 6th Generation (NSS6G) activities.
Before joining federal government service, Mr. Dean served as a career Army Signal Corps and Cyberspace officer for more than 27 years (including multiple command positions and combat deployments within the 82d Airborne Division and finally as the Space Branch Chief in the Joint Staff J6). Following his military career, Mr. Dean served as a defense contractor in multiple roles supporting the DoD CIO in satellite communications and information enterprise management. One of Mr. Dean’s most notable roles in DoD SATCOM was the architectural development and digital modernization of Enterprise SATCOM Management and Control. This enterprise architecture is currently being implemented by a DoD-wide plan endorsed in December 2022 by the principal leadership of the DoD CIO, U.S. Space Command, and the U. S. Space Force.
Mr. Dean holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Systems Management from Western International University, a Master of Arts in History from Western Illinois University and he is a 2023 alumni of the Federal Executive Institute’s “Leadership in a Democratic Society” course.

Nathan Getz

Transport Layer MILSATCOM Cell Chief, Space Development Agency
Nathan Getz

Nathan Getz is the Data Transport Cell Chief for the Space Development Agency (SDA). In this role, Nathan develops the data communications technical strategy for SDA. This includes waveforms, antenna technology and overall communications capabilities that SDA will be providing in future Tranches. Previously, Nathan was a senior scientist for L3Harris and worked as a systems architect in the Nuclear Command, Control and Communication (NC3) business area. Nathan has broad experience in waveform design, signal processing, communications architecture as well as integrating AI techniques into communication systems.


Sarah Doud

Division Chief for the Information Mobility Division J86, United States Space Command
Sarah Doud

Ms. Doud is the Information Mobility Requirements Division Chief for the Resource and Integration Directorate (J8), United States Space Command (USSPACECOM).  She serves as the principal civilian advisor and Subject Matter Expert (SME) for Command and Control, Position, Navigation, and Timing and Satellite Communications Requirements for USSPACECOM.  She works closely with USSPACECOM Directorates and Divisions to develop requirements documents, funding accountability and advocacy of for these systems to Joint Staff, Command components, Air Force, Space Force, Navy and Marine Corps and Office of Secretary of Defense and joint/interagency partners. She provides Command oversight of existing and proposed Space capabilities, identifies operational shortfalls, leads advocacy efforts to close mission critical gaps, and is skilled in developing operational proposals for her division’s responsibilities.  She also supports development and defense of the Commander, USSPACECOM's Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) and Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) submissions to include Program Objective Memorandum (POM), Program Review, Budget Review, and Congressional Appeals. She conducts capability development planning; performs budget and cost analysis; and develops architectures and management policy and procedures.  

Ms. Doud has 20 years of experience and expertise with defense related issues and is an Air Force Veteran with 11 years of service. She has expertise in Space Domain Awareness and Command and Control as she launched the first Space-Based Space Surveillance satellite and operationalized the Multi-Mission Satellite Operations Control system while at 1st Space Operations Squadron and follow-on assignment to Air Force Space Command. Ms. Doud has robust Orbital Warfare experience as the Special Technical Operations Chief at Space Operations Command, realizing critical disconnects in Special Access Program DOTmLPF-P resources and advocating for joint system operations and classification reform. She is a SAP policy and governance expert for the department’s many space classification reviews. She also became knowledgeable in the planning, programming, budgeting and execution of all space systems and became the SAP expert for not only the USSPACECOM J8 but also the entire Combatant Command.   While in the Air Force, her experience included Missile Combat Crew Instructor, Flight Commander, Chief of Training, Executive Officer, and Staff Officer. 

Senior Representative

, Canadian DND
Senior Representative

Shawn Petermann

Senior Technical Advisor, JSOC
Shawn Petermann

Steve Pitcher

Senior Cyber Survivability Analyst, Joint Chiefs of Staff - J6
Steve Pitcher

Mr. Steve Pitcher is the Senior Cyber Survivability Analyst for the Joint Staff J6. During Steve’s 20 years in the Air Force, and 19 years as a government civilian with the Missile Defense Agency and Joint Staff, he has held several cybersecurity, command and control, modeling and simulation, information sharing, Joint/Coalition operations, and cyber survivability positions. As part of the Joint Staff, he focused on developing cybersecurity approaches to enable coalition interoperability, with authoritative data services and web-based presentation applications to rapidly deploy a hybrid mission planning and execution network. More recently, he has worked to define how properly articulated cyber survivability threshold performance requirements can reduce resource and mission risk for the acquisition of warfighter systems, by ensuring cybersecurity and cyber resilience performance requirements are included in a program managers cost, schedule and performance risk trade space. This has been transformational in driving cyber security consideration within DevOps, and validation of the effectiveness of implementation during DevSecOps … helping to ensure warfighting capabilities are secure and resilient by design.

Stuart Cate

Chief, C4 Programs, Requirements, & Governance, USSOCOM
Stuart Cate

Mr. Stuart Cate is the Chief of C4 Programs, Requirements, & Governance Division (J65) within the Communications Systems and Chief Information Office (CIO/J6) for the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), MacDill Air Force Base, Florida. He is responsible for developing the near-term (two to seven years) strategic direction and advocating to OSD-CAPE to ensure funding strategies support the SOF Information Environment (SIE), DoD’s fourth largest network. In conjunction with USSOCOM’s Acquisition Technology and Logistics (SOF AT&L), Mr. Cate’s J65 team research cutting-edge technologies for future implementation, rapidly integrates technologies and ensures resourcing to modernize the SIE. He serves as the principal advisor to the CIO/J6 on information technology and communications requirements, innovation, and investment necessary to counter pacing threats. Mr. Cate and his team solve problems through target engagements with DoD CIO, Headquarters, USSOCOM staff, the Joint Staff, labs, industry, and academia. He is also responsible for developing strategic documentation and alignment of CIO/J6 efforts with National, DoD, and USSOCOM guidance.

A native of LaGrange, Georgia, Mr. Cate received his commission into the US Army in 1998. Prior to his present assignment, he served as the Chief of the Modernization, and Innovation Division (J6T) for HQ USSOCOM. As the J6T Chief, he established the USSOCOM hybrid, multi-cloud architecture across all classification levels and operationalized cloud offerings on the SIE.

Tom Stroup

President, Satellite Industry Association
Tom Stroup

 As President of SIA, Tom is the trade association’s lead advocate for regulatory and policy issues of critical importance to SIA’s membership, including spectrum and licensing issues, defense and public safety matters, and export control and international trade issues. He also manages the day-to-day operations of SIA, including member communications, staff leadership and organization of SIA sponsored events. Tom became the president of SIA in December of 2014.

Prior to joining SIA, Tom was with Shared Spectrum Company (SSC), a leading developer of spectrum intelligence technologies, where he served as CEO. For more than a decade, he served as the President of the Personal Communications Industry Association (PCIA). Previous to his position at SSC, he founded and ran several companies in the technology industry, including Columbia Spectrum Management, P-Com Network Services, CSM Wireless, and SquareLoop.
Tom holds a BS, summa cum laude, in Public Administration from the University of North Dakota. He is also a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center where he served as Editor of the Georgetown Law Journal.

Why should YOU attend MILSATCOM USA?

This event offers a unique opportunity to:

Meet with over 150 key figures, including national military commanders, policy leaders, R&D experts, industry innovators, and businesses entering the SATCOM market, while building meaningful partnerships, this is the hub for networking and shaping the future of SATCOM.


Gain cutting-edge insights from leading experts on technical developments, acquisition strategies, operational updates, and key topics like COMSATCOM, SATCOM for special operations, and cybersecurity for space systems.

Collaborate with peers to tackle challenges, share ideas, explore transformative technologies, and set new standards for the future of MILSATCOM and space communications.


Whether you’re looking to enhance your communication capabilities, discover innovative technologies, or establish new business relationships, MILSATCOM USA is where it all comes together.


Why Partner with MILSATCOM USA?

Partner to Lead the Conversation

Align your organization with the cutting edge of military satellite communications by partnering with MILSATCOM USA. This event provides unparalleled access to senior-level decision-makers, including representatives from Space Systems Command, US Space Command, the Space Development Agency, and more.

Benefits of Partnership:

  • Showcase Your Solutions: Present your latest innovations to a targeted audience of policy leaders, program executives, and industry experts.
  • Strengthen Your Brand: Gain visibility and align with an event renowned for shaping the future of MILSATCOM.
  • Build Valuable Connections: Engage with the leaders driving acquisition decisions and operational strategies, ensuring your solutions are front-of-mind.

Take the opportunity to collaborate with the SATCOM community, demonstrate your expertise, and influence the industry’s future direction.


Join us at MILSATCOM USA to share experiences, discuss common issues, and work together towards industry goals. Immerse yourself in innovative ideas, technologies, and solutions that can inspire fresh perspectives.

Ready to present your brand & insights to the SATCOM community?

By sponsoring, you’ll position your brand for success. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your visibility, credibility, and business prospects—consider sponsorship today! Please contact Jack Grant, Sponsorship Sales Manager on Jack.Grant@saemediagroup.com or on +44 (0) 753 594 0836

Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chair's Opening Remarks



Delivering Innovative Commercial SATCOM capabilities and services to the DoD, Federal Agencies, and International Partners

Clare Hopper, Director, Commercial Satellite Communications Office , United States Space Force



Session Reserved for Focus Day Strategic Partner



Morning Coffee



Accelerating Commercial Technology for National Security

Major General Steven Butow, Military Deputy, Defense Innovation Unit

  • Solving operational challenges at speed and scale
  • Matching challenges in SATCOM with scalable solutions
  • Resources available to commercial solution providers
  • Case studies of DIU work in Space and SATCOM
  • clock


    Blending the Best of Commercial Technology with the Needs of the Space Force

    Arthur Grijalva, Director, SpaceWERX

  • Inspiring and empowering collaboration with innovators to accelerate capabilities and shape our future in space
  • Space Ventures, Space Spark & Space Prime
  • Accelerating MILSATCOM development and aquisition: specific challenges and opportunities
  • clock


    Session Reserved for Sponsor



    Networking Lunch



    Offering ‘Best-in-Class’ Streamlined, Easy-to-Use, Contract Vehicles to Meet Complex COMSATCOM Needs

    Ben Camerlin, Mobility and Satellite Communications Program Manager, Office of Enterprise Technology Solutions, Information Technology Category (ITC), Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)

  • The utility of Commercial SATCOM for Government
  • The GSA-DISA Partnership
  • GSA Services – how do you get involved?
  • How can the GSA better help industry and users?
  • clock


    Helping U.S. Businesses use The Unique Medium of Space to Benefit Our Economy

    Senior Representative

    Senior Representative, Office of Space Commerce, NOAA



    Session Reserved for Sponsor



    Afternoon Tea



    Advocating for Regulations, Policies and Practices that Encourage Investment in, and the Adoption of, Satellite-Based Technologies and Services

    Tom Stroup, President, Satellite Industry Association

  • Understanding the capabilities of the U.S satellite industry in SATCOM
  • Encouraging policies and practices that promote USG utilization of satellites, services, and ground equipment
  • Where can the relationship between government and industry improve?
  • clock


    Space at the Pointy Edge of the 21st Century Global Technology Spear: How to Partner in an Evolving Global Environment

    David Logsdon, Senior Director, Space Policy, ITI Space Enterprise Council



    Chair’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Three



    Registration & Coffee



    Chair's Opening Remarks



    Aligning the DOD SATCOM Community; Strategy, Governance and Capability

    Mike Dean, Director, Command, Control and Communications Infrastructure , C3 Infrastructure, US DoD CIO

  • Providing unmatched, resilient, and secure communications to globally dispersed Warfighters
  • Enabling CJADC2 & Integrated SATCOM Vision
  • Focussing partnerships to achieve highly-capable, interoperable solutions



    Canadian Capabilities & Efforts in the Space & SATCOM Domain

    Senior Representative

    Senior Representative, , Canadian DND

  • Strong Secure Engaged (SSE) SPACE objectives
  • Worldwide Satellite Communications Capability
  • Enhanced Satellite Communications Project – Polar (ESCP-P)
  • Defence SATCOM Program 2040
  • clock


    Session Reserved for Lead Sponsor



    Morning Coffee



    Session Reserved for Gold Sponsor General Dynamics



    USSPACECOM Unified Command Plan SATCOM Priorities & Requirements

    Sarah Doud, Division Chief for the Information Mobility Division J86, United States Space Command

  • Balancing resiliency, risk, and cost with capabilities development
  • Joint Space Communications Layer
  • Core strategic themes
  • Winning the Multi-Domain Fight 
  • clock


    Conducting Analysis, Modeling, Wargaming, and Experimentation to Enhance US SATCOM Capabilty

    Kyle Kemble, Space Data Transport Division Chief, Space Warfighting Analysis Center (SWAC)

  • The role and purpose of SWAC
  • Creating operational concepts and force design guidance
  • SATCOM focussed efforts 
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Session Reserved for Sponsor



    Developing the Near-Term Strategic Direction for the SOF Information Environment (SIE)

    Stuart Cate, Chief, C4 Programs, Requirements, & Governance, USSOCOM

  • Researching cutting-edge technologies for future implementation
  • Rapidly integrating SATCOM technologies
  • Modernising USSOCOM SATCOM and communications technlogy 



    Enhancing Operational Reach with JSOC's SATCOM Program

    Michael Maddox

    Michael Maddox, Chief, J636, JSOC

  • Leveraging cutting-edge SATCOM technologies to enable seamless global connectivity in complex and dynamic environments
  • Operational and training case studies
  • Future SATCOM planning and requirements 
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Session Reserved for Sponsor



    Strategic Connectivity: Advancing Mission Success Through JSOC's Communications Directorate

    Shawn Petermann

    Shawn Petermann, Senior Technical Advisor, JSOC

  • Optimizing secure, reliable communication channels to support JSOC's global operations
  • Strengthening collaboration across joint, allied, and interagency partners through advanced communication solutions
  • Driving innovation to overcome emerging challenges in contested and austere environments
  • clock


    Understanding the Adversary: China’s Goals in Space and SATCOM

    Dr Brendan Mulvaney, Director, China Aerospace Studies Institute, USAF



    Chair’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Four



    Registration & Coffee



    Chair's Opening Remarks



    Space Delta 8’s Role in Advanced Satellite Communications

    Colonel Jeff Weisler, Commander, Space Delta 8

  • Delivering resilient and secure SATCOM capabilities to enable joint and coalition operations worldwide
  • Enhancing global communication networks to support warfighters in contested and degraded environments
  • Pioneering advancements in satellite technology to maintain dominance in the space domain
  • clock


    US Army G-6's SATCOM Innovations for Mission Success

    Senior Representative

    Senior Representative, G-6 , US Army

  • Delivering secure and scalable SATCOM solutions to support Army operations across the globe
  • Enabling seamless connectivity in multi-domain operations through advanced satellite communication technologies
  • Advancing capabilities to ensure resilience and communication superiority in contested environments.
  • clock


    Session Reserved for Gold Sponsor



    Morning Coffee



    Session Reserved for Sponsor



    Modernizing SATCOM for a Resilient Future

    Erin Carper

    Erin Carper, Senior Materiel Leader, Tactical SATCOM Acquisition Delta, Military Communications & Position, Navigation, and Timing Directorate, Space Systems Command

  •  Commercial Space Strategy
  • SATCOM as part of 'The Joint Fight'
  • User requirements as the driver programs



    Space Development Agency: SATCOM Capabilities for the Warfighter

    Nathan Getz, Transport Layer MILSATCOM Cell Chief, Space Development Agency

  • Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture
  • Tranches 1& 2
  • Link 16 from Space
  • Testing Approach
  • Optical Space-to-Ground (S2G) & Space-to-Air (S2A) demos
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Global Public Safety: EMCyber Resilience

    Jennifer Connell, Program Manager SATCOM portfolio, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

  • Addressing the global SATCOM EMCyber threat matrix with a focus on civ/mil emergency communications requirements and priority services
  • Identifying SATCOM resiliency challenges and capabilities to strengthen cybersecurity and address those challenges i.e. NextGen, AI, Electromagnetic
  • Sharing Collective Defense Approach to Global Public Safety: EMCyberSAT Cooperation
  • clock


    Bringing Experts from Industry, Government, and Academia Together to Solve Cybersecurity Challenges

    Cherilyn Pascoe, Director, National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence

  • How the NCCoE works to protect vital national infrastructure
  • Cyber threats to space and SATCOM
  • Working with the NCCoE to enhance your cyber protection



    Establishing the Warfighter Statements of Intent for Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience

    Steve Pitcher, Senior Cyber Survivability Analyst, Joint Chiefs of Staff - J6

  • Evolving from a cybersecurity standards compliance focus to one that maintains the importance of those standards, but emphasizes defining foundational threshold performance requirements for both cybersecurity and cyber resilience that are mission focused, threat informed and system specific.
  • Transitioning the Department’s focus to cyber survivability performance requirements enables cybersecurity and cyber resilience best practices to effectively compete for resources during DevOps risk trade-space decisions, at all acquisition milestones and knowledge points … secure and resilient by design.
  • It also enables DevSecOps to validate the effectiveness of achieving the cyber threshold performance requirement.
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    AFRL's Future Space Communications Group

    Dr Julie Smith, Principal Research Physicist, AFRL/RVBY

  • Efforts to advance satellite communications throughout the DoD
  • Future programs
  • clock


    Optical Communications to Enhance SATCOM

    Bernard Edwards, Deputy Communications & Navigation Lead, NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate

  • NASA's optical communications efforts
  • Future programs
  • Working with DOD partners 
  • clock


    Chair’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Five

    Director, Command, Control and Communications Infrastructure
    C3 Infrastructure, US DoD CIO
    Military Deputy
    Defense Innovation Unit
    Director, Commercial Satellite Communications Office
    United States Space Force
    Canadian DND
    Mobility and Satellite Communications Program Manager
    Office of Enterprise Technology Solutions, Information Technology Category (ITC), Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)
    Space Delta 8
    Program Manager SATCOM portfolio
    Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
    Division Chief for the Information Mobility Division J86
    United States Space Command
    Senior Cyber Survivability Analyst
    Joint Chiefs of Staff - J6
    Deputy Communications & Navigation Lead
    NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate
    China Aerospace Studies Institute, USAF
    Chief, J636
    Senior Technical Advisor
    Senior Director, Space Policy
    ITI Space Enterprise Council
    Satellite Industry Association
    National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
    Principal Research Physicist
    Senior Materiel Leader, Tactical SATCOM Acquisition Delta, Military Communications & Position, Navigation, and Timing Directorate
    Space Systems Command
    Space Data Transport Division Chief
    Space Warfighting Analysis Center (SWAC)
    Transport Layer MILSATCOM Cell Chief
    Space Development Agency
    Chief, C4 Programs, Requirements, & Governance

    Gold Sponsors



    Official Media Partner


    Hilton Arlington

    950 North Stafford Street, Arlington VA, Virginia, USA

    A number of our clients have been approached by third party organisations offering to book hotel rooms. We would advise that you do not book through them as they are not representing SMi Group Trading As SAE Media Group. SMi Group Trading As SAE Media Group books all hotel rooms directly. If you are approached by a third-party organisation then please contact us before making any bookings. If you have already booked a hotel room using a third-party organisation, we would highly recommend contacting the hotel you were booked into to ensure a booking has been made for you. We would also advise you to please check the terms and conditions of the booking carefully.

    Past Attendee List


    Past Presentation - Daniel Askew


    Past Presentation - Vincent DeLaurentis


    Past Presentation - William Brown


    Past Presentation - Charlotte Gerhart


    Past Presentation - Rilin Desamours


    Past Presentation - Eric Felt


    Past Presentation - Janice Starzyk


    Past Presentation - Clare Hopper


    Past Presentation - Sarah Doud


    Past Presentation - Mike Dean


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    General Dynamics Mission Systems

    Gold Sponsors

    General Dynamics Mission Systems is a leading international defence company, supplying avionic and tactical communication systems around the world. We have been providing avionic, maritime and vehicle-based systems for more than 70 years, including Bowman, which is currently in-use on a variety of platforms in the British Armed Forces. Our communication and information transfer capabilities offer an open architecture, facilitating a tailored system and hassle-free integration to give the best possible performance for the end-user in their unique environment.




    Swissto12 is a leading manufacturer of advanced Radio Frequency (RF) payloads, systems and products for telecommunications, surveillance and radar applications across the aeronautic industry. The company’s RF systems and products benefit from proprietary and patented aerospace-qualified 3D-printing technologies that deliver lightweight, compact, highly performing, and competitive RF functionality.

    Customers and partners include the European Space Agency, Intelsat, Inmarsat, Lockheed Martin, Elbit Systems and Thales. Swissto12 has developed commercially with success in Europe, the USA and Israel and is amongst the fastest growing aerospace companies in Europe. Swissto12 spun off in 2011 from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), is privately owned and backed by prominent Swiss and European Investors.

    SWISSto12 has deployed more than 1,000 RF products in space, maritime, ground and airborne applications, covering from L-band to V-band. Swissto12 RF products include array apertures for on-the-move applications (airborne, ground) in X-band, Ku-band and Ka-band, phased arrays in with low power consumption for communications and radar, antenna feeds and feed systems for space and ground, and direction-finding antenna front ends. SWISSto12 also builds the HummingSat - the first ever geostationary SmallSat - A new type of small, agile and low weight geostationary satellite designed to deliver high-quality connectivity for a disruptively low investment per mission.




    Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2018 it generated revenues of € 64 billion and employed a workforce of around 134,000. Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of passenger airliners. Airbus is also a European leader providing tanker, combat, transport and mission aircraft, as well as one of the world’s leading space companies. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide. As a global leader in the defence sector, Airbus is the largest defence European supplier, and among the top 10 defence companies worldwide. It manufactures tactical and strategic airlifters, multi-role aerial tankers and advanced combat aircraft. Together, the A400M, C295, CN235, A330 MRTT and Eurofighter Typhoon make up a world-class product line operated by air forces worldwide. With decades of industrial experience behind it, Airbus consistently develops cutting-edge technologies for the most challenging missions. In addition to designing, developing and manufacturing military aircraft, Airbus offers a broad range of services to fully support its customers. Airbus also is the no. 3 company worldwide in secure communication platforms, delivering agile, innovative, data-driven digital services for defence and cyber security applications.



    At BCubed, we focus our engineering expertise on providing specialized solutions, hardware, and services to meet a variety of unique needs across the Department of Defense (DoD), Intelligence Community (IC), and Commercial sector. Our diverse skill set of digital signal processing, cloud engineering, and machine learning development, provides a holistic and rapid approach to meet our customer needs. Using best-of-breed Open Source Software (OSS) and Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) technologies, we maximize the value added to our customers, enabling them to stay ahead of the game with results that speak for themselves.



    INTEGRASYS, established in 1990 is a software development and engineering company specialized in satellite network design, deployment, maintenance, and interference mitigation tools for monitoring critical satellite infrastructure in the commercial and defense fields, offering a wide range of signal monitoring products and VSAT Deployment, maintenance, and link budget solutions.



    XTAR, LLC is a privately owned satellite operator delivering X-band services to U.S. and Allied government users. XTAR’s two satellite payloads, with high-powered global, fixed and steerable spot beams, are WGS-compatible and readily support mobile applications in the harshest environments. Available coverage is from Denver east to Singapore.

    Media Partners

    Satellite Evolution Group

    Official Media Partner

    Satcoms Innovation Group

    Official Media Partner


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    • Be informed on the latest market developments; www.asd-network.com
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    Via Satellite

    Official Media Partner

    Via Satellite is the leading global satellite magazine, providing expert business analysis and technical insights into the satellite, telecom, wireless and space industries. The readers of Via Satellite are provided with timely and valuable editorial, essential in remaining competitive and profitable in the global satellite marketplace. For more information on our products and to sign up for free trial subscriptions go to http://www.viasatellite.com .

    Microwave Journal

    Official Media Partner

    Microwave Journal provides leading-edge technical content for RF, microwave and wireless engineers worldwide. MWJ the magazine reaches 50,000 qualified subscribers with practical design application articles for working engineers. MWJournal.com delivers the latest news, events, webinars, whitepapers, videos and newsletters to RF/microwave professionals. EDI CON China and USA events bring industry and engineers together for information exchange and education. For over 60 years, Microwave Journal has been THE resource for engineers who are developing infrastructure for the next-generation of wireless and defense technologies. www.mwjournal.com

    Armada International

    Official Media Partner

    ARMADA INTERNATIONAL is leading defence magazine which reports on and analyses defence systems, equipment and technology. Together with its Compendium supplements, ARMADA provides defence planners in the militaries, in government, in procurement and in the defence industry itself with the information they need to plan their strategies.

    Space Data Association

    Official Media Partner

    The Space Data Association Limited (SDA) is a non-profit international association of satellite operators that supports the controlled, reliable, and efficient sharing of data critical to the safety and integrity of the space environment. The SDA is open to all satellite operators and other participants. Its membership comprises many of the world’s major satellite communications companies, as well as key scientific, remote sensing, and environmental satellite system operators.


    Official Media Partner

    GSOA is the global CEO-driven association representing the satellite industry. GSOA provides a platform for collaboration between companies involved in the satellite ecosystem globally and a unified voice for the sector. Our vision is to help policymakers improve the state of the world by continuously bridging digital, education, health, social, gender and economic divides across diverse geographies and across mature and developing economies.


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    Hilton Arlington

    950 North Stafford Street
    Arlington VA 22203

    Hilton Arlington



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    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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