Session Topics Include: Ø Logistics and Deployment Ø Planning and Operational readiness Ø Network Enabled Defence Ø Information Sharing and Management Ø Security Challenges
Conference agenda
Chairman's Opening Remarks Bertel Heurlin, Jean Monnet Professor of European Security and Integration, University Of Copenhagen Swedish Transformation and Regional Implications: Developing Capabilities to Meet Future Needs Major General Michael Moore, Director, Development and Transformation, Ministry of Defense Creating smaller more focused and mission-oriented defence forcesCurrent developments: mobilisation, supplementation and preparationFostering readiness for wide range of missions in all kinds of operational environmentBecoming an active contributor to the development of a joint EU crisis management capabilityFacing the challenges ahead and implications for regional cooperation A Perspective on Finnish Transformation Challenges and Responses Colonel Juha Pyykonen, Director, National Defence University, Finland Security challenges faced by FinlandTransformation towards a national Network Enabled Defence (NED)Armed Forces in support of interagency departments to manage vital national functionsParticipation in international military crisis management Baltic Defence Transformation: the Latvian Perspective Didzis Nimants, Director, International Relations Department, Ministry of Defence, Latvia New defence concept and implementation of state defence policyProfessionalizationRole of National GuardParticipation in international operations - AfganistanLatvian participation in NATO Response Force (NRF) and EU Battle Group (EU BG)Defence budget Security sector reform assistance to partner countriesCooperation with the Baltic States and the Nordic countries Adapting to a Changing Strategic Environment: Implementation of the New Estonian Force Structure Christian-Marc Lifländer, Director, Policy Planning Department, Estonian Ministry of Defence Meeting NATO and EU requirementsEnhanced participation and contributions to international peace support operationsRole and nature of Nordic and Baltic cooperation Working towards the EU battlegroupsFuture prospects and regional strategy Military Co-operation in the Baltic States Professor Arunas Molis, Acting Head of Political and Strategic Studies Department, Baltic Defence College Strategic rationale, framework and institutionsDefence cooperation and cooperation in operationsCommon projects – past and present (BALTEDFCOL, BALTRON, BALTNET, BALTBAT)Patterns of commitment between Baltic and Nordic countriesFuture prospects German Perspective on Transformation Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Harz, Division Chief, German Armed Forces Planning, Bundeswehr Transformation Centre US Perspective of Nordic and Baltic Transformation Colonel Alex Portelli, Division Chief J5, United States European Command (EUCOM) Partnership Between the Public and Private Sectors Mika Purhonen, Director General, National Emergency Supply Agency, Finland Responding to today's challengesRegional trendsThe business world and administration co-operationPools for co-ordinating practical work Chairman's Closing Remarks and Close of Day One Chairman’s Opening Remarks Bertel Heurlin, Jean Monnet Professor of European Security and Integration, University Of Copenhagen SPECIAL ADDRESS: New Forms of Nordic And Baltic Co-Operation: Planning and Strategic Considerations Cecilia Looström, Director, Department for Military Affairs, Ministry Of Defence Radically altered threat pictureConsiderations: rapid pace of development, both in technology and in European society at largeEmerging common approach to European securityInternational crisis management: crisis-management operations of the United Nations, the European Union and NATOAchieving greater capabilities: rational for regional cooperationPractical issues and coping with commitments Fostering Baltic Sea Security Rear Admiral Anders Grenstad, Chief of Staff, Swedish Navy Identified Risks and surveillance of the BalticEnergy security: Risk of remilitarisation of Baltic SeaCostal and Naval efforts: Perspective on current partnershipsLearning from civic co-operationsProcedures and technology to share available dataBuilding cooperative arrangementsAreas where increased co-operation is most urgently needed to improve security in the short-term and long-termIdentification of requirements to ensure Baltic Security in the future The Need for Multinational Air Force Co-operation Brigadier General Morten Klever, Chief of Air Operations Inspectorate, Royal Norwegian Air Force Rational for deeper integrationNorth Sea Co-operationInternationalisation Improving European Capabilities: the EDA Approach Dick Zandee, Head, Policy and Planning, European Defence Agency (EDA) Why Europe should do better in defenceHow it can do better and invest in the right stuffEarly results of EDA Transformation Priorities for the Lithuanian Armed Forces: Ensuring a Reliable Deterrence and Defence Renatas Norkus, Undersecretary, Ministry of Defence, Lithuania Interoperability with neighbours and partnersMajor international commitments of LithuaniaRegional co-operation: Interoperability with DenmarkMain requirements and ambitionsLooking ahead: Lithuanian National Defence System (NDS) in 2007-2012 Nordic Battle Group (NBG) Colonel Hakan Hedlund, Chief of Staff, Nordic Battle Group Framework and build-upTransforming policies into realitiesNordic crisis management force (UN, OSCE, EU or NATO) from 2003 onwardsFull operational readiness by the first half of 2008Effect on future requirements within areas of defence activitiesThe issue strategic transport and air transport NORDCAPS: Nordic Coordinated Arrangement for Peace Support Lieutenant Colonel Egil Nordli (NOR Army), Chief of Staff, NORDCAPS Planning Element Puprpose and scope of NORDCAPSNORDCAPS structureClose harmonization and coordination of the Nordic nation’s participation in international operations Benefits of Nordic defense Peace Support Operations cooperationCommon security sector reformRegional capacity building and other kinds of military training (courses, training and exercises) Supporting Critical Equipment Gunnar Hult , Chief Scientist and Director of R&T , Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV), Sweden Changing equipment procurement strategies to meet current and future needsFostering greater cooperation in support of critical equipmentStructural changes needed in defence administrations Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Conference
Stockholm City Conference Centre 28 November 2007 Stockholm, Sweden
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