Future Armoured Vehicles Eastern Europe 2015
22 June - 23 June 2015
Future Armoured Vehicles Eastern Europe 2015

As nations in Eastern Europe embark on upgrading their military capabilities and increase spending, the Armoured Vehicle has become a focus of many of the land forces commands wishing to ensure effective combat and peacekeeping operations, both domestically and internationally.

Due to this unprecedented increase in strategy and acquisition in the region, The SAE Media Group are delighted to bring you Future Armoured Vehicles Eastern Europe 2015. It is our focus to ensure you meet the very best military decision makers and influencers as we gather the community next June in Prague.  At no other event in 2015 will you be able to meet such a well rounded and unique set of military vehicle experts all present with one goal in mind-to advance their technical know how and increase the effectiveness of their new and  ongoing programmes.

The participants of Future Armoured Vehicles Eastern Europe 2015 will cover the whole value chain of the armoured vehicle equipment market. The speakers and invited participants will be carefully selected to bring together those with active requirements for armoured vehicles and will ensure that as well as military leaders, the OEMS and prime contractors participate. We will also make sure that the very latest technology innovators will be present to share their ground breaking equipment with a captive audience all looking to advance their combat vehicle programmes.

The audience will include, but not be limited to:
• Heads of Land Procurement
• Directors of Capability Planning
• National Armaments Directors
• Vehicle Programme Managers
• Heads of Strategy and Defence Planning
• Commanders of Land Systems
• Directors of Procurement
• Chief Scientists/Defence Research Agencies
• Heads of Survivability
• CIED Experts


Brigadier General Bjarne  Nermo

Brigadier General Bjarne Nermo

Commander Land Systems Division , Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisations/ Main Systems Land
Brigadier General Ladislav  Jung

Brigadier General Ladislav Jung

Land Forces Deputy Commander, Czech Armed Forces , Czech Armed Forces
Brigadier General Norbert  Huber

Brigadier General Norbert Huber

Director Armament and Procurement , Austrian MoD
Brigadier General Pavel  Adam

Brigadier General Pavel Adam

Director of the Division of Capabilities Development and Planning, General Staff, Armed Forces, Czech MoD
Colonel Maciej  Zajac

Colonel Maciej Zajac

Deputy Chief Land Forces Department, Armament Inspectorate, Polish MoD
Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus

Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus

Former Deputy Chief of Defence Staff & Military Representative to NATO and EU, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Czech MoD

Brigadier General Bjarne Nermo

Commander Land Systems Division , Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisations/ Main Systems Land
Brigadier General Bjarne  Nermo

Brigadier General Frantisek Minacek

Director Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies, Czech MoD
Brigadier General Frantisek  Minacek

Brigadier General Ladislav Jung

Land Forces Deputy Commander, Czech Armed Forces , Czech Armed Forces
Brigadier General Ladislav  Jung

Brigadier General Norbert Huber

Director Armament and Procurement , Austrian MoD
Brigadier General Norbert  Huber

Brigadier General Pavel Adam

Director of the Division of Capabilities Development and Planning, General Staff, Armed Forces, Czech MoD
Brigadier General Pavel  Adam

Chris Mitchell

Head of Business Development, Lockheed Martin
Chris Mitchell

Colonel (Ret) Tomas Dvoracek

Deputy Director, National Armaments Office, Czech MoD
Colonel (Ret) Tomas Dvoracek

Colonel Egbert Teeuw

Programme Manager BOXER , OCCAR
Colonel Egbert  Teeuw

Colonel Maciej Zajac

Deputy Chief Land Forces Department, Armament Inspectorate, Polish MoD
Colonel Maciej  Zajac

Hans-Elias de Bree

R&D Director, Microflown AVISA
Hans-Elias de Bree

Heather Elsley

Programme Manager, Land Integrated Survivability Programme & Delivery Directorate, DSTL
Heather  Elsley

Jaromir Zuna

Director AFCR Logistics Agency, Esurance
Jaromir Zuna

Jiri Hynek

President , Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA
Jiri Hynek

Jyrki Kujansuu

Head of Marketing & Sales EE/LV/LT Market Area Nordic & Baltic, Saab Technologies S.R.O
Jyrki  Kujansuu

Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus

Former Deputy Chief of Defence Staff & Military Representative to NATO and EU, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Czech MoD
Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus

Lieutennat Colonel Tomas Turo

Military Vehicle Electronics Specialist , University of Defence, Czech Republic, Czech MoD
Lieutennat Colonel Tomas Turo

LTC (Ret.)Richard Macha

Industrial Cooperation Division Czech MoD and Head of the Czech Delegation to AC/225 - NATO NAAG, Czech Mod
LTC (Ret.)Richard  Macha

LTC Jiri Hrazdil

Commander of the 73rd Tank Battalion, Czech MoD
LTC Jiri Hrazdil

Miha Matek

Head of ArmamentsProject Management Division , Slovenian Ministry of Defence
Miha  Matek


Conference agenda



Registration and Informal Networking



Understanding how the Czech MoD issue RFI’s, Tenders and down selects



Which are the right departments to approach and how best to do this



When you need to partner with local industry to make your opportunity more effective



How to work effectively with Czech companies



Current and predicted future Armoured Vehicle Requirements and the types of equipment likely to be considered/selected



Question and Answer Session WIth Workshop Hosts



End of Master Class and Informal Group Networking



Conference Registration and Informal Introductions



Conference Welcome and Chairman's Opening Address

Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus

Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus, Former Deputy Chief of Defence Staff & Military Representative to NATO and EU, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Czech MoD



APC Modernisation For The Czech Land Forces

Brigadier General Ladislav  Jung

Brigadier General Ladislav Jung, Land Forces Deputy Commander, Czech Armed Forces , Czech Armed Forces





 Current Land Forces priorities for APR Upgrades

Procurement and Selection time lines

What does the next generation of APC's need to look like for maximum operational effectiveness






Norway: Improving Through Life Support And Operational Readiness With Better Logistics

Brigadier General Bjarne  Nermo

Brigadier General Bjarne Nermo, Commander Land Systems Division , Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisations/ Main Systems Land

·         Evaluating the essential operational logistics an armoured vehicle fleet needs to remain combat ready
·         Capability gaps that have come out of recent joint operations
·          Supporting operations globally and the logistics needed to ensure missions effectiveness


Morning Coffee Break & Networking In The Exhibition Area



Panel Discussion: Can Armoured Vehicle Technology Advancement Keep Up The Pace Of The Emerging And Ever Changing Threat

·         Assessing current and future strategies relating to force development to combat IED/RPG and other threats to the armoured vehicle
·         Looking at force protection threats and how they are evolving globally
·         Situational Awareness and network integration requirements
·         A look ahead to how Armoured Vehicles will be used in future ground operations: The Strengths and Weaknesses

Brigadier General Norbert  Huber

Brigadier General Norbert Huber , Director Armament and Procurement , Austrian MoD

Brigadier General Bjarne  Nermo

Brigadier General Bjarne Nermo, Commander Land Systems Division , Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisations/ Main Systems Land

Brigadier General Ladislav  Jung

Brigadier General Ladislav Jung, Land Forces Deputy Commander, Czech Armed Forces , Czech Armed Forces

Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus

Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus, Former Deputy Chief of Defence Staff & Military Representative to NATO and EU, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Czech MoD



Microflown AVISA - Acoustic Multi Mission Sensors On Wheeled Vehicles, The Mali Experience

Hans-Elias de Bree

Hans-Elias de Bree, R&D Director, Microflown AVISA


·         Acoustic Multi Mission Sensor technology
·         RAM localization capability
·         SAF localization capability
·         Mali 2015 experience on open wheeled vehicle
·         Outlook for armored (tracked) vehicles


What Do The Armed Forces Of Tomorrow Need Today?

Brigadier General Pavel  Adam

Brigadier General Pavel Adam , Director of the Division of Capabilities Development and Planning, General Staff, Armed Forces, Czech MoD

• Looking at what the Czech Army needs for future force modernisation
• A look at the force structure and capability plans of the Czech Armed forces by 2020
• Where do the Czech Armed Forces fit into future NATO and international coalition operations and peacekeeping


Defence and Security Trends and The Changing Operational Landscape Of Today

Brigadier General Frantisek  Minacek

Brigadier General Frantisek Minacek , Director Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies, Czech MoD

·         Looking back at conflicts globally over the last 20 years: how have threats evolved
·         Regional patterns of conflict and modern warfare challenges
·         A look at the future of warfare challenges of tomorrow for NATO and Allied forces operating globally




Networking Lunch In Exhibition Area



Austria’s Approach To Armoured Vehicle Modernisation and Procurement

Brigadier General Norbert  Huber

Brigadier General Norbert Huber , Director Armament and Procurement , Austrian MoD

  • Austria’s current armoured vehicle fleet and capabilities 
  • Current procurement and upgrade programmes across the MoD
  • Operational feedback from recent missions and engagements
  • clock


    Enhancing Medium Weight Armour Lethality

    Chris Mitchell

    Chris Mitchell , Head of Business Development, Lockheed Martin



    The Royal Netherlands And German Army –BOXER 8x8 All Terrain Heavily-Armoured Utility Vehicle

    Colonel Egbert  Teeuw

    Colonel Egbert Teeuw, Programme Manager BOXER , OCCAR

    ·         OCCAR and their approach to defence programme developments
    ·         The flexibility and modularity approach of the BOXER programme
    ·         Through life support and life cycle optimisation
    ·         Next steps and timelines


    Panel Discussion: Extending The Life Cycle Of Armoured Vehicles Through Intelligent And Strategic Equipment Upgrades

    ·         Evaluating the current service usage for aging armoured vehicles
    ·         Are the aging fleets still fit for purpose for modern operations?
    ·         Where can modern equipment add-ons aid armoured vehicles in remaining effective for current conflicts
    ·         Examining key equipment upgrades available today and overcoming integration with legacy equipment and systems

    Brigadier General Pavel  Adam

    Brigadier General Pavel Adam , Director of the Division of Capabilities Development and Planning, General Staff, Armed Forces, Czech MoD

    Brigadier General Norbert  Huber

    Brigadier General Norbert Huber , Director Armament and Procurement , Austrian MoD

    Colonel Egbert  Teeuw

    Colonel Egbert Teeuw, Programme Manager BOXER , OCCAR

    Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus

    Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus, Former Deputy Chief of Defence Staff & Military Representative to NATO and EU, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Czech MoD



    Afternoon Tea In The Exhibition Area



    The Czech Approach To Active Protection Systems

    LTC (Ret.)Richard  Macha

    LTC (Ret.)Richard Macha , Industrial Cooperation Division Czech MoD and Head of the Czech Delegation to AC/225 - NATO NAAG, Czech Mod

    ·         A look at the Czech capability and ongoing priorities around active protection
    ·         EFA against RPG attacks
    ·         Protection against CBRN threats


    An Update On The Slovenian 8x8 Armoured Vehicle Procurement

    Miha  Matek

    Miha Matek, Head of ArmamentsProject Management Division , Slovenian Ministry of Defence

    ·         The current 8x8 medium protection programme and how this will benefit operations by the Slovenian Army
    ·         Looking at timelines and implementation into the Slovenian Vehicle Fleet
    ·         Armour and blast protection standards across the fleet
    ·         Commitment to NATO interaction and interoperability


    Chairmans Closing Remarks and Questions From The Audience

    Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus

    Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus, Former Deputy Chief of Defence Staff & Military Representative to NATO and EU, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Czech MoD



    End of Day One



    Registration and Coffee



    Chairman's Day 2 Welcome

    Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus

    Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus, Former Deputy Chief of Defence Staff & Military Representative to NATO and EU, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Czech MoD



    The Czech Upgraded T-72 M4CZ Tank Programme

    LTC Jiri Hrazdil

    LTC Jiri Hrazdil, Commander of the 73rd Tank Battalion, Czech MoD

    ·         Key mission capabilities of the T-72 M4CZ
    ·         Future upgrade plans and recent improvements to the T-72M4CZ
    ·         Operational feedback from recent missions


    The Czech Republic’s Collaborative Approach To Defence Industry and Equipment Modernisation

    Jiri Hynek

    Jiri Hynek, President , Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA

    ·         Outlining The Czech Armed Forces Process For Selecting Industry Partners
    ·         Advice on how to approach the MOD and put forward technical information and capability suggestions
    ·          How to optimise your bid, what processes and details should you be aware of


    Experience In Supporting Ground Forces Mechanization Programs With Solutions Designed To Meet The Need For Enhanced Operational Capabilities And A Higher Level Of Effectiveness

    Jyrki  Kujansuu

    Jyrki Kujansuu, Head of Marketing & Sales EE/LV/LT Market Area Nordic & Baltic, Saab Technologies S.R.O



    Morning Coffee In The Exhibition Area



    An Insight Into The Procurement Process and Priorities of The Czech Armed Forces

    ·         Assessing the evolution of 21st century conflict and where industry see the need for a change to the status quo
    ·         Common feedback from military programme managers and how this translates to future capability shifts
    ·         The Latest R&D trends and where industry are investing their future spend to improve vehicle performance
    ·         Future predictions for the use and design of armoured vehicles to ensure mission effectiveness 

    This Session Will Feature OEMS who are prominent both regionally and Internationally. 

    Colonel (Ret) Tomas Dvoracek

    Colonel (Ret) Tomas Dvoracek, Deputy Director, National Armaments Office, Czech MoD

    LTC (Ret.)Richard  Macha

    LTC (Ret.)Richard Macha , Industrial Cooperation Division Czech MoD and Head of the Czech Delegation to AC/225 - NATO NAAG, Czech Mod



    An Update On Poland’s Armoured Vehicle Modernisation Programme

    Colonel Maciej  Zajac

    Colonel Maciej Zajac, Deputy Chief Land Forces Department, Armament Inspectorate, Polish MoD

    ·         A look at the Polish Armies history with the armoured vehicle
    ·         Current progress and timelines for the following programmes:
    o   Modular Tracked Platform (UMPG)
    o   Armoured Fighting Vehicle
    o   Amphibious Scout Vehicles
    ·         Future modernisation plans for the armoured vehicle: what capability gaps remain?


    Networking Lunch In The Exhibition Area



    UK Integrated Survivability Solutions For AFV

    Heather  Elsley

    Heather Elsley, Programme Manager, Land Integrated Survivability Programme & Delivery Directorate, DSTL

    ·         Understanding the threat – the role of analysis in improving survivability
    ·         Balancing capability – from Heavy Armour to Modular Protection
    ·         The layered approach – working together to futureproof Integrated Survivability


    Military Vehicle Electronics For A Modern Fighting Force

    Lieutennat Colonel Tomas Turo

    Lieutennat Colonel Tomas Turo , Military Vehicle Electronics Specialist , University of Defence, Czech Republic, Czech MoD

    ·         Current research findings from the Czech Defence University
    ·         Developing a modern system architecture for fighting vehicles
    ·         Challenges and opportunities for future military vehicles when deciding electronic components and system design


    Afternoon Tea In The Exhibition Area



    Panel Discussion: Regional Outlooks for Military Upgrades To Armoured Vehicles: What National Defence Forces Look for From Local and International Industry

    ·         What are the major upgrade requirements for regional nations
    ·         Procurement timelines for upgrades: from tendering to force deployment
    ·         What defence forces look for in industry partners

    Miha  Matek

    Miha Matek, Head of ArmamentsProject Management Division , Slovenian Ministry of Defence

    Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus

    Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus, Former Deputy Chief of Defence Staff & Military Representative to NATO and EU, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Czech MoD

    LTC Jiri Hrazdil

    LTC Jiri Hrazdil, Commander of the 73rd Tank Battalion, Czech MoD

    Colonel Maciej  Zajac

    Colonel Maciej Zajac, Deputy Chief Land Forces Department, Armament Inspectorate, Polish MoD



    Chairmans Closing Remarks and Questions From The Audience

    Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus

    Lieutenant General Jaroslav Kolkus, Former Deputy Chief of Defence Staff & Military Representative to NATO and EU, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Czech MoD



    End of Conference

    Commander Land Systems Division
    Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisations/ Main Systems Land
    Director Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies
    Czech MoD
    Land Forces Deputy Commander, Czech Armed Forces
    Czech Armed Forces
    Director Armament and Procurement
    Austrian MoD
    Director of the Division of Capabilities Development and Planning, General Staff, Armed Forces
    Czech MoD
    Head of Business Development
    Lockheed Martin
    Deputy Director, National Armaments Office
    Czech MoD
    Programme Manager BOXER
    Deputy Chief Land Forces Department, Armament Inspectorate
    Polish MoD
    R&D Director
    Microflown AVISA
    Programme Manager, Land Integrated Survivability Programme & Delivery Directorate
    Director AFCR Logistics Agency
    Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA
    Head of Marketing & Sales EE/LV/LT Market Area Nordic & Baltic
    Saab Technologies S.R.O
    Former Deputy Chief of Defence Staff & Military Representative to NATO and EU, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic
    Czech MoD
    Military Vehicle Electronics Specialist , University of Defence, Czech Republic
    Czech MoD
    Industrial Cooperation Division Czech MoD and Head of the Czech Delegation to AC/225 - NATO NAAG
    Czech Mod
    Commander of the 73rd Tank Battalion
    Czech MoD
    Head of ArmamentsProject Management Division
    Slovenian Ministry of Defence

    Gold Sponsor

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Official Media Partner

    Official Associations



    How to do business with the Czech Armed Forces

    How to do business with the Czech Armed Forces

    Dorint Hotel Don Giovanni Prague
    23 June 2015
    Prague 3, Czech Republic

    Interview with Jiri Hynek, President, Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA)


    Sponsorship manual


    Sponsors and Exhibitors


    Gold Sponsor

    Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs. Rapid and reliable information networks are essential for today’s highly mobile and dynamic military operations. Vehicle-mounted information technology is changing the battlefield, providing capabilities vital for both force projection and force protection. Saab offers a wide range of rugged vehicle electronics (vetronics), including digital high-resolution camera systems for Local Situational Awareness and Drivers Vision Enhancement. Solutions that ensure that the harsh environmental requirements for battlefield use are met and that performance remains high, while keeping lifecycle costs to a minimum. Whether your need is minimum space or maximum capability, Saab provides a rugged system that meets your exact application and secures your operational capabilities. Saab´s vetronics equipment can be configured for a wide range of applications – from complete system solutions for heavy fighting vehicles to simpler solutions for lighter vehicles and the dismounted soldier. The personal protection ensembles are certified to meet NATO standards providing the best protection available.

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Denchi Power

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Denchi Power are a leading supplier of Lithium-ion batteries and chargers to the global defence and aerospace industry with over 15 years heritage in supplying products for military radios, vision systems, manned military vehicles, unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs), unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs). Although defence is our core market we also produce batteries for other high reliability markets including security, oil and gas and medical. We work closely with our customers to ensure our products meet or exceed the tolerances and constraints set out by their demanding requirements. We take great pride in delivering robust products that will provide power in the harshest of environments.

    Honeywell Aerospace

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Honeywell Aerospace innovates and integrates thousands of products and services which can be found on virtually every type of commercial airliner, business jet, military aircraft and space vehicle in operation today. From takeoff to landing, Honeywell solutions help make flying safer, more efficient, more connected and more cost effective.

    Kent Modular Electronics

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Established in 1976, KME has been a leading manufacturer and designer of monitors for over 30 years, and continues to innovate with new designs. Today KME focus in the manufacturing of rugged LCD monitors and LCD rugged displays for use in demanding environments. We offer an expanding series of rugged LCD-TFT modules with screen sizes ranging from 3.5" to 70". KME design and manufacture all monitors in the UK and have dedicated International partners to optimise export sales. With ISO 9001:2008 certification in design and manufacturing, KME have the electronic and mechanical design expertise to develop display products to meet the most challenging specifications with standard solutions and the ability to take on custom design work. If you are looking for LCD monitor displays in desktop, head, chassis, portable, rack and panel mount configurations, with other available enhancements including touch screen, deep dimming, colour and finish, they are all offered with KME's rugged LCD monitors. High brightness and optical bonding can be used to eradicate glare from the sun, making our LCD monitor displays ideal for outdoor signage and public information displays. LCD monitors designed with highly-rated IP sealing means they can operate in the most extreme environments We also provide a series of TFT displays that are specifically designed to replace CRT monitors. These are designed to fit into the CRT chassis and are physically and mechanically compatible with the existing CRT monitors, handling slow scan (legacy) signals. Replace CRT monitors with KME's rugged LCD displays.

    Lockheed Martin

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 97,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services.

    Microflown AVISA

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Microflown AVISA from the Netherlands is a trusted partner of several NATO countries in the field of acoustic situational awareness. Enabled by its revolutionary acoustic particle velocity sensor, the MEMS technology based Microflown transducer, AVISA delivers sensor nodes that are very low: • Size, less than 30 cm diameter • Weight, less than 2 kg • Power, around 2 W Because of this small footprint the intrinsically directional sensor nodes can be mounted on any vehicle deck. As these sensor nodes: • are acoustically speaking broad banded • have 3 D elevation capabilities they are able to detect, locate, track and classify all sorts of audible events, such as: • Small Arms Fire • RPGs • Mortars/ artillery • Drones and attack helicopters Hence, Microflown AVISA’s sensor nodes combine the traditional: • vehicle mounted gunshot localization systems • ground based sound ranging systems and they can be used (simultaneously!) for: • self protection: o of the vehicle itself o and because of its wide diameter “Acoustic Umbrella”: ? of the other convoy vehicles ? of dismounted soldiers • mobile sound ranging • cueing: o remote weapon stations o board canons o cameras o fire control purposes Two sensor nodes configured as a subarray on a vehicle deck are denoted CAMEL. Various vehicles networked create the CARAVAN then. Arrays of AMMS can be easily deployed from a vehicle standing still in a silent watch or firing mode.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    SCHROTH Safety Products provides customized NON-ITAR solutions for occupant protection in military ground vehicles, airplanes and helicopters off all varieties as well as motorsport and OEM applications. MILITARY HARNESS RESTRAINTS SCHROTH is a recognized leader in restraint technology and occupant protection systems. SCHROTH has over 60 years of experience manufacturing high quality products. SCHROTH MINE BLAST & UTILITY SEAT SYSTEMS The SCHROTH Mine Blast Protected Seat Systems are tubular lightweight systems with a unique resettable Energy Absorbing (EA) system designed into the seat. www.schroth.com SCHROTH Safety Products provides customized

    Media Partners


    Official Media Partner

    Infoespacial.com is the only Spanish media, dedicated only to the Space Sector. We have a weekly newsletter with the most important news of the sector sent to more than 5,000 individually registered subscribers. Edited by communication professionals in the Space Sector, we provide daily information on space agencies, industry, research and development, satellite launches and exploration of deep space, among other topics. We also broadcast videos, opinion articles and the most important documents for the Sector.

    Media Partners

    Global Military Communications


    Global Military Communications is a publication that tracks the trends, drivers and technology that fuel the military communications sector. Communications continue to be the lynchpin of modern warfare and is crucial to any military campaign. The sector is going through unprecedented change as militaries and governments across the world move towards a network centric approach to their communications. From operations in war zones to homeland security and disaster recovery operations, Global Military Communications provides you with the latest communications developments on land, sea, and in the air.

    Army Technology


    Army-technology.com brings you up-to-date international news and features on the defence industry, covering military projects, trends, products, services and more in the army sector. With a team of journalists around the world, army-technology.com, along with sister sites naval-technology.com and airforce-technology.com, is the only business service that focuses on the technologies required by military personnel and companies working in this important field. When you combine this with one of the most comprehensive and detailed listings of military equipment suppliers, products and services, free white paper downloads and company press releases, you see why army-technology.com is the key point of reference for the defence industry.

    Defence and Security Alert


    Defence and Security Alert (DSA) is the first and only ISO 9001:2015 certified, world-class monthly Indian magazine in defence and security journalism. Covering a strictly research based spectrum of dynamic scenarios in India and challenging horizons beyond national borders, DSA is the only Indian defence magazine available on the intranets of Indian Air Force (IAF) and Border Security Force (BSF). DSA is an ideal platform in this domain to showcase your products, services and cutting-edge technologies. DSA is very extensively circulated among key policy and decision makers in the federal and 28 state governments and corporate world in India and worldwide through print and online editions.

    Soldier Modernisation


    Soldier Modernisation (SoldierMod.Com) is an authoritative policy and technology publication for the international defense community, serving the integrated equipment needs of the dismounted soldier and marine in operations today and the fielding of Soldier Modernisation Programmes over the next few years. SoldierMod.Com is designed to provide insights into how decision makers plan to transform operations in the areas of survivability, sustainability, C4I, lethality and mobility; managing the balance between the promise of 'leap-ahead technology balance and mature cost effective solutions. SoldierMod is distributed in many formats which will include an 50 page journal 10,000 copies BPA Audited, twice annually , in January and June Our Website www.soldiermod.com , Has a 24 hour news service , anytime ( currently at over 20,000 individual visits per month ) . We also have an online technical forum where anyone in the industry can ask us strategic or technological questions , our partners and experts will respond directly back.



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    Defense Conferences


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    Defense Update highlights worldwide defense programs, including; land warfare covering armor and infantry and support elements,aerospace, naval, C4ISR, EW, Cyber Warfare, intelligence and net-centric warfare, unmanned systems and robotics, and homeland defense. Written by experienced defense journalists from different nations, with contribution by analysts specializing in different fields, Defense Update provides comprehensive coverage of specific defense related topics, including Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFV), Future Combat Systems, Aerospace – and unmanned systems as well as robotics and Precision Strike weapons. It also covers in-depth analysis of developing trends in Command, Control, Communications and Computing, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR).

    International Journal of Vehicle Performance


    IJVP, a journal of the International Association for Vehicle Design, addresses multidisciplinary issues relevant to performance of ground vehicle systems and sub-systems for vehicle engineers/scientists. Its scope covers theoretical and experimental developments in performance analyses/assessments of ground vehicles including road, off-road, all-terrain and guided vehicles. In light of the diversified performance requirements for different vehicles, IJVP focuses on identification of measures relevant to different performance aspects of a vehicle system and new concepts/methods/pioneering techniques in analysis/assessment/improvements in vehicle performance.

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    evvnt enables people all over the world to fill their events utilising the most effective event listing sites on the web. Every minute, with little more than a click, more events and conferences appear in listings, in search engines and on mobile - discoverable by both category and location. With next to no effort customers of evvnt get better attendance, while consumers find events they previously had no idea existed. To date customers in 70 countries worldwide have submitted over 500,000 thousand event listings, created over 300,000 live links, and generated 1 million clicks to ticketing and registration pages. Learn more at www.evvnt.com



    The DEFENCE SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY is an authoritative online information resource for all defence purchasers. This comprehensive listing of Defence Suppliers has enabled thousands of purchasing professionals to find exactly what they are looking for - in seconds. THE DEFENCE SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY provides a total overview of all the UK's Armed Forces - with a wealth of valuable information about the organisation and structure of the UK's Defence Services, as well as useful facts about developments in the UK Defence Industry Contact us: defenceenquiries@armedforces.co.uk Tel: 01743 241962 website: www.armedforces.co.uk

    International Journal of Vehicle Design


    IJVD, the journal of vehicle engineering, automotive technology and components, has been established for over a quarter of a century as an international authoritative reference in the field. It publishes the Proceedings of the International Association for Vehicle Design, which is an independent, non-profit-making learned society that exists to develop, promote and coordinate the science and practice of vehicle design and safety.

    Defence Suppliers


    Defence-Suppliers provides a unique platform to present your latest equipment and systems to the world's defence and security industry. We are a key information resource for MODs, DODs, decision makers, governments, prime contractors, service chiefs, defence ministers, police forces and system integrators. Delivering a comprehensive breakdown of products and services from leading industry contractors, with up-to-date news and press releases when developments occur. With links to all the major industry events, the portal provides an opportunity for visitors to develop international relationships and generate new business opportunities.



    SEGURANÇA & DEFESA (“Security & Defense”) is the recognized leader among South American printed defense magazines. It has been in the market for 37 years, and presently is the only one of its kind in Brazil to be nationally distributed. Sold on news stands and by subscriptions, it is sent free of charge to key names and addresses in the defense sector in Brazil and in South American countries.

    Official Associations

    Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA)

    Official Associations

    Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA) associates Czech companies engaged in research, development, production, trade and marketing of the military and security equipment, material and services. It was founded in 1997 as a non-governmental, independent, apolitical, non-profit organization. Since its foundation it is a respected partner of the Czech Government, the Ministries of Industry and Trade, Defence, Interior and Foreign Affairs. With these institutions the DSIA signed a series of cooperation agreements. DSIA is a partner of organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce or Confederation of Industry and Transportation of the Czech Republic. The Association also cooperates with the publishing house MS Line on publishing a magazine called the Czech Defence Industry and Security Review which is a media platform for the Czech defence and security industry. DSIA promotes business and commercial interests of its members in a dialogue with the Parliament, ministries, other government authorities. It became an important partner and participant in the legislative processes. Its discussions at the "round tables" or face to face meetings with representatives of the state administration or the Parliament help to deal with the defense and security industry issues.

    Dorint Hotel Don Giovanni Prague

    Vinohradská 2733/157a
    Prague 3 130 20 3-Ž
    Czech Republic

    Dorint Hotel Don Giovanni Prague

    Be our guest in the Golden City of Prague. The 4-star Dorint Hotel Don Giovanni in Prague radiates the charm of a wonderful bygone era in its own highly modern way. Named after the famous Mozart opera, which enjoyed its maiden performance in Prague in 1787, the hotel lobby resembles a large theater. You are now in the inimitable world of Prague, where so much appears to stem from another time and every street corner seems to be of historic significance. The Dorint Hotel Don Giovanni Prague will help you to ensure that your time in Prague is as enjoyable as possible, whether you are on a business trip or planning a city break to discover the Golden City of Prague for yourself.



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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