Future Armoured Vehicles Central and Eastern Europe
13 May - 14 May 2024
Future Armoured Vehicles Central and Eastern Europe

SAE Media Group is delighted to announce that the Future Armoured Vehicles Central & Eastern Europe will return to Prague for its 10th year between the 13 - 14 May 2024.

The Future Armoured Vehicles Central and Eastern Europe conference is the premier meeting for armoured vehicle programme managers and military commanders from within the Central and Eastern European region.

In response to the ever-increasing digitalisation of the modern battlefield, and the emergence of new near-peer adversaries, there is a continuing requirement for the modernisation of armoured vehicle systems across the region.

A world class event focused on military vehicles based in Europe, assisting with the continued learning and development of armoured vehicle programme managers and practitioners through briefings, panel sessions and focused discussion groups.


Brigadier General Gabor Lorincz

Brigadier General Gabor Lorincz

Commander, Land Forces Command, Hungarian Defence Forces
Brigadier General Stefan Lampl

Brigadier General Stefan Lampl

Commander, Austrian Defence Logistics School, Austrian Armed Forces
Colonel (Ret.) Gabriel Kovacs

Colonel (Ret.) Gabriel Kovacs

Former Director Foreign Activities Directorate, General Staff, Czech Army, Former Czech Armed Forces
Colonel David Franta

Colonel David Franta

Chief of the Mechanized Infantry Development Section, Force Development Division, General Staff, Army of the Czech Republic
Lieutenant Colonel Christophe Sarrou

Lieutenant Colonel Christophe Sarrou

Land Systems Export Programs Manager, DGA, French Ministry of Armed Forces
Lieutenant Colonel Hugh O'Neil Roe

Lieutenant Colonel Hugh O'Neil Roe

UK Boxer Capability Cooperation, DE&S, UK MoD
Lieutenant Colonel Karlheinz Boenke

Lieutenant Colonel Karlheinz Boenke

Authorized Army Representative for MRAV BOXER, ACCDC, Bundeswehr
Lieutenant Colonel Salvatore Bizzarro

Lieutenant Colonel Salvatore Bizzarro

Force Development Section Head, Force Development Section Head, Italian Army General Staff
Major (Ret'd) Kamil Balwar

Major (Ret'd) Kamil Balwar

MBT Project Supervisor, Armaments Acquisition Division, Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic
Mr Ivar Janson

Mr Ivar Janson

Strategic Category Manager for Armoured Vehicles, Estonian Centre for Defence Investments
Mr Mario Blokken

Mr Mario Blokken

Director PSec, Finabel - The European Land Force Commanders Organisation
Mr Tugrul Gazi Apa

Mr Tugrul Gazi Apa

Program Manager Main Battle Tank Systems, SSB
Senior Representative

Senior Representative

, Hungarian Defence Forces Command

Brigadier General Gabor Lorincz

Commander, Land Forces Command, Hungarian Defence Forces
Brigadier General Gabor Lorincz

Brigadier General Stefan Lampl

Commander, Austrian Defence Logistics School, Austrian Armed Forces
Brigadier General Stefan Lampl

Military Career:

10/1988 Joined the Austrian Armed Forces
09/1989 – 09/1992 Officers training at the Military Academy in WR.NEUSTADT
10/1992 – 06/2003 Commander of a NBC-Platoon and HQ-company in Lower Austria
07/2003 – 06/2006 General Staff Officers Course at the National Defense Academy in VIENNA
06/2006-7/2013 Head of the Joint Logistics Branch at the National Defense Academy in VIENNA
07/2013-07/2017 Head of the CJ4-division in the Multinational Joint Headquarters in ULM, ACOS CJ4
07/2017-04/2018 Section head Military Logistics Leadership and deputy division head of the Logistics Planning and Coordination Division/AUT MOD
since 10/2018 Commander of the Austrian Forces Logistics School (AFLS)
since 08/2015 Lecturer for Humanitarian Logistics and Leadership at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
since 05/2020 Member in the science council of the Ministry of Defence in support of the Chief of the General Staff

Missions abroad:

01/1994 – 06/1994 Member of the Chemical Destruction Group / UNSCOM in IRAQ
09/1998 – 10/1998 Deputy Commander of the water purification company ATHUM after the earthquake in TURKEY
05/2008 – 11/2008 G4 of the Multinational Task Force “South” KFOR in KOSOVO
04/2018 – 10/2018 Commander of the Joint Logistics Support Group (JLSG) KFOR in KOSOVO and NCC of the Austrian Contingent

Captain Jakub Murcek

Head Senior Officer, Land Forces Development Unit, Modernization Department, Slovakian Ministry of Defence
Captain Jakub Murcek

Cpt Jakub MURCEK joined the Modernization Department of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic in 2021. His responsibilities cover managing land forces modernization and acquisition projects for SVK Ministry of Defence currently such as modernization of SVK Armed Forces at present used Infantry Fighting Vehicles and acquisition of new 8x8 Armoured Combat Vehicles and 4x4 JLTVs which will be the new domain of the SVK Armed Forces.

Prior to this appointment, the latest he was working as company commander in mechanized battalion where he got number of experiences in working with Infantry Fighting Vehicles.
From 2019 to 2020 he was deployed in Latvia as a unit commander within multinational battle group in NATO Enhanced Forward Presence.

Through his military carrier he has so far completed a number of officer courses and multinational activities with NATO allies.

In 2016 Cpt MURCEK graduated from Military Academy in Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovak Republic where he received Master of Security and Defence degree.

Jakub MURCEK was born in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia in 1993, currently he is happily living with his wife in Bratislava.

Colonel (Ret.) Gabriel Kovacs

Former Director Foreign Activities Directorate, General Staff, Czech Army, Former Czech Armed Forces
Colonel (Ret.) Gabriel Kovacs

Gabriel Kovács graduated as a lieutenant at Military Academy in Brno in 1983 and started military career with radio technical service at air bases. He worked as inspector at the Arms Control Agency from 1991 till 1999, overseeing the implementation of international arms control treaties throughout Europe and former Soviet Union, in the era of mandated massive reduction of conventional forces hardware in Europe. In 1991 he served with the European Union Monitor Mission to the Former Yugoslavia and also with UNPROFOR in Tuzla, Sarajevo and Zagreb from August 1993 to August 1994.
He was appointed Senior military adviser to the Czech delegation to OSCE in Vienna from 2000 to 2003 on the conventional arms control and security building measures subject.
From 2003 to 2011 he served as the director of the Czech Arms Control Agency, General Staff, with the hat of a commuting national representative to NATO Verification Coordination Committee AC/319. From August 2011 he served 3 years as the Czech national liaison representative to NATO Allied Command Transformation, Norfolk, USA,.
From August 2014 till his retirement in December 2017 he was the director of the Foreign Activities Directorate of the General Staff, the directorate´s responsibilities being the official GS hub for the NATO and EU business and liaison with military attachés accredited in the Czech Republic.
He experienced last operational deployment as a commander of the Czech 270 troops Task Force with the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan November 2016 - June 2017.
He is a Czech Army and US NAVY certified freefall parachutist with over 2700 jumps and holder of several Czech Aeroclub national skydiving records.

Colonel Brian Hoffman

G-3/5/7 Operations Officer, V Corps
Colonel Brian Hoffman

Colonel David Franta

Chief of the Mechanized Infantry Development Section, Force Development Division, General Staff, Army of the Czech Republic
Colonel David Franta

Colonel Pete Cowell

Senior Army Advisor, UK Defence Security & Exports
Colonel Pete Cowell

Lieutenant Colonel (Ret'd) Mikael Segerman

Sales Director, BAE Systems Hägglunds
Lieutenant Colonel (Ret'd) Mikael Segerman

Lt Col Mikael Segerman has served 25 years in the Swedish Army mainly within the Armoured Corps where his last position as an active officer was commander for a Leopard 2A5 / CV9040 battalion. Mikael is a graduate from the Advanced Command Coarse Tech at the Swedish National Defence College, including studies at NPS in Monterey USA, and has completed the Advanced Electronic Warfare Coarse at the Swedish Defence Research Institute FOI. After graduating he was a teacher at the institution of Military Technology at the National Defence College. Mikael has operational experience from UN/NATO missions and left his active duty in 2006.

Since 2016 Mikael has, as an active reservist, served in the position of Deputy commander of the 181 battalion as part the re-establishment of the 18:th Armoured Regiment P18 at Gotland.

In 2007 Mikael joined BAE Systems Hägglunds as Sales director where he initially worked with Hägglunds opportunities towards customers in the US, Canada and Sweden, while also being involved with the development of the CV90 platform. Mikael was leading Hägglunds campaign for the Czech IFV program from 2015 until its contract signing in May 2023 and is currently holding the position as Hägglunds Regional Director for the Czech Republic.

Mikael is based in Prague.

Lieutenant Colonel Christophe Sarrou

Land Systems Export Programs Manager, DGA, French Ministry of Armed Forces
Lieutenant Colonel Christophe Sarrou

Graduated from both ENSTA Bretagne (Engineering School) and Sorbonne Paris 1 University (Master 2 : Industrial Strategies and Defense Public Policy), I had the opportunity to hold different positions in the French MoD/DGA (French procurement agency) for nearly 25 years, going from scientist up to land systems export programs manager, in a national and international context (NATO/EU), offering me the possibility to be involved in equipments, systems and system of systems development.

Lieutenant Colonel Hugh O'Neil Roe

UK Boxer Capability Cooperation, DE&S, UK MoD
Lieutenant Colonel Hugh O'Neil Roe

Lieutenant Colonel Karlheinz Boenke

Authorized Army Representative for MRAV BOXER, ACCDC, Bundeswehr
Lieutenant Colonel Karlheinz Boenke

Lieutenant Colonel Karlheinz Boenke was born on the 7th of July 1963 in MUENCHEN, Bavaria, Germany.
In 1984 enlisted in the German Army and started his military career in the Maintenance Corps. OTL Boenke attended the officer training from 1986 -1987 in ULM and HANNOVER. After having completed his engineering studies at the University of the Bundeswehr he served as a firing safety officer at the main training area GRAFENWOEHR from 1991 till 1992.
Further on, amongst other posts, he served as logistics expert in the Army Material Office in BAD NEUENAHR, as technical officer the Infantry Battalion 532 and as commander of a training unit at the Technical School in AACHEN.
He was deployed in the SFOR mission in 1998 as the technical officer of the Field Hospital RAJLOVC (BIH) and in 2006 in the HQ KFOR (KOS) as deputy JOC director.
Since 2012 OTL Boenke is assigned to the Army Concepts and Capabilities Development
Centre in KOELN as the authorized army representative for MRAV BOXER infantry platforms.

Lieutenant Colonel Radovan Bango

Section Head CIS Programme Capabilities Section, General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces
Lieutenant Colonel Radovan Bango


  • Section head, Strategic planning stuff, General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces
  • Head senior officer, Staff for Operations Support, General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces
  • Senior officer, Staff for Operations Support, General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces
  • Systems engineer, Stationary Communications and Information Systems Base
  • Platoon commander, Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade


  • Faculty of Law, Trnava University, Master's degree
  • Armed Forces Academy Liptovský Mikuláš, Communication and Information Systems, Engineer's degree
  • Military Secondary High school, Liptovský Mikuláš


Lieutenant Colonel Salvatore Bizzarro

Force Development Section Head, Force Development Section Head, Italian Army General Staff
Lieutenant Colonel Salvatore Bizzarro

Major (Ret'd) Kamil Balwar

MBT Project Supervisor, Armaments Acquisition Division, Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic
Major (Ret'd) Kamil Balwar

Mr César Pousa

Senior Project Officer, Land Combat Vehicles - Tactical Land Systems, Air & Land Combat Systems, NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA)
Mr César Pousa

Mr Dan Kalfus

Managing Director & Co-Founder, EuroTrophy GmbH
Mr Dan Kalfus

Recognized as one of the most prominent Active Protection Systems (APS) Campaign Leaders, Dan Kalfus is a renowned Business Development expert and an entrepreneur at heart.
After gaining unique experience via winning strategic contracts with the German Ministry of Defense for the procurement of combat systems, Dan had lead the establishment of EuroTrophy GmbH and was appointed Managing Director of the company upon its foundation in March 2022.
As Managing Director, he plans to make EuroTrophy GmbH the European hub for APS and to further expand the deployment of such systems with NATO Forces."

Mr Ivar Janson

Strategic Category Manager for Armoured Vehicles, Estonian Centre for Defence Investments
Mr Ivar Janson

Mr Ivar Janson is a Strategic Category Manager for Armoured Vehicles at Estonian Centre of Defence Investment (ECDI). He is responsible for strategic investment activities in the category of armoured vehicles. His tasks include planning the investment budget, management the procurement projects, negotiating and management of the contracts, conducting market research and management of the supply base, technical specifications development and total cost of ownership. The area of responsibility includes all the armoured fleets of Estonian Defence Forces and the life cycle support of those vehicles: K9 SPH, CV9035 IFV, PASI APC, Leopard 1 support tanks. Currently the following major projects are under his management: CV90 support vehicle rebuild programme, K9 modification programme, 4x4 and 6x6 APC acquisition programme. Ivar Janson has graduated Estonian Military Academy as an artillery officer and has served in different positions in Estonian Defence Forces, Estonian Defence League and in the Ministry of Defence. His assignments include duty as Fire Support Team (FST) Cmd in operation ISAF in 2011.

Mr Mario Blokken

Director PSec, Finabel - The European Land Force Commanders Organisation
Mr Mario Blokken

After his career in Belgian defence and NATO, Mr BLOKKEN became Director of the Finabel Permanent Secretariat in 2016. In this position, he is the international representative of the organisation. He works very closely with the Chiefs of Staff of
Finabel's 24 EU Member States in harmonising doctrines and improving interoperability.
Based on official cooperation agreements, he also contributes to the bilateral knowledgesharing platforms with the European Military Staff and the European Defence Agency.
As a senior specialist in Cyber and Artificial Intelligence, he provides guidance and recommendations to several NATO and EU bodies.
Within the European land force environment, he directs the new ambitious land force innovation hub where information sharing and future European cooperation between land force innovation cells will be realised.
He is a permanent member of the NATO Land Operations working Group. As an SME, he also has a chair in the NATO Land Interoperability Steering Group, and the NATO Doctrine and Procedure working Group and the EU Land Defence Industrial Group.
Mr Blokken is married and has one daughter, Valérie.

Mr Peter Seger

ILS Section Lead, BOXER Programme, OCCAR-EA
Mr Peter Seger

Dr. Peter Seger has been working within the OCCAR Executive Agency since September 2021 as Integrated Logistic Support Section Lead, delivering the BOXER Programme to customer nations. Prior to this, he worked as an engineer and Deputy Programme Manager in the German Armed Forces since 2002 in procurement programmes and as well in Quality Management and Safety departments. This includes working in an international Short Range Air-to-Air missile programme working with and delivering to 6 nations.

Mr Raul Rikk

Capability Development Director, Milrem Robotics
Mr Raul Rikk

Raul Rikk has been the strategy and development director of Milrem Robotics since 2022. His areas of responsibility are strategic planning, development of military robotics concepts and execution of long-term development projects, including EU and NATO projects.

Previously, he worked as the director of national cyber security at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, and his main role was to manage, organize and coordinate the provision of national cyber security domestically and internationally, compile relevant policies and development plans and monitor their implementation and performance, lead initiatives and prepare draft legislation regulating the field.

Before that, Raul was involved in the development of digital society and cyber security capabilities in various countries and international projects. He is one of the founders of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence leading its creation in 2004 - 2008. www.ccdcoe.org Also, he has been the creator of the National Cyber Security Index - www.ncsi.ega.ee

Raul has worked in the field of national defense and security since 1994. He has a master's degree in national defense management from the Finnish National Defense University and a master's degree in information technology management from Tallinn University. He is also a graduate of the US Army Command and General Staff College.

Mr Riccardo Ricci

Electronics Division, Leonardo
Mr Riccardo Ricci

Riccardo Ricci was born in La Spezia on 1958 and starting from the 1986 he started his professional career in Leonardo (Former OTO Melara) as Contract Manager for Italian contracts related to Naval Systems, Ammunition and Missiles.
Since 1989 up to 1996 he started activities on management for Foreign Contracts and staring from 1993 Area Manager for Africa for all the products of the Company.
Starting from 1997 he started his professional career in Leonardo as Area Manager for Aeronautics and under licence products for worldwide contracts.
Then, in 2000 he become Area Manager for Land Systems Armaments for Europe, Est Europe, Greece, Turkey and French Africa.
In 2001 was appointed as Regional Manager of Eastern Countries and Israel for all Leonardo Defence System Division and, when the Company merged in Leonardo ONE Company he was appointed as Marketing & Sales Manager for Poland, Israel and Slovenia for all the Leonardo Electronics Division.
Today he still maintain the responsibility of Marketing & Sales Manager for Leonardo Electronics Division.

Mr Tugrul Gazi Apa

Program Manager Main Battle Tank Systems, SSB
Mr Tugrul Gazi Apa

Senior Representative

, Hungarian Defence Forces Command
Senior Representative

Who should attend:

National militaries:
• Military survivability specialists
• Military Land Forces

• Businesses looking to break into the regional market
• Established players in the regional market
• Developers and innovators in military technology

Transnational/Continental/Euro-Atlantic organisations/bodies:
• To sell their products, create capital and acquire more business, updates on the direction of the market, and MOST IMPORTANTLY meet the relevant people from countries seeking to enhance their capabilities. 

Here's why you can't miss this event:

Unlike the rest of the Future Armoured Vehicles portfolio, Future Armoured Vehicles Central & Eastern Europe conference focusses on all aspects of armoured vehicle development, including situational awareness, weapons systems or lethality, and armoured protection or survivability.

Key focusses include standards of interoperability for armoured systems with NATO allies, training and operational standards for armoured units, the sustainment of armoured vehicle fleets and modernisation/procurement plans for future armoured vehicle fleets.


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chair's Opening Remarks

Colonel (Ret.) Gabriel Kovacs, Former Director Foreign Activities Directorate, General Staff, Czech Army, Former Czech Armed Forces



The Modernisation Strategy of the Czech Armed Forces’ Armoured Land Capability

Colonel David Franta

Colonel David Franta, Chief of the Mechanized Infantry Development Section, Force Development Division, General Staff, Army of the Czech Republic

  • The integration of Leopard II MBT and CV90 IFV
  • Modernisation of the T-72 fleet to meet current operational requirements
  • Lessons learned from the Russo-Ukrainian War on armoured vehicle combat
  • Future requirements for the Czech Armed Forces’ armoured vehicle fleets


  • clock


    Trophy APS – Enhancing the Protection on NATO’s Eastern Front

    Mr Dan Kalfus, Managing Director & Co-Founder, EuroTrophy GmbH

  • Trophy – lessons from the battlefield
  • Trophy on the Leopard 2 A8 – Enhancing the Protection on NATO’s Eastern Front
  • Security of Supply of APS



    Morning Coffee



    CV90MkIV Capable and Relevant

    Lieutenant Colonel (Ret'd) Mikael Segerman, Sales Director, BAE Systems Hägglunds

  • Overall capabilities MKIV with D- turret
  • Sensor to shooter capabilities
  • APS and managing the War of drones


  • clock


    Slovakia’s Armoured Vehicle Nowadays and Modernisation Requirements

  • An overview of the current armoured capabilities of Slovak Armoured forces
  • Introduction of the Patria 8x8 AFV and CV90 IFV – enhanced firepower and mobility
  • Modernisation priorities for the Slovak Armed Forces resulting from lessons learned in Ukraine


  • Lieutenant Colonel Radovan Bango, Section Head CIS Programme Capabilities Section, General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces

    Captain Jakub Murcek, Head Senior Officer, Land Forces Development Unit, Modernization Department, Slovakian Ministry of Defence






    From Today to Tomorrow: Land Robotics Capability

    Mr Raul Rikk, Capability Development Director, Milrem Robotics

  • What is the current technological capability in the field of military land robotics?
  • How to achieve an operational effect with current technological possibilities?
  • In what direction will robotics develop in the coming years and in the long term?
  • clock


    Optimising the Rapid-Reaction and Highly Mobile capabilities of the Estonian Defence Forces to Ensure European Security

    Mr Ivar Janson, Strategic Category Manager for Armoured Vehicles, Estonian Centre for Defence Investments

  • An overview of Estonia’s armoured capabilities
  • Planned upgrades for the CV90 and Partia Pasi APC to ensure manoeuvrability and lethality
  • Procurement strategies to get armoured vehicles into the hands of Estonian troops faster
  • Working with Estonian defence industry partners to provide advanced armoured capabilities
  • The integration of Robotics Combat Vehicles into Estonian Defence Forces



    US Army V Corps – Advancing Armoured Readiness Within Europe to Fight and Win Large Scale Operations

  •  An overview of V Corps – Mission and Organisation
  • Priorities for enhancing V Corps readiness with Allies within Europe
  • The armoured capabilities of the 2d Cavalry Regiment
  • Training and interoperability requirements between V Corps and regional Allies to enhance European security

    Colonel Brian Hoffman

    Colonel Brian Hoffman, G-3/5/7 Operations Officer, V Corps



    Leonardo Solutions for Land Weapon Systems

    Mr Riccardo Ricci, Electronics Division, Leonardo

  • Leonardo Defence System overview
  • HITROLE small caliber turret
  • HITFIST medium caliber turret
  • HITFACT large caliber turret



    Afternoon Break



    Enhancing the Altay MBT for Future Turkish Operations

    Mr Tugrul Gazi Apa

    Mr Tugrul Gazi Apa, Program Manager Main Battle Tank Systems, SSB

  • Updates on the development of the Altay MBT for the Turkish Armed Forces
  • Synergy between Türkiye’s defence industry and the armed forces to develop new MBT capabilities
  • Lessons learned from regional conflicts for armoured vehicle development
  • An update on SSB’s production and procurement plans for Türkiye’s armoured vehicle development


  • clock


    Delivering European Armoured Interoperability to Meet New Threats and Challenges

    Mr Mario Blokken, Director PSec, Finabel - The European Land Force Commanders Organisation

  • The mission of the EAIC in promoting European interoperability of land forces and maintaining Euro-Atlantic security
  • Developing diverse approaches to land force interoperability in Europe
  • Challenges to European interoperability


  • clock


    Chair's Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Colonel (Ret.) Gabriel Kovacs, Former Director Foreign Activities Directorate, General Staff, Czech Army, Former Czech Armed Forces



    Registration & Coffee



    Chair's Opening Remarks

    Mr Mario Blokken, Director PSec, Finabel - The European Land Force Commanders Organisation



    The MBT Modernisation and Development Projects of the CZE Armaments Acquisition Division

    Major (Ret'd) Kamil Balwar

    Major (Ret'd) Kamil Balwar, MBT Project Supervisor, Armaments Acquisition Division, Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic

  • Upgrades to the T-72 Fleets and Leopard 2A4 MBT systems
  • Priorities and challenges for the Division in developing Czech MBT capabilities
  • Operating alongside Czech defence industry to optimise Czech MBTs
  • The Czech perspective on MBT technical requirements following lessons from the Ukraine War


  • clock


    Logistic Requirements to Sustain Armoured Units for Prolonged Operations

    Brigadier General Stefan Lampl, Commander, Austrian Defence Logistics School, Austrian Armed Forces

  • An overview of the armoured vehicle capabilities of the Austrian Armed Forces and updates to the ‘Mech-Paket’ development program
  • Priorities for logistics and supply network development for armoured vehicle sustainment
  • Working with regional allies to optimise the supply of armoured vehicle units
  • Future requirements for armoured vehicle and logistics capabilities for the Austrian Armed Forces


  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    UK Armoured Modernisation Updates and Supporting European Partners

    Colonel Pete Cowell

    Colonel Pete Cowell, Senior Army Advisor, UK Defence Security & Exports



    The Future of the Armoured Fighting Vehicle: “The Italian Approach”

  • An overview of the Armoured Infantry Combat System and Italy’s armoured vehicle modernisation program
  • Adapting to lessons learned from Ukraine and the changing operational environment
  • Lieutenant Colonel Salvatore Bizzarro

    Lieutenant Colonel Salvatore Bizzarro, Force Development Section Head, Force Development Section Head, Italian Army General Staff






    The SCORPION Program - Supporting the Transformation of the French Armed Forces Through Armoured Vehicle Modernisation

    Lieutenant Colonel Christophe Sarrou, Land Systems Export Programs Manager, DGA, French Ministry of Armed Forces

  • An overview of DGA’s SCORPION Program to make a more lethal and mobile fighting force
  • Updates on the development of LECLERC, Jaguar, Serval and Griffon
  • A Multi-National Program – Working with allied nations and industry to enhance European armoured capability : EDF LATACC
  • The DGA’s future technological requirements and capabilities for armoured vehicle development


  • clock


    The BOXER Programme – Collaborative Multi-Nation Procurement and the Development of New Variants for Future Operations

    Mr Peter Seger, ILS Section Lead, BOXER Programme, OCCAR-EA

  • An overview of the BOXER programme – Member nations and key partners
  • Collaborative multi-national development of the BOXER
  • Meeting future threats – planned new variants development


  • clock


    Afternoon Break



    Panel Discussion: The BOXER Armoured Vehicle – Advancements, Deployments, and Collaborations in Central & Eastern Europe

  • How has the BOXER evolved in terms of design, technology, and capabilities since its inception, and what key features make it well-suited for modern military operations in Europe?
  • Can you share insights into the operational experiences of nations using the BOXER armoured vehicle, highlighting successes, challenges, and any adaptations made to optimise its performance in diverse environments?
  • How have nations collaboratively approached the development, maintenance, and utilisation of the BOXER, and what role does international cooperation play in enhancing the collective security of European nations?
  • Lieutenant Colonel Hugh O'Neil Roe

    Lieutenant Colonel Hugh O'Neil Roe, UK Boxer Capability Cooperation, DE&S, UK MoD

    Lieutenant Colonel Karlheinz Boenke, Authorized Army Representative for MRAV BOXER, ACCDC, Bundeswehr

    Mr Peter Seger, ILS Section Lead, BOXER Programme, OCCAR-EA

    Mr Mario Blokken, Director PSec, Finabel - The European Land Force Commanders Organisation



    NATO Support and Procurement Agency: Systems Acquisition and Life Cycle Management through Support Partnerships

    Mr César Pousa

    Mr César Pousa, Senior Project Officer, Land Combat Vehicles - Tactical Land Systems, Air & Land Combat Systems, NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA)

  • An overview of the NSPA’s Air & Land Combat Systems Programme
  • Systems Acquisition and Life Cycle Management through Support Partnerships Supporting NATO Allied Nations
  • Requirements born from the current International Defence Framework


  • clock


    Chair's Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Mr Mario Blokken, Director PSec, Finabel - The European Land Force Commanders Organisation

    Commander, Land Forces Command
    Hungarian Defence Forces
    Commander, Austrian Defence Logistics School
    Austrian Armed Forces
    Head Senior Officer, Land Forces Development Unit, Modernization Department
    Slovakian Ministry of Defence
    Former Director Foreign Activities Directorate, General Staff, Czech Army
    Former Czech Armed Forces
    G-3/5/7 Operations Officer
    V Corps
    Chief of the Mechanized Infantry Development Section
    Force Development Division, General Staff, Army of the Czech Republic
    Senior Army Advisor
    UK Defence Security & Exports
    Sales Director
    BAE Systems Hägglunds
    Land Systems Export Programs Manager
    DGA, French Ministry of Armed Forces
    UK Boxer Capability Cooperation
    DE&S, UK MoD
    Authorized Army Representative for MRAV BOXER, ACCDC
    Section Head CIS Programme Capabilities Section
    General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces
    Force Development Section Head, Force Development Section Head
    Italian Army General Staff
    MBT Project Supervisor, Armaments Acquisition Division
    Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic
    Senior Project Officer, Land Combat Vehicles - Tactical Land Systems, Air & Land Combat Systems
    NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA)
    Managing Director & Co-Founder
    EuroTrophy GmbH
    Strategic Category Manager for Armoured Vehicles
    Estonian Centre for Defence Investments
    Director PSec
    Finabel - The European Land Force Commanders Organisation
    ILS Section Lead, BOXER Programme
    Capability Development Director
    Milrem Robotics
    Electronics Division
    Program Manager Main Battle Tank Systems
    Hungarian Defence Forces Command




    Speaker Interview - Major (Ret'd) Kamil Balwar, MBT Project Supervisor, Armaments Acquisition Division, Ministry of Defence of


    Speaker Interview - Lieutenant Colonel Christophe Sarrou


    Speaker Interview - Lieutenant Colonel Hugh O'Neil Roe


    Brochure 2024


    Past Presentation - Raul Rikk


    Past Presentation - Rimas Breimelis


    Past Presentation- Ivar Janson


    Past Presentation - Riku Rantakari


    Past Presentation - Zdenek Mikula


    Past Presentation- Matthew West


    Past Presentation - Tom Briggs and George Duffield


    Past Presentation - Stefan Lampl


    Past Presentation - Jaroslaw Growski


    Past Presentation - Alex Koers


    Past Presentation - Istvan Ocskay


    Past Attendee List



    BAE Systems Hägglunds


    BAE Systems Hägglunds focuses on the provision and upgrade of vehicle systems for military and civil applications. These include world-leading combat vehicles, armoured engineering vehicles and armoured personnel carriers. Supporting our customers and the users during operational service is key and we provide a wide range of services to customers worldwide, including, modernisation services from simple to complex vehicle upgrades and enhancements through to training and simulation solutions.

    EuroTrophy GmbH


    EuroTrophy GmbH is the European hub for the marketing, sale and production of the Trophy® Active Protection System (APS).

    Based in Germany, the company provides high-end, state-of-the-art Active Protection Systems that substantially enhances the protection level of armored vehicles, thus safeguarding their crews. The company also provides vehicle integration support services and related through-life support of the APS.

    These services significantly improve the security of supply of Trophy® APS to its existing European user nations, and its potential future customers.The company focuses on the needs of the European defense community.



    Leonardo, a global high-technology company, is among the top world players in Aerospace, Defence and Security and Italy’s main industrial company. Organized into five business divisions, Leonardo has a significant industrial presence in Italy, the United Kingdom, Poland and the USA, where it also operates through subsidiaries and joint ventures and partnerships. Leonardo competes in the most important international markets by leveraging its areas of technological and product leadership (Helicopters, Aircraft, Aerostructures, Electronics, Cyber Security and Space).

    Leonardo has developed remotely piloted systems and technologies across all domains, with significant investment in platforms, sensors, communications, control systems, in addition to counter-drone capabilities and technologies for uncrewed systems’ traffic management and air traffic control. The company’s continued development and integration of cutting-edge solutions across all domains of remotely-piloted and autonomous/semi-autonomous systems and technologies is a key element of Leonardo’s BeTomorrow2030 Strategic Plan

    Milrem Robotics


    Milrem Robotics is the leading European robotics and autonomous systems developer and systems integrator. The company is known for their THeMIS and Multiscope UGVs, the Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle and MIFIK the autonomy kit. The Type-X RCV is intended to support mechanized units, raising troop survivability and lowering lethality risks by increasing standoff distance from enemy units.

    Milrem Robotics is the leader of the iMUGS consortium that was awarded 30.6 MEUR from the European Commission’s European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) to develop a European standardized unmanned ground system (UGS).

    Milrem Robotics’ products and services have been sold to 16 countries, including 8 NATO members. The company’s offices are in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands and the US.


    Microflown AVISA


    Microflown AVISA is NATO’s unicorn in battlefield acoustics. The CASTLE acoustic subarray can be installed on all sorts of mobile platforms, manned and/or unmanned.

    Stand-alone applications include detection and:

    • localization of incoming direct fires

    • pointing at short range airborne threats

    Networked applications include:

    • collaborative protection

    • tank hunting

    Pearson Engineering


    Pearson Engineering has a world-proven ability to deliver against the most complex defence and security challenges.

    We are expert in battlefield mobility - breaching, detection, defeat and clearance of mines and explosives as well as combat bridge launch systems, non-lethal counter mobility products and specialised counter terror systems. Further, we deliver special project support, assembly, and manufacturing services for defence programmes from our facility in the UK.

    We are a long-standing supplier of combat engineering equipment and through life support to Armed Forces throughout the world and we have contributed to significant armoured vehicle programmes including the British Army’s Trojan and Terrier capabilities, as well as to the U.S Army’s Assault Breacher Vehicle. Our products range from heavy-duty mine ploughs for main battle tanks through to nimble, protective Counter-IED rollers for light weight vehicles.

    Our products are in constant development to meet the needs of the modern Warfighter and our dedicated Research & Development team are currently working on several novel technologies to both anticipate and respond to future requirements.

    Our Engineers and Project Managers are highly trained and have experience in delivering high-specification, complex engineering products, often against demanding programme requirements and deadlines. We can call upon an established local, national, and international supply chain comprising companies which have proven themselves in some of the world’s biggest defence programmes.

    To find out more, please contact pearson@pearson-eng.com or follow us on Twitter @Pearson_Eng_Ltd.

    Media Partners

    Defense Advancement


    DefenseAdvancement.com (DA) is a defense marketing and supplier sourcing platform, showcasing supplier capabilities across aerospace, land, naval and security domains. Operated by the team behind UnmannedSystemsTechnology.com, DA connects governments, armed forces and the entire defense and security supply chain, giving suppliers an online platform to showcase their technologies and capabilities.

    Defence Global


    Defence Global provides an essential link between the Defence & Security Manufacturers and Suppliers, Government and Military sectors globally. Defence Global is a quarterly, tri-service publication providing articles and informative analysis from respected journalists and writers worldwide to attract a sophisticated and broad audience. Defence Global is published in February, May, August and November, with a professional and stylish design in both printed copy and digital format. The printed copies are perfect bound, full colour throughout with high quality art and photography. Defence Global is used as a reference tool providing a professional and intelligent read. We work with industry experts and corporate clients to include Defence and Security Manufacturers and Suppliers, as well as Governments, MoDs, Military Authorities and Senior Management Teams.



    Professionals in the Aerospace & Defence market use the ASD Media internet platforms to:
    • Be informed on the latest market developments; www.asd-network.com
    • Find the latest business news; www.asd-network.com
    • Find the upcoming events; www.asd-network.com
    • Find companies and organizations; www.asdsource.com
    • Distribute news globally. www.asdwire.com
    The ASD Media platforms are well known and used intensively, your company is able to benefit from these large numbers of users. Be informed with ASD-Network; Create exposure for your company with ASDSource, distribute your news with ASDWire or advertise with us, build your brand and increase traffic to your company’s website.

    For more detailed information please contact with: ASD MEDIA

    EchoBlue Media Group


    C-UAS Hub


    This information hub for Counter-UAS and airspace awareness content includes news, original articles, vendors, products, services, jobs, events, multimedia content, and a comprehensive reference library. This site is an excellent resource for professionals from the defense, public safety, government, academia, critical infrastructure, corporate security, and private security sectors.

    Global Defense Insight


    Armada International


    ARMADA INTERNATIONAL is leading defence magazine which reports on and analyses defence systems, equipment and technology. Together with its Compendium supplements, ARMADA provides defence planners in the militaries, in government, in procurement and in the defence industry itself with the information they need to plan their strategies.

    Defence Today


    Defence Today is an online publication covering the latest in global defence and security news, defence intelligence and strategic insight. Terrorism and emerging threats, defence industry coverage, the latest technology developments and emerging platforms and systems. Military equipment profiles and industry showcases. Advertising, press releases and event listings are available.

    Defence Online


    Defence Online is one of the fastest-growing communities of key decision makers representing defence sector buyers and influencers within the Ministry of Defence, Prime Contractors and Industry. Providing up-to-date and informative news, insight and intelligence, Defence Online allows organisations to engage directly with a range of sector-based solutions, designed specifically to enhance their knowledge and understanding of this ever-evolving marketplace. No matter the size of your organisation, Defence Online has a range of advertising and marketing solutions to suit your business development requirements, connecting you with a marketplace worth over £19 billion annually in the UK alone.

    21st Century Asian Arms Race


    21st Century Asian Arms Race (21AAR) is an online resource for conflict and security related information specific to Eurasia. 21AAR's editorial style and open source approach to gathering public intelligence ensures a unique and independent presentation of events in real-time.

    Vienna House Andel’s Prague

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    Prague 15000
    Czech Republic

    Vienna House Andel’s Prague



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    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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    Website: http://www.smgconferences.com Email: events@saemediagroup.com
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