Defence Exports 2015

The SAE Media Group are delighted to announce the 10th annual Defence Exports conference convening on the 30th September and 1st October 2015, in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

This is your opportunity to discuss and network with key government officials and industry leaders. Understand the latest export controls in Europe, US and Asia-Pacific in order to comply with the new and changing markets. This conference is designed to give those working in the industry the insight and tools they need to adapt to the changes, developments and establishment of regional export controls.

SAE Media Group’s industry leading conference brings together leading lawyers, consultants, industry professionals and government officials involved in the defence sector of trade compliance, thus allowing you to develop your knowledge of global export controls as well as network and meet with industry leaders.



Christopher  Chew

Christopher Chew

Head of Policy, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Hakon Lindteigen

Hakon Lindteigen

Vice President Corporate Compliance, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA
Joyce Remington

Joyce Remington

Group Deputy Head of Export Control - Licensing & Policy, BAE Systems
Kathryn Greaney

Kathryn Greaney

Vice President of Global Trade Controls, The Boeing Company
Kevin  Wolf

Kevin Wolf

Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration, U.S Department of Commerce
Stan Hoppenbrouwer

Stan Hoppenbrouwer

Group Export Control Director, Thales
Sue Gainor

Sue Gainor

Director of Compliance, U.S. Department of State
Yoram Ziflinger

Yoram Ziflinger

Director, Planning & International Cooperation, Defence Export Control Agency, Ministry of Defence Israel

Alexander Groba

Coordinator U.S. Regulations, Airbus Group
Alexander Groba

Alexis Balloy

Aerospace & Defense Business Consulting Director, Dassault Systèmes
Alexis Balloy

Beth Mersch

Director, Global Trade Management Europe,, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Beth Mersch

Bjöern Griebel

Legal Advisor, Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany
Bjöern Griebel

Bjorn Uggla

Vice President and Head of Export Compliance, SAAB AB
Bjorn Uggla

Brigadier General Thierry Carlier

Deputy Director for International, Strategic and International Affairs, Secrétariat Général de la Défense et de la Sécurité Nationale
Brigadier General Thierry Carlier

Carmen Fellows

Senior Director, Trade Compliance, DRS Technologies, Inc.
Carmen Fellows

Christopher Chew

Head of Policy, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Christopher  Chew

Curtis M. Dombek

Office Managing Partner, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
Curtis M. Dombek

Dr Harald Hohmann

Attorney, Hohmann Rechtsanwaelte
Dr Harald Hohmann

Erwin Bollinger

Head Export Controls and Sanctions , Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research
Erwin Bollinger

Erwin Bollinger is a lawyer (University of Berne, Switzerland) and attorney (Canton of Berne, Switzerland) and holds a LL.M. in international business law (University of Zürich, Switzerland).

Erwin Bollinger has been working for the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
in the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER) since 1992.

Currently he is Deputy Head of the Directorate for Bilateral Economic Relations. In this capacity, since June 2008, he also oversees Swiss export control and sanctions policy. He represents Switzerland in meetings of the various international export control regimes such as the Wassenaar Arrangement. As Ambassador he was head of the Swiss delegation during the negotiations for the Arms Trade Treaty in 2012 and 2013, and also heads the Swiss delegation at the ATT Conference of States Parties.

Gary Stanley

President, Global Legal Services
Gary Stanley

Gary Stanley is the President of Global Legal Services, PC, a Washington,
DC-based law firm focusing on trade compliance issues. Mr. Stanley
represents, among others, numerous U.S., Canadian, and European
companies on defense export control issues. He publishes the daily
Defense and Export-Import Update newsletter and frequently speaks at ITAR
training events around the world. Mr. Stanley has also provided export
control training to multiple Canadian Government agencies and the Russian

Hakon Lindteigen

Vice President Corporate Compliance, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA
Hakon Lindteigen

Mr. Lindteigen is the Vice President Corporate Compliance for Kongsberg Gruppen ASA based in Kongsberg, Norway.

Prior to joining Corporate Compliance Mr. Lindteigen was the Compliance Officer in Kongsberg Protech Systems.

Prior to that he had different positions related to export compliance, shipment and CSR in Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS.

Mr. Lindteigen has also worked for 15 years in the Norwegian Customs, 10 of them in the Narcotics Division with tasks as intelligence, surveillance etc., cooperating with customs and police internationally to fight organized crime.

He holds a certification as Export Control Manager issued by the Swedish Export Control Society and the Swedish Agency for non-proliferation and Export Controls.

Mr. Lindteigen has been a speaker in export control conferences and meetings nationally and internationally.

Jan-Erik Lovgren

Deputy Director General, Inspectorate of Strategic Products Sweden
Jan-Erik Lovgren

Jay Nash

Managing Director, Strategy & Development, SECURUS Strategic Trade Solutions, LLC
Jay Nash

Jay P. Nash is a Partner with SECURUS Strategic Trade Solutions, LLC, a U.S.-based global trade controls and compliance consulting firm specializing in non-U.S. and non-EU country export controls. Mr. Nash has been helping defense, aerospace, chemical, automotive, and IT companies as well as national governments address various export control challenges for over 10 years. He has worked on export control compliance and/or development projects in the Western Balkans, CIS, and Turkey. He is a frequent speaker at international export control events, a guest instructor with the Export Compliance Training Institute (ECTI), and he currently serves on the Editorial Board of the World Export Control Review.

Jon Erik Strömö

Director, Ministry Of Foreign Affairs
Jon Erik Strömö

Joyce Remington

Group Deputy Head of Export Control - Licensing & Policy, BAE Systems
Joyce Remington

Kathleen Palma

Executive Counsel, International Trade Compliance, General Electric
Kathleen Palma

Kathryn Greaney

Vice President of Global Trade Controls, The Boeing Company
Kathryn Greaney

Kevin Wolf

Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration, U.S Department of Commerce
Kevin  Wolf

Kevin J. Wolf was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration on February 19, 2010. Prior to his joining the Obama Administration, he was a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Bryan Cave LLP. His practice over the course of his nearly 17 years with the firm covered most aspects of the law and policy of international trade, but focused on the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), the antiboycott regulations, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and multilateral trade controls. From 1996-1997, he was the Assistant Special Counsel to the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct. He has a B.A. degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia, a M.A. from the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, and a J.D. from the University of Minnesota Law School.

The Assistant Secretary assists and advises the Under Secretary on the development of policies pertaining to Export Administration issues. The Assistant Secretary also provides overall direction to and management of the national security, nonproliferation, foreign policy, national defense, and strategic industrial resource functions delegated to BIS, which include issuing related regulations, representing the Department on interagency committees dealing with BIS issues, representing the Department in domestic and international fora that address such issues, and chairing the Advisory Committee on Export Policy. In addition, the Assistant Secretary directs the Office of Strategic Industries and Economic Security (SIES), the Office of Nonproliferation and Treaty Compliance (NPTC), the Office of National Security and Technology Transfer Controls (NSTTC), the Office of Exporter Services (OExS), and the Office of Technology Evaluation (OTE).

Lisa Ross

Director, Global Trade Compliance, Axalta Coating Systems
Lisa Ross

Maryna Tsukanova

Attachée, Arms Licensing Directorate
Maryna Tsukanova

Michael Dodier

Vice President, OCR Services, Inc.
Michael Dodier

Mirko Kukolj

Independent Consultant, Consultant
Mirko Kukolj

Nancy Fischer

Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Nancy Fischer

Nicolas Fribolle

Trade Compliance Director, Meggitt Plc
Nicolas Fribolle

Nicolas has nearly 15 years of experience in the aeronautics / defence industry, working in an international environment. He started in a small business company as commercial manager, reporting to the company’s managing director in each and every aspect commercial of the business, including trade compliance.

Nicolas focused on trade compliance when he joined Goodrich. He has been significantly successful there and quickly become the focal point of all the French site of the Division he worked with, regarding exports or re-export issues.

When he joined Esterline, he got a regional level of management, advising all the EMEA sites of this corporation. Today, as Director of Trade Compliance for a Division of Meggitt PLC, he overviews the Trade Compliance departments of 17 legal entities, from California to Vietnam.

Nicolas also participates to working groups of the French Aerospace association (GIFAS) and of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR).
He is today a renowned expert in French, EU, Swiss and US (ITAR/EAR) export controls, with a very good knowledge of Customs, Anti-Corruption, Privacy regulations and Continuous Improvement. He uses the experience acquired in former job positions to improve cross-functional cooperation and further develop of a trade compliance culture of his company.

Patrick Fardeau

Aerospace & Defense Vice President, Dassault Systèmes
Patrick Fardeau

Reid Whitten

Associate , Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton
Reid Whitten

Sanjay Notani

Trade & Customs Expert, India
Sanjay Notani

Sanjay Notani is an international trade and customs partner at Economic Laws Practice in Mumbai, India. He is a qualified lawyer and a member of the American Bar Association (‘ABA’), the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (‘IPBA’), and the Customs and International Trade Bar Association (‘CITBA’).
Sanjay represents domestic manufacturers, foreign exporters, trade associations, and importers in administrative and appellate litigation to obtain trade remedial reliefs from unfairly traded imports in anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard duty proceedings (relating both to inbound and outbound trade). He also advises on the application of free trade agreements and regional trade agreements where the Indian state is a signatory. This includes analysis of all the matters that make up an import or export declaration, including valuation, classification, country of origin, marking and labelling, qualification for the relevant free trade programme/agreement, and free trade zone issues. He helps clients respond to customs notices, conduct internal compliance reviews, pursue customs rulings, and provides advice on issues such as regulatory barriers.
Sanjay’s expertise lies in advising various multinational companies on import and export control as well as licensing issues, specifically the dual use of goods and technologies regulations maintained by the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of External Affairs and other allied ministries.
He has worked across various sectors, including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, chemicals, textiles, telecoms, energy, and consumer products.
Prior to ELP, Sanjay practised tax at Mr. Rohan Shah’s chambers

Stan Hoppenbrouwer

Group Export Control Director, Thales
Stan Hoppenbrouwer

Sue Gainor

Director of Compliance, U.S. Department of State
Sue Gainor

Torsten A. Andersen

International Director, Danish Business Authority
Torsten A. Andersen

Yoram Ziflinger

Director, Planning & International Cooperation, Defence Export Control Agency, Ministry of Defence Israel
Yoram Ziflinger

Mr. Ziflinger joined the Israeli MOD 22 years ago.
He served previously in the MOD in the Directorate of Security as well as in the Directorate of Defense Research & Development, and in both places carried out versatile duties some of which with a direct link to the issue of defense export control.
In 2004 Yoram joined SIBAT as Director Defense Export License & Export Controls.
As of mid 2006 Mr. Ziflinger joined the newly established Defense export Control Agency (DECA) as Director Defense Export Enforcement.
Since November 2011 Yoram holds the position of Director, Planning and International Cooperation Division.
He is responsible for the DECA international contacts, all related international control regimes issues and head of Export licensing department as well.



Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee






Registration & Coffee



Overview of the U.S. Export Control Reform Initiative



Historical background and need to define “specially designed”



Workshop Host’s Opening Remarks



Aligning US and non-US export classifications



Review of the catch and release structure of the definition



Collaboration among non-US-based subsidiaries of US firms and US-based subsidiaries of non-US firms



Questions & Answers



Morning Coffee






Growing trade control expertise and staffing in various global locations



Steps on applying the definition of “specially designed”



U.S. export control reform implications for international Customs



Questions & Answers



Closing Remarks



Discussion and Closing Remarks



Registration & Coffee



Welcome and explanation of workshop format



How the ITAR and EAR Differ



Registration & Coffee



Peculiarities of the “600 series” and ECCN 9x515



Introduction to Workshop – Export Controls on the EU’s Southern and Eastern Borders



Introduction of Workshop Participants



Applying “Order of Review” and “specially designed” under the EAR



Export Control Systems of Western Balkan Countries



Afternoon Coffee



Coffee Break



Strategic Uses of EAR License Exceptions



Export Controls in Ukraine, Turkey, Moldova and Georgia



Mastering the De Minimis Rule and the Second Incorporation Rule



Interactive Session on Preparing Internal Compliance Workflows and Plans for Western Balkan and CIS Countries



Special considerations in preparing EAR export and re-export license applications






Workshop Summary & Closing Remarks



End of Workshop



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services



An update from the U.S. Department of Commerce

Kevin Wolf , Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration, U.S Department of Commerce

·          Key regulation developments in 2015

·          Impact of some military items moving to the Commerce Control List

·          License issues and management of licenses

·          Dual-use regulations and European trade



ITAR Compliance Trends in the Post-ECR World

Sue Gainor

Sue Gainor, Director of Compliance, U.S. Department of State

·         Trends in compliance programs and policies

·         Government and industry challenges in the post-ECR world

·         Reporting and resolution of violations

·         Types and circumstances of violations

·         Look ahead




Export Compliance as a part of overall Compliance

Hakon Lindteigen, Vice President Corporate Compliance, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA

·          Tone at the top, risk, competence and status reporting

·          Cooperation with the authorities

·          Proactive approach

·          Support tools



The ECR transition is here: Is Your Company Ready?

Nancy Fischer

Nancy Fischer, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

  • Preparing for and addressing license transition issues
  • ITAR - EAR definition harmonization 
  • Deminimis and growing challenges with sanctioned countries


  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    New IT Approaches and Compliance

    Kathleen Palma

    Kathleen Palma, Executive Counsel, International Trade Compliance, General Electric

    ·          What risks do the cloud and other open IT environments pose to your compliance program?

    ·          Are regulators taking into account these new technologies through rulemaking and guidance?

    ·          What are companies doing to leverage new IT approaches while maintaining compliance?

    ·          How does your strategy differ when multiple jurisdictions’ export control laws apply?




    Cybersecurity, Drones, CJs and CCATS

  • Latest changes affecting encryption and the ITAR/ EAR jurisdictional line
  • The new U.S. regulation and licensing of drones, including export control
  • The DDTC approach to CJs post-ECR, and the implications for CCATS


  • Curtis M. Dombek

    Curtis M. Dombek, Office Managing Partner, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

    Reid Whitten

    Reid Whitten, Associate , Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton



    Licensing Options in the post Reform World- U.S. ECR: Benefits and Challenges out of an Airbus Group Perspective

    Alexander Groba

    Alexander Groba, Coordinator U.S. Regulations, Airbus Group



    Networking Lunch



    UK Export Control Update

    Christopher  Chew

    Christopher Chew, Head of Policy, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

     ·          Recent developments in UK export control law and practice

    ·          EU and international initiatives and their impact

    ·          Export licensing trends



    French Export Control Reform and Next Challenges

    Nicolas Fribolle, Trade Compliance Director, Meggitt Plc

    Brigadier General Thierry Carlier

    Brigadier General Thierry Carlier, Deputy Director for International, Strategic and International Affairs, Secrétariat Général de la Défense et de la Sécurité Nationale



    Current Issues of EU Law on Weapon’s Export

    Dr Harald Hohmann

    Dr Harald Hohmann, Attorney, Hohmann Rechtsanwaelte



    Afternoon Tea



    German update on Export Controls

    Bjöern Griebel

    Bjöern Griebel, Legal Advisor, Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany

    ·          Legal basis

    ·          Transparency

    ·          Simplified procedures

    ·          Internal compliance




    Israel Export Control System

    Yoram Ziflinger, Director, Planning & International Cooperation, Defence Export Control Agency, Ministry of Defence Israel

    ·        Tasks of DECA (Defense Export Control Agency)

    ·        Licensing through a dual stage process

    ·        Enforcement and penal actions

    ·        DECA's interface and interaction with the industries




    Asia Pacific Export Control Update 2015

    Jay Nash, Managing Director, Strategy & Development, SECURUS Strategic Trade Solutions, LLC

    ·         Survey of export control legal-regulatory changes and enforcement trends across the APAC region, including China, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan

    ·         Special focus on developing export control systems in Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand

    ·         Classifying products and technologies in accordance with APAC national systems

    ·         Special considerations for defence and aerospace-related trade with APAC countries




    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services



    Trade compliance strategies in a dynamic regulatory environment

    Kathryn Greaney

    Kathryn Greaney, Vice President of Global Trade Controls, The Boeing Company



    Processes and their Tooling for Managing Export Control and Export Control Compliance

    Stan Hoppenbrouwer

    Stan Hoppenbrouwer, Group Export Control Director, Thales

    ·          Export Control Compliance: the role and responsibilities of the operational departments and the interfaces with export control

    ·          Processes: the indispensable means to manage the business, including compliance with regulatory requirements

    ·          Tooled Processes: the added value of tooled processes (ERP, Product Data Management systems, Trade compliance Tools and Screening Tools)

    ·          How to determine the requirements for the process tools in support of export control compliance: the Thales approach




    CASE STUDY: Implementing an effective compliance policy in a global market

    Beth Mersch

    Beth Mersch, Director, Global Trade Management Europe,, Northrop Grumman Corporation



    Morning Coffee



    Understanding US Export Control Reform (ECR) and the challenges for European companies

    Carmen Fellows

    Carmen Fellows, Senior Director, Trade Compliance, DRS Technologies, Inc.

    Lisa Ross

    Lisa Ross, Director, Global Trade Compliance, Axalta Coating Systems



    Striking a Balance between Collaboration and Securing your Intellectual Property


    ·         Striking a Balance between collaboration and securing your Intellectual Property

    ·         The importance of managing intangible assets along product development lifecycle

    ·         Impact on the collaboration between business functions and supply chain

    ·         Process-enabled tools and methods to increase efficiency

    Alexis Balloy

    Alexis Balloy, Aerospace & Defense Business Consulting Director, Dassault Systèmes

    Patrick Fardeau

    Patrick Fardeau, Aerospace & Defense Vice President, Dassault Systèmes



    Jurisdiction and Classification: The Critical First Step in Compliance

    Joyce Remington

    Joyce Remington, Group Deputy Head of Export Control - Licensing & Policy, BAE Systems

    ·         Designing jurisdiction/classification processes for a complex international supply chain

    ·         Understanding risks and responsibilities for non-US companies in ITAR/EAR jurisdiction and classification

    ·         Working with partners to minimise risk and maximise efficiency




    Networking Lunch



    Technical Data and Services for Export Controls

    Michael Dodier

    Michael Dodier, Vice President, OCR Services, Inc.

    ·          Managing technical data exports for US and national export controls laws

    ·          Corporate frameworks and control process - standards

    ·          Managing risk with IT automation

    ·          Getting ready for government reporting and compliance




    Belgian export control system: the Walloon region perspective

    Maryna Tsukanova

    Maryna Tsukanova, Attachée, Arms Licensing Directorate

    ·          Impact of the regionalization of the federal competence in export controls

    ·          General overview of arms exports from Wallonia

    ·          Reshaping of the Walloon legal framework as a result of application of international and regional export control legislation

    ·          Current challenges: reinforcing partnership with Industry, addressing the recent technological developments, etc.




    Swiss export controls and sanctions; an update

    Erwin Bollinger, Head Export Controls and Sanctions , Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research

    ·          Recent changes in export control legislation

    ·          First experiences made with post-shipment verifications

    ·         Sanctions; a Swiss perspective




    Afternoon Tea



    Perspective on Export Compliance for complex global business

    Bjorn Uggla

    Bjorn Uggla, Vice President and Head of Export Compliance, SAAB AB

    ·          The Saab Corporation

    ·          Compliance

    o    Policy

    o    Organization

    o    Processes, Methods and Tools




    Norwegian Export Controls with regard to defence items

    Jon Erik Strömö

    Jon Erik Strömö, Director, Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

    ·          An overview of Norwegian export control

    ·          Guidelines concerning the export of defence-related products

    ·          Norwegian E-licensing System

    ·          Future challenges



    Swedish Export Controls of Military Items

    Jan-Erik Lovgren

    Jan-Erik Lovgren, Deputy Director General, Inspectorate of Strategic Products Sweden

    ·          Overview of the Swedish Export Control system

    ·          Implementation of the Intra Community Transfer directive

    ·          Implementation of the Fire Arms regulation

    ·          Proposal for an updated legislation



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Coordinator U.S. Regulations
    Airbus Group
    Aerospace & Defense Business Consulting Director
    Dassault Systèmes
    Director, Global Trade Management Europe,
    Northrop Grumman Corporation
    Legal Advisor
    Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany
    Vice President and Head of Export Compliance
    Deputy Director for International, Strategic and International Affairs
    Secrétariat Général de la Défense et de la Sécurité Nationale
    Senior Director, Trade Compliance
    DRS Technologies, Inc.
    Head of Policy
    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
    Office Managing Partner
    Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
    Hohmann Rechtsanwaelte
    Head Export Controls and Sanctions
    Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research
    Global Legal Services
    Vice President Corporate Compliance
    Kongsberg Gruppen ASA
    Deputy Director General
    Inspectorate of Strategic Products Sweden
    Managing Director, Strategy & Development
    SECURUS Strategic Trade Solutions, LLC
    Ministry Of Foreign Affairs
    Group Deputy Head of Export Control - Licensing & Policy
    BAE Systems
    Executive Counsel, International Trade Compliance
    General Electric
    Vice President of Global Trade Controls
    The Boeing Company
    Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration
    U.S Department of Commerce
    Director, Global Trade Compliance
    Axalta Coating Systems
    Arms Licensing Directorate
    Vice President
    OCR Services, Inc.
    Independent Consultant
    Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
    Trade Compliance Director
    Meggitt Plc
    Aerospace & Defense Vice President
    Dassault Systèmes
    Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton
    Trade & Customs Expert
    Group Export Control Director
    Director of Compliance
    U.S. Department of State
    International Director
    Danish Business Authority
    Director, Planning & International Cooperation
    Defence Export Control Agency, Ministry of Defence Israel

    Sponsors and Exhibitors



    Specially Designed

    Specially Designed

    Movenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre
    29 September 2015
    Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Defence Trade Under The EAR

    Defence Trade Under The EAR

    Movenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre
    29 September 2015
    Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Going Global in the New Era of Trade Controls

    Going Global in the New Era of Trade Controls

    Movenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre
    2 October 2015
    Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Sponsors and Exhibitors


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Unauthorized access to intellectual property (IP) poses considerable risk to manufacturers, especially those in Aerospace and Defense. Driving transformation and advancements in Aerospace & Defense for over 30 years, Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE Solutions break down the traditional barriers among teams, partners and suppliers to balance between securing intellectual property and sharing information to foster innovation and drive revenue.

    Amber Road

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Amber Road’s (NYSE: AMBR) mission is to dramatically improve the way companies manage their international supply chains and conduct global trade. As a leading provider of cloud-based global trade management (GTM) solutions, we automate and optimize the supply chain functions required to import and export goods. This includes collaborating with foreign suppliers on design and quality assurance; executing import and export compliance checks and generating international shipping documentation; booking international carriers and tracking goods as they move around the world; and minimizing the associated duties through preferential trade agreements and foreign trade zones. Our solution combines enterprise-class software, trade content sourced from government agencies and transportation providers in 145 countries, and a global supply chain network and collaboration platform connecting our customers with their trading partners, including suppliers, freight forwarders, customs brokers and transportation carriers. We deliver our GTM solution using a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model and leverage a highly flexible technology framework to quickly and efficiently meet our customers’ unique requirements around the world.

    Hohmann Rechtsanwaelte

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Hohmann Rechtsanwälte (www.hohmann-rechtsanwaelte.com) is a law-firm in Büdingen near Frankfurt, “this firm is highly recommended for customs and export trade law” (Juve German Law Firms 2015), with co-operation partners in EU, USA, China, Japan and India. Legal services cover: Export Law (EU + US), Customs Law (EU + US), Criminal Law (esp. export and customs violations), International Contracts, Distribution Law, Chemicals and Foodstuff Law, other Business Law (incl. Antitrust, Data Privacy Law). Hohmann is a “leading name in export control law” (Juve) and has published seven books on export & customs law, including ed., Kommentar zum Ausfuhrecht, Munich: Beck 2002 (a work of reference) and co-ed., Praxis der US-Re-Exportkontrolle (US Re-Export Controls in Action), 2nd ed., Cologne 2013 (3rd edition in print).

    OCR Services, Inc

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Headquartered in the Metropolitan Washington DC area, OCR is the first choice for global trade information solutions. OCR as a trusted resource widely recognized as an expert for automating international trade compliance processes. OCR's software is modular, enterprise strength and Web based that facilitate international trade, reduce the risk inherent in cross-border transactions, and keep clients informed of the ever-changing regulatory environment. The products and services offered by OCR are as follows: • Web-based Trade Compliance Management Portal • Restricted Party Screening Solutions – fully integrated with any ERP • Technical Data Management • Licensing – DOC, OFAC & ITAR (DTRADE)- US Department of State Licensing • Global License/Permit Management System • Global Export License Screening for US, UK, Canada, Singapore, Germany, Australia, all EU Countries (Determination - ECCN/USML/NRC) • Visitor Management integrated with Biometrics • Automated Global Export Documentation & Customs submissions/Reporting • Commodity Classification/Jurisdiction • Incident Tracking (Voluntary Disclosure Management) • Compliance Portal for Agreements, Export, Imports & Travel Requests • Complete Import Operations Management • Duty Drawback, Landed Cost Calculation, FTA, FTZ The solutions are available in both, web-hosted environment – requiring minimal investment, or as an installed enterprise strength version that seamlessly integrates with any leading ERP system. Visit OCR Booth for more details or to set up an online demo to see the capability and distinct features of our solutions.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Pillsbury, a dynamic full-service law firm has offices located across the globe to service our clients. Pillsbury’s international trade practice advises clients on a wide range of topics including export controls, foreign investment and industrial security regulations, anticorruption laws, customs matters, economic embargoes, international arbitration and anti-dumping and subsidy disputes.

    Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Curt Dombek is the Managing Partner of the Brussels office of Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton, an international firm of over 700 lawyers based in California with offices across the United States, in China, the UK, Belgium and South Korea. It has one of the leading aerospace and defense practices among global law firms. Mr. Dombek earned his undergraduate and law degrees at Harvard and has advised clients for over 30 years on cross-border transactions and regulations affecting aerospace and defense, telecommunications, computer hardware and software, energy, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and electronics. He was appointed in 2011 to the President’s Export Council Subcommittee on Export Administration and in 2012 to the Regulations and Procedures Technical Advisory Committee of the Commerce Department, where he is working on implementation of the U.S. Export Control Reform. He has extensive experience with U.S. and EU export controls, both military and commercial.

    Media Partners

    Defence Guide


    www.Defence-Guide.com is an International Military Site, and has as primary scope to establish an electronic magazine dealing, with international news on defence manufactures and technology. More specific, this International Military Guide – unique for the three Branches of the MoD and Law enforcement , includes among others the following: • Companies profiles/products/projects, • Military magazines • Event presentation, (Conferences-Seminars-Exhibitions) • Defence news (RSS system) • Press articles and Press Releases • Cooperates with Embassies , Def. Associations & Think Thanks • Performs Marketing Research / Optimization to Def. Companies • Focuses also on Consulting Services In the context of the above, and beyond our continuous Site information with the latest defence news from this area, we provide information notes to Key Officers serving the MoD, and we are running independent researches on matters dealing with questions that we receive from Armament Departments.

    Copybook - Military


    Copybook’s global military network is designed to facilitate business between defence contractors, governments and defence procurement companies worldwide. We cover the latest military news, developments, events, exhibitions and we help promote military products through working with specific military experts. If you supply to the military, you can simply add your company for free today. You can then network with other military suppliers, arrange meetings and network at leading military events worldwide. SIGN UP FOR FREE today! Copybook – Your Global Business Network

    Global Military Communications


    Global Military Communications is a publication that tracks the trends, drivers and technology that fuel the military communications sector. Communications continue to be the lynchpin of modern warfare and is crucial to any military campaign. The sector is going through unprecedented change as militaries and governments across the world move towards a network centric approach to their communications. From operations in war zones to homeland security and disaster recovery operations, Global Military Communications provides you with the latest communications developments on land, sea, and in the air.



    The DEFENCE SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY is an authoritative online information resource for all defence purchasers. This comprehensive listing of Defence Suppliers has enabled thousands of purchasing professionals to find exactly what they are looking for - in seconds. THE DEFENCE SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY provides a total overview of all the UK's Armed Forces - with a wealth of valuable information about the organisation and structure of the UK's Defence Services, as well as useful facts about developments in the UK Defence Industry Contact us: defenceenquiries@armedforces.co.uk Tel: 01743 241962 website: www.armedforces.co.uk

    Defense Conference


    www.marketanalysis.com is a publication of Market Research Media. Market Research Media Ltd, a leading market research firm, provides comprehensive market research reports and forecasts to assist governmental and corporate decision makers understand the dynamics of world’s technology markets. Fortune 500 companies, US Congress and EU government bodies rely on our strategic insights.

    Soldier Modernisation


    Soldier Modernisation (SoldierMod.Com) is an authoritative policy and technology publication for the international defense community, serving the integrated equipment needs of the dismounted soldier and marine in operations today and the fielding of Soldier Modernisation Programmes over the next few years. SoldierMod.Com is designed to provide insights into how decision makers plan to transform operations in the areas of survivability, sustainability, C4I, lethality and mobility; managing the balance between the promise of 'leap-ahead technology balance and mature cost effective solutions. SoldierMod is distributed in many formats which will include an 50 page journal 10,000 copies BPA Audited, twice annually , in January and June Our Website www.soldiermod.com , Has a 24 hour news service , anytime ( currently at over 20,000 individual visits per month ) . We also have an online technical forum where anyone in the industry can ask us strategic or technological questions , our partners and experts will respond directly back.

    Military Systems and Technology


    Military Systems & Technology is a comprehensive web portal, design agency and publication designed for the International Defence & Aerospace Industry. It is a source of daily information for Manufacturers, OEM’S, System Integrators and Contractors. We even have Government & Military Readers. The portal encompasses all aspects of Military equipment, technology, design and services. www.militarysystems-tech.com info@militarysystems-tech.com +44 (0)1392 881545

    Defence Suppliers


    Defence-Suppliers provides a unique platform to present your latest equipment and systems to the world's defence and security industry. We are a key information resource for MODs, DODs, decision makers, governments, prime contractors, service chiefs, defence ministers, police forces and system integrators. Delivering a comprehensive breakdown of products and services from leading industry contractors, with up-to-date news and press releases when developments occur. With links to all the major industry events, the portal provides an opportunity for visitors to develop international relationships and generate new business opportunities.



    Epicos is a global, multifaceted portal providing Aerospace and Defense industries around the world with business intelligence and active support to access opportunities on international procurements, industrial cooperation and offsets. Epicos has carried out extensive industry analysis and mapping of capabilities of A&D Industries and offers this knowledge to its members helping them to identify business opportunities and to build strategic alliances. Additionally, Epicos supports the global A&D industry through a wide range of on-line services and products including but not limited to: a large online procurement database, an updated Business Directory, an e-library with extensive information regarding procurement and offsets processes systems and an up to the minute news database.



    SecurityClearedJobs.com is an on-line job board designed and marketed to attract candidates who work within Defence, Government and Nuclear sectors. We advertise 1000’s of job opportunities both on a Permanent and Contract basis covering opportunities within all industry sectors. Visit our site www.SecurityClearedJobs.com to search for your next job opportunity.

    Defence Industries


    Defence Industries, our one-of-a kind business venture has been an across- the –board network that intensifies the defence industries market by promoting paramount companies in the sector. Being an industry specific market resource center, defence industries allies buyers and suppliers across the global defence industry, for better business outputs. Used as a means that creates partnerships and as a point of reference by professionals within the defence industry, this comprehensive resource is a knowledge bank of the latest news releases, detailed information on industry projects, forthcoming events, white papers, interviews by industry professionals about the latest technologies developed in the industry, informative articles, and an elaborate categorization of products and services. Our promotional strategies, targeted at an array of relevant professionals, enhance market-visibility, in the Defence Industry.



    Defense Update highlights worldwide defense programs, including; land warfare covering armor and infantry and support elements,aerospace, naval, C4ISR, EW, Cyber Warfare, intelligence and net-centric warfare, unmanned systems and robotics, and homeland defense. Written by experienced defense journalists from different nations, with contribution by analysts specializing in different fields, Defense Update provides comprehensive coverage of specific defense related topics, including Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFV), Future Combat Systems, Aerospace – and unmanned systems as well as robotics and Precision Strike weapons. It also covers in-depth analysis of developing trends in Command, Control, Communications and Computing, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR).

    Homeland Security Corporation (HSRC)


    HSRC provides premium off-the-shelf market reports on present and emerging technologies and industry expertise, enabling global clients to gain time-critical insight into business opportunities. All reports include in-depth information and analysis of emerging markets, technologies, and industries broken down by geography, market, vertical, technology, product, and revenue stream. Our reports support Homeland Security & Public Safety communities worldwide in their strategic decision-making process, providing up-to-date market knowledge, analysis, and insights. HSRC offers customized research services geared towards providing our clients with clear, actionable recommendations designed to empower decision-making and to help exploit emerging opportunities in the market. The customized research services provide a deep analysis of specific markets and eco-systems, target geographies, strategic segments and verticals, competitor analysis and technological benchmarks. The custom research services are provided as an ad hoc assignment or as an ongoing service.

    Movenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre

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    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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