Benefits of attending:
DEVELOP your understanding of supporting forward deployment in the 21st Century
ASSESS the possibilities, limitations, implications and applications of using the contractor within deployed operations
UNDERSTAND the role of information and how it is a key support tool for deployed operations
IDENTIFY the specific requirements needed for platform support
ANALYSE and comprehend the role that integration plays within forward deployed operations
A unique opportunity to learn from leading military experts including:
Vice Admiral Gordon Holder, Director for Logistics, US DoD
Group Captain Robert Tripp, Head of CONDO Policy Unit, DLO
Group Captain Ron Simpson, Assistant Director, Business Improvements (Information), ES (Air), DLO
Commander John Coulthard, Director, Logistic Strategy, DLO
Air Commodore Peter Whalley, Chief Executive, Defence Transport & Movements Agency
Peter Foxton CBE, Chief Executive, Defence Storage & Distribution Agency
Randy King, Contractors Accompanying the Force Programme Manager, US Army