Global MilSatCom 2007
5 November - 7 November 2007
Global MilSatCom 2007

Your last chance to book!

SAE Media Group’s 9th Global MilSatCom Conference and Exhibition is established as Europe’s largest independent military satellite communications conference.

This is once again the premier event for a comprehensive update on MilSatCom transformation, commercial/military satellite partnerships, and country-specific programmes.

Join over 300 like-minded colleagues to evaluate specific doctrines and identify new industry trends. Through in-depth, descriptive case studies from real life experiences you will find out what the military requirements are and how they plan to resolve upcoming challenges. You will have the opportunity to listen to leading international case studies on procurement strategies and the operational deployment of specific programmes.

This is a perfect networking opportunity for you to develop important relationships with the key players in the military satellite industry and obtain fresh ideas for your organisation’s strategy and technical development.

Further topics to be covered include:
  • Software portability
  • Programmable architecture & HSD
  • Resilience & Network protection
  • COTM
  • Assured & secure command & control
  • Future proofing
  • Bandwidths
  • Legacy systems
  • Internet standards/IP
  • On-board processing
  • Interoperability

Pictures From Last Year's Event:

Sponsorship & Exhibition packages are already heavily under demand; don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like further details on how to take advantage of the branding opportunities available at this major networking forum – Fiona Punter, Head of Defence & Security - + 44 (0) 20 7827 6098 fpunter@SAE Media Group-online.co.uk
For speaker opportunities please contact Marita Junemann on +44 (0)207 827 6026 or mjunemann@SAE Media Group-online.co.uk


The 9th annual Global MilSatCom is going to be held at the Millennium Conference Centre in Kensington, central London between 5 - 7 November.

Click here to view hotel directions and reservation information.

Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Gerard Donelan

Gerard Donelan, Head of Public Sector Projects , SES ASTRA



KEYNOTE ADDRESS:NATO’s Tactical Operational SatCom Activity

  • The challenges of bringing into use UHF DAMA SATCOM TACSAT Radios
  • The different techniques for “On The Move” and “On The Pause” usage
  • The operational and support management for software programmable SATCOM radios
  • Future improvements and the effect of new waveforms The role of industry in making it possible
  • Lieutenant Colonel Bob Thompson

    Lieutenant Colonel Bob Thompson , UHF DAMA SATCOM Project Manager , NATO C3 Agency

    Brigadier (Ret'd) Tim Waugh

    Brigadier (Ret'd) Tim Waugh, Programme Manager for NATO SatCom and Deployable CIS, NATO C3 Agency



    Small Satellites – Changing the Approach to Military Use of Space

    Stuart Eves

    Stuart Eves, Senior Account Manager; Military Systems , Surrey Satellite Technology (SSTL)

  • Current small satellite capabilities
  • How small satellites will contribute to efficient, flexible communications networks in the future
  • The services that these networks will provide to military surveillance and reconnaissance
  • The improved military capabilities that will
  • clock


    Providing Resilient Satellite Services for Military Operations

    Paul Millington

    Paul Millington, VP Business Development, Paradigm Secure Communications

  • The threat environment
  • System responses to changing and emerging threats
  • Building a resilient service
  • Planning for and responding to stress
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    How a Nation, Large or Small, can build its Space Capabilities

  • Prioritizing Space needs in a forward-deployed, netcentric operation
  • Commercial Space Assets for Military needs
  • Leveraging Partnerships
  • Developing Dual-use Technologies
  • Protecting a Small Nation's Space Capabilities
  • Daniel  Lewandowski

    Daniel Lewandowski, USAF, Combat Air Branch Head, , NATO's Joint Air Power Competence Centre

    Major Tom Single

    Major Tom Single, Subject Matter Export, C4ISTAR, Space System, Deployable CIS & Nav 8 Division , NATO



    'Better, Smaller, Faster' - The Realities of Operating in the Field and how it should better Drive our Future End-to-End Solutions

    Group Captain Andy Powell

    Group Captain Andy Powell, Commanding Officer No 90 Signals Unit, Royal Air Force, UK

  • Overview of the current operational environment
  • Emerging challenges
  • Converging expectation and reality
  • Proper end-to-end solutions
  • Using trials and evaluation effectively
  • clock


    Mobile Military SATCOM Systems

  • Operational purpose and needs
  • From antenna to user
  • System Architecture
  • Technical synergy
  • Networking and Services
  • Pascal Augier

    Pascal Augier, SatCom Ground Segment Marketing Manager , Thales

    Tim Hooper

    Tim Hooper, Services Strategy Director , THALES Land & Joint Systems



    Networking Lunch



    Architectures to Increase the Utility of Commercial Satellite Systems for MilSatCom Users

    Don Brown

    Don Brown, Vice President, Business Development and Hosted Payload Programmes, Intelsat General Corporation

  • The opportunity to redefine the role of commercial satellites for a military audience
  • Threats to the continuing vitality of commercial satellite use by the military
  • Commercial satellite industry innovations
  • Next generation space architectures
  • The true impact of IP on-orbit
  • Synchronizing ground and space
  • Rapid provisioning of capability on orbit
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    IP Networking over Satellite - "Delivering Military Grade Networks"

    Dr Klaus Dörpelkus

    Dr Klaus Dörpelkus, Space Initiatives Europe & Emerging Markets, Global Government Solutions Group, Cisco Systems

  • Satellite Communication Considerations
  • Next Generation Global Services
  • Technology Trends
  • Implications for Satellite Communication
  • clock


    Italian MilSatCom Developments and Future Options

    Captain (N) Giovanni Battista Durando, Chief Communication and Payload Control Department, SIRCAL Network Management and Control Centre

    Captain (N) Giovanni Battista Durando, Chief Communication and Payload Control Department, SIRCAL Network Management and Control Centre , CIS Division, General Staff, Italian Navy

  • Italy’s military satellite communications requirements – overview
  • The SICRAL project – operational effectiveness
  • Interoperability with allied systems
  • The future: SICRAL 2
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    The Future of Military SatCom -Unique Requirements for Satellite Modems

    David Bettinger

    David Bettinger, Chief Technical Officer, Idirect Technologies

  • Network Centric – IP Protocol
  • Transmission Security
  • Multiple Topologies: SCPC, Star, and Mesh
  • Mobility - Comms on the Move
  • Bandwidth Efficiency
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    Research and Technology Priorities for Next Generation MilSatCom in Europe

    Grzegorz Minczakiewicz

    Grzegorz Minczakiewicz, Technical Project Officer, European Defence Agency

  • Main highlights of the military needs
  • R&T work stream on the Next Generation MilSatCom
  • Driving factors for MilSatCom R&T priorities
  • R&T projects, industry trends, dual-use potential of SatCom technologies
  • First views on the identified R&T priorities Co-ooperation
  • clock


    Telemedicine Networks via Satellite for Military Health

  • The beginning of telemedicine : the first experimentation
  • From the experimental phase to the service
  • Results and the medical point of view
  • Nick Daly

    Nick Daly, Regional Director, UK, Eire and The Netherlands, Eutelsat

    Leopoldo  Genovesi

    Leopoldo Genovesi, , Telbios



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One



    Networking Drinks Reception



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Richard McKinney SES

    Richard McKinney SES, European Space Liaison, US Air Force



    KEYNOTE ADDRESS: SPAWAR’s SatCom Capabilities

    Rear Admiral Victor See

    Rear Admiral Victor See, USN Commander, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Space Field Activity (SPAWAR) and Director, Communications Systems Axquisition and Operations Directorate (COMM), National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and Program Executive Officer (PEO) Space System, Department Of The Navy



    SPECIAL ADDRESS: Overview and Observations on SATCOM and Commercial Industry

    Colonel Patrick H Rayermann

    Colonel Patrick H Rayermann, Chief, Space and Missile Defense Command, US Army

  • Review of need and growth in use
  • COTM
  • Architectural perspective so essential to achieving end state
  • New approaches (incl. technology) and trends/opportunities
  • Operationally responsive space and coalition operationally responsive space
  • Revitalizing our industrial base
  • (Possible) thoughts on how we choose to use space
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    The Critical Connection: Commercial SatCom – A Key Component of Interoperability

    Gordon McMillan

    Gordon McMillan, Director, Government Services , Inmarsat Government Services

  • Global expeditionary warfare
  • Mobile, secure and reliable
  • Air, Sea and Land
  • Coalition operations
  • Battlespace situational awareness
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Syracuse III: The French Military SATCOM Network as Key Element of the FR Force Projection Mission

  • System overview, main innovations & architecture
  • The cornerstone of the French NCW
  • An acquisition strategy coherent with the operational needs
  • An uninterrupted preparation of the future MILSATCOM
  • Michael Pascaud

    Michael Pascaud, Syracuse III Program Manager, DGA, Ministry of Defence, France

    Frederic  Bouyer

    Frederic Bouyer, Syracuse III System Architect, Ministry of Defence, France



    Military BPO - Information as a Service

    Steve Smart

    Steve Smart, Space and Defence Satles and Marketing Director , Logica CMG

  • Getting the right information, at the right time , anywhere in the world
  • Fusing content from disparate sources
  • Combining reliable and secure satellite-based communication systems with Military information systems securely
  • Planning the delivery of information as an online service
  • Delivering situational awareness and other joint operational pictures
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    The Netherlands Joint NL MilSatCom Project – Step by Step getting there

    Captain Hans van der Wal

    Captain Hans van der Wal, Project Manager, NL MilSatCom, Defence Material Organisation

  • Operational objectives and requirements
  • SHF band
  • Advanced EHF
  • Concerns and challenges
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    Innovative Services to Armed Forces and Warfighters

    Eric Beranger

    Eric Beranger, CEO, EADS Astrium Services

  • Innovation and reactivity to the benefit of armed forces
  • IDS (Information Dissemination Services)
  • Welfare: voice and broadband access to troops in theatres
  • Blue Force Tracking
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    USSTRATCOM Blue Force Tracking Mission

    Floyd  Light

    Floyd Light, Deputy Chief, Joint Blue Force Situational Awareness (JBFSA) Mission Management Office (JMMO), Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC)/ Army Forces Strategic Command

  • USSTRATCOM History with BFT
  • Current Capabilities
  • Current Development with NATO & Allies
  • Upcoming Requirements
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    Networking Lunch



    Future Development of UK Military SatCom

    Commander Nigel SimmonsRN

    Commander Nigel SimmonsRN, DEC CCII - Capability Team Leader, Ministry of Defence, UK

  • UK Vision for Future SatCom
  • Short Term – Skynet 5 Service Development
  • Medium Term – Broadening the Portfolio
  • Long Term – Future Satcom Technology
  • Reality Check – The Challenges
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    Satcom II a New Era

    Ian Canning

    Ian Canning, Managing Director EMEA, Stratos Global

  • The new contracting environment
  • The commercial augmentation of military systems
  • True end to end solutions and responsibilities
  • Integrated commercial and military requirements
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    European Launch Services (Short Film)

    Philippe  Berterottière

    Philippe Berterottière , Senior Vice President, Sales, Marketing and Customer Programs, Arianespace



    Special Champagne Reception



    SKYNET 5 or How I Learnt to be a Happy Customer:

    Commander David Burns

    Commander David Burns, Directorate of Commander and Battlespace Management J6 Operations , Ministry of Defence, UK

  • A new focus on service not ownership
  • Establishing a new policy framework – making sure the vision is shared and understood
  • Service assurance - knowing the risks and mitigating them
  • Future requirements – partnership is the key to success
  • Delivering capability in support of operations – the bottom line
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    SICRAL, SYRACUSE and ATHENA/FIDUS: The European Cooperation on SATCOM

  • 1st European Cooperation in the SATCOM Domain involving France, Italy, and Belgium soon
  • Full cooperation from an industrial , an operational and a state controlled point of view
  • The cooperation stands on two main pillars: SICRAL satellite and Athena/Fidus system
  • Full integration with the existing Systems, as SYRACUSE or SICRAL, and offering protection, capacity, flexibility and supporting the Warfighter at each level
  • The best effort for value based upon duality ( civilian standards, dual technologies)
  • The Combination of SYRACUSE, SICRAL and ATHENA/FIDUS will meet the needs of the military Forces Transformation
  • Pierre Gaudemet

    Pierre Gaudemet, Technical Expert on Military Satellite Communications, Thales Alenia Space



    Satellite Insurance for Financial Protection

    Eric  Allenspach

    Eric Allenspach, Director, Globals & Large Risks, Aviation and Space, Swiss Re

  • Overview of the concept of satellite insurance
  • What is covered
  • Potential to move from commercial to military satellite insurance
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two



    Networking Drinks at the Pub



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Martin Jarrold

    Martin Jarrold, Director, Global VSAT Forum



    Polish Plans for Utilising MilSatCom in CIS Policy

    Colonel Boguslaw  Szczypior

    Colonel Boguslaw Szczypior, Deputy Chief Deployable C3 System Brank, , J6 General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces

  • Overview of Poland’ss CIS Policy
  • Strategic and technical plans
  • Command and control operational experiences
  • Future challenges
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    Satellite Communication for the Spanish Ministry of Defence

    Major Francisco  Martín Alonso

    Major Francisco Martín Alonso, Deputy Active Manager, Royal Air Force, Spain

  • Spanish First and Second Generation
  • Satellite Programme & the HISDESAT Company
  • SpainSat & XTAR-EU System Architecture available for the government customers
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    Morning Coffee



    Future Satellite Networks and Communication within the French Navy

  • Integration of 3rd generation SatCom equipment
  • Matching Communication Requirements
  • Civil SatCom Co-operation
  • Procurement Strategies
  • Commander Thomas Lockhart

    Commander Thomas Lockhart, Leader, C4ISTAR, General Staff, French Navy

    Lieutenant Commander Pierre Hauwaert

    Lieutenant Commander Pierre Hauwaert, SatCom Program Manager, French Navy



    SPECIAL ADDRESS: Japan's Evolving Perspectives of Application of Space Capabilities for National Security Affairs: Policies and Debates on Japan's Application of Space Capabilities for National Security Affairs in the Past and Today, and Their Future Traj

    Katsuhisa Furukawa

    Katsuhisa Furukawa, Research Fellow, Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society Japan Science and Technology Agency Ministry for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan

  • History and Stakeholders in Japan's Space Policies
  • Japan's Space Technologies and Capabilities
  • Current Efforts to Modernize the Decision-Making Process for Space Strategy
  • Current Plan of Missile Defense System Deployment
  • Strengthening Intelligence Capabilities and C4I System
  • Japan's Perspectives on Arms Control in Space
  • Future Trajectory of Space Exploration and Space Strategy
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    Bandwidth, Bandwidth, Bandwidth - Designing a Commercial FSS Satellite for Current and Future in "Theatre" Military Communications Hot Spots

    Simon Gatty Saunt

    Simon Gatty Saunt, Director of European Sales, SES NEW SKIES

  • Satellite operator role in reducing bandwidth for military applications
  • Case study - C & KU band networks for global military deployments
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    Antenna Technologies for Portable and Mobile Satcom Terminals: How to Choose Right Antennas for Various Military SatCom Applications

    Dr Robert Pearson

    Dr Robert Pearson, Head of Antenna Systems, ERA Technology

  • Influence of the overall SatCom performance requirements (such as utilisation of transponder resources, overall system throughput and Quality of Service – QoS) on the choice of antenna technologies
  • Impact of military operational requirements on the choice of antennas
  • Advantages and disadvantages of various antenna technologies such as reflectors, flat plate arrays, low cost phased arrays
  • Small antenna aperture effects (compliance with FCC/ITU regulations, and Adjacent Satellite Interference)
  • Trade-off analysis for a typical military scenario (case study)
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Conference



    Networking Lunch



    Start of Afternoon Workshops



    Millennium Conference Centre

    4-18 Harrington Gardens, London, United Kingdom

    A number of our clients have been approached by third party organisations offering to book hotel rooms. We would advise that you do not book through them as they are not representing the SMi Group. SMi Group books all hotel rooms directly. If you are approached by a third party organisation then please contact us before making any bookings. If you have already booked a hotel room using a third party organisation, we would highly recommend contacting the hotel you were booked into to ensure a booking has been made for you. We would also advise you to please check the terms and conditions of the booking carefully.


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    Millennium Conference Centre

    4-18 Harrington Gardens
    London SW74LH
    United Kingdom

    Millennium Conference Centre



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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