Network Centric Warfare (NCW)
1 February - 2 February 2018
Network Centric Warfare (NCW)

SAE Media Group are proud to host the second annual Network Centric Warfare conference, which will convene at the Crowne Park Plaza in Rome on the 1st and 2nd February 2018.

As we look into the 21st century, the way in which military forces communicate, disseminate intelligence and issue orders is changing as several NATO-aligned nations pursue network enabled capabilities programmes. There is now an emphasis on ‘system of systems’ network that empowers a robust web of interaction between air and ground forces – maximising asset deployment and creating a common operating picture.

As battlespace has become digitised, the focus on data and communication networking between joint forces and command and control facilities has taken centre stage. With combat exercises increasingly operating in asymmetrical environments, there is a growing need to exploit well networked forces. In this context, through streams of data and real-time analysis, decision making on the ground has become more effective and efficient - with robustly networked forces adaptively responding to threats with versatility and agility.

With the Italian MoD - in conjunction with industry - controlling the development zeitgeist through the Forza NEC (network enabled capability) programme, there is a clear demonstration of a continuing focus on building network enabled capability and senior military investment in the process.

The Network Centric Warfare conference will focus on key aspects challenging and enhancing joint operations - in particular, utilisation of digital fire support, interoperability between air and ground based communication systems, digitalisation of battlespace, improving technical education and the Forza NEC programme.

Offering an array of social opportunities Network Centric Wafare will host coffee receptions and lunches to provide military end users, programme managers, vendors and research agencies over 3 and a half hours of networking during the conference.

VIP Treatment:
To all the SAE Media Group delegates choosing to stay at the Copthorne Tara Hotel in February and March, we will offer an upgrade to a superior room and welcome drink voucher



Brigadier General Francesco Bruno

Brigadier General Francesco Bruno

Commander, Pinerolo Brigade, Italian Army
Brigadier Richard  Spencer

Brigadier Richard Spencer

Head of Battlefield Tactical Communications and Information Systems Delivery Team, UK MoD
Colonel Carl J Worthington

Colonel Carl J Worthington

Commander 2nd Theater Signal Brigade , US Army Europe
Colonel Joachim Neumueller

Colonel Joachim Neumueller

Director of FMN, J6, NATO SHAPE
Colonel Mark Parsons

Colonel Mark Parsons

Director Land Communications Infrastructure , Canadian Armed Forces
Major General Angelo Palmieri

Major General Angelo Palmieri

Chief of 6th Division C4i and Transformation and Chief Information Officer, Italian Army

Brigadier General (Ret'd) Giorgio Cuzzelli

Former Coordinator, Comprehensive Crisis and Operations. Management Centre NATO SHAPE, Italian Army
Brigadier General (Ret'd) Giorgio Cuzzelli

Brigadier General (Ret'd) Giuseppe Morabito

Director, NATO Defence College Foundation
Brigadier General (Ret'd) Giuseppe Morabito

Brigadier General Francesco Bruno

Commander, Pinerolo Brigade, Italian Army
Brigadier General Francesco Bruno

Brigadier Richard Spencer

Head of Battlefield Tactical Communications and Information Systems Delivery Team, UK MoD
Brigadier Richard  Spencer

Captain Vincenzo Milano

Director, NATO M&S COE
Captain Vincenzo Milano

Colonel Carl J Worthington

Commander 2nd Theater Signal Brigade , US Army Europe
Colonel Carl J Worthington

Colonel Joachim Neumueller

Director of FMN, J6, NATO SHAPE
Colonel Joachim Neumueller

Colonel Mark Parsons

Director Land Communications Infrastructure , Canadian Armed Forces
Colonel Mark Parsons

Colonel Thomas Williams

G3 Chief of Fires, Operations Directorate, US Army Europe
Colonel Thomas Williams

Dr Chris Williams

Principal Scientist Cyber and Information Systems Division, DSTL
Dr Chris Williams

Dr Filippo Biondi

Signal Processing Researcher , University of L'Aquila
Dr Filippo Biondi

Dr Gregory Edwards

Head of Infrastructure Services & Transition Services, NATO
Dr Gregory Edwards

Lieutenant Colonel Jim Hill

DCDC-Concepts Land 2, British Army
Lieutenant Colonel Jim Hill

Lieutenant Colonel John Reeder

Commander 509th Signal Battalion, 2nd Signal Battalion , US Army
Lieutenant Colonel John Reeder

Lieutenant Colonel Wilbert Ligtenberg

Branch Chief, ISTAR, Royal Netherlands Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel Wilbert Ligtenberg

Lieutenant General (Retd.) Giorgio Battisti

Commander Italian Army Training and Doctrine Command, Italian Army
Lieutenant General (Retd.) Giorgio Battisti

Lieutenant General (Retd.) Leandro De Vincenti

Former Italian Air Operations Commander and Former Chief of Staff JFC Naples, Italian Air Force
Lieutenant General (Retd.) Leandro De  Vincenti

Luigi Scollo

Formed Chief of Staff NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps, NATO Rapid Reaction Force Italy
Luigi Scollo

Major General Angelo Palmieri

Chief of 6th Division C4i and Transformation and Chief Information Officer, Italian Army
Major General Angelo Palmieri

Major Veiko Dieves

Junior Researcher, Center for Applied Studies, Estonia
Major Veiko Dieves

Mr Giuseppe Prinzivalle

Capability Communications, Leonardo
Mr Giuseppe Prinzivalle

Mr Guerino Giancola

Head of Strategic Marketing for C4I and Communications, Leonardo
Mr Guerino Giancola

Mr Robert Schena

CEO, Rajant Corporation
Mr Robert Schena

Rear Admiral (Ret'd) Andrea Mucedola

Former C4ISR ACT Branch Head, Italian Navy
Rear Admiral (Ret'd) Andrea Mucedola


Conference agenda



Registration & Informal Meeting

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo, Formed Chief of Staff NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps, NATO Rapid Reaction Force Italy



Key Aspects

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo, Formed Chief of Staff NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps, NATO Rapid Reaction Force Italy



Network Centric Warfare in Homeland Security Operations (HSO)

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo, Formed Chief of Staff NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps, NATO Rapid Reaction Force Italy



Electro Magnetic Spectrum Operations: a New Operational Domain in the Counter Terrorism Fight

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo, Formed Chief of Staff NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps, NATO Rapid Reaction Force Italy



Afternoon Tea

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo, Formed Chief of Staff NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps, NATO Rapid Reaction Force Italy



The Role of Network Enabled capability Forces in HSO

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo, Formed Chief of Staff NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps, NATO Rapid Reaction Force Italy



Integrated Command and Control From Stovepipes to a Team of Teams

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo, Formed Chief of Staff NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps, NATO Rapid Reaction Force Italy



From Dreams to Reality: How to Implement It

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo, Formed Chief of Staff NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps, NATO Rapid Reaction Force Italy



Closing Remarks

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo, Formed Chief of Staff NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps, NATO Rapid Reaction Force Italy



Close of Workshop

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo

Major General (Ret'd) Luigi Scollo, Formed Chief of Staff NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps, NATO Rapid Reaction Force Italy



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Lieutenant General (Retd.) Giorgio Battisti

Lieutenant General (Retd.) Giorgio Battisti, Commander Italian Army Training and Doctrine Command, Italian Army



Strategic Overview of digital transformation in Italian MoD

Major General Angelo Palmieri

Major General Angelo Palmieri, Chief of 6th Division C4i and Transformation and Chief Information Officer, Italian Army


·         Overview on the evolution of Strategic ICT Infrastructure and the case study of Italian Defence Information Infrastructure
·         Evolution of C2 Systems and possible development toward a Service Oriented Architecture
·         The importance of Cyber Security in a Network Centric Warfare environment to gain and keep supremacy in all traditional domains
·         The importance of cyber in order to define operational needs and analyse capability gaps


Forza NEC (Network Enabled Capability): Developing the Italian Armed Forces Joint Operational Capability Through New Technologies

Brigadier General Francesco Bruno

Brigadier General Francesco Bruno, Commander, Pinerolo Brigade, Italian Army


·          An overview of the Forza NEC programme and an update on current progress of network modernisation within the Italian Army
·          How improved information sharing between land, air and sea units will develop joint operational capability through a streamlining of communications between branches
o    Building interoperability between communication systems used to ensure network-enabled capabilities are optimised
o    Expanding command and control mechanisms within networked forces
·          Integrating cyber defences into network systems to limit operational vulnerabilities
·          Future for further development of net-centric capabilities within the Italian Army


See First Will Increase Mission Effectiveness

Mr Giuseppe Prinzivalle

Mr Giuseppe Prinzivalle, Capability Communications, Leonardo


The importance of the UAV system in the netcentric scenario to:
  • Improve target identification  
  • Improve exploitation and dissemination
  • Improve mission effectiveness  
  • Leonardo SpA solutions in term of:
    • Platform
    • Mission system
    • Sensor
    • Communication system.


Morning Coffee



An Overview of the Artillery Systems Cooperation Activities (ASCA) Programme and its Role in Enabling Digital Fires

Colonel Thomas Williams

Colonel Thomas Williams, G3 Chief of Fires, Operations Directorate, US Army Europe


·          How ASCA enables different nations to conduct fire support missions
o    Improving multi-force coalition operations through further development of allied networked forces
·          Optimising artillery accuracy, survivability and responsiveness through use of networked, software intensive fire control systems
·          Recent success of Exercise Bold Quest 17-2 in improving coalition communication and digital fires network interoperability
·          Going forward: integrating more partners into ASCA to establish more effective digital fire support by removing radio relays and language barriers to create common points of reference


Federated Mission Networking (FMN) as a key enabler for NATO’s Connected Forces Initiative

Colonel Joachim Neumueller

Colonel Joachim Neumueller, Director of FMN, J6, NATO SHAPE



·         The Federated Mission Networking (FMN) as a key enabler of instant connection of forces across networking environments
·         Evolving levels of interoperability to ensure constant growth of operational effectiveness
·         An overview of how the FMN Framework consisting of the FMN Management with its sub-structure and FMN Framework products and activities can beneficially support the achievement of these goals
·         Instigating a cultural change within mission planning and execution




Modelling and Simulation as a Key Component of Future C4ISTAR Systems Enabling a Wide Scale of Operational Decision Support

Captain Vincenzo Milano

Captain Vincenzo Milano, Director, NATO M&S COE


·       How computer support of decision making in military is not already exceptional, but it still falls out within the domain of the direct operational decision support of the commanders

·       C4ISTAR Systems applied in future operational environment, from contemporary technological perspective, slowly reach its ‘pragmatic’ edge and impose tremendous workload on information management and analytical personnel and how this needs to be changed

·       The core of solution consists of wide set of operational tasks, usually multi-criteria decision problems, backed by the computing power of the latest technology

·       There exist several approaches to the modeling, simulation and optimization of operational activities, which needs to be proved in operational environment




Networking Lunch



The Future of Command and Control - How Defence Should Best Develop and Sustain an Enduring and Agile C2 Capability

Lieutenant Colonel Jim Hill

Lieutenant Colonel Jim Hill, DCDC-Concepts Land 2, British Army


  • Context – how and why current C2 is being questioned and challenged
  • Evolution of C2 - the need for Agility
  • Agile C2 – what it is and how we get there
  • Enabling future C2 – the complex interactions between people, structures, technology and processes


Optimizing Secure Military Communications with Wireless Mobility

Mr Robert Schena

Mr Robert Schena, CEO, Rajant Corporation


·         Not All Mesh Is Equal
·         Security and Mobility in These Asymmetric Warfare Times
·         Kinetic Mesh® Networks – Field Success Stories


Maximising Coalition Operational Success Through Effective Communication Interoperability Between NATO Partners

Dr Gregory Edwards

Dr Gregory Edwards, Head of Infrastructure Services & Transition Services, NATO


·          Successes delivering telecommunication capability to support NATO operations within an asymmetrical environment
o    How effective network centric communication capabilities optimise adaptive dispersed operations between joint forces
·          Overcoming capability gaps by standardising system architecture and establishing common communication system standards between NATO partners
o    Successes of the Connected Forces Initiative (CFI) in building NATO communication interoperability


Afternoon Tea



Delivering Agile Networking

Dr Chris Williams

Dr Chris Williams, Principal Scientist Cyber and Information Systems Division, DSTL


·          What is network agility and why does it matter?
        .          What are the underlying principles of implementing agile systems?
·          Key enablers and state of the art
·          Looking forward: a roadmap for network agility




Optimising Joint Operational Capabilities Through Enhanced Data Dissemination and Tactical Coordination

Brigadier General (Ret'd) Giuseppe Morabito

Brigadier General (Ret'd) Giuseppe Morabito, Director, NATO Defence College Foundation


·          Developing improved tactical data relays between ISR platforms and ground forces to maximise domain situational awareness
·          Current procurement processes for net-centric technologies within the Middle East
o    Update on the success of GATR (ground air receive system) in achieving enhanced communications within joint operations
·          Maximising tactical data interoperability between coalition partners to optimise combined operational capability


An Italian Perspective on Improving Joint Air Operations Within Asymmetrical Combat Environments

Lieutenant General (Retd.) Leandro De  Vincenti

Lieutenant General (Retd.) Leandro De Vincenti, Former Italian Air Operations Commander and Former Chief of Staff JFC Naples, Italian Air Force


·         An overview of how strategic environments have changed and how new airborne strategies are required to adapt to the degraded and asymmetrical battlespace of the future
·         Consider the possible impacts on the Electromagnetic Spectrum and the NEC “Domain” in case of contested and/or degraded environment since the beginning of the Joint Operation Planning Process 
·         The importance of robust cyber security to combat CEMA (cyber and electromagnetic) threats to network communications, C2 and tactical data links
·         Building interoperability standards among NATO partners to maximise joint aerial operation effectiveness 
·         Looking forward: building further connectivity between air, see and ground forces to grant a joint force integration through availability of an expanded Common Operating Picture




Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Lieutenant General (Retd.) Giorgio Battisti

Lieutenant General (Retd.) Giorgio Battisti, Commander Italian Army Training and Doctrine Command, Italian Army



Optimising Joint Operational Capabilities Through Enhanced Data Dissemination and Tactical Coordination

Brigadier Richard  Spencer

Brigadier Richard Spencer, Head of Battlefield Tactical Communications and Information Systems Delivery Team, UK MoD


·         How intensely networked forces work together create battlefield force multiplication
o    Utilisation of real time data and communication systems to improve Command and Control (C2) and operational effectiveness
·         Delivering an open agile network through EvO (evolve to open) of legacy communication systems
·         Successes of BATCIS (Battlefield Tactical Communications and Information Systems) in delivering the next generation communication networks for the UK MoD
·         Working with industry partners to secure long term interoperability
·         Looking forward: future ambitions of Project Morpheus





Maximising Canadian Emergency Response Capability Through Utilisation of Network Enabled Technologies

Colonel Mark Parsons

Colonel Mark Parsons, Director Land Communications Infrastructure , Canadian Armed Forces


·         An overview of how robustly networked forces can respond with more versatility to emerging threats and crisis’s
·         How net-centric communications enable rapid concentration of military forces within combat environments
o    Recent successes of Operation Staged Response 2017 in developing Canadian Armed Forces rapid response capability
·         Improving command and control (C2) through real time data and communication connections between ground forces and command centres
·         Going forward: future ambitions for further net-centric connectivity within the Canadian Armed Forces


Digitalised Vehicles: Bringing Network Enabled Capabilities into the Mobile Land Domain

Mr Guerino Giancola

Mr Guerino Giancola, Head of Strategic Marketing for C4I and Communications, Leonardo

  • Digitally interconnected military vehicles increase the capacity for crew and commanders to exchange critical tactical information and achieve a shared situational awareness. By introduction of modern digitization kits into both new and existing platforms, Land Forces are provided with the capability to discern where friendly and hostile elements are located on the battlefield, to improve manoeuvre and engagement, and to make full use of all the available resources assigned for the mission. The presentation will illustrate the most recent advances in vehicle electronic systems and how it's possible today to bring the power of networking into ground tactical operations
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Mission Partner Environment

    Colonel Carl J Worthington

    Colonel Carl J Worthington, Commander 2nd Theater Signal Brigade , US Army Europe

  • Capability to rapidly project a dominant ground force anywhere in the world within days
  • Delivering multi-functional, multi-mission re-configurable system of systems to maximise joint interopability, strategic transportability and commonality of mission roles


  • clock


    Installation as a Docking Station for Improved Mission Command and Network Centric Operations

    Lieutenant Colonel John Reeder

    Lieutenant Colonel John Reeder, Commander 509th Signal Battalion, 2nd Signal Battalion , US Army


    ·         Rapid response – how Installation as a Docking Station improves military agility
    ·         Delivering intuitive, multi-functional and multi-mission technologies to facilitate improved NCW  
    ·         Changing mindsets and culture concerning Network Centric Operations
    ·         Overcoming operational challenges by ensuring a flexible service delivery platform for information and intelligence sharing


    Networking Lunch



    Network Centric Warfare Within the Royal Netherlands Air Force

    Lieutenant Colonel Wilbert Ligtenberg

    Lieutenant Colonel Wilbert Ligtenberg, Branch Chief, ISTAR, Royal Netherlands Air Force


    ·          Optimising strategic situational awareness through investment projects for targeting systems and a multinational Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) unit
    ·          How Network Centric Warfare (NCW) force structure enables more effective utilisation of ISR data through more efficient dissemination of data
    ·          Overcoming security challenges around data share within the military domain


    Improving Maritime Awareness Through Space Surveillance Systems

    Rear Admiral (Ret'd) Andrea Mucedola

    Rear Admiral (Ret'd) Andrea Mucedola , Former C4ISR ACT Branch Head, Italian Navy


    ·          Advantages of utilising satellite surveillance systems to improve domain awareness
    ·          Integrating data from space-based intelligence gathering assets to the wider network in support of local operations
    ·          Building cooperation and interoperability between maritime agencies to improve total data gathered
    ·          Future developments for Maritime ISR and prospects for satellite systems


    Compressing Sensors to Enable Improved Radar Coverage and Build Domain Awareness

    Dr Filippo Biondi

    Dr Filippo Biondi, Signal Processing Researcher , University of L'Aquila


    ·          How improved radar coverage will build domain awareness through strategic data utilisation
    ·          Further refining Network Centric radar technology to enable continuous wave radar and compressing sensor data to improve under soil hidden target acquisition
    ·          Looking forward: building international interoperability standards within NATO partners and departments within the Italian MoD


    Afternoon Tea



    Automated information distribution in decentralised Battle Management System

    Major Veiko Dieves

    Major Veiko Dieves, Junior Researcher, Center for Applied Studies, Estonia


    ·          Overcoming transport layer problems in Battle Management Systems through distributed situational awareness models and designated end user agents for information packages
    ·          Accelerating decision making on the lower tactical level through bandwidth revolution enabled information being presented to the end user
    ·          An overview of current research of the Estonian National Defence College
    o    Situational Awareness models on different tactical levels (squad to company) – describing and validating Distributed Situational Awareness models;
    o    Modelling of dynamic systems – how to model shifting Situational Awareness requirements in dynamic artificial agents on the Battlefield;
    o    Mist-computing concept application in real life scenarios – how to model designated message decay in dynamic system.


    Deceive the Deceivers – a Net-Centric Approach to Hybrid Warfare

    Brigadier General (Ret'd) Giorgio Cuzzelli

    Brigadier General (Ret'd) Giorgio Cuzzelli, Former Coordinator, Comprehensive Crisis and Operations. Management Centre NATO SHAPE, Italian Army


    ·          Introduction. The Strategic relevance of Hybrid Warfare
    ·          What is Hybrid Warfare, and is it really new? A few examples of linear, non-linear & unconventional manoeuvre at the Strategic level in the last 100 years
    ·          The Tools of the Offender. Deception, Surprise and the Fog of War
    ·          The Tools of the Defender. A Comprehensive, Net-Centric Approach to the threat
    ·          Conclusion. Is Net-Centric the best Approach to Hybrid?


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Former Coordinator, Comprehensive Crisis and Operations. Management Centre NATO SHAPE
    Italian Army
    NATO Defence College Foundation
    Commander, Pinerolo Brigade
    Italian Army
    Head of Battlefield Tactical Communications and Information Systems Delivery Team
    UK MoD
    Commander 2nd Theater Signal Brigade
    US Army Europe
    Director of FMN, J6
    Director Land Communications Infrastructure
    Canadian Armed Forces
    G3 Chief of Fires, Operations Directorate
    US Army Europe
    Principal Scientist Cyber and Information Systems Division
    Signal Processing Researcher
    University of L'Aquila
    Head of Infrastructure Services & Transition Services
    DCDC-Concepts Land 2
    British Army
    Commander 509th Signal Battalion, 2nd Signal Battalion
    US Army
    Branch Chief, ISTAR
    Royal Netherlands Air Force
    Commander Italian Army Training and Doctrine Command
    Italian Army
    Former Italian Air Operations Commander and Former Chief of Staff JFC Naples
    Italian Air Force
    Formed Chief of Staff NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps
    NATO Rapid Reaction Force Italy
    Chief of 6th Division C4i and Transformation and Chief Information Officer
    Italian Army
    Junior Researcher
    Center for Applied Studies, Estonia
    Capability Communications
    Head of Strategic Marketing for C4I and Communications
    Rajant Corporation
    Former C4ISR ACT Branch Head
    Italian Navy

    Gold Sponsor

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Key Media Partners

    Official Publication



    Sponsors and Exhibitors


    Gold Sponsor

    At the forefront of battlefield digitization and air/coastal defence, Leonardo develops integrated command and control centres, soldier systems and full vehicles, leveraging a complete range of state of the art C4ISR sensors, communications, advanced artillery and smart ammunition. Leonardo provides airborne solutions that range from components through to full ISR/ISTAR, airborne sensors and effectors that operate across the full electromagnetic spectrum from DC to Light (and beyond into UV). With a broad customer base that includes platform and system integrators Leonardo provides integrated ISTAR solutions based on proprietary sensor technology for air, land and sea applications.

    Leonardo is a world player in Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space, developing advanced components to fully integrated systems and platforms.

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Rajant Corporation

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Based outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Rajant Corporation is the exclusive provider of private wireless networks powered by the patented Kinetic Mesh™ network, BreadCrumb® network nodes, and InstaMesh® networking software. With Rajant, customers can rapidly deploy a highly adaptable and scalable network that leverages the power of real-time data to deliver on-demand, critical business intelligence. Rajant BreadCrumbs can seamlessly integrate with any Wi-Fi or Ethernet-connected device to deliver low-latency, high-throughput data, voice and video applications across the meshed, self-healing network. First built for military and public safety applications, Rajant Kinetic Mesh® networks are specifically designed for the rugged terrains and harsh physical environments witnessed by troops in the field. Proven to support numerous mission-critical communications, Rajant networks are also used across a number of other industrial sectors including mining, oil & gas, transportation, ports, utilities, telecommunications, and all levels of governments.

    Media Partners

    Microwave Journal

    Key Media Partners

    Microwave Journal provides leading-edge technical content for RF, microwave and wireless engineers worldwide. MWJ the magazine reaches 50,000 qualified subscribers with practical design application articles for working engineers. MWJournal.com delivers the latest news, events, webinars, whitepapers, videos and newsletters to RF/microwave professionals. EDI CON China and USA events bring industry and engineers together for information exchange and education. For over 60 years, Microwave Journal has been THE resource for engineers who are developing infrastructure for the next-generation of wireless and defense technologies. www.mwjournal.com

    European Sting

    Key Media Partners

    The European Sting is the new online, Brussels based, European media that was born to bring a different critical and truly independent angle to European News and Affairs. The Sting is giving every day the fierce fight for a better and stronger European Union through constructive criticism and unique insights. We are treating daily in a unique way European Politics, Economics, Foreign Affairs, Business and ICT Agenda. We are committed to bridge the gap between Brussels and the EU member states by freely voicing the views of every European citizen. Tired of reading the basics? Visit http://www.europeansting.com and be part of the Hive that disrupts European Media.

    Media Partners

    International Journal of Ultra-Wideband Communications and Systems

    Official Publication

    IJUBWCS is a scholarly, refereed and peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to disseminating technical information in the areas of ultra wideband (UWB) communications and systems across the globe.

    International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems

    Official Publication

    IJIDSS proposes and fosters discussion on the development of novel computational intelligence techniques and their application to support systems used by defence personnel. The scope of application covers strategic, tactical and operational decision-making across the entire defence sector, covering areas such as intelligence gathering and analysis, capability assessment, tactics modelling and evaluation and logistics management as well as military systems integration and both semi-autonomous and autonomous systems.

    International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing

    Official Publication

    The realisation of wireless connectivity is bringing fundamental changes to telecommunications and computing and profoundly affects the way we compute, communicate and interact. It provides fully distributed and ubiquitous mobile computing and communications, thus bringing an end to the tyranny of geography. IJWMC addresses the state-of-the-art of all aspects of wireless communications and mobile computing.

    International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications

    Official Publication

    Smart grid and green communications (SGGC) focus on promoting new ideas that support the development of computing and communication systems. Smart grids are expected to meet the challenges of demand and supply of power, energy management and secure communications. SGGC bring data communications and utility systems together to establish effective energy delivery networks with a focus on enabling new products, services and technologies. IJSGGC highlights cutting-edge research and development of new strategies, techniques and technologies for developing smart grid systems.

    International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems

    Official Publication

    IJAACS addresses foundational, engineering and technological aspects of communications systems exhibiting emergent/adaptive behaviour, based on sound theoretical models such as bio-inspired, natural computing, game theory and economic models. IJAACS spans complexity, self-adaptation, autonomic communication, ambient intelligence, multi-agent systems. Many current communication systems/infrastructures are decentralised, pervasive and composed of a large number of autonomous entities, with adaptation a key feature of the system's behaviour. Such systems also involve a social dimension, characteristics similar to those in self-organising systems seen in nature.

    International Journal of Security and Networks

    Official Publication

    IJSN proposes and fosters discussion on and dissemination of network security related issues.

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    As Britain’s longest established monthly aviation journal, Aviation News is renowned for providing the best coverage of every branch of aviation. Now incorporating Classic Aircraft, each issue features the latest news and in-depth features, plus firsthand accounts from pilots putting you in the cockpit. Covering both modern military and civil aircraft, as well as classic types from yesteryear, it features subjects from World War Two, through the Cold War years to present day. Aviation News brings you the past, present and future of flight.

    Homeland Security Corporation (HSRC)


    HSRC provides premium off-the-shelf market reports on present and emerging technologies and industry expertise, enabling global clients to gain time-critical insight into business opportunities. All reports include in-depth information and analysis of emerging markets, technologies, and industries broken down by geography, market, vertical, technology, product, and revenue stream. Our reports support Homeland Security & Public Safety communities worldwide in their strategic decision-making process, providing up-to-date market knowledge, analysis, and insights. HSRC offers customized research services geared towards providing our clients with clear, actionable recommendations designed to empower decision-making and to help exploit emerging opportunities in the market. The customized research services provide a deep analysis of specific markets and eco-systems, target geographies, strategic segments and verticals, competitor analysis and technological benchmarks. The custom research services are provided as an ad hoc assignment or as an ongoing service.

    Military Systems and Technology


    Military Systems & Technology is a comprehensive web portal, design agency and publication designed for the International Defence & Aerospace Industry. It is a source of daily information for Manufacturers, OEM’S, System Integrators and Contractors. We even have Government & Military Readers. The portal encompasses all aspects of Military equipment, technology, design and services. www.militarysystems-tech.com info@militarysystems-tech.com +44 (0)1392 881545

    Global Military Communications


    Global Military Communications is a publication that tracks the trends, drivers and technology that fuel the military communications sector. Communications continue to be the lynchpin of modern warfare and is crucial to any military campaign. The sector is going through unprecedented change as militaries and governments across the world move towards a network centric approach to their communications. From operations in war zones to homeland security and disaster recovery operations, Global Military Communications provides you with the latest communications developments on land, sea, and in the air.

    Defence Today


    Defence Today is an online publication covering the latest in global defence and security news, defence intelligence and strategic insight. Terrorism and emerging threats, defence industry coverage, the latest technology developments and emerging platforms and systems. Military equipment profiles and industry showcases. Advertising, press releases and event listings are available.



    ARMSCOM.net is a B2B /B2G platform for brokers of military goods. ARMSCOM.net is dedicated for Aerospace and Defense Industry with database containing more than 4000 companies and 3400 defense industrial sectors. Add Company and Products Profiles. For more information e-mail: armscom.net@gmail.com or visit http://www.armscom.net, tel.: + 372 816 946 77

    Crisis Response Journal


    Crisis Response Journal is the international publication focusing on response, resilience, continuity and security issues arising from large scale natural and man-made disasters, emergencies and terrorist attacks. CRJ analyses past events to draw vital lessons for the future, while constantly scanning the horizon to identify and help mitigate new threats.

    Airforce Technologies


    Used daily as means of creating partnerships and as a point of reference by professionals within the air force industry, this comprehensive resource supplies the latest news releases, detailed information on industry projects, white papers, event information and a thorough breakdown of products and services.



    Epicos is a global, multifaceted portal providing Aerospace and Defense industries around the world with business intelligence and active support to access opportunities on international procurements, industrial cooperation and offsets. Epicos has carried out extensive industry analysis and mapping of capabilities of A&D Industries and offers this knowledge to its members helping them to identify business opportunities and to build strategic alliances. Additionally, Epicos supports the global A&D industry through a wide range of on-line services and products including but not limited to: a large online procurement database, an updated Business Directory, an e-library with extensive information regarding procurement and offsets processes systems and an up to the minute news database.

    Defence and Security Alert


    Defence and Security Alert (DSA) is the first and only ISO 9001:2015 certified, world-class monthly Indian magazine in defence and security journalism. Covering a strictly research based spectrum of dynamic scenarios in India and challenging horizons beyond national borders, DSA is the only Indian defence magazine available on the intranets of Indian Air Force (IAF) and Border Security Force (BSF). DSA is an ideal platform in this domain to showcase your products, services and cutting-edge technologies. DSA is very extensively circulated among key policy and decision makers in the federal and 28 state governments and corporate world in India and worldwide through print and online editions.

    Inderscience Publishers


    Inderscience is a dynamic, leading, independent journal publisher. The company disseminates the latest research across the broad fields of science, engineering and technology; management, public and business administration; environment, ecological economics and sustainable development; computing, ICT and internet/web services, and related areas. Inderscience offers over 35 years' experience in publishing and has succeeded in building a substantial collection approaching 400 high-quality peer-reviewed international research journals in both online and print formats. We offer a variety of ways to keep up-to-date with the latest published leading-edge research while our online collection represents a fully-searchable digital archive of around 60,000 articles.

    Army Technology


    Army-technology.com brings you up-to-date international news and features on the defence industry, covering military projects, trends, products, services and more in the army sector. With a team of journalists around the world, army-technology.com, along with sister sites naval-technology.com and airforce-technology.com, is the only business service that focuses on the technologies required by military personnel and companies working in this important field. When you combine this with one of the most comprehensive and detailed listings of military equipment suppliers, products and services, free white paper downloads and company press releases, you see why army-technology.com is the key point of reference for the defence industry.

    Defense Daily


    21st Century Asian Arms Race


    21st Century Asian Arms Race (21AAR) is an online resource for conflict and security related information specific to Eurasia. 21AAR's editorial style and open source approach to gathering public intelligence ensures a unique and independent presentation of events in real-time.

    Air International


    Over the years, AIR International has established an unrivalled reputation for authoritative reporting and coverage across the full spectrum of aviation subjects. With more pages than ever, all still dedicated to commercial and military aviation, we have more correspondents and top aviation writers from around the world, offering even more exciting news, features and stunning photography.

    Crowne Plaza Rome St. Peter's Hotel & Spa

    Via Aurelia Antica 415
    Rome 00165

    Crowne Plaza Rome St. Peter's Hotel & Spa

    Choose the relaxing Crowne Plaza Rome-St. Peter’s hotel, home to a luxurious spa minutes from Rome’s historic city centre. Treat yourself to an in-room dining experience at Crowne Plaza Rome-St. Peter’s and relax on your balcony overlooking the hotel’s outdoor pool, tennis courts or gardens. Come to the St. Peter’s Spa to let off steam in our sauna and Turkish baths, or rest on the loungers around our heated indoor pool.

    The hotel is only 20 minutes’ drive from Fiumicino Airport. Checkout the timetable of our scheduled airport shuttle which will allow you to easily reach the hotel at a very special price. Use our scheduled shuttle bus to/from the city centre to discover the beauties of the Eternal City. You’ll find wireless Internet throughout the hotel, allowing you to stay in touch with friends, family and colleagues at any time. Hold your meetings in one of our 13meeting rooms able to host up to 600 delegates. Possibility of organizing dinners and special occasions by the pool, hiring the Roman Bath for private and exclusive use, planning open air team buildings and many more ideas for events out of the ordinary



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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