Future Armoured Vehicles Weapon Systems
5 June - 6 June 2019
Future Armoured Vehicles Weapon Systems

SAE Media Group are proud to host the fourth annual Future Armoured Vehicles Weapon Systems conference, which will convene in London on the 5th and 6th June 2019.

Now in its fourth year, the conference provides the ideal platform for a high-level meeting between key military personnel involved in munition and armament systems for armoured combat vehicles, and leaders from the most forward-thinking NATO-aligned military nations.

As armoured vehicles are required to operate across diverse environments and against varying enemy forces they need to be able to deliver the firepower required to eliminate these adversaries. Whether exploiting anti-tank guided missiles to counter larger armoured units, or beyond line of sight ranged artillery in support of advancing soldiers, modern armoured vehicles continue to rely a myriad of weapon systems to deliver the lethality required to achieve their mission objectives.

Analysing R&D in new armaments and munitions for armoured vehicles, generic modular designs that enable platform interoperability, targeting and tracking systems and operational feedback from training and gunnery exercises and schools, FAVWS promises to delve into the heart of lethality systems within international mounted formations. 



Captain Nicolas Sallien

Captain Nicolas Sallien

Technical Manager Jaguar, DGA
Dr. Periklis Charchalakis

Dr. Periklis Charchalakis

Technical Manager, Vetronics Research Centre
Jared Wysocki

Jared Wysocki

Modernization Program Officer, US Army
Lieutenant Colonel (ret'd) Kerim Serkan Simais

Lieutenant Colonel (ret'd) Kerim Serkan Simais

Specialist-Land Platforms , Undersecretariat for Defence Industry
Lieutenant Colonel Martin French

Lieutenant Colonel Martin French

SO1 Lethality and 40mm CTCA Programme Manager , British Army
Lieutenant Colonel Simon Routledge

Lieutenant Colonel Simon Routledge

SO1 Land Systems , Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
Mr Andy Fawkes

Mr Andy Fawkes

Director, Thinke Company Ltd
Mr Florian Wiss

Mr Florian Wiss

Fire support manager of JAGUAR vehicle , DGA
Mr Jelmer Korstanje MSc

Mr Jelmer Korstanje MSc

Scientist, Weapon Systems, TNO
Mr Shane Cohen

Mr Shane Cohen

VP Marketing & Sales, UVision Air Ltd
Mr Wim de Ruijter MSc

Mr Wim de Ruijter MSc

Senior Scientist, Weapon Systems, TNO

Brigadier (ret'd) Ian Cameron-Mowat

Director, IMP Castle Associates Limited
Brigadier (ret'd) Ian Cameron-Mowat

Captain Nicolas Sallien

Technical Manager Jaguar, DGA
Captain Nicolas Sallien

Dr Mike Dalzell

Future Concepts Lead , Lockheed Martin UK
Dr Mike Dalzell

Dr. Periklis Charchalakis

Technical Manager, Vetronics Research Centre
Dr. Periklis Charchalakis

Jared Wysocki

Modernization Program Officer, US Army
Jared Wysocki

Lieutenant Colonel (ret'd) Kerim Serkan Simais

Specialist-Land Platforms , Undersecretariat for Defence Industry
Lieutenant Colonel (ret'd) Kerim Serkan Simais

Lieutenant Colonel Martin French

SO1 Lethality and 40mm CTCA Programme Manager , British Army
Lieutenant Colonel Martin French

Lieutenant Colonel Simon Routledge

SO1 Land Systems , Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
Lieutenant Colonel Simon Routledge

Mike Duckworth

Vice President Regional Sales, Nexter Systems
Mike Duckworth

Mr Alessandro Tognetti

Capture & Development Manager - Land Products, LEONARDO, Defence Systems
Mr Alessandro Tognetti

Mr Andy Fawkes

Director, Thinke Company Ltd
Mr Andy Fawkes

Mr Edvard Kleberg

Manager Weapons and Fire Control Systems, BAE Systems Hägglunds AB
Mr Edvard Kleberg

Mr Florian Wiss

Fire support manager of JAGUAR vehicle , DGA
Mr Florian Wiss

Mr Jelmer Korstanje MSc

Scientist, Weapon Systems, TNO
Mr Jelmer Korstanje MSc

Mr Jonathan Scrabeck

Vice President, Marketing & Product Development (US) , CMI Defence
Mr Jonathan Scrabeck

Mr Serhat Ozturk

Senior Expert Engineer/Project Engineer, Presidency of Defence Industrie, SSB
Mr Serhat Ozturk

Mr Shane Cohen

VP Marketing & Sales, UVision Air Ltd
Mr Shane Cohen

Mr Wim de Ruijter MSc

Senior Scientist, Weapon Systems, TNO
Mr Wim de Ruijter MSc


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Brigadier (ret'd) Ian Cameron-Mowat

Brigadier (ret'd) Ian Cameron-Mowat, Director, IMP Castle Associates Limited



US Army Abrams Tank Weapon Systems Update

Jared Wysocki

Jared Wysocki, Modernization Program Officer, US Army



HITFACT® 105-120 mm - Heavy Firepower for wheeled vehicles and medium tanks

Mr Alessandro Tognetti

Mr Alessandro Tognetti, Capture & Development Manager - Land Products, LEONARDO, Defence Systems

  • Evolution of operational scenarios
  • The origin of Mobile Gun Systems
  • HITFACT® 105 - 120 mm Low Recoil Force Turret – Main Features
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    The UK’s Future Ground Combat System Workstrands

    Lieutenant Colonel Simon Routledge

    Lieutenant Colonel Simon Routledge, SO1 Land Systems , Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)

  • Update from DSTL
  • Prospects for the British Army
  • Future research
  • clock


    Cockerill – A New Beginning in Lethality / Weapon Systems

    Mr Jonathan Scrabeck

    Mr Jonathan Scrabeck, Vice President, Marketing & Product Development (US) , CMI Defence

  • John Cockerill - New Beginning
  • Cockerill CPWS 2.0 update
  • Lethality solutions & product improvements
  • Innovation & Exploration
  • Simulation Advances
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    A Technical Assessment of JAGUAR Integrated Weapon Systems Capabilities

  • CTAS cannon and ammunition handling system, reducing signature and increasing firepower
  • Greater fire control and target acquisition for effectiveness across urban and open environments
  • Integrating missile launch capabilities for greater range and anti-tank capabilities
  • Ensuring effective armour across weapon systems for enhanced survivability
  • Captain Nicolas Sallien

    Captain Nicolas Sallien, Technical Manager Jaguar, DGA

    Mr Florian Wiss

    Mr Florian Wiss, Fire support manager of JAGUAR vehicle , DGA



    Future evolution of weapons and in particular a presentation on the 140 mm weapon of the future Franco -MGCS

    Mike Duckworth

    Mike Duckworth, Vice President Regional Sales, Nexter Systems

  • Weapon Systems at the core of the NEXTER Group strategy
  • Modern and innovative solutions covering weapon, ammunition and turret systems
  • Highlighting how NEXTER is prioritising its offer for current and future armoured vehicles
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Platform Based Loitering Munitions

    Mr Shane Cohen

    Mr Shane Cohen, VP Marketing & Sales, UVision Air Ltd

  • Smart and Lethal Loitering Concept
  • HERO Family for all Echelons
  • Operational Scenarios
  • Platform Based Examples
  • clock


    Research and Development for Greater Beyond Line of Sight Firepower Capabilities

  • An S&T perspective on the development of new technology for greater beyond-line of sight firepower capabilities
  • Achieving greater range and accuracy in indirect fire
  • Testing and evaluating beyond-line of sight weapon systems
  • Challenges in integrating indirect fire systems onto armoured platforms
  • Mr Wim de Ruijter MSc

    Mr Wim de Ruijter MSc, Senior Scientist, Weapon Systems, TNO

    Mr Jelmer Korstanje MSc

    Mr Jelmer Korstanje MSc, Scientist, Weapon Systems, TNO



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Brigadier (ret'd) Ian Cameron-Mowat

    Brigadier (ret'd) Ian Cameron-Mowat, Director, IMP Castle Associates Limited



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Brigadier (ret'd) Ian Cameron-Mowat

    Brigadier (ret'd) Ian Cameron-Mowat, Director, IMP Castle Associates Limited



    Evolution or Revolution? The Future of Battlefield Lethality

    Dr Mike Dalzell

    Dr Mike Dalzell, Future Concepts Lead , Lockheed Martin UK

  • Game-changing technologies in Armoured Vehicle evolution since 1939
  • Developing a teaming approach:
  • Mounted-Dismounted Teaming
  • Direct-Indirect fires Teaming
  • Manned-Unmanned Teaming
  • Is ‘lighter and faster’ a realistic aspiration?
  • A way forward
  • clock


    M60T Modernization and Weapon System Considerations

    Mr Serhat Ozturk

    Mr Serhat Ozturk, Senior Expert Engineer/Project Engineer, Presidency of Defence Industrie, SSB

  • Current modernization plans for the M60T
  • Advancing Weapons System Capability
  • New Technologies and integration challenges
  • Delivering precision strike
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    BAE Hagglunds Approach To Modern and Intelligent Weapon Systems

    Mr Edvard Kleberg

    Mr Edvard Kleberg, Manager Weapons and Fire Control Systems, BAE Systems Hägglunds AB

  • The rise of automaton of weapon systems
  • Man and machine teaming
  • CV90 weapon systems successes
  • clock


    Experimental communication architectures for integrated weapon systems

    Dr. Periklis Charchalakis

    Dr. Periklis Charchalakis, Technical Manager, Vetronics Research Centre

  • Operation with non-safety-critical networks
  • End-to-end data integrity via cryptographic functions
  • Ultra low-latency communication middleware designs
  • Advanced Data Models for faster development, integration, and upgrades
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Industry Approaches to Modern Operational Threats

  • “Up-gunning” vs enhancements in munition systems
  • Providing capabilities to meet both mounted and dismounted requirements
  • Evaluating the importance of matching near-peer adversaries
  • Mr Alessandro Tognetti

    Mr Alessandro Tognetti, Capture & Development Manager - Land Products, LEONARDO, Defence Systems

    Mr Jonathan Scrabeck

    Mr Jonathan Scrabeck, Vice President, Marketing & Product Development (US) , CMI Defence

    Mike Duckworth

    Mike Duckworth, Vice President Regional Sales, Nexter Systems

    Mr Edvard Kleberg

    Mr Edvard Kleberg, Manager Weapons and Fire Control Systems, BAE Systems Hägglunds AB

    Dr Mike Dalzell

    Dr Mike Dalzell, Future Concepts Lead , Lockheed Martin UK



    Extended Realities – A Training & Simulation Perspective on VR, AR and related Technologies in Armoured Warfare

    Mr Andy Fawkes

    Mr Andy Fawkes, Director, Thinke Company Ltd

  • Preparing soldiers for mounted combat with advanced AR simulation
  • The need for greater training and simulation as systems and battlefields become more complex
  • Future outlook for armoured land combat simulation and training
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea

    Brigadier (ret'd) Ian Cameron-Mowat

    Brigadier (ret'd) Ian Cameron-Mowat, Director, IMP Castle Associates Limited



    Close of Conference

    IMP Castle Associates Limited
    Technical Manager Jaguar
    Future Concepts Lead
    Lockheed Martin UK
    Technical Manager
    Vetronics Research Centre
    Modernization Program Officer
    US Army
    Specialist-Land Platforms
    Undersecretariat for Defence Industry
    SO1 Lethality and 40mm CTCA Programme Manager
    British Army
    SO1 Land Systems
    Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
    Vice President Regional Sales
    Nexter Systems
    Capture & Development Manager - Land Products
    LEONARDO, Defence Systems
    Thinke Company Ltd
    Manager Weapons and Fire Control Systems
    BAE Systems Hägglunds AB
    Fire support manager of JAGUAR vehicle
    Scientist, Weapon Systems
    Vice President, Marketing & Product Development (US)
    CMI Defence
    Senior Expert Engineer/Project Engineer
    Presidency of Defence Industrie, SSB
    VP Marketing & Sales
    UVision Air Ltd
    Senior Scientist, Weapon Systems

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Supporting Media Partners

    Preliminary attendee list for 2019




    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    John Cockerill Defense

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    John Cockerill, An international, Reliable & Efficient group

    John cockerill, solutions for every market

    John cockerill designs, installs, upgrades and services equipment for energy, defense, Steel-making, the environment and other industries in general. John cockerill assists Clients throughout the whole of the life-cycle of their equipment in order to improve the Economic, technical and environmental performance of this equipment.

    When technology inspires people

    John cockerill has numerous assets: a unique combination of expertise in engineering, Maintenance and the management of international technical projects, a vast geographic And technological scope, and an ability to innovate in accordance with the concrete Needs of its customers.

    Designing the equipment of the future

    Proud of its past and aware of its own capacities to invent the processes of the future, John cockerill intends to contribute to meeting the challenges of today’s society and to Generate sustainable industrial progress for the benefit of its customers, employees, the Communities in which it is established, and the planet.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Leveraging the design and integrated support of commercial and military aircraft, trainers and unmanned aerial vehicles, Leonardo has developed mission-specific aircraft. The C27J is the most flexible, robust and reliable tactical transport aircraft on the market. Designed to support a variety of missions such as intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions and tactical transport and built to operate from short unpaved runways in the harshest environments. Leonardo is a world player in Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space, developing advanced components to fully integrated systems and platforms.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Nexter, part of the KNDS Group, aims to meet the needs of French and foreign armies, through the design, development and production of complete defense systems; artillery guns and armored vehicles. Its field of activity extends to the supply of systems and ammunition for the air and naval forces. Nexter is the only system integrating French ground defense and is the manufacturer of a long line of vehicles such as the VBCI, TITUS®, and ARAVIS® armored vehicles as well as the CAESAR®, TRAJAN® and 105LG1 artillery systems. Nexter offers a range of services to support its customers throughout the life cycle of its products, from design to maintenance in operational condition. The group maintains its skills and know-how across its spectrum of activity and benefits from its integrative system-integrator position to better anticipate the needs of the armed forces and find global and appropriate responses - thus enabling it to be among the best in terrestrial defense and in terms of security: digital challenges, management of embedded energies (mobility, protection, stealth, etc.), robotics and drone.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Rheinmetall and UVision joined forces to provide the European market with precise, combat-proven Loitering Munitions systems. Leveraging both companies’ expertise and capabilities, a broader portfolio of combat platforms is now offered to armed forces meeting the growing demand for advanced weapon systems. At the core of this technological-commercial partnership is the HERO series of Loitering Munitions at different weight classes designed for different missions ranging from lightweight static or moving targets, such as light-duty vehicles and human targets, to larger fortified or heavily-armored targets, such as MBT (Main Battle Tank), enemy air defenses and other strategic objectives. The HERO series are designed to provide operating forces in the modem battlefield with the ultimate operational flexibility. They bring to the fighting forces unique independent fire capabilities combined with quality ISR, allowing them to locate, track and engage time sensitive low signature enemy targets at extended ranges organically and independently. Thanks to this partnership, the HERO Loitering Munitions is now offered to Leading Armed Forces and will soon be manufactured in Italy by RWM-Italia.

    For more information on UVision, please visit www.uvisionuav.com

    Media Partners

    Defense Express

    Supporting Media Partners

    Limited Liability Company “DEFENSE EXPRESS MEDIA AND CONSULTING” highlights events in security, defense and military cooperation areas. Regular information products of the company: - Daily News Wire and Analysis on http://www.defense-ua.com; - Weekly newsletter “Ukrainian Defense Survey”; - “DEFENSE EXPRESS” Magazine; - “Ukrainian Defense Review” Magazine (in English); - Book series “Weapons of Ukraine”. Company also provides advice and assistance based on deep analytical skills and knowledge of the conditions and characteristics of Ukrainian military market to companies, government bodies and intermediaries in the implementation of their strategy, relating to finding new partners and interests promoting.

    Military Systems and Technology

    Supporting Media Partners

    Military Systems & Technology is a comprehensive web portal, design agency and publication designed for the International Defence & Aerospace Industry. It is a source of daily information for Manufacturers, OEM’S, System Integrators and Contractors. We even have Government & Military Readers. The portal encompasses all aspects of Military equipment, technology, design and services. www.militarysystems-tech.com info@militarysystems-tech.com +44 (0)1392 881545


    Supporting Media Partners

    SecurityClearedJobs.com is an on-line job board designed and marketed to attract candidates who work within Defence, Government and Nuclear sectors. We advertise 1000’s of job opportunities both on a Permanent and Contract basis covering opportunities within all industry sectors. Visit our site www.SecurityClearedJobs.com to search for your next job opportunity.

    Warfare Today

    Supporting Media Partners

    Warfare.Today is an online magazine devoted to current military operations and development, technology, defence news and security analysis. We draw on a massive range of sources to deliver holistic reporting across the defence sector, but with a primary bias towards the UK Armed Forces.


    Supporting Media Partners

    ARMSCOM.net is a B2B /B2G platform for brokers of military goods. ARMSCOM.net is dedicated for Aerospace and Defense Industry with database containing more than 4000 companies and 3400 defense industrial sectors. Add Company and Products Profiles. For more information e-mail: armscom.net@gmail.com or visit http://www.armscom.net, tel.: + 372 816 946 77


    Supporting Media Partners

    SEGURANÇA & DEFESA (“Security & Defense”) is the recognized leader among South American printed defense magazines. It has been in the market for 37 years, and presently is the only one of its kind in Brazil to be nationally distributed. Sold on news stands and by subscriptions, it is sent free of charge to key names and addresses in the defense sector in Brazil and in South American countries.

    Armada International

    Supporting Media Partners

    ARMADA INTERNATIONAL is leading defence magazine which reports on and analyses defence systems, equipment and technology. Together with its Compendium supplements, ARMADA provides defence planners in the militaries, in government, in procurement and in the defence industry itself with the information they need to plan their strategies.

    Defense Conferences

    Supporting Media Partners

    Market Research Media Ltd, a leading market research firm, provides comprehensive market research reports and forecasts to assist governmental and corporate decision makers understand the dynamics of world’s technology markets. Fortune 500 companies, US Congress and EU government bodies rely on our strategic insights.

    Asian Military Review

    Supporting Media Partners

    Asian Military Review is ABC audited publication, read & discussed by key decision makers & advisors to Asia Pacific militaries. Published since 1993 it’s widely recognised as authoritative provider of unbiased & objective information to Asian military. Editorial content comprises capability analysis, special reports & relevant news coverage from the region. AMR provides information, opinion & facts allowing military professionals to track & understand defence developments worldwide, concerning equipment, training, organisation & doctrine issues. The magazine is a proven source keeping military professionals up to date on national & international defence & security issues.


    Supporting Media Partners

    Epicos is a global, multifaceted portal providing Aerospace and Defense industries around the world with business intelligence and active support to access opportunities on international procurements, industrial cooperation and offsets. Epicos has carried out extensive industry analysis and mapping of capabilities of A&D Industries and offers this knowledge to its members helping them to identify business opportunities and to build strategic alliances. Additionally, Epicos supports the global A&D industry through a wide range of on-line services and products including but not limited to: a large online procurement database, an updated Business Directory, an e-library with extensive information regarding procurement and offsets processes systems and an up to the minute news database.

    Defence and Security Alert

    Supporting Media Partners

    Defence and Security Alert (DSA) is the first and only ISO 9001:2015 certified, world-class monthly Indian magazine in defence and security journalism. Covering a strictly research based spectrum of dynamic scenarios in India and challenging horizons beyond national borders, DSA is the only Indian defence magazine available on the intranets of Indian Air Force (IAF) and Border Security Force (BSF). DSA is an ideal platform in this domain to showcase your products, services and cutting-edge technologies. DSA is very extensively circulated among key policy and decision makers in the federal and 28 state governments and corporate world in India and worldwide through print and online editions.

    Homeland Security Research Corporation

    Supporting Media Partners

    HSRC provides premium off-the-shelf market reports on present and emerging technologies and industry expertise, enabling global clients to gain time-critical insight into business opportunities. All reports include in-depth information and analysis of emerging markets, technologies, and industries broken down by geography, market, vertical, technology, product, and revenue stream. Our reports support Homeland Security & Public Safety communities worldwide in their strategic decision-making process, providing up-to-date market knowledge, analysis, and insights. HSRC offers customized research services geared towards providing our clients with clear, actionable recommendations designed to empower decision-making and to help exploit emerging opportunities in the market. The customized research services provide a deep analysis of specific markets and eco-systems, target geographies, strategic segments and verticals, competitor analysis and technological benchmarks. The custom research services are provided as an ad hoc assignment or as an ongoing service.

    Army Technology

    Supporting Media Partners

    Army-technology.com brings you up-to-date international news and features on the defence industry, covering military projects, trends, products, services and more in the army sector. With a team of journalists around the world, army-technology.com, along with sister sites naval-technology.com and airforce-technology.com, is the only business service that focuses on the technologies required by military personnel and companies working in this important field. When you combine this with one of the most comprehensive and detailed listings of military equipment suppliers, products and services, free white paper downloads and company press releases, you see why army-technology.com is the key point of reference for the defence industry.


    Supporting Media Partners

    The DEFENCE SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY is an authoritative online information resource for all defence purchasers. This comprehensive listing of Defence Suppliers has enabled thousands of purchasing professionals to find exactly what they are looking for - in seconds. THE DEFENCE SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY provides a total overview of all the UK's Armed Forces - with a wealth of valuable information about the organisation and structure of the UK's Defence Services, as well as useful facts about developments in the UK Defence Industry Contact us: defenceenquiries@armedforces.co.uk Tel: 01743 241962 website: www.armedforces.co.uk


    Supporting Media Partners

    The Counter-IED Report is a specialist publication, which serves as an information source to communicate the latest developments in the fight against the IED threat. The aim of the report is to identify technological advances as well as strategies and tactics for reducing successful IED manufacture and placement. For more information please visit website: www.counteriedreport.com

    21st Century Asian Arms Race

    Supporting Media Partners

    21st Century Asian Arms Race (21AAR) is an online resource for conflict and security related information specific to Eurasia. 21AAR's editorial style and open source approach to gathering public intelligence ensures a unique and independent presentation of events in real-time.

    Copthorne Tara Hotel

    Scarsdale Place
    London W8 5SR
    United Kingdom

    Copthorne Tara Hotel

    The Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington is an elegant contemporary four-star hotel in prestigious Kensington, located just a two minutes walk from High Street Kensington underground station, making exploring easy. The hotel offers well-appointed and comfortable guest rooms combining Standard, Superior and Club accommodation. Club rooms offer iconic views over the city and include Club Lounge access for complimentary breakfast and refreshments. Guests can sample the authentic Singaporean, Malaysian and Chinese cuisine at Bugis Street, traditional pub fare at the Brasserie Restaurant & Bar or relax with a delicious drink at West8 Cocktail Lounge & Bar.

    The Copthorne Tara Hotel boasts 745 square meters of flexible meeting space, consisting of the Shannon Suite and the Liffey Suite, ideal for hosting conferences, weddings and social events. Facilities include access to the business centre 24 hours a day, fully equipped fitness room, gift shop, theatre desk and Bureau de Change. With ample onsite parking outside the London congestion charge zone and excellent transport links via Heathrow Airport, the hotel is the perfect location for business or leisure stays. The hotel is within close proximity to the shops of High Street Kensington, Knightsbridge and Westfield London, Olympia Conference Centre, Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Palace and Hyde Park.




    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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