Military Airlift: Rapid Reaction & Tanker Operations
3 December - 4 December 2012
Military Airlift: Rapid Reaction & Tanker Operations

Join us at SAE Media Group’s 13th annual Military Airlift conference, the largest bespoke Military Airlift conference in Europe. This must-attend event enjoys high-level support from across NATO and beyond, year-on-year. Our conference also engages with an extensive network of industry representatives as we continue to bring both the key military and industry stakeholders of the airlift community together.


For this year’s post-conference activity, the Italian Air Force Chief of Air Staff and Air Mobility Commander have kindly arranged a display of the new KC767A platform at Pisa AFB on December 5th to give our delegates a complete overview of Italian Air Force transport and air refuelling capabilities. To complement this, Brigadier General Aurelio Colagrande, Commander of the ITAF 46th Air Brigade will be delivering a keynote presentation at the conference Florence. Our positioning in Italy in 2012 is in keeping with our commitment to provide our delegates with the best possible experience in the most relevant locations each year. The site visit is free to attend for those registered onto the conference!


Brigadier General Aurelio Colagrande

Brigadier General Aurelio Colagrande

Commander, 46th Air Brigade, Italian Air Force
Major General Pascal Valentin

Major General Pascal Valentin

Commander, European Air Transport Command, French Air Force

Alex Munro

Business Development Manager - Middle East, National Air Cargo
Alex Munro

Brent Deen

Director Airlift Management Programme, NATO Support Agency
Brent Deen

Brigadier (Rtd) Hamish McNinch MBE

Brigadier (Rtd) Hamish McNinch MBE

Brigadier General Aurelio Colagrande

Commander, 46th Air Brigade, Italian Air Force
Brigadier General Aurelio Colagrande

Brig Gen Colagrande, who was born in L'Aquila on October 8, 1962, comes from the normal course of the Air Force, attended in the years 1981-1985 with the Course "Eagle IV", earning a degree in Aeronautical Science from the University of University of Naples Federico II. On October 4, 1986 he received at the ENJJPT (European NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training) Sheppard AFB (TX), the patent of Military Aircraft Pilot T38. He attended the 55 ° Normal Course at the School of Air Warfare of Florence, the NATO Forward Air Controller Course at the 46 ° Stormo Furstenfeldbruck (GE), 28 ° of the Flight Safety Course at the school teaching method Guidonia (RM) and the Tactical Leadership Programme Florennes (BE) and Trapani.

Assigned to the 2nd Squadron in 1987 in Treviso, on 1 January 1989 was transferred to 51 ° Stormo of Istrana, together with the staff of the CBR 103 Squadron, where he served as Commander of the 213 ^ and 210 Squadron, the Section Chief and Training officer in Flight Safety. Subsequently, the 51st Wing acquitted the positions of Head Office Operations Squadron from September 1996 to September 1997 and Commander of 103 Squadron from September 1997 to August 1999.

From 1995 to 1999 he participated in all NATO air operations over the skies of the Balkans, making over 100 hours flight time of war, getting to the activities performed during the operation "Allied Force" the honor of Knight of the Order of Military 'Italy; Promoted to Colonel on 1 January 2000 and, in the same year, after attending the 2nd ISSMI Course at the Centre for High Defence Studies in Rome, was assigned to the 4th Logistics Department of the General Staff as Head of the Working Group AM-X. In 2002 he was transferred to the Joint Strike Fighter Program Office in Washington, DC (USA) as a National Deputy Representative and Chief of the Italian navy and being established since July 2006 he was appointed Head of Office 1 4th Department of C4ISTAR the SMA and Head of the Working Group JSF.
General Colagrande has assets over 2600 flying hours on aircraft such as SIAI 260, T37, T38, G91T, G91R, MB339, AMX-T, AMX and Tornado.
In 2004 he obtained a Master in International Relations at the University of Milan.

E'insignito the following honors:
Knight of the Military Order of Italy for the operation "Allied Force" in Kosovo;
Legion of Merit of the U.S. Armed Forces;
Gold Medal of Military Aeronautics Long Navigation;
Golden Cross by length of service;
Badge of Silver specialty hunting for operations in Kosovo;
NATO Medal for military operations in former Yugoslavia and in Kosovo.

General Colagrande is married to Gabrielle Santarelli and have two sons, Luke, 11, and Michela of 9 years.

Captain Adam Dalson

Commander's Action Group, 100th Air Refuelling Wing, USAF
Captain Adam Dalson

Colonel Bas Pellemans

Commander , Royal Netherlands Air Force
Colonel Bas Pellemans

Colonel Christian Schmidt

Director, Movement Coordination Centre Europe, Danish Defence Forces
Colonel Christian Schmidt

Colonel Giorgio Seravalle

Chief of Air Operations, Air Mobility Command, Italian Air Force
Colonel Giorgio Seravalle

Colonel Robin Schultze

Chief En Route Medical Care Division, Air Mobility Command, USAF
Colonel Robin Schultze

Dennis Gliznoutsa

Vice President Charter Business Development , Volga-Dnepr Airlines
Dennis Gliznoutsa

Dimitrios Petridis

Programme Manager of the Aviation Support Programme Office, NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency
Dimitrios Petridis

Ian Elliott OBE

Vice President Defence Capability Marketing, Airbus Military
Ian Elliott OBE

Jane Waite

Senior Marketing Specialist - Aviation, Carmanah Technologies Corp
Jane Waite

Lieutenant Colonel Albert Vietje

ISAF Strategic Flight Coordination Centre, NATO
Lieutenant Colonel Albert Vietje

Lieutenant Colonel Laurent Donnet

European Defence Agency Assistant Capability Manager, Belgian Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel Laurent Donnet

Lieutenant Colonel Metodi Metodiev

EDA Project Officer Deployability, Bulgarian Armed Forces
Lieutenant Colonel Metodi Metodiev

Major Chad Taylor

JAPCC Staff Officer, USAF
Major Chad Taylor

Major General Pascal Valentin

Commander, European Air Transport Command, French Air Force
Major General Pascal Valentin

Thomas Dunehew

Vice President Business Development for Mobility, Surveillance and Engagement, Boeing
Thomas Dunehew

Vincenzo Afeltra

Head of International Sales, Alenia Aermacchi
Vincenzo Afeltra

Conference agenda



Arrival of delegation (coach from Florence) / Coffee Break



Welcome by General Commander; Briefing by Chief of Operations Branch; Q&A



Coffee Break



Visit National Training Center; Visit SIMULATOR C130J and C27J



Lunch at the Officers Mess



Visit Hangar 5; Visit C130J, C27J and KC767A aircraft



Coffee Break



Departure of delegation (coach for Florence)



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Brigadier (Rtd) Hamish McNinch MBE

Brigadier (Rtd) Hamish McNinch MBE, ,



HOST NATION OPENING ADDRESS: Tactical Operations of the 46th Air Brigade

Brigadier General Aurelio Colagrande, Commander, 46th Air Brigade, Italian Air Force

  • Capacity, future plans and commitment to NATO operations
  • Pisa AFB as an airlift hub: Opportunities and delivery
  • Industry partnerships and tools for tactical airlift
  • Coordinating rapid response
  • clock


    Strategic and Tactical Airlift Efficiency

    Thomas Dunehew

    Thomas Dunehew, Vice President Business Development for Mobility, Surveillance and Engagement, Boeing

  • Strategic and Tactical Airlift Efficiency
  • Air Refueling For The Future
  • Value Of Planned Interoperable And Deployable Assets
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    HOST NATION ADDRESS: Strategic Air Transport and the KC767A

    Colonel Giorgio Seravalle

    Colonel Giorgio Seravalle, Chief of Air Operations, Air Mobility Command, Italian Air Force

  • Overview of strategic airlift capability in ITAF
  • The new KC767 AAR platform
  • Impact of MRTT capabilities across the air fleet, including the C-130J and C-27J of the 46th Air Brigade
  • Multinational cooperation on AAR and beyond
  • clock


    The C-27J SPARTAN: A Real Multimission Aircraft

    Vincenzo Afeltra

    Vincenzo Afeltra, Head of International Sales, Alenia Aermacchi

  • Overview
  • Missions capability news
  • MC-27J : SPARTAN Gets Tough
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Should Small Air Forces Continue with Standalone Airlift Capability or is Further Intensification of International Cooperation the only Affordable Answer?

    Colonel Bas Pellemans

    Colonel Bas Pellemans , Commander , Royal Netherlands Air Force

  • Experience with current fleet, upgrade programmes and airworthiness regulations
  • C2 cooperation; the RNLAF as part of the EATC and HAW
  • Future plans and initiatives
  • clock


    Strategic Airlift Capability

    Brent Deen

    Brent Deen, Director Airlift Management Programme, NATO Support Agency

  • NATO’s role in the SAC programme
  • From build-up to steady state operation
  • Achievements and challenges and potential future developments
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Update on AAR and Airlift Projects at JAPCC

    Major Chad Taylor

    Major Chad Taylor, JAPCC Staff Officer, USAF

  • The AAR Clearance Matrix Project
  • Demonstration of the Beta version of the Electronic “annex” to ATP-56
  • Further information on AAR clearances
  • clock


    AAR: European Solutions for a European Shortfall

    Lieutenant Colonel Laurent Donnet

    Lieutenant Colonel Laurent Donnet, European Defence Agency Assistant Capability Manager, Belgian Air Force

  • Not only is there insufficient AAR capability in Europe but it is fragmented too 
  • How to get the best out of existing programs
  • How to augment capability
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One






    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Brigadier (Rtd) Hamish McNinch MBE

    Brigadier (Rtd) Hamish McNinch MBE, ,



    KEYNOTE ADDRESS: The European Air Transport Command: A Success Story?

    Major General Pascal Valentin

    Major General Pascal Valentin, Commander, European Air Transport Command, French Air Force

  • Introduction and reinforcing the EATC message
  • Assessment of EATC’s performance and progress
  • EATC’s future role in P&S of MRTT assets
  • Accession of new members
  • clock


    Resolving the Challenges of Rapid Response Airfields Through Solar Technology

    Jane Waite

    Jane Waite, Senior Marketing Specialist - Aviation, Carmanah Technologies Corp

  • The impact of unreliable power, inaccessible infrastructure and challenging weather on rapid deployment situations and safe airfield operations
  • Solar airfield technology- a simple solution to assist airfield managers with maintaining around-the-clock airfield operations through the difficult conditions typically encountered in conflict zones, disaster relief missions and other emergency situations
  • The implementation of solar airfield lighting in a tactical environment, and offer insight into the latest technology innovations that make solar power an increasingly viable option around the globe
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    EU Multimodal Transport Hub

    Lieutenant Colonel Metodi Metodiev

    Lieutenant Colonel Metodi Metodiev, EDA Project Officer Deployability, Bulgarian Armed Forces

  • How multimodality is currently done in Europe
  • How to optimise the use of European infrastructure and transportation assets
  • What are the advantages of a hub system?
  • clock


    The Northern Route: Multimodal Logistic Solutions for ISAF

    Dennis Gliznoutsa

    Dennis Gliznoutsa, Vice President Charter Business Development , Volga-Dnepr Airlines



    Multi Modal - A Solution for Afghanistan

    Alex Munro

    Alex Munro, Business Development Manager - Middle East, National Air Cargo



    Networking Lunch



    ISFCC: ISAF Strategic Flight Coordination Centre

    Lieutenant Colonel Albert Vietje

    Lieutenant Colonel Albert Vietje, ISAF Strategic Flight Coordination Centre, NATO

  • Ongoing NATO reform in respect to airlift coordination
  • ISFCC as the current Active Coordination Centre for ISAF airlift (excluding USAF military aircraft)
  • Efforts in progress to optimize with focus on: Sustainment, redeployment and avoid empty legs;
  • maximum support to Sail-Rail-Fly process and multinational charter
  • clock


    NAMSA: The Cost-Effective way for Maintenance & Supply of Military Airlift Ops

    Dimitrios Petridis

    Dimitrios Petridis, Programme Manager of the Aviation Support Programme Office, NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency

  • FWA involvement: Unscheduled DLM & Battle Damage Repairs for C-130s and major modifications for C-5,  JSTARS and KC-135 Aircraft to meet in theatre requirements; MRO & Supply support
  • HELI involvement: Phased Inspections, DLM and fleet wide modifications prior to deployment in theatre; Western types of helicopters / Mi -17 helicopters   
  • MRO & Supply support
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    The Movement Coordination Centre Europe

    Colonel Christian Schmidt

    Colonel Christian Schmidt, Director, Movement Coordination Centre Europe, Danish Defence Forces

  • Activities at the MCCE
  • Harmonising cross-European airlift and aerial refuelling
  • Improving aerial efficiencies and sharing assets among member nations
  • clock


    Spanning the Tactical-Strategic Divide: Developing the Capabilities of the A400M

    Ian Elliott OBE

    Ian Elliott OBE, Vice President Defence Capability Marketing, Airbus Military

  • Marrying strategic requirements with capability
  • From initial plans to delivery: What expected and unexpected strategic capability was delivered?
  • The full air transport and air-to-air refueling product range and where it applies
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two




    Business Development Manager - Middle East
    National Air Cargo
    Director Airlift Management Programme
    NATO Support Agency
    Commander, 46th Air Brigade
    Italian Air Force
    Commander's Action Group, 100th Air Refuelling Wing
    Royal Netherlands Air Force
    Director, Movement Coordination Centre Europe
    Danish Defence Forces
    Chief of Air Operations, Air Mobility Command
    Italian Air Force
    Chief En Route Medical Care Division, Air Mobility Command
    Vice President Charter Business Development
    Volga-Dnepr Airlines
    Programme Manager of the Aviation Support Programme Office
    NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency
    Vice President Defence Capability Marketing
    Airbus Military
    Senior Marketing Specialist - Aviation
    Carmanah Technologies Corp
    ISAF Strategic Flight Coordination Centre
    European Defence Agency Assistant Capability Manager
    Belgian Air Force
    EDA Project Officer Deployability
    Bulgarian Armed Forces
    JAPCC Staff Officer
    Commander, European Air Transport Command
    French Air Force
    Vice President Business Development for Mobility, Surveillance and Engagement
    Head of International Sales
    Alenia Aermacchi


    Site Visit to Pisa AFB

    Site Visit to Pisa AFB

    Hilton Florence Metropole
    5 December 2012
    Florence, Italy

    Hilton Florence Metropole

    Via del Cavallaccio, 36
    50142 Firenze Italy

    Hilton Florence Metropole



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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