Defence Exports

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SAE Media Group is delighted to announce its 15th annual Defence Exports conference, which will convene in September 2021, in London, UK.

Defence Exports will return as the leading event for industry professionals and government officials around the world, dealing with defence trade compliance. A truly global event, delegates will hear from government speakers and senior international trade compliance professionals from around the world on regulation controls including ITAR, EAR, ECR, Dual-Use and the Wassenaar Arrangement.

COVID Update: The UK government has announced that passengers arriving from amber countries who have been fully vaccinated in Europe and the USA will not have to quarantine when entering England. For more information on this please see the link here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-travel-update-government-waives-quarantine-for-arrivals-fully-vaccinated-from-europe-and-usa-while-also-confirming-international-cruise-restart


Dr Myron Chiu

Dr Myron Chiu

Head of EU Transition and Sanctions Policy, ECJU, UK Department for International Trade
Mr Alexander K. Lopes, Jr.

Mr Alexander K. Lopes, Jr.

Director, Office of Nonproliferation and Treaty Compliance, Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce
Mr Gary Stanley

Mr Gary Stanley

President, Global Legal Services
Mr Stephane Chardon

Mr Stephane Chardon

Export Control Coordinator, European Commission
Mr Warren Bayliss

Mr Warren Bayliss

Head of Export Controls - Defence, Rolls-Royce Plc

Dr Myron Chiu

Head of EU Transition and Sanctions Policy, ECJU, UK Department for International Trade
Dr Myron Chiu

Dr Myron Jenping Chiu is currently the head of EU Transition and Sanctions Policy in Export Control Joint Unit of Department for International Trade (DIT) which brings in the expertise from Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, DIT and Ministry of Defence. Prior to DIT, Dr Chiu was working on EU-UK trade negotiation on services liberalisation on the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. In addition, Dr Chiu spent several years working as a consultant in foreign investment to Far East before being a research associate in School of Oriental and African Studies lecturing and researching in political economy with a special reference to East Asia.

Dr Roger Arthey

Chair, Export Control Profession Board, The Institute of Export and International Trade
Dr Roger Arthey

Roger has over 30 years’ experience of international trade, his most recent position being Head of Export Control Compliance at Rolls-Royce plc where he promoted export compliance systems and processes which were both effective and cost-efficient. Previously he was Director for Airline Sales, firstly in Rolls-Royce Inc. in the USA and subsequently for the joint venture BMW Rolls-Royce in Germany. He then held various commercial and business posts in Rolls-Royce’s control systems and purchasing organisations.

Roger holds a PhD in Metallurgy from the University of Birmingham.

The Export Control Profession has been created by the Institute of Export and International Trade to promote professional recognition and professional development of export control professionals, by providing members with essential resources, professional points of contact, and learning and development support.

Mr Alexander Groba

Director Foreign Trade, MTU Aero Engines
Mr Alexander Groba

In 2017 Alexander Groba joined MTU Aero Engines, Germany’s leading engine manufacturer, as Head of Customs, Export Control and Foreign Trade. Being an established global player in the industry, MTU is engaged in the development, manufacture, marketing and support of commercial and military aircraft engines in all thrust and power categories and industrial gas turbines.

Prior to his engagement at MTU, Alexander was Airbus Group’s Coordinator for U.S. Export Control, driving the company through the U.S. export control reform, and also headed the Centre of Competence Tools & Training. Before being selected to support the corporate team in 2010, he served as Head of Customs and Export Control of Tesat-Spacecom, Europe’s largest equipment supplier in the field of satellite communications. Until 2007, he worked within the Central Export Administration of EADS, providing guidance to the German subsidiaries.

Furthermore, being a regular speaker on conferences around the World, e.g. in Ankara, London, Washington or Paris, Alexander works as a consultant and lecturer, is co-author of the German textbook “Praxis der US-(Re-)Exportkontrolle” (3rd edition, 2015) and published various articles in the field of trade compliance.

He graduated with a diploma from Brunswick European Law School and holds an MBA from Steinbeis University Berlin.

Mr Alexander K. Lopes, Jr.

Director, Office of Nonproliferation and Treaty Compliance, Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce
Mr Alexander K. Lopes, Jr.

Alex Lopes joined the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security in 2002 as an export licensing officer. He was appointed to the Senior Executive Service and selected to his current position as Director, Office of Nonproliferation and Treaty Compliance in August 2008. His office is responsible for developing, refining and implementing export controls on dual use items that may contribute to the development of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and for missile delivery systems. He is also responsible for administering U.S. unilateral export controls including exports of items controlled for protection of human rights and export controls associated with international sanctions. His Office represents the Department in multilateral export control regimes including the Australia Group for controls of dual use chemical and biological items, the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the Missile Technology Controls Regime. His office has a leading role in the Bureau’s effort to engage foreign governments and industries to strengthen and align their domestic and internal export controls with international norms to enhance compliance with the Export Administration Regulations and insure U.S. origin items are not diverted to countries, end users and end uses of proliferation concern. In addition to export control responsibilities, his office also has cognizance over U.S. industry compliance with international arms control treaties including the Chemical Weapons Convention and Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

Prior to joining the Commerce Department, Mr. Lopes served in the United States Navy as a nuclear submariner and was a high school physics teacher. He holds a Master of Education Degree from George Mason University and a Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering from the United States Naval Academy.

Mr Brad Kabanuk

Founder & President, Content Enablers
Mr Brad Kabanuk

Given his industry expertise as a licensed attorney and compliance practitioner, Brad understands that compliance training must be personalized to each company’s business operations and individual employees in order to be the most effective. This key insight is the foundation upon which he built Content Enablers, and continues to be the standard that the company uses when designing customized online training for each client.
In addition to driving Content Enablers’ overarching strategy and business initiatives, Brad oversees the creative development and design process to maximize the user experience and presentation of the training content.
Prior to founding Content Enablers, Brad pioneered the development of ExportLink.com, the first web-based solution for managing the complex international trade process – from planning and evaluation to marketing, sales, compliance, finance, and shipping. Export-Link was acquired by NextLinx, Corp., where Brad worked for two years as vice president of online services. He also served as a vice president for international services for a major Washington, D.C. defense contractor and as an international trade advisor for the State of Minnesota.

Mr Dana Collins

Chief Legal and Compliance Officer, Draken International, LLC
Mr Dana Collins

Dana Collins is the Chief Legal and Compliance Officer for Draken International. Draken provides aviation services to Defense Departments that includes owning and operating a fleet of foreign fighter aircraft to fly as a simulated adversary in U.S. military pilot training. At Draken, Dana leads the Legal, Compliance, Contracts, and Human Resources Departments. Prior to joining Draken, Dana was responsible for GKN Aerospace’s North American Legal and Compliance departments. Dana also worked at Lockheed Martin as F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program Counsel and as an associate in the Government Contracts Practice Group at Odin, Feldman and Pittleman LLP. Dana served in the U.S. Army for ten years as a Judge Advocate and Military Intelligence Officer. Dana has an MBA from The University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business, a JD from The University of Texas School of Law, and a BA from the University of Notre Dame.

Mr David Lamberti

Head of Division, Licences for Conventional Armaments, Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA)
Mr David Lamberti

After studying law, Mr David Lamberti started working at the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) in the field of renewable energies in 2009. After working in the Human Resources Unit, he headed the General Legal Unit for several years before switching to the Export Control Division in 2019. Initially, Mr Lamberti headed the Unit Licences for Dual-Use Items. At the beginning of 2020, he was responsible for the export control of personal protective equipment. Since October 2020 Mr Lamberti has been heading the Unit Licensing for Conventional Armaments.

Mr Edward Peartree

Group Head of Export Controls, BAE Systems
Mr Edward Peartree

Ed Peartree is the Group Deputy Head of Export Controls , Licensing and Policy at BAE Systems plc. Mr. Peartree previously served as the Director of the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Defense Trade Controls Policy, where he oversaw the development of U.S. regulations and policies governing the export of defense articles and services, the commodity jurisdiction and classification process, license screening and risk analysis, and global end-use monitoring program (“Blue Lantern” program). He also led engagement on bilateral and multilateral defense trade matters, including the U.S.-UK and U.S.- Australia Defense Trade Cooperation Treaties.

Mr Gary Stanley

President, Global Legal Services
Mr Gary Stanley

Gary Stanley is the President of Global Legal Services, PC, a Washington, DC-based law firm focusing on trade compliance issues. Mr. Stanley represents, among others, numerous U.S., Canadian, and European companies on defense export control issues. He publishes the daily Defense and Export-Import Update newsletter and frequently speaks at ITAR training events around the world. Mr. Stanley has also provided export control training to multiple Canadian Government agencies and the Russian Government.

Mr Jack Overell

Senior Conference Producer/Project Lead US Defence Events, SMi Group Ltd
Mr Jack Overell

Mr Jim Huish

Managing Director - Export Controls and Sanctions, FTI Consulting
Mr Jim Huish

Jim Huish is a Managing Director and the EMEA Leader of the Export Controls & Sanctions offering in the Forensic & Litigation Consulting (FLC) segment at FTI Consulting, and he is based in London. Jim specializes in international trade compliance including customs compliance, supply chain security, export controls, economic sanctions, antiboycott, and related US and global regulations.

Jim helps his clients build or enhance their trade compliance programs through a practical approach to procedural enhancements, audits, and trainings that are properly benchmarked. Having worked across multiple industry sectors he is able to provide both proactive and reactive solutions to clients, balancing these multi-jurisdictional laws and regulations with the practical realities of implementing sustainable solutions into the day-to-day operations of the company.

Jim has extensive experience advising clients on compliance matters using his supply chain and security background to define and deploy risk-based solutions. His ability to balance the regulatory requirements and the operational needs drawing from his multi-jurisdictional experience gives client a unique perspective and solution-focused approach.

Prior to FTI Consulting, Jim held various positions in large multinationals in various compliance positions in the telecom, power management, aerospace and defence, and high-tech sectors. He served as the Regional Compliance Director with a telecommunications manufacturer where he led compliance efforts in Europe and Russia under intense government scrutiny including multiple government-imposed monitors.

Jim started his career in industry, spent six years in consulting, including leading the European export controls practice for a Big 4 firm, and then went back into industry, where he was responsible for defining and implementing compliance programs following legacy compliance breaches.

Jim is a member of several trade associations within the United Kingdom and is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. He also speaks regularly at seminars, conferences, and other international trade forums sharing his experience gained from over 20 years of experience in the international trade arena.

Jim holds a BA Hons in International Business Studies with French focus from the University of Northumbria, along with a Bachelor Européen de Commerce et de Gestion des Entreprises. Ecole Superièure de Commerce de La Rochelle, France.

Mr Peter Ritchie

Trade Compliance Lead , Northrop Grumman (Seconded to Sealand Support Services Ltd)
Mr Peter Ritchie

Peter first moved into Trade Compliance in 2015, after a career in engineering. Since then he has been part of the compliance programme of three global aerospace and defence companies; Rolls-Royce, Collins Aerospace, and most recently Northrop Grumman. In his adventures Peter has had experience in business partnering roles, ‘head office’ roles with responsibility for global process and tools, and classification specialist roles.
In his current position he leads Trade Compliance for a joint venture providing MRO&U services for the F-35 in Europe.
Peter is a Member of the Institute of Export and International Trade, Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society, and a Chartered engineer.

Mr Rob Hart

Chief, Regulatory and Multilateral Affairs, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), U.S. Department of State
Mr Rob Hart

Rob Hart is the Division Chief for the Regulatory and Multilateral Affairs (RMA) division, in the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls ("DDTC") Office of Defense Trade Control Policy ("DTCP"). He manages the team responsible for maintaining and revising the International Traffic in Arms Regulations ("ITAR") and providing formal interpretive guidance on the meaning of the regulations. Mr. Hart has been with DDTC since 2011 and has been responsible for drafting or overseeing the development of numerous revisions to the ITAR, and was one of the principal regulatory drafters during the President's Export Control Reform initiative.

Mr Stephane Chardon

Export Control Coordinator, European Commission
Mr Stephane Chardon

After university (legal and political studies in Strasbourg, Rome and Paris) and military service, Stéphane Chardon served in the Secretariat for European Affairs of the French Government in Paris. He joined the European Commission in 1996 and held various positions in the Commission's external relations departments. From 1999 to 2006, he served in EU Delegations to Asmara (Eritrea) and Moscow (Russia).
From 2006 to 2012 he was responsible for EU sanctions/restrictive measures and for the Kimberley Process/conflict diamonds in the Commission’s External Relations Directorate-General (DG RELEX). Since 2012, he coordinates dual-use export controls in the Directorate General for Trade (DG TRADE), and currently works in the Unit dealing with "Trade and security" issues. His responsibilities include formulating and advancing EU export control policy, preparing regulations and monitoring their implementation throughout the EU, and representing the EU in relations with multilateral export control regimes and with third countries.

Mr Thomas Mathew

Senior Vice President of Global Trade Management, OCR Services
Mr Thomas Mathew

Thomas Mathew, Senior Vice President of Global Trade Management at OCR Services, Inc, has over 30 Years of managerial and technical expertise designing enterprise web-based and client-server applications with focus on export compliance solutions. Thomas has worked with multiple US Government agencies to lead OCR 's effort for license applications including US State & Commerce departments and managed multiple OCR implementation projects with GSA, DHS and Aerospace and Defense customers such as Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, BAE systems and others.
With his vast knowledge and experience of global trade solutions, he is always keen to share his expertise within the industry and has been a featured speaker at trade conferences. Thomas keeps on top of the latest industry and security trends, evolving regulatory changes, and helps streamline supply chain management.

Mr Warren Bayliss

Head of Export Controls - Defence, Rolls-Royce Plc
Mr Warren Bayliss

Warren has worked over 30 years in the defence sector for both the UK Ministry of Defence and Rolls-Royce. He has a proven track record in leading and managing complex international defence trade issues in a constantly high risk geo-political framework.
In Government, Warren worked in high profile positions with the Defence Intelligence Staff, NATO & European Policy Group and the International Relations Group of Defence Equipment & Support. He provided regular briefings and submissions to Ministers, Senior Civil Servants and Chiefs of Staff on a range of defence procurement and industrial issues, including trade & export controls. Warren also led MOU negotiations on significant international procurement programmes, such as the Joint Strike Fighter and A400M aircraft. Warren was responsible for the MOD’s Industrial Participation and Export Control Policy. This included regular discussions with industry regarding offset programmes and the U.S. Government on regulatory export control matters. Warren led the implementation of the U.S. UK Defense Trade Co-Operation Treaty in 2012. He provided extensive policy advice, guidance and training to over 100 MOD Integrated Project Teams on a range of export control licensing, trade compliance and regulatory issues.
Warren joined Rolls-Royce in 2014 and Heads up the Export Control Team for the global Defence business. This includes significant licensing and international trade compliance challenges in an intense operational environment, which involves significant volumes of controlled goods, software and technology moving in and out of the business. This role requires extensive risk management and frequent advice and guidance to Senior leaders on a range of complex technology issues, including product classifications, U.S. origin technology, re-exports and licence exemptions/exceptions. Warren has overseen the successful introduction of the SAP-Global Trade Services IT System into the defence business and is leading his global team through continuous improvement and significant transformation activities as the export control team fully embraces IT modernization, digital and fully automates its tools and processes.
Warren was the Secretary of the UK Ministry of Defence & Industry Working Group on U.S. export control matters from 2010 to 2014. He has been a regular speaker at high profile defence events such as SMI and World ECR since 2008 and is a guest lecturer at Cranfield University & the UK Defence Academy. Warren has also been the external examiner for the Pg Cert Course on Defence Exports at Cranfield University since 2019. Warren has a Masters Degree (MA) in Defence Studies and takes a keen interest in defence, international relations, international trade and politics.

Mrs Ingrun Retzlaff

Head of Export Control, Jenoptik Advanced Systems GmbH
Mrs Ingrun Retzlaff

2000: BBA Foreign Trade - Wilhelm E.H. Biesterfeld
2000-2007: Product Manager Commodity Chemicals - Biesterfeld Siemsgluess Intern.GmbH
2007-2016: Authorized Person Export Control - Biesterfeld International GmbH
Since 2017: Head of Export Control - VINCORION
Since 2017: Speaker / Instructor for export control - Hamburger Zoll Akademie
Since 2012: Member of different industry associations

Mrs Rosie Phillips

Air Desk Officer, Capability Assurance, UK Ministry of Defence
Mrs Rosie Phillips

Rosie Phillips, an Export Advisor for the UK Ministry of Defence, has over 10 years’ experience in the Defence sector. Having gained her degree in Mechanical Engineering, she started her career as an engineer in Defence Procurement, and has since had various roles in the UK, US and Canada building key relationships with a wide range of stakeholders across the industry. In her current position, she provides advice against Defence exports for the Capability Assurance team, taking charge of the Air Portfolio on behalf of the UK MOD.

Ms Nancy Fischer

Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pitmann LLP
Ms Nancy Fischer

NANCY A. FISCHER, partner and leader of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP’s Public Practices and Public Policy teams, is recognized as an authority on international trade law. Nancy advises a global clientele on international trade matters and dispute resolution and the impact of U.S. regulations on worldwide trade and investments. She provides guidance on export controls; embargoes; FCPA and other anti-bribery laws; CFIUS reviews; trade remedies; customs laws; and WTO and NAFTA disputes. Nancy has represented large industry coalitions in disputes, including a group of nuclear utilities in the first antidumping matter before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Nancy is recognized by Chambers Global and Chambers USA in International Trade, including for Export Controls & Economic Sanctions and Trade Remedies & Trade Policy, as well as in The Legal 500 U.S., International Trade (2015 – 2018). She is president and board member of the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce D.C., a member of the Society for International Affairs and a member of the Trade Policy Forum. Nancy graduated magna cum laude from Syracuse University College of Law.

Ms Rosa Rosanelli

Group Export Compliance Officer - Senior Legal Counsel, Patria
Ms Rosa Rosanelli

Rosa Rosanelli is currently Export Compliance Officer and Senior Legal Counsel for Patria Group, an international provider of defense, security and aviation life cycle support services, pilot training and technology solutions.

A Lawyer specialized in export controls, Rosa has analyzed and actively contributed to the resolution of legal and compliance issues within several European defense companies, including foreign affiliates of US companies. Author of a Handbook on export controls and a report for the Italian Senate, she has held trainings for EU Commission Officials on ITAR and has participated to training efforts for the benefit of third governments’ officials on strategic trade controls, in cooperation with the Joint Research Center of the European Commission.

Member of several groups of experts, including the Export Control Committee of the European Aerospace and Defense Industry Association, ASD, she is author of several legal publications, and a member of the editorial board of the “Strategic Trade Review”, a peer-reviewed specialized review on export controls and sanctions. Rosa is lecturer on “Export Control, Procurements and Lobbying” for the MBA on Security, Defense and Space Industries, IAE Nice Graduate School of Management, Université Côte d’Azur.

Rosa is also Project Lead for the “Trade Compliance Project”, a joint cooperation between Patria and Kongsberg Groups.

Ms Shalini Anand

Director General, Export Controls, Global Affairs Canada
Ms Shalini Anand

Shalini Anand is presently the Director General of the Trade Controls Bureau at Global Affairs Canada. Prior to that, she was the Director of the Export Controls Operations division. While on posting at the High Commission of Canada to India, Shalini managed the Political, Human Rights and Bhutan Unit. From 2014-2017, she was Consul and Head of the Foreign Policy and Diplomacy Service at the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong. Shalini gained corporate experience during her tenure as the Deputy Director in the Office of the Deputy Minister of International Trade in Ottawa, Canada. She also completed a previous posting as a Trade Commissioner in Hong Kong and undertook a temporary duty assignment in Shanghai, China. Prior to that, Shalini has held various positions in Ottawa, including Executive Advisor to Canada’s Chief Trade Commissioner and Senior Assistant Deputy Minister of Global Operations. Shalini began her career in government with roles at both the Treasury Board Secretariat and the Canada School of Public Service.
Shalini speaks English, French, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese and was born and raised in Ottawa, Canada. She attended the University of Toronto where she received a degree in commerce and international relations.

Ms Sue Langford

Acting Chair, International Security Division, Australia Group, Australian Department Of Foreign Affairs And Trade
Ms Sue Langford

Sue Langford is currently Acting Chair of the Australia Group and Assistant Secretary, Arms Control Branch, International Security Division in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Ms Langford has extensive experience across Australia’s national and international security agenda, including on issues relating to exports controls, counter proliferation, counter terrorism and intelligence policy. She has served overseas as a diplomat in Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and as High Commissioner in Samoa (2014-18).

Ms Langford holds a Masters Degree in International Relations (Monash University) and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree from the Australian National University. She joined DFAT in 1995.


Conference agenda



Registration and Coffee

Mr Gary Stanley

Mr Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services

Mr Ed Peartree

Mr Ed Peartree, Group Head of Export Controls, BAE Systems



Workshop Registration



Opening Remarks and Introductions

Mr Jay P. Nash

Mr Jay P. Nash, Principal, Nash Global Trade Services



Opening Remarks and Introductions

Mr Gary Stanley

Mr Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services

Mr Ed Peartree

Mr Ed Peartree, Group Head of Export Controls, BAE Systems



APAC Export Control Overview and Update - Part 1: Japan, Korea, India, and Taiwan

Mr Jay P. Nash

Mr Jay P. Nash, Principal, Nash Global Trade Services

  • Summary of the scope of export controls in each country/system, including composition of national control lists and extent of controlled transactions
  • Comparisons to export controls in the U.S. and EU
  • Brief review of export licensing processes
  • Case studies of each country’s export controls in practice
  • clock


    The Fundamental Question of U.S. Export Controls: Is the Item Controlled under the ITAR or EAR?

  • What is the “Order of Review” for classifying hardware and technical data?
  • “Specially Designed”: The key definition to a correct classification
  • Why the “Devil is always in the details!”
  • Real-world examples of how to apply these classifications concepts
  • Mr Gary Stanley

    Mr Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services

    Mr Ed Peartree

    Mr Ed Peartree, Group Head of Export Controls, BAE Systems



    Coffee Break



    APAC Export Control Overview and Update – Part 2: Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines

    Mr Jay P. Nash

    Mr Jay P. Nash, Principal, Nash Global Trade Services

  • Summary of the scope of export controls in each country/system, including composition of national control lists and extent of controlled transactions
  • Comparisons to export controls in the U.S. and EU
  • Brief review of export licensing processes
  • Case studies of each country’s export controls in practice






    Pitfalls of ITAR Applications

  • Documenting the “Chain of Custody” in DSP-5 hardware and technical data license applications
  • When should a U.S. supplier seek a Warehouse and Distribution Agreement instead of a DSP-5 license?
  • Common mistakes in drafting ITAR Part 124 Technical Assistance Agreements and Manufacturing Licensing Agreements
  • Key elements of an ITAR § 123.9(c) Request for Reexport/Retransfer (GC Letters and submitting requests via DECCS)
  • Applying for reexport/reexport approval of U.S. Foreign Military Sales items via the U.S. Dept. of State/Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfer’s “Third Party Transfer process”
  • Mr Gary Stanley

    Mr Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services

    Mr Ed Peartree

    Mr Ed Peartree, Group Head of Export Controls, BAE Systems



    Pitfalls of EAR Applications and License Exceptions

  • Documenting the “Chain of Custody” in BIS-748P commodity, software, and technology applications
  • Special requirements that may apply to EAR applications
  • Having a strategic plan for U.S. suppliers to use License Exception STA
  • What to do when you still need an authorization for a reexport or transfer (in country)
  • Mr Gary Stanley

    Mr Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services

    Mr Ed Peartree

    Mr Ed Peartree, Group Head of Export Controls, BAE Systems



    Coffee Break



    Putting It Into Practice: Developing/Enhancing Your APAC Export Compliance Program(s)

    Mr Jay P. Nash

    Mr Jay P. Nash, Principal, Nash Global Trade Services

  • Assessing and pinpointing your potential APAC export control compliance risks
  • Classifying your products and technologies in accordance with APAC export control systems
  • Tips for tailoring existing compliance programs to meet local APAC requirements
  • Resources available to help you achieve your APAC export compliance goals



    The New Frontier

  • Ways to address the profusion of China military end-use/end-user controls (e.g., different purposes of BIS’ and U.S. DoD’s Communist Chinese military company lists)
  • Understand ITAR and EAR e-mail and cloud storage requirements
  • Latest screening best practices for dual/third country national employees under ITAR § 126.18 and EAR § 734.20, and new guidance for US persons employed overseas and providing defense services
  • New ITAR and EAR sanctions on Russia
  • Responding to U.S. customers’ NDAA Section 889 telecommunications/surveillance equipment and DFARS CMMC inquiries
  • Mr Gary Stanley

    Mr Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services

    Mr Ed Peartree

    Mr Ed Peartree, Group Head of Export Controls, BAE Systems



    Closing Remarks and Workshop Evaluation

    Mr Jay P. Nash

    Mr Jay P. Nash, Principal, Nash Global Trade Services



    Closing Remarks and Questions

    Mr Gary Stanley

    Mr Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services

    Mr Ed Peartree

    Mr Ed Peartree, Group Head of Export Controls, BAE Systems



    End of Workshop



    Registration and Coffee



    Workshop Registration



    Opening Comments

    Mr Anthony Dearth

    Mr Anthony Dearth, Senior Policy Advisor, Alpha Omega Consulting Group LLC



    Opening Remarks and Introductions

  • Regulatory Updates
  • Implications of Cloud Storage
  • Managing Technical Data Electronically
  • Regulatory Updates
  • Implications of Cloud Storage
  • Managing Technical Data Electronically
  • Regulatory Updates
  • Implications of Cloud Storage
  • Managing Technical Data Electronically
  • Mr Rick Badgley

    Mr Rick Badgley, Senior Cybersecurity Manager, Oshkosh Corporation



    Compliance Challenges in Post-COVID Environment

    Mr Anthony Dearth

    Mr Anthony Dearth, Senior Policy Advisor, Alpha Omega Consulting Group LLC

  • Managing Virtual Technical Meetings
  • Virtual Plant Tours?
  • Temporary Rule Changes for Location of Employees
  • Authorization Timing Challenges


  • clock


    Cybersecurity Regulatory Updates

    Mr Rick Badgley

    Mr Rick Badgley, Senior Cybersecurity Manager, Oshkosh Corporation

  • UK Cyber Essentials
  • US Cyber DFARS Updates and Overview
  • International ISO 27000 Series
  • clock


    Implications of US CMCC and DFARS

    Mr Rick Badgley

    Mr Rick Badgley, Senior Cybersecurity Manager, Oshkosh Corporation

  • US Cyber DFARS
  • Overview of DFARS 252.204-7012,7019,7020
  • What are assessments (Basic and High) as required by DFARS
  • Regulatory Crossover/Crossmapping and Reciprocity
  • SPRS and CAGE Codes
  • US CMMC Overview
  • Overview of DFARS 252.204-7021
  • CMMC Certification Audits
  • Preparation
  • Key Stakeholders
  • Documentation and Artifacts



    Afternoon Break



    Dealing with U.S. Government Regulators

    Mr Anthony Dearth

    Mr Anthony Dearth, Senior Policy Advisor, Alpha Omega Consulting Group LLC

  • Seeking Retransfer Authority
  • Understanding terminology in U.S. limitations/provisos
  • Unwritten “rules”


  • clock


    Considerations of Cloud Storage for Controlled Data

  • Cloud Compliance & Certifications
  • Tenant vs. Host Responsibilities

  • Cloud Compliance & Certifications
  • Tenant vs. Host Responsibilities

  • Cloud Compliance & Certifications
  • Tenant vs. Host Responsibilities

  • Mr Rick Badgley

    Mr Rick Badgley, Senior Cybersecurity Manager, Oshkosh Corporation



    Practical Strategies for Managing Intellectual Property and Third Party (Government Customers, Partners, Suppliers) Technical Data Electronically

    Mr Rick Badgley

    Mr Rick Badgley, Senior Cybersecurity Manager, Oshkosh Corporation

  • Know your data
  • Marking/tagging
  • Asset Management
  • Data Flow Control (DLP Edge vs. Endpoint)
  • Collaboration Tools (Sharing Content, Video/Voice)
  • Know what to do in the event of a data loss (cyber incident reporting/breach notifications)
  • clock


    Closing Comments and Questions

    Mr Anthony Dearth

    Mr Anthony Dearth, Senior Policy Advisor, Alpha Omega Consulting Group LLC



    Closing Comments and Questions

    Mr Rick Badgley

    Mr Rick Badgley, Senior Cybersecurity Manager, Oshkosh Corporation



    End of Workshop



    Registration & Coffee



    SMi Group Welcome Address

    Mr Jack Overell

    Mr Jack Overell, Senior Conference Producer/Project Lead US Defence Events, SMi Group Ltd



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Mr Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services



    Defence Industry Export Controls after EU Transition

    Dr Myron Chiu, Head of EU Transition and Sanctions Policy, ECJU, UK Department for International Trade

  • Examination of the export control environment and changes required
  • Legislation considerations
  • Sanctions and licensing: how we proceed 
  • clock


    EU Export Control Policy: European Commission

    Mr Stephane Chardon, Export Control Coordinator, European Commission

  • Reflecting on regulations post-Brexit
  • Effectively monitoring implementation throughout the EU
  • Considerations for 2021 and the future
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Export Control Reform in Europe: It's Not Just a US Topic

    Mr Jim Huish, Managing Director - Export Controls and Sanctions, FTI Consulting

  • Was your approach to Multiple Jurisdictional Interpretation correct?
  • How did you manage the core principles of ECR:
  • Product Classifications
  • Jurisdiction Determination
  • Licence and Agreement Management
  • How do you manage a Self or Mandated Self Disclosures post- ECR?
  • Who is the ‘Competent Authority’?
  • clock


    An Advisors Perspective into UK Export Licensing and Security Processes

    Mrs Rosie Phillips, Air Desk Officer, Capability Assurance, UK Ministry of Defence

  • Background: working in partnership with the Front-Line Commands to achieve export compliance
  • Leading the development and implementation of the UK’s policy on Capability Assurance
  • Acting as an advisor to the wider cross-government export control process
  • clock


    The Challenges of Managing Export-Controlled Technology for Today's Export Control Practitioners in an Ever Increasing and Sophisticated World of IT Solutions

    Mr Warren Bayliss, Head of Export Controls - Defence, Rolls-Royce Plc

  • New IT developments: opportunities but also threats for compliance 
  • The challenge of regulating access to military controlled technology
  • Balancing the need for pace and business flexibility versus compliance
  • The risks and opportunities of new IT solutions, including offloading and outsourcing
  • Automation in export controls
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Supply Chain Challenges for Defense Contractors in a Post COVID-19 World

    Ms Nancy Fischer, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pitmann LLP

  • National security risk regulations related to components or products
  • Impact of unilateral export controls
  • Supply limits for foreign technology and items in US governments contracts
  • clock


    An Update on Canada's Export Control Program

  • Update on Canada's Export Control Program since joining the ATT in 2019
  • Amendments to brokering controls and obligations for exporters
  • Overview of the key issues: emerging technologies, corporate social responsibility and end-use/verification


  • Ms Shalini Anand, Director General, Export Controls, Global Affairs Canada



    Session Reserved for OCR Services

    Mr Thomas Mathew, Senior Vice President of Global Trade Management, OCR Services



    U.S. Export Control Perspectives from the Department of Commerce

  • Continuing to streamline the system
  • BIS activities
  • Promoting continued U.S. strategic technology leadership
  • The role of BIS in dealing with emerging and foundational technology
  • Mr Alexander K. Lopes, Jr., Director, Office of Nonproliferation and Treaty Compliance, Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce



    Afternoon Tea



    Panel Debate Sponsored by Content Enablers: Training the Global Practitioner on U.S. Trade Compliance: Practical Approaches

    Mr Brad Kabanuk, Founder & President, Content Enablers

    Dr Roger Arthey, Chair, Export Control Profession Board, The Institute of Export and International Trade

    Mr Greg Mallitte

    Mr Greg Mallitte, Assistant Head - UK-US & US Export Controls Policy, DE&S International Relations Group



    Patria and Kongsberg Groups' "Trade Compliance Project": Establishing a New Holistic Approach to ICPs

    Ms Rosa Rosanelli, Group Export Compliance Officer - Senior Legal Counsel, Patria

  • Trade Compliance Project: Phases and Methodology
  • Pooling best practices, skills and resources
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the TCP and adjustment strategies
  • A strategic challenge for the future
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Mr Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Mr Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services



    DDTC — 2021 Update

    Mr Rob Hart, Chief, Regulatory and Multilateral Affairs, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), U.S. Department of State

  • Update on DDTC staffing
  • Upcoming ITAR changes and interpretive guidance in development
  • Status of USML reviews
  • DDTC Response to Covid-19
  • clock


    The Role of the Australia Group in the Export Control of Prohibited Items

    Ms Sue Langford, Acting Chair, International Security Division, Australia Group, Australian Department Of Foreign Affairs And Trade

  • Background and history of the Australia Group
  • Mission Statement: ensuring that exports do not contribute to the development of chemical or biological weapons
  • How does the AG achieve this mission statement?
  • Recent developments and news
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Update on National German Export Control Laws and Regulations

  • Outlining the German ‘Catch All’ approach to export control
  • Update on the new Electronic Authorisation mechanism introduced in March 2021
  • Brexit – Effects of the Brexit to German export control
  • Mr David Lamberti, Head of Division, Licences for Conventional Armaments, Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA)



    U.S. Export Control Regulations – Focus on Military End Use(r) Controls

    Mr Alexander Groba, Director Foreign Trade, MTU Aero Engines

  • ITAR Regulations in a Nutshell
  • EAR Military End Use / End User Controls
  • Surrounding Regulations: DoD and OFAC
  • Interdependencies: And what about China?
  • clock


    Panel Debate: Export Control and Compliance Tips for Dealing with the US

  • Dealing with U.S. Government Regulations
  • How best to ensure compliance
  • How to avoid the common pitfalls
  • Mr Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services

  • Dealing with U.S. Government Regulations
  • How best to ensure compliance
  • How to avoid the common pitfalls
  • Mr Rob Hart, Chief, Regulatory and Multilateral Affairs, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), U.S. Department of State



    Networking Lunch



    Merging Legal and Export Compliance Departments to Address Today’s Challenges

    Mr Dana Collins, Chief Legal and Compliance Officer, Draken International, LLC

  • Ensuring Enterprise Compliance in a Complex Environment
  • Compliance After a Large-Scale Merger
  • Lessons from L3Harris
  • Enabling Business Transactions Through Compliance Tools
  • Communicating Organizational Value to Executives
  • Properly Resourcing International Trade Compliance Organizations
  • Combining Legal and International Trade Compliance Departments
  • clock


    Insight Into German Export Controls - The Industry Perspective

    Mrs Ingrun Retzlaff, Head of Export Control, Jenoptik Advanced Systems GmbH

  • License Processing in Germany
  • New Global License No. 28
  • Internal and external collaboration 


  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Setting Up an International Trade Compliance Program for a JV

    Mr Peter Ritchie, Trade Compliance Lead , Northrop Grumman (Seconded to Sealand Support Services Ltd)

  • Export Strategy to enable the business model
  • Trade Compliance programme based on legal entity structure and shareholder risk
  • How to embed training and compliance awareness in the ethos of a new JV
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Mr Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services

    Head of EU Transition and Sanctions Policy, ECJU
    UK Department for International Trade
    Chair, Export Control Profession Board
    The Institute of Export and International Trade
    Director Foreign Trade
    MTU Aero Engines
    Director, Office of Nonproliferation and Treaty Compliance, Bureau of Industry and Security
    U.S. Department of Commerce
    Founder & President
    Content Enablers
    Chief Legal and Compliance Officer
    Draken International, LLC
    Head of Division, Licences for Conventional Armaments
    Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA)
    Group Head of Export Controls
    BAE Systems
    Global Legal Services
    Senior Conference Producer/Project Lead US Defence Events
    SMi Group Ltd
    Managing Director - Export Controls and Sanctions
    FTI Consulting
    Trade Compliance Lead
    Northrop Grumman (Seconded to Sealand Support Services Ltd)
    Chief, Regulatory and Multilateral Affairs, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC)
    U.S. Department of State
    Export Control Coordinator
    European Commission
    Senior Vice President of Global Trade Management
    OCR Services
    Head of Export Controls - Defence
    Rolls-Royce Plc
    Head of Export Control
    Jenoptik Advanced Systems GmbH
    Air Desk Officer, Capability Assurance
    UK Ministry of Defence
    Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pitmann LLP
    Group Export Compliance Officer - Senior Legal Counsel
    Director General, Export Controls
    Global Affairs Canada
    Acting Chair, International Security Division, Australia Group
    Australian Department Of Foreign Affairs And Trade

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Supporting Media Partners


    Preliminary Attendee List 2021


    Speaker Interview with Gary Stanley, Global Legal Services


    Speaker Interview with Roger Arthey, The Institute of Export and International Trade


    Speaker Interview with Roger Arthey, The Institute of Export and International Trade


    Speaker Interview with Dr Jenping Myron Chiu, UK Department for International Trade


    Speaker Interview with Mr Alexander Groba, MTU Aero Engines


    Speaker Interview, David Lamberti, Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA)


    Speaker Interview, Stephane Chardon, European Commission


    Speaker Interview Bill Wade, L-3Harris


    Speaker Interview with Mr Tony Dearth, Alpha Omega Consulting Group LLC


    Speaker Interview with Mr Arifumi Kumano, Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry


    Speaker Interview with Mr Rick Badgley Oshkosh Corporation


    Speaker Interview with Mr Peter Ritchie, Trade Compliance Lead, Northrop Grumman


    Speaker Interview Rosa Rosanelli, Patria Group


    Speaker Interview with Warren Bayliss, Rolls Royce Plc


    Chair Invite Letter


    Speaker Bios


    Short Programme


    Full Programme




    Past Attendee List


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Content Enablers

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Content Enablers is the recognized leader in web-based international trade compliance training, providing complex content in a clear, scenario-based model on the trade regulations of the U.S. and more than 25 other countries. CE’s impressive client base includes General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, Airbus, Intel, Dell, BMW, Medtronic, and many others. All training includes access and real-time updates that keep learners informed of crucial – and continually evolving – regulatory developments.

    Content Enablers’ training is differentiated by job function, jurisdiction, and industry. We offer training on U.S. trade compliance laws and regulations, including the ITAR, the EAR, import regulations, and sanctions administered by OFAC, as well as the import, export, and sanctions regulations of more than 25 additional jurisdictions. Tailored training programs are configured for the Aerospace and Defense, Technology, and Medical/Biotech/Pharma industries using the products, services, and compliance scenarios applicable to companies in those sectors.

    Ranging from awareness-level training to our in-depth U.S. Trade Compliance Certification Series, Content Enablers provides a complete library of course content to fit your organization’s training needs. We have designed our training with a function-specific focus in mind, with training for:

    • Compliance Practitioners: Trade Compliance Managers, Empowered Officials, or any other employees responsible for establishing, implementing, or managing trade compliance programs within their organization

    • Professionals that work outside the trade compliance department but who are still responsible for routine compliance tasks as part of their job. Specific training and scenarios are developed for employees in Human Resources, Marketing, Engineering, Executive Leaders, and many other job functions.

    Built into Content Enablers’ trade compliance training solutions is the ability to personalize and customize the training with your company branding, policies, procedures, contacts, and even legacy training, URLs, and webcasts.

    Please contact us at sales@contentenablers.com or visit www.contentenablers.com for more information.

    FTI Consulting

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    The FTI Consulting Export Controls and Sanctions practice is a truly global practice that operates seamlessly across all jurisdictions and industries to provide timely, comprehensive and practical advice. We help our clients navigate the complexity of export controls and sanctions compliance by simplifying them into manageable, actionable, and auditable internal controls. Our consultants provide insight into the possible interpretations of new sanctions based on foreign policy and national security priorities. We help clients comply with export controls and sanctions laws via the following services:

    1. Compliance Programs

    Our team helps clients develop, design, implement, train on, and test their compliance programs to protect against regulatory risks with minimal disruption of business operations.

    2. Audits, Investigations and Enforcement

    We conduct internal audits, internal investigations, and help prepare voluntary disclosures to regulatory agencies. Our extensive experience includes government-initiated inquiries, subpoenas, and investigations on both the civil and criminal side of enforcement. Also, we can drive the full remediation efforts required to completion.

    3. Crisis Management

    Our team also has unique experience helping companies through major crises related to export controls and sanctions enforcement. FTI Consulting brings together export controls and sanctions experts, litigation consultants, strategic communications professionals, and government relations resources to respond to challenging situations that present significant reputational risk.

    4. Independent Monitoring and Oversight

    Our team has unparalleled experienced working with companies who are under the intense scrutiny of government mandated audits and monitorships. We can serve as the independent monitor reporting directly to the governments involved or we can support the target company as they work collaboratively with the monitor.

    5. Experience with Cutting-Edge Issues

    We handle some of the most difficult areas of export control and sanctions laws, including encryption, de minimis, deemed exports, blocking statute conflicts, intra-company transfers, M&A due diligence and global supply chain restructuring.

    OCR Services Inc

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    With over 30 years' experience in global trade management solutions OCR’s Global EASE software suite automates and enhances supply chain processes and procedures.

    With a global presence that spans the US, UK, Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific, OCR specialises in export / import software, licence management and compliance solutions.

    OCR's range of solutions include:

    • Watch Lists Screening / Denied Party Screening
    • License Management
    • Global License Screening (License Determination)
    • Visitor Management – with integrated biometrics
    • Security & ID Management
    • Automated Export Documentation
    • Automated Customs submission/reporting

    We also advise and consult on the breadth of regulatory issues critical to the success and efficiency of conducting international trade, not only today but for the future. With proactive and scalable tools to facilitate trade and compliance, OCR can offer solutions to support the entire compliance life cycle whether locally or globally.

    OCR have successfully simplified the export and import compliance processes of Fortune 500 companies. Our clients span diverse industries and include leading organizations in:

    • Aerospace & Defence
    • Electronics, Computer Hardware & Services
    • Banking, Insurance & Finance
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Chemical & Petroleum
    • Federal & State Governments
    • Legal Community
    • Freight Forwarding & Distribution


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Pillsbury, a dynamic full-service law firm has offices located across the globe to service our clients. Pillsbury’s international trade practice advises clients on a wide range of topics including export controls, foreign investment and industrial security regulations, anticorruption laws, customs matters, economic embargoes, international arbitration and anti-dumping and subsidy disputes.

    Media Partners

    Global Military Communications

    Supporting Media Partners

    Global Military Communications is a publication that tracks the trends, drivers and technology that fuel the military communications sector. Communications continue to be the lynchpin of modern warfare and is crucial to any military campaign. The sector is going through unprecedented change as militaries and governments across the world move towards a network centric approach to their communications. From operations in war zones to homeland security and disaster recovery operations, Global Military Communications provides you with the latest communications developments on land, sea, and in the air.

    International Lawyers Network

    Supporting Media Partners

    The ILN is a non-exclusive network of high-quality mid-size law firms, which operates to create a global platform in the provision of legal services, particularly for clients with international needs. With a presence in 67 countries, it is exceptionally well placed to offer seamless legal services, often of a cross border nature from like-minded and quality legal practices. In 2016 and 2017, the ILN was shortlisted as Global Law Firm Network of the Year, and since 2011 has been listed as a Chambers & Partners Leading Law Firm Network. Today, the ILN remains at the very forefront of legal networks in its reach, capability and depth of expertise.

    Defence Today

    Supporting Media Partners

    Defence Today is an online publication covering the latest in global defence and security news, defence intelligence and strategic insight. Terrorism and emerging threats, defence industry coverage, the latest technology developments and emerging platforms and systems. Military equipment profiles and industry showcases. Advertising, press releases and event listings are available.

    Armada International

    Supporting Media Partners

    ARMADA INTERNATIONAL is leading defence magazine which reports on and analyses defence systems, equipment and technology. Together with its Compendium supplements, ARMADA provides defence planners in the militaries, in government, in procurement and in the defence industry itself with the information they need to plan their strategies.


    Supporting Media Partners

    SEGURANÇA & DEFESA (“Security & Defense”) is the recognized leader among South American printed defense magazines. It has been in the market for 37 years, and presently is the only one of its kind in Brazil to be nationally distributed. Sold on news stands and by subscriptions, it is sent free of charge to key names and addresses in the defense sector in Brazil and in South American countries.

    Defense Express

    Supporting Media Partners

    Limited Liability Company “DEFENSE EXPRESS MEDIA AND CONSULTING” highlights events in security, defense and military cooperation areas. Regular information products of the company: - Daily News Wire and Analysis on http://www.defense-ua.com; - Weekly newsletter “Ukrainian Defense Survey”; - “DEFENSE EXPRESS” Magazine; - “Ukrainian Defense Review” Magazine (in English); - Book series “Weapons of Ukraine”. Company also provides advice and assistance based on deep analytical skills and knowledge of the conditions and characteristics of Ukrainian military market to companies, government bodies and intermediaries in the implementation of their strategy, relating to finding new partners and interests promoting.


    Supporting Media Partners

    SupplyChainBrain, the world’s most comprehensive supply chain management information resource, is accessed year round through a wide range of ever evolving multi-media formats by hundreds of thousands of senior level industry executives. In addition to addressing the fundamental principles of supply-chain management, SupplyChainBrain identifies emerging trends, technologies and best practices, forward thinking ideas and cutting-edge solutions-and continues to write and report about these as they evolve and mature.

    Army Technology

    Supporting Media Partners

    Army-technology.com brings you up-to-date international news and features on the defence industry, covering military projects, trends, products, services and more in the army sector. With a team of journalists around the world, army-technology.com, along with sister sites naval-technology.com and airforce-technology.com, is the only business service that focuses on the technologies required by military personnel and companies working in this important field. When you combine this with one of the most comprehensive and detailed listings of military equipment suppliers, products and services, free white paper downloads and company press releases, you see why army-technology.com is the key point of reference for the defence industry.

    Asian Military Review

    Supporting Media Partners

    Asian Military Review is ABC audited publication, read & discussed by key decision makers & advisors to Asia Pacific militaries. Published since 1993 it’s widely recognised as authoritative provider of unbiased & objective information to Asian military. Editorial content comprises capability analysis, special reports & relevant news coverage from the region. AMR provides information, opinion & facts allowing military professionals to track & understand defence developments worldwide, concerning equipment, training, organisation & doctrine issues. The magazine is a proven source keeping military professionals up to date on national & international defence & security issues.

    Homeland Security Research Corporation

    Supporting Media Partners

    HSRC provides premium off-the-shelf market reports on present and emerging technologies and industry expertise, enabling global clients to gain time-critical insight into business opportunities. All reports include in-depth information and analysis of emerging markets, technologies, and industries broken down by geography, market, vertical, technology, product, and revenue stream. Our reports support Homeland Security & Public Safety communities worldwide in their strategic decision-making process, providing up-to-date market knowledge, analysis, and insights. HSRC offers customized research services geared towards providing our clients with clear, actionable recommendations designed to empower decision-making and to help exploit emerging opportunities in the market. The customized research services provide a deep analysis of specific markets and eco-systems, target geographies, strategic segments and verticals, competitor analysis and technological benchmarks. The custom research services are provided as an ad hoc assignment or as an ongoing service.

    The Exporter

    Supporting Media Partners

    SP Media is publisher of The Exporter, the new B2B monthly magazine for UK businesses involved in International Trade and export. Completely independent, subscription only, it is 52 pages packed with practical advice, features, news and data, all written for us by experts, with no advertorial. It gets to the nitty gritty of helping our subscribers do what they do well - international trade.

    Military Systems and Technology

    Supporting Media Partners

    Military Systems & Technology is a comprehensive web portal, design agency and publication designed for the International Defence & Aerospace Industry. It is a source of daily information for Manufacturers, OEM’S, System Integrators and Contractors. We even have Government & Military Readers. The portal encompasses all aspects of Military equipment, technology, design and services. www.militarysystems-tech.com info@militarysystems-tech.com +44 (0)1392 881545

    Institute of Export & International Trade

    Supporting Media Partners

    Established in 1935, the Institute of Export & International Trade is the professional membership body representing and supporting the interests of everyone involved in importing, exporting and international trade. Offering a unique range of individual and business membership benefits and a world renowned suite of qualifications and training, the Institute is the leading authority in best practice and competence for businesses trading globally. Registered Charity number. 266395 Our latest brochure which explains about the work of the Institute can be viewed online on our website.

    21st Century Asian Arms Race

    Supporting Media Partners

    21st Century Asian Arms Race (21AAR) is an online resource for conflict and security related information specific to Eurasia. 21AAR's editorial style and open source approach to gathering public intelligence ensures a unique and independent presentation of events in real-time.


    Supporting Media Partners

    SecurityClearedJobs.com is an on-line job board designed and marketed to attract candidates who work within Defence, Government and Nuclear sectors. We advertise 1000’s of job opportunities both on a Permanent and Contract basis covering opportunities within all industry sectors. Visit our site www.SecurityClearedJobs.com to search for your next job opportunity.

    Global Legal Group

    Supporting Media Partners

    Global Legal Group is an independent media company specialising in the legal market. Through print and digital channels, we provide legal, regulatory and policy information to senior executives, general counsel, law firms and government agencies. GLG is the publisher of the ICLG to: Corporate Governance. To access the content for FREE, click https://iclg.com/practice-areas/corporate-governance-laws-and-regulations

    St James' Court

    Buckingham Gate
    London SW1E 6AF
    United Kingdom

    St James' Court

    In a country that values understatement, St. James' Court is an English classic typifying the concealed charm of one of Britain's finest hotels. With a distinguished pedigree shaped over more than a century, this discreet masterpiece offers elegant service, with an easy charm that’s reserved, yet attentive. Exceeding the expectations of today’s discerning traveller, St. James' Court is a slice of the past served up on a contemporary platter.



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7827 6000 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7827 6001
    Website: http://www.smgconferences.com Email: events@saemediagroup.com
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