Humanitarian Airlift And Disaster Response Asia-Pacific
23 May - 24 May 2016
Humanitarian Airlift And Disaster Response Asia-Pacific

SAE Media Group are proud to announce the return of Humanitarian Airlift And Disaster Response Asia-Pacific which will be taking place in Singapore on 23rd and 24th May 2016 in Singapore. Humanitarian Airlift And Disaster Response Asia-Pacific will be returning for the 3rd installment.

This conference programme will provide updates on capabilities and requirements from national militaries for humanitarian operations, how civil-military cooperation is enhancing the NGO response to regional humanitarian disasters, overcoming the key challenges of humanitarian logistics and innovative technologies to enhance the disaster response. These topics will be addressed by military speakers, civil-military coordinators, regional logistic experts and disaster response organisations, therefore bringing together all key regional stakeholders for disaster response exercises.

With the Royal Malaysian Air Force's recent acquisition of the A400m there is appetite to enhance capabilities and satisfy requirements both through procurement and collaboration across Asia-Pacific and that is what makes this a critical forum for regional air transport and airlift end-users and industry.



Air Commodore Richard Lennon

Air Commodore Richard Lennon

Commander Air Mobility Group, RAAF Base Richmond, Royal Australian Air Force
Colonel Douglas DeLaMater

Colonel Douglas DeLaMater

Commander of 374th Airlift WIng, US Air Force
Greg Elliott

Greg Elliott

Deputy Executive Director, Australian Civil Military Centre
Lieutenant Colonel Hans van de Ven

Lieutenant Colonel Hans van de Ven

Chief Executive Officer, Movement Coordination Centre Europe
Nelson Castano

Nelson Castano

Head of Disaster Management, International Red Cross
Shirish Ravan

Shirish Ravan

Head of Beijing Office, United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs

Air Commodore Richard Lennon

Commander Air Mobility Group, RAAF Base Richmond, Royal Australian Air Force
Air Commodore Richard Lennon

Chris Chiesa

Deputy Executive Director, Pacific Disaster Centre Program
Chris Chiesa

Colon Miller

Director Government & Defense Programs, Volga Dnepr Unique Air Cargo
Colon Miller

Colonel Douglas DeLaMater

Commander of 374th Airlift WIng, US Air Force
Colonel Douglas DeLaMater

Colonel Reinhard Krell

Director, MCCE
Colonel Reinhard Krell

Didier Vernet

Military Affairs, Airbus Defence and Space
Didier Vernet

Greg Elliott

Deputy Executive Director, Australian Civil Military Centre
Greg Elliott

Group Captain Andrew Killey

Assistant Head Defence Supply Chain Operations and Movements DSCOM Defence Movements Team Leader, UK MOD
Group Captain Andrew Killey

Jennifer Moroney

Director of Rand Australia, The Rand Corporation
Jennifer Moroney

Lieutenant Colonel Hans van de Ven

Chief Executive Officer, Movement Coordination Centre Europe
Lieutenant Colonel Hans van de Ven

Nelson Castano

Head of Disaster Management, International Red Cross
Nelson Castano

Peter French

Former Head of Transport/Logistics Division at World Food Programme, World Food Programme
Peter French

Professor Dr Stefan Pickl

Professor of Operations Research, University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich
Professor Dr Stefan Pickl

Professor Tan Kok Choon

Director of Degree Education, National University Singapore
Professor Tan Kok Choon

Shirish Ravan

Head of Beijing Office, United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs
Shirish Ravan

Temmy Tanubrata

Independent Consultant, Humanitarian Logistics
Temmy Tanubrata


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Peter French

Peter French, Former Head of Transport/Logistics Division at World Food Programme, World Food Programme



Air Mobility Provides Rapid and Flexible Response Options

Air Commodore Richard Lennon

Air Commodore Richard Lennon, Commander Air Mobility Group, RAAF Base Richmond, Royal Australian Air Force

•          An overview of the roles performed  by Air Mobility Group (Royal Australian Air Force)
        o Air logistic support 
        o Airborne operations
        o Air-to-air refueling
        o VIP transport
        o Search and rescue and aeromedical evacuation
•          Recent tactical airlift operations/missions and overcoming the main challenges
        o Command and control
        o Interoperability
•          Humanitarian response operations and the unique challenges faced 
        o Situational awareness
        o Air operations in austere and hostile environments
        o Cooperation and communication
•          Case Studies
        o Triple Disasters 2011 – Japanese Tsunami, New Zealand Earthquake and Australian Cyclone
        o Vanuatu 2015



Airbus Defence & Space Supporting Humanitarian Operations: Diversity of Needs Requires Versatility of Airlifters.

Didier Vernet

Didier Vernet, Military Affairs, Airbus Defence and Space

  • Humanitarian missions
  • Natural Disasters - Search and Rescue - Oil Spills - Multilateral Peace Operations 
  • Airlifter requirements for today's humanitarian support missions
  • Reactivity – Versatility - Autonomy
  • Airbus Defence & Space multirole aircraft family 
  • CN235/C295, the proven workhorses 
  • A400M, the versatile airlifter 
  • A330 MRTT, the strategic airlifter
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Volga-Dnepr Airlines - the world leader in the unique, large, heavy, outsize and oversize air cargo market

    Colon Miller

    Colon Miller, Director Government & Defense Programs, Volga Dnepr Unique Air Cargo

    • Volga-Dnepr Group structure and unique fleet
    • Volga-Dnepr’s logistics advantages
    • Aid & relief missions performed by Volga-Dnepr Group
    • Cooperation with the united nations
    • Cooperation with world food programme
    • Cooperation with red cross missions
    • Cooperation with national development agencies
    • Fighting Ebola
    • Humanitarian aid to typhoon victims on Philippines delivered by Volga-Dnepr
    • Humanitarian aid to earthquake victims in turkey delivered by Volga-Dnepr
    • Volga-Dnepr to natural disasters victims
    • Peacekeeping & security missions
    • Salis Project: successful Russian-Ukrainian cooperation
    • Other main types of shipment carried



    How The 374th Airlift Wing Conducts DoD Airlift Support Across The Pacific

    Colonel Douglas DeLaMater

    Colonel Douglas DeLaMater, Commander of 374th Airlift WIng, US Air Force

    • An outline of the 374th Wing’s main responsibilities, strategic initiatives and activities in the pacific
    • How the development of international allied relationships in the pacific in improving US response in the theatre of operations and to natural and humanitarian disasters
    • The flexibility and adaptability of the 374th Airlift Wing in response to shifting goals as well as changing operational requirements
    • The contribution of the 374th Airlift Wing’s to the wider goals of the PACAF and then to the US DoD
    • Long term goals of the 374th Airlift Wing and how these will be satisfied



    Networking Lunch



    UK Defence Support Chain and Movements Support to HADR

    Group Captain Andrew Killey

    Group Captain Andrew Killey, Assistant Head Defence Supply Chain Operations and Movements DSCOM Defence Movements Team Leader, UK MOD

  • Overview of UK Defence HADR experiences
  • An outline of how UK Defence responds to a request for support to Humanitarian Aid and Disaster relief operations
  • Overview of UK DSCOM’s responsibilities in supporting HADR ops
  • Challenges faced by UK DSCOM in supporting HADR Ops
  • How DSCOM is engaging in international, multi-national, multi-modal lift cooperation
  • clock


    Movement Coordination Centre Europe – Reliable And Safe Way To Support Nations During Disaster Relief

    • Worldwide military M&T business
           o Current Air transport situation and availability
           o Pooling and sharing of air assets
    • Military Lift experiences from former Disaster Relief
           o E.g. Hurricane Katrina
           o E.g. Pakistan earthquake
    • How do we optimise Military Support Systems for Humanitarian Airlift and Disaster Response
           o Analysing current demand of air capabilities in Europe and beyond
           o Create solutions for Nations and Organizations
    • Assessing the operational readiness for future challenges

    Colonel Reinhard Krell

    Colonel Reinhard Krell, Director, MCCE



    Civil-Military Cooperation in Disaster Response

    Greg Elliott

    Greg Elliott, Deputy Executive Director, Australian Civil Military Centre

    • Understanding civil-military cooperation and why it is important
         o The operating context
         o The cooperation spectrum
    • Australian Government response machinery
         o ‘Guiding Principles’ for whole-of-government response
         o ACMC’s role in enhancing civil-military capacity
    • Lessons from recent case studies
         o Cyclone Pam 2015




    Afternoon Tea



    PANEL DISCUSSION: Enhancing The Response To Regional Disasters With Greater Cooperation Between NGOs And Military

    • Consistent faced in natural disasters and how can military fleets and capabilities affect this
    • The need for greater planning and preparation for various disaster scenarios to enhance the response
    • Recent responses to various disasters across the continent
    • Enhancing adaptability and flexibility in order to satisfy the requirements for a variety of scenarios

    Peter French

    Peter French, Former Head of Transport/Logistics Division at World Food Programme, World Food Programme

    Greg Elliott

    Greg Elliott, Deputy Executive Director, Australian Civil Military Centre

    Nelson Castano

    Nelson Castano, Head of Disaster Management, International Red Cross

    • Consistent faced in natural disasters and how can military fleets and capabilities affect this
    • The need for greater planning and preparation for various disaster scenarios to enhance the response
    • Recent responses to various disasters across the continent
    • Enhancing adaptability and flexibility in order to satisfy the requirements for a variety of scenarios

    Colonel Reinhard Krell

    Colonel Reinhard Krell, Director, MCCE



    How IFRC Optimise Humanitarian Response In Asia-Pacific With Effective Use Of Military Capabilities

    Nelson Castano

    Nelson Castano, Head of Disaster Management, International Red Cross

    • IFRC system responses to disasters and crisis guide by the “Principles and Rules for Red Cross Red Crescent for Humanitarian Assistance”
    • IFRC Response system: there is a need to share with external partners the main response mechanism and tools of IFRC including the coordination aspects.
    • Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies (RCRC NSs)  in Asia Pacific have identify Civil and military relations as one of the key component of the DM strategy 2016 – 2020, it based on the lessons learnt from Haiyan in Philippines, TC PAM in Pacific and the earthquake in Nepal.
    • How civil-military commitments have changed since the Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Beijing:
            o To further develop service partnerships with governments by leveraging our auxiliary role and to clarify how we interact with the military before, during and after natural disasters”
            o Number of National Societies that have a Civil-Military relations strategy and related standard operating procedures in place



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Peter French

    Peter French, Former Head of Transport/Logistics Division at World Food Programme, World Food Programme



    Innovative Technologies and Scientific Approach to Reducing Risks and Optimizing Response to Regional Disasters

    Chris Chiesa

    Chris Chiesa, Deputy Executive Director, Pacific Disaster Centre Program

    • Resilience and Reducing Risks: Anatomy of a Disaster
            o Exposure, Vulnerability, Coping Capacity
    • Framing Main Issues Regarding Large Disasters
            o Reliable, actionable, and timely (evidence-based) information is scattered
            o Gaps in tools/applications to facilitate coordination in response
            o Lack of uniform methods to evaluate effectiveness of aids and strategic investments in increasing resiliency
    • About PDC: Bridging gaps between scientific community and decision makers: Innovative technologies & scientific  risk assessment
            o Enhancing disaster monitoring, early waning, and decision support tools and applications
            o Strategic global (national level) resiliency indicators (risk and vulnerability assessments)
    • Real Examples
            o How these tools, applications, technologies were used in recent major disasters




    Key Lessons from Department of Defense Disaster Relief Efforts in the Asia-Pacific Region

    Jennifer Moroney

    Jennifer Moroney, Director of Rand Australia, The Rand Corporation

    • Interagency coordination
    • Communication with the affected country
    • Coordination with other state and non-state actors
    • Prospects for U.S. security cooperation and building partner capacity for HA/DR
    • Prospects for the increased involvement of regional organizations in HA/DR.



    Morning Coffee



    How UN-SPIDER Optimise Disaster Response With Space Based Assets

    Shirish Ravan

    Shirish Ravan, Head of Beijing Office, United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs

    • Role of earth observation in implementing Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: 2015-2030
    • International mechanisms supporting disaster response through earth observation satellites
    • UN-SPIDER in supporting disaster response, damage assessment and recovery



    Challenges in Humanitarian Logistics - ASEAN

    Professor Tan Kok Choon

    Professor Tan Kok Choon, Director of Degree Education, National University Singapore

    • An introduction to Humanitarian Logistics
    • Partnering in Preparedness
    • The Challenges & Research Perspectives
    • A Road Map of Opportunities



    Networking Lunch



    PANEL DISCUSSION: Identifying The Main Logistical Challenges in Disaster Response And How These Can Be Eliminated

    •         Consistent regional challenges in humanitarian logistics and their impact on providing the necessary response
    •         Emerging challenges and potential threats to providing an efficient and effective response
    •         Case studies and recent strategic developments and how these are eliminating the aforementioned challenges
    •         Identifying and discussing long term goals and methods to ensure greater efficiency in humanitarian logistics

    Peter French

    Peter French, Former Head of Transport/Logistics Division at World Food Programme, World Food Programme

    Temmy Tanubrata

    Temmy Tanubrata, Independent Consultant, Humanitarian Logistics

    Professor Tan Kok Choon

    Professor Tan Kok Choon, Director of Degree Education, National University Singapore

    Professor Dr Stefan Pickl

    Professor Dr Stefan Pickl, Professor of Operations Research, University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich



    Effective Logistics Response: Opportunities and Challenges in Asia

    Temmy Tanubrata

    Temmy Tanubrata, Independent Consultant, Humanitarian Logistics

    • Disasters in urban context
    • Pandemic response and logistical challenges
    • Humanitarian logistics preparedness and response : Leveraging the role of the retail sector in Indonesia
    • Role of the maritime sector in disaster response in archipelagic states



    CASE STUDY: MH17 Recovery Mission – Bringing Them Home

    Lieutenant Colonel Hans van de Ven

    Lieutenant Colonel Hans van de Ven , Chief Executive Officer, Movement Coordination Centre Europe

    • Overcoming the main challenges to ensure the safe return of the victims
    • The recovery and return of personal belongings
    • Recovering the MH17 wreckage safely and efficiently
    • The unique challenges faced and key lessons learnt



    Afternoon Tea



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Commander Air Mobility Group, RAAF Base Richmond
    Royal Australian Air Force
    Deputy Executive Director
    Pacific Disaster Centre Program
    Director Government & Defense Programs
    Volga Dnepr Unique Air Cargo
    Commander of 374th Airlift WIng
    US Air Force
    Military Affairs
    Airbus Defence and Space
    Deputy Executive Director
    Australian Civil Military Centre
    Assistant Head Defence Supply Chain Operations and Movements DSCOM Defence Movements Team Leader
    UK MOD
    Director of Rand Australia
    The Rand Corporation
    Chief Executive Officer
    Movement Coordination Centre Europe
    Head of Disaster Management
    International Red Cross
    Former Head of Transport/Logistics Division at World Food Programme
    World Food Programme
    Professor of Operations Research
    University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich
    Director of Degree Education
    National University Singapore
    Head of Beijing Office
    United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs
    Independent Consultant
    Humanitarian Logistics

    Sponsors and Exhibitors


    Preliminary list of attendees for Humanitarian Airlift and Disaster Response Asia-Pacific


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Airbus Defence and Space

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Airbus Defence and Space is one of the three Divisions of the Airbus Group and Europe’s Number 1 defence and space company. It is the world’s second largest space company and one of the top 10 defence companies globally, with revenues of around €13 billion per year and approximately 38,600 employees. Airbus Defence and Space puts a strong focus on core businesses: Space, Military Aircraft, Missiles and related systems and services. Airbus Defence and Space develops and engineers cutting-edge and peerlessly reliable products in the fields of defence and space. Its defence and space technology enables governments and institutions to protect natural resources, societies and individual freedom. Airbus Defence and Space solutions guarantee sovereignty in foreign affairs and defence matters and its portfolio also ensures communication, mobility, expansion of knowledge, and the safeguarding of the environment. Airbus Defence and Space is composed of three Business Lines: Military Aircraft; Space Systems; and Communications, Intelligence & Security (CIS). It brings together a wide portfolio to continue to meet the complex needs of its customers across the world. Among its flagship products are the transport aircraft A400M, the military jet Eurofighter and, in the framework of the Airbus Safran Launcher joint venture, the Ariane launcher. The customers of Airbus Defence and Space are as diverse as its products – government defence and interior ministries, national and international agencies, institutions, civil authorities, major platform manufacturers, prime system contractors, NGOs, the industrial sector and commercial companies. Airbus Defence and Space counts more than 40 major locations in Europe and is also set to be one of the global leaders in the defence and space field and is expanding its global presence. Airbus Defence and Space is also located in India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, the U.S. and many other countries, among them French Guiana (Kourou) and Kazakhstan (Baikonur).

    Volga-Dnepr Group

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Volga-Dnepr is the world’s largest transporter of unique, outsize and heavyweight air cargo and in its 26 years of operations, it has enabled its customers to achieve fast and reliable deliveries. The Group offers a unique ‘Cargo Supermarket’ service offering that facilitates its ability to deliver the most suitable and cost efficient transportation solution for every piece of cargo. The Group operates a fleet of 12 An-124-100 freighters, the world’s largest series-produced cargo aircraft; 5 modernised IL-76TD-90VD; 17 modern Boeing 747, connecting the major markets in Asia, Europe and North America via its hub in Moscow and 737 freighters for more conventional cargo deliveries.


    Airbus Defence and Space

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Airbus Defence and Space is one of the three Divisions of the Airbus Group and Europe’s Number 1 defence and space company. It is the world’s second largest space company and one of the top 10 defence companies globally, with revenues of around €13 billion per year and approximately 38,600 employees. Airbus Defence and Space puts a strong focus on core businesses: Space, Military Aircraft, Missiles and related systems and services. Airbus Defence and Space develops and engineers cutting-edge and peerlessly reliable products in the fields of defence and space. Its defence and space technology enables governments and institutions to protect natural resources, societies and individual freedom. Airbus Defence and Space solutions guarantee sovereignty in foreign affairs and defence matters and its portfolio also ensures communication, mobility, expansion of knowledge, and the safeguarding of the environment. Airbus Defence and Space is composed of three Business Lines: Military Aircraft; Space Systems; and Communications, Intelligence & Security (CIS). It brings together a wide portfolio to continue to meet the complex needs of its customers across the world. Among its flagship products are the transport aircraft A400M, the military jet Eurofighter and, in the framework of the Airbus Safran Launcher joint venture, the Ariane launcher. The customers of Airbus Defence and Space are as diverse as its products – government defence and interior ministries, national and international agencies, institutions, civil authorities, major platform manufacturers, prime system contractors, NGOs, the industrial sector and commercial companies. Airbus Defence and Space counts more than 40 major locations in Europe and is also set to be one of the global leaders in the defence and space field and is expanding its global presence. Airbus Defence and Space is also located in India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, the U.S. and many other countries, among them French Guiana (Kourou) and Kazakhstan (Baikonur).

    Volga-Dnepr Group

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Volga-Dnepr is the world’s largest transporter of unique, outsize and heavyweight air cargo and in its 26 years of operations, it has enabled its customers to achieve fast and reliable deliveries. The Group offers a unique ‘Cargo Supermarket’ service offering that facilitates its ability to deliver the most suitable and cost efficient transportation solution for every piece of cargo. The Group operates a fleet of 12 An-124-100 freighters, the world’s largest series-produced cargo aircraft; 5 modernised IL-76TD-90VD; 17 modern Boeing 747, connecting the major markets in Asia, Europe and North America via its hub in Moscow and 737 freighters for more conventional cargo deliveries.

    Media Partners

    Defence and Security of India


    DEFENCE AND SECURITY OF INDIA (DSI) is India's only publication on national security, strategic affairs & policy matters. DSI is a high quality strategic affairs magazine that has a South Asian perspective. The magazine focuses on national security issues through insightful & analytical writing by top experts on national strategy, defence & security, diplomacy, foreign policy, economics, energy security and nuclear deterrence etc. DSI reaches out to decision makers in the armed and paramilitary forces, policy makers in government & ministries, strategic analysts, security agencies, domestic defence industry & international defence manufacturers who are looking at India as potential market.

    International Journal of Emergency Management


    In today's increasing globalised and connected world with rapidly advancing technologies and changing weather patterns, critical infrastructures and social structures are threatened by natural and manmade disasters. Planning for future possible emergencies is essential; their assessment and management equally so. IJEM provides a refereed international forum bringing the latest research to bear on the issues involved, with a focus on contingencies and emergencies as well as crisis and disaster management and planning.

    Asian Military Review


    Asian Military Review is ABC audited publication, read & discussed by key decision makers & advisors to Asia Pacific militaries. Published since 1993 it’s widely recognised as authoritative provider of unbiased & objective information to Asian military. Editorial content comprises capability analysis, special reports & relevant news coverage from the region. AMR provides information, opinion & facts allowing military professionals to track & understand defence developments worldwide, concerning equipment, training, organisation & doctrine issues. The magazine is a proven source keeping military professionals up to date on national & international defence & security issues.



    The DEFENCE SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY is an authoritative online information resource for all defence purchasers. This comprehensive listing of Defence Suppliers has enabled thousands of purchasing professionals to find exactly what they are looking for - in seconds. THE DEFENCE SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY provides a total overview of all the UK's Armed Forces - with a wealth of valuable information about the organisation and structure of the UK's Defence Services, as well as useful facts about developments in the UK Defence Industry Contact us: defenceenquiries@armedforces.co.uk Tel: 01743 241962 website: www.armedforces.co.uk

    International Journal of Public Policy


    IJPP addresses public policy issues facing nation states and national/supranational organisations, including governments, and how these approach and solve common public policy problems. It highlights governance, accountability, creation of wealth/wellbeing, and implications policy choices have on nation states and citizens, acknowledging that public policy choice/execution is complex, has ramifications on the welfare of citizens, and that, despite national differences, the actions of nation states are constrained by policies determined by supranational bodies, some not directly accountable to any international body.



    Epicos is a global, multifaceted portal providing Aerospace and Defense industries around the world with business intelligence and active support to access opportunities on international procurements, industrial cooperation and offsets. Epicos has carried out extensive industry analysis and mapping of capabilities of A&D Industries and offers this knowledge to its members helping them to identify business opportunities and to build strategic alliances. Additionally, Epicos supports the global A&D industry through a wide range of on-line services and products including but not limited to: a large online procurement database, an updated Business Directory, an e-library with extensive information regarding procurement and offsets processes systems and an up to the minute news database.

    Australian Security Magazine


    The Australian Security Magazine is the country’s leading government and corporate security magazine. It is published bi-monthly and is distributed free of charge to many of the biggest decision makers in the security industry and also sold in selected stores. It is a highly respected and sought after publication, incorporating investigative journalism, provoking editorial and up-to-date news, trends and events for all security professionals.

    Defense Conferences


    Market Research Media Ltd, a leading market research firm, provides comprehensive market research reports and forecasts to assist governmental and corporate decision makers understand the dynamics of world’s technology markets. Fortune 500 companies, US Congress and EU government bodies rely on our strategic insights.

    International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems


    IJIDSS proposes and fosters discussion on the development of novel computational intelligence techniques and their application to support systems used by defence personnel. The scope of application covers strategic, tactical and operational decision-making across the entire defence sector, covering areas such as intelligence gathering and analysis, capability assessment, tactics modelling and evaluation and logistics management as well as military systems integration and both semi-autonomous and autonomous systems.

    Global Military Communications


    Global Military Communications is a publication that tracks the trends, drivers and technology that fuel the military communications sector. Communications continue to be the lynchpin of modern warfare and is crucial to any military campaign. The sector is going through unprecedented change as militaries and governments across the world move towards a network centric approach to their communications. From operations in war zones to homeland security and disaster recovery operations, Global Military Communications provides you with the latest communications developments on land, sea, and in the air.

    Army Technology


    Army-technology.com brings you up-to-date international news and features on the defence industry, covering military projects, trends, products, services and more in the army sector. With a team of journalists around the world, army-technology.com, along with sister sites naval-technology.com and airforce-technology.com, is the only business service that focuses on the technologies required by military personnel and companies working in this important field. When you combine this with one of the most comprehensive and detailed listings of military equipment suppliers, products and services, free white paper downloads and company press releases, you see why army-technology.com is the key point of reference for the defence industry.

    Defence and Security Alert


    Defence and Security Alert (DSA) is the first and only ISO 9001:2015 certified, world-class monthly Indian magazine in defence and security journalism. Covering a strictly research based spectrum of dynamic scenarios in India and challenging horizons beyond national borders, DSA is the only Indian defence magazine available on the intranets of Indian Air Force (IAF) and Border Security Force (BSF). DSA is an ideal platform in this domain to showcase your products, services and cutting-edge technologies. DSA is very extensively circulated among key policy and decision makers in the federal and 28 state governments and corporate world in India and worldwide through print and online editions.

    International Journal of Society Systems Science


    Society faces many significant challenges: pollution, poverty, pain, terrorism, crime, greenhouse effect, war, disease, starvation, road accidents, inflation/deflation, unemployment, pornography, great suffering, ignorance, pesticide poisoning, falsehood, etc. It could be argued that scientists have spent too much time on many not-so-urgent issues and too little effort on these challenges. IJSSS addresses the barriers between: social and natural sciences, theory and applications, hard decision models and soft ones, different business disciplines, government and industry, ivory tower and real society.

    Homeland Security Corporation (HSRC)


    HSRC provides premium off-the-shelf market reports on present and emerging technologies and industry expertise, enabling global clients to gain time-critical insight into business opportunities. All reports include in-depth information and analysis of emerging markets, technologies, and industries broken down by geography, market, vertical, technology, product, and revenue stream. Our reports support Homeland Security & Public Safety communities worldwide in their strategic decision-making process, providing up-to-date market knowledge, analysis, and insights. HSRC offers customized research services geared towards providing our clients with clear, actionable recommendations designed to empower decision-making and to help exploit emerging opportunities in the market. The customized research services provide a deep analysis of specific markets and eco-systems, target geographies, strategic segments and verticals, competitor analysis and technological benchmarks. The custom research services are provided as an ad hoc assignment or as an ongoing service.

    Asia Pacific Security Magazine


    The Asia Pacific Security Magazine is the sister publication to the Australian Security Magazine. It is published bi-monthly – on the alternate month to the Australian Security Magazine – and its content complements the Australian Security Magazine with a strong focus on events. It is available online to read by all and upon every issue release a direct link is sent to a database of subscribers who are industry decision makers.

    Drastic News


    The Drastic News website is your one-stop shop for all things Drones, Robotics, Automation, Security, Technology, Information and Communications. Be kept up-to-date with all the latest industry news and products. It is proudly produced by the publishers of the Australian Security Magazine and the Asia Pacific Security Magazine.



    TheBigRedGuide.com is the complete firefighting and rescue industry resource, we aim to provide everything the firefighter needs to know in one place. Our content includes a comprehensive catalogue of firefighting equipment and fire protection products, industry news, an extensive company directory and a calendar of fire industry trade shows and events. Our comparative product database is unrivalled globally, providing a unique tool for researching and sourcing fire equipment.

    International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management


    IJRAM is an interdisciplinary and refereed journal that provides cross learning between: •Different business and economics, as well as scientific and technological, disciplines •Energy industries, environmental and ecological systems •Safety, public health and medical services •Software services, reliability and safety

    Defence Suppliers


    Defence-Suppliers provides a unique platform to present your latest equipment and systems to the world's defence and security industry. We are a key information resource for MODs, DODs, decision makers, governments, prime contractors, service chiefs, defence ministers, police forces and system integrators. Delivering a comprehensive breakdown of products and services from leading industry contractors, with up-to-date news and press releases when developments occur. With links to all the major industry events, the portal provides an opportunity for visitors to develop international relationships and generate new business opportunities.

    International Journal of Services and Operations Management


    Globalisation of market and operations places tremendous pressure on productive management of services and manufacturing enterprises. Services are increasingly important in today's developed economies. Nevertheless, manufacturing plays a major role in national economies and is essential for the survival of service organisations. Considering the globalisation of services and manufacturing, a journal focusing on global perspective of operations management is of paramount importance. IJSOM focuses on new strategies, techniques and technologies for improving productivity and quality in both manufacturing and services.

    Copybook - Military


    Copybook’s global military network is designed to facilitate business between defence contractors, governments and defence procurement companies worldwide. We cover the latest military news, developments, events, exhibitions and we help promote military products through working with specific military experts. If you supply to the military, you can simply add your company for free today. You can then network with other military suppliers, arrange meetings and network at leading military events worldwide. SIGN UP FOR FREE today! Copybook – Your Global Business Network

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    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

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    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

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    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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