Future Armoured Vehicles Weapons Systems
28 June - 29 June 2016
Future Armoured Vehicles Weapons Systems

For the modern armoured operator, the weapon system continues to offer a vital means of boosting combat effectiveness. Both during offensive and defensive operations, mounted forces must be fully  prepared to counter and ultimately defeat an increasing array of threats to both the platform, its crew and dismounted mechanised forces, the support of whom is vital.

Drawing on the operational and strategic experience of military experts, as well as the technical expertise of those at the forefront of industry and research, Future Armoured Vehicles Weapon Systems shall explore the defining factors that contribute to enhanced lethality and fire superiority for land forces.

An examination of emerging technologies in these key areas, ranging from the latest weapon systems, smart munitions, fire control and target acquisition, shall be combined with operational case studies and key programme updates from commanders and military project leaders, to develop definitive requirements and solutions for enhancing lethality.


Brigadier Simon Deakin

Brigadier Simon Deakin

Former Director of Force Development British Army , HM forces
Colonel Glenn Dean

Colonel Glenn Dean

Program Manager, Stryker Brigade Combat Team, PEO Ground Combat Systems, United States Army
Lieutenant Colonel Scott  McKenzie

Lieutenant Colonel Scott McKenzie

Director Armament Sustainment Program Management , Canadian Armed Forces
Major Xavier Lepiouffe

Major Xavier Lepiouffe

Technical Manager, Jaguar and Griffon Vehicles, SCORPION Programme , DGA

Brigadier Simon Deakin

Former Director of Force Development British Army , HM forces
Brigadier Simon Deakin

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith

TARDEC Science & Technology Advocate at the Maneuver Center of Excellence , United States Army
Colonel (ret) Mike Smith

Colonel Glenn Dean

Program Manager, Stryker Brigade Combat Team, PEO Ground Combat Systems, United States Army
Colonel Glenn Dean

Colonel Marcio Callafange Jr.

Chief of the Armoured Vehicles Section, Brazilian Army Materiel Directorate
Colonel Marcio Callafange Jr.

Dr Aditya Deshpande

Research Fellow, Vetronics Research Centre
Dr Aditya Deshpande

Dr Mike Dalzell

Capability Advisor, Mounted Close Combat , British Army
Dr Mike Dalzell

Dr Periklis Charchalakis

Technical Manager, Vetronics Research Centre
Dr Periklis Charchalakis

Lieutenant Colonel Scott McKenzie

Director Armament Sustainment Program Management , Canadian Armed Forces
Lieutenant Colonel Scott  McKenzie

Lieutenant Colonel William Waugh

Officer Commanding The Armoured Centre School of Gunnery, British Army
Lieutenant Colonel William Waugh

Major Xavier Lepiouffe

Technical Manager, Jaguar and Griffon Vehicles, SCORPION Programme , DGA
Major Xavier Lepiouffe

Mr Dave Leeming

Research Director , OTS Ltd
Mr Dave  Leeming

Mr Falko Fanslau

Business Development Officer, OCCAR
Mr Falko  Fanslau

Mr Florian Wiss

Fire support manager of JAGUAR vehicle , DGA
Mr Florian Wiss

Mr Giorgio Scappaticci

Head of Weapons Systems and Equipment Support, NSPA, NATO
Mr Giorgio Scappaticci

Mr Mike Pattison

Senior Director, Business Development, Meggitt
Mr Mike Pattison

Mr Olivier Lequeux

Business Development Manager, Turret Sector, Nexter Systems
Mr Olivier Lequeux

Mr Simon Johns

Business Development Manager, Lockheed Martin UK
Mr Simon Johns


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith , TARDEC Science & Technology Advocate at the Maneuver Center of Excellence , United States Army



Strategic Requirements and Material Considerations for the Enhancement of Stryker Lethality

Colonel Glenn Dean

Colonel Glenn Dean, Program Manager, Stryker Brigade Combat Team, PEO Ground Combat Systems, United States Army

• The demands of the contemporary operational environment and the need for greater lethality to meet these threats
• The vehicles current variants and weapon options, how the integration of a 30mm capability will bridge and fill capability gaps
• Considerations for the integration of the weapon system: Dealing with increased platform weight and ensuring space for mechanized infantry is not compromised
• Timelines and next steps for system integration



Requirements for Future Battlegroup Anti-Armour Lethality

Dr Mike Dalzell

Dr Mike Dalzell, Capability Advisor, Mounted Close Combat , British Army

• Discussion of historic approach to the attack of armour
• Examination of the challenges of future armoured targets (including Active Protection)
• Discussion of means to achieve an integrated anti-armour capability in close combat



Morning Coffee



Panel Discussion: Industry Approaches to Weapon Systems Development and Integration

• What is industry’s understanding of contemporary weapon system requirements?
• Approaches to weapon system configuration and management
• The latest R&D trends and where industry are investing their future spend to improve vehicle combat effectiveness
• Future approaches for greater collaboration between the end user, to develop and deliver requirements

Mr Simon Johns

Mr Simon Johns, Business Development Manager, Lockheed Martin UK

Mr Olivier Lequeux

Mr Olivier Lequeux, Business Development Manager, Turret Sector, Nexter Systems

Mr Mike Pattison

Mr Mike Pattison, Senior Director, Business Development, Meggitt

• What is industry’s understanding of contemporary weapon system requirements?
• Approaches to weapon system configuration and management
• The latest R&D trends and where industry are investing their future spend to improve vehicle combat effectiveness
• Future approaches for greater collaboration between the end user, to develop and deliver requirements

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith , TARDEC Science & Technology Advocate at the Maneuver Center of Excellence , United States Army



The Role of Canada’s Leopard 2A6 Delivering Vital Fire Support for Ground Operations: An Overview of Capabilities

Lieutenant Colonel Scott  McKenzie

Lieutenant Colonel Scott McKenzie, Director Armament Sustainment Program Management , Canadian Armed Forces


• The evolving Leopard 2 force structure within the Canadian Army
• Update on the current Leopard 2 Family of Vehicles Program
• Feedback from counter insurgency operations in Afghanistan, the advantages delivered via a highly protected, direct fire capability
• The 120 mm gun and ammunition types used
• Enhancing target acquisition and range through upgraded sights



Potential Options for the Enhancement of Lethality within the Boxer Armoured Vehicle

Mr Falko  Fanslau

Mr Falko Fanslau, Business Development Officer, OCCAR

• Boxers current capabilities and the limitations of the remote weapon station
• Potential for the integration of the 30mm MK30-2/ABM as a force multiplier
• Feedback from the trials and evaluation of the weapon and ammunition
• Deliberating the advantages delivered vs challenges associated with its integration (the question of added weight and space challenges)
• Future plans for weapon system development



Networking Lunch



Lockheed Martin’s Development and Integration of Advanced Anti-Armour Solutions

Mr Simon Johns

Mr Simon Johns, Business Development Manager, Lockheed Martin UK

• An overview of the increased need for anti-armour solutions to counter contemporary and emerging threats including:
• The development and integration of 40mm calibre cannon
• The development and deployment of short, medium and long range ATGM Solutions
• The application of Generic Vehicle Architecture system integration



Panel Discussion: Operational Requirements for Future Armoured Vehicle Offensive Capabilities


• How requirements for counter insurgency and peace keeping missions have shaped weapon system configuration across vehicle fleets
• Considering the adapting threats that weapon systems must be prepared to meet, the increased need for anti-armour capability, electronic warfare and counter-UAS
• Benefits of greater interoperability in the weapon system and targeting domain, ensuring greater combat effectiveness through joint fires
• Current requirements and capability gaps that industry and research must fill

Colonel Glenn Dean

Colonel Glenn Dean, Program Manager, Stryker Brigade Combat Team, PEO Ground Combat Systems, United States Army


• How requirements for counter insurgency and peace keeping missions have shaped weapon system configuration across vehicle fleets
• Considering the adapting threats that weapon systems must be prepared to meet, the increased need for anti-armour capability, electronic warfare and counter-UAS
• Benefits of greater interoperability in the weapon system and targeting domain, ensuring greater combat effectiveness through joint fires
• Current requirements and capability gaps that industry and research must fill

Lieutenant Colonel Scott  McKenzie

Lieutenant Colonel Scott McKenzie, Director Armament Sustainment Program Management , Canadian Armed Forces

Dr Mike Dalzell

Dr Mike Dalzell, Capability Advisor, Mounted Close Combat , British Army

Colonel Marcio Callafange Jr.

Colonel Marcio Callafange Jr., Chief of the Armoured Vehicles Section, Brazilian Army Materiel Directorate

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith , TARDEC Science & Technology Advocate at the Maneuver Center of Excellence , United States Army



Afternoon Tea



Doing More with Less – Restoring Armored Combat Vehicle Lethality to the Infantry Brigade Combat Team

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith , TARDEC Science & Technology Advocate at the Maneuver Center of Excellence , United States Army


• Need to enhance the tactical capability of the most strategically deployable ground manoeuvre formation
• Providing a seamless transition between forced entry and offensive operations
• Mobile Protected Firepower – Bringing back tank firepower to infantry formations
• Light Reconnaissance Vehicle – Providing the capability to fight for information



Integration of the Guarani Programme into the Brazilian Land Forces: The Fire Support Advantages Delivered

Colonel Marcio Callafange Jr.

Colonel Marcio Callafange Jr., Chief of the Armoured Vehicles Section, Brazilian Army Materiel Directorate

• The programmes structure and the strategy supporting its introduction into the Brazilian land forces
• The vehicles modular design, allowing for the incorporation of different turrets, weapon stations and sensors
• Potential for the development of fire direction and mortar carrier vehicles to deliver greater joint fires and mission support
• Progress as to implementation, what are the next steps?



Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith , TARDEC Science & Technology Advocate at the Maneuver Center of Excellence , United States Army



Drinks Reception in Exhibition Area



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith , TARDEC Science & Technology Advocate at the Maneuver Center of Excellence , United States Army



Fire Support Capabilities of the French Army’s Jaguar Armoured Vehicle

• Presentation of the SCORPION programme and contracts relative to JAGUAR and its armaments

o   Details on SCORPION programme
o   The 40mm qualification contract shared between France and UK
o   The change control contract shared between France and UK

• JAGUAR : The new French light cavalry vehicle

o   Replacement of the French AMX10 RC and Sagaie
o   The French choice: A 40mm turret with MMP missiles and 7.62 RWS
o   The advantages of 40mm cased ammunitions for a medium weight vehicle

• New capabilities:

o   Airburst ammunition
o   Collaborative combat

Major Xavier Lepiouffe

Major Xavier Lepiouffe, Technical Manager, Jaguar and Griffon Vehicles, SCORPION Programme , DGA

Mr Florian Wiss

Mr Florian Wiss, Fire support manager of JAGUAR vehicle , DGA



Export Opportunities for the the Jaguar EBRC Vehicle

Mr Olivier Lequeux

Mr Olivier Lequeux, Business Development Manager, Turret Sector, Nexter Systems



Morning Coffee



Panel Discussion: Effective Practices for Development, Test and Evaluation of the Weapon System

• Development of requirements
• Weapon system test and evaluation methodology
• Feedback from recent trials and development
• Fostering greater collaboration between the end user and industry

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith

Colonel (ret) Mike Smith , TARDEC Science & Technology Advocate at the Maneuver Center of Excellence , United States Army

Mr Giorgio Scappaticci

Mr Giorgio Scappaticci, Head of Weapons Systems and Equipment Support, NSPA, NATO

Mr Simon Johns

Mr Simon Johns, Business Development Manager, Lockheed Martin UK

Mr Dave  Leeming

Mr Dave Leeming , Research Director , OTS Ltd



The Armoured Centre’s Approach to Weapon System Training for AFV Crews

Lieutenant Colonel William Waugh

Lieutenant Colonel William Waugh, Officer Commanding The Armoured Centre School of Gunnery, British Army

• Adequately preparing the British Army’s AFV crews for the contemporary operational environment: Strategies and priorities
• Training practices for gunnery, deliberating fusion between both live and synthetic exercises
• Requirements from industry for the development of user and training friendly systems: Considering the human machine interface (HMI)
• Preparation for the integration of new platforms and weapon systems into the British Army’s armoured vehicle fleet




Networking Lunch



Panel Discussion: Accessing Training Needs for Future Weapon System Operators

  • How Army's currently assess and measure weapons system operator training needs and success
  • Examples of key modules trainees need to be certified as operationally effective
  • Live Fire Vs. Simulation
  • Human factor considerations for the next generation of trainees


  • Lieutenant Colonel William Waugh

    Lieutenant Colonel William Waugh, Officer Commanding The Armoured Centre School of Gunnery, British Army

    Colonel Marcio Callafange Jr.

    Colonel Marcio Callafange Jr., Chief of the Armoured Vehicles Section, Brazilian Army Materiel Directorate

  • How Army's currently assess and measure weapons system operator training needs and success
  • Examples of key modules trainees need to be certified as operationally effective
  • Live Fire Vs. Simulation
  • Human factor considerations for the next generation of trainees


  • Colonel Glenn Dean

    Colonel Glenn Dean, Program Manager, Stryker Brigade Combat Team, PEO Ground Combat Systems, United States Army

    Colonel (ret) Mike Smith

    Colonel (ret) Mike Smith , TARDEC Science & Technology Advocate at the Maneuver Center of Excellence , United States Army



    Acquisition & Through Life Cycle Support of Armoured Vehicles & Vehicle Mounted Weapon Systems: Key aspects from the NSPA Perspective

    Mr Giorgio Scappaticci

    Mr Giorgio Scappaticci, Head of Weapons Systems and Equipment Support, NSPA, NATO


    • Acquisition of Armoured Vehicles: Challenges and Lessons Learned

    o Considerations and experiences obtained from  PRV project, Boxer from Production to In-service challenges, PzH modernization for Croatia and challenges on the Portuguese Project
    • Integration of Sensors and Weapons: A Supportability Perspective 

    o PRV and PzH as examples how we support systems integrated into vehicles (RWS, Surveillance), problem areas, solutions

    • Long Term Cooperative Support for Anti-Armour Missiles: Case Studies for new and legacy systems

    o TOW Support case, how we were able to support it for 40 years from basic to ITAS
    o Spike Support: New system with different challenges and support model

    • Approaches to Missile’s service life extension
    o Different cases in which life extension worked out (TOW, Stinger, Hellfire, Spike). Advice for new missile acquisition



    Afternoon Tea



    Test and Evaluation Qualification of PV developed Armoured Fighting Vehicle Weapon Systems

    Mr Dave  Leeming

    Mr Dave Leeming , Research Director , OTS Ltd

    The T&E perspective
    Status quo - the established typical national procurement process
    The commercial route
    The commercial route – in practice
    Qualification of off-the-shelf complex sub-systems in PV developments




    Safety considerations for integrating future DAS architectures with Armoured Vehicles

    Dr Aditya Deshpande

    Dr Aditya Deshpande, Research Fellow, Vetronics Research Centre


    • Brief on VRC
    • Future DAS Requirements (utilising other vehicle sensors with DAS)
    • Brief on Generic Vehicle Architecture Approach (GVA/NGVA)
    • Safety considerations for integrating DAS with Generic Vehicle Architecture
    • Certifying DAS systems with a novel Modular Safety Case approach (SOLID)



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Colonel (ret) Mike Smith

    Colonel (ret) Mike Smith , TARDEC Science & Technology Advocate at the Maneuver Center of Excellence , United States Army

    Former Director of Force Development British Army
    HM forces
    TARDEC Science & Technology Advocate at the Maneuver Center of Excellence
    United States Army
    Program Manager, Stryker Brigade Combat Team, PEO Ground Combat Systems
    United States Army
    Chief of the Armoured Vehicles Section
    Brazilian Army Materiel Directorate
    Research Fellow
    Vetronics Research Centre
    Capability Advisor, Mounted Close Combat
    British Army
    Technical Manager
    Vetronics Research Centre
    Director Armament Sustainment Program Management
    Canadian Armed Forces
    Officer Commanding The Armoured Centre School of Gunnery
    British Army
    Technical Manager, Jaguar and Griffon Vehicles, SCORPION Programme
    Research Director
    OTS Ltd
    Business Development Officer
    Fire support manager of JAGUAR vehicle
    Head of Weapons Systems and Equipment Support
    Senior Director, Business Development
    Business Development Manager, Turret Sector
    Nexter Systems
    Business Development Manager
    Lockheed Martin UK

    Sponsors and Exhibitors


    Preliminary list of attendees for Future Armoured Vehicles Weapons Systems


    Sponsors and Exhibitors


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Specializing in the design, development and production of Linear Linkless™ ammunition handling systems, Meggitt Defense Systems provides innovative weapon system capabilities in support of military platforms. We have a track record meeting design-to-production requirements for increased capacity, reliability, and storage efficiency for ammunition handling systems. Our state-of-the-art linkless feeding systems allow simultaneous upload and download of rounds and spent cases (where required), providing weapon system efficiency on the battlefield. Linear Linkless™ systems are more efficient, weigh less, and are more reliable than linked systems. Our feed and transfer systems maintain complete control of rounds as they are fed directly into the gun system without wasted space. In the heat of combat, warfighters don’t have to be concerned with their ammunition system jamming and failing them. Meggitt Defense Systems provides a wide range of ammunition handling systems, all of which have been battle proven.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Nexter applies its expertise in Land Defence systems to meet the needs of the French Army and of armed forces all around the world. The scope of its business includes the supply of weapons systems and ammunition for Army, Air Force and Navy. The group, consisting of 3 320 employees across ten sites in France, two sites in Italy (Simmel Difesa) and one site in Belgium (Mecar). Organized in three complementary and interconnected business clusters, whose the synergism is the guarantee to a full range offer, a high technology level from systems design to field maintenance. Systems Business Group: Nexter Systems embodies the preeminent part of the Systems Business Group. Its main activity is the development, the production and the logistic support of fighting and armoured vehicles (Leclerc, VBCI, TITUS®, ARAVIS®), artillery systems (CAESAR®, 105LG1) and weapon systems (ARX®20; a 20mm Remote Controlled Weapon Station, the T40 turret, and others for aerial and naval applications) and Battlefield Management Systems. This Business Group also consists of Nexter Robotics, Nexter Training and CTA International (owned equally with BAE Systems) which markets the 40 CTAS cannon. Ammunition Business Group: The Ammunition Business Group is the alliance of Nexter Munitions, Simmel Difesa and Mecar companies, develops and produces a large range of ammunition from 20 up to 155mm, dedicated to land systems (artillery, infantry, light armoured vehicles and tanks), naval systems, and aeronautic systems. The Ammunition Business Group is also a renowned partner of the European missiles manufacturers in areas such as warheads, safety devices and pyrotechnic components. Equipment business Group: High performance in severe environments is the common denominator of the five subsidiaries that make up the Equipment Business Group (Nexter Electronics, Nexter Mechanics, NBC-Sys, Euro-Shelter, and Optsys).


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    WITTENSTEIN motion control develops customer-specific solutions that conform to military standards for extreme environmental conditions. We integrate mechatronic components, gearhead, motor, sensors, electronics and software into individually-coordinated, accessible and connectable high-performance drive systems. Broad in-house capabilities from a single source with experience in the design, manufacturing and integration of defence motion control systems since 1992. Applications include: • Aiming and stabilization systems for Land and Naval applications o machine guns, o various calibre main guns, o mortars o antennas • Radar positioning systems • Sensor platforms • Electro Optical Infrared System • Ammunition handling systems • Missile fin control • Missile launcher • Peripheral weapon systems • UAV Beyond our ability to offer customized integrated systems, we also offer a range of standard defence grade products.

    Media Partners

    Defence Suppliers


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    Drastic News


    The Drastic News website is your one-stop shop for all things Drones, Robotics, Automation, Security, Technology, Information and Communications. Be kept up-to-date with all the latest industry news and products. It is proudly produced by the publishers of the Australian Security Magazine and the Asia Pacific Security Magazine.

    International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems


    IJHVS provides an authoritative source of information and an international forum in the field of on/off road heavy vehicle systems, including buses. It is a highly professional and refereed journal which forms part of the proceedings of the International Association for Vehicle Design. IAVD is an independent, non-profit, learned society which provides a forum for professionals in both industry and academic institutions to meet, exchange ideas and disseminate knowledge in the field of automotive engineering, technology, and management.

    International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing


    IJVSMT provides a resource of information for the scientific and engineering community working with ground vehicles. Emphases are placed on novel computational and testing techniques that are used by automotive engineers and scientists.

    Australian Security Magazine


    The Australian Security Magazine is the country’s leading government and corporate security magazine. It is published bi-monthly and is distributed free of charge to many of the biggest decision makers in the security industry and also sold in selected stores. It is a highly respected and sought after publication, incorporating investigative journalism, provoking editorial and up-to-date news, trends and events for all security professionals.

    Homeland Security Research Corporation


    HSRC provides premium off-the-shelf market reports on present and emerging technologies and industry expertise, enabling global clients to gain time-critical insight into business opportunities. All reports include in-depth information and analysis of emerging markets, technologies, and industries broken down by geography, market, vertical, technology, product, and revenue stream. Our reports support Homeland Security & Public Safety communities worldwide in their strategic decision-making process, providing up-to-date market knowledge, analysis, and insights. HSRC offers customized research services geared towards providing our clients with clear, actionable recommendations designed to empower decision-making and to help exploit emerging opportunities in the market. The customized research services provide a deep analysis of specific markets and eco-systems, target geographies, strategic segments and verticals, competitor analysis and technological benchmarks. The custom research services are provided as an ad hoc assignment or as an ongoing service.

    Defense Conferences


    Market Research Media Ltd, a leading market research firm, provides comprehensive market research reports and forecasts to assist governmental and corporate decision makers understand the dynamics of world’s technology markets. Fortune 500 companies, US Congress and EU government bodies rely on our strategic insights.

    International Journal of Vehicle Performance


    IJVP, a journal of the International Association for Vehicle Design, addresses multidisciplinary issues relevant to performance of ground vehicle systems and sub-systems for vehicle engineers/scientists. Its scope covers theoretical and experimental developments in performance analyses/assessments of ground vehicles including road, off-road, all-terrain and guided vehicles. In light of the diversified performance requirements for different vehicles, IJVP focuses on identification of measures relevant to different performance aspects of a vehicle system and new concepts/methods/pioneering techniques in analysis/assessment/improvements in vehicle performance.

    Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA)


    Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA) associates Czech companies engaged in research, development, production, trade and marketing of the military and security equipment, material and services. It was founded in 1997 as a non-governmental, independent, apolitical, non-profit organization. Since its foundation it is a respected partner of the Czech Government, the Ministries of Industry and Trade, Defence, Interior and Foreign Affairs. With these institutions the DSIA signed a series of cooperation agreements. DSIA is a partner of organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce or Confederation of Industry and Transportation of the Czech Republic. The Association also cooperates with the publishing house MS Line on publishing a magazine called the Czech Defence Industry and Security Review which is a media platform for the Czech defence and security industry. DSIA promotes business and commercial interests of its members in a dialogue with the Parliament, ministries, other government authorities. It became an important partner and participant in the legislative processes. Its discussions at the "round tables" or face to face meetings with representatives of the state administration or the Parliament help to deal with the defense and security industry issues.

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    International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems


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    International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems


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    International Journal of Vehicle Design


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    Asian Military Review


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    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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