Fast Jet Pilot Training Central and Eastern Europe
5 June - 6 June 2017
Fast Jet Pilot Training Central and Eastern Europe

Fast jet fighter capability is the ultimate projection of military power for air forces across the globe. Recent geo-political instability and tension in Eastern Europe has inspired the necessity of modernisation among the air forces of Central and Eastern European powers in order to reach NATO standards and contribute to the air policing activities in the region. Over the past two years, the Czech Air Force has begun talks with regional partners in the pursuit of a regional training centre for fast jet pilots where partners can pool their resources, knowledge and expertise to create a joint capability far greater than would otherwise be achievable independently. 

SAE Media Group are proud to announce that Fast Jet Pilot Training Central and Eastern Europe will be held again in Prague on the 5th and 6th June 2017 as a forum to exhibit and discuss recent developments in fast jet training technology as well as the activities and capabilities of participating powers. The aim of the conference is to encourage improved cooperation and interoperability among the air forces of regional allies in the pursuit of enhancing air force power in the region.




Colonel Jaroslav  Mika

Colonel Jaroslav Mika

Chief A7 Branch and Chief of Combat Training, Czech Air Force
Major General Jaromír Šebesta

Major General Jaromír Šebesta

Commander, Czech Air Force
Squadron Leader Tim Davies

Squadron Leader Tim Davies

Officer Commanding OC Standards and Instructor Training Hawk T2, RAF Valley

Air Commodre Peter Round

Former Director of Capabilities, Armament and Technology Director at European Defence Agency, PKR Solutions Ltd
Air Commodre Peter Round

Air Commodore Pete Round is a former RAF Buccaneer pilot. He has commanded the RAFs Basic Fast Jet Pilot School and Elementary Flying Training School. He was a board member for the UK Military Flying Training System and Senior Operator for the RAFs No 22 Training Group. More recently as Capability, Armament and Technology Director at the European Defence Agency he was responsible for nearly 200 programs at sea, on land and in the air including the multinational A330 Tanker acquisition and RPAS air traffic integration. Today he is a consultant in International Defence Relations specializing in the EU and NATO.

Brigadier General Csaba Ugrik

Commander HDF 59th SZD Airbase, Hungarian Air Force
Brigadier General Csaba Ugrik

I was born on 24th October 1967 in Baja Hungary. After secondary final examination in 1986, I attended “Kilián György” Aviation Technical College pilot speciality and I was sent to former Czechoslovakia where I took my degree in 1991. I started my career as a military pilot in Taszár at the 2nd “TURUL” tactical squadron where I served till 1996, when I was transferred to Pápa where I was a member of the 1st “GRIFF” tactical squadron till 2000 where I finished flying MiG-21. Then I was assigned to Kecskemét to the 1st “PUMA” squadron. In 2004 a new department was formed and I took a section chief position and became the chief of Flight OPS in 2008. I became deputy base commander in 2012 and on 11th May 2013 I was appointed commander of HDF 59th “Szentgyörgyi Dezso” Airbase.
I have a proficiency level language examination in English, Czech and Slovakian.

National and International Trainings:
1991 Slovakian National Uprising Airforce College/commander-engineer aviation pilot
2000 English language course, University of Veszprém
2001 Tactical and type conversion school MiG-29 HDF 59th “Szentgyörgyi Dezso” Air Base, Kecskemét
2001 Tactical and type conversion school L-39 HDF 59th “Szentgyörgyi Dezso” Air Base, Kecskemét
2002 NFTC, Canada
2005 Preparatory Language course for Gripen retraining, Zrínyi Miklós National Defense University
2006 JAS-39 Gripen re-training, Satenas Sweden
2012 Simulator training, Sweden
2014 NDC Rome

1992. September – 1996. December, pilot (MiG-21), Taszár
1997. January - 2000. December, Flight Commander (MiG-21), Pápa
2001. January – 2004. September, Squadron OPS officer PUMA (MiG-29) squadron, Kecskemét
2004. September – 2008. March, Section Chief Flight OPS, Kecskemét (MiG-29; JAS-39)
2008. March – 2012. August, Chief of Flight OPS, Kecskemét (JAS-39)
2012. September – 2013 April, deputy base commander, Kecskemét
2013. May, base commander, Kecskemét

Flight facts:
Flight hours: 1730
Aircraft flown: L-29 Dolphin, L-39 Albatros, MiG-21 UM/MF/BISZ, MiG-29
UB/B, Jak-52, Z-726, Hawk, Jas-39 A/B,C/D; L-159A/B; SK-60, Mig 29 UB, B, JAS-39 Gripen A,B, C, D, J-37 Vigen, F-16, Tornado

Awards and decorations:
Service Merit Medal Silver Grade
Service Merit Medal Bronze Grade
Service Merit Medal after 500 flight hours
Service Merit Medal after 1000 flight hours
Gold wreath 1st. class title
Officer’s Service Badge 3rd. class after 10 years
Officer’s Service Badge 2nd. class after 20 years

Degree of Ranks:
Second Lieutenant - 07 11. 1991.
First Lieutenant – 01. 01. 1994.
Captain - 01. 01. 1997.
Major - 01. 01. 2002.
Lieutenant Colonel – 01. 03. 2008.
Colonel – 01.09. 2012.
Brig.Gen – 23.10. 2014.

Brigadier General Libor Stefanik

Former Commander , Czech Air Force
Brigadier General Libor  Stefanik

Colonel Andreas Pfeiffer

Chief of Branch II - Jet /RPA at the GAF Forces Command, Flying Operations Directorate. , German Air Force
Colonel Andreas Pfeiffer

Colonel Jan Susekar

Wing Commander 21st Tactical Air Base , Czech Air Force
Colonel Jan Susekar

Colonel Jaroslav Mika

Chief A7 Branch and Chief of Combat Training, Czech Air Force
Colonel Jaroslav  Mika

Colonel Jiri Kacer

Head of Department of Air Force and Aircraft Technology, University of Defence, Czech Republic
Colonel Jiri Kacer

Colonel Luigi Casali

Commander 61st Stormo, Italian Air Force
Colonel Luigi Casali

David Waddington

UK Tornado and F-35 Force Commander until autumn 2015., CAE
David Waddington

Emanuele Merlo

Head of Program Management M-345 Program , Leonardo
Emanuele Merlo

Jakub Fojtik

Vice President - Military Sales, Aero Vodochody A S
Jakub Fojtik

Lieutenant Colonel David Smith

Commandant of 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School, Canadian Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel David  Smith

Lieutenant Colonel Mike Grover

Commander 419 Tactical Fighter Training Squadron , Canadian Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel Mike  Grover

Lieutenant-Colonel Mike “Moose” Grover enrolled in the RCAF in 1991 and flew CF-18 Hornet combat/peace sorties in support of NATO Operations Allied Force, Echo and Noble Eagle; he is a graduate of the Fighter Weapons Instructor Course. In 2003, he was employed as a civilian BAE Systems Hawk fighter pilot instructor with the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In 2009, he was posted to a NATO Targeting Staff Officer position in Heidelberg, Germany. Holding an A2 Instructor rating with over 3000 hrs, he is the Commanding Officer of 419 Squadron that runs the Hawk Fighter Lead-In Training for NFTC.

Lieutenant Colonel Zoltan Litauszki

Head of Flight Training, Hungarian Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel Zoltan Litauszki

Major General (Ret'd) Bohuslav Dvorak

Former Deputy Chief of General Staff , Czech Armed Forces
Major General (Ret'd) Bohuslav  Dvorak

Major General Jaromír Šebesta

Commander, Czech Air Force
Major General Jaromír Šebesta

Marco Venanzetti

Executive Vice President L-39NG , Aero Vodochody
Marco Venanzetti

Mr. Andy Fawkes

Director, Thinke Company Ltd
Mr. Andy Fawkes

Mr. Erikjan Bor

Project Manager, Simulation, Defence Material Organisation, Defence Material Organisation, Netherlands
Mr. Erikjan Bor

Mr. Bor is working at the Joint Information Systems Command of the Defense Materiel Organization of the Netherlands Ministry of Defense. Erikjan has 31 years of experience in the procurement of Simulation and Training systems. Projects start with advising the Netherlands Airforce staff how to write the operational requirements for Simulators and Trainers and ends with the end of the life of type of systems in Operation including the responsible disposal of old systems and components. His core competencies are Training Needs Analyses, Procurement project management and Total Costs of Ownership analyses and System management of Simulators and Trainers.

Speaker to be

Confirmed, CAE
Speaker to be

Squadron Leader Tim Davies

Officer Commanding OC Standards and Instructor Training Hawk T2, RAF Valley
Squadron Leader Tim Davies

Squadron Leader Tim Davies has been active in military fast jet flying training for the last decade and uses his experiences, as a Qualified Flying Instructor in the Tactical Weapons role, to speak and write extensively on Human Factors and the psychology of both the instructor and student pilot. From his background as a Tornado GR4 Electronic Warfare Instructor he combines understanding of the front-line operational task with the training of tomorrow's war-fighter to gain a deeper appreciation of the mechanisms of failure and how they can be used to enhance the performance of both the individual and the team.

Tammy Pope

Training Program Manager, EUCOM, Air Force Security Assistance Training Squadron, US Air Force
Tammy Pope


Conference agenda



Registration & Informal Meeting



Understanding Tomorrow's Fast Jet Pilot

Squadron Leader Tim Davies

Squadron Leader Tim Davies, Officer Commanding Standards and Instructor Training Hawk T2, Royal Air Force



Building Success – The UK’s Fast Jet Flying Training System

Squadron Leader Tim Davies

Squadron Leader Tim Davies, Officer Commanding Standards and Instructor Training Hawk T2, Royal Air Force



Investing in the Flying Instructor – Defining the Value

Squadron Leader Tim Davies

Squadron Leader Tim Davies, Officer Commanding Standards and Instructor Training Hawk T2, Royal Air Force



Morning Coffee



Predicting System Failures – When, Where and Why it All Goes Wrong

Squadron Leader Tim Davies

Squadron Leader Tim Davies, Officer Commanding Standards and Instructor Training Hawk T2, Royal Air Force



Synthetic Training on the RAF’s Hawk T2

Squadron Leader Tim Davies

Squadron Leader Tim Davies, Officer Commanding Standards and Instructor Training Hawk T2, Royal Air Force



The Future of Fast Jet Flying Training

Squadron Leader Tim Davies

Squadron Leader Tim Davies, Officer Commanding Standards and Instructor Training Hawk T2, Royal Air Force



Discussion and Summary

Squadron Leader Tim Davies

Squadron Leader Tim Davies, Officer Commanding Standards and Instructor Training Hawk T2, Royal Air Force



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Colonel Jaroslav  Mika

Colonel Jaroslav Mika, Chief A7 Branch and Chief of Combat Training, Czech Air Force



The Ongoing Modernisation Efforts of the Czech Air Force and Future Development

Major General Jaromír Šebesta

Major General Jaromír Šebesta, Commander, Czech Air Force

• Current activity and fast jet capacity of the Czech Air Force
• Feedback from ongoing joint operations with regional and international partners
• Future upgrade plans and how these will be achieved through cooperation
• Importance of clear planning for effective pilot training in the modern Czech Air Force



The Hungarian Acquisition of Cutting Edge Fast Jets in order to take a Leading Role in Regional Air Policing

Brigadier General Csaba Ugrik, Commander HDF 59th SZD Airbase, Hungarian Air Force

• Lease-purchasing of JAS-39M Gripen’s from the Swedish Defence and Security Export Agency (FXM) and recent contract extensions
• Implementation and maintenance of cutting edge pilot training in line with and advanced fighter fleet and operating the JAS39D twin-seater as a jet trainer
• The Hungarian role in leading Baltic Air Policing rotation under NATO Command



Optimising the Development and Deployment of German Air Force Fighter Pilots

Colonel Andreas Pfeiffer

Colonel Andreas Pfeiffer, Chief of Branch II - Jet /RPA at the GAF Forces Command, Flying Operations Directorate. , German Air Force

• Examining current pilot training demands across the fleet and use of international training bases
• How the German Air Force operates a successful overseas training base to maximise the efficiency of pilot training
• Advanced jet programs and development: from 2nd to 5th generation trainers and fighters
• Participation in coalition operations and deployments: Maximising integration of varied mission sets into training



Morning Coffee




Marco Venanzetti

Marco Venanzetti, Executive Vice President L-39NG , Aero Vodochody



The Canadian Experience of Providing Fast Jet Training for International Allies

• Flight training operations at 15 Wing CFB Moose Jaw, principle site of NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC)
• Progression of pilot training at 419 Tactical Fighter Training Squadron
• Operating jet training through cooperation between military and industry for more effective pilot training

Lieutenant Colonel Mike Grover, Commander 419 Tactical Fighter Training Squadron , Canadian Air Force

Lieutenant Colonel David  Smith

Lieutenant Colonel David Smith , Commandant of 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School, Canadian Air Force



Improving Capability whilst Reducing Costs: The Importance of Regional Cooperation for Central and Eastern European Air Forces

Brigadier General Libor  Stefanik

Brigadier General Libor Stefanik , Former Commander , Czech Air Force

• Creating a stronger and more capable CEE policy on Air Force Pilot Training
• Examples of shared requirements and solutions available
• More efficient collaboration and joint procurement opportunities to harness the best available at a share cost



Networking Lunch



Ensuring Pilots are prepared for Active Duty through Advanced Training Systems

Squadron Leader Tim Davies, Officer Commanding OC Standards and Instructor Training Hawk T2, RAF Valley

• The RAF approach to fast jet pilot training
• Developing pilot training gradually through various stages of aircraft use
• RAF experience of adapting pilot training in preparation of 5th generation jet fighters
• The reality of utilising synthetic training methods in the pursuit of improving training efficiency



Military-Led Industry-Enabled Fast Jet Training

David Waddington

David Waddington, UK Tornado and F-35 Force Commander until autumn 2015., CAE


·         The financial and training challenge
·         Fast jet training spectrum
·         Military-led Industry-enabled training solution
·         Advanced training concepts
·         Military-Industry cooperative business model
·         Value proposition
·         Forthcoming activity


Recent Developments Leading the Italian Air Force to Forefront of Fast Jet Training

• Development and operation of the Italian Alenia Aermacchi M-346 “Master” jet trainer
• Reducing overall cost of fast jet training through the use of advanced trainers that can more closely mimic the characteristics of fighter aircraft, thereby reducing time spent training in fighter aircraft and the associated costs
• Why the Lecce Galatina airbase is considered a prime candidate for the European Air Training Centre and how its systems and personnel have made it so
• The Italian view of NATO’s “pooling and sharing” concept

Colonel Luigi Casali

Colonel Luigi Casali, Commander 61st Stormo, Italian Air Force



Leonardo Aircraft's advanced training solutions: jet performances, state-of-art ground based simulation for the next generation military pilots

Emanuele Merlo

Emanuele Merlo, Head of Program Management M-345 Program , Leonardo

M-345 and M-346 at the forefront of the technology as fully Integrated Training Systems

Embedded Tactical Training Systems in flight, Ground Based Training Systems and LVC, Live, Virtual, Constructive environment




Afternoon Tea



From Concept to Implementation: Developing Synthetic Solutions to meet the Netherlands Armed Forces Training Needs

Mr. Erikjan Bor, Project Manager, Simulation, Defence Material Organisation, Defence Material Organisation, Netherlands

• An overview of the activity of the DMO in simulated training solutions
• Determining the training needs of the Royal Netherlands Air Force and exploring how synthetic training solutions can optimise pilot training
• Developing and managing adjustable simulated training programmes based on developing Air Force requirements
• The potential of simulated training and how it can continue to maximise pilot training



Maintaining a Combat Ready and Deployable Fast Jet Capability of the Czech Air Force

Colonel Jan Susekar

Colonel Jan Susekar, Wing Commander 21st Tactical Air Base , Czech Air Force

• Roles and responsibilities of the 21st Tactical Air Base in CÁSLAV
• Keeping the fast jet fleet ready and deployable
• Training initiatives and current results
• Cooperation with NATO forces and joint exercises



Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One



Evening Networking Drinks Recepton at AERO VODOCHODY AIR BASE



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Colonel Jaroslav  Mika

Colonel Jaroslav Mika, Chief A7 Branch and Chief of Combat Training, Czech Air Force



Creating the Next Generation Czech Air Force

Colonel Jaroslav  Mika

Colonel Jaroslav Mika, Chief A7 Branch and Chief of Combat Training, Czech Air Force

• Current modernisation plans and roadmaps
• The importance of regional and international cooperation
• Expanding the fleet: plans for new fast jet trainers and extended use of the GRIPEN platform
• Selection and training priorities for the modern Czech Air Force



Pooling and Sharing Initiatives and the Potential for Fast Jet Pilot Training

Air Commodre Peter Round, Former Director of Capabilities, Armament and Technology Director at European Defence Agency, PKR Solutions Ltd

• EDA history of supporting joint pilot training initiatives
• Lessons to be learned from the success of joint helicopter pilot training
• The potential benefits of pooling capabilities and resources for improving and expanding fast jet pilot training in Europe
• Thoughts on reviving joint fast jet pilot training and recent developments



Air Force Security Assistance Training Squadron

Tammy Pope

Tammy Pope, Training Program Manager, EUCOM, Air Force Security Assistance Training Squadron, US Air Force

  • Foreign Military Sales Training
  • Specialized Undergraduate Flying Training
  • F-16 Training
  • Aircraft Maintenance Training
  • Multi-Aircraft Contract - supporting non-standard aircraft
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Panel Discussion: Improving Cooperation among Regional Allies to Enhance Fast Jet Capabilities and Secure Sovereign Air Space

    Colonel Jaroslav  Mika

    Colonel Jaroslav Mika, Chief A7 Branch and Chief of Combat Training, Czech Air Force

    Squadron Leader Tim Davies, Officer Commanding OC Standards and Instructor Training Hawk T2, RAF Valley

    Tammy Pope

    Tammy Pope, Training Program Manager, EUCOM, Air Force Security Assistance Training Squadron, US Air Force

    Colonel Luigi Casali

    Colonel Luigi Casali, Commander 61st Stormo, Italian Air Force



    Integrating Multi-National Pilots during Early Flight Education to Encourage Future Cooperation and Improve Air Force Interoperability

    Colonel Jiri Kacer

    Colonel Jiri Kacer, Head of Department of Air Force and Aircraft Technology, University of Defence, Czech Republic

    • The evolution of Czech fast jet pilot education
    • The Czech experience of the Military Erasmus scheme
    • Importance of pilot integration among allies and considerations for enhancing future cooperation through education and training practices



    Current Trends and Capabilities in Simulated Flight Training Technology and What of the Future of Flight Simulation?

    Mr. Andy Fawkes

    Mr. Andy Fawkes, Director, Thinke Company Ltd

  • Current synthetic options for fast jet pilot training and how these can improve the efficiency of pilot training
  • How to effectively manage these systems to ensure maximum pilot combat readiness while safeguarding investment
  • The potential of synthetic training technology and it can be integrated into pilot training for optimum output
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks

    Colonel Jaroslav  Mika

    Colonel Jaroslav Mika, Chief A7 Branch and Chief of Combat Training, Czech Air Force



    Networking Lunch



    Close of Confernece

    Former Director of Capabilities, Armament and Technology Director at European Defence Agency
    PKR Solutions Ltd
    Commander HDF 59th SZD Airbase
    Hungarian Air Force
    Former Commander
    Czech Air Force
    Chief of Branch II - Jet /RPA at the GAF Forces Command, Flying Operations Directorate.
    German Air Force
    Wing Commander 21st Tactical Air Base
    Czech Air Force
    Chief A7 Branch and Chief of Combat Training
    Czech Air Force
    Head of Department of Air Force and Aircraft Technology
    University of Defence, Czech Republic
    Commander 61st Stormo
    Italian Air Force
    UK Tornado and F-35 Force Commander until autumn 2015.
    Head of Program Management M-345 Program
    Vice President - Military Sales
    Aero Vodochody A S
    Commandant of 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School
    Canadian Air Force
    Commander 419 Tactical Fighter Training Squadron
    Canadian Air Force
    Head of Flight Training
    Hungarian Air Force
    Former Deputy Chief of General Staff
    Czech Armed Forces
    Czech Air Force
    Executive Vice President L-39NG
    Aero Vodochody
    Thinke Company Ltd
    Project Manager, Simulation, Defence Material Organisation
    Defence Material Organisation, Netherlands
    Officer Commanding OC Standards and Instructor Training Hawk T2
    RAF Valley
    Training Program Manager, EUCOM, Air Force Security Assistance Training Squadron
    US Air Force

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Official Associations



    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s.

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Aero is historically the world’s largest jet training aircraft manufacturer with more than 11,000 produced aircraft and over 13,000,000 flight hours total log of the fleet – established in 1919. Aero produced more than 6,700 own design jet training aircraft - 70% of the world production, operated in 60 countries.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    CAE is a global leader in delivery of training for the defence & security, civil aviation and healthcare markets. We design and integrate the industry's most comprehensive training solutions, anchored by the knowledge and expertise of our 8,500 employees, our world-leading simulation technologies and a track record of service and technology innovation spanning seven decades. Our global presence is the broadest in the industry, with 160 sites and training locations in 35 countries, including our joint venture operations, and the world's largest installed base of flight simulators. Each year, we train more than 120,000 defence and civil aircrew, as well as thousands of healthcare professionals. CAE's Defence & Security division focuses on helping prepare our customers to develop and maintain the highest levels of mission readiness. We are a world-class training systems integrator, offering a comprehensive portfolio of training centres, training services and simulation products across the air, land, sea and public safety market segments. We serve our global defence and security customers through four regional operations in Canada; the United States/Latin America; Europe/Middle East/Africa; and Asia/Pacific, all of which leverage the full breadth of CAE's capabilities, technologies and solutions.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Leonardo Aircraft Division is part of Leonardo, one of the top ten global players in Aerospace, Defence and Security and Italy’s main industrial company. As a single entity from January 2016, organised into business divisions (Helicopters; Aircraft; Aero-structures; Airborne & Space Systems; Land & Naval Defence Electronics; Defence Systems; Security & Information Systems), Leonardo operates in the most competitive international markets by leveraging its areas of technology and product leadership. Listed on the Milan Stock Exchange (LDO), Leonardo has a significant industrial presence in Italy, the UK and the U.S.

    Media Partners

    Aviation News


    As Britain’s longest established monthly aviation journal, Aviation News is renowned for providing the best coverage of every branch of aviation. Now incorporating Classic Aircraft, each issue features the latest news and in-depth features, plus firsthand accounts from pilots putting you in the cockpit. Covering both modern military and civil aircraft, as well as classic types from yesteryear, it features subjects from World War Two, through the Cold War years to present day. Aviation News brings you the past, present and future of flight.

    21st Century Asian Arms Race


    21st Century Asian Arms Race (21AAR) is an online resource for conflict and security related information specific to Eurasia. 21AAR's editorial style and open source approach to gathering public intelligence ensures a unique and independent presentation of events in real-time.

    Global Defence Technology


    Global Defence Technology is the essential reading material for decision-makers in the defence industry, bringing you the latest news and insights in an exciting, interactive format. Produced by a team of experienced editors and contributors, this monthly magazine takes an in-depth look at defence procurement, market developments and the latest defence systems for land, air and sea. From major international equipment programmes to the next-generation technologies being developed in the labs of militaries and private manufacturers, GDT is keeping a finger on the pulse of the global defence industry.

    International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security


    IJMIS is an international, fully refereed research journal which integrates the disciplines of intelligent computing, information security, biometrics, multimedia processing, communication and applications.

    Air International


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    International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation


    The field of human factors focuses on the human, the interaction of humans and machines and humans and computers, whether people serve as operators, maintainers or users in the system. The field advocates systematic use of such knowledge to achieve compatibility in the design of interactive systems of people, machines and environments to ensure their effectiveness, safety and ease of performance. IJHFMS highlights development and use of computer simulations and computational algorithms to advance knowledge and understanding of the field.

    Homeland Security Research Corporation


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    European Sting


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    Int J of Aerospace Systems Science & Engineering


    IJASSE provides an international, peer-reviewed forum which focuses on system-level research and development regarding astronautics and aeronautics. The journal emphasises the unique role and increasing importance of informatics on aerospace. It fills a gap in current publishing coverage between outer space vehicles and atmospheric vehicles by highlighting interdisciplinary techniques, presenting systematic mechanisms and assembly integration and verification (AIV) techniques from a bionic point of view.



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    Internatinal Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing


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    Homeland Security


    HOMELAND SECURITY is a publishing house that produces specialist periodicals. “Homeland Security“ is a quarterly specialist periodical in German language and “Global Security“ is released twice a year in English language. They focus on international political, scientific, technical and additional up-to-date challenges arising from the sectors of safety and security, civil protection, disaster assistance and security research. The periodicals aim at decision makers in politics, ministries, public services and industry. Our specialist editorial team is located all over the world (e. g. USA, Canada, Australia, Asia). Accordingly, reporting is being carried out on the spot. Please have a look at a sample issue of our magazine “Global Security”: http://www.homeland-sec.de/en/epaper-global-security/

    Combat Aircraft magazine


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    Defense Express


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    International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems


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    Global Military Communications


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    International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation


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    Military Simulation and Training Magazine


    For more than 30 years MS&T Magazine has been the leading simulation and training publication for the defence industry and remains the only publication entirely dedicated to simulation and training in the military. Published 6 times per year, each issue typically carries at least five major articles, an industry news and analysis wrap-up, coverage of recent events, an industry calendar and more, including the coveted MS&T Industry Awards. Live, virtual and constructive (LVC) simulations, gaming and immersive, VR training systems amongst the many other topics covered. Make sure you sign up for our weekly newsletter on our website.



    Our production focuses on promoting defence and security industry at home and abroad and on improving the communication among the public and state administration and defence and security industry of the Czech Republic. Basis of the production are prestigious catalogues, bulletins and magazines: Catalogue of the Security and Defence Industry of the Czech Republic, Catalogue of the Association of Defence and Security Industry of the Czech Republic, Review for defence and security industry, magazines IDET NEWS, CDIS Review, profiles of Czech and foreign companies, etc.



    SEGURANÇA & DEFESA (“Security & Defense”) is the recognized leader among South American printed defense magazines. It has been in the market for 37 years, and presently is the only one of its kind in Brazil to be nationally distributed. Sold on news stands and by subscriptions, it is sent free of charge to key names and addresses in the defense sector in Brazil and in South American countries.

    Military Systems and Technology


    Military Systems & Technology is a comprehensive web portal, design agency and publication designed for the International Defence & Aerospace Industry. It is a source of daily information for Manufacturers, OEM’S, System Integrators and Contractors. We even have Government & Military Readers. The portal encompasses all aspects of Military equipment, technology, design and services. www.militarysystems-tech.com info@militarysystems-tech.com +44 (0)1392 881545

    Official Associations

    Official Event Partner Czech Air Force

    Official Associations

    “Our goal is simple, to promote enhanced cooperation for Central and Eastern European fighter jet pilots and standardize the level of training to ensure successful future domestic and joint operations.” Major General Jaromír Šebesta, Commander, Czech Air Force

    Andel's Hotel

    Stroupeznickeho 21
    Prague 15000
    Czech Republic

    Andel's Hotel

    The Czech capital is where tradition meets modernity. Located on the left side of the river Vltava, in the modern quarter of 'Andel', andel's by Vienna House Prague is situated in Prague's bustling 5th district. Getting here couldn't be easier, thanks to the hotel's close proximity to bus and tram stops and 'Andel' metro station. One of the best shopping centres in the city, with over 130 shops and restaurants, is equally close by.



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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    Website: http://www.smgconferences.com Email: events@saemediagroup.com
    Registered in England - SMi Group Ltd trading as SAE Media Group

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