The Masterclass will give delegates an insight in how security at national travel hubs work. With in-depth knowledge on the security procedures at airports, train and bus stations this will provide key security members an insight to how to make security tighter and more efficient at these travel hubs.
With many terrorist organisations choosing to target travel hubs it is pivotel that the security firms understand the correct procedures they must have in place when their transport hub is targetted. With past attacks being carried out on commuters in London, Madrid and Moscow, security at these destinations has taken a higher priority. With the London 2012 Olympics just around the corner all eyes will be on the security at the event, to see if it has been carried out successfully.
Do not miss the chance to learn all the key security issues transport hubs face and how to cover your back in case anything catastrophic does happen at one of your transport hubs or event.
Benefits of attending
Learn current security procedures in place at travel hubs
Gain in-depth knowledge of procedures security firms must have in place for audits
Access the profiling systems at airports, train and bus stations
Network with senior representatives within security
Who should attend
- Practioners from transport
Masterclass Leaders
Peter French
Peter French is the Director of GOLD COMMAND Ltd. GOLD COMMAND offers specialist business development and opportunity consultancy to companies within the security, counter terrorism, aviation and airport sectors. Peter retired from the UK Police Service in 2005 having attained the rank of A/Divisional Commander. Peter is a career Detective gaining nine commendations. Peter had responsibility for Counter Terrorism and the hijack plans at the UK designated hijack airport. Peter was Chair of the UK Airport Police Commanders Advisory Group examining security terrorism and partnership agency working. He was also A/Chair of the Crime Group and founder of the UK Airport Police Commanders Crime Reduction Group.
Peter is a trusted expert at Qinetiq plc. Peter has undertaken many lectures on security matters and was appointed lecturer on behalf the US State Department on security, terrorism and risk matters presenting to numerous overseas government delegations (2007/2010). Peter is a Fellow at the Security Institute,(FSyI) a Fellow at the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) and a Senior Visiting Fellow at the American University Washington DC. He is also a Churchill Fellow having been supported by the UK Government to study Drug Related Crime in the United States. Peters Masters Degree at Exeter University UK examined the Effectiveness of CCTV Surveillance and the Opinions of Criminals Towards CCTV.

He is the holder of the Queen’s Police Medal for distinguished police service, having served 25years in Essex police rising to Detective Superintendent and 7 years in British Transport Police where he served as Detective Chef Superintendent to Assistant Chief Officer level. He ws involved in the drafting of the 1990s counter terrorist strategy for the railways in England, Scotland and Wales and or the international trains to France and Brussels.
Having completed his police service in 1998, he became an international transport consultant providing security and counter terrorist advice for transport world wide. He has advised Governrnen