Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology
27 January - 28 January 2025
Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology

SAE Media Group is proud to present the 10th annual Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology conference, taking place on the 27-28 January 2025.

With rapid technological advances changing the way maritime forces need to utilise and manage ISR capabilities across domains, Maritime and Littoral Reconnaissance and Surveillance systems and platforms have become a critical component of naval capability.

Make sure you are a part of the leading conference in Europe dedicated to Maritime ISR. Join the maritime community across two days of discussion on innovation, with a focus on collaboration with industry experts, international military and inspirational speakers.

Platforms and topics discussed include... Maritime Patrol Aircraft Development, RPAS for Maritime Surveillance, Space-Based ISR, C4ISR, Search & Rescue, Autonomy, Coastal & Littoral Surveillance, Enhancing Overall Maritime Security and More...


Capitaine de Vaisseau Johann Eidesheim

Capitaine de Vaisseau Johann Eidesheim

Head of the Naval Air Office, Naval Staff – Plans/Programs, French Navy
Captain António Mourinha

Captain António Mourinha

PRT CHON Innovation Advisor, Portuguese Navy
Captain Dr. Robert Koch

Captain Dr. Robert Koch

Branch Head Cyberspace, NATO ACT
Captain Matt Syrett

Captain Matt Syrett

Deputy Head Maritime & MetOc, National Centre for Geospatial Intelligence, UK StratCom
Captain Rafael Torrecillas del Prado

Captain Rafael Torrecillas del Prado

Chief of Staff, European Union Naval Force Operation ATALANTA - EUNAVFOR ATALANTA
Commander (Ret’d) Ian Danbury OBE

Commander (Ret’d) Ian Danbury OBE

Royal Navy ASW Spearhead – NATO Engagement & Secretary NATO ASW Barrier Project, Royal Navy
Commander Alan Darlington

Commander Alan Darlington

Navy Digital Information Exploitation, Royal Navy
Commander Alexander Tereshko

Commander Alexander Tereshko

Director of Intelligence, Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group CPRG, US Navy
Commander Pieter Blank

Commander Pieter Blank

Innovator Programme Manager, Royal Netherlands Navy
Commander Trevor Bradley

Commander Trevor Bradley

Strike Net - Programme Director, Royal Navy
Commodore (Ret'd) Steve Prest

Commodore (Ret'd) Steve Prest

Former Director Navy Acquisition, Royal Navy
Commodore Andrew Ingham

Commodore Andrew Ingham

Commander, Fleet Operational Standards and Training COM FOST, Royal Navy
Dr Alison Weston

Dr Alison Weston

Senior Coordinator for Coordinated Maritime Presences, Deputy to the Director and Head of Division Maritime Security, European External Action Service
Dr Raffaella Guida

Dr Raffaella Guida

Reader in Satellite Remote Sensing, Surrey Space Centre, University of Surrey
Mr David Bajouco

Mr David Bajouco

Director, Maritime Surveillance Business Unit, CLS
Mr Ferdinand Peters

Mr Ferdinand Peters

Naval Systems Architect, Defence Material Organisation, Netherlands Ministry of Defence
Mr Rich Laing

Mr Rich Laing

Principal Project Manager, Joint Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Centre, NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency)
Rear Admiral (UH) Krzysztof Jaworski

Rear Admiral (UH) Krzysztof Jaworski

Commander, Maritime Component Command, Polish Navy
Wing Commander David Higgins

Wing Commander David Higgins

Officer Commanding 120 Squadron, Royal Air Force

Capitaine de Vaisseau Johann Eidesheim

Head of the Naval Air Office, Naval Staff – Plans/Programs, French Navy
Capitaine de Vaisseau Johann Eidesheim

 Captain Johann Eidesheim joins the Navy in 1993. Following his Flight Navigator and Radar Operator course, he is assigned to the Maritime Patrol Squadron 21F in Nîmes-Garons and participates in many operational missions. From 1998, he holds the position of tactical coordinator on ATL2 and stands out positively during several operational deployments.

In 2001, appointed Deputy Liaison Officer on board of two American aircraft carriers as part of "Enduring Freedom" operation, he is the aeronautic adviser of the coalition Commander. Coming back to a Maritime Patrol Squadron, he participates in numerous operational missions: Djibouti, "Licorne" operation (Ivory Coast), "Epervier/Dorca'' operation (Chad).

In 2009, he joins the training department at the Naval Air Station of Lann-Bihoué. Appointed course director, he is in charge of the tactical training for the maritime patrol crews. In November 2010, he is nominated as ATL2 adviser within the "Sahel" crisis cell for the planning and control operation centre of the military headquarters.

In 2011, he is appointed to the Maritime Surveillance and Intervention Patrol Center of Expertise (CENTEX PATSIMAR). Qualified Forward Air Controller Airborne (FAC-A), he participates in “Harmattan” operation (Libya) then Serval (Mali).

In 2014, he is appointed to MARCOM in Northwood (UK) as operational planner. In September 2019, graduated of War College, he is appointed within the Navy Operational Headquarters in charge of Navy Air operational employment and doctrine.

The Commander Johann Eidesheim is currently commanding the Maritime Surveillance and Intervention Patrol Center of Expertise (CENTEX PATSIMAR).

Totalling more than 5000 flying hours, 22 deployments on operational theatres, he is awarded the Legion of Honour, the National Order of Merit as well as three unit awards for combat missions.

Captain António Mourinha

PRT CHON Innovation Advisor, Portuguese Navy
Captain António Mourinha

Captain Dr. Robert Koch

Branch Head Cyberspace, NATO ACT
Captain Dr. Robert Koch

 Captain Dr. Robert Koch is Branch Head Cyberspace at Allied Command Transformation, Portfolio Manager, and the primary Cyberspace point of contact to Senior ACT leadership. He manages and coordinates the Cyberspace Programme and represents SACT, DCOS and ACOS on high level cyber-related engagements.
Captain Dr. Koch entered the German Navy in 1998. After officer training, university education and subsequent operational and technical training, he served as Weapon Engineering Officer with deployments to NATO, EU and UN missions. After the National General/Admiral Staff Officer Course, Captain Dr. Koch served as Action Officer Cyber in the Communication and Information Systems Command, built up the new Penetration Testing capability of the Federal Armed Forces as Department Head in the Center for Cyber Security, and served as Desk Officer Cyber Policy in the Federal Ministry of Defence. From October 2021 to September 2023, he was Section Head Interoperability Verification & Validation and the Director of NATO Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXploration, eXperimentation, eXamination and eXercise (CWIX). Since October 2023, he is Branch Head Cyber in NATO ACT.
Beside his military career, Captain Dr. Koch is active in research and teaching in his spare time. He has lecturing assignments at different universities and is Assistant Professor at the University of the Federal Armed Forces, holds a Diploma in Informatics, a Master’s Degree in Military Leadership and International Security, and two doctoral degrees.

Captain Matt Syrett

Deputy Head Maritime & MetOc, National Centre for Geospatial Intelligence, UK StratCom
Captain Matt Syrett

Captain Matt Syrett is the Maritime Geospatial Intelligence Liaison Officer for the National Centre for Geospatial Intelligence (NCGI). Appointed as the defence customer Non-Executive Director for the UKHO board, Matt is focused on meeting defence needs for maritime geospatial data.
Captain Matt Syrett is a warfare officer and specialist military Hydrographic surveyor, Oceanographer and Meteorologist, he is also qualified as a specialist Navigator. Matt has Commanded HM Ships GLEANER, ROEBUCK, ECHO and PROTECTOR. In 2016 he became the Hydrographer of the Royal Navy and Commanded the 700-person strong Royal Navy Survey Flotilla in its operations worldwide.
Matt has experience as the Naval Assistant to The First Sea Lord. Working directly for Admiral Sir George Zambellas and Admiral Sir Philip Jones, as their lead for International Defence Engagement, during a period that included, the Scottish Referendum and Strategic Defence Security Review 2015. He also has Strategic and Operational Media experience gained from a two-year assignment to the Permanent Joint Headquarters during the Afghanistan and Libya campaigns.
Matt acts as the defence customer on the UKHO board. He supports and constructively challenges the executive committee, applying scrutiny both in the development of business strategies, cases, plans and targets; and in assessing the UKHO’s success in delivering its approved corporate plan.

Captain Rafael Torrecillas del Prado

Chief of Staff, European Union Naval Force Operation ATALANTA - EUNAVFOR ATALANTA
Captain Rafael Torrecillas del Prado

Captain Rafael Torrecillas del Prado was born on August 27, 1966, in El Puerto de Santa María (Cadiz). He attended the Naval Academy in Marin (Pontevedra) from 1987 to 1992 graduating as LTJG.
He is specialized in gunnery and missiles systems. He graduated as Staff Officer by the Spanish Defense War College and completed the Senior Course in the NATO Defense College (Rome).
During his 34 years of service, he was posted on several Spanish warships as a gunnery and missiles officer and Combat Systems Officer (CSO). He was the first CSO of the F100 Frigate “Mendez Nunez”. He commanded the Patrol Boat Izaro and OPV Arnomendi and the first MCM Squadron of the Spanish Navy.
He served as staff officer in COMSPMARFOR, the Amphibious Force Staff, and Spanish Navy General Headquarters. He deployed several times in the STANAVFORMED and STANAVFORLANT NATO groups and served as ACOS N3 in the FHQ of Operation ATALANTA.
He took over Atalanta COS position in August 2021. During this period, he chaired the 49th, 50th, and 51th and participated in the 52nd Edition of SHADE in Bahrein. He also participated in several international fora a and meetings such as: RE 2021 CJOS COE Maritime Security Roundtable, the 5th EU-ASEAN Security and Defense Policy Seminar, the 2022 EU-Seychelles Political Dialog and organized the last five Industry Strategic Meetings held in London and hosted by the OPCDR of Atalanta.

Commander (Ret’d) Ian Danbury OBE

Royal Navy ASW Spearhead – NATO Engagement & Secretary NATO ASW Barrier Project, Royal Navy
Commander (Ret’d) Ian Danbury OBE

 Ian joined the Royal Navy in 1979 retiring last year after 43 years’ service, he is a graduate of the, now closed, Royal Navy’s Engineering College in Plymouth and is a Chartered Engineer. The early years of his career were spent in both engineering and warfare appointments in Frigates and Destroyers. He served aboard HMS GLASGOW during the Falklands conflict in 1982 and in the Gulf during the tanker wars of the late 80s, he also conducted several Anti-Submarine patrols in the North Atlantic during the height of the Cold War. More latterly he has served in the MOD, shore HQs, as an intelligence analyst and as a Sea Training instructor. He graduated from the NATO Defence College in 2009 and served in the NATO HQ in Naples, Italy and more recently in the NATO HQ in Brussels where he supported capability development and was the lead author of NATO’s Anti-Submarine Warfare vision. He went on to be part the team which formed and then supported the NATO Maritime Unmanned Systems Initiative.
In 2023, he took up a civilian post supporting the Royal Navy’s ASW Spearhead project with a specific focus on NATO engagement and Operational Experimentation. As part of the leadership team of NATO’s ASW Barrier project, he planned and led the execution of the Underwater component of the REPMUS 23 unmanned exercise in Portugal in Sep 23.

Commander Alan Darlington

Navy Digital Information Exploitation, Royal Navy
Commander Alan Darlington

 On completion of his university studies, Alan spent a year working in finance for Lockheed Martin, during which time he was exposed to a number of military projects. This sparked further interest in a career within the Armed Forces and in September 2002, he joined the Royal Navy as potential aircrew.

Early in 2008, having been awarded his ‘wings’, Alan joined 814 Naval Air Squadron and deployed on Op CHOBDAHAR in support of counter piracy, counter narcotics and counter people trafficking operations. The end of 2009, saw Alan return to the home of Merlin training, 824 Naval Air Squadron, as a Staff Aircrew Instructor, primarily responsible for teaching tactics in a simulated environment to trainee pilots during the Operational Conversion Phase of helicopter training.

In 2011, upon completion of the Intermediate Command and Staff Course (Maritime), Alan graduated from the inaugural Joint Maritime Intelligence Course. Assigned as deputy to the Officer in Charge of the Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose Intelligence Facility (CSIF), Alan was responsible for developing the roles of the unit to better support the front-line squadrons. His two years within the CSIF also saw him deploy on Op HERRICK, working alongside the Seaking Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft. On his return to RNAS Culdrose, he took the lead in developing the Station’s contribution to Maritime Security Operations.

In 2013, Alan was assigned as the Officer in Charge of Windmill Hill Signal Station. Over his three-year assignment, the unit underwent significant refurbishment and expanded its portfolio to better support the local Command and law enforcement agencies monitor the region and respond to maritime security incidents.

On promotion to Lt Cdr, Alan undertook a six-month tour as the Chief Analyst for the UK Maritime Component Commander, liaising with various partner nations to provide operational support to all RN units operating within the region. This tour was followed by two years seconded to another government department before joining PJHQ as an Operations Plans Officer. In May 2021, Alan assumed the role of Officer in Charge of the Fleet Information Operations Centre.

In May 2023, Alan was promoted to Cdr and was assigned to Navy Digital where he leads on the Royal Navy’s Information Exploitation portfolio, introducing new technologies and ways of working for the Naval community.

Commander Alexander Tereshko

Director of Intelligence, Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group CPRG, US Navy
Commander Alexander Tereshko

 CDR Alexander J. Tereshko was born in Framingham, Massachusetts and graduated with Merit from the United States Naval Academy in 2000. His first operational assignment was with Patrol Squadron ONE at NAS Whidbey Island as the Aviation Intelligence Officer where he deployed in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM-PHILIPPINES. CDR Tereshko then served in the Chief of Naval Operations – Intelligence Plot, as a HUMINT officer at the Defense Intelligence Agency, and as Flag Aide to the Director, DIA. Returning to operational duty, he completed successive O-4 Milestone tours with Joint Special Operations Command and Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron ONE (VQ-1) before moving to Naval Special Warfare Group FOUR as the Senior Intelligence Officer for O-5 Milestone. Following a tour at Navy Warfare Development Command, CDR Tereshko arrived at Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group as the Director of Intelligence. His personal awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal (w/ two oak leaf clusters), the Meritorious Service Medal (w/ gold star), and the Navy Commendation Medal (w/ two gold stars). He also holds an MA in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College.

Commander Jens Parnow

Branch Head Plans & Policy, Maritime AIR Directorate, NATO MARCOM
Commander Jens Parnow

Jens Parnow joined the German Navy in 2002 to fulfill his mandatory conscription on an Auxiliary Support Ship. He enrolled in the Naval Academy in 2004 and earned a Master's Degree in Economics from the University of the Armed Forces Hamburg.
His expertise lies in naval aviation, serving as a Naval Flight Officer on Maritime Patrol Aircraft. He underwent initial training with the US Navy in 2011, accumulating over 2000 flight hours, primarily on the P-3C Orion as Tactical Coordinator and Mission Commander.
In 2018, he was appointed to the Joint War College, Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr, in Hamburg, focusing on national security studies, defense policy and maritime warfare. In 2020, he assumed command of the 2nd Squadron Naval Air Wing 3 “Graf Zeppelin,” operating P-3C and DO228. Since September 2023, he has been serving as the Branch Head of Plans & Policy for COMMARAIR within HQ MARCOM.
He boasts extensive experience in EU and NATO missions and operations, having served with Maritime Patrol Aircraft detachments in the Horn of Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Baltic Sea Region.

Commander Kenneth Glerup

Deputy Head N6, Royal Danish Navy Command
Commander Kenneth Glerup
  • 2017 – 2019: Navigational officer HDMS LAUGE KOCH
  • 2019: Navigation officer HDMS THETIS
  • 2020 – 2022: Staff officer Royal Danish Navy Command (RDN) N6 with responsibility for information systems.
  • 2022 – now: Deputy Head RDN N6

Commander Pieter Blank

Innovator Programme Manager, Royal Netherlands Navy
Commander Pieter Blank

 I am Pieter Blank, Innovator and program manager at the Royal Netherlands Navy. In this role responsible for the development and introduction period of an embedded maritime UAV squad (‘the Nederdrone Program’). I am working with several teams (technical and operational) building towards a ‘team of teams’-concept.

Commander Trevor Bradley

Strike Net - Programme Director, Royal Navy
Commander Trevor Bradley

Commander Trevor Bradley joined the Royal Navy in 2000 as a Weapon Engineer and has served on Frigates and Aircraft Carriers in addition to a number of multinational posts in the Middle East. Dividing much of his career between Capability Development and C5ISR delivery with posts in Cyber Security, Deployed Information Systems and DSTL. In 2021 as Deputy Commander of Erbil Airbase he gained operational experience in the challenges of blending crewed/uncrewed activity in a hostile environment. Now serving in the Royal Navy’s Develop Directorate, he is leading the development of StrikeNet, a programme which will transform the way that a task group integrates, enabling disaggregated force level decision making and action.

Commodore (Ret'd) Steve Prest

Former Director Navy Acquisition, Royal Navy
Commodore (Ret'd) Steve Prest

Commodore Andrew Ingham

Commander, Fleet Operational Standards and Training COM FOST, Royal Navy
Commodore Andrew Ingham

 Andy was educated in South Wales and went on to read Mechanical Engineering at Southampton University, joining the Royal Navy in 1997 as a Marine Engineering Officer before transferring to the Warfare branch.

Early sea assignments as Navigating Officer in 3 classes of Ship included operational deployments in home waters, the Baltic, Mediterranean and Far East. Andy then trained as a Principal Warfare Officer and further specialised as an Air Warfare Officer. This period saw deployments to the Caribbean, South Atlantic, Mediterranean, Middle and Far East including Counter Narcotic Operations and Disaster Relief preparations in response to Cyclone Nargis (Myanmar 2008).

Proceeding ashore in 2009, a period with the Afghanistan Operations Team in the UK’s Joint HQ in Northwood, involved a short spell in the UK Brigade HQ in Lashkar Gah (Helmand) as the Liaison Officer to Commander Task Force Helmand during HERRICK 11. Andy also spent 2 years as the Fleet Operations Officer in the Maritime HQ, Northwood, responsible for delivery of the near term (0-6 months) programme for RN assets. From 2017, a stint in the Capability and Acquisition field as the desk officer for Ships and Sensors in Navy Command HQ, saw him primarily responsible for the Capability requirement of the RN’s Type 31 Frigate. This was followed by a short tour as Assistant Chief of Staff Combined Joint Effects in the Rome HQ of the EU Central Mediterranean Maritime Security Operation SOPHIA.

Andy has enjoyed the privilege of Command: at sea, of a MCM Crew and Type 45 Destroyer; and ashore, of FOST (Ships) and a Joint Inter-Agency Task Force (JIATF) on Op ISOTROPE, the military assistance to small boat migrant crossing operations in the English Channel.

Andy is a graduate of ACSC and RCDS. He lives in Hampshire with his wife Maryla, a fellow Warfare Officer currently on HCSC, and Kato, their Welsh Springer Spaniel.

Dr Alison Weston

Senior Coordinator for Coordinated Maritime Presences, Deputy to the Director and Head of Division Maritime Security, European External Action Service
Dr Alison Weston

Dr Weston is Senior Coordinator for Maritime Security in the Security and Defence Policy Directorate of the European External Action Service.
Prior to this, Dr Weston has held a range of posts in the EU’s security and defence policy structures, both civilian and military, and been involved in the planning and conduct of many of the EU’s civilian crisis management missions in the Western Balkans, Southern Caucasus, Middle East, and Asia. In 2008-2010, she served as Chief of Staff in the International Civilian Office/ Office of the EU Special Representative in Kosovo, led by Pieter Feith.
Dr Weston holds a doctorate in Political and Social Science from the European University Institute in Florence and is a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe.

Dr Dean Thomas

Position, Navigation and Timing Lead, UK Space Agency
Dr Dean Thomas

Dr Raffaella Guida

Reader in Satellite Remote Sensing, Surrey Space Centre, University of Surrey
Dr Raffaella Guida

 Raffaella received the Laurea degree (cum laude) in Telecommunications Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II (Naples, Italy), in 2003 and 2007, respectively. In 2006, she received a two-year research grant from the University of Naples Federico II to be spent at the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering on the topic of electromagnetic field propagation in urban environment. In 2006, she was also a Guest Scientist with the Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Technische Universität München (Munich, Germany). In 2008, Raffaella joined the Surrey Space Centre (SSC), University of Surrey (Guildford, U.K.) as a Lecturer in Satellite Remote Sensing. Today she is still in SSC as Reader and Head of the Remote Sensing Applications research group. Since September 2019 Raffaella is also PostGraduate Research Director in SSC.
Raffaella has published more than 80 papers and was awarded the IEEE J-STARS Best Paper Award 2013 for her research on statistical analysis of SAR data.

Lieutenant Commander Alexandre Arkwright

Military Assistant, French Space Command
Lieutenant Commander Alexandre Arkwright

Lieutenant-commander « Alex » Arkwright entered the French Naval Academy in september 2003. After completing his officer training on the helicopter carrier Jeanne d’Arc, he joined the anti-aircraft frigate Jean Bart in 2007 as officer of the watch. In 2009, he became naval flying officer and joined the french navy 4th squadron on Grumman E-2C Hawkeye as airborne fighter controller. From 2009 to 2017, he was deployed with the french carrier strike group as fighter controller aboard the lone carrier-based Early warning Hawkeye. He took part in many operational cruises and operations at sea and in the air : over Afghanistan in 2010, over Libya in 2011, in the arabian gulf in 2012, in Iraq and syria to fight DAECH between 2014 and 2023 and more rescently to defend east-flank nato airspace. He became commanding officer of the 4th squadron until summer 2023. Then, he was appointed deputy chief of strategic office of the French Space Command in Paris. LTCDR Alexandre Arkwright is married and father of three. He is Knight of the Legion of Honor. He flighted 2300 hours and 130 combat missions on Hawkeye.

Major General Matthew Jones

Director Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance , UK Strategic Command
Major General Matthew Jones

Major General Matthew Jones commissioned into the Intelligence Corps in 1998. Over the years his operational service has included deployments to East Timor, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the wider Middle East, and Afghanistan. He commanded 4 Military Intelligence Battalion leading the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Groups of 20 Armoured Infantry Brigade and the NATO Very High Readiness Joint Task Force. After promoting to Brigadier he commanded the 1st ISR Brigade and the 3rd (UK) Division Information Manoeuvre Group. He promoted to Major General and became Director ISR within Defence Intelligence in 2023. This role includes responsibility for intelligence collection, command of strategic intelligence capabilities, ISR coherence across Defence, counterintelligence, and intelligence training.

Mr David Bajouco

Director, Maritime Surveillance Business Unit, CLS
Mr David Bajouco

David Bajouco is leading the Maritime Surveillance Business Unit of CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites) and active in the field of space-based technologies and their applications in maritime domain awareness. David has worked extensively with international organizations and governmental agencies to develop and implement innovative solutions for maritime security. His work focuses on leveraging space technology to enhance global maritime surveillance, support environmental monitoring, and improve safety at sea. David is known for his deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in integrating space assets with maritime operations and is a passionate advocate for the role of space in addressing modern security threats.

Mr Ferdinand Peters

Naval Systems Architect, Defence Material Organisation, Netherlands Ministry of Defence
Mr Ferdinand Peters

 I am Ferdinand Peters Naval Systems Architect at the Defence Material Organisation. I am responsible for the integration of unmanned (aerial) systems on the Royal Netherlands navy feet. I am working on different projects in which the ships are adapted to accommodate the different unmanned systems and in which the unmanned systems are incorporated in the design from the start. Moreover, I am involved in the Nederdrone Program in which an organic aerial systems is designed specifically for maritime operations.

Mr Laurent Dezamy

Senior Sales America, UNSEENLABS
Mr Laurent Dezamy

Mr Michel Dionne

Senior Manager – Maritime Insights Program, MDA Space
Mr Michel Dionne

Michel leads the Maritime Insights program, MDA’s latest offering in Maritime Domain Awareness. Maritime Insights provides Multi-Source / Sensor Agnostic layered surveillance and analytics to enhance the security and efficiency of maritime monitoring operations, delivering comprehensive actionable intelligence to address issues such as illegal fishing, piracy and border protection.

Mr Nicola Toniazzi

Head of Product Sales Support & Partnership, Leonardo
Mr Nicola Toniazzi

 I was born in Tuscany and earned my degree in Aerospace Engineering from Pisa University in 2003.
I have been working for Leonardo for over 20 years. For nearly a decade, I focused on the service domain, initially as the technical leader for setting up the F2000 Typhoon training service of the first Italian ASTA simulator, and later as the Project Manager for the performance-based Tornado Training Service for the Italian Air Force (IAF).
In 2010, I became a certified Project Management Professional. In 2015, I transitioned to Marketing, serving as the Divisional Country Manager in Australia and Mexico, where I was responsible for the Electronics Division's Innovative Services and ISR solutions worldwide.
Over the past five years, I have been working on developing Airborne Systems LoB Business as the Head of Product Sales Support & Partnership. In 2024, I was appointed as the Head of Airborne Solutions Product Marketing in Leonardo's Electronics Division.

Mr Nil Angli

BASS Maritime Lead, Business Applications and Partnerships Officer, Space Solutions, European Space Agency
Mr Nil Angli

Nil joined the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2016, where he leads the Maritime Group in the Commercialisation, Industry, and Competitiveness Directorate. Nil is passionate about fostering collaborations between the maritime and space sectors, and he has led numerous initiatives that leverage on space data to enhance the safety, security, and sustainability of the maritime sector. Prior to his role at ESA, Nil spent 8 years as Space Systems Engineer at Surrey Satellites Technology Ltd. (SSTL), where he played a pivotal role in the design, manufacturing, and operations of various satellites including Science, Earth Observation, and Telecommunications missions.

Nil holds a degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and has furthered his education by earning a Master of Science in Astrophysics from the University of Barcelona, a Specialised Masters in Space Systems Engineering from ISAE-SUPAERO, a PgD in International Security from the University of Leicester, and is PgD candidate for Executive Maritime Management from the World Maritime University.

Mr Rich Laing

Principal Project Manager, Joint Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Centre, NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency)
Mr Rich Laing

 Rich has worked within the Joint ISR Centre at the NCI Agency, based in the Hague, for 5 years. Using his previous 23 years experience working as an Intelligence Officer within the Royal Air Force, Rich supports the operational community through multiple projects, with a particular focus upon the delivery of the Alliance Persistent Surveillance from Space Programme.
Rich works as part of a diverse team to ensure that NATO JISR activities are optimised today and in the future, supporting the Alliance ability to maximise the information sources for decision making.

Mr Samuel Webb

Business Development Manager, Tekever Ltd
Mr Samuel Webb

Samuel Webb is a Senior Business Development Manager at TEKEVER, where he plays a key role in advancing UAS capabilities for security applications. With over nine years of experience at TEKEVER, Sam has been instrumental in driving innovative solutions to tackle critical security challenges. Starting his career at TEKEVER at the age of 18, he has grown alongside the company, contributing to the development of advanced unmanned aerial systems that deliver actionable real-time intelligence for a variety of mission profiles.

Ms Lotje Van Der Made

Director of Operational Planning Division, Frontex - European Border and Coast Guard Agency
Ms Lotje Van Der Made

Lotje van der Made is the Director a.i. of the Operational Planning Division at the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) as well as the Head of Pre-Return Unit of the Return Division at the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex). Prior to joining Frontex, she held a position at Europol’s European Migrant Smuggling Centre, where she developed many of its tools and activities in support of the fight against migrant smuggling. She previously held positions at the Royal Netherlands Marechausee and the Dutch Immigration Service, working both on operational and strategic assignments in the area of migration management. Lotje obtained a Master in “China Studies” at Leiden University (the Netherlands) and a Master in “Security, Conflict and International Development” at Leicester University (UK).

Rear Admiral (UH) Krzysztof Jaworski

Commander, Maritime Component Command, Polish Navy
Rear Admiral (UH) Krzysztof Jaworski

 Rear Admiral (OF-7) Krzysztof ‘Kris’ Jaworski was born in 1966, and is a 1990 graduate of the Polish Naval Academy with the Master of Navigation and Naval Armament. Additionally, he holds master’s degree in National Resource Strategy from the National Defense University in Washington, DC (2015). Moreover, RADM Jaworski graduated from the Naval War College in Newport, RI in 1998. He has had multiple command and staff positions throughout the last 28 years.
His sea tours include commanding officer, Tarantul-class corvette; flotilla and squadron staff officer and chief of staff. Finally, in 2007 he was appointed as a commander of the Fast Patrol Boat Squadron and was promoted to Captain.
Ashore, RADM Jaworski assumed duties as the senior naval advisor to the Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces as well as served in Maritime Operational Division N-3, Polish Navy HQ.
His operational deployment includes chief of staff, Deputy Support Operations, NATO Training Mission Afghanistan, Kabul. Afterwards, he was assigned as a Deputy
of Chief of Armament Directorate, Navy Inspectorate, General Command of the Polish Armed Forces.
His staff assignments also include chief of staff, 8th Coastal Defense Flotilla, Swinoujscie (2015) as well as commander of 3rd Ships’ Flotilla in Gdynia (2016) followed by his promotion to flag officer in November 2016.
He assumed his current position as Maritime Component Commander in May 2018 and in August he was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral (upper half).
Jaworski’s awards and decorations include the Bronze Cross of Merit, Silver Long Service Medal, Afghanistan Star, Gold Medal of Merit for National Defense,
Gold Medal of the Armed Forces in the Service of the Fatherland, Non-Article 5 Medal, Pro Patria Medal and other various personal, unit and service awards.
RADM Jaworski and his wife have been happily married for more than 30 years
and have two adult sons. He is an active long-distance runner. He is interested
in maritime history, particularly the Polish Navy engagement during WW2.

Wing Commander David Higgins

Officer Commanding 120 Squadron, Royal Air Force
Wing Commander David Higgins

After studying physics at Magdalen College, Oxford, Dave worked as a Performance Manager for the Department of Health before joining the RAF in 2002 as a Navigator.

Streamed onto the Nimrod MR2, he undertook maritime patrol missions around the UK and North Atlantic, counter-drugs patrols in the Caribbean, and overland surveillance missions over Iraq and Afghanistan. He was selected to be an aircraft commander and crew commander, and won the Plessey Trophy for best anti-submarine warfare mission in a year.
Following the retirement of the Nimrod MR2, he worked in the MOD Capability Sponsor organization before completing the Aerosystems Course, graduating with an MSc and winning the Thales Trophy for best performance in the Industry Studies Exercise, the QinetiQ Trophy for best performance on the Flight Trials Module, and the Andrew Humphrey Memorial Gold Medal for best student overall. He was assigned as SO3 Air in Defence Intelligence’s Defence Geographic Centre, where he was responsible for managing requirements for geospatial information products including satellite imagery, targeting data and topographic charts for all aircraft in the MOD.
In 2012 he was selected for an exchange tour on the US Navy’s Air Test and Evaluation Squadron One at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland. After qualifying as a Poseidon Tactical Coordinator and Mission Commander, he worked on the development and operational test and evaluation of the Poseidon as flight test aircrew, a flight instructor teaching the conversion course, and led a team that evaluated units and aircrew as the “lead fleet NATOPS evaluator”.
Following the UK’s decision to acquire Poseidon aircraft, he returned to the UK on promotion to squadron leader as the lead requirements manager for the UK’s Maritime Patrol Aircraft Programme, before being posted back to the re-formed 120 Squadron as a Poseidon Flight Commander and CFS Qualified Mission Aircrew Instructor. From October 2019 to February 2020 he commanded a detachment of over 90 military personnel and 30 contractors that successfully took delivery of, accepted, and flew the UK’s first Poseidon aircraft. In 2021 he was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire for his work bringing Poseidon into service with the UK.
He completed the Advanced Command and Staff Course at the Defence Academy, Shrivenham, on promotion to wing commander, and gained an MA in Defence Studies. Following a tour as SO1 Poseidon in the ISTAR FHQ, he took command of 120 Squadron in May 2024.


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chair’s Opening Remarks

Commodore (Ret'd) Steve Prest

Commodore (Ret'd) Steve Prest, Former Director Navy Acquisition, Royal Navy



Enhancing Geospatial Intelligence Capabilities to Optimise UK Maritime Domain Awareness

Captain Matt Syrett, Deputy Head Maritime & MetOc, National Centre for Geospatial Intelligence, UK StratCom

  • The work of the National Centre for Geospatial Intelligence (NCGI) in cultivating GEOINT for maritime domain awareness
  • Overcoming challenges in data integration and ensuring data quality
  • Strategies for combining GEOINT and OSINT data from various public and private sources
  • Vision for the future role of geospatial intelligence in achieving UK maritime domain awareness


  • clock


    Training Royal Navy Sailors for the Digital Age

    Commodore Andrew Ingham, Commander, Fleet Operational Standards and Training COM FOST, Royal Navy

  • The changing face of Royal Navy Training
  • Training and Supporting a Globally Deployed Navy at Readiness
  • Digital skills and drills – Embracing synthetic & simulation technologies
  • Why Live training is still essential
  • Future of Multi-Domain Training: The Maritime Operational Training Environment
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Innovating Maritime Surveillance: The Power of Space-Based Radio Frequency Detection

    Mr Laurent Dezamy

    Mr Laurent Dezamy, Senior Sales America, UNSEENLABS

  • Unseenlabs’ Space-Based RF Solutions for Maritime Surveillance
  • Enhancing Maritime Domain Awareness
  • Synergy with other ISR Technologies
  • Case Studies and Real-World Applications
  • Shaping the Future of Geo Intelligence
  • clock


    France's Space Strategic Vision – Space-Based Capabilities for Maritime Domain Awareness

    Lieutenant Commander Alexandre Arkwright, Military Assistant, French Space Command

  • Space-based MDA with a focus on Multi-Domain Operations
  • Update on CERES satellite capability
  • Future French Space Force priorities in the space-based MDA field
  • clock


    The NATO Alliance Persistent Surveillance from Space (APSS) Initiative

    Mr Rich Laing, Principal Project Manager, Joint Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Centre, NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency)

  • An overview of the initiative and key milestones to establishing the Aquila constellation
  • Partnerships between NATO and private companies in the Initiative
  • The way ahead with maritime surveillance with space-based capabilities



    Operational Earth Observation for Maritime Domain Awareness

    Mr Michel Dionne, Senior Manager – Maritime Insights Program, MDA Space

  • High level presentation that describes the maritime domain awareness challenge
  • How earth observation technology provides capabilities to address these challenges
  • Experience and opportunities with specific uses cases, including IUU Fishing



    Securing the Maritime Domain – Cyber Resilience and Integration in NATO Operations

    Captain Dr. Robert Koch, Branch Head Cyberspace, NATO ACT

  • Enhancing cyber resilience for maritime operations and to protect maritime CNI
  • Leveraging NATO’s collective cyber capabilities to support joint maritime operations – including the strengthening of partnerships and information sharing among NATO members to combat cyber threats
  • Learning from NATO's recognition of Russia’s cyber tactics in Ukraine, particularly the improvement of Ukrainian cyber defences from 2016 to 2024
  • Case studies showcasing the successful integration of cyber and maritime operations
  • Investing in research and development to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats in the maritime domain, focusing on the speed of response and the complexity of cyber operations by 2035


  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Navigating the Digital Era: Redefining Airborne Surveillance with AI and Data Integration

    Mr Nicola Toniazzi, Head of Product Sales Support & Partnership, Leonardo

  • Domain Silos and Information Flow
  • From Lack of Information to Cognitive Overload
  • The AI-Driven Shift in Maritime Surveillance
  • Maritime Surveillance for Today and Tomorrow: Leonardo's Solutions



    Coordinating Space-Based Maritime Domain Awareness to Strengthen EU Maritime Security

    Dr Alison Weston, Senior Coordinator for Coordinated Maritime Presences, Deputy to the Director and Head of Division Maritime Security, European External Action Service

  • An overview of the current space-based technologies/services utilised in monitoring and securing EU maritime domains
  • Strategic roadmap to support EEAS objectives of being a maritime security provider
  • Key challenges and solutions in maritime data integration and sharing
  • Future plans and strategic initiatives for enhancing EU’s maritime domain awareness capabilities


  • clock


    Use of Space-Based Technology: From Data to Insight

    Mr David Bajouco, Director, Maritime Surveillance Business Unit, CLS

  • Challenges in Maritime Domain Awareness
  • Role of space based technology in MDA
  • Overview of space-based technology used in MDA (EO satellites, remote sensing, AIS)
  • How space assets enhance MDA capabilities: presentation of MAS (Maritime Domain awareness), MDA platform for data fusion and behavioural analysis
  • Applications of space-based technology for MDA
  • Use Cases: space-based surveillance for fighting illegal activities
  • Use case 1: oil smuggling
  • Use case 2: narcotrafficking


  • clock


    The UK Space Agency and Developing Next-Gen PNT Capabilities for Space-Based MDA

    Dr Dean Thomas

    Dr Dean Thomas, Position, Navigation and Timing Lead, UK Space Agency

  • An overview of how the UK Space Agency is advancing PNT capabilities to enhance the accuracy and reliability of UK MDA operations
  • The integration of novel satellite and PNT technologies within the UK’s broader maritime surveillance framework
  • Addressing the challenges of potential threats to PNT services, including the importance of developing resilient and redundant systems
  • The UK Space Agency’s collaborative efforts with international partners, industry, and other government agencies to drive innovation in PNT technologies
  • Future plans for enhancing global maritime security through the coordinated development of advanced PNT capabilities tailored to the unique demands of maritime domain awareness


  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    European Space Agency: Supporting Maritime Domain Awareness

    Mr Nil Angli, BASS Maritime Lead, Business Applications and Partnerships Officer, Space Solutions, European Space Agency

  • An overview of the ESA’s role in supporting the Maritime industry
  • Leveraging partnerships and capabilities to enhance space-based maritime domain awareness
  • Future directions for enhancing civilian maritime domain awareness
  • clock


    Exploiting Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data for Maritime Monitoring

    Dr Raffaella Guida, Reader in Satellite Remote Sensing, Surrey Space Centre, University of Surrey



    Enhancing Interoperability and Cooperation Between European Maritime and Coast Guard Agencies

  • Interagency cooperation and development of the practical handbook on CGF
  • EU cooperation on CGF and development of interoperability
  • Ms Lotje Van Der Made, Director of Operational Planning Division, Frontex - European Border and Coast Guard Agency



    Chair’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day 1

    Commodore (Ret'd) Steve Prest

    Commodore (Ret'd) Steve Prest, Former Director Navy Acquisition, Royal Navy



    Registration & Coffee



    Chair’s Opening Remarks

    Commodore (Ret'd) Steve Prest

    Commodore (Ret'd) Steve Prest, Former Director Navy Acquisition, Royal Navy



    The Polish Perspective on Safeguarding Maritime Security through Enhanced Situational Awareness Capabilities

    Rear Admiral (UH) Krzysztof Jaworski, Commander, Maritime Component Command, Polish Navy

  • Strengthening maritime situational awareness in the Baltic Sea – Current capabilities and requirements
  • Integrating advanced technologies into Polish maritime surveillance – Including unmanned systems, AI and satellite surveillance
  • Poland’s strategic role in NATO’s maritime security framework and contributions of the Polish Navy to NATO’s maritime operations and collective security efforts
  • Future directions and strategic priorities for expanding Poland’s maritime surveillance and defence capabilities


  • clock


    Aerial Capabilities for Maritime Domain Awareness – The French Navy’s Strategic Vision

    Capitaine de Vaisseau Johann Eidesheim, Head of the Naval Air Office, Naval Staff – Plans/Programs, French Navy

  • Overview of current and future aerial platforms used by the French Navy for ISR operations
  • Strategic roadmap for the modernisation of the French Navy’s aviation fleet
  • The integration of advanced sensors, AI and data fusion technologies to enhance French MDA
  • The adoption of UAVs into the French Navy for enhanced situational awareness
  • Meeting future threats and challenges in naval warfare and how aerial capabilities will address these


  • clock


    Supporting Danish Maritime Defence Through Advanced Multi-Domain ISR Capabilities in the Artic

    Commander Kenneth Glerup, Deputy Head N6, Royal Danish Navy Command

  • An overview of the maritime patrol and ISR capabilities of the Danish Armed Forces
  • Multinational operations in the Artic region with NATO and international allies
  • Advantages of using uncrewed capabilities for maritime reconnaissance
  • Procurement of modernised maritime ISR capabilities for Artic operations
  • clock


    Maritime Surveillance in the Context of Multi Domain ISR Development and Global Security Challenges

    Major General Matthew Jones, Director Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance , UK Strategic Command

  • The emerging MOD approach to ISR and Intelligence in the context of the SDR and Global Security Challenges.
  • The key role of ISR and intelligence in protecting the nation and helping it prosper.
  • The significance of the maritime environment in multi-domain intelligence and ISR operations.
  • Lessons from recent conflicts and crises, and how we must adapt to gain advantage in future conflicts.
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Information Exploitation for Operational Advantage in the Maritime Domain

  • Collection is essential, but understanding is unachievable without the ability to Process, Exploit, and Disseminate (PED) data and fuse it with other sources.
  • Military operations demand accountability, and collateral damage is not an option; therefore, military operators need to understand and validate the data to generate necessary actionable options.
  • The Royal Navy is currently on a digital transformation pathway to develop the skills and toolsets required to build on this understanding function.
  • This transformation aims to enhance operational capability by improving data processing and integration skills.


  • Commander Alan Darlington, Navy Digital Information Exploitation, Royal Navy

    Commander Alexander Tereshko, Director of Intelligence, Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group CPRG, US Navy



    Harnessing the Power of Royal Navy Strike Net to Enhance UK Maritime Domain Awareness

    Commander Trevor Bradley, Strike Net - Programme Director, Royal Navy

  • An overview of the Strike Net Programme and its role in modernising and integrating network-centric warfare capabilities for the Royal Navy
  • Challenges associated with enhancing RN Multi-Domain Operations through the integration information across domains
  • Lessons learned from multi-national operational exercises - Developing best practices and technology.
  • Future requirements for the Strike Net Programme
  • clock


    Session Reserved for Sponsor - Tekever Ltd.

    Mr Samuel Webb, Business Development Manager, Tekever Ltd

  • How UAS are already being used for maritime reconnaissance missions.
  • The need for an agile, problem led approach to enable UAS operations in complex environments.
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Operation EUNAVFOR ATLANTA – Ensuring Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific

    Captain Rafael Torrecillas del Prado, Chief of Staff, European Union Naval Force Operation ATALANTA - EUNAVFOR ATALANTA

  • The mission and mandate of Op EUNAVFOR ATLANTA
  • Current maritime patrol and ISR capabilities of the Operation
  • Priorities for anti-piracy, counter-illicit activity and protection of humanitarian shipments
  • Supporting the sister missions
  • Lessons learned and future requirements for EU maritime operations in the AOR



    COMMARAIR NATO’s Role, Responsibilities and MDA Developments

    Commander Jens Parnow, Branch Head Plans & Policy, Maritime AIR Directorate, NATO MARCOM

  • An overview of COMMARAIR NATO’s mission and its role in supporting NATO’s maritime operations
  • How MDA supports NATO’s operational readiness and deterrence posture in key maritime areas
  • NATO’s MDA framework – The integration and development of air and maritime surveillance capabilities
  • Future strategic initiatives aimed at further improving NATO’s MDA capabilities and air-maritime integration
  • clock


    The RAF Poseidon Program – Maintaining Maritime Safety and Security of the High North

  • An overview of the advanced capabilities of the P-8 Poseidon MPA in detecting, tracking, and deterring threats in the maritime domain
  • The role of the Poseidon Force in safeguarding the High North region
  • How the Poseidon’s advanced sensors and ASW systems contribute to maintaining maritime security
  • Case studies demonstrating successful joint operations and the integration of Poseidon assets with other maritime and air forces
  • Plans for enhancing the operational readiness and capability of the Poseidon Force in response to evolving maritime security threats


  • Wing Commander David Higgins, Officer Commanding 120 Squadron, Royal Air Force



    Afternoon Tea



    Maritime Unmanned Systems ISR Experimentation at REPMUS 24

    Captain António Mourinha

    Captain António Mourinha , PRT CHON Innovation Advisor, Portuguese Navy



    Development of an Allied ASW Barrier Concept

    Commander (Ret’d) Ian Danbury OBE, Royal Navy ASW Spearhead – NATO Engagement & Secretary NATO ASW Barrier Project, Royal Navy

  • Update on the UK led NATO ASW Barrier Project.
  • Comprehensive briefing on the achievements of the ASW Barrier Operational Experimentation at REPMUS 24 in Portugal.
  • NATO developments in interoperability for MUS including underwater communications architectures


  • clock


    Utilising SR-UAS as New Capability in the Maritime ISR Domain -An Innovator’s View

  • Disruptive or emergent technology?
  • Unmanned pop-up treats: the urgent need for Situational Awareness
  • The development of an UAS capability suite.
  • Bridging the valley of death: TRL or CRL (Capability Readiness Level)?


  • Commander Pieter Blank, Innovator Programme Manager, Royal Netherlands Navy

    Mr Ferdinand Peters, Naval Systems Architect, Defence Material Organisation, Netherlands Ministry of Defence



    Chair’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day 2

    Commodore (Ret'd) Steve Prest

    Commodore (Ret'd) Steve Prest, Former Director Navy Acquisition, Royal Navy

    Head of the Naval Air Office, Naval Staff – Plans/Programs
    French Navy
    PRT CHON Innovation Advisor
    Portuguese Navy
    Branch Head Cyberspace
    Deputy Head Maritime & MetOc
    National Centre for Geospatial Intelligence, UK StratCom
    Chief of Staff
    European Union Naval Force Operation ATALANTA - EUNAVFOR ATALANTA
    Royal Navy ASW Spearhead – NATO Engagement & Secretary NATO ASW Barrier Project
    Royal Navy
    Navy Digital Information Exploitation
    Royal Navy
    Director of Intelligence, Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group CPRG
    US Navy
    Branch Head Plans & Policy, Maritime AIR Directorate
    Deputy Head N6
    Royal Danish Navy Command
    Innovator Programme Manager
    Royal Netherlands Navy
    Strike Net - Programme Director
    Royal Navy
    Former Director Navy Acquisition
    Royal Navy
    Commander, Fleet Operational Standards and Training COM FOST
    Royal Navy
    Senior Coordinator for Coordinated Maritime Presences, Deputy to the Director and Head of Division Maritime Security
    European External Action Service
    Position, Navigation and Timing Lead
    UK Space Agency
    Reader in Satellite Remote Sensing, Surrey Space Centre
    University of Surrey
    Military Assistant
    French Space Command
    Director Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
    UK Strategic Command
    Director, Maritime Surveillance Business Unit
    Naval Systems Architect, Defence Material Organisation
    Netherlands Ministry of Defence
    Senior Sales America
    Senior Manager – Maritime Insights Program
    MDA Space
    Head of Product Sales Support & Partnership
    BASS Maritime Lead, Business Applications and Partnerships Officer, Space Solutions
    European Space Agency
    Principal Project Manager, Joint Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Centre
    NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency)
    Business Development Manager
    Tekever Ltd
    Director of Operational Planning Division
    Frontex - European Border and Coast Guard Agency
    Commander, Maritime Component Command
    Polish Navy
    Officer Commanding 120 Squadron
    Royal Air Force



    Official Media Partner

    2025 Audience Breakdown


    Speaker Interview - Rear Admiral Krzysztof Jaworski


    Past Attendee List


    Past Speaker Presentation - Rear Admiral Guillaume Fontarensky - DCOM


    Past Speaker presentation - CDR ITN Mauro GHEZZI


    Past speaker presentation - Dr Alison Weston Senior Coordinator, Coordinated Maritime Presences Head of Maritime Security Divisi


    Past Speaker Presentation - LTCDR (FNY) Alexandre Arkwright Deputy chief of strategy office French Space Command





    CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites)


    CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites) is a worldwide company and has been a pioneer provider of monitoring and surveillance solutions for the Earth since 1986.Our mission is to provide innovative space-based solutions to understand and protect our planet and to manage its resources sustainably. CLS it’s 30million positions processed each day 7/24/365 operational and a data center with 120 engineers, data scientists, Big Data specialists, maritime analysts.

    With a 30+ years’ expertise in maritime surveillance, CLS tracks daily vessels from more than100 flag administrations and each year, acquired and processed on near real-time more than 15,000 radar & optical images , thanks to its 3 receiving ground stations for Earth Observation.

    CLS is able to provide a complete maritime picture & actionable intelligence from large quantities of data at a glance thanks to state-of-the-art solutions.

    CLS is a recognized and trusted partner of maritime authorities, navies, customs and intelligence agencies worldwide.



    Leonardo is a leading global high-technology company and a key player in the Aerospace, Defense, and Security sectors. With a dynamic structure organized into specialized business divisions, Leonardo commands a strong industrial presence in Italy, the United Kingdom, Poland, and the United States. Its operations are further strengthened by subsidiaries, as well as strategic joint ventures and partnerships, which include Leonardo DRS, ATR, MBDA, Telespazio, Thales Alenia Space, and Avio. At the forefront of multi-domain solutions, Leonardo excels in Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance, delivering cutting-edge systems designed to guarantee full situational awareness and early warning capabilities in both civil and military scenarios. These solutions play a vital role in enhancing operational efficiency, ensuring safety, and addressing complex global challenges across the maritime domain. Competing in the world’s most significant international markets, Leonardo leverages its technological expertise and product leadership to deliver innovative solutions that shape the future of Aerospace, Defense and Security.



    Founded in 1969, MDA is one of Canada’s most successful technology companies and an internationally recognized leader in space robotics and sensors, radar satellites and ground systems, communication satellite payloads, antennas and subsystems, surveillance and intelligence systems, defence and maritime systems and geospatial imagery products and analytics. With a deep and diverse technology base, MDA’s global reach and heritage serving government and commercial space and defence markets with innovative and iconic solutions is unparalleled. MDA operates from locations in Richmond, BC; Brampton and Ottawa, ON; Montreal, QC; Halifax, NS; Houston, TX; and the United Kingdom. For more information, visit https://mda.space/en/



    TEKEVER offers a proven family of UAS as well as a flexible surveillance-as-a-service solution, delivering real-time intelligence to enhance critical decision making. We are a proven global leader in UAS base maritime surveillance solutions, making oceans safer across Europe and the UK. TEKEVER brings to the market three unmanned aerial systems; AR3, AR4 and AR5. These platforms are supported by ATLAS, providing real time data dissemination to remote users, getting the data to where it needs to be. These systems recently took part in the NATO REP(MUS) exercise in Portugal, demonstrating their capabilities, as well as their interoperability with existing systems.



    Unseenlabs is the world leader in radio frequency data and solutions for Maritime Domain Awareness. Thanks to our satellite constellation, we provide unmatched solutions for maritime surveillance, based on exclusive radio frequency data to allow the geolocation and characterization of any type of vessel anywhere around the globe, at any time of the day or night, and in any weather conditions. Many public and private customers (French Navy, NGOs, marine insurers, etc.) are already using our solutions.




    As an integrated technology group, the listed company Rheinmetall AG, headquartered in Düsseldorf, stands for a company that is as strong in substance as it is successful internationally, and that is active in various markets with an innovative range of products and services. Rheinmetall is a leading international systems' supplier in the defense industry, and at the same time a driver of forward-looking technological and industrial innovations in the civilian markets. As an expert in digitalization and system integration with a vast network of partners, we provide capabilities taking forces to the next level. Interoperable network and digitisation give the edge in multi-domain operations. Through our work in various fields, we take on responsibility in a dramatically changing world. With our technologies, products and systems, we create the indispensable basis for peace, freedom and sustainable development: security.



    SynMax is a satellite data analytics company which specializes in the use of commercial satellite images to find and monitor oil and gas assets and provide maritime intelligence data. SynMax – Hyperion is the world’s only near real-time frac crew monitor which makes daily observations of frac activity in every major oil and gas play in the US. Hyperion has used this proprietary satellite data to build a first of its kind short term oil and gas production model which can predict near-term changes in oil and gas production. Synmax – Theia is a comprehensive maritime domain awareness solution providing daily global monitoring of all vessels 30m and above across millions of km2 of ocean. Our proprietary AI enables maritime event detection at strategic and tactical levels and detection of true dark ships

    Media Partners

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    International Maritime Club

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    Conceived with the vision of uniting all aspects of the broad and dynamic maritime industry, the International Maritime Club has been working for the global maritime industry and oil & gas sector for the last 17 years. IMC's primary mission is to foster continuous development, facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas, and promote the growth of maritime trade globally. The organization has been serving as a bridging force to bring together decision-makers, communities, organizations, and associations under a single platform. IMC provides numerous opportunities to its member associations and promote their events and activities through its the social media channels. IMC also organizes various events to recognize and enhance the professional qualifications of its members by establishing partnerships with prestigious academic institutions and universities. In 2014, to recognize and honor outstanding professionals in the maritime and oil & gas sectors, IMC organized its inaugural Golden Helm Awards. This event honoured industry professionals for their exceptional contributions. Since then, the club has partnered with various industry events, further extending its reach and impact. The most recent awards event was the 2024 Honorary Doctorate Leadership Excellence Awards held at the Millennium Plaza Downtown Hotel, located in Dubai, UAE, on the 2nd of May, 2024.

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    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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