Migration, Border Control and Human Rights
16 February 2016
Migration, Border Control and Human Rights

Irregular migration by sea is a massive phenomenon that is not destined to stop any soon. According to UNHCR, a growing number of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants have died in the Mediterranean Sea because of drowning, hypothermia or dehydration while attempting to escape hunger, civil wars, persecution and atrocious conditions in their home countries.

Lots of them were rescued at sea through search and rescue naval operations. However, actually, many thousands of migrants who left their country did not survive the voyage. Over 3,500 women, men and children have died or have gone missing in their attempt to reach Europe.
Against this complex and tragic background, the aim of the workshop is to deal with all the main sensitive and interrelated aspects. They are:

a) the international legal and policy framework surrounding the current massive phenomenon of migration in the Mediterranean;
b) ensuring border control in the EU, and, at the same time,
c) the saving of migrants’ lives at sea and their rights; d) fighting, through International Cooperation, the Transnational Criminal Organisations engaged in the Smuggling of Migrants.


Workshop LEADER


Giuseppe Cataldi

Director, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence For Migrant Rights In The Medittaranean

Giuseppe CATALDI is Full Professor of International Law at the University of Napoli "L'Orientale" (Italy), where he also holds a Jean Monnet Chair issued by the European Union Commission on "The Protection of Human Rights in the European Union" and where he is the Director of the "Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Migrants' Rights in the Mediterranean". His research interests range from Human Rights and Migration Studies, to the Relationship between domestic Law and International Law, and to the Law of the Sea. He is the President of the "International Association of the Law of the Sea". He is the author and editor of many books, papers and articles on many international law fields. He has given lectures at symposia, academic courses and seminars in international public law, European Union law and human rights law; in particular, he gave a course in 2007 at the Hague Academy of International Law. He has been invited Professor at the Sorbonne University, in Paris, as well as in Cordoba, Spain. He is the Co-director and co-founder of "Diritti Umani e Diritto Internazionale" and in charge of the Judicial Decisions Section of the "Italian Yearbook of International Law". He advised the Italian Government on questions concerning the Law of the Sea, the Italian Parliament on the effects of the European Court of Human Rights decisions in domestic systems, the European Parliament on Human Rights and liberties issues. He is the legal advisor of the NATO civil employees Association in Napoli, assisting them also beyond the NATO Tribunal in Brussels. He is a Senate member of EMUNI (Euro-Mediterranean University).

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence For Migrant Rights In The Medittaranean

The “Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Migrants’ Rights in the Mediterranean” aims at establishing a Centre of studies focused on the Migrations’ issues, with a particular focus on the Mediterranean Area. In relation to the objectives of EU Erasmus + Action, the proposal aims at reaching the following objectives:

  • Promotion of excellence in research and teaching EU studies, in the field of migration across the Mediterranean and of the integration of Migrants in the European Union;
  • Foster the dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers;
  • Publication and dissemination of the result of the works.

Workshop agenda



Registration & Coffee



Opening Remarks And Introductions



Immigration At Sea: A Comprehensive Approach

Giuseppe Cataldi, Director, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence For Migrant Rights In The Medittaranean

• Migrations: reasons, aims and means. “Economic” Migrants and Refugees
• Migrations in the Mediterranean Sea: the Corridors
• Law of the Sea and Human Rights Principles and Rules
• Duties to rescue at sea and the “place of safety”



Border Surveillance And Human Rights

• EU Principles and Rules. The Application of The Schengen Acquis: Latest Developments
• Border surveillance and the “Dublin System”. The possibility of temporary reintroduction of border controls
• The principle of non-refoulement. The Hirsi case and the procedural safeguards for Migrants at Sea



Morning Coffee



Extraterritorial Border Controls in the EU: The Role of Frontex in Operations at Sea

• The new EU rules on maritime surveillance
• From Mare Nostrum to Triton and Poseidon Sea
• Possible Scenarios in the Future



The new EU Naval Force Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR MED) operation, the Smuggling of Migrants by Sea And Private Intervention To Tackle The Ongoing Migrant Crisis

·         Smuggling of Migrants by Sea. The Palermo Convention and Protocol and the International Cooperation of Police Forces in fighting against this  Phenomenon
·         The new EU Naval Force Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR MED)operation to tackle the ongoing migrant crisis: intelligence gathering and destroying smugglers’ assets
·         The increasing participation of private actors in rescue operations: advantages and limits



Networking Lunch



End of Workshop

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CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

CPD Certificates

We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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