
In recent years we have observed a rapid growth in the employment of Unmanned Aerial Systems and Vehicles in both the commercial and military sector. With new sophisticated technological developments allowing for greater precision, autonomy and application, the need to meet operational demand has resulted in a slew of questions concerning the military’s capability to support these systems. In particular; how does the military go about narrowing the skills gap in UAV usage, how do we increase access to national and international air space to train and use these UAV’s and do we have the structures in place to sustain them?

When will a manned-centric military force be ready to embrace the change that comes with fewer cockpits?

This year, SAE Media Group’s 15th annual UAS Conference shall aim to explore the most highly relevant and niche developments within the field of UAS’s and UAV’s in relation to the Military. The conference shall provide a platform for the industry to discuss the legislative, physical and technological challenges in implementing UAV’s and will assess the advancements in the commercial sector and how they can be applied to optimize Military operations.


 Testimonials from 2014:

Delegate 2014 --  “very interesting and timely, topic event organised perfectly”
Delegate 2014 -- “excellent range of topical subjects from well-placed, knowledgeable speakers”


Colonel Birger Mejlholm

Colonel Birger Mejlholm

Commander, Danish Army Intelligence Centre, Danish Army
Colonel Enrique Martinez

Colonel Enrique Martinez

Chief of the Acquisition Programs Section, Spanish Air Force
Jean-Youri Marty

Jean-Youri Marty

Deputy Director, Capability, Armament & Technology Directorate, European Defence Agency
Squadron Leader Nichola  Rennet

Squadron Leader Nichola Rennet

Squadron Leader, Military Aviation Authority, UK MOD

Alain Lumbroso

Economist, International Transport Forum , OECD
Alain Lumbroso

Alain Siebert

Chief Economist & Master Planning, SESAR Joint Undertaking
Alain Siebert

Alain Siebert is responsible for all economical and master planning aspects of the SESAR Joint Undertaking.
In this position he is also responsible for corporate risk management, performance, SESAR demonstration
activities and the relationship with EASA and civil airspace users. Prior to joining the SESAR Joint
Undertaking Alain started his career as a Management Trainee at Air France and later joined SAS Group as
Executive Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer. He was later promoted Manager for Strategic Development
& Head of Fuel Conservation under the responsibility of the Chief Operating Officer. Alain holds a MSc in
Management and was educated at the Toulouse Business School and the London School of Economics.

Andre Clot

Centre Director, Eurousc
Andre Clot

Captain Flemming Olstroem

Branch Chief IMINT&UAS, Danish Army Intelligence Centre
Captain Flemming  Olstroem

Captain Nicklas Fredriksson

Squadron Commander 2iC, TUAV, Swedish Armed Forces
Captain Nicklas Fredriksson

Colonel Birger Mejlholm

Commander, Danish Army Intelligence Centre, Danish Army
Colonel Birger Mejlholm

Colonel Enrique Martinez

Chief of the Acquisition Programs Section, Spanish Air Force
Colonel Enrique Martinez

Dr Donough Wilson

Innovation Lead, Aviation, Defence and Homeland Security Innovation, VIVID/futureVision
Dr Donough  Wilson

Dr Hans Heerkans

Assistant Professor, Behavioural, Management & Social Sciences, University Of Twente
Dr Hans Heerkans

Dr Stephen Prior

Reader in Unmanned Air Vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics and Computational Engineering, University Of Southampton
Dr Stephen Prior

Graham Peck

Chairman, Strat Aero International Ltd
Graham  Peck

Jean-Youri Marty

Deputy Director, Capability, Armament & Technology Directorate, European Defence Agency
Jean-Youri Marty

Keven Gambold

Director of Operations, Unmanned Experts LLC
Keven  Gambold

Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Dooley

Chief Unmanned Ground Systems/Lethality Branch, HQ TRADOC, United States Army
Lieutenant Colonel Matthew  Dooley

Louisa Brooke-Holland

Defence Analyst, House of Commons
Louisa Brooke-Holland

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven Gambold

CEO, Unmanned Experts
Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven  Gambold

Squadron Leader Nichola Rennet

Squadron Leader, Military Aviation Authority, UK MOD
Squadron Leader Nichola  Rennet

Squadron Leader Nichola Rennet joined the Royal Air Force in 1996 and completed Front Line tours as navigator and captain on the Nimrod MR2 and Flight Commander, and latterly Executive Officer, on 39 Squadron operating the Reaper MQ-9. Between these tours she undertook staff roles at the UK Maritime Air Operations Centre at Northwood HQ and then RAF Kinloss Force HQ as well as a 6 month deployment as ISAF Air Director in Kabul. Posted to the Military Aviation Authority in 2014 as a planner, she provides RPAS operator expertise in the development of regulation and conduct of audit activity.

Tom Buckner

RPAS & Airworthiness Staff Officer, NATO HQ
Tom  Buckner


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



The UAS Threat

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven  Gambold

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven Gambold, CEO, Unmanned Experts

- Review the Proliferation of Military Systems
- Provide examples of ‘other’ nations UAS use
- Study civil UAS / drone capabilities
- Examine recent examples of civilian ‘infringements’



Afternoon Tea



Military Counter UAS Efforts

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven  Gambold

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven Gambold, CEO, Unmanned Experts

- List the vulnerabilities of unmanned aerial systems
- Look at current fielded military C-UAS capabilities
- Review developing capabilities and programs



Counter Civilian UAS

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven  Gambold

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven Gambold, CEO, Unmanned Experts

- Highlight the difficulties of Civilian Counter-UAS
- Overview of current systems in development



Afternoon Tea



Counter C-UAS: The Arms Race

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven  Gambold

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven Gambold, CEO, Unmanned Experts

- Study efforts to ‘harden’ current Unmanned systems
- Provide outlook of future tech developments in C-UAS



Review - Discussion, Questions & Answers

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven  Gambold

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven Gambold, CEO, Unmanned Experts



Close of Workshop



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven  Gambold

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven Gambold, CEO, Unmanned Experts



UK Military RPAS Regulations

Squadron Leader Nichola Rennet , Squadron Leader, Military Aviation Authority, UK MOD

• Requirement to formalise the regulation of RPAS within the UK Defence Air Environment
• Development of bespoke RPAS regulations proportionate to Risk to Life
• Impact of RPAS regulations on the user community
• RPAS proliferation – the next regulatory challenge



2025 Horizon of the Unmanned Aerial Systems in the Spanish AF

Colonel Enrique Martinez

Colonel Enrique Martinez, Chief of the Acquisition Programs Section, Spanish Air Force

·         Class I Systems: the Air Force as facilitator

·         Class II Systems: Licenses and Training. The UAS School

·         Class III systems:

o   2015: The interim solution, what we need now

o   2020: The EMALE, what the national industry wants to develop

o   2025: The EuroMALE, international cooperation

o   2025+: UCAVs? What the Air Force really wants




Morning Coffee



Danish Small Unmanned Aircraft System in Operations

Colonel Birger Mejlholm

Colonel Birger Mejlholm, Commander, Danish Army Intelligence Centre, Danish Army

• The system, PUMA AE
• National operations and exercises
• International operations (Afghanistan and Iraq)
• Flying military SUAS in Danish Civilian Airspace



UAV Integration within the Swedish Army

Captain Nicklas Fredriksson

Captain Nicklas Fredriksson, Squadron Commander 2iC, TUAV, Swedish Armed Forces

• Evaluating the impact of UAV’s in supporting ISR operations and enhancing combat capabilities
• Reviewing developments in national air space integration from a military and civilian perspective
• Discussing the ramifications on the training of military personnel
• Looking at the likely future trends of UAV usage by the Swedish Army



Networking Lunch



AETHER – Persistent Aerial Surveillance Using a Small Unmanned Aircraft System

Dr Stephen Prior

Dr Stephen Prior, Reader in Unmanned Air Vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics and Computational Engineering, University Of Southampton

• Tethered UAS
• Persistent Stare
• Indefinite Endurance
• Low-cost system solution



NATO’s RPAS Activities and Goals

Tom  Buckner

Tom Buckner, RPAS & Airworthiness Staff Officer, NATO HQ

• NATO’s RPAS Policy & Objectives
• Work of RPAS-Related NATO Organizations
• Alliance Ground Surveillance System (NATO’s Rs
• Q-4 HALE RPAS Coming in 2017-18)
• RPAS Exercise Program
• RPAS Standardization Efforts
• International RPAS Cooperation



Afternoon Tea



An Alternative Solution

Graham  Peck

Graham Peck, Chairman, Strat Aero International Ltd


  • Commercial UAS for Military ISR requirements
  • Cost advantages
  • Reduced time spent on development
  • Multirotor and Fixed Wing options
  • Platform surrogacy


Panel Discussion: Autonomous Weaponised Drones– Future Warfare & Ethics

• Discussing what the current state of “lethal autonomy” and when will it be ready for the battlefield
• Debating the benefits versus the disadvantages of autonomous drones
• Examining state of legislation and ethical humans rights arguments in relation to autonomous technology
• How sophisticated are the algorithms? Is “humanity” necessary to make the correct split second decision between friend and foe?

Dr Stephen Prior

Dr Stephen Prior, Reader in Unmanned Air Vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics and Computational Engineering, University Of Southampton

Dr Donough  Wilson

Dr Donough Wilson, Innovation Lead, Aviation, Defence and Homeland Security Innovation, VIVID/futureVision



Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven  Gambold

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven Gambold, CEO, Unmanned Experts



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven  Gambold

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven Gambold, CEO, Unmanned Experts



Preparing the Future for European RPAS

Jean-Youri Marty

Jean-Youri Marty, Deputy Director, Capability, Armament & Technology Directorate, European Defence Agency

• Developing solutions to ensure safe air traffic integration (including sense & avoid)
• The need for reliable and efficient SATCOM links
• Towards a European solution in the MALE RPAS segment
• The strong dual use dimension of RPAS related activities



The European RPAS Roadmap - RPAS Activities in SESAR 2020

Alain Siebert, Chief Economist & Master Planning, SESAR Joint Undertaking

•        Assessing how SESAR aims to ensure the safe and seamless integration of RPAS into the European Aviation System – particularly within the context of the Single European Sky (SES) initiative
•       Evaluation of insight from SESAR RPAS demonstration activities bringing together operators, manufacturers, air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and regulatory authorities
• Aligned with the EU RPAS Roadmap, definition of the  future R&D RPAS activities in SESAR 2020 Programme; the aim of this phase is to provide also the basis for RPAS requirements within the edition 2015 of the European ATM Master Plan
•        Explore current and future market trends, building scenarios related to the market, various industries, the RPAS value chain and the institutional framework needed for integration



Morning Coffee



Current and Future Use of UAV’s by the British

Louisa Brooke-Holland

Louisa Brooke-Holland, Defence Analyst, House of Commons

• Evaluating the current use of UAV’s by the British
Armed Forces
• Analysing trends and increased future use of UAS
• Parliamentary scrutiny of UAS usage by the British
Armed Forces
• SWOT Analysis of UAS usage



Co-ordination, Harmonisation and Standards in Support of Low Level RPAS (UAV) Operations

Andre Clot

Andre Clot, Centre Director, Eurousc

• Integrating smaller RPAS (UAV’s) into segregated and
non-segregated airspace.
• Safety assurance for small RPAS (UAV) system
• Small RPA, RPS compliance and regulation
• Major barriers to overcome for acceptably safe



Networking Lunch



Civilian UAS Under a Transportation Policy Lens

Alain Lumbroso

Alain Lumbroso, Economist, International Transport Forum , OECD

• Looking at the role of automation in transportation across modes
• The economics of UAS for transportation
• UAS and humanitarian relief – when conventional transportation fails
• Aligning the regulator and the innovator
• Social acceptability



PANEL DISCUSSION: Air Space Integration, Innovation & Legislation Synergy

•        Reviewing the current state of air space integration from both a national and international perspective
•        What are the challenges in civilian versus military UAV air space management?
•        Evaluating the procedural standards on construction, reliability and safety of UAV
•        Where are we in relation to international synergy and cooperation?

Alain Lumbroso

Alain Lumbroso, Economist, International Transport Forum , OECD

Andre Clot

Andre Clot, Centre Director, Eurousc

Jean-Youri Marty

Jean-Youri Marty, Deputy Director, Capability, Armament & Technology Directorate, European Defence Agency

Captain Flemming  Olstroem

Captain Flemming Olstroem, Branch Chief IMINT&UAS, Danish Army Intelligence Centre

Alain Siebert, Chief Economist & Master Planning, SESAR Joint Undertaking



Afternoon Tea



Use of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles Against Air Threats; Necessity and Feasibility

Dr Hans Heerkans

Dr Hans Heerkans, Assistant Professor, Behavioural, Management & Social Sciences, University Of Twente

• The decreasing effectiveness of manned aircraft
• Overcoming the limitations of unmanned combat aerial vehicles
• New tactical and strategic roles for unmanned combat aerial vehicles
• Playing on the West’s advantages



New roles. New rules. New tools. New Thinking in Next Generation Unmanned Air Systems

Dr Donough  Wilson

Dr Donough Wilson, Innovation Lead, Aviation, Defence and Homeland Security Innovation, VIVID/futureVision

• Present new thinking on next generation unmanned air systems and examining the key areas for this influential design thinking including:
o radical new vehicle forms not limited by legacies carried over from manned aircraft
• Illustrate game-changing designs for super-massive trans-oceanic unmanned search and rescue vehicles, and immediate response humanitarian aid mission vehicles
• Propose remote, autonomous, air-to-air refuelling which could extend the on-site mission capability of these vehicles up to weeks or months at a time
• Evaluate developments in edge-of-space communications and internet broadband relay vehicles



Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven  Gambold

Squadron Leader (ret'd) Keven Gambold, CEO, Unmanned Experts

Economist, International Transport Forum
Chief Economist & Master Planning
SESAR Joint Undertaking
Centre Director
Branch Chief IMINT&UAS
Danish Army Intelligence Centre
Squadron Commander 2iC, TUAV
Swedish Armed Forces
Commander, Danish Army Intelligence Centre
Danish Army
Chief of the Acquisition Programs Section
Spanish Air Force
Innovation Lead, Aviation, Defence and Homeland Security Innovation
Assistant Professor, Behavioural, Management & Social Sciences
University Of Twente
Reader in Unmanned Air Vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics and Computational Engineering
University Of Southampton
Strat Aero International Ltd
Deputy Director, Capability, Armament & Technology Directorate
European Defence Agency
Director of Operations
Unmanned Experts LLC
Chief Unmanned Ground Systems/Lethality Branch
HQ TRADOC, United States Army
Defence Analyst
House of Commons
Unmanned Experts
Squadron Leader, Military Aviation Authority
RPAS & Airworthiness Staff Officer

Sponsors and Exhibitors



Counter UAS: The Next Arms Race?

Counter UAS: The Next Arms Race?

Holiday Inn Kensington Forum
18 November 2015
London, United Kingdom

Preliminary List of Attendees - Unmanned Aerial Systems 2015


Interview with Denis Koehl, SESAR Joint Undertaking


Interview with Intendant Carlos Henrique Madureira Ribeiro


Interview with Colonel Enrique Martinez Vallas


Interview with Keven Gambold CEO Unmanned Experts


Sponsors and Exhibitors

Strat Aero PLC

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Strat Aero is an international aerospace services company, managed by a group of aviation specialists with unrivalled expertise in UAV training and operations. Strat Aero pulls together skilled resources, UAV systems and associated sensors and software to deliver value to its global client base. Strat Aero plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Media Partners

Defence Industries


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Global Information GII


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Defense Conference


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International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems


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SUAS Global


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speaker image












CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

CPD Certificates

We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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Tel: +44 (0) 20 7827 6000 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7827 6001
Website: http://www.smgconferences.com Email: events@saemediagroup.com
Registered in England - SMi Group Ltd trading as SAE Media Group

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