Masayuki Iwaike, Director of Missile Defence and Space Policy, Defence Policy Division, Bureau of Defence Policy, Ministry of Defence, Japan |
Commodore (Ret'd) Seshadri Vasan, Former Regional Commander, Coast Guard Region East, Indian Navy |
David Steare, Lead, MILSATCOM International Engagement, Space and Cyberspace Division, US Air Force |
Dr. Mohamed Riaz Suddle, Director for PakSat-1R Programme, SUPARCO (Pakistan Space Agency) |
Lieutenant Colonel James Dryburgh, JS01 CIS (J6), New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) |
Major John Genouw, ACOS O&T/DivSp/J6 Resources Mgt, Joint Operational Support Division, Ministry of Defence, Belgium |
Squadron Leader Daniel Howarth, Satellite Capability Officer, Department of Defence, Australia |
Mustafa Din Subari, Director General, Malaysian Space Agency (Angkasa)
Professor Pham Anh Tuan, Director, National Satellite Centre, Vietnam |
Jonathan Hung, President, Singapore Space and Technology Agency (SSTA)
Dr. Soo Chin Liew, Principal Research Scientist, Head of Research, Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing, National University of Singapore |
Jose Del Rosario, Senior Analyst, Northern Sky Research (NSR)
Patrick French, Senior Analyst and Head of Singapore Office, Northern Sky Research (NSR) |
Gordon McMillan, Director GX Government Services EMEA and Asia-Pacific, Inmarsat |
Dr. Robert Pearson, General Manager, Cobham Technical Services |
Andrew Hide, Head of Future Programmes, Astrium Services |
Eran Agmon, AVP Head of Integrated Defense Solutions, Gilat Satellite Networks |
Conference agenda
Setting the scene - SOTM over the last decade
Military applications on land and sea, and in the air
Homeland security and disaster relief
Commercial deployments of SOTM
What is preventing widespread adoption of high frequency SOTM?
What are the "killer" applications for SOTM for the future?
Commercial issues
Providing a global service
Delivering a cost-effective service
Innovative business models
What is preventing widespread adoption of hig frequency SOTM (cont.)?
Technology issues
Benefits and shortcomings of different frequency bands
Antenna complexity and cost - including use of COTS equipment
System issues
What does the future hold?
A satellite operators perspective
An equipment suppliers perspective
A service provider perspective
Chairman's Opening Remarks Jose del Rosario, Senior Analyst, Northern Sky Research HOST NATION WELCOME REMARKS Jonathan Hung, President, Singapore Space and Technology Association
Current Space Ecosystem
Research and Development being carried out
Future Roadmap
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Ministry of Defence Japan follow-on X-band SATCOM Masayuki Iwaike, Director of Missile Defence and Space Policy, Defence Policy Division, Ministry of Defence, Japan
Establish a new structure of government in space sector
Overview of MODJ current SATCOM programme
Current X-band capabilities
Future road map
Satellites as enablers of maritime operations in the Indian Ocean region Commodore (Ret'd) Seshadri Vasan, Former Regional Commander, Coast Guard Region East, Indian Navy
Challenges and application for ISR tasks by the Indian Navy
As enabler of Network Centric Operations (NCO) / Network Centric Warfare
Enhancing efficiency of HADR and disaster warning measures
Networking Coffee Break Sponsored by Inmarsat Australia's MilSatCom Programme Squadron Leader Daniel Howarth, Satellite Capability Project Officer, Department of Defence, Australia
Australian Defence Force tactical and strategic SATCOM capabilities
Joint Project 2008 (JP2008); key issues
Enhancing the Australian Defence SATCOM capability through the delivery of satellite ground stations
Planning and monitoring tools in the Defence Network Operations Centre
Military partnerships
Collaboration and coopeartion with commercial partners
Future Goals
Military and Civil SATCOM Requirements in Asia Jose del Rosario, Senior Analyst, Northern Sky Research
Military Hotspots
Emergency preparedness for Civil Government needs
The budget picture
The compelling proposition of Commercial Bandwidth
Quantifying Demand
Capacity and Versatility - Key qualities of next generation SATCOM Gordon McMillan, Director GX Government Services EMEA and Asia-Pacific, Inmarsat
The impact of changing usage patterns
Is greater bandwidth the only solution?
Mobile or fixed?
Strategy Drivers
Has there been an increase in the region for MilSatCom?
Where MilSatCom is needed most?
Recent developments that has seen a need for SatCom
Future Roadmap
Patrick French, Senior Analyst and Head, Singapore Office, Northern Sky Research Masayuki Iwaike, Director of Missile Defence and Space Policy, Defence Policy Division, Ministry of Defence, Japan Dr. Mohammad Riaz Suddle, Director of PakSat-1R Programme, Suparco Commodore (Ret'd) Seshadri Vasan, Former Regional Commander, Coast Guard Region East, Indian Navy Squadron Leader Daniel Howarth, Satellite Capability Project Officer, Department of Defence, Australia Networking Afternoon Tea Sponsored by Inmarsat A 'systems' approach to secure SATCOM Andy Hide, Head of Future Programmes, Astrium - Satcom Systems and Solutions
Delivering value by driving out risk and cost
Leveraging commercial technology
Role of local partnerships in delivering global solutions
Emerging capability - recent highlights
Importance of Satellite Imagery and Sensing across the ASEAN region Soo Chin Liew, Principal Research Scientist, Head of Research, National University of Singapore
Current Satellite Imagery requirements
Importance of Satellite Imagery when a natural disaster happens
Research being carried out on Imagery requirements
Future Developments
Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One DRINKS RECEPTION Sponsored by Astrium Chairman's Opening Remarks Jose del Rosario, Senior Analyst, Northern Sky Research KEYNOTE ADDRESS: US International Wideband Global SatCom (WGS) Programme David Steare, Lead, MILSATCOM International Engagement , US Air Force
Overview of the WGS programme
Co-operation with other member countries
USAF International Engegement
Interoperability in the Asia-Pacific region
SPECIAL ADDRESS: The Belgium view on MilSatCom solutions facing emerging challenges Major John Genouw, ACOS O&T/DivSp/J6 Resources Mgt, Joint Operational Support Division, Ministry of Defence, Belgium
Operational challenges leading to short and mid-term evolutions
Current technology and tactical choices for the future
SatCom for Welfare needs
Interoperability and Belgium participation in international SatCom co-operation
Networking Coffee Break Sponsored by Inmarsat SATCOM as an enabler for force transformation in future tactical operations Dr. Robert Pearson, Director, Cobham Technical Services
Trends in military operations and force transformation
Next generation portable SatCom terminals for tactical applications
Asymmetric warfare and the requirements for intelligence gathering
Enablers for integration of satellite and terrestrial systems at the tactical edge
Situational awareness: requirements and limitations
Increased use of automony and the role of SatCom in reach back for UAVs/UGVs
case study on radio-over-satellite system offering meshed communications, situational awareness, remote sensor monitoring and video streaming, as well as infrastructure independent base station and use of COFDM mesh technology for enhanced resilience
SOTM (SatCom on the Move) for C4ISR - Past experience and roadmap ahead Eran Agmon, AVP Head of Integrated Defense Solutions, Gilat Satellite Networks
Information and intelligence collecting: ISR, UAVs, Border Control, Public Safety, Emergency Management etc.
SOTM solutions for intelligence: uploading broadband real time video, Sigint, Comint
BLOS solutions for modern UAVs: unlimited time and extended range
Expanding performance envelope of Reconnaissance and Intelligence in highly reliable SatCom
Pakistan Communication Satellite (PakSat) Programme Dr. Mohammad Riaz Suddle, Director of PakSat-1R Programme, Suparco
Background of the Programme
Current Status of the Programme
Key features of PakSat-1R
SatCom in Pakistan
Malaysia Space Programme and SATCOM Capability Mustafa Din Subari, Deputy Director General, National Space Agency (ANGKASA)
Current sapce operations
SatCom requirements
Interoperability to increase capacity in space
2012/13 Roadmap
Networking Afternoon Tea Sponsored by Inmarsat New Zealand's SATCOM Programme Developments Lieutenant Colonel James Dryburgh, JS01 CIS J6, NZDF
Current developments in New Zealand's SatCom capability
The importance of SatCom in New Zealand
Satellite ground stations
Future Research and Development
Recent development of Satellite Technology in Vietnam Professor Pham Anh Tuan, Director, Vietnam National Satellite Centre
Overview of current capabilities
SatCom requirements
Satellite technology update
Future Roadmap to 2014
Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two
Swissôtel Merchant Court 11 May 2012 Singapore, Singapore
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