Future Soldier Technology
11 March - 13 March 2024

Building on the enormous success of its previous nine annual meetings, Future Soldier Technology 2024 will be an excellent international gathering of senior officers and programme managers who are seeking to enhance their programmes. Additionally, this forum offers an excellent platform for programme managers within the military to interface with senior experts from within the defence industry.

Why should you attend?

Future Soldier Technology is the leading event dedicated to dismounted soldier modernisation programmes and priorities

  • Listen to keynote briefings from senior UK and NATO and allied dismounted soldier programme managers
  • Discover the latest topics for the advancement of soldier technology, including lethality and weaponry, dismounted tactical power, protection and survivability, mobility, integrating robotics and AI, and much more
  • Meet and network with the key decision-makers from both military and industry to discuss modernisation and optimisation of the future dismounted soldier and their equipment


Colonel (Ret.) Richard Hansen

Colonel (Ret.) Richard Hansen

Former Program Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier, US Army
Major Gabriel Benoit-Martin

Major Gabriel Benoit-Martin

Project Director - Integrated Soldier System, Director Land Requirement, Canadian Army
Major General Adrian Ciolponea

Major General Adrian Ciolponea

Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Representative in Europe, NATO HQ
Mr Graham Ball

Mr Graham Ball

Deputy Director Integration - Strategic Command, UK MOD

Brigadier General Constantin Nicolaescu

Commander of HQ Multinational Brigade South-East, Romanian Army
Brigadier General Constantin Nicolaescu

Brigadier general Constantin NICOLAESCU is the Commander of Headquarters Multinational Brigade South-East, located in Craiova, Romania. Before being assigned to this position, BG Constantin NICOLAESCU held numerous appointments across the Romanian Army. In October 2019, he was assigned as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, for the newest NATO headquarters established in Romania, Headquarters Multinational Corps South-East and on November 19, 2020, he was appointed to his current position.
Brigadier general Nicolaescu has deployed in three missions abroad: Afghanistan 2006, Iraq 2009 and Afghanistan 2013-2014.
In 2019 he graduated from “Carol I” National Defense University with a PhD in Military Sciences. Since 2017, he has been an Associate Professor of the same institution.

Colonel (Ret.) Richard Hansen

Former Program Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier, US Army
Colonel (Ret.) Richard Hansen

As Former Program Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier, US Army COL (R) Hansen spent 26 years in the US Army in both the war fighting and acquisition fields. He held various command and staff positions in self-propelled, towed, and airborne artillery units and fire support elements. His research, development, and acquisition experience includes various assignments as a product, project, or program manager in electric guns, armored vehicles, and precision guided munitions. In his last 4 years of service as the Project Manager for Soldier Warrior, he was responsible for weapons, clothing, and equipment for aviation crewmen (Air Warrior), dismounted Soldiers (Land Warrior, Ground Soldier Ensemble), and vehicle crewmen (Mounted Soldier).

Colonel Ákos Tajti

Director, Capability Development Office, Hungarian Defence Forces
Colonel Ákos Tajti

Colonel Akos Tajti is the Director of the Capability Development Office, Defence Staff, Hungarian Defence Forces.

He served as Military Advisor and Senior National Military Representative of Hungary to UN Headquarters between 2017 and 2020.
He started his career as an infantry officer of the 2nd “Air-Assault” Company, 1st Light Cavalry Regiment.
He served four tours in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan.
He holds a BSc from the National Defence University, and an MSc from the National University of Public Service (Hungary). He is also a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute (US) and the Royal College of Defence Studies (UK).

Colonel Art van Beekhuizen

Project Manager Soldier Modernisation Program, Defence Materiel Organisation, Netherlands Ministry of Defence
Colonel Art van Beekhuizen

Colonel Art van Beekhuizen is at the moment Project Manager Soldier Modernisation within the Defence Materiel Organisation of the NLD MoD.
He started his military career in 1993 at the Naval Academy. His first appointment was platoon commander within the 23rd Inf Coy of the 2nd Marine Battalion. Throughout the years he was assigned infantry and logistic appointments. He completed Staff College in 2012-2013. From 2019-2022 he was CO of the Marine Barracks Savaneta on Aruba.
His first operational tour was as a Battle Captain responsible for Logistic Supply within the UN Mission Ethiopia Eritrea in 2000-2001. He did two tours to Afghanistan. One as a Company Commander and one as head of a police training assessment team stationed at Camp Eggers in Kabul.
His current goal is to increase the awareness within projects that the cubic meter around the dismounted soldier is a system. To secure operational effectiveness, survivability and sustainment are key to success.

Colonel Carlos Henrique Martins Rocha

Analyst, Brazilian Army General Staff
Colonel Carlos Henrique Martins Rocha
Colonel Rocha has been one of the analysts of the Brazilian Army General Staff since December 2022. The role of the General Army Staff is to contribute to the construction of the Brazilian Army of the Future, as well as to guide and formulate standards and guidelines related to the Force Transformation Process. Before being assigned to this fuction, Colonel Rocha held numerous command appointments across the Brazilian Army, including the 5th Air Defence Artillery Battery and the 2nd Air Defence Artillery Battalion. In addition to the training, improvement and higher military studies courses, Colo-nel Rocha attended the Air Defence and Coastal Artillery course and the Army Politics, Strategy and Senior Administration course at the Army Command and General Staff Scho-ol. Abroad, he was deployed to the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions in Ivory Coast and in Central African Republic.

Colonel Nicolas Mueller

Head Defence Procurement Cooperation, Armasuisse / Federal Office for Defence Procurement
Colonel Nicolas Mueller

Dr. Nicolas G. Mueller studied chemistry, physics and national security. 6 years research in laser engineering, worked several years as ICRC coordinator/delegate, 1999-2001 in Afghanistan. Worked 2001-2005 as international strategy consultant. Subsequently in Joint Staff as PM Swiss Information Operations Force. 2007-2016 he was the federal crisis management advisor, directed the federal strategic crisis exercises, organized yearly OECD conferences and advised the Swiss Government in crisis early warning and -management. 2017-23 Head Weapons and Ammunition at armasuisse. Presently Head Defence Procurement Cooperation. General staff colonel, former deputy head of operations (G3) of Swiss Land Forces and recon bn commander. Adjunct professor at Geneva School of Diplomacy, teaches national crisis management and future of warfare.

Colonel Norbert Vetter

Manager Innovations labor System Soldat, WIWeB, Bundeswehr
Colonel Norbert Vetter

Norbert Vetter

Married, 2 boys

• Born 1965
• Grown up in the Stuttgart area
• 1985-1994 Active Military Service in the Mountain Infantry: company commander
• 1991 Master Degree in Aeronautical Engineering
• 1994-1996 Department Manager IT & Organization BJB, Neheim-Hüsten (luminaire industry)
• 1994-2006 Active Reserve Service in the Mountain Infantry: Battalion Staff Officer
• 1996 Bachelor Degree in Business Administration
• 1996-1998 General Manager GRAU Werkzeugsysteme, Schwäbisch Gmünd (automotive industry)
• 1998-2000 Chief Marketing Officer GEIGERtechnik, Garmisch-Partenkichen (automotive industry)
• Since 2000 self employed with the ingenieurbuero norbert vetter (IT-consulting)
• 2001-2003 Managing Partner Kochel.net GmbH, Kochel (IT-consulting)
• 2007-2013 Active Reserve Service in the Mountain Infantry: Battalion Commander
• 2012-2021 Timber trading and hunting outfitter, Catapú, Beira Mocambique
• 2013-2017 Active Reserve Service in the Mountain Infantry: Brigade Chief of Staff
• 2017-2019 Active Reserve Service at the Army Command: Branch head Organization
• 2019-2022 Active Reserve Service at the Army Command: Branch head Land based Operations
• Since 2022 founding Manager “InnovationLab Soldier as a system” at the
Bundeswehr Research Institute for Materials, Fuels, Lubricants and Digitisation

• All terrain cycling
• Mountaineering summer & winter
• (Mountain) hunting

Colonel Paul Cummings

DE&S Dismounted Close Combat DCC Portfolio Leader, DE&S
Colonel Paul Cummings

Having read for a degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Liverpool before entering the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in January 2000, Colonel Paul Cummings commissioned into The Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) in December of that year. His career at Regimental Duty saw him based in Germany for his early years with deployments to Bosnia, Iraq, Northern Ireland and Afghanistan. Most recently, he commanded 6 Armoured Close Support Battalion REME between August 2017 and February 2020, deploying the Battalion to Canada twice and to Oman in 2019 where he commanded the Combat Service Support and Theatre Enabling Group for the joint Omani-British Exercise Khanjar Oman. His proudest moment in command was collecting the Worshipful Company of Turner’s trophy on behalf of his soldiers and officers, awarded to the best REME Battalion 2019. His staff appointments have largely been in capability and acquisition, with several tours of Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S), and in logistics as Deputy Chief of Staff 102 Logistic Brigade. His first post in DE&S was as the Heavy Logistic Vehicles Requirements Manager, and then on promotion to Lieutenant Colonel as the Military Assistant to the 3* Chief of Materiel (Land). He returned to DE&S, to the Vehicle Support Team, in 2020 on promotion to Colonel, spending a year as the Senior Operations Manager heading up the Optimisation portfolio, looking to drive efficiencies across the in-service vehicle fleet, before moving to become Deputy Head and, latterly, Acting Head. He was appointed to his current post in May 2022 where he and his team are responsible for delivering Dismounted Close Combat capability - Survivability, Lethality, and Surveillance & Target Acquisition - to the Army and United Kingdom Strategic Command. Colonel Cummings is a graduate of the Advanced Command and Staff Course, holds a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Mechanical Engineering, a Master of Arts in Defence Studies from King’s College London, and is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. A keen, although slightly lapsed, cyclist, Colonel Cummings is married to Caroline a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser with whom he has two young daughters.

Colonel Peter Hofer

Head of Institute - Advanced Officer Training, Theresian Military Academy Austria
Colonel Peter Hofer

Col Dr. Peter Hofer is Head of the Institute of Advanced Officer Training at Theresian Military Academy being one of the hubs of life-long learning for all active and reserve officers in Austria. He is also head of the IRON NIKE research and development group with a focus on the requirements of a Digital Headquarters and urban operations. Infantry man by trade, Peter has served as platoon and company leader, held various staff appointments, and commanded an infantry battalion. He was deployed on operational tours in Kosovo and Tchad.

Command Sergeant Major Niels Moelleskov

Chairman of CCIEP under LCGDSS, Danish Artillery Regiment
Command Sergeant Major Niels Moelleskov

I have been a NCO for 40 years and in the last 30 years been working as an SME on Individual Equipment for the Danish Soldiers. Recently I have been involved in the project for the new Nordic Combat Uniform system as the Danish User Representative.
I have been a member of CCIEP for more than 15 years and since 2021, I have been the Chairman of the Group.
My latest Deployment was to the Afghan National Officers Academy in Kabul in 2014/15 where I acted as a mentor in the S7/Skill at Arms Section.

Dr Babak Daneshrad

CEO, Silvus Technologies
Dr Babak Daneshrad

A scientist with demonstrated early-stage company experience, Dr. Daneshrad served as a professor with the UCLA Electrical Engineering Department from 1996 to 2019. He is viewed as a thought-leader in his field of expertise, and is well-published in the area of wireless communications with an emphasis on experimental multi-antenna systems. Prior to arriving at UCLA he was with AT&T Bell Labs and was focused on broadband wireless data communications. In 2001, he co-founded Innovics Wireless, raising $14 million in venture capital to develop the first multi-antenna, diversity-enabled WCDMA-3G mobile terminal ASIC. In 2004 he co-founded Silvus technologies with a vision of manufacturing cost-effective MIMO solutions that could deliver communications to the most harsh and demanding environments.

Dr. Daneshrad obtained his PhD in electrical engineering from the Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab of UCLA in 1993. He obtained his MEng and BEng (honors) degrees from McGill University in 1988 and 1986 respectively.

Dr Julie Greeves

Research Director, Army Health and Performance Research (AHPR), UK Ministry of Defence
Dr Julie Greeves

Julie Greeves is the Principal Physiologist for the British Army, and has spent over 20 years researching the health and performance of service personnel?at QinetiQ, ARITC and now Army HQ. Julie’s specialist interests are female physiology and bone biology. She was appointed research lead for the Women in Ground Close Combat Review in 2015; an innovative six-year Defence physiology research programme delivering the evidence-base for the safe and effective through career employment of women in physically arduous roles. She holds honorary Chair positions at the School of Medicine UEA, and UCL, is Chair of the NATO 203 Panel on optimising menstrual health of servicewomen, actively supervises PhD students, and has published over 100 original papers in peer reviewed journals.

Dr Sebastian Gies

Project Lead Soldier System D-LBO, Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw)
Dr Sebastian Gies
Dr. Sebastian Gies is the Project Lead for the Soldier System D-LBO (Digitization of Land-Based Operations) at the German Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr (BAAINBw; Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support). Graduating from the Philipps-University Marburg after obtaining a B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD (Dr. rer. nat) in physics, he worked at Sandia National Laboratories as a Postdoctoral Appointee before joining the BAAINBw as a project management professional

Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Dawe

Commanding Officer Infantry Trials and Development Unit, ITDU, British Army
Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Dawe
Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Dawe joined the Army in 2001, commissioning into the Scots Guards. Initially posted to London on ceremonial duties, he then served as a Platoon Commander in the Guards Training Division, Catterick. Further postings included Poland, Canada and Germany where he was an Armoured Infantry Platoon and Company Commander. He worked in Joint Capabilities in the MoD during SDSR10 and is experienced in several other key Staff appointment roles, both in the MoD and in the Field Army. He has completed multiple tours of duty in Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan and overseas short-term training tasks (STTT).

Lieutenant Colonel Austin Banford

Product Manager Soldier Clothing and Individual Equipment, PM Soldier Survivability, PEO Soldier
Lieutenant Colonel Austin Banford

LTC Austin Banford currently serves as the Product Manager for Soldier Clothing and Individual Equipment (PdM SCIE), a subset of the United States Army’s Program Executive Office, Soldier (PEO Soldier), and Program Manager Soldier Survivability (PM SSV). Before assuming command of PdM SCIE, LTC Banford held numerous operational Warfighter positions from Platoon Leader, Foreign Military Trainer, and Targeting Lead to Company Commander and Brigade Operations, serving in both Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom. His program management experience, across S&T, market analysis, production, manufacturing and sustainment, spans from Missile Defense Integration to various PEO Soldier programs; Rapid Equipping Force (REF), Next Generation Advance Bomb Suit (NGABS), and the Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS).

Lieutenant Colonel Brett Grant

Director Dismounted Combat Program, Platforms Branch, Land Capability Division, Australian Army Headquarters
Lieutenant Colonel Brett Grant

Lieutenant Colonel Brett Grant was born in Leeton, New South Wales. In 1994, he completed a Bachelor of Science Degree with Honours from the University of Sydney. He was then employed for three years as an Industrial Chemist with Lombe Scientific. In 1998, Lieutenant Colonel Grant entered the Royal Military College Duntroon, where he graduated to the Royal Australian Infantry Corps in June 1999. His first posting was to 3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (Parachute) where he served as a Rifle and Heavy Weapons Platoon Commander. Lieutenant Colonel Grant deployed to East Timor as a Platoon Commander with INTERFET in September 1999.
In 2003, Lieutenant Colonel Grant was promoted to Captain and posted to 3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (Parachute) as a Rifle Company 2IC. During this posting, he successfully completed the Commando selection and reinforcement courses. In 2004, Lieutenant Colonel Grant was posted to 4th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (Commando). In 2005, he commanded a Commando Platoon on OP SLIPPER as part of the Special Operations Task Group (SOTG). Lieutenant Colonel Grant deployed again in 2006 on OP RAMP as the Special Operations Liaison/Operations Officer with the Defence Supplementation Staff (DSS) attached to the Australian Embassy Beirut, Lebanon.
In 2007, Lieutenant Colonel Grant was posted to The Royal Military College Duntroon, where he served as an instructor to second and first class cadets. In 2008, he was posted to Special Operations Headquarters as the Aide-de-Camp to the Special Operations Commander-Australia.
In 2009, Lieutenant Colonel Grant was promoted and appointed as the Officer Commanding Delta Company, 2nd Commando Regiment. Delta Company was then fulfilling the role of Tactical Assault Group East (TAG-E). In 2010, Lieutenant Colonel Grant deployed with his company to Afghanistan as part of SOTG XIII, OP SLIPPER. For this deployment, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal (DSM). In 2011, Lieutenant Colonel Grant served as the S3, 2nd Commando Regiment before completing Australian Command and Staff College in 2012. In 2013, he was posted to Army Headquarters as the Staff Officer to Director General Modernisation-Army where he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.
Lieutenant Colonel Grant was posted to Special Operations Headquarters as the SOJ3 in 2014 and the SOJ5 in 2015. In 2016, he was posted as the Special Operations Staff Officer to Military Strategic Commitments and in 2017 he served in the USA as the Special Operations Liaison Officer to Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). In 2018, Lieutenant Colonel Grant was appointed as the Commanding Officer of The Pilbara Regiment. Lieutenant Colonel Grant completed Capability and Technology Management College in 2020 and was posted to the Dismounted Combat Program, Army Headquarters as SO1 Survivability. Currently he is Acting Director of the Dismounted Combat Program.

Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Armstrong

Navy Acquisition SO1 Strike Networks, Royal Marines
Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Armstrong

Chris is responsible for digital transformation within the Future Commando Force Programme with a project portfolio covering tactical communications, uncrewed systems and digital joint fires.

Lieutenant Colonel D. Christian Hasbach

PdM Soldier Maneuver Sensors, PM SWAR, PEO Soldier, US Army
Lieutenant Colonel D. Christian Hasbach

LTC Christian Hasbach received a Regular Army commission as an Engineer Officer from Officer Candidate School in December 2004. LTC Hasbach received a Master’s in Procurement and Acquisition Management from Webster University in May 2015. He holds a Bachelor’s of Science Degree from University of South Florida in Finance, awarded 1998. His military education includes Engineer Officer Basic Course, Engineer Officer Advance Course, United States Army Command and General Staff College (ILE), Army Acquisition Basic Course and the Military Transition Team Course. He is certified in Program Management at the Practitioner Level, and Foundationally Certified in contracting. LTC Hasbach has held acquisition assignments as a Contingency Contract Team Leader, MICC Fort Carson, CO. OCSIC Deputy, Operation Inherent Resolve (III Corps), Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, Assistant Product Manager Special Operations Forces- Enablers, Special Programs and Fire Support, Special Programs, Fort Belvoir, VA., served as an Assistant Product Manager of Body Armor, Soldier Protective Equipment and Tactical Cloud Computing, IVAS, PEO Soldier, Fort Belvoir. LTC Hasbach is currently serving as the executive officer for the Deputy to the Deputy of Acquisition and Systems Management, ASA(ALT), Pentagon. LTC Hasbach’s company grade experience includes: Platoon Leader, 43rd Combat Engineer Company, Second Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Fort Carson, CO, Company Executive Officer, Echo Company, 1/67 Armor Battalion, 2nd Brigade 4th Infantry Division, Fort Cason, CO, Military Transition Team Leader, Police Mentor Team, Tahkar Provence, Afghanistan, Engineer Operations Officer, 3rd Army (ARCENT), Fort McPherson, GA, and Company Commander, HHC, 8th Engineer Battalion, 36th Engineer Brigade, Fort Hood, TX. LTC Hasbach’s major theater operational experience includes Operation Iraqi Freedom; and Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Inherent Resolve. His awards and decorations include the Distinguished Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Naval Commendation Medal, Joint Service Achievement Medal, NATO Medal, Combat Action Badge, Parachutist Badge, and Pathfinder Badge. He is married to the former Ms. Kelly Paton and they have one son, Jack.

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Watzenig

Professor, Virtual Vehicle Research, Graz University of Technology
Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Watzenig

Daniel Watzenig is CTO at Virtual Vehicle Research and Professor of Autonomous Driving at Graz University of Technology, Austria. Since 2019 he is invited Guest Lecturer at Stanford University, USA, teaching multi-sensor perception and data fusion. He also teaches vehicle autonomy at Tongji University in Shanghai, China. He is militia officer of the Austrian Armed Forces.

Lieutenant Colonel Davide Pugliese

Concept Development SO1, Italian Army General Staff
Lieutenant Colonel Davide Pugliese

LTC Davide Pugliese currently serves as chief of the concept development and space branches, a subset of the Innovation and Space office of the Italian Army General Staff.
Before assuming command of the Innovation branches, LTC Pugliese held numerous operational Warfighter positions from Cavalry Platoon Leader, Cadets Platoon leader, armoured Coy Commander, recce Squadron Commander to Cavalry Battalion Commander, serving in numerous Operations, such as ISAF, UNIFIL, KFOR and IRAQ “Antica Babilonia”. As Staff Officer LTC Pugliese served in planning, operations and personnel branches.
His program management experience, especially in CD&E experiments, spans from investigating the impact of Emerging & Disruptive Technologies in the way ITA Army conducts operations to various robotics autonomous systems and space programs for the Defense.

Lieutenant Colonel Emanuel Sousa

Head of the Capability Development Section, Portuguese Army
Lieutenant Colonel Emanuel Sousa

Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Davies

SO1 Combat Systems and Bearers, British Army
Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Davies

Lt Col Gareth Davies took over as SO1 Combat Systems and Bearers in Sep 2023 after 4 and a half years establishing SoldierWorks within Army HQ. His portfolio includes the delivery of the Dismounted Situational Awareness project (UK equivalent of Nett Warrior) and a number of tactical bearer systems, such as Multi Mode Radio, into service across the Defence Lines of Development. Career wise, he has completed 5 operational tours as an infantry commander including Iraq and Afghanistan twice and has previous experience as a Requirements Manager for the FIST programme, Chief of Staff of Soldier, Training and Special Projects team within DE&S and SO1 Soldier Systems in SoldierWorks. He is due to leave the Army in September after 27 years service.

Lieutenant Colonel Johnny Hanlon

SO1 Soldier Systems, SoldierWorks, British Army
Lieutenant Colonel Johnny Hanlon

Lieutenant Colonel Johnny Hanlon was commissioned into the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carbiniers and Greys) in 1999. He served his early Regimental career in Germany as a Challenger II (Main Battle Tank) troop commander. As a Squadron Commander he converted to a Reconnaissance role serving with 1st The Queens Dragoon Guards.
Operational tours include Kosovo, Northern Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan. Staff appointments include Military Assistant to the General Officer Commanding the UK Support Command in German, Land capability lead in British Embassy in the USA and the programme manager for the CT40 Cannon in Defence Equipment & Support.
He is currently leading the Army’s SoldierWorks team which is taking a ‘platform’ approach to delivering an Integrated Soldier System.

Lieutenant Colonel Mark Milne

SO1 Light Forces, Ground Manoeuvre, Military Capability Plans, Army HQ, British Army
Lieutenant Colonel Mark Milne

Lt Col Mark Milne joined the Army in 2004, spending the first part of his career as an Armoured Infantry officer in North Germany, peppered with training roles. Experiencing all aspects of Armoured warfare, he has deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in several roles, offering experience from the tactical to the strategic.
Beyond soldiering, Mark has worked in Defence Equipment and Support and Army Headquarters where he is now employed as ‘SO1 Light Forces and 1 (UK) Division’, offering a future capability role spanning from boots to rifles to missiles to protected mobility platforms.

Lieutenant Colonel Paul Cocker

SO1 Morpheus, TacSys SE, New Zealand Defence Force
Lieutenant Colonel Paul Cocker
Lieutenant Colonel Cocker was born in Auckland in March 1982 and educated at Auckland Grammar School. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker enlisted with the New Zealand Army in 2003 and completed RNZ Sigs Corps Training the same year. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker deployed to Afghanistan in 2005. He the New Zealand Commissioning course in 2006, before graduating as a Second Lieutenant in to RNZ Sigs. On graduation, Lieutenant Colonel Cocker was posted to 2nd Signal Squadron in Linton as a Troop Commander and completed young officer training at the Australian Defence Force School of Signals in Melbourne, where he earned the Student of Merit award. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker was promoted to Lieutenant in December of 2008 and was posted to Signal Troop, 1st New Zealand Special Air Service Regiment as a Troop Commander. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker deployed operationally with the regiment and was awarded a Chief of Army’s Commendation for his service during this posting. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker also completed his Signal Captains promotion course and was again selected as the Student of Merit. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker was posted to Capability Branch, Headquarters New Zealand Defence Force and was promoted to Captain in December 2012. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker completed two years’ service within Capability Branch before returning to the 1st New Zealand Special Air Service Regiment as the Regimental Signals Officer in December 2013. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker completed a wide range of duties while at the regiment, and successfully led the Special Operations Technology Battlelab. This ‘Battlelab’ was awarded a Chief of Army’s commendation for the range of innovations and technology it developed. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker successfully completed the Grade 2 Staff and Tactics course and was promoted to Major in July of 2017, taking command of 2nd Signal Squadron until 2019. He deployed as the second-in-command of the final New Zealand Training Team in Taji, Iraq and was awarded a Defence Force Commendation for his leadership and professionalism over a difficult deployment. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker spent 2020 – 2021 at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom in Oxfordshire, with his family, for the purpose of completing a Masters of Science in Information Capability Management. He was awarded the Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association award for the highest marks overall on the course. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker also holds a Bachelor of Information Sciences and a Diploma of Information Technology Operations Management. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker was promoted to his current rank in 2022 and served for two years within the Network Enabled Army programme, a multi-year, digital transformation programme for the New Zealand Army. Lieutenant Colonel Cocker now lives in Bristol, UK with his wife Michelle and nine-year-old son Arthur, seconded to the British Army. In his spare time Lieutenant Colonel Cocker rides anything two wheels and enjoys music, the outdoors and exercise.

Lieutenant Colonel Trevor Bowman

SO1 Battlelab, Army Futures, British Army
Lieutenant Colonel Trevor Bowman

Lt Col Trevor Bowman grew up in Dorset and commissioned into the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) in 1991 having previously served He has completed nearly 42 years’ service in UK, Germany and on Operations in Kuwait, Iraq and elsewhere. He has served in posts as Platoon Commander, Second in Command of a REME Company and a Regimental Workshop, Battalion Operations Officer, SO2 Personal and Professional Development for REME and SO2 Contracted Engineering support in Army Headquarters. On promotion to Lt Colonel, he was appointed as the first SO1 Battlelab in Dorset a post which he assumed in September 2021. He is married to Isobel who is a Teacher, and they have two children – Allan and Gillian. He was the Chairman of the Arborfield branch of the Royal British Legion, is a volunteer Racemaker at Silverstone circuit and a holds qualifications in Management, Teaching, Organisational Behaviour, ISO 9001 auditing, Spectator safety, LEAN tools and Techniques, business startup and operation and is an MOD accredited Contract manager.

Lieutenant Colonel Will Jerrold

SO1 Command Systems, Commando Forces Programme, Royal Marines
Lieutenant Colonel Will Jerrold

Lieutenant Colonel Will Jerrold RM is currently SO1 Commando Systems in the Navy’s Commando Force (CF) Programme Team. He has operational experience in on land operations in East Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan, including with UK Royal Marines and the US 101st Airborne Division. The CF Programme is charged with delivering a transformed UK Commando Force, geared towards the threats, over the decade ahead. Jerrold is responsible for the ground manoeuvre, on-the-person systems and littoral access craft.

Major Gabriel Benoit-Martin

Project Director - Integrated Soldier System, Director Land Requirement, Canadian Army
Major Gabriel Benoit-Martin

Major Gabriel Benoit-Martin joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 2004 as an Officer Cadet. He graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in military study in 2008. Then, he completed Infantry Officer training in 2009 and joined the Royal 22e Regiment (the Vandoos) as platoon commander in the 1st Battalion. He deployed in that role in Afghanistan, Kandahar province, with the Canadian Battle Group between November 2010 and July 2011. Between 2011 and 2018, he was employed in multiple function, from Infantry Company 2nd in command within a Battalion to Dismounted Infantry Officer Course instructor and Adjudant. Between March and Nov 2016, he deployed to Ukraine as a Plans Officer with the US lead Joint Multinational Training Group – Ukraine. Major Benoit- Martin was promoted to his current rank in 2018 and took command of a Mechanized Infantry Company between 2019 and 2020. From 2020 to 2023, he was posted to Canadian Joint Operations Command as a Desk Officer supporting operations in the Middle East and Indo- Pacific region. He has been part of the Director Land Requirements directorate for the past 8 months as the Integrated Soldier System Project director.

Major General Adrian Ciolponea

Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Representative in Europe, NATO HQ
Major General Adrian Ciolponea

On the 1st of August 2023, Major-General Constantin-Adrian Ciolponea has been appointed as SACT Representative in Europe. Prior to this, he was the Land Component Commander and also a Special Advisor to the Defence Minister. MGen. Constantin-Adrian Ciolponea received his commission in 1988, after graduating the Military School for Officers, Sibiu, as an infantry officer. In 2004, he graduated the High Military Studies Academy, Bucharest. He has been assigned to numerous command and staff positions for operations and training, reconnaissance, special operations and airborne operations (1000 + military jumps), both in Romania and abroad. Starting 2008, he commanded the 1st Special Operations Battalion, starting 2009 the 1st Special Operations Regiment and starting 2011 the 6th Special Operations Brigade. In 2015 he has been appointed Deputy Commander at the 4th Infantry Division and in 2016 became deputy Land Forces Commander for training and operations. During 2017-2021, MGen Constantin-Adrian Ciolponea was the Romanian National Military Representative to Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe (SHAPE), Mons, Belgium and was the Dean of the National Military Representatives. From 2021 to 2022, he was appointed as the Deputy Commander of the Multinational Corps Southeast in Sibiu, Romania. Abroad, he served in a variety of assignments, most notably being: UN Military Observer Democratic Republic of Congo (2000-2001); Staff Officer in Afghanistan (2008, 2010, 2013); Staff Officer in Kosovo (2009). His military education includes several international courses, including: Army's Rangers Course for Officers, USA, (1996 – 1997 completion certificate) Special Operations Course, USA (2005); Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA (2006 - 2007); Advance Program in Security Studies, George C. Marshall European Centre for Security Studies, Germany (2010); Counter Terrorism Special Forces Advanced Course, USA (2014); National War College, USA (2014 - 2015). MG Constantin-Adrian CIOLPONEA's decorations and awards include: UN Medal; The Army Achievement Medal; The Army Commendation Medal; General Staff Badge of Honour; Romanian Army Honour Emblem; Military Veteran Honorific title; Land Forces Emblem of Honour; National Order Military Virtue in rank of Knight; Air Force Emblem of Honour; Naval Forces Emblem of Honour in service of the Homeland – for 25 years of service" Honorary sign. Major-General Constantin-Adrian CIOLPONEA is married and father of two.

Major Jared Bambridge

SO2 Integrated Close Combat, ATDU, British Army
Major Jared Bambridge

Capt Bambridge grew up in York and completed his undergraduate degree in Sports, Exercise and Physical Activity at Durham University with a focus on biomechanics. Capt Bambridge commissioned into The Royal Yorkshire Regiment in April 2016. He has taken part in exercises in Belize, America, Canada, Estonia, Latvia, Germany, Belgium and France. At Regiment, he served as Pl Comd, Coy 2IC and OC Mor Pl with a deployment on Op CABRIT in 2018/19. External to RD he served with SJCHQ delivering UK RESILIENCE Ops in the J3 O&D Cell. He currently serves at ATDU, initially as SO3 WCSP and then for two years as SO3 MIV whilst also fulfilling the role of SO2 Integrated Close Combat, developing an innovative focus and broader understanding of MoD and Cap&Ac process. Most recently, he has also served on secondment as SO2 J35 Land at SJFHQ in Northwood, the deployable arm of PJHQ with a significant amount of time spent at MoD Main Building, where he produced timely OSW and routinely briefed a 2* international audience. As SO3 O&D at SJCHQ, Capt Bambridge gained experience in the preparation and delivery of Joint OSW and regularly brief to 3*. Although principally working on Op RESCRIPT, he tackled a spectrum of UK RESILIENCE Ops and developed experience for liaison with Joint HQ’s in the management of personnel. He built on this at SJFHQ, as SO2 J35 where he planned and executed numerous international conferences and engagements in MoD Main Building, LWC, AHQ and the LOC. Capt Bambridge benefitted exponentially from his 9-month tour on Op CABRIT as he developed skills working in a joint nationality HQ, working closely with Estonian and Danish forces in the planning and delivery of Op planning. Capt Bambridge had to overcome difficulty with language, diverse working practices and varying degrees of support from coalition counterparts. Capt Bambridge was awarded a CGS Commendation in 2018 for actions during the London Bridge Terror Attack. He speaks basic levels of French and Mandarin. He lives with his partner Megane who is a Project Manager and their cocker spaniel, Truffle. Capt Bambridge enjoys CrossFit, fell running and skiing. He is fond of red wine and hunting.

Major Michael O'Connor

Capability Director Soldier Modernisation Office, New Zealand Defence Force
Major Michael O'Connor

Major O’Connor enlisted into the New Zealand Army in January 1981 serving as an Infantry soldier in the Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment. He has served with the 1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment in both Singapore and New Zealand, and has completed postings to the 2nd/1st Infantry Battalion and reserve infantry units obtaining the rank of Warrant Officer Class One holding a number of senior appointments. Throughout his soldier career Major O’Connor has undertaken a range of regimental, staff and training appointments including postings as an instructor at the Army Schools and Cadre appointments, completing his soldier career in Army General Staff as the infantry career manager. Major O’Connor was commissioned in 2012 as a general list officer at the rank of Captain and appointed as the adjutant for 5th/7th Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment and was subsequently promoted to Major as the Executive Officer in 2015. In 2017 he was posted to Headquarters Joint Forces New Zealand as a Staff Officer planning, for overseas operations. He was posted to the Australian Army Land Warfare Centre in 2018 as an instructor at the Officer Training Wing. Major O’Connor has deployed on operations with the Multinational Force and Observers in Egypt, the United Nations in East Timor, the New Zealand Provincial Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan and as a staff officer within the Headquarters of the Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve based in Kuwait. Major O’Connor is a graduate of the New Zealand Command and Staff College (Joint) and holds a Masters in Strategic Studies from the Victoria University, of Wellington. Major O’Connor was appointed as the Capability Manager Soldier Modernisation Office on 12 December 2021.

Major Nicholas Reynolds

Dismounted Close Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition Requirements Manager, SoldierWorks, British Army
Major Nicholas Reynolds

Major Nicholas Reynolds joined the Army in 2012 and has served within a variety of roles within Light Role, Mechanised and Specialised (now Ranger) infantry, gaining operational experience within Afghanistan, Iraq and Mali. Having recently promoted to Major and completed the Battlespace Technology course, he is well suited to his current role, requirements managing for DCC STA, where his breadth of experience and expertise play a crucial role in bringing new STA capabilities into service.

Mr Anders Palm

Project Manager, Swedish Defence Materiel Administration
Mr Anders Palm
Born in Stockholm 1964 Graduated 1984 Certified upper secondary school engineer, computer systems. Enlisted 1984, Conscript 2nd Lt 1985, 2nd Btn Lappland Brigade I 20, Umeå. Officer’s academy 1985-1987. 2Lt 1987 Karlberg Military Academy 1st Lt 1989-1990 Company Commanders School 1992-1993 Captain. CO Infcoy 1993-1994 Instructors course Mortar/Forward Observer UNPROFOR 1995, TUZLA Instructors course FO vehicle 90 1997 Lifeguards Brigade, I 1, Stockholm Forward Observer trainer, Mortar Platoon commander. 2004-2010 Development Officer Lifeguards Regiment.(UAS/UGV, Future soldier program, Unattended Grouns sensors etc.) 2010-present FMV, Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, Optronics section. Member of NATO Land Command Group Dismounted Soldier Systems Weapons & Sensor Group Married since 1991, 4 children.

Mr Daan Ruhe

BD Manager & Global Product Specialist L-TAC, Government Land, Viasat
Mr Daan Ruhe

Daan Ruhe is a Global Product Specialist within Viasat International Government, a division that is focused specifically on supporting the explicit requirements and communications needs of government and military customers around the world. Daan is responsible for managing Viasat’s L-TAC service. L-TAC, when coupled with the Spectra SlingShot applique or Commcrete Flipper RF-convertor and a small antenna, is a unique, lightweight, low-power satcom system that enables existing, in-service tactical and commercial radios to utilize Viasat’s global L-band GEO satellite coverage, effectively providing a radio repeater in space, allowing these radios to be used beyond line of sight, globally. Daan joined Inmarsat (which was acquired by Viasat in 2023) nearly a decade ago and brings over 25 years of experience in telecommunications to the role and is a true believer in close collaboration between government and commercial providers to help build real solutions to real end user challenges. As such, you are far more likely to find him out in the field, talking to operational teams about communications challenges and requirements, demonstrating capability and helping to find efficient solutions that help build situational awareness and deliver operational success.

Mr Daniel Peat

Principal Power Source Scientist, DSTL, UK MoD
Mr Daniel Peat

Dan Peat is a Principal Scientist at Dstl, within the power sources technical area. He has over twenty years’ experience in power source technologies, range from designing and testing fuel cells, novel hybrid supercapacitors, to testing and evaluating soldier borne power solutions. His current interests are focussed on what technology the future implementations of soldier systems will be based on, and how NATO can accelerate those developments to bring battle winning technologies to our armed forces.

Mr Dave Pheasant

DE&S Future Capability Group, Strategic Command & Air Portfolio Team Leader, DE&S UK MoD
Mr Dave Pheasant

Dave is Team Leader for the Strategic Command and Air portfolios in the Future Capability Group, which is part of the Integrated Battlespace Operating Centre. Having been through DE&S transformation David has seen first-hand how DE&S change has been implemented and embedded and now in the Future Capability Group is working on ways to accelerate the pull through of experimentation and innovation into recognised projects that will deliver capability to the end user.

Mr Graham Ball

Deputy Director Integration - Strategic Command, UK MOD
Mr Graham Ball
Graham Ball is a Senior Civil Servant (1*/OF6 equivalent) at the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD). He is currently Deputy Director Integration & Head Multi-Domain Integration Change Programme at Strategic Command, working to a pan-Defence mandate to promote the integration of the UK Armed Forces. Previously he was the Deputy Director responsible for implementation of the Joint Forces Command Review and the creation of Strategic Command. Graham was Deputy Director Defence Innovation at the MOD in 2017, setting up the Defence Innovation Unit. Prior to this, Graham was Deputy Director Nuclear Policy, and responsible for detailed preparations for the UK’s Parliamentary Debate & Vote in July 2016 on the Deterrent, which confirmed the retention of the Trident nuclear weapons system. Graham joined the UK Civil Service Fast Stream in 2002, after a brief career in marketing - working for celebrity chef Raymond Blanc. He has held a series of posts in the Ministry of Defence and across the UK Government and served in Afghanistan as part of Task Force Helmand in 2011 (HERRICK 14) with 3 Commando Brigade RM and 7 Armoured Brigade. Outside of Defence, in 2007-08 he was part of the Cabinet Office team that wrote the UK’s first National Security Strategy for Prime Minister Gordon Brown. In 2012 he was the lead Home Office Official overseeing the military contribution to the London Olympics security operation working to, the then Home Secretary, Theresa May. In 2012-13, Graham led the Defence contribution to No 10’s review of intervention options in Syria, working to the Deputy National Security Advisor. Graham holds a BA in History from the University of Leeds and a MSc in the History of International Relations from the London School of Economics (LSE). In 2021 he completed an Executive MSc in International Strategy & Diplomacy, at the LSE, examining UK National Security responses to Russian aggression through the paradigm of Cold War relations. Graham is married to Sarah, they have two daughters, Emilia (aged 10) and Alice (aged 7) and lives in South-West London.

Mr Grant Guy

UK and Ireland Business Developer – Tactical Interconnect Products, Glenair
Mr Grant Guy

Grant Guy served 15 years in 29 Commando Royal Artillery. Serving as a fire controller on multiple operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan and various exercises throughout the world with commando forces.
Joined Glenair in January 2020 as the UK business developer for STAR-PAN and MIL interconnect solutions.

Mr James Gavin

Head of the Future Capability Group, DE&S UK MoD
Mr James Gavin
James Gavin is the head of the Future Capability Group (FCG) at Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S). The FCG exists to help explore new capabilities so that they can then be exploited at scale. Increasingly projects are ‘Agile By Default’ to deliver early operational advantage. The Group works closely with all the Front-line Commands, DSTL and central MOD areas such as the DIU and DASA. James has served in the military, the civil service and industry before joining DE&S. He is a passionate advocate of delivering Operational Advantage through a better application of strategic thinking on innovation, inclusive cultures and sustainability.

Mr Jeremy Gibson

Program Analyst, Close Combat Lethality Task Force (CCLTF)
Mr Jeremy Gibson

Mr. Jeremy Gibson is a native of Jacksonville, Florida and retired from the Army as an Infantry First Sergeant after 20 years of active service in 2022. He has served at the Tactical and operational levels in a wide verity of leadership positions. Most recently, he served as a DOD contractor with responsibility as a capability developer for Army Futures Command.
Some of his duty positions have included, team leader, squad leader, platoon sergeant and company first sergeant. He has served in various light, airborne and mechanized units as well as being a Ranger instructor (RI) at Fort Moore, Georgia, An Observer, Coach/Trainer (OC/T) at the national Training center in Fort Irwin, California. He is a veteran of the Iraq/Afghanistan war and has earned multiple awards and citations while also being recognized for outstanding achievement throughout his career. He currently serves as a Department of the Army Civilian as a program analyst for the Close Combat Lethality Task Force. He has earned a Bachelor of Science degree in organizational leadership from the university of Charleston.

Mr Jock Hewit

UK Sales Manager, KME
Mr Jock Hewit

Jock is a former Royal Marines Commando and Police Firearms Officer whose critical understanding of the military and end user experience ensures KME remain at the forefront of the defence market. A primary focus for both Jock and KME is to bring forward innovative and game changing technology and placing it directly in the hands of the end user community.

Mr John Dix

Sales Manager Land Communications, Thales
Mr John Dix

John has significant experience in the defence and security sectors, specialising in project management and capability development. He previously served for 22 years in the Royal Marines where he developed vast experience in planning, supporting and managing projects that deliver multi-million pound, operationally critical military communications technology across maritime and land domains. John is an experienced leader of cross-functional teams working on time-sensitive projects. He transitioned to working in industry at Thales as Sales Manager in 2023. John has degrees from Bournemouth University and the University of Lincoln in Communications Management.

Mr John Thomas

C4ISR SME, Elbit Systems UK
Mr John Thomas
  • John Thomas had a full military career before joining Industry. His operational experience from Northern Ireland, the Falkland Islands, the Balkans and Iraq. He is a Chartered Engineer and his responsibilities have spanned a portfolio of C4ISR Services as a deliverer of capability and as an Acquisition SME. His driving raison d'être is to get effective capability to the end users in a timely manner.
  • He paints when he can and is a dangerous golf player.

Mr Jonathan Russell

Principle Scientist Platform Systems, DSTL, UK MoD
Mr Jonathan Russell
Jonathan is a Senior Principal Scientist within the Physical Sciences Group at Dstl, Porton Down, UK. He is technical lead for the Land Systems Programme Dismounted Protection Project, and Dstl’s Project Technical Authority for the Dismounted Solder Systems project. He is an active member of the NATO Land Capability Group Dismounted Soldier System (LCGDSS) Combat Clothing Individual Equipment and Protection (CCIEP) group, member of the STANAG 2920 Team of Experts, chair of the Head Borne Systems Team of Experts, and chair of STANAG 2902 Test and Evaluation Criteria for Combat Helmets. He is a subject matter expert in physical protection having joined Dstl in 2005, developing and analysing vulnerability and lethality concepts for UK land vehicles. He has spent the last 12 years working in the dismounted protection domain, researching, developing and supporting UK MOD procurement programmes, and technical lead for INVICTUS – the technical programme board for VIRTUS. Jonathan is also the Project Technical Authority for the Dismounted Soldier Systems Project, delivering an articulation of future dismounted soldier system capability that will enhance Ground Manoeuvre operational effectiveness. Focusing on the integration of technology from the broader S&T portfolio: lethality, protection, mobility, C4ISR and sustainability domains.

Mr Martin Krieg

Head of Department IT-Fundamentals Section, Austrian Armed Forces
Mr Martin Krieg

Martin Krieg is head of IT-fundamentals section and full-time lecturer at the Theresan Military Academy. His work focuses on the use of artificial intelligence in the military decision making process. He is a militia officer in the Austrian Armed Forces and he gains a lot of his research ideas during his field exercises.

Mr Matt Hunt

Head of Sales – Land Communications, Thales
Mr Matt Hunt

Matt is a uniquely experienced defence and technology professional with over 28 years specialising in C4I and capability development. Matt served in the Royal Marines for 22 years where he obtained extensive experience in leading, operating and supporting people, platforms and capabilities around the globe. In 2016 he was awarded a strategic command, four-star commendation and mentioned in the Queen’s birthday honours list. In 2016 Matt transitioned successfully to working in industry for Thales’ UK maritime business as a Senior Systems Engineer. Matt has since moved into business development and is responsible for defining and implementing the commercial strategy for land communications at Thales in the UK. Matt has a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Portsmouth.

Mr Matthew Duff

C4i Systems Solution Architect, Elbit Systems UK
Mr Matthew Duff
  • Matt Duff served 38 years in the Royal Corps of Signals, rising through the ranks from Signaller to Lieutenant Colonel. He served two tours in Iraq and one in Kosovo and also spent two years serving with the US Army.
  • A technical supervisor by trade, he is a Member of the IET and gained his Chartered Engineer status in 2016.
  • Matt joined Elbit Systems UK in February 2022 as their C4I Solutions Architect. His passion his solving interoperability challenges as will hopefully become clear in the presentation!

Mr Nate Whelan

VP Europe, Marathon Targets
Mr Nate Whelan

Nate Whelan is the Europe Vice President for Marathon Targets. Nate was a senior civilian at 7th Army Training Command responsible for the U.S. Army Europe Range and Training Area programs, and also the G-3 Training for 25th Infantry Division in Hawaii. He was the U.S. representative to NATO Working Groups on Sustainable Range Management and drafted multiple Standardized Agreements.

Mr Olivier Grégoire

Business Development for Tactical Interconnect Solutions , Glenair
Mr Olivier Grégoire

Olivier Grégoire joined Glenair in September 2022 as Business Developer for STAR-PAN and Tactical Interconnect Solutions to cover Northern Europe.
Previously, Olivier served 21 years within Belgian Defence of which 10 years as a SOF Operator. From communication specialist to JTAC, Olivier was deployed multiple times around the globe.
Olivier was also head of a Research and Development cell for SOF and Ground Liaison Officer within a F-16 Squadron

Mr Qaim Jaffarson

Electronics Engineer Batteries Command Support, Communication, Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation
Mr Qaim Jaffarson

Previous work include vehicle ECM-systems, Frigate SMART-L radar and commercial airline technician.

Mr Sebastian Miekley

Business Area Coordination for Digitalized Land Systems, Rheinmetall Electronics GmbH
Mr Sebastian Miekley


  • 44 yrs, from Bremen Germany
  • 1999 – 2013 Federal Armed Forces Germany (14 years, ret. Captain Parachute Regiment)
  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering (Information Technology) & Certified Systems Engineer
  • Joined Rheinmetall in 2014
  • Technical Project Manager / Lead Engineer for Soldier & C4I Systems (7 years)
  • Head of System Engineering Team for Soldier & Platform Systems (7 years)Business Segment Management for Digitalized Land Forces since 2024


Mr Tony White

Land Strategy Director, Ultra PCS
Mr Tony White

Based at Ultra PCS for the last 23 years, Tony defines the strategic direction of the Land Systems part of the PCS business.

Covering Vehicles, Soldiers and Bases, Tony has worked on all of the UK Generic Architecture standards and more recently, has been exploring the next generation of wearable technology for the war fighter.

Mr Wilhelm Sahlen

Scientist, Department for Weapons, Protection and Security, Swedish Defence Research Agency
Mr Wilhelm Sahlen
Wilhelm Sahlén is a scientist at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI). Wilhelm is the deputy Head of Department of the Directed energy weapons and energy department. Wilhelm has a background in mechanical engineering and performs work like researcher and project manager within the area. Most of the projects are towards the Swedish armed forces to ensure a safe implementation of lithium batteries and other energy systems in military applications.

Ms Anna Dowle

Risk Manager CEMA, British Army HQ
Ms Anna Dowle
A seasoned veteran of the Women's Royal Naval Service, boasting an extensive 20+ years tenure in the private sector, proficient in spearheading multi-million-pound Projects, Programmes, and Portfolios across diverse sectors, particularly within Government Departments. Notable expertise lies in Enterprise and Strategic risk management. Presently, serving as a Business Consultant within the British Army Headquarters, while concurrently pursuing a Professional Doctorate in Security and Risk Management (DSyRM). This doctoral focus centres on unravelling the intricate Human Factors imperative in the development and deployment of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Weapon Systems.

Ms Ilse Kroesen

System Integration Manager Individual Soldier, Dutch Armed Forces
Ms Ilse Kroesen
From halfway 2018 I’m working at the Defence Organisation Materiel on projects regarding equipment of the soldier. With my Msc degree and background as an Industrial Design Engineer the position as an System Integration Manager for developing an Individual Soldier System was a good match. In this role my responsibilities were to develop, test and deliver a modular system for personal equipment regarding a vest-system, ballistic protection and backpacks. Within this modular system articles needed to be interfaced, but also with other systems, like C4I, CBRN, clothing and helmets. Since mid-2021 my role as a System Integration Manager has been expanded in chairperson for the coordination board of the individual soldier. The main goal of this board is to coordinate the entire life time of the equipment within the cubic meters around the soldier and if needed giving advice in adapting new innovations. In these cubic meters different systems have interfaces with each other which has a huge effect on the capabilities and the performance of the soldier. Another important aspect is that the soldier has to operate in his own environment. For example, a soldier needs to sit safely and ready for action in a vehicle or in a Chinook. My communication skills assist in achieving the required coordination and synchronization between all actors.

Ms Lauren Russell

Integration Design Authority (IDA) Cyber Security Adviser, British Army HQ
Ms Lauren Russell

Currently Cyber Security Advisor in the British Army supporting Secure by Design and Supply Chain Analysis across the D Progs Directorate. Recently completed an MSc in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics at Portsmouth University. Previously worked within CAT A Projects, Programmes and Portfolios within Army Headquarters before pursuing a career within the Cyber domain.

Ms Susie Bloodworth-Race

Scientist, WTS CRA Effects - Personal Ballistic Protection, DE&S
Ms Susie Bloodworth-Race

Studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath, then joined Defence Equipment and Support in 2017. Completed the Explosive Ordnance Engineering MSc Cranfield Defence and Security in 2019, where my thesis formed the basis of the research for my PhD. During this time I have moved into the Defence Ordnance Safety Group (DOSG) now Weapons Technical Services (WTS) where my field of study encompasses both Human Vulnerability and Lethality to a plethora of threats and insults, and the equipment, materials, and techniques necessary to protect against them.

Victoria Ayuso

Senior Conference Producer - Defence, SAE Media Group
Victoria Ayuso

Dismounted Situational Awareness Focus Day: 11 March 2024

The conference will feature a dedicated Dismounted Situational Awareness Focus Day with updates from British and NATO allied armed forces discussing the modernisation of dismounted soldier communications and spatial awareness capabilities using existing and emerging next-generation equipment and technologies.

Main Conference: 12 - 13 March 2024

The two-day main conference will cover all other aspects vital to the modernisation of the future soldier. The morning of both days will feature plenary sessions, focusing on international soldier modernisation programme updates and with industry sponsor partners showcasing their solutions to the audience.

The afternoons on both days will split into parallel streams, to focus on more specifically aspects of the dismounted soldier and their equipment.


Day 1 will focus on the Dismounted Soldier Power Solutions in Stream A, discussing how to solve the important issue of supporting the soldier’s equipment in the face of ever-growing power demands. Stream B, will cover enhancements to Soldier Lethality, discussing the
renewed urgency to increase the offensive power of infantries and the innovative plans to make the dismounted soldier more lethal, effective, and resilient.

Day 2 cover Soldier Protection and Survivability in Stream A, discussing ballistic protection, hard and soft armour, mobility , R&S and training. Stream B will discuss the role RAS & AI in Augmenting Human Performance and reducing physical and cognitive burdens for the soldier, by focusing on integrating human factors in the development of autonomous systems, leveraging AI to track enemy forces, and the increasing prevalence of electronic warfare in dismounted soldier missions.


 Future Soldier Technology 2024 will return to London larger than ever to discuss Soldier Modernisation Programmes, and how these projects are driving infantry capabilities into the future and making the dismounted soldier more lethal, protected and ready to fight in the challenging conditions of the modern-day battlefield.

Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee

The Dismounted Situational Awareness Focus Day will discuss the modernisation of dismounted soldier communications and spatial awareness capabilities using existing and emerging next-generation equipment and technologies

We're thrilled to host a line-up of experts from the British Army, PEO Soldier, - US Army, UK MOD, Hungarian Defence Forces, New Zealand Defence Forces, Royal Marines, Canadian Armed Forces, Portuguese Army, the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw), and more who will share insights into their national programmes and unveil the latest technological breakthroughs.

This convergence of global expertise shaping the future of dismounted soldier situational awareness and communications is an opportunity not to be missed.



SAE Media Group Welcoming Remarks

Victoria Ayuso

Victoria Ayuso, Senior Conference Producer - Defence, SAE Media Group



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Colonel (Ret.) Richard Hansen , Former Program Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier, US Army



UK Update Towards the Delivery of DSA: Future Growth

Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Davies, SO1 Combat Systems and Bearers, British Army

  •  Overview of future DSA priorities for the British Army
  • Working with other MoD services and industry to ensure enhanced DSA capabilities for end-users
  • Update on current and future procurement strategy
  • clock


    Integrating to Enable Strategic Advantage

    Mr Graham Ball, Deputy Director Integration - Strategic Command, UK MOD

  • Insights into the Multi Domain Change Programme
  • Adopting a joint approach to ensure armed forces can work in synergy
  • Introducing the Integration Design Authority - Integration and Ukraine: lessons learned
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Delivering Combat Networks in a DSA Context

  • Introduction
  • Contextual Capability Areas
  • Enabling infrastructure with examples
  • Questions

  • Mr John Thomas, C4ISR SME, Elbit Systems UK

    Mr Matthew Duff, C4i Systems Solution Architect, Elbit Systems UK



    Modernising Future Soldier Technologies to Ensure Operational Advantage: a Hungarian Perspective

    Colonel Ákos Tajti, Director, Capability Development Office, Hungarian Defence Forces

  • Overview of current projects to enhance dismounted situational awareness for the Hungarian soldier
  • Integrating innovative technologies to respond to threats effectively in real-time
  • Zrínyi programme: latest updates and areas of focus for the future
  • clock


    Delivering Next Generation Capabilities to Enhance Situational Awareness and Achieve Adversary Overmatch

    Lieutenant Colonel D. Christian Hasbach, PdM Soldier Maneuver Sensors, PM SWAR, PEO Soldier, US Army

  • Latest updates on the Nett Warrior (NW) programme
  • Leveraging commercial smart devices, ATAK software and secure Army radios to provide a dismounted leader Mission Command and Situational Awareness
  • Cultivating more equipped, capable and interoperable allies and partners
  • TAK: using secure cloud and tactical edge computing to streamline provisioning of Soldier borne devices
  • clock


    The Defining Role of Data-Centric Security in Complex Future Warfare

  • Meeting the equipment needs of the soldier
  • The challenges of the evolving battlefield
  • The future digital battlefield
  • Working together to make it real
  • Mr Matt Hunt, Head of Sales – Land Communications, Thales

    Mr John Dix, Sales Manager Land Communications, Thales



    Networking Lunch



    Remote Operated Infra-Red – a Revolution on the Battlefield

    Mr Jock Hewit, UK Sales Manager, KME

  • Introduction to R-O-I-R system
  • The critical requirement for remote operated tactical markers
  • RIOR Demo
  • NVIS – A introduction
  • Q&A
  • clock


    Army 25: A Pathway to Integrated New Zealand Defence Force

    Lieutenant Colonel Paul Cocker, SO1 Morpheus, TacSys SE, New Zealand Defence Force

  • Providing world-class combat-focused land forces that are adequately trained, led and equipped to ensure operational advantage
  • Network Enabled Army: overview of current and future priorities - Latest updates on the SitaWare Battle Management System
  • Opportunities for enhanced mobility and training facilities
  • clock


    Spectrum Dominance for Congested & Contested Environments

    Dr Babak Daneshrad, CEO, Silvus Technologies

  • MANET Power Control – for reduced RF footprint
  • MANET Interference Avoidance – to avoid interference
  • MANET Interference Cancellation – to suppress interference
  • MANET Protected Waveform – for resilience against advanced electronic attack
  • MANET Machine Learning – AI-enabled Cognitive Radio
  • clock


    Increasing Situational Awareness for the Dismounted Soldier: Updates from the Portuguese Army

    Lieutenant Colonel Emanuel Sousa

    Lieutenant Colonel Emanuel Sousa, Head of the Capability Development Section, Portuguese Army

  • Overview of the current Portuguese Dismounted Soldier System: Survivability, Lethality and C4I
  • C4I Component: current efforts to develop fully integrated capabilities to deliver high quality digital communications
  • Collaborating with industry to enhance body armour, sensors and future battlespace management systems
  • Challenges ahead: DSS Vehicle Integration and Augmented Reality
  • clock


    The Integrated Soldier for the Digital Battlefield

    Mr Sebastian Miekley, Business Area Coordination for Digitalized Land Systems, Rheinmetall Electronics GmbH

  • Gladius Soldier System architecture in a System of Systems context
  • Platform integration of dismounted soldiers
  • IdZ in Germany
  • Battlefield Digitalization
  • clock


    The Canadian Army’s Integrated Soldier Systems Project: Latest Updates and Lessons Learned

    Major Gabriel Benoit-Martin, Project Director - Integrated Soldier System, Director Land Requirement, Canadian Army

  • Overview of the 3rd cycle of Integrated Soldier Systems
  • Enhancing soldiers’ situational awareness and generating precise navigational information to improve performance while maintaining security in hostile environments
  • Key challenges, outcomes and lessons learned
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Enhancing Surveillance and Target Acquisition (STA) for the Dismounted Soldier

    Major Nicholas Reynolds, Dismounted Close Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition Requirements Manager, SoldierWorks, British Army

  • Overview of current in service capabilities
  • Procurement at the pace of innovation
  • Integrating emergent technologies to enhance STA
  • clock


    Improving Dismounted Soldier Communications to Deliver Greater Situational Awareness

    Dr Sebastian Gies, Project Lead Soldier System D-LBO, Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw)

  • Enabling network- centric warfare at the mobile tactical level: key insights into Digitalization Land Based Operations (D-LBO)
  • Integrating a Tactical Core system into soldiers equipment to support dismounted operations
  • Ensuring interoperability of soldier systems to meet the needs of various branches and services
  • Considering current challenges and outlining future priorities
  • clock


    Integrated Close Combat - Ensuring the Seamless Transition from MCC to DCC

    Major Jared Bambridge, SO2 Integrated Close Combat, ATDU, British Army

  • It’s all about the network: integrated close combat communication solution
  • Powering the soldier: developing a soldier platform power interface
  • Know where we are: evolving situational awareness to enhance interoperability and C2
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Focus Day

    Colonel (Ret.) Richard Hansen , Former Program Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier, US Army



    Registration & Coffee



    SAE Media Group Welcoming Remarks

    Victoria Ayuso

    Victoria Ayuso, Senior Conference Producer - Defence, SAE Media Group



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Colonel (Ret.) Richard Hansen , Former Program Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier, US Army



    Working with Industry to Successfully Deliver ‘Future Soldier’

    Colonel Paul Cummings, DE&S Dismounted Close Combat DCC Portfolio Leader, DE&S

  • The STSP portfolio: Lethality, Survivability, and Surveillance and Target Acquisition
  • Outlining best ways of working with DE&S
  • Future priorities: lethality and STA upgrades, and survivability
  • clock


    Glenair, STAR-PAN and How it Enables the Warfighter

    Mr Grant Guy, UK and Ireland Business Developer – Tactical Interconnect Products, Glenair

  • A STAR-PAN factory tour
  • Vertically integrated
  • STAR-PAN Product line overview
  • STAR-PAN power management
  • clock


    Robotics and Data-Centric Warfare: Delivering All-Domain Warfare for the Future Battlefield

    Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Dawe, Commanding Officer Infantry Trials and Development Unit, ITDU, British Army

  • Enhancing Dismounted Close Combat (DCC) capabilities through the use of AI and Machine Learning
  • AWE: The Urban Series 2022-2024: preparing the Warfighter for future conflict in an increasingly urbanised world
  • Increasing the speed and compatibility of data to enable commanders to make faster and more impactful decisions
  • clock


    Delivering British Army Soldier Systems

    Lieutenant Colonel Johnny Hanlon, SO1 Soldier Systems, SoldierWorks, British Army

  • The status of SoldierWorks in the British Army
  • Overcoming integration challenges to prepare for successful fielding
  • Update on SoldierWorks projects under the wider ‘Future Soldier’ development and modernisation
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Autonomous Robotic Training Systems

    Mr Nate Whelan, VP Europe, Marathon Targets

  • Marathon’s Autonomous Robotic Training Systems (ARTS) are a transformative training tool and the only autonomous ground robot training system in regular military use worldwide.
  • ARTS provides an autonomous robotic OPFOR: a thinking, adaptive, and unpredictable enemy force.
  • Live-fire training against an army of intelligent robots that look, move, and behave like human beings.
  • ARTS dramatically increase lethality, stress inoculation, and complex scenarios
  • System is readily deployable and requires zero range infrastructure investment.
  • clock


    Developing Future Requirements to Enhance the Fighting Capability Australian Dismounted Soldiers

    Lieutenant Colonel Brett Grant, Director Dismounted Combat Program, Platforms Branch, Land Capability Division, Australian Army Headquarters

  • Overview of current Australian Army dismounted combat lines of effort
  • Ensuring a connected, protected, lethal, and enabled future fighting force
  • Overcoming power challenges with the Soldier Power/Data management Distribution System (PDDS)
  • Integrating RAS and AI into dismounted missions for future warfare
  • clock


    Digital Transformation in the Commando Force – Project EVE

  • The context and problem statement: Delivering the Future Commando Force Strike Network for the future
  • The solution: Taking an innovative approach to delivery and sustaining through collaboration
  • The Delivery Pathway: Iterating, sustaining and maintaining the edge through constant evolution
  • Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Armstrong, Navy Acquisition SO1 Strike Networks, Royal Marines

    Mr Dave Pheasant, DE&S Future Capability Group, Strategic Command & Air Portfolio Team Leader, DE&S UK MoD



    Networking Lunch



    Chair's Opening Remarks

    Mr Daniel Peat, Principal Power Source Scientist, DSTL, UK MoD



    STAR-PAN Ecosystem as the Tactical Integration Solution for Modern Soldiers

    Mr Olivier Grégoire, Business Development for Tactical Interconnect Solutions , Glenair

  • The physical integration on the Dismounted Soldier.
  • STAR-PAN X as multi-network integration solution
  • How can STAR-PAN Eco-system be the link between Dismounted and Mounted configuration for the Soldier.
  • Resilience of our MISSION MANAGER
  • clock


    Aligning with NATO to Develop a Common Open Architecture: the Future of Dismounted Power

    Mr Daniel Peat, Principal Power Source Scientist, DSTL, UK MoD

  • Outlining current and future dismounted soldier power solutions
  • Transport and sustainment: considerations for future battery enhancements
  • Developing a central power and data backbone for the dismounted soldier: Insights into the Soldier Electronic Architecture (SEA) - Future battery standards: challenges and priorities
  • clock


    The Challenge of Connecting the Dismounted Soldier: Global Beyond Line-of-Sight On-The-Man connectivity in the field while On-The-Move

  • Reliable BLoS communications is a challenge when limited to On-The-Man and On-The-Move in hostile environments.
  • Connectivity to the Battle Management System (BMS) is vital for Situational Awareness, Position Reporting, Close Air Support or Medevac.
  • Currently available communications for the dismounted soldier BLoS while On-The-Move: UHF TACSAT, L-TAC and BGAN Patrol.
  • Introduction of new very low SWaP L-TAC hardware ‘Flipper’.
  • Announcement next generation L-TAC Hardware ‘GENSS’ with high data rate (up to 900 kbps) and anti-jamming capabilities.
  • Full integration of L-TAC and BGAN Patrol with TAK and leading soldier hub system.
  • Mr Daan Ruhe, BD Manager & Global Product Specialist L-TAC, Government Land, Viasat



    Afternoon Tea



    Panel Discussion: Enhancing Battery Interoperability

  • Standardisation and testing: current challenges and future requirements
  • Data-sharing to enable increased interoperability
  • Modularly integrating energy supply into soldier systems
  • Areas of focus going forward
  • Mr Daniel Peat, Principal Power Source Scientist, DSTL, UK MoD

    Colonel Norbert Vetter, Manager Innovations labor System Soldat, WIWeB, Bundeswehr

    Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Dawe, Commanding Officer Infantry Trials and Development Unit, ITDU, British Army

    Lieutenant Colonel Brett Grant, Director Dismounted Combat Program, Platforms Branch, Land Capability Division, Australian Army Headquarters

    Mr Qaim Jaffarson, Electronics Engineer Batteries Command Support, Communication, Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation



    Current Challenges in Battery Integration: a Danish Perspective

    Mr Qaim Jaffarson, Electronics Engineer Batteries Command Support, Communication, Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation

  • Soldier Radio Batteries (Soldier Batteries, Chargers, Education User/Technician)
  • Powering the Soldier in Greenland (Summer vs. Winter, Battery Types, Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, Chargers)
  • Next Steps in Soldier Power?
  • clock


    On Demand: Safe Battery System Design: Deploying Scalable Solutions for the Dismounted Soldier

    Mr Wilhelm Sahlen, Scientist, Department for Weapons, Protection and Security, Swedish Defence Research Agency

  • Pulsed power batteries and capacitators: latest updates
  •  Ensuring high performance in sub zero temperatures
  • New battery chemistries: monitoring the field
  • clock


    Day One Afternoon Parallel Stream Chair Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Mr Daniel Peat, Principal Power Source Scientist, DSTL, UK MoD



    Chair's Opening Remarks

    Lieutenant Colonel Mark Milne, SO1 Light Forces, Ground Manoeuvre, Military Capability Plans, Army HQ, British Army



    British Army Future Lethality; Considerations and Direction of Travel

    Lieutenant Colonel Mark Milne, SO1 Light Forces, Ground Manoeuvre, Military Capability Plans, Army HQ, British Army

  • How does the British Army’s vision of fighting in the future shape the capabilities we need?
  • What are the challenges to delivering those capabilities?
  • What is coming next?
  • clock


    Increasing Soldier Lethality to Gain Battlefield Overmatch: Latest Updates from the Close Combat Lethality Task Force (CCLTF)

    Mr Jeremy Gibson, Program Analyst, Close Combat Lethality Task Force (CCLTF)

  • An overview of CCLTF’s strategy to improve lethality, effectiveness, protection and resilience for the dismounted soldier
  • Adopting 6.8 ammunition to enhance close combat lethality: insights into the Next Generation Squad Weapon project 
  • Incorporating innovative training methods to optimise soldier lethality
  • clock


    The Challenges between Image Intensifiers and Thermal Vision for Higher Lethality

    Mr Anders Palm, Project Manager, Swedish Defence Materiel Administration

  • A higher level of fielded Image Intensifiers on each soldier in combination of thermal weapon sights presents a challenge on the modern squad/platoon/company level
  • Combat Identification Systems work in the Near Infrared spectrum - very few Thermal equivalents are on the market
  • Theoretically, our lethality has increased, but we also may have planted seeds of confusion and friction to the battlespace
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Enhancing Fighting Capability, Situational Awareness and Lethality in Complex Environments

    Colonel Peter Hofer, Head of Institute - Advanced Officer Training, Theresian Military Academy Austria

  • The quadruplicity of future military command: urbanization, digitization, artificial intelligence and mission command
  • Mastering the urban operational environment
  • Rapid Data Integration and Visualization in a Digital HeadQuarters (DHQ / RADIV) as key to success
  • Specialized Decision Support: the Urban Operations Support Cell (UOSC)
  • clock


    Panel Discussion: Cooperating to Standardise and Maximise Dismounted Soldier Lethality

  • Outlining current efforts to gain and maintain soldier overmatch
  • Lessons from Ukraine: adapting to an ever-evolving battlespace
  • Future priorities for cooperation and joint standardisation
  • Colonel Peter Hofer, Head of Institute - Advanced Officer Training, Theresian Military Academy Austria

    Colonel Nicolas Mueller, Head Defence Procurement Cooperation, Armasuisse / Federal Office for Defence Procurement

    Lieutenant Colonel Johnny Hanlon, SO1 Soldier Systems, SoldierWorks, British Army

    Mr Anders Palm, Project Manager, Swedish Defence Materiel Administration



    Overview of New Technologies to Enhance Lethality for the Future Soldier: Technology Trends

    Colonel Nicolas Mueller, Head Defence Procurement Cooperation, Armasuisse / Federal Office for Defence Procurement

  • Technology Trends in Loitering Munition
  • Technology Trends in Rocket Artillery Munitions
  • Technology Trends in Tube Artillery and Mortar Munitions
  • clock


    Day One Afternoon Parallel Stream Chair Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Lieutenant Colonel Mark Milne, SO1 Light Forces, Ground Manoeuvre, Military Capability Plans, Army HQ, British Army



    Networking Reception Hosted by Lead Sponsor Glenair



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Colonel (Ret.) Richard Hansen , Former Program Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier, US Army



    Integrating UAS in Special Operations to Enhance Future Soldier Capabilities

    Major General Adrian Ciolponea, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Representative in Europe, NATO HQ

  • Introductory remarks on behalf of General Philippe Lavigne, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, NATO Allied Command Transformation
  • Overview of SACTREPEUR: identifying and prioritising future capability and interoperability requirements to improve the military advantage of the Alliance
  • Integrating UAS to ensure greater interconnectivity and to provide a high degree of mobility and flexibility for C2 and execution
  • Considerations for future soldier modernisation priorities
  • clock


    Increasing Dismounted Soldier Capabilities Through the Romanian Individual Fighting System

    Brigadier General Constantin Nicolaescu, Commander of HQ Multinational Brigade South-East, Romanian Army

  • More resilient, rapid, with longer range weapon systems; more ammunition; day, night and low visibility
  • Connection with sensors; multiple radio networks communication
  • Sensor capabilities
  • clock


    German Fast Track for Warfighter Products by Implementing an Innovation Lab “Soldier as a System”

    Colonel Norbert Vetter, Manager Innovations labor System Soldat, WIWeB, Bundeswehr

  • Idea, facilities, infrastructure, location and organization
  • Place in the German military innovation ecosystem
  • Discussion of multi-national co-operation in this context
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Scaling the Digital Battlefield: Lessons and Opportunities via DE&S

    Mr James Gavin, Head of the Future Capability Group, DE&S UK MoD

  • DE&S organisation design and the visible impacts
  • Status of current programmes
  • Lessons learned and the impact on the direction of travel
  • Upcoming short and longer term opportunities
  • clock


    Brazilian Army's Force Design 2040 and the Soldier of the Future

    Colonel Carlos Henrique Martins Rocha

    Colonel Carlos Henrique Martins Rocha, Analyst of the Future Concepts Section of the Brazilian Army General Staff, Brazilian Army

  • Overview of the Brazilian Army's Force Design 2040
  • Lethality, command and control, and survivability: overview of COBRA’s core priorities
  • Collaborating with the US Army to conduct bilateral soldier modernisation exercises and enhance interoperability
  • Integrating wearable technology and innovative equipment to increase dismounted soldier protection
  • OLHAR Thermal Imaging Monocle: enhancing detection, recognition and identification of targets
  • clock


    STRONG: The Dutch Soldier Transformation On Going

  • Providing an integrated, modular and effective fighting systems for Dutch close combat dismounted soldiers
  • Employing personal C4I systems with blue force tracking and power management for the dismounted soldier
  • “1 size fits all” and ‘ customization through user profiles’
  • Colonel Art van Beekhuizen, Project Manager Soldier Modernisation Program, Defence Materiel Organisation, Netherlands Ministry of Defence

    Ms Ilse Kroesen, System Integration Manager Individual Soldier, Dutch Armed Forces



    Doubling the Lethality of UK Commando Forces

    Lieutenant Colonel Will Jerrold, SO1 Command Systems, Commando Forces Programme, Royal Marines

  • Update on the Commando Force Programme
  • Dismounted lethality – the story so far
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Chair's Opening Remarks

    Command Sergeant Major Niels Moelleskov, Chairman of CCIEP under LCGDSS, Danish Artillery Regiment



    Balancing Survivability: Enhancing Soldier Protection through Effective R&D

    Mr Jonathan Russell, Principle Scientist Platform Systems, DSTL, UK MoD

  • Overcoming the challenge of reducing physical and cognitive burdens for soldiers
  • Design considerations for the next-generation of body armour - The future of head-borne systems
  • The future of Laser Eye Protection: current threats and priorities for improved LEP
  • clock


    Delivering Enhanced Survivability for the US Dismounted Soldier: Latest Updates from PEO Soldier Survivability

    Lieutenant Colonel Austin Banford, Product Manager Soldier Clothing and Individual Equipment, PM Soldier Survivability, PEO Soldier

  • Developing innovative equipment to improve mission effectiveness
  • Optimizing soldier performance and enabling them to operate in different environmental conditions
  • Increasing the Warfighter’s mobility and lethality through greater soldier protection
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Battlelab as a Facilitator for Future Soldier Technologies

    Lieutenant Colonel Trevor Bowman, SO1 Battlelab, Army Futures, British Army

  • BattleLab has the potential to bring together diverse thinking and world leading talent from industry, academia and Defence to solve problems that supports increased operational impact.
  • Battlelab will be curating Defence in-reach events to increase awareness and engagement within, and by, the Army end user community in order to better understand their problems and issues
  • clock


    The NZDF Integrated Soldier System – Managing the Trade-offs

    Major Michael O'Connor, Capability Director Soldier Modernisation Office, New Zealand Defence Force

  • Soldier Survivability: Protecting the Future Dismounted Soldier
  • New protective systems: an overview of the New Zealand Multi-Terrain Patter (NZMTP) uniform and body armour
  • Future NZDF Integrated Soldier system blueprint and priorities to strengthen soldier’s mobility, protection and survivability
  • clock


    On Demand: Developing Novel Materials to Enhance Dismounted Soldier Survivability

    Ms Susie Bloodworth-Race, Scientist, WTS CRA Effects - Personal Ballistic Protection, DE&S

  • Examining the behaviour of combat helmets in response to shockwaves
  • Performance of new novel materials and structures to fit within the mass-volume envelope
  • Analysis of representative test methods for simulating explosive shockwaves and the interaction with personal armour
  • clock


    Chair's Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Command Sergeant Major Niels Moelleskov, Chairman of CCIEP under LCGDSS, Danish Artillery Regiment



    Chair's Opening Remarks

    Colonel (Ret.) Richard Hansen , Former Program Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier, US Army



    The Power of the Mind – Seeing is Believing

    Mr Tony White, Land Strategy Director, Ultra PCS

  • Building on the capabilities of its UltraLYNX smart hub, Ultra PCS have been developing a novel system using thought-control technology.
  • The system, called UltraNIMBUS, allows the soldier to control any connected device using just their thoughts.
  • This presentation will cover the science, the implementation and the potential use cases for such technology and seek to canvas opinion as to its utility.
  • Finally, there will be a demonstration live on stage, where a small drone will be piloted using no more than the power of the mind!
  • clock


    Sistema Soldato Futuro: an Update from Italy

    Lieutenant Colonel Davide Pugliese, Concept Development SO1, Italian Army General Staff

  • RAS campaign
  • MUM-T concept
  • New technologies supporting the dismounted soldier (i.e. wearable systems)
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Red Force Tracking: Using AI and Multi Modal Sensor Data to Track and Classify Enemy Forces

  • Data generation and sensor fusion: the soldier as a sensor on the battlefield
  • Classification: identifying objects on the battlefield using AI
  • Communication: steady data exchange between sensors and AI
  • Assessment of uncertainty: quantifying uncertainty of sensor data and AI results
  • Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Watzenig, Professor, Virtual Vehicle Research, Graz University of Technology

    Mr Martin Krieg, Head of Department IT-Fundamentals Section, Austrian Armed Forces



    Navigating AI Risks for the Dismounted Soldier through Design: Legal Implications and Human-Centric Considerations

  • The intersection of AI and risk: safeguarding security through design - Human in the Loop and the OODA Loop Adaptation
  • Integrating Human Factors in the development and deployment of automated systems to enhance the soldier’s operational advantage
  • Accountability and the Fallout of AI Failure
  • CEMA: exploiting electronic warfare, cyber and security capabilities to deliver information advantage in multi-domain operations
  • Ms Anna Dowle, Risk Manager CEMA, British Army HQ

    Ms Lauren Russell, Integration Design Authority (IDA) Cyber Security Adviser, British Army HQ



    On Demand: Augmenting Human Performance of the Future Soldier

    Dr Julie Greeves, Research Director, Army Health and Performance Research (AHPR), UK Ministry of Defence

  • Key insights into the 2024 Collective Training Transformation Programme
  • Leveraging AI and augmented reality to fundamentally improve the future soldier’s experience
  • Incorporating automation and machine learning into future training programmes
  • clock


    Chair’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Colonel (Ret.) Richard Hansen , Former Program Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier, US Army

    Commander of HQ Multinational Brigade South-East
    Romanian Army
    Former Program Manager, Soldier Warrior, PEO Soldier
    US Army
    Director, Capability Development Office
    Hungarian Defence Forces
    Project Manager Soldier Modernisation Program
    Defence Materiel Organisation, Netherlands Ministry of Defence
    Brazilian Army General Staff
    Head Defence Procurement Cooperation
    Armasuisse / Federal Office for Defence Procurement
    Manager Innovations labor System Soldat
    WIWeB, Bundeswehr
    DE&S Dismounted Close Combat DCC Portfolio Leader
    Head of Institute - Advanced Officer Training
    Theresian Military Academy Austria
    Chairman of CCIEP under LCGDSS
    Danish Artillery Regiment
    Silvus Technologies
    Research Director, Army Health and Performance Research (AHPR)
    UK Ministry of Defence
    Project Lead Soldier System D-LBO
    Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw)
    Commanding Officer Infantry Trials and Development Unit, ITDU
    British Army
    Product Manager Soldier Clothing and Individual Equipment
    PM Soldier Survivability, PEO Soldier
    Director Dismounted Combat Program, Platforms Branch, Land Capability Division
    Australian Army Headquarters
    Navy Acquisition SO1 Strike Networks
    Royal Marines
    PdM Soldier Maneuver Sensors
    PM SWAR, PEO Soldier, US Army
    Professor, Virtual Vehicle Research
    Graz University of Technology
    Concept Development SO1
    Italian Army General Staff
    Head of the Capability Development Section
    Portuguese Army
    SO1 Combat Systems and Bearers
    British Army
    SO1 Soldier Systems, SoldierWorks
    British Army
    SO1 Light Forces, Ground Manoeuvre, Military Capability Plans, Army HQ
    British Army
    SO1 Morpheus, TacSys SE
    New Zealand Defence Force
    SO1 Battlelab, Army Futures
    British Army
    SO1 Command Systems, Commando Forces Programme
    Royal Marines
    Project Director - Integrated Soldier System, Director Land Requirement
    Canadian Army
    Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Representative in Europe
    SO2 Integrated Close Combat, ATDU
    British Army
    Capability Director Soldier Modernisation Office
    New Zealand Defence Force
    Dismounted Close Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition Requirements Manager, SoldierWorks
    British Army
    Project Manager
    Swedish Defence Materiel Administration
    BD Manager & Global Product Specialist L-TAC, Government Land
    Principal Power Source Scientist
    DSTL, UK MoD
    DE&S Future Capability Group, Strategic Command & Air Portfolio Team Leader
    DE&S UK MoD
    Deputy Director Integration - Strategic Command
    UK MOD
    UK and Ireland Business Developer – Tactical Interconnect Products
    Head of the Future Capability Group
    DE&S UK MoD
    Program Analyst
    Close Combat Lethality Task Force (CCLTF)
    UK Sales Manager
    Sales Manager Land Communications
    Elbit Systems UK
    Principle Scientist Platform Systems
    DSTL, UK MoD
    Head of Department IT-Fundamentals Section
    Austrian Armed Forces
    Head of Sales – Land Communications
    C4i Systems Solution Architect
    Elbit Systems UK
    VP Europe
    Marathon Targets
    Business Development for Tactical Interconnect Solutions
    Electronics Engineer Batteries Command Support, Communication
    Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation
    Business Area Coordination for Digitalized Land Systems
    Rheinmetall Electronics GmbH
    Land Strategy Director
    Ultra PCS
    Scientist, Department for Weapons, Protection and Security
    Swedish Defence Research Agency
    Risk Manager CEMA
    British Army HQ
    System Integration Manager Individual Soldier
    Dutch Armed Forces
    Integration Design Authority (IDA) Cyber Security Adviser
    British Army HQ
    Scientist, WTS CRA Effects - Personal Ballistic Protection
    Senior Conference Producer - Defence
    SAE Media Group

    Gold Sponsor




    Speaker Interview - Major General Adrian Ciolponea


    Audience Breakdown


    Speaker Interview- Mr Anders


    Speaker Interview- Mr Jonathan Russell


    Speaker Interview - Mr James Gavin


    Speaker Interview - Lieutenant Colonel Will Jerrold


    Speaker Interview - Major Jared Bambridge


    Past Speaker Presentation - LT COL MIKE BAXTER


    Sponsorship Prospectus


    Past Attendee list


    Past Speaker Presentation - Colonel Paul Cummings


    Past Speaker Presentation - Major Magnus Hallberg


    Past Speaker Presentation - David Dalby -


    Past Speaker Presentation - Jonathan Russell


    Past Speaker Presentation - Lt Col Arthur Dawe


    Future Soldier Technology 2024 Brochure


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Marathon Targets

    Gold Sponsor

    Marathon Robotics provides Lethality Today to US, NATO, and Coalition Partners on four Continents. We’ve been selected by USMC to provide mobile trailers of Intelligent Robotic Targets at all key CONUS and OCONUS sites. We reinvent Live Fire Training with Intelligent Robots that look, move, and behave like real people. It’s the world’s most realistic live fire training: shoot one robot, the rest autonomously scatter for cover, or self-organize a swarming counterattack.

    The 2022 National Defense Authorization Act describes our Autonomous Robotic Targets as “a vast improvement to training modality over existing systems and was value added in all training events/scenarios.”

    Trevor Nash of Shepard Defence says: “The Marathon argument is very persuasive, but its challenge is to change a mindset - present for many centuries – that the aim of the range is to ‘train marksmanship.’ That mentality is wrong” overmatch and winning the firefight are more important.”

    Marathon also cuts Range Modernization costs and time by 85% through ZIRM (Zero Infrastructure Range Modernization). No need to buy robots: use ZIRM cost avoidance to fund Technology-as-a-Service (TaaS) to rent robots for a week or year, with robot operators – 95% of them military veterans. Offices and rental fleets on 4 continents.


    Elbit Systems UK


    Elbit Systems UK is an innovative Defence Technology company employing over 680 people across sixteen sites in the UK. Manufacturing and integrating advanced technology for the UK Armed Forces and our allies, our extensive portfolio provides cutting-edge capabilities for the British Army, Royal Navy, and Royal Air Force, protecting the UK at home and abroad.

    We work on a range of technologies for both military and civilian applications to meet our customer requirements. With a focus on UK sovereignty the Elbit Systems UK supply chain creates and sustains jobs around Great Britain. Utilising this established network of partners and suppliers we support the MOD as they deliver for our Armed Forces.

    Elbit Systems UK is a subsidiary of Elbit Systems Ltd (NASDAQ and TASE: ESLT), an international high technology company with a presence in dozens of countries. Elbit Systems develops and supplies a range of airborne, land and naval systems and services for Defence, homeland security and commercial applications worldwide.

    Kent Modular Electronics Ltd


    Kent Modular Electronics Ltd (KME) is a UK based Company and was established in 1976.

    Wealth of specialist knowledge and expertise in providing display solutions for an array of specialist requirements.

    ISO9001: 2015 accredited

    In-house Electronic and Mechanical design capabilities and are operating at component Level Manufacturing.

    Around 50% of the customer base is Worldwide with trusted and proficient distributors in many countries.

    Agile and responsive company with the ability to provide 1 offs leading up to large batches.

    Provide both off the shelf products as well as custom solutions.

    Innovative approach to solution design.



    Rheinmetall - Taking responsibility in a changing world

    As an integrated technology group, the listed company Rheinmetall AG , headquartered in Düsseldorf, stands for a company that is as strong in substance as it is successful internationally, and that is active in various markets with an innovative range of products and services. Rheinmetall is a leading international systems supplier in the defence industry and at the same time a driver of forward-looking technological and industrial innovations in the civilian markets. The focus on sustainability is an integral part of Rheinmetall's strategy. The company aims to achieve CO2 neutrality by 2035. Through our work in various fields, we at Rheinmetall take on responsibility in a dramatically changing world. With our technologies, products and systems, we create the indispensable basis for peace, freedom and sustainable development: security.

    Silvus Technologies


    Silvus Technologies develops advanced MIMO technologies that are reshaping broadband wireless connectivity for mission critical applications. Backed by an unmatched team of PhD scientists and design engineers, its technologies provide enhanced wireless data throughput, interference mitigation, improved range, mobility, and robustness to address the growing needs of its government and commercial customers. Silvus has demonstrated an aggressive product development cycle, with a focus on continually improving the size, weight, power, and cost–while simultaneously introducing next-generation features and capabilities. Silvus’ StreamCaster family of MIMO enabled mesh radio products are designed to address the growing demand for distributing video, voice and high-speed data in harsh tactical environments. StreamCaster radios, featuring MN-MIMO, join together to form a robust, self-healing, self-forming fluid mesh network to provide high-speed, reliable wireless video and data connectivity. Today, Silvus continues to innovate, with an ever-growing line up of R&D contracts, COTS products, and happy customers. The experience gained through our early research efforts made possible the StreamCaster radios, and new concepts currently incubating in our R&D labs will pave the way for tomorrow’s product breakthroughs



    Thales is a global technology leader in the defence, aerospace, space, transport, and digital identity and security domains. With its 30,000 engineers and researchers, Thales has a unique capability to design, develop and deploy equipment, systems and services that meet the most complex security requirements. Thales has an exceptional international footprint, working with customers and local partners around the world.



    Ultra specialises in providing application engineered tailored solutions. We focus on our customers’ mission critical and intelligent systems in the defence, security, critical detection & control markets. Our capabilities and technologies can be found on many of the world’s long-term military programmes.

    UltraLYNX is a key component in the realisation of future dismounted situational awareness systems; Increased operational tempo, improved operational agility and effectiveness. By empowering the user to employ UltraLYNX as their role or mission demands, for the first time soldier technology can truly adapt to the users needs and evolve with the constant and rapidly changing situation on a modern battlefield.

    Designed from the ground up to deliver smart, open architecture, capable of providing users with a simple plug and play function of a range of common bearer and end user devices, while also providing the necessary technological infrastructure to support future systems growth and development; UltraLYNX provides the definitive standard for future soldier systems and delivers a truly integrated, scalable and open solution to meet current and future close combat challenges head on.



    Viasat is a global communications company that believes everyone and everything in the world can be securely connected. With deep roots in defense and a modern, commercial-driven mindset, we use our 35+ years of experience in breaking down communications silos to help create seamless interoperability across complex forms of connectivity: Broadband Satcom. Tactical Networking. Advanced Cybersecurity. We deliver the secure and scalable communications our partners need to operate as a successful team, whether large or small—and maximize their collective strength when it’s needed most.




    We strive to set the standard for confidence and trust by providing rugged, reliable protective communication equipment.

    3M™ PELTOR™ solutions for today’s modern warfighter have been designed for use in combat and combat support operations, specifically, for use with firearms and ballistic combat helmets. The hearing protectors feature external microphones for environmental listening (aka Talk-Through) capability, so operators can maintain auditory situational awareness while still protecting their hearing. With more than 70 years of experience the PELTOR brand promises quality communication solutions that help provide an excellent balance of comfort and protection. The advanced engineering and technology inherent with the PELTOR brand fits with the high standard of quality and innovation of a continuously evolving range of product solutions that you, our customers, come to expect from 3M.

    Bertin Exensor


    Founded in 1987, Bertin Exensor is a world leading provider of networked Unattended Ground Sensor (UGS) systems, providing tailored sensor solutions to customers all over the world. From our headquarters in Lund, Sweden, our network communications and research lab in Kalmar and our production site in Basingstoke, UK, we design, develop, and produce rugged UGS solutions to meet the most stringent demands of our customers. With firsthand experience in Force/FOB Protection, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), and monitoring of critical assets and sensitive areas Bertin Exensor have designed solutions for both military and homeland security applications. Part of the French group ‘Bertin Technologies’, Bertin Exensor has a strong capability offering, well-established and trusted within the Defence and Security industry.



    Bittium is a trusted Finnish company with over 35 years of experience in advanced radio communication technologies. For the Defense & Security market Bittium provides the most modern products and solutions for tactical & secure communications. The products and solutions for tactical communications bring broadband data and voice to all troops across the battlefield. For secure communications Bittium offers proven mobile devices and cyber security solutions certified up to CONFIDENTIAL level. Bittium is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Exchange.

    Bren Tronics


    Bren-Tronics, Inc. (BTI) is a technology-based Power Systems company with over 45 years of experience in the design, development and manufacture of primary and rechargeable batteries, along with associated chargers and complete power systems. From design to production, BTI maintains complete in-house capabilities to develop fully integrated systems supporting US and Worldwide Military and Commercial markets.

    BTI has traditionally supported the dismounted soldier by providing the highest portable power and energy available in the smallest, lightest packages, whilst always maintaining the highest level of safety standards. Through the evolution of rechargeable battery systems, initially with Nickle Cadmium, through Nickle Metal Hydride to the current forefront of technology, Lithium Ion, BTI have consistently provided the warfighter with the best technology available.With reliability at the forefront of user’s requirements, BTI pride themselves with an outstanding field-proven record of dependability. In addition, BTI was the first battery manufacturer of rechargeable batteries to provide a visual state of charge indicator to further enhance the confidence of the user.

    Specific to the arena of the Future Soldier ideology, in 2004 BTI were the first to provide a battery specifically designed to be used as a centralised power source for the dismounted soldier. The SMP battery range from Bren-Tronics is unique in so much that the battery is designed around the most energy efficient Li Ion cell available. Consequently, the energy density (run time per weight and size) is the highest currently achievable.

    The SMP battery is currently in use by the German IDZ programme and recently the same battery has now been selected as the battery of choice for the Benelux “VOSS” Future Soldier programme.

    British Army


    The British Army protects the United Kingdom’s interests at home and abroad, providing a safe and secure environment in which all British citizens can live and prosper. Protecting the nation and its dependent territories will always be our first role. Highly trained soldiers are ready to deploy anywhere at any time to meet a variety of challenges. Ranging from support to the Police following a terrorist attack, to specialist capabilities such as bomb disposal and intelligence experts, 24 hours a day 365 days a year, we are always ready to serve.



    Domo Tactical Communications (DTC) is a leading global technology company that designs, develops and delivers robust, mission-critical wireless connectivity solutions which can operate in the most hostile of contested RF environments.

    Our battle proven solutions include secure, mission-critical communications for Uncrewed Systems in all domains – air, land and sea – which are optimised for low Size, Weight and Power (SWaP). Based on our innovative BluSDR Software Defined Radio platform and incorporating our industry-leading MeshUltra MANET IP Mesh waveforms, DTC datalinks deliver High Data Rate capability with exceptional spectral efficiency, ultra-low latency, end-to-end encryption and unparalleled robustness for improved range and mobility.

    DTC MeshUltra waveforms also deliver a number of capabilities designed to guarantee mission success even in today’s GNSS denied and communications denied battlefield environments. This includes an innovative RF ranging feature, which provides range information even in a GNSS denied environment and can also act as a feed into a multi-source fused positioning solution, and also a proven Interference Avoidance System (IAS) which can enable users to escape from jamming and interference.

    As a global leader of wireless communication technologies, DTC is trusted by military, law enforcement, counter-terror units, governments, robotics and autonomous systems manufacturers and integrators to deliver comprehensive off-the-shelf or tailored solutions that meet key communication and surveillance challenges in over 100 countries.



    Leidos is a Fortune 500® information technology, engineering, and science solutions and services leader working to solve the world's toughest challenges in the defence, intelligence, homeland security, civil, and health markets. The company's 33,000 employees support vital missions for government and commercial customers.

    Our Defence and Intelligence business provides a diverse portfolio of systems, solutions, and services covering air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace for customers worldwide – including the UK MOD, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), NATO, and the Intelligence Community. Our solutions include enterprise and mission IT, large-scale intelligence systems, command and control, geospatial and data analytics, cybersecurity, logistics, training, and intelligence analysis and operations support. From our airborne work with sensors alerting warfighters to what's over the next hill, to our autonomous maritime platforms protecting sea lanes and shores, Leidos enables customers to achieve mission success and multi-domain dominance at home and abroad.

    Marlborough Communications LTD


    MCL are the leading supplier of INVISIO soldier communication ancillaries, hearing protection and situational awareness to the British Army and Specialist Ground Forces. INVISIO deliver seamless communication and hearing protection capability across dismounted infantry, ground manoeuvre platforms, littoral manoeuvres and aviation and air. These capabilities are deployed in huge numbers not only in the UK but globally including in the USA, Canada, Australia, and Denmark, among others. The simple, modular, and flexible design ensures the communication and interoperability needs of the soldier both mounted and dismounted are met whilst reducing the physical and cognitive burden. Continuous product innovation and spiral development as technology and new warfighting concepts develop are incorporated smoothly and continuously into the product portfolio to seamlessly support the future soldier. To learn more visit www.marlbroughcomms.com and www.invisio.com.

    Precision Technic Defence Group


    Precision Technic Defence Group is a global leader in advanced defence solutions aimed at ensuring safe and stable societies and safeguarding people and communities from military threats, natural disasters, accidents, or acts of terrorism.

    Building on decades of experience and expertise from the military industry, we offer defence solutions and systems that meet the requirements of all types of military missions and operational environments. Our extensive portfolio also covers solutions for a wide range of civilian operations and humanitarian tasks in both times of peace and crisis.

    Precision Technic Defence Group offers a unique range of solutions from over 250 partners worldwide and has extensive experience in matching technologies and interoperability requirements for a full range of integrated solutions. Beyond being a product provider, we serve as a trusted advisor to nations, governments, armed forces, national security agencies, and law enforcement across the globe.

    Our solutions empower servicemen and women with enhanced operational capabilities, improved individual performance, and tactical and strategic superiority in even the most challenging conditions and environments. In collaboration with them, we share a common goal: to protect people and societies around the world.

    Qioptiq Excelitas


    Qioptiq, an Excelitas Technologies Company, designs and manufactures infra-red (Thermal), image intensified and fused weapon and surveillance sights and equipment. With more than 100,000 individual image intensified night sights in service with more than 58 different countries worldwide in a range of defence, police, border security, coastguard and search and rescue applications.

    Qioptiq in-service sights are military ruggedised, high performance and low power. We offer specialist solutions for a range of dismounted operators including Special Forces, National Defence Forces, Law Enforcement and Professional Security teams who demand the highest quality and absolute reliability.

    With a pedigree spanning over 40 years and as a prime supplier to UK MoD, Qioptiq products are renowned for quality and performance, designed with the operator in mind, and backed up with the closed-loop customer service expected of a premium brand. Our forward-thinking product architectures are aimed at integrating with Soldier Systems that enhance our troops' capabilities, delivering mission success. Qioptiq delivers high performance equipment for demanding environments and a fully integrated through life support service that exceeds our customers’ expectations.



    Roke is a leading UK innovator in science and engineering. For over 60 years we’ve been improving the world through innovation by combining the physical and digital in new ways. Our journey began in defence but as the decades have rolled on, we're also inventing and engineering technically advanced data and communication systems in national security and for Fortune 500 companies. From innovations in computer vision powering the autonomous landing of a drone at sea, to an artificial intelligence inspection system that drastically reduces aircraft turnaround times by autonomously inspecting jet turbines. Right through to the technology behind Hawk-Eye tracking the trajectory of balls in sport. It all began at Roke.

    Roke people are curious and unashamedly technical. That’s why we’ve fostered an environment where some of the world’s finest minds have the time, trust and freedom to succeed. Our team of 600+ engineers are uniquely placed to use their deep knowledge of sensors, communications, cyber and AI to combine and apply these technologies to keep people safe whilst unlocking value. Working closely with our customers we solve real world technical challenges and help deliver critical missions. As a trusted partner, we welcome any problem confident that our consulting, research, innovation and product development will help them revolutionise and improve their world. We’re proud to be part of the Chemring Group plc, providing us with complementary expertise, corporate strength and access to international markets for our world-leading intellectual property

    Safran Electronics & Defense


    For over 50 years now, Safran Electronics & Defense has developed and supplied a wide range of technologies for connectivity, propulsion, navigation, timing, optics and space awareness. Safran solutions encompass the full range of space applications, including all mission critical functions necessary to realize our customers’ ambitions. Every day in Safran, over 1,500 women and men design, manufacture and support critical equipment, components and subsystems that enable Agencies, Governments, Integrators and Commercial providers to build and operate complex systems in need of reliable & sustainable critical elements. By contributing to the space endeavor, our talents and solutions contribute to strengthen sovereignty, protect the Earth and push the boundaries of Space exploration.



    Steatite is the UK’s only re-seller of Persistent Systems Wave Relay products, including the astounding MPU5 secure MANET radio. The company is at the forefront of advanced radio communications with an emphasis on defence, security and autonomous vehicle applications. However, our technology and knowledge extends far beyond this, making us well placed to help you with your most challenging communications requirements

    Behind the delivery of every Steatite Communications deployment is a group of skilled, motivated and dedicated experts. This team combines decades of valuable and varied industry experience with incredibly detailed product knowledge, the result of which is a team of specialists at the top of their class to guide you with the selection and deployment of your Steatite Communications system.



    Systematic manufactures the world’s No1 C4ISR solution – the SitaWare Suite - which is trusted by 50+ nations including NATO and Five Eyes and ensures information flows from the dismounted to joint level.

    Offering extensive situational awareness and mission management tools, SitaWare Edge is designed for dismounted units, providing seamless communications, interoperability, intuitive tools, and real-time video even in contested environments.

    Operationally proven across a range of theatres, SitaWare ensures that mission critical decisions are based upon timely, accurate intelligence from across the battlespace.



    Thermoteknix is a global leader in the design and manufacture of thermal imaging, night vision and fusion systems for defence and security forces. At Future Soldier Technology 2024, Thermoteknix will be demonstrating the latest Fused Night Vision Binocular with AR (FNVG-AR) which utilises the latest night vision technology fused with thermal imaging, combined with an intelligent battery pack (ARTIM) delivering a real-time Augmented Reality overlay. The user can easily interchange between night vision, fused thermal imaging and AR for maximum target detection and surveillance capabilities. FNVG-AR fully integrates with ATAK (or similar Battle Management Systems) to deliver enhanced situational awareness, including Blue Force Tracking, routes, markers, GPS and Compass heading. Thermoteknix, with its AR head-up display systems, together with its range of mission-critical day/night surveillance and target acquisition systems, is supporting Soldier Modernisation programmes worldwide.



    TrellisWare Technologies, Inc. is a global leader in highly advanced algorithms, waveforms, and communications systems that range from small form factor radio products to fully integrated solutions. TrellisWare’s technology is a critical component of modern tactical networks. The TrellisWare® TSM® waveform is incorporated into a wide range of systems, including TrellisWare radios, trusted industry partner radios, and multiple government and commercial solutions.

    Our highly adaptable network facilitates secure mission-critical voice and data delivery in the most severe conditions. The result is an exceptionally robust, flat network that provides unprecedented scalability and supports hundreds of nodes, using less spectrum than any other Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) technology.

    TrellisWare is delivering the next generation of communications for defense, public safety, and uncrewed markets When Nothing Else Works™.

    Media Partners

    Asian Military Review


    Asian Military Review is ABC audited publication, read & discussed by key decision makers & advisors to Asia Pacific militaries. Published since 1993 it’s widely recognised as authoritative provider of unbiased & objective information to Asian military. Editorial content comprises capability analysis, special reports & relevant news coverage from the region. AMR provides information, opinion & facts allowing military professionals to track & understand defence developments worldwide, concerning equipment, training, organisation & doctrine issues. The magazine is a proven source keeping military professionals up to date on national & international defence & security issues.

    MySecurity Media


    A dedicated media provider for security and technology professionals, as well as end-users across multiple channels. Stay updated by downloading the MySecurity Media app now!

    Defense Advancement


    DefenseAdvancement.com (DA) is a defense marketing and supplier sourcing platform, showcasing supplier capabilities across aerospace, land, naval and security domains. Operated by the team behind UnmannedSystemsTechnology.com, DA connects governments, armed forces and the entire defense and security supply chain, giving suppliers an online platform to showcase their technologies and capabilities.

    Defence Global


    Defence Global provides an essential link between the Defence & Security Manufacturers and Suppliers, Government and Military sectors globally. Defence Global is a quarterly, tri-service publication providing articles and informative analysis from respected journalists and writers worldwide to attract a sophisticated and broad audience. Defence Global is published in February, May, August and November, with a professional and stylish design in both printed copy and digital format. The printed copies are perfect bound, full colour throughout with high quality art and photography. Defence Global is used as a reference tool providing a professional and intelligent read. We work with industry experts and corporate clients to include Defence and Security Manufacturers and Suppliers, as well as Governments, MoDs, Military Authorities and Senior Management Teams.

    Desider Magazine


    Desider is our monthly corporate magazine, aimed at readers across the wider MOD, armed forces and industry. The publication covers stories and features about support to operations and equipment acquisition. It also covers the work of people in DE&S and its partners in industry, and other corporate news and information.

    C-UAS Hub


    This information hub for Counter-UAS and airspace awareness content includes news, original articles, vendors, products, services, jobs, events, multimedia content, and a comprehensive reference library. This site is an excellent resource for professionals from the defense, public safety, government, academia, critical infrastructure, corporate security, and private security sectors.

    MySecurity Marketplace


    Connecting security and technology professionals to the latest events, education and technology across a global security domain.

    Soldier Modernisation


    Soldier Modernisation (SoldierMod.Com) is an authoritative policy and technology publication for the international defense community, serving the integrated equipment needs of the dismounted soldier and marine in operations today and the fielding of Soldier Modernisation Programmes over the next few years. SoldierMod.Com is designed to provide insights into how decision makers plan to transform operations in the areas of survivability, sustainability, C4I, lethality and mobility; managing the balance between the promise of 'leap-ahead technology balance and mature cost effective solutions. SoldierMod is distributed in many formats which will include an 50 page journal 10,000 copies BPA Audited, twice annually , in January and June Our Website www.soldiermod.com , Has a 24 hour news service , anytime ( currently at over 20,000 individual visits per month ) . We also have an online technical forum where anyone in the industry can ask us strategic or technological questions , our partners and experts will respond directly back.

    Armada International


    ARMADA INTERNATIONAL is leading defence magazine which reports on and analyses defence systems, equipment and technology. Together with its Compendium supplements, ARMADA provides defence planners in the militaries, in government, in procurement and in the defence industry itself with the information they need to plan their strategies.

    Aerospace & Defense Technology


    For the past 12 years, Aerospace & Defense Technology has been the mil/aero industry’s most trusted source for cutting-edge design and engineering information. Whether it’s in-depth feature articles on the hottest technology topics, application briefs that illustrate innovative uses of products and systems, tech briefs that describe how specific technologies are developed, or new product information that highlights the latest releases to the market, Aerospace & Defense Technology has the resources engineers need to do their jobs better.

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    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7827 6000 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7827 6001
    Website: http://www.smgconferences.com Email: events@saemediagroup.com
    Registered in England - SMi Group Ltd trading as SAE Media Group

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