Joint Forces Simulation & Training
3 February - 4 February 2016
Joint Forces Simulation & Training

Faced with military budget cuts and fluctuating energy prices the global military simulation and virtual training market is in an excellent position for growth as the demand for more cost effective, cohesive training systems across militaries increases. With the thinking that the military will probably have to cut back on live field exercises and increasingly rely on computer-based war gaming and training programmes to combat rapidly evolving threats, these projections create lucrative opportunities for the industry.

With rapidly evolving military threats and fast paced technological developments becoming the norm, strategic partnerships and joint R&D programs are expected to increase, as militaries increasingly work as a cohesive unit across multiple platforms - services, countries and continents.

?Returning for its seventh year and following on from the major success of previous events, SAE Media Group are proud to present the 7th annual Joint Forces Simulation & Training Conference, 3rd – 4th February, 2016, London. As modelling and simulation technologies and methods help organizations train to high-consequence scenarios, exercise and verify readiness, this is an event you do not want to miss. Join us and be part of a major networking experience where you will hear presentations, cases studies and panel discussions from international military services from UK, Europe and USA,  focusing on the latest developments and technological advances in the quest for a more unified military unit.

Key topics include:

• The live virtual balance…how to get it right?
• European Challenges: Why the Strategic Security Environment Matters to You
• Procurement innovation and best practise within the training and simulation sector
• Ex Trident Juncture 15
• Fully engaging your service professionals in virtual and constructive simulations using Immersive learning for future force effectiveness
• And much more!


Brigadier General Indrek Sirel

Brigadier General Indrek Sirel

Assistant Chief of Staff, Joint Force Command Brunssum
Colonel John M. Ferrell

Colonel John M. Ferrell

Deputy Director, NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence, Italy
Lieutenant General Mark O. Schissler

Lieutenant General Mark O. Schissler

Deputy Chairman of the Military Committee, U.S. Air Force, NATO Military Committee, Brussels
Major General Jonathan A. Maddux

Major General Jonathan A. Maddux

Program Executive Officer for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation, PEO STRI

Ryan Melville

Combat Medical Technician (UK), Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), NATO Special Operations Headquarters
 Ryan  Melville

Andy Fawkes

Director, Thinke Company Ltd
Andy Fawkes

Brigadier General Indrek Sirel

Assistant Chief of Staff, Joint Force Command Brunssum
Brigadier General Indrek Sirel

Indrek Sirel graduated from Moscow Military Academy in 1991, serving in the Soviet Army as a platoon commander. He joined the Estonian Defence Forces in 1993, serving as an infantry officer, commanding at company and battalion level. He has served in training and operational appointments in the Estonian General Staff and Joint Headquarters and in ISAF HQ in Kabul and as Commander of Estonian Land Forces. He was posted to JFC Brunssum in 2012.

BG Sirel studied at the US Army Command and General Staff College, the Finnish National Defence Academy and the US Army War College. He holds a Master of Strategic Studies Degree.

Captain Bjorn Persson

Head of Education Programmes, Air Combat Training School, Swedish Armed Forces
Captain Bjorn Persson

Captain Jerry Pett

DACOS Future Training and Training Acquisition, Flag Officer Sea Training, Royal Navy
Captain Jerry Pett

Captain Navy (ret.) Piotr Gawliczek

Associate Professor, National Defence Faculty , National Defence University, Warsaw
Captain Navy (ret.) Piotr Gawliczek

Capt. (N) ret. Piotr GAWLICZEK is the Associate Professor of the National Defence University. His research and educational activities are focused on Advanced Distributed Learning, information and communications technologies within the education and training. He is also focusing on the asymmetric threats and leadership issues. He is actively involved in many scientific activities, i.e. regularly conducting events within the annual Congress of Education and Distance Education of the Bundeswehr.

He is a member of many international scientific and educational bodies, i.e.: (1) Editorial Board of the “Connections” – Partnership for Peace Consortium Quarterly; (2) Advisory Board of the ADL Working Group of the PfP Consortium; (4) Editorial Advisory Board of the reviewed journal “Defence and Strategy” issued by the University of Defence, Brno. He is the scientific coordinator of the reviewed magazine “Scientific Papers of the NDU Warsaw”.
He supports the efforts of the partner countries within the Defence Enhancement Education Programs (DEEP) dedicated to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine. From October 2015 he enjoys a title of the Academic Leader of the DEEP Ukraine program. His hobby is Nordic Walking and foreign languages.

Colonel Jaroslav Kozubek

Head of Department, Department of Tactics/ K-110, Faculty of Military Leadership, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic
Colonel Jaroslav Kozubek

Colonel John M. Ferrell

Deputy Director, NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence, Italy
Colonel John M. Ferrell

Dr Erdal Cayirci

Chief CAX Branch, Simulation, Modeling & C4, NATO JWC & University of Stavanger, Norway
Dr Erdal Cayirci

Dr Randall Hill

Executive Director, USC Institute for Creative Technologies
Dr Randall Hill

Lieutenant Adam Skubida

TACP CO/Instructor , Polish Air Force Academy
Lieutenant Adam Skubida

Lieutenant General Mark O. Schissler

Deputy Chairman of the Military Committee, U.S. Air Force, NATO Military Committee, Brussels
Lieutenant General Mark O. Schissler

Major General Jonathan A. Maddux

Program Executive Officer for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation, PEO STRI
Major General Jonathan A. Maddux

Major Mark Thurley

SO2 Simulation, Royal School of Artillery
Major Mark Thurley

Professor Walt Wildemann

Director , College of Distance Education, US Naval War College
Professor Walt Wildemann

Squadron Leader Michael Gallagher

Chief Instructor for Rotary Tactics, European Defence Agency
Squadron Leader Michael Gallagher

Conference agenda



Registration and Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Andrew Joly

Andrew Joly, Director Of Strategic Design, Learning Technologies Group plc



Introduction and case studies for a variety of learning technologies including but not limited to:

• E-Learning
• Mobile Learning   
• Scenarios
• Video 
• Simulation and business games
• Virtual and Augmented Reality  
• Game based learning 
• Social Learning
• Performance support tools



Coffee break



Using and blending the technologies

• High level design options
• Learning patterns and journeys
• The human in the loop
• Techniques for learner engagement   
•  Assessment
• Hands on with different technologies
• A nod to the future



Closing remarks



End of workshop



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Andy Fawkes

Andy Fawkes, Director, Thinke Company Ltd



European Challenges: Why the Strategic Security Environment Matters to You

Lieutenant General Mark O. Schissler

Lieutenant General Mark O. Schissler, Deputy Chairman of the Military Committee, U.S. Air Force, NATO Military Committee, Brussels

• Emerging threats
• What got us here will not get us there
• Agility and adaptability are key to training and simulation



Preparing a Trained and Ready Force, Now and Into the Future

Major General Jonathan A. Maddux

Major General Jonathan A. Maddux, Program Executive Officer for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation, PEO STRI

• Modernizing simulation and training enablers to prepare our troops for the future



Morning Coffee



NATO's Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) The Use of Modelling and Simulation in Support of Plan Analysis, Wargaming & Command Post Exercises

Dr Erdal Cayirci

Dr Erdal Cayirci, Chief CAX Branch, Simulation, Modeling & C4, NATO JWC & University of Stavanger, Norway

• Understanding how the Joint Warfare Centre is key in delivering an effective operational preparation for NATO forces and partners
• Overview on CPX/CAX Planning and Execution
• Use of Simulation Systems



Advanced Distributed Learning Solutions as a Key Enabler of NATO’s Defence Education Enhancement Programs…NDU Warsaw Experiences and Recommendations

Captain Navy (ret.) Piotr Gawliczek, Associate Professor, National Defence Faculty , National Defence University, Warsaw

• The essence of the transformation of the educational and training systems of NATO’s partner countries
• Towards the systematic ADL solutions. Case study – Defence Education Enhancement Program (DEEP) Ukraine
• NDU Warsaw unique experience regarding the innovative approach to ADL issues within civilian and military academic realm.  Solutions and recommendations





Networking Lunch



Simulation as a Cloud Service

Andy Fawkes

Andy Fawkes, Director, Thinke Company Ltd

• Why go to the Cloud?
• Lessons Learned
• Challenges and Opportunities
• A New Simulation Strategy?



Stress management in a modern training environment

Captain Bjorn Persson

Captain Bjorn Persson, Head of Education Programmes, Air Combat Training School, Swedish Armed Forces

• Can we optimize learning for new environments?
• Performance and mental workload.
• Design of training for a new era.
• Digital natives and digital immigrants; a difference in learning styles



Afternoon Tea



Simulation and training… needs, wants and latest developments

• What are the latest developments in the field?
• Reviewing what products or tools do militaries need that they don’t have already?

Captain Navy (ret.) Piotr Gawliczek, Associate Professor, National Defence Faculty , National Defence University, Warsaw

Colonel John M. Ferrell

Colonel John M. Ferrell, Deputy Director, NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence, Italy

Dr Erdal Cayirci

Dr Erdal Cayirci, Chief CAX Branch, Simulation, Modeling & C4, NATO JWC & University of Stavanger, Norway



Utilization of M&S in Scientific Work at University of Defence

Colonel Jaroslav Kozubek

Colonel Jaroslav Kozubek, Head of Department, Department of Tactics/ K-110, Faculty of Military Leadership, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

• Scientific Work and Outputs of Department of Tactics
• Development of Autonomous Systems for UGV Platform
• Possibilities of Utilization the Virtual Simulation Tools for Scientific Work



Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

Colonel John M. Ferrell

Colonel John M. Ferrell, Deputy Director, NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence, Italy



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Andy Fawkes

Andy Fawkes, Director, Thinke Company Ltd



Training at Joint Operational level – Lessons from Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2015

Brigadier General Indrek Sirel, Assistant Chief of Staff, Joint Force Command Brunssum

•         Setting the Exercise Context and Scenario
•         Training Implications and Challenges
•         Key Highlights from the Exercise – CPX and LIVEX
•         Integration of ‘Modern Warfare’ and New Threats
•         Key Lessons for the Future in the post-Afghanistan era



Development of Blended Learning at the Royal School of Artillery

Major Mark Thurley

Major Mark Thurley, SO2 Simulation, Royal School of Artillery

• Innovation
• Trust the trainers
• Training



Morning Coffee



Overview of the NATO M&S COE

Colonel John M. Ferrell

Colonel John M. Ferrell, Deputy Director, NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence, Italy

• Mission and organization
• M&S in NATO and the COE’s role
• M&S Professional Education in NATO
• Supporting Future CAX in NATO



Multinational Helicopter Training

Squadron Leader Michael Gallagher

Squadron Leader Michael Gallagher, Chief Instructor for Rotary Tactics, European Defence Agency

• Why do we need multinational training?
• How can it be delivered?
• What are the lessons identified?
• What does the future hold?



Joint Fires Concept - How to Groom the System

Lieutenant Adam Skubida

Lieutenant Adam Skubida, TACP CO/Instructor , Polish Air Force Academy

  • Combat Enablers - Training and capabilities perspective
  • Commanders and staff planners as subjects to groom
  • Breaching the gap between sim standardisation training and real live reality
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Procurement innovation and best practise within the training and simulation sector

    Captain Jerry Pett

    Captain Jerry Pett, DACOS Future Training and Training Acquisition, Flag Officer Sea Training, Royal Navy

    • The growing global requirement to do more with less is pushing the drive for cost effective procurement
    • How do you procure ‘fast moving simulation and training technology’ in a fast moving world
    • Innovation in the procurement process… what is in the pipeline?
    • Is collaborative buying of training equipment the way forward
    o What are the pros and cons?
    o What lessons can be learned?



    Distance Education for The Military Masses

    Professor Walt Wildemann

    Professor Walt Wildemann, Director , College of Distance Education, US Naval War College

    • The U.S. Navy’s Professional Military Education Program
    • Numbers Matter: From Hundreds to Tens of Thousands
    • Technological Transition



    Afternoon Tea



    Fully engaging your service professionals in virtual and constructive simulations using Immersive learning for future force effectiveness

    Dr Randall Hill

    Dr Randall Hill, Executive Director, USC Institute for Creative Technologies

    • Understanding how in the near future a greater proportion of military training will be provided by immersive solutions
    • Training systems that use advanced software and hardware combinations
    • Recognizing the almost ideal fit between innovative technology and evolving customer requirements



    Medical Simulation and Training within NATO Special Operation Forces

     Ryan  Melville

    Ryan Melville , Combat Medical Technician (UK), Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), NATO Special Operations Headquarters

    • Allied Centre for Medical Education (ACME)
    • What is medical simulation
    • Positive and negative effects of medical simulation
    • NSHQ Special Operation Medical Branch



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Andy Fawkes

    Andy Fawkes, Director, Thinke Company Ltd

    Combat Medical Technician (UK)
    Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), NATO Special Operations Headquarters
    Thinke Company Ltd
    Assistant Chief of Staff
    Joint Force Command Brunssum
    Head of Education Programmes, Air Combat Training School
    Swedish Armed Forces
    DACOS Future Training and Training Acquisition
    Flag Officer Sea Training, Royal Navy
    Associate Professor, National Defence Faculty
    National Defence University, Warsaw
    Head of Department, Department of Tactics/ K-110, Faculty of Military Leadership
    University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic
    Deputy Director
    NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence, Italy
    Chief CAX Branch, Simulation, Modeling & C4
    NATO JWC & University of Stavanger, Norway
    Executive Director
    USC Institute for Creative Technologies
    TACP CO/Instructor
    Polish Air Force Academy
    Deputy Chairman of the Military Committee
    U.S. Air Force, NATO Military Committee, Brussels
    Program Executive Officer for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation
    SO2 Simulation
    Royal School of Artillery
    College of Distance Education, US Naval War College
    Chief Instructor for Rotary Tactics
    European Defence Agency


    Exclusive Interview with Colonel John M. Ferrell


    Preliminary List of Attendees (UPDATED)


    Preliminary List of Attendees


    Media Partners



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    International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation


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    Police Oracle


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    Global Military Communications


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    Army Technology


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    Defence and Security Alert


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    International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation


    Most of the research and experiments in the field of engineering have devoted significant efforts to modelling and simulation of various complicated phenomena and processes occurring in engineering systems. IJESMS provides an international forum and refereed authoritative source of information on the development and advances in modelling and simulation, contributing to the understanding of different complex engineering systems. IJESMS is designed to be a multi-disciplinary, fully refereed, international journal.

    Military Systems and Technology


    Military Systems & Technology is a comprehensive web portal, design agency and publication designed for the International Defence & Aerospace Industry. It is a source of daily information for Manufacturers, OEM’S, System Integrators and Contractors. We even have Government & Military Readers. The portal encompasses all aspects of Military equipment, technology, design and services. www.militarysystems-tech.com info@militarysystems-tech.com +44 (0)1392 881545

    International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control


    Most research and experiments in the fields of science, engineering and social studies have spent significant efforts to find rules from various complicated phenomena by observations, recorded data, logic derivations and so on. The rules are normally summarised as concise and quantitative expressions or "models". "Identification" provides mechanisms to establish the models and "control" provides mechanisms to improve the system's (represented by its model) performance. IJMIC has been set up to reflect the relevant generic studies in this area.

    Pro Security Zone


    ProSecurityZone brings the latest security news to professionals throughout the world every day, offering them industry insight, new developments and inspiring ideas. Each day, news is added to our growing archive, creating a rich and valuable information resource for anybody involved or interested in the security industry. With free access, free publication of news and free newsletter distribution, both users and suppliers have the world of security at their fingertips.

    Soldier Modernisation


    Soldier Modernisation (SoldierMod.Com) is an authoritative policy and technology publication for the international defense community, serving the integrated equipment needs of the dismounted soldier and marine in operations today and the fielding of Soldier Modernisation Programmes over the next few years. SoldierMod.Com is designed to provide insights into how decision makers plan to transform operations in the areas of survivability, sustainability, C4I, lethality and mobility; managing the balance between the promise of 'leap-ahead technology balance and mature cost effective solutions. SoldierMod is distributed in many formats which will include an 50 page journal 10,000 copies BPA Audited, twice annually , in January and June Our Website www.soldiermod.com , Has a 24 hour news service , anytime ( currently at over 20,000 individual visits per month ) . We also have an online technical forum where anyone in the industry can ask us strategic or technological questions , our partners and experts will respond directly back.

    Copybook - Military


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    Internatinal Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing


    IJVSMT provides a resource of information for the scientific and engineering community working with ground vehicles. Emphases are placed on novel computational and testing techniques that are used by automotive engineers and scientists.

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    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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