Mobile Deployable Communications 2020 Conference
30 January - 31 January 2020
Mobile Deployable Communications 2020 Conference

SAE Media Group is proud to announce the 13th annual Mobile Deployable Communications conference, taking place in Warsaw, 30th and 31st January 2020.

From the strategic level down to the tactical, efficient and clear communications are key to operational success. The fast pace of modern warfare requires agile, highly adaptable forces capable of rapid movement whilst maintaining a consistent communication and situational awareness capability. Interoperability is also becoming increasingly important to ensure seamless command and control within a multinational coalition, especially given the rising operational tempo across Eastern Europe.

Supported by the Polish Army, the Mobile Deployable Communications conference is designed to bring together leading program managers, strategic decision-makers, industry experts and thought leaders from Eastern Europe and further afield to explore the latest developments in communications technology. MDC is the only conference which focuses on CIS in the Eastern European operational environment through briefs from key regional partners and their international allies.


Brigadier General Pantelis Arapis

Brigadier General Pantelis Arapis

SHAPE Assistant Chief Of Staff ACOS J6 Cyberspace, SHAPE
Colonel (PhD) Robert Janczewski

Colonel (PhD) Robert Janczewski

National Cyber Security Center, Polish Armed Forces
Colonel Grzegorz Szmit

Colonel Grzegorz Szmit

Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch, J6, General Command of the Polish Armed Forces
Colonel Mihai Burlacu

Colonel Mihai Burlacu

Deputy Head of Communications and IT Department, Romanian Defence Staff

Brigadier General Pantelis Arapis

SHAPE Assistant Chief Of Staff ACOS J6 Cyberspace, SHAPE
Brigadier General Pantelis Arapis

Brigadier General Pantelis Arapis was born on November 19th 1966 on the island of KOS, one of the larger among the Dodecanese.
He joined the Hellenic Military Academy in 1984, and was commissioned as Signals Second Lieutenant in 1988. During his military career, BGen Arapis has attended and graduated from various courses of the Hellenic Army Signals & Electronic Warfare School, and has been assigned to all available Staff and Command posts in Signals Units, including three unit-level Commanding Officer posts.
From 2000 to 2002, he attended the CIS advanced course that runs in collaboration with the Informatics and Telecommunications Department of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). After graduating the Supreme Joint War College (SJWC) in 2005 at Thessaloniki, Greece, he received a number of staff appointments, such as G2 in Brigade level and as Intelligence Staff Officer in ISAF HQ (Kabul/Afghanistan) in 2007.
He spent the next three years (2008-2010) to the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS), the sole Strategic-level HQ of the Hellenic Armed Forces, as a Defence Policy Directorate Staff Officer, being the custodian for OSCE issues and CFE inspections, a post that proved to be an extensive source of information and indeed a knowledge hub for various strategic, operational and diplomatic issues.
Between 2011 and 2015, BGen Arapis had the opportunity to receive 2 Operational-level NATO HQ assignments; initially (LtCol) as an Intelligence Staff Officer at ALLIED FORCE COMMAND HQ MADRID, Spain, and subsequently (Col) as Director of Management in LANDCOM Izmir. In parallel, he attended the Hellenic National Defence College (via e-Iearning), thus deepening and enhancing his awareness in military diplomacy and strategic studies. Upon his return to Greece in 2016, he served as Chief of the Exploitation Department of the Intelligence Analysis Directorate at the HNDGS. During this tour, he acquired a Masters degree in Applied Strategy and International Security Studies
from Plymouth University, and also graduated from the Terrorism and Security Studies course of the “George C. Marshall” European Center for Security Studies,
keeping himself updated with the latest trends about the security environment and existing threats. After his promotion to Brigadier General on March 5th, 2019, he was assigned as ACOS J6 Cyberspace in SHAPE. His awards and decorations include all the medals-commemorations anticipated for an officer of his rank.
BGen Pantelis Arapis is married to Maria Parisi, and they have a daughter.

Captain (N) Ciprian Andronache

IT and Security Branch Chief, EU Military Staff
Captain (N) Ciprian Andronache

Captain Frank Deiters

CISOps, G6 - AustOffz NL, Division Schnelle Kräfte, Bundeswehr
Captain Frank Deiters

Colonel (PhD) Robert Janczewski

National Cyber Security Center, Polish Armed Forces
Colonel (PhD) Robert Janczewski

Colonel Grzegorz Szmit

Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch, J6, General Command of the Polish Armed Forces
Colonel Grzegorz Szmit

Colonel Marek Gladysz

Deputy Chief of J6, Polish Armed Forces
Colonel Marek Gladysz

Colonel Mihai Burlacu

Deputy Head of Communications and IT Department, Romanian Defence Staff
Colonel Mihai Burlacu

Col Mihai Burlacu was commissioned with the 48th Signal Regiment in 1985. He was assigned in various command positions and after the university graduation was appointed with the CIS Command. He undertook various assignments in CIS Operations and Capability Planning within the J6 General Staff and afterwards between 1998-2001 and 2003-2007 he served as the ROU C3 Representative to NATO Hq Brussels. In 2008 he took over CIS Planning Branch/CIS Directorate and later was appointed the commander of the ROU 48th CIS Centre. He worked in Ukraine for EUAM as Senior IT Advisor in 2016 and 2017. He assumed the current position in October 2017. He is married and has one son.

Command Sergeant Major Freddie Cederqvist

Command Sergeant Major of C4ISR-systems, Swedish Armed Forces
Command Sergeant Major Freddie Cederqvist

Dr Fulvio Arreghini

Technical Specialist , OCCAR
Dr Fulvio Arreghini

Fulvio Arreghini is a Commander of the Italian Navy, engineering corps. After the Naval Academy course he then served aboard different warships.
He has been a lecturer at the Italian Naval Academy and University of Pisa and he worked at the Italian Navy experimentation centre for communication and electronics located in Livorno (CSSN ITE) focusing on Software Defined Radio test and evaluation and experimentation. He has a PhD in Communication Engineering with particular focus on SDR.
His international experiences include being the Italian delegate at the NATO line of sight and beyond line of sight capability teams and a constant involvement in support to the Italian MoD in the Italian National SDR programme.
Since February 2016 he is assigned to OCCAR EA in support to the ESSOR programme as technical specialist.

Dr Joanna Sliwa

Head of C4I Systems, Military Communications Institute
Dr Joanna Sliwa

Joanna Sliwa graduated from Warsaw University of Technology in 2003. Since 2003 she has been working in Military Communication Institute in Zegrze. She was involved in the development of Polish Network Enabled Capability Feasibility Study. Currently, she is Head of C4I Systems’ Department. She was an active member of a few NATO working groups, e.g. focusing on Secure Communications Interoperability Protocol (SCIP), Information Infrastructure Supporting NCW Communications, SOA challenges Over Real Time and Disadvantaged Grids and SOA recommendations for disadvantaged grids in the tactical domain. She is leading research in R&D projects related to efficient information distribution on low levels of command and cyber security of communications systems. In 2011 she received with Honours Ph.D. in telecommunications from Military University of Technology. Since then her research interests are directed towards Software Defined Networking and cognitive networks.

Lieutenant Colonel Bartosz Jasiul

Head of Cyber Security Laboratory, Military Communication Institute
Lieutenant Colonel Bartosz Jasiul

Lieutenant Colonel Bartosz Jasiul is the Principal Expert and the Head of Cyber Security Laboratory in Military Communication Institute in Poland. He obtained MSc degree in 1998 from the Faculty of Cybernetics of Military University of Technology and MBA in 2009 from Leon Kozminski University. In 2014 he defended his PhD dissertation entitled “Modeling of selected cyber threats with ontology and Petri nets” at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. He is the author of dozens of articles and journal manuscripts related to cyber security, cryptology and information assurance. He is also the co-author of a few certified cryptographic solutions applied with success in Polish Armed Forces. His main areas of interest are: intrusion detection, cyber security, public key infrastructure and Network Enabled Capability security.

Lieutenant Colonel Jon Nypan

Brigade North G6, Norwegian Army
Lieutenant Colonel Jon Nypan

Norwegian army signal officer and currently Brigade North G6.
Experience from the Signal battalion, Army Land Warfare center, Norwegian Special Operations Forces, NIS and Brigade staff.
Military Academy
Signal Captain Career Course at Ft Gordon USA
Norwegian Defence Command and Staff college
Mainly experience from tactical, sub tactical units and variety of communication systems

Major Dainius Aleksa

CIS Senior Officer, Defence Staff of the Lithuanian Armed Forces
Major Dainius Aleksa

Maj. Dainius Aleksa studied at the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania in 1999-2003 (bachelor’s degree in Public Administration) and in 2009-2012 (master's degree in Human Resource Management). He started his professional military service in 2003 as a leader of Signal platoon of 1st Mobile Communications Company at Gediminas Staff Battalion, Lithuanian Armed Forces. In 2005 was appointed as a Head of the Communications Specialist Training Group at the Gediminas Staff Battalion’s Communication Center. Was responsible for providing CIS training to the Lithuanian Armed Forces and for producing and developing CIS courses and training programs. In 2008 was appointed as a Deputy Commander of Communications Company at Gediminas Staff Battalion. Same year was appointed as a Commander of First Signal Company. Since 2013 continued his service as a CIS officer at J6 Department of Joint Staff of Lithuanian Armed Forces. In 2015 took a part in operation “Resolute Support” in Afghanistan, serving as a CIS Project Officer at CIS Department CJ6, responsible for managing long-term CIS projects, overseeing CIS service delivery contracts and CIS budget planning. Same year was appointed as Operations Officer of S3 section at 3rd NATO Signal Battalion in Poland. In 2016-2017 took a part in operation “Active Fence” in Turkey. Out there served as a commander of the Signal Support Group and was responsible for the CIS teams in theatre providing the Operation with NATO communication and information systems. In 2018 was appointed as a Senior CIS planning officer at the Department J6 of Defense Staff of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.

Major Krystian Strzalkowski

J6 Branch Head, NFIU POL, NATO Force Integration Unit Poland
Major Krystian  Strzalkowski

J6 Branch Head, NATO Force Integration Unit
Bydgoszcz, Poland
Since: March 2019

Master of Science.
Postgraduate studies.

Second Lieutenant.

English language

Major Silver Andre

Commander ICT Center, Cyber Command, Estonian Defence Forces
Major Silver Andre

He was born 1977 in Estonia and started his service in the Estonian Defense Forces (EDF) in 1995 as conscript. After the compulsory service, he studied and later worked as NCO and instructor at the NCO school. After completing his studies in the German Army Military School in 2004, he served as platoon leader, company commander, S3 officer and branch chief S3 in the Signals Battalion. After graduating the Euroacademy in Tallinn 2008, he was assigned to the Army Staff (G6). Between 2009 and 2012, he served as S6 officer and later as branch chief S6 in the 1. Infantry Brigade. Meanwhile, in 2011 he was sent to the ISAF mission to Afghanistan, assigned to the RC-SW C6 Staff and was responsible for the ANSF communications planning. After graduating the German Defence Forces´ General Staff College in 2014, he served as staff officer and later branch chief communications systems in the J6 Department of the Estonian Defence Forces HQ. Between 2017 and 2018 he was leading the EDF Cyber Command´ project until 1 July 2018 when Cyber Command was established and was assigned to Chief of Staff. Since 1 March 2019 he is commanding the ICT center.
He has bachelor degree of art in International Relations (Euroacademy in Tallinn, 2005-2008) and master’s degree of art in Military Leadership and International Security (Helmut-Schmidt University in Hamburg, 2015-2016).

Major Victor Manuel Vicente Custodio

Army CIS Deputy Project Manager, Portuguese Army
Major Victor Manuel Vicente Custodio

Mr Andrzej Puscian

President, GISS Sp. z o.o.
Mr Andrzej Puscian

Mr Bartosz Peas

Commercial Director, GISS Sp. z o.o.
Mr Bartosz Peas

Bartosz has more than 10 years’ experience working with Polish armed forces. In 2017 Bartosz joined GISS Sp. z o.o. company and took responsibilities in business development and commercial activiites in the scope of Polish national defence clients. Since joining the GISS Sp. z o.o. he has worked on communication and satcom projects which ended up in deliveries of variety satcom systems – from manpack solutions, through FlyAway systems, ending on master station fixed installation.

Mr Charles Chedhomme

Commercial, Finance and Programme Management Support Officer, OCCAR
Mr Charles Chedhomme

Mr Daan Ruhe

Global Product Specialist L-TAC, Inmarsat Global Government, Inmarsat
Mr Daan Ruhe

Daan is the LTAC Product Specialist within Inmarsat’s Global Government Business Unit, a division that was created to focus specifically on the explicit requirements of government users across military, public safety, border protection and emergency services.

Inmarsat is a global leader in mobile satellite communication and has been serving governments around the world since it was originally founded by the United Nations’ International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 1979 to ensure the safety of life at sea. The Global Government Business Unit is specifically tasked with delivering communication certainty to government across air, land and sea. If you need global mobile communications that must work, Inmarsat is the only solution that does so. Every time.

Daan is responsible for managing Inmarsat’s L-TAC service. L-TAC, when coupled with the Spectra SlingShot applique and a small antenna, is a unique, lightweight, low-power satcom system that enables existing, in-service tactical military and commercial VHF/UHF radios to utilize Inmarsat’s global L-band GEO satellite coverage, effectively providing a radio repeater in space, allowing these radios to be used beyond line of sight, globally.

Daan joined Inmarsat in 2015 having worked previously as a Solution Architect with Verizon Enterprise Solutions. Daan brings over 20 years of experience in telecommunications to the role and is a true believer in true collaboration between government and commercial providers to help build real solutions to real end user challenges. As such you are far more likely to find him out in the field, talking to operation teams about communications challenges and requirements, demonstrating capability and helping to find efficient solutions that help build situational awareness and deliver operational success.

Mr Darren Lock

Director C4 Ground Mission Systems and Strategic Products , General Dynamics UK
Mr Darren Lock

Darren is a technical director, systems architect and integrator with more than 36 years of experience in bidding, supporting, developing and managing the development and delivery of complex systems. He has an extensive background of IT experience from real-time flight simulation systems, networking, computer-telephony integration, middleware, application development and information systems for large organisations.
Darren’s career started in the UK Royal Air Force with synthetic trainers, he then moved into commercial IT transformation programmes, and has spent the last 17 years in defence C4I and land digitisation.
Darren enjoys working in an environment with teams where innovation and collaboration sit at the heart of the business.

Mr David Michalowicz

Principal, Multi-Disciplinary Systems Engineer, The MITRE Corporation
Mr David Michalowicz

Mr. David Michalowicz is a Multi-Disciplinary Systems Engineer in The MITRE National Security Engineering Center, a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the Department of Defense (DoD). MITRE supports DoD Command, Control, Communications, and Computer (C4) Systems through systems engineering efforts, directly supporting DoD’s mission and aligned with its strategic outcomes.

Mr John Dowdell

Product Manager, Airbus Defence & Space
Mr John Dowdell

John has a long history as a Communication Systems Architect for fixed and deployable secure networks, mostly for UK military customers. John’s passion for making his designs better serve the needs of the military and civilian tactical user community led him and his colleagues at Airbus to develop new approaches in information handling across such networks, resulting in two granted patents. John is now the Product Manager for the team, bringing a number of products to the market. He has been a regular contributor to the Internet Engineering Task Force

Mr Nicola Saracino

ESSOR Programme Manager, OCCAR
Mr Nicola Saracino

Mr Ryan Hall

Data Scientist and US Army Europe G-6 Task Leader , The MITRE Corporation
Mr Ryan Hall

Ryan Hall is a systems engineer with over ten years of experience in the defense industry. Since joining The MITRE Corporation, he has worked on communication resiliency topics for various customers, including the US Air Force, US Army, and the Swedish Defense Materiel Administration (FMV). Currently based in Europe, Ryan is keenly interested in the unique problems present in the European theater and developing solutions for the US Armed Forces and its allies.

Mr Simon Coverdale

Market Development, Glenair
Mr Simon Coverdale

More than 20 years’ experience in the Military and Commercial Markets, with the last 3 years dedicated to working with NATO and NATO friendly countries on interoperability solutions for the War Fighter Communication and Power needs.

Mr Tim Hooper

International Business Development Manager, General Dynamics UK Limited
Mr Tim Hooper

Tim has more than 30 years’ experience working with defence forces to provide them with resilient and secure communication and information systems.
Since 2016, Tim has been leading international business development for General Dynamics Mission Systems in the UK, supporting a number of defence forces to digitise their land tactical C4I systems.
Following a degree in engineering and a post graduate diploma in marketing, Tim joined Racal Acoustics where he progressed to lead their sales and marketing team. In this role, he secured a variety of contracts, which provided a number of armies with new communication products and systems including the UK, the Netherlands, Canada, Norway and Sweden.
Following the merger with Thales, Tim moved to Paris where he gained experience working at a corporate level. This included being the product manager for soldier systems and then the strategy director for services.
Tim now lives in Bristol, UK and is married with three children.

Mr Wieslaw Gozdziewicz

Cyber Security Expert, Kosciuszko Institute
Mr Wieslaw Gozdziewicz

Wislaw Gozdziewicz, retired Polish Navy officer (Commander - OF-4), graduated the Faculty of Law of the University of Gdansk and then joined the Polish Armed Forces. He has served inter alia in 43rd Naval Airbase in Gdynia, Poland and Public International Law Division of the Legal Department of the Ministry of National Defence. He has also been the Legal Advisor of the NATO Joint Force Training Centre in Bydgoszcz, Poland.
After retiring from the Polish Navy, he started his service as Assistant Legal Advisor at the NATO Joint Warfare Centre in Stavanger, Norway, where he provides legal advice and training on the practicalities of the application of international humanitarian law and legal aspects of military operations, in particular in the cyber domain

Senior Representative

, Black Diamond Advanced Technology
Senior Representative


Conference agenda



Welcome Lunch and Registration



Opening Remarks and Introductions

Colonel (Ret'd) Ralph Thiele

Colonel (Ret'd) Ralph Thiele , Managing Director, Stratbyrd Consulting



Context - A2/AD, C4ISR, Network Centric, Cyber

Colonel (Ret'd) Ralph Thiele

Colonel (Ret'd) Ralph Thiele , Managing Director, Stratbyrd Consulting

  • Hybrid Warfare,
  • A2/AD, C4ISR, Network Centric, Cyber Operations
  • Social Media
  • Multidomain Awareness
  • clock


    Specific EW Challenges

    Colonel (Ret'd) Ralph Thiele

    Colonel (Ret'd) Ralph Thiele , Managing Director, Stratbyrd Consulting

  • Support of kinetic and non-kinetic operations by own and proxy forces
  • Broad frequency range
  • Systems covering surveillance, protection and countermeasures
  • Countermeasures against NATO usage of the EMS
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Dealing with the Threat

    Colonel (Ret'd) Ralph Thiele

    Colonel (Ret'd) Ralph Thiele , Managing Director, Stratbyrd Consulting

  • EW is part of a wider effort to adopt and strengthen opponent´s network-centric capability (focuses upon C4ISR)
  • Adapt scenarios, and train to conduct defensive and offensive operations in a fiercely contested EMS battlespace
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    Disruptive Technologies Ahead

    Colonel (Ret'd) Ralph Thiele

    Colonel (Ret'd) Ralph Thiele , Managing Director, Stratbyrd Consulting

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Autonomous systems
  • New space etc.
  • clock


    Questions, Discussions and Closing Remarks

    Colonel (Ret'd) Ralph Thiele

    Colonel (Ret'd) Ralph Thiele , Managing Director, Stratbyrd Consulting



    End of Workshop



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Colonel Grzegorz Szmit

    Colonel Grzegorz Szmit, Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch, J6, General Command of the Polish Armed Forces



    Modern CIS Demands and Strategy of the Polish Armed Forces

    Colonel Marek Gladysz

    Colonel Marek Gladysz, Deputy Chief of J6, Polish Armed Forces

  • The Polish Armed Forces CIS strategy and ambitions for 2020 and beyond
  • Future network plans: what the Polish Armed Forces Technical Modernisation Plan means for CIS equipment
  • Modernisation of the military: Electronic Warfare and Reconnaissance as future CIS priorities for the Polish Armed Forces
  • Interoperability and Poland’s commitment to working with NATO partners: NATO Response Forces and NATO Exercises
  • clock


    Polish Perspective: Cybersecurity in CIS and Beyond

    Colonel (PhD) Robert Janczewski

    Colonel (PhD) Robert Janczewski, National Cyber Security Center, Polish Armed Forces

  • How a successfully implemented cyber-strategy can minimise vulnerabilities within future assets
  • Defensive cyber capabilities and cooperating with other stakeholders
  • Engaging academia and private industry to improve cybersecurity for secure communications
  • Cyber Space Force: Incorporating cyber troops into the Polish Armed Forces
  • clock


    Would Your UHF-TACSAT Strategy Survive the Next International Conflict or Crisis?

    Mr Daan Ruhe, Global Product Specialist L-TAC, Inmarsat Global Government, Inmarsat

  • The imminent shortage of UHF-TACSAT and the implications for LOS and BLOS communications
  • Inmarsat's L-TAC and Spectra's SlingShot system: enabling existing VHF and UHF radios to utilize Inmarsat's global L-band GEO satellite coverage
  • Advantages of the technology for BLOS and Comms-on-the-Move connectivity and gaining the upper hand against jamming technology
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    SatPack Cobalt – Flexibility in Manpack Satcom Operations

    Mr Bartosz Peas, Commercial Director, GISS Sp. z o.o.

    • SatPack Cobalt – operational proved manpack satcom;
    • Modular approach as a response to different End User needs;
    • Maximisation of service/function integration in one device.



    Polish CIS R&D: Supporting the Mobile Warrior with Cutting-Edge Communications

    Dr Joanna Sliwa, Head of C4I Systems, Military Communications Institute

  • Role of the Military Communications Institute in optimising CIS capability through research and development
  • Size, weight and power: progress in reducing the burden of the warfighter without compromising system performance
  • Incorporating electronic warfare and reconnaissance capabilities into CIS networks: an insight into the latest research
  • Preparing for the future: a look at the next stages of CIS technology and how the MCI is leading the way within the Polish Armed Forces
  • clock


    Extending Mobile Deployment

    Mr Simon Coverdale, Market Development, Glenair

  • Interoperability
  • Scalable Network Solutions
  • Smart Power Management
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Tactical and Deployed Communications: Asking the Right Questions

    Mr John Dowdell , Product Manager, Airbus Defence & Space

  • Asking the right questions regarding a problem will yield answers that are more likely to be solutions.
  • We examine a collection of questions that have helped guide us to create innovative products for the tactical and deployed battlespace.
  • clock


    Delivering Communications at the Tactical Edge: Romanian CIS

    Colonel Mihai Burlacu, Deputy Head of Communications and IT Department, Romanian Defence Staff

  • Romanian development programmes at the tactical edge, including the integration of 5G technology, to maximise communication speed and reliability
  • Experiences with integration of Romanian CIS technology with allied forces at Steadfast Cobalt 2019
  • Future of C4ISR acquisition: equipping Brigade and Battalion-level formations with CIS and integrating the Romanian Individual Fighting System with Romanian CIS systems
  • clock


    CIS in the Soldado de Futuro Soldier Modernisation Programme

    Major Victor Manuel Vicente Custodio

    Major Victor Manuel Vicente Custodio, Army CIS Deputy Project Manager, Portuguese Army

  • Progress of the modernization programme and current implications for deployed CIS provisions
  • Lessons from rolling out new personal role radios, rugged tablets and headsets to a battlegroup and strategies for smooth integration
  • Strategic possibilities from enhanced personal CIS
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Estonian CIS Capability Today and Tomorrow

    Major Silver Andre, Commander ICT Center, Cyber Command, Estonian Defence Forces

  • Modernization of operation level CIS including eFP MN
  • Modernization of tactical level CIS including new technologies (e.g MANET, OLRS)
  • Interoperability challenges including NATO and non-NATO standards
  • Situation Awareness´ challenges between allies (including C2IS / BMS)
  • clock


    CIS within the Lithuanian Armed Forces: Building New Capabilities

    Major Dainius Aleksa, CIS Senior Officer, Defence Staff of the Lithuanian Armed Forces

  • Lithuanian Armed forces CIS assets, units and structures.
  • Building the Deployable Armed Forces Network: merging CIS at tactical and operational levels.
  • Development of Cyber defense capability in the Lithuanian Armed Forces – cooperation with The Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania and other state and municipal institutions and agencies
  • clock


    NATO Force Integration Unit Poland: Enabling a Rapidly Deployable CIS Capability

    Major Krystian Strzalkowski, J6 Branch Head, NFIU POL, NATO Force Integration Unit Poland

  • Overview of NFIU CIS and its support of the VJTF and NRF elements as a forward presence
  • Strategies for creating and enabling a rapidly deployable CIS capability: lessons from the priorities and regular duties of the NFIU in Poland
  • Importance of supporting interoperability initiatives to enable seamless C2 across a multinational task-group
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Colonel Grzegorz Szmit

    Colonel Grzegorz Szmit, Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch, J6, General Command of the Polish Armed Forces



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Colonel Grzegorz Szmit

    Colonel Grzegorz Szmit, Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch, J6, General Command of the Polish Armed Forces



    NATO SHAPE: Supporting NATO Forces through Deployed Communiations Capabilities

    Brigadier General Pantelis Arapis, SHAPE Assistant Chief Of Staff ACOS J6 Cyberspace, SHAPE

  • An overview of NATO communications capabilities and cyberspace support for deployed formations
  • Strategies for generating a rapidly deployable communications capability: the role of the NATO CIS Group and its Deployable CIS Module and NATO Signals Battalions in supporting and sustaining a NATO formation
  • Considerations for cyber defence and cyberspace management when generating battlefield communications
  • Future of NATO CIS capabilities, including the DCIS Cube 1.0 project
  • clock


    OCCAR - Ensuring European Interoperability

    Dr Fulvio Arreghini, Technical Specialist , OCCAR

  • SDR tactical radios: providing solutions for modern digital battlefields
  • Software-defi ned radio compatibility with legacy systems to provide enhanced flexibility
  • Through life management (TLM) approach in ESSOR
  • Lifecycle and roadmap of SDR with implications for future use
  • clock


    Next Generation Mobile Deployable Communications, for Modern Armed Forces

  • The challenges from digitising the modern battlespace
  • Lessons learnt from delivering today’s deployable communication and information systems
  • The next-generation tactical communication and information systems
  • Mr Darren Lock, Director C4 Ground Mission Systems and Strategic Products , General Dynamics UK

    Mr Tim Hooper, International Business Development Manager, General Dynamics UK Limited



    Morning Coffee



    Creating an Effective Cold-weather CIS Capability

    Command Sergeant Major Freddie Cederqvist

    Command Sergeant Major Freddie Cederqvist, Command Sergeant Major of C4ISR-systems, Swedish Armed Forces

  • Cold-weather areas implication on communication in a wider perspective
  • CIS-lessons learned after Northern Wind and Swedish Air Force exercise 2019
  • Planned development for Swedish CIS in the northern region
  • clock


    Cold Weather Communications and Information Systems

    Lieutenant Colonel Jon Nypan, Brigade North G6, Norwegian Army

  • Strategies and considerations for establishing communication infrastructure in arctic conditions
  • C2 priorities for arctic operations: NEXTGEN platforms at the centre of procurement
  • The future of Norwegian cold-weather tactical CIS and its planned application from individual to command level
  • clock


    Panel: Operational CIS Above and Below the 65th Parallel and Extreme Cold Weather Operations

  • Priorities for enabling consistent communications in extreme cold
  • Strategies for effective training to maximise CIS efficiency and reliability in cold weather
  • Most desired technological innovations for communications in extreme cold weather operations
  • SATCOM above and below the 65th parallel: equipping soldiers with the ability to maintain SATCOM
  • Current operational limitations above and below the 65th Parallel and plans for overcoming them
  • Concluding remarks: collectively improving CIS above and below the 65th parallel
  • Brigadier General Pantelis Arapis, SHAPE Assistant Chief Of Staff ACOS J6 Cyberspace, SHAPE

    Lieutenant Colonel Jon Nypan, Brigade North G6, Norwegian Army

    Captain Frank Deiters

    Captain Frank Deiters, CISOps, G6 - AustOffz NL, Division Schnelle Kräfte, Bundeswehr

    Command Sergeant Major Freddie Cederqvist

    Command Sergeant Major Freddie Cederqvist, Command Sergeant Major of C4ISR-systems, Swedish Armed Forces



    Networking Lunch



    Supporting EU Common Security and Defence Policy Through Mobile Communications

    Captain (N) Ciprian Andronache

    Captain (N) Ciprian Andronache, IT and Security Branch Chief, EU Military Staff

  • Overview of EU Military deployable communications capabilities
  • Current EUMS CIS projects, including ensuring FMN compliance and the future of EU communication modernisation
  • Strategies for implementing robust crisis response capabilities in communications infrastructures and examples of effective use through the CSDP
  • clock


    Operating in a Degraded, Denied and Disconnected Environment; Winning in the Face of Adversity

    Mr David Michalowicz, Principal, Multi-Disciplinary Systems Engineer, The MITRE Corporation

  • A Systems Thinking model that holistically investigates resilience and the ability to accomplish critical missions when operating under adverse conditions.
  • Assess operational decision processes, information exchanges and relationships across mission essential functions, tasks, operational plans, networks and systems.
  • Conditions of adversity will drive mitigation strategies, PACE plans, continuity of operations plans and inform future investment decisions.
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    Challenges and Opportunities in Cyber Security of Mobile Communications Systems

    Lieutenant Colonel Bartosz Jasiul, Head of Cyber Security Laboratory, Military Communication Institute

  • Key considerations for communication security and priorities for securing mobile systems
  • A look at disruptive innovations that will both strengthen and threaten military communications
  • Current research into cyber resiliency at the Military Communications Institute
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Analyzing Resiliency of Tactical Network Architectures for Modernization

    Mr Ryan Hall, Data Scientist and US Army Europe G-6 Task Leader , The MITRE Corporation

  • How can we quantify the resiliency of the current tactical network architecture? – a better understanding allows for smarter and more effective solutions.
  • Through which vectors is the architecture most vulnerable? What are the most critical pieces of the infrastructure?
  • What solutions for modernization offer the most impact or value to mitigate vulnerabilities and improve theatre resiliency?
  • clock


    Cyber Resilience for Deployable Communications through NATO Frameworks

    Mr Wieslaw Gozdziewicz, Cyber Security Expert, Kosciuszko Institute

  • NATO “Mission Assurance” concept for sustaining communications infrastructures
  • Cyber resilience and execution of the “Cyber as a Domain Implementation Roadmap” (including the integration of Sovereign Cyber Effects Provided Voluntarily by Allies)
  • How the roadmap may impact the future development and employment of deployable communication systems
  • Importance of cyber interoperability for enhancing resilience and “recoverability”
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Colonel Grzegorz Szmit

    Colonel Grzegorz Szmit, Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch, J6, General Command of the Polish Armed Forces

    SHAPE Assistant Chief Of Staff ACOS J6 Cyberspace
    IT and Security Branch Chief
    EU Military Staff
    CISOps, G6 - AustOffz NL, Division Schnelle Kräfte
    National Cyber Security Center
    Polish Armed Forces
    Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch, J6
    General Command of the Polish Armed Forces
    Deputy Chief of J6
    Polish Armed Forces
    Deputy Head of Communications and IT Department
    Romanian Defence Staff
    Command Sergeant Major of C4ISR-systems
    Swedish Armed Forces
    Technical Specialist
    Head of C4I Systems
    Military Communications Institute
    Head of Cyber Security Laboratory
    Military Communication Institute
    Brigade North G6
    Norwegian Army
    CIS Senior Officer
    Defence Staff of the Lithuanian Armed Forces
    J6 Branch Head
    NFIU POL, NATO Force Integration Unit Poland
    Commander ICT Center
    Cyber Command, Estonian Defence Forces
    Army CIS Deputy Project Manager
    Portuguese Army
    GISS Sp. z o.o.
    Commercial Director
    GISS Sp. z o.o.
    Commercial, Finance and Programme Management Support Officer
    Global Product Specialist L-TAC, Inmarsat Global Government
    Director C4 Ground Mission Systems and Strategic Products
    General Dynamics UK
    Principal, Multi-Disciplinary Systems Engineer
    The MITRE Corporation
    Product Manager
    Airbus Defence & Space
    ESSOR Programme Manager
    Data Scientist and US Army Europe G-6 Task Leader
    The MITRE Corporation
    Market Development
    International Business Development Manager
    General Dynamics UK Limited
    Cyber Security Expert
    Kosciuszko Institute
    Black Diamond Advanced Technology

    Sponsors and Exhibitors



    The Challenge of Electronic Disruption

    The Challenge of Electronic Disruption

    Marriott Hotel Warsaw
    29 January 2020
    Warsaw, Poland





    Sponsors and Exhibitors


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Airbus are world leaders in providing global fixed and mobile secure communication services to governments, militaries and security forces. Indeed, as the world’s number one private-sector military communications provider, we deliver the flexibility, resiliency and security required by demanding governments and militaries. And we do this for all communications applications, whether they’re land, airborne or naval. As a truly global organisation, we at Airbus understand local markets, allowing us to support our customers wherever they are. With regional strategic sales and support services in Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific, our presence on the ground where our customers need us most is bolstered by our global reach.

    General Dynamics Mission Systems

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    General Dynamics Mission Systems is a leading international defence company, supplying avionic and tactical communication systems around the world. We have been providing avionic, maritime and vehicle-based systems for more than 70 years, including Bowman, which is currently in-use on a variety of platforms in the British Armed Forces. Our communication and information transfer capabilities offer an open architecture, facilitating a tailored system and hassle-free integration to give the best possible performance for the end-user in their unique environment.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    GISS executes technologically advanced projects in the fields of satellite and military communication and air traffic control. Based on our experience and engineering capabilities we design and manufacture range of Ku and X bands satellite terminals starting from man-pack up to flyaway applications. Our man-pack terminals - SatPack Cobalt – is in operation of Polish Armed Forces. We are also providing integration, modernization and service activities for military satcom applications.

    Glenair – Tactical Interconnect Hubs and Power Management Solutions

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Glenair is a global manufacturer of interconnect technology for high-reliability applications. Our lightweight/miniature connectors are used on a wide variety of platforms from fixed wing and rotor aircraft, to ground vehicles and every class of UAV. Glenair MouseBud interconnects are designed for direct incorporation into soldier vest personal area networks. Our Series 804 Mighty Mouse tactical soldier interconnects have become industry standards and are used on more JTAC and DACAS systems than all other miniaturized connector series combined. Glenair multiport STAR-PAN™ USB hub and power distribution systems are designed for maximum open-system compatibility incorporating Ethernet and USB data interfaces. GSA compliant USB 2.0. STAR-PAN™ is both Nett warrior and NATO compatible. The STAR-PAN™ System is capable of smart charging and power distribution utilizing the broad range of current in-service military batteries, as well as Direct Current (DC) power sources. Newly released STAR-PAN™ Mission-Manager adds on-the-fly device integration and hardware management to complex C4ISR systems. The STAR-PAN™ product line is an open architecture system and is compliant with the NATO standard.

    GMRE Inc

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Black Diamond Advanced Technology (BDATech) is a Veteran-Owned Small Business headquartered in Chandler, AZ and a demonstrated leader in the tactical computing and communication systems industry. Our focus is on the Dismounted Operator and providing them with innovative, trusted technology to ensure mission success. We specialize in creating customized hub systems that are engineered to withstand any environment and control a variety of missions. Because when it matters most you want something Built. Tested. Proven.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    In an uncertain world, we believe in certainty. Communication certainty - anywhere, anytime, any situation. We don’t just believe it’s possible, we’ve built the satellite network that uniquely makes it so.

    Inmarsat is the world leader in global, mobile satellite communications. It owns and operates the world’s leading portfolio of global satellite networks, specifically designed for customer mobility. Inmarsat holds a multi-layered, global spectrum portfolio, covering L-band, Ka-band and S-band, enabling unparalleled breadth and diversity in the solutions it provides. With an unrivalled track record of operating the world’s most reliable global mobile satellite networks, Inmarsat has been sustaining business and mission critical secure, safety & operational applications for 40 years. It is also a major driving force behind technological innovation in mobile satellite communications, sustaining its leadership through a substantial investment and a powerful network of technology and manufacturing partners. In the Government sector, Inmarsat is proud to be the leading commercial satcoms partner to the “5-Eyes” nations (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, & New Zealand).

    That is why we are depended upon by the governments of over 80 countries and have been serving this market for over 40 years. We deliver communication certainty to governments, globally.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    With over three decades of experience, ND SATCOM is the premier supplier of and integrator for innovative satellite communication equipment systems and solutions to support customers with critical operations anywhere in the world. Customers in more than 130 countries have chosen ND SATCOM as a trusted and reliable source of high-quality and secure turnkey and custom system-engineered communication solutions. The company’s products and solutions are used in more than 200 transnational networks in government, military, telecom and broadcast environments.

    ND SATCOM’s flagship product, the SKYWAN platform, enables international users to communicate securely, effectively and quickly over satellite.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    SynQor is a leading supplier of power conversion solutions to the military market. SynQor’s innovative products are designed to exceed the demanding performance, quality, and reliability requirements of today’s leading-edge power infrastructure hardware and mobile deployable communications systems. The MilQor series of power supplies and systems brings SynQor’s field proven high-efficiency synchronous-rectifier technology to the Military industry. SynQor’s MilQor Power Supply products include High-Reliability and COTS AC-DC and DC-DC converters and filters. SynQor’s system-level products include Military Ruggedized Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Power Conditioners, Power Inverters, and VPX power supplies.

    Media Partners

    Wojsko i Technika


    This is a professionally edited magazine which focuses on the most important problems of the Polish military, security and defence industry. Much attention is paid on the current political and military situation in the region, new models of armament and military equipment, weaponry exhibitions, current tenders and laid contracts.

    21st Century Asian Arms Race


    21st Century Asian Arms Race (21AAR) is an online resource for conflict and security related information specific to Eurasia. 21AAR's editorial style and open source approach to gathering public intelligence ensures a unique and independent presentation of events in real-time.



    SEGURANÇA & DEFESA (“Security & Defense”) is the recognized leader among South American printed defense magazines. It has been in the market for 37 years, and presently is the only one of its kind in Brazil to be nationally distributed. Sold on news stands and by subscriptions, it is sent free of charge to key names and addresses in the defense sector in Brazil and in South American countries.




    SecurityClearedJobs.com is an on-line job board designed and marketed to attract candidates who work within Defence, Government and Nuclear sectors. We advertise 1000’s of job opportunities both on a Permanent and Contract basis covering opportunities within all industry sectors. Visit our site www.SecurityClearedJobs.com to search for your next job opportunity.

    Army Technology


    Army-technology.com brings you up-to-date international news and features on the defence industry, covering military projects, trends, products, services and more in the army sector. With a team of journalists around the world, army-technology.com, along with sister sites naval-technology.com and airforce-technology.com, is the only business service that focuses on the technologies required by military personnel and companies working in this important field. When you combine this with one of the most comprehensive and detailed listings of military equipment suppliers, products and services, free white paper downloads and company press releases, you see why army-technology.com is the key point of reference for the defence industry.

    Global Military Communications


    Global Military Communications is a publication that tracks the trends, drivers and technology that fuel the military communications sector. Communications continue to be the lynchpin of modern warfare and is crucial to any military campaign. The sector is going through unprecedented change as militaries and governments across the world move towards a network centric approach to their communications. From operations in war zones to homeland security and disaster recovery operations, Global Military Communications provides you with the latest communications developments on land, sea, and in the air.



    The DEFENCE SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY is an authoritative online information resource for all defence purchasers. This comprehensive listing of Defence Suppliers has enabled thousands of purchasing professionals to find exactly what they are looking for - in seconds. THE DEFENCE SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY provides a total overview of all the UK's Armed Forces - with a wealth of valuable information about the organisation and structure of the UK's Defence Services, as well as useful facts about developments in the UK Defence Industry Contact us: defenceenquiries@armedforces.co.uk Tel: 01743 241962 website: www.armedforces.co.uk

    Defense Conferences


    Market Research Media Ltd, a leading market research firm, provides comprehensive market research reports and forecasts to assist governmental and corporate decision makers understand the dynamics of world’s technology markets. Fortune 500 companies, US Congress and EU government bodies rely on our strategic insights.

    Military Systems and Technology


    Military Systems & Technology is a comprehensive web portal, design agency and publication designed for the International Defence & Aerospace Industry. It is a source of daily information for Manufacturers, OEM’S, System Integrators and Contractors. We even have Government & Military Readers. The portal encompasses all aspects of Military equipment, technology, design and services. www.militarysystems-tech.com info@militarysystems-tech.com +44 (0)1392 881545

    Soldier Modernisation


    Soldier Modernisation (SoldierMod.Com) is an authoritative policy and technology publication for the international defense community, serving the integrated equipment needs of the dismounted soldier and marine in operations today and the fielding of Soldier Modernisation Programmes over the next few years. SoldierMod.Com is designed to provide insights into how decision makers plan to transform operations in the areas of survivability, sustainability, C4I, lethality and mobility; managing the balance between the promise of 'leap-ahead technology balance and mature cost effective solutions. SoldierMod is distributed in many formats which will include an 50 page journal 10,000 copies BPA Audited, twice annually , in January and June Our Website www.soldiermod.com , Has a 24 hour news service , anytime ( currently at over 20,000 individual visits per month ) . We also have an online technical forum where anyone in the industry can ask us strategic or technological questions , our partners and experts will respond directly back.

    Asian Military Review


    Asian Military Review is ABC audited publication, read & discussed by key decision makers & advisors to Asia Pacific militaries. Published since 1993 it’s widely recognised as authoritative provider of unbiased & objective information to Asian military. Editorial content comprises capability analysis, special reports & relevant news coverage from the region. AMR provides information, opinion & facts allowing military professionals to track & understand defence developments worldwide, concerning equipment, training, organisation & doctrine issues. The magazine is a proven source keeping military professionals up to date on national & international defence & security issues.

    Defense Express


    Limited Liability Company “DEFENSE EXPRESS MEDIA AND CONSULTING” highlights events in security, defense and military cooperation areas. Regular information products of the company: - Daily News Wire and Analysis on http://www.defense-ua.com; - Weekly newsletter “Ukrainian Defense Survey”; - “DEFENSE EXPRESS” Magazine; - “Ukrainian Defense Review” Magazine (in English); - Book series “Weapons of Ukraine”. Company also provides advice and assistance based on deep analytical skills and knowledge of the conditions and characteristics of Ukrainian military market to companies, government bodies and intermediaries in the implementation of their strategy, relating to finding new partners and interests promoting.

    Armada International


    ARMADA INTERNATIONAL is leading defence magazine which reports on and analyses defence systems, equipment and technology. Together with its Compendium supplements, ARMADA provides defence planners in the militaries, in government, in procurement and in the defence industry itself with the information they need to plan their strategies.

    Satnews Publishers


    SatNews is a leading provider of satellite events, news, publications, research and other satellite industry information in the commercial and military enterprises worldwide. SatNews hosts to the SmallSat Symposium and the Satellite Innovation conference, hosted in Silicon Valley. SatNews include Daily and Weekly News Services and SatMagazine and MilsatMagazine, published monthly. satnews.com



    ARMSCOM.net is a B2B /B2G platform for brokers of military goods. ARMSCOM.net is dedicated for Aerospace and Defense Industry with database containing more than 4000 companies and 3400 defense industrial sectors. Add Company and Products Profiles. For more information e-mail: armscom.net@gmail.com or visit http://www.armscom.net, tel.: + 372 816 946 77

    Marriott Hotel Warsaw

    Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79
    Warsaw 00-697

    Marriott Hotel Warsaw

    Refined luxury and modern sophistication await you here at the Warsaw Marriott Hotel. Perfectly situated in the heart of the vibrant city centre, our hotel makes it easy for you to experience the best of Poland's capital, while also offering a peaceful sanctuary to return to at the end of a productive day. Our recently renovated lodging showcases boutique comforts including pillowtop bedding, comfortable workspaces, high-speed Internet, and 24-hour room service. Many of our hotel rooms also provide fantastic views of Warsaw city centre. Stop by Parmizzano's, our hotel restaurant, for a taste of Italy here in Poland - or gaze out at the Warsaw skyline as you sip a drink at Panorama Bar & Lounge. SPA FOR YOU, our deluxe hotel spa, is the perfect escape for busy travelers, with a range of refreshing treatments. And our 28,000 square feet of well-appointed event venues set the stage for unforgettable city gatherings. We look forward to making you feel completely at home here at the Warsaw Marriott Hotel.



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7827 6000 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7827 6001
    Website: http://www.smgconferences.com Email: events@saemediagroup.com
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