Military Airlift 2010 is sponsored by:
SAE Media Group proudly presents its 6th annual Military Airlift: Rapid Reaction and Tanker Operations conference. Taking place in the first week of December and following on from sell-out events in Rome in 2007, Seville in 2008 and Frankfurt in 2009, Military Airlift 2010 will once again bring together an impressive line up of senior military officers, key policy makers, leading aircraft manufacture and airlift charter companies.
This year the conference will feature a special focus on airlift operations ranging from recent humanitarian engagements in Haiti to tactical airlift in Afghanistan. Attend the conference and hear the latest from EU and NATO airlift agencies on their efforts to achieve greater levels of collaboration and cooperation.
Incorporating a tanker theme, the conference will also feature case studies from MRTT and tanker pilots currently active in Afghanistan, as well as an impartial update on the USAF KC-X programme.
Discuss these issues and more with the people you want to meet from the airlift community.
This conference also comes with an opportunity to visit:
Papa Air Base - 8th December

On the morning of the 8th December delegates will have the opportunity to visit Papa Air Base, Hungary.
In November 2007 Papa was selected to host 3 NATO C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft, now under the operational command of the newly established Heavy Airlift Wing (HAW). Papa Air Base is located close to the Northern edge of the Bakony Hills in Veszprem County, Hungary. Launched in 2009, the HAW is an integral part of the Strategic Airlift Consortium (SAC), created in September 2006 to serve the strategic airlift requirements of members, in addition to fulfilling a support role for a variety of NATO, EU and UN missions.
The Site Visit is free to all delegates. Coach transport will be available; numbers are limited.
Hosted by:
NATO Airlift Management Agency
Heavy Airlift Wing
Conference agenda
Chairman's Opening Remarks
Wing Commander (Ret'd) Andrew Brookes, Director, The Air League
Brigadier General Wolfgang Katter, Air Chief , Austrian Air Force
Major General Margaret Woodward, Commander 17th Air Force , Headquarters U S Air Forces Europe
Strategic Airlift Capability
Gunnar Borch, General Manager, NATO Airlift Management Agency
• NATO’s role in the SAC programme
• From build-up to steady state operation
• Achievements and challenges in setting up the programme
• Potential future developments
Major General Jochen Both , Commander , European Air Transport Command
The Movement Coordination Centre Europe
Colonel Christian Schmidt , Director , Movement Coordination Centre Europe
• Activities at the MCCE
• Harmonising cross-European airlift and aerial refuelling
• Improving aerial efficiencies and sharing assets among member nations
Maximising European Airlift Capabilities Through Enhanced Cooperation
Laurent Donnet, Project Officer in Deployability, European Defence Agency
• Enhancing efficiency of European airlift using innovative concepts
• Why a European air transport fleet makes sense
• Coordinating a European approach for future airlift
Wing Commander (Ret'd) Andrew Brookes, Director, The Air League
2:00 Humanitarian Operations and Airlift Collaboration - A EU Perspective
Colonel Philippe Rives Branch Chief, Logistics Directorate Chief Resource Support, EU Military Staff
2:30 Humanitarian Airlift in Contemporary Theatres
• Overview of world food programme capability and delivery
• Insights into the Haitian disaster relief operation
• Specific challenges and logistical problems
• Lessons learned
Philippe Martou, Deputy Chief of Aviation Service, UN World Food Programme
3:00 Haiti Flight Operations Control Centre
• Adapting the RAMCC to control aircraft movement in Port-au-Prince
• Drawing on experience from recent humanitarian relief ops
• Co-ordinating and managing the aircraft flow
• Unique challenges and lessons learned
Lieutenant Colonel Brad Graff, 601ST AMD Commander, US Northern Command
Chaired by:
Major General (Ret'd) Thomas Kane, Vice President Defence and Government Programmes, Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings
2:00 Improving Airlift Co-Operation among Coalition Forces in Afghanistan
• Overview of the common operating procedure across the ISAF deployment
• NATO airlift requirements across Afghanistan
• Present levels of co-operation between active coalition forces
• What can be done to improve the current operating procedure?
• Lessons learned and thoughts on the future of NATO strategic airlift delivery
Colonel Jennifer Thompson, Chief AMCC, NATO SHAPE
2:30 Ground Support for Tactical Airlift Movements
Major John Lejuste, Programme Officer, French Armed Forces
3:00 Use of IS in Military Airlift Planning and Management
• Military air movement management through a common real-time air picture
• Freight and passenger logistics solution enabling rapid aircraft dispatch
Colonel Nicholas Barsby, Material Flow Project Team Leader, UK MOD
Chaired by:
Gazing into the Electronic Warfare Crystal Ball
Jack Pledger , Director, IRCM Business Development, Northrop Grumman Corporation
• Aircraft survivability equipment – past, present and future
• Battlefield tactics and enemy equipment
• IRCM Development
US Africa Command Logistics Strategy - A Vision for Airlift
Dennis D'Angelo, Chief, AFRICOM Deployment Distribution Operations Center, Operations and Logistics, US AFRICOM
• Military and commercial airlift provision for command needs
• Supporting mission requirements
• Future vision for the use of military and commercial airlift
IL-96-400T freighter for Military Operations
Maxim Kloushin , Head of Munich Office , Polet Cargo Airlines
• Overview of the IL-96-400T as the new aircraft to the market
• Advantages of cargo compartment
• Aircraft performance/development/Improvement
Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One
Wing Commander (Ret'd) Andrew Brookes, Director, The Air League
Sponsored Drinks Reception
Chairman's Opening Remarks
Major General (Ret'd) Thomas Kane, Vice President Defence and Government Programmes, Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings
Brigadier General Bernard Metz , Chief of Staff, Air Force Command, French Air Force
• Background to the proposed French MRTT programme
• Strategic requirements and cost efficiencies of a future multirole airlift fleet
• Proposed methods of procurement – is there any attraction to the British model?
• Thoughts on the size and operational capabilities of a future French MRTT fleet
Wing Commander (Ret'd) Andrew Brookes, Director, The Air League
• The current RAF tanker situation
• FSTA and PFI programme
• How is it progressing?
KC-X Tanker Programme – An Impartial Overview
Colonel (Ret'd) Bob Dawson , Tanker Pilot (Ret'd), Aerial Refuelling Systems Advisory Gp ARSAG
• KC-X MRTT programme design, features and benefits
• Changes to programme requirements under the Obama administration
• Fuel and flight costs versus cargo volume – which is the greater concern?
• KC-X – a viable long-term solution to USAF sustainment airlift requirements?
Wing Commander (Ret'd) Andrew Brookes, Director, The Air League
Colonel (Ret'd) Bob Dawson , Tanker Pilot (Ret'd), Aerial Refuelling Systems Advisory Gp ARSAG
Peter Scoffham, Head of Customer Marketing, Airbus Military SL
Brigadier General Bernard Metz , Chief of Staff, Air Force Command, French Air Force
Lightweight Cargo Restraint Technology
Lawrie Wilson, Business Development Manager, Amsafe Bridport
• The weight impact of traditional cargo restraints
• The operational impact of weight
• The cost of weight
• The technology to deliver significant weight savings
• Boeing C17 Case Study
• The way forward
Ilyushin IL76TD-90 and Antonov AN124 Challenges in Strategic Airlift
Dennis Gliznoutsa, Commercial Director, Volga-Dnepr Airlines
• Quiet European airspace and shortage of capacity
• Additional challenges facing air transportation
• What to do?
IL-76TD: Backbone of Civil Freighter Fleet Supplying Afghanistan
Azat Mulgimov, Commercial Director, Aviacon Zitotrans
• Commercial freighters operating into Afghanistan
• Outlook of Middle-East – Afghanistan IL-76 market
• Outlook of Europe – Afghanistan IL-76 market
• Major trends in IL-76 operations to Afghanistan
Peter Scoffham, Head of Customer Marketing, Airbus Military SL
Tim Butler , Senior Test Pilot , A330M MRTT Flight Test Programme
Providing Swift MEDEVAC Support to Operational Theatres
Squadron Leader Anil Cherian , Officer in Command MEDEVAC, RAF Brize Norton
• Delivering global services urgent operational solutions across the armed services
• Extracting wounded service personnel from high-risk combat zones
• The role of commercial chartered MEDEVAC support
• Overview of the C-130 MEDEVAC module programme
• Development from scratch
• Specific patient care requirements and designed solutions
• Adapting the module to suit the C-130 aircraft
Dr SPERANDIO, Medical Doctor , Austrian Air Force
Josef BRANDSTÄTTER, Aircraft Integration , Austrian Air Force
Manfred Siegl , Procurement Specifications , Austrian Air Force
Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two
Major General (Ret'd) Thomas Kane, Vice President Defence and Government Programmes, Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings
Papa Airbase
8 December 2010
Veszprém, Hungary
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