Military Airlift & Rapid Reaction Operations
1 December - 2 December 2008
Military Airlift & Rapid Reaction Operations

This conference is the networking platform for the military air mobility, humanitarian mission; aircraft manufacturer and air charter community. At the event, key military representatives will outline the challenges of enhancing airlift capabilities. Find out how new aircraft such as the A400M and C-17 can improve air mobility capabilities. Additionally, hear from air charter companies on how they can contribute a solution to the airlift shortfall.

This conference will feature a series of case studies from operational leaders: Non combat evacuations in Lebanon, airlift mission support in Iraq and the challenges of on airlifting into Afghanistan will be addressed. Both industry and military attendees will gain an understanding about the challenges which have arisen in operational environments and have the opportunity to discuss solutions for overcoming them.

An exceptional international speaker line up includes:

  • Major General Ronald R Ladnier, Commander, 17th Air Force, United States Air Force
  • Dennis L D'Angelo, Chief, AFRICOM Deployment Distribution Operations Center, Operations and Logistics, US Africa Command
  • Colonel Juan Maria Sesma Barrios, Spanish Air Mobility Division, Spanish Air Force
  • Colonel Freek van der Vaart, Director, Movement Coordination Centre Europe
  • Colonel Philippe Rutz, Director, European Air Transport Command
  • Colonel Martin Hertz, European Liason Officer to the Air Force, US Transport Command
  • Colonel John MacKay, Operational Support Logisitcs, CANOSCOM, Operational Support Command, Canada
  • Helmut Richter, Air Transport Division, Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement
  • Major Mark Le Masurier, Officer Commanding, 47th Air Despatch Squadron, Royal Logistics Corps, RAF Lyneham
  • Captain Gunnar Borch, General Manager, NATO Airlift Management Agency
  • Major Yves de Lassat de Pressigny, PADCAD2008 Organiser, French Army
  • James SAE Media Groupth, Officer in Charge, Movements Control Section, United Nations
  • Philippe Martou, Deputy Head of Aviation, United Nations World Food Programme

This conference will provide a forum to...
  • Learn about European Coordination in Airlift Missions
  • Discuss key updates on the A400M and C-17
  • Evaluate the next step for NATO’s Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC)
  • Review Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon & Kashmir – Hear up-to-date case studies
  • Understand Military & NGO Coordination - How to bridge the divide?
  • Address Force Protection Issues - Guaranteeing Airfield Security and MANPADS Countermeasures

Military Airlift & Rapid Reaction Operations Exhibition

Military Airlift & Rapid Reaction Operations 2008 will have a busy exhibition hall. This is the ultimate platform for companies to showcase their products and services. Meet with senior industry suppliers to get ideas and contracts and see how their latest products can enhance your airlift capability.

For more information on sponsorship opportunities, advertising, branding packages please contact Fiona Punter on fpunter@SAE Media Group-online.co.uk

This conference come with the opportunity to visit:

Airbus Military Facilities - 3rd December 2008, Seville

On the morning of the 3rd December, delegates will have the chance to visit the A400M FAL site at San Pablo, Seville.

This aircraft heralds a new era in military airlift capability; designed to a recognised requirement for a new airlifter for European air forces, the A400M incorporates state-of-the-art materials and technology that are being continuously perfected in today’s civil aircraft fleets. With a production flow of 3 aircraft per month, the 150.00m2 facility is situated in the vicinity of Seville Airport.

Coach transport will be available; numbers are restricted.

Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Wing Commander (Ret'd) Andrew Brookes

Wing Commander (Ret'd) Andrew Brookes , Aerospace Analyst, The International Institute for Strategic Studies




  • Organisation and command structure of the Spanish Military Airlift
  • Location and composition of units
  • Capacities of the transport aircraft
  • Charter usually contracted
  • Participation in international multinational operations
  • Participation in international air transport organisations
  • Future of the Spanish Military air transport
  • Colonel Juan Maria Sesma Barrios

    Colonel Juan Maria Sesma Barrios, Air Mobility Division, Spanish Air Force



    SPECIAL ADDRESS: Airlift Lessons from Iraq

  • Enterprise-wide visability - a top priority
  • A process view - biggest gains across boundaries
  • Starting with requirements - and matching the right capability
  • Measuring capability - capture the health of the process
  • The need for speed - and flexability
  • Enterprise-wide visability - a top priority
  • A process view - biggest gains across boundaries
  • Starting with requirements - and matching the right capability
  • Measuring capability - capture the health of the process
  • The need for speed - and flexability
  • Enterprise-wide visability - a top priority
  • A process view - biggest gains across boundaries
  • Starting with requirements - and matching the right capability
  • Measuring capability - capture the health of the process
  • The need for speed - and flexability
  • Major General Ronald R. Ladnier

    Major General Ronald R. Ladnier, Commander, 17th Air Force, United States Air Force



    Morning Coffee



    JARS & TARS - Future Conflicts and the Impact on Airlift

    William E. Schepens

    William E. Schepens, Director of Business Development, Global Mobility Systems, Boeing

  • Lines between strategic and tactical airlift continue to blur
  • With improved technology, large strategic aircraft have become more tactical
  • Airlift requirements continue to grow, demanding more stuff further forward
  • Current designs (modified) and future designs will revolutionize the land battle
  • clock


    Adaptive Logistics Network - Joint Interagency Logistics Support for AFRICOM

    Dennis D'Angelo

    Dennis D'Angelo , Chief, AFRICOM Deployment Distribution Operations Center, Operations and Logistics , US AFRICOM

  • How we will perform logistics command and control within Africa
  • How we work with US government civilian agencies to accomplish our logistics mission
  • The design and development of an Adaptive Logistics Network to support our vision
  • clock


    Planning Movement Operations in Canadian Operational Support Command

  • CANOSCOM overview
  • Movement support to ISAF
  • Integrating SALIS and the MCCE
  • A look to the future
  • Lieutenant Colonel J.F. McGrath

    Lieutenant Colonel J.F. McGrath, Movement Operations, Canadian Operational Support Command Headquarters



    Networking Lunch



    German / Canadian "A310 Multi Role Transport Aircraft" - Program and Renewal of the German Governmental VIP A/C Fleet

    Helmut Richter

    Helmut Richter, Project Manager, Air Requirements, Procurement Office, Ministry of Defence, Germany

  • Operational requirements
  • Plans and developments
  • Future procurement plans and evaluation of military / commercial cooperation
  • clock


    JHL Quad TiltRotor (QTR) for VTOL/STOVL Intratheatre Lift

    Alan Ewing

    Alan Ewing, Program Manager, Joint Heavy Lift (JHL), Bell Boeing

  • Overview of JHL program
  • Conceptual design of the QTR
  • Concept of operations
  • clock


    EADS Military Transport Aircraft: Meeting the Rapid Reaction Challenge

    Didier Vernet

    Didier Vernet , Defence Capability Marketing Director, EADS Casa

  • Light-to-Medium Tactical Airlift: CN-235/C-295 in service with over 50 air forces
  • Heavy Tactical Airlift: A400M programme flight test phase
  • Medium-to-Strategic Tanker / Transport: A310/A330 MRTT with an emphasis on versatility in service
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    UK Joint Aerial Delivery in Afghanistan

    Major Mark Le Masurier

    Major Mark Le Masurier , Officer Commanding, 47th Air Despatch Squadron Royal Logistics Corps, RAF Lyneham

  • The History of UK Air Despatch
  • How the UK deliver the Air Despatch Capability
  • Operations in Afghanistan
  • clock


    Evaluations from the PACD2008 - Precision Airdrop Demonstration in Biscarosse, France

    Major Yves de Lassat de Pressigny

    Major Yves de Lassat de Pressigny, PADCAD2008 Organiser , DGA

  • French Air Force Airbase 120 support
  • CELM Biscarosse: drop zone instrument
  • Airdrop programme
  • CARP management
  • Operational scenarios demonstrated
  • clock


    Fulfilling Air Transportation Needs in Critical Situations

  • Case studies where air transport has been used in emergency situations
  • Air transport communication challenges
  • Rapid Response - flight schedule changes, ops
  • Evaluation - the current response to the airlift shortfall and challenges encountered
  • Alexey Ozerov

    Alexey Ozerov, Vice President, Polet Cargo Airlines



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One



    Drinks Reception Sponsored by Polet Cargo Airlines



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Wing Commander (Ret'd) Andrew Brookes

    Wing Commander (Ret'd) Andrew Brookes , Aerospace Analyst, The International Institute for Strategic Studies



    Coordination and Cooperation Challenges in UN Movement Operations

    James  Smith

    James Smith, Chief, Movement Control Section, TMS/LSD/DFS, United Nations

  • Overview of  the UN movement requirements
  • Real life case studies
  • Challenges encountered
  • Finding the balance
  • clock


    Lessons Learned - Providing Humanitarian Airlift Relief to Burma

    Philippe Martou

    Philippe Martou, Deputy Head of Aviation Section, United Nations World Food Programme

  • Overview of the mission
  • Organisation and capabilities
  • Coordination between air charter companies and the military
  • Lessons learned
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    NGO & Military Cooperation in Humanitarian Operations - What are the Challenges

    Jan  Weuts

    Jan Weuts, Emergency Aid Co-ordinator, Foreign Department; , Caritas

  • Caritas International and the military, as civilian as possible, as military as necessary
  • EU consensus on humanitarian aid, military as last resort option
  • What are the real issues - the shrinking of humanitarian space and the problem of perception
  • Case studies: Somalia-Afganistan-Pakistan-Georgia
  • Challenges and efforts to overcome them
  • clock


    Opportunities for the Private Contracting Sector in Peace and Stability Operations

    Doug Brooks

    Doug Brooks, President, International Peace Operations Association, USA

  • Benefits of private sector utilization
  • Ensuring quality contractors
  • Overview management and best practices
  • Common problems and solutions
  • clock


    Infrared Countermeasure Approaches Today and Where we go From Here

    Jack Pledger

    Jack Pledger , Director, IRCM Business Development, Northrop Grumman

  • A review of the IRCM approaches being employed currently
  • A discussion of the threats and their targets
  • A look into where industry thinks the customer wants to go
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    The Vision and Reality of the European Transport Command

    Colonel Philippe Rutz

    Colonel Philippe Rutz, Leader , European Air Transport Command

  • Organisational overview
  • Mission statement and current initiative
  • How the EATC will help counter the airlift shortfall
  • Future technologies
  • clock


    C-17 - The Solution to NATO Countries Airlift Shortfall

    Gunnar  Borch

    Gunnar Borch , General Manager , NATO Airlift Management Agency

  • History and aims of the Strategic Airlft Capability
  • Logistical challenges
  • Understanding the next steps
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Volga-Dnepr's Ilyushin 76TD-90VD - The Instantly Available Solution for Strategic Airlift

    Dennis Gliznoutsa

    Dennis Gliznoutsa, Sales Director, Volga-Dnepr UK Ltd

  • Aircraft capability and specifications
  • Advantages of existing and future airplanes
  • Fleet development
  • clock


    Movement Coordination Centre Europe: A Year On

    Colonel Freek  van der Vaart

    Colonel Freek van der Vaart, Director, Movement Coordination Centre Europe

  • Overview of the programme
  • International collaborations
  • Future coordination with SALIS
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Conference

    Hotel Alfonso XIII

    C/San Fernando, 2
    Seville 41004

    Hotel Alfonso XIII


    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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