
Following on from the hugely successful 2013 ISR conference and now in its third year, ISR 2014 will continue its tenancy in London for another year.

Building on a solid foundation on International Military speakers, key opinion leaders from international research facilities and Industry companies, SAE Media Group’s ISR will again play host to two days of distinguished speakers and topical debate.

The term ISR covers all manner of surveillance reconnaissance and target acquisition in the military world. ISTAR has become the most recent focus of the interoperability between allied forces with particular emphasis on Persistent Global Surveillance & Global Strike, Counter-intelligence & Counter-terrorism, Maritime Domain Awareness, Space Defence, Anti-Access and Contested Global Commons.


Aaron Blow

Aaron Blow

Chief Engineer, Joint and Service Programs, MITRE
Andrew Mewes

Andrew Mewes

AIS Business Development, 3SDL
Brigadier General Friedrich Teichmann

Brigadier General Friedrich Teichmann

Director, Geospatial Department, Austrian Armed Forces
Dr Peter Lee

Dr Peter Lee

Principal Lecturer in Military and Leadership Ethics , Portsmouth University
Gunnar Borch

Gunnar Borch

Former General Manager of the NATO Airlift Management Agency and Associate at Allied Support Services International Group Inc,
Joe Ross

Joe Ross

Technical Manager, NATO Communications and Information Agency
Major General (ret) George Harrison

Major General (ret) George Harrison

Principal Research Engineer, GA Technical Research Institute
Wing Commander Jim Beldon

Wing Commander Jim Beldon

Officer Commanding No 8 Squadron, RAF Waddington

Aaron Blow

Chief Engineer, Joint and Service Programs, MITRE
Aaron Blow

Al Savvaris

Professor , Cranfield University
Al Savvaris

Andrew Mewes

AIS Business Development, 3SDL
Andrew Mewes

Andy Mewes, AIS Business Development, 3SDL

Andy is a consultant within the ISTAR team at 3SDL Ltd and is a former RAF Strike Attack and reconnaissance pilot flying Jaguars. His military experience includes Operations in Iraq, Bosnia and Afghanistan both in the air and on the ground, as well as numerous exercises around the world. As a NATO Staff Officer, from 03 to 05, he was a member of the NATO HQ UAV Panel and the Reconnaissance Working Group. He left the RAF, in 2013, from a role as the FJ liaison to the UK Special Forces group, responsible for the facilitation of all CAS/JTAC training. Currently he is delivering ISR/CAS training to the British Army in Kenya and has recently delivered similar training to Canadian Defense Force personnel based in Africa. This will be his first workshop and will be delivered in his uniquely relaxed style. He is planning for it to be as dynamic as possible with lively discussion and an interesting group exercise.

Andy Fawkes

Director, Thinke Company Ltd
Andy Fawkes

Brigadier General Friedrich Teichmann

Director, Geospatial Department, Austrian Armed Forces
Brigadier General Friedrich Teichmann

Dr Clayton Stewart

Visiting Professor, Electrical Engineering, University College London, Former Technical Director, Office of Naval Research Global
Dr Clayton  Stewart

Dr Peter Lee

Principal Lecturer in Military and Leadership Ethics , Portsmouth University
Dr Peter Lee

Gunnar Borch

Former General Manager of the NATO Airlift Management Agency and Associate at Allied Support Services International Group Inc,
Gunnar Borch

Joe Ross

Technical Manager, NATO Communications and Information Agency
Joe Ross

John Dalby

CEO, Marine Risk Management
John Dalby

Major General (ret) George Harrison

Principal Research Engineer, GA Technical Research Institute
Major General (ret) George Harrison

Peter Sapaty

Director of Distributed Simulation and Control, Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems
Peter  Sapaty

Toby Breckon

Senior Lecturer, Computer Vision & Image Processing, Durham University
Toby Breckon

Wing Commander Jim Beldon

Officer Commanding No 8 Squadron, RAF Waddington
Wing Commander Jim Beldon

Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



How the real world can be organized

Peter  Sapaty

Peter Sapaty, Chief Scientist, Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems

  • Traditional atomistic, agents-based world vision and system management
  • Holistic, gestalt-related comprehension of complex systems and advantages of its application in civil and military areas
  • clock


    Spatial Grasp Technology (SGT)

    Peter  Sapaty

    Peter Sapaty, Chief Scientist, Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems

  • Expressing semantics of complex operations in distributed environments in high-level Spatial Grasp Language (SGL)
  • Networked implementation of distributed SGL interpreter oriented on coordination of large distributed systems
  • Expressing command intent and advanced command and control in SGL
  • clock


    Networking Break



    Distributed ISR scenarios in SGL

    Peter  Sapaty

    Peter Sapaty, Chief Scientist, Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems

  • Penetration, creation, analysis, and impact of distributed infrastructures
  • Global awareness and targets collection by spreading spatial intelligence
  • Simultaneous tracing and analysis of multiple mobile objects
  • clock


    Other SGT applications

    Peter  Sapaty

    Peter Sapaty, Chief Scientist, Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems

  • Collective robotics and unified transition to fully unmanned systems
  • Electronic and cyber warfare
  • Distributed integrated air and missile defence
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Peter  Sapaty

    Peter Sapaty, Chief Scientist, Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems



    Registration & Coffee



    Current ISR challenges – The problem as we see it

    Andrew Mewes

    Andrew Mewes , AIS Business Development, 3SDL

  • What does ISR / ISTAR really mean in the emerging operational context?
  • Why are so many countries and companies focussing on the wrong things?
  • Sharing and Collaboration – The secret to success
  • Moving from a reactive to an enlightened concept
  • clock


    Round Table Discussion

    Andrew Mewes

    Andrew Mewes , AIS Business Development, 3SDL

  • Explanation on the topic to be discussed - How do you make the most of your ISTAR capabilities with a smaller budget and a wider set of operational demands?
  • Tables break away to discuss the question
  • Tables comment on their findings to the rest of the workshop
  • clock


    Networking Break



    Workshop exercise – Information collection in a contingency environment

    Andrew Mewes

    Andrew Mewes , AIS Business Development, 3SDL

  • A read in to the scenario and the requirements
  • Teams break off to carry out the exercise
  • Teams feed back to the workshop on their findings
  • clock


    End of Workshop



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Major General (ret) George Harrison

    Major General (ret) George Harrison, Principal Research Engineer, GA Technical Research Institute



    The RAF’s ISTAR Force – Capabilities and Integration

    Wing Commander Jim Beldon

    Wing Commander Jim Beldon, Officer Commanding No 8 Squadron, RAF Waddington

  • The RAF’s ISTAR Force Construct
  • Collection Systems
  • Capability Development
  • Integration challenges
  • clock


    GeoIntel products and how they support the decision making cycle for/in missions: Discussion from a national perspective

    Brigadier General Friedrich Teichmann

    Brigadier General Friedrich Teichmann, Director, Geospatial Department, Austrian Armed Forces

  • Geo in the decision making cycle for missions
  • Product portfolio of a Geo Service Provider
  • Critical aspects for the national GeoIntel Service Provider
  • Potential users and the distribution of GeoIntel products
  • How does a small neutral country solve the Geo-requirements for missions
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    The Human Component of ISR

    Andy Fawkes

    Andy Fawkes, Director, Thinke Company Ltd

    • Training for ISR
    • Impact of Simulation on ISR Training
    • Technological Revolution in Simulation and Beyond


    Future Research Concepts in Autonomous Platform Sensing Capabilities

    Toby Breckon

    Toby Breckon, Senior Lecturer, Computer Vision & Image Processing, Durham University

  • Overview of current autonomous sensing capabilities
  • Key insight into ongoing research on this topic
  • Paradigm changing concepts of "deployed intelligent sensors"
  • Networked capabilities feeding directly into the ISR pipeline
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Globalert MARS: Helping to bridge the UK’s Defence Capability Gap

    John Dalby

    John Dalby, CEO, Marine Risk Management

  • The birth and initial focus of Globalert MARS in 2009
  • Concept development and ITAR issues!
  • Financial business model
  • Realisation and identification of primary markets
  • Mission capabilities
  • Where we are now
  • clock


    Space Based Maritime Awareness (SBMDA)

    Dr Clayton  Stewart

    Dr Clayton Stewart, Visiting Professor, Electrical Engineering, University College London, Former Technical Director, Office of Naval Research Global

  • Automatic Identification System
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar
  • Electro-Optical SBMDA
  • Coordinated commercial satellite operation
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    UAS Technology & Platform Development for Monitoring Applications

    Al Savvaris

    Al Savvaris, Professor , Cranfield University

    •             Example of simulation scenarios for monitoring using aerial vehicles (UAVs)
    •             Monitoring of oil pipelines using UAV
    •             Examples of novel UAV configurations for operating in complex environments


    UAS Integration in the US National Airspace System

    Major General (ret) George Harrison

    Major General (ret) George Harrison, Principal Research Engineer, GA Technical Research Institute

  • Congressional mandate
  • Training requirements
  • Equipment needs
  • UAS class differentiation


  • clock


    Panel Discussion: What kind of ISR Systems do we need for different combat environments?

  • Type of ISR platforms - Air/Land/Sea/Joint
  • Strategic vs. operational vs. tactical level
  • Combat Cloud:  A new ISR paradigm
  • Situational Awareness in a "Contested Environment"
  • Dr Clayton  Stewart

    Dr Clayton Stewart, Visiting Professor, Electrical Engineering, University College London, Former Technical Director, Office of Naval Research Global

    Brigadier General Friedrich Teichmann

    Brigadier General Friedrich Teichmann, Director, Geospatial Department, Austrian Armed Forces

    John Dalby

    John Dalby, CEO, Marine Risk Management

    Major General (ret) George Harrison

    Major General (ret) George Harrison, Principal Research Engineer, GA Technical Research Institute



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Major General (ret) George Harrison

    Major General (ret) George Harrison, Principal Research Engineer, GA Technical Research Institute



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Major General (ret) George Harrison

    Major General (ret) George Harrison, Principal Research Engineer, GA Technical Research Institute



    MAJIIC2 Project Update

    Joe Ross

    Joe Ross, Technical Manager, NATO Communications and Information Agency

  • Results from latest MAJEX
  • Relations with NATO AGS Programme
  • Relationship with Chicago JISR Initiative
  • Relationship with other NATO
  • Relationship updated NATO JISR Policy
  • clock


    Can a commercial company deliver ISR/CAS Training to the military

    Andrew Mewes , AIS Business Development, 3SDL

  • What is Contract Air
  • Is there a requirement for MoD’s to use civilian companies
  • How does the MoD control the output from commercial ISR
  • What can it deliver
  • Delivery of contract ISR/CAS at home and overseas
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Emerging ISR Technologies, Platforms, Architectures, and C2

    Aaron Blow

    Aaron Blow, Chief Engineer, Joint and Service Programs, MITRE

  • The future of ISR in an age of fiscal austerity
  • The transformation of C2 of ISR
  • Precision Navigation and Timing
  • Multi-National ISR; global ISR technology trends; and integration and interoperability in a Coalition Environment
  • Trends in ISR-related processing, exploitation, and analytics
  • clock


    Rights, Wrongs and Drones: Ethical Dilemmas in Remote ISR

    Dr Peter Lee

    Dr Peter Lee, Principal Lecturer in Military and Leadership Ethics , Portsmouth University

  • Ethics of ISR in a military context
  • Remote ISR and non-combatant right to life
  • Protection of UK military personnel’s right to life
  • The challenges of extending military remote ISR capability into a civilian context
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Multinational Cooperation in Weapon Systems –Why is it so difficult?

    Gunnar Borch

    Gunnar Borch , Former General Manager of the NATO Airlift Management Agency and Associate at Allied Support Services International Group Inc,

  • Introduction
  • What is Smart Defence / Pooling & Sharing
  • Achievements so far
  • Why is multinational cooperation so difficult to achieve?
  • What does Industry want?
  • What can Industry do?
  • Potential way ahead
  • Potential Future Developments
  • Conclusion


  • clock


    Integration of ISR with advanced command and control for critical mission applications

    Peter  Sapaty

    Peter Sapaty, Director of Distributed Simulation and Control, Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems

  • Spatial Grasp Technology (SGT) for intelligent management of distributed dynamic systems
  • Global awareness and tracing multiple mobile objects in Spatial Grasp Language (SGL)
  • Expressing command intent and automated command and control in SGL
  • Advantages of SGL before existing battle management languages for international missions
  • Transition to unmanned systems under unified control provided by SGT
  • clock


    Panel Discussion: What part of ISR could run under “Smart Defense” with a dual use (civil and military) aspect?

    Joe Ross

    Joe Ross, Technical Manager, NATO Communications and Information Agency

    Andrew Mewes , AIS Business Development, 3SDL

    Gunnar Borch

    Gunnar Borch , Former General Manager of the NATO Airlift Management Agency and Associate at Allied Support Services International Group Inc,

    Dr Peter Lee

    Dr Peter Lee, Principal Lecturer in Military and Leadership Ethics , Portsmouth University



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Major General (ret) George Harrison

    Major General (ret) George Harrison, Principal Research Engineer, GA Technical Research Institute

    Chief Engineer, Joint and Service Programs
    Cranfield University
    Director, Geospatial Department
    Austrian Armed Forces
    Visiting Professor, Electrical Engineering, University College London
    Former Technical Director, Office of Naval Research Global
    Principal Lecturer in Military and Leadership Ethics
    Portsmouth University
    Former General Manager of the NATO Airlift Management Agency and Associate at Allied Support Services International Group Inc
    Technical Manager
    NATO Communications and Information Agency
    Marine Risk Management
    Principal Research Engineer
    GA Technical Research Institute
    Director of Distributed Simulation and Control
    Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems
    Senior Lecturer, Computer Vision & Image Processing
    Durham University
    Officer Commanding No 8 Squadron
    RAF Waddington
    AIS Business Development
    Thinke Company Ltd


    Integral Spatial Intelligence in ISR Applications

    Integral Spatial Intelligence in ISR Applications

    Holiday Inn Regents Park
    9 April 2014
    London, United Kingdom

    Novel Approaches and Considerations in the ISR Domain

    Novel Approaches and Considerations in the ISR Domain

    Holiday Inn Regents Park
    9 April 2014
    London, United Kingdom

    Holiday Inn Regents Park

    Carburton Street
    London W1W 5EE
    United Kingdom

    Holiday Inn Regents Park

    Choose the well-connected Holiday Inn London-Regent's Park hotel, with a superb central London location and speedy transport links. Holiday Inn London-Regent's Park is in a leafy and cosmopolitan area of central London, a 10-minute walk from bustling Oxford Street. Leave your car in our NCP managed underground car park, and explore London by Tube. Great Portland Street Tube station is 25 metres from the hotel, from where you can reach the City and Canary Wharf in 30 minutes, and London Heathrow Airport in 45 minutes.

    Wireless Internet is available throughout the hotel, and you can invite up to 300 people to events at the Academy Conference Centre, with an IT technician and break-out zones. Holiday Inn London-Regent's Park is a 10-minute walk from Santander's offices and businesses in the BT Tower. Stroll 5 minutes to Regent's Park, where you'll find London Zoo and pretty Primrose Hill. We're a 10-minute walk from Bond Street boutiques and 20 minutes from Buckingham Palace and cruises on the River Thames.

    Ask our Concierge to plan your day out and book West End theatre tickets. Room Service is available 24 hours at Holiday Inn London-Regent's Park, or dine in the vibrant Junction Restaurant. Our Junction Bar has a menu of light bites, and a hot breakfast buffet is served daily.



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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