Unmanned Maritime Systems Technology USA 2022
September 28 - September 29, 2022
Unmanned Maritime Systems Technology USA 2022

Free US DoD/Military registration has now closed. For any enquiries please contact Jack Overell on jack.overell@saemediagroup.com

SAE Media Group is pleased to announce the first annual Unmanned Maritime Systems Technology USA conference, taking place in Arlington, VA on September 28-29, 2022.

The development of unmanned systems in the land and air domains has grown rapidly over the last decade, and the importance of unmanned systems in the maritime domain has and will only continue to grow. In 2021 the US Navy revealed their Unmanned Campaign Framework, outlining the goal to innovate and adapt new technology to build a more lethal and distributed naval force for the future. The US is now committed to deliver a hybrid fleet will be necessary for the Navy to meet emerging security concerns and compete and win in an era of great power competition by expanding and developing a range of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), unmanned undersea vehicles (UUV), and unmanned surface vessels (USV).

Key topics to be discussed include: Autonomy for MCM and ASW operations, updates on key unmanned platform programmes (such as UUV and USVs), preparing and supporting unmanned systems for operations, Manned/Unmanned Teaminhg, UMS interoperability initiatives, unmanned hydrography and oceanography, and many more.


Captain Ben Van Buskirk

Captain Ben Van Buskirk

Senior Advisor, NavalX
Captain Jason Weed

Captain Jason Weed

Commodore, Unmanned Undersea Vehicles Squadron ONE (UUVRON-1), US Navy
Captain Thomas Remmers

Captain Thomas Remmers

Unmanned Systems Cross Functional Team Lead, Assistant Commandant for Capabilities (CG-7), US Coast Guard
Dr Jason Stack

Dr Jason Stack

Director of the Ocean, Atmosphere, & Space Research Division, Office of Naval Research
Mr Michael Stewart

Mr Michael Stewart

Unmanned Task Force Executive Director, US Navy
Mr Robert Iannuzzi

Mr Robert Iannuzzi

Director of Unmanned and Autonomous Systems Development and Integration, Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD), US Navy

Captain (Ret.) Edward Lundquist

Chair, Communications Committee, Surface Navy Association
Captain (Ret.) Edward Lundquist

Captain Edward Lundquist, U.S. Navy (Retired), is chief engagement officer of Echo Bridge LLC, in Springfield, Virginia, his own company. He served on active duty with the Navy as a surface warfare officer and public affairs officer and has a BA in Journalism from Marquette University and a master’s in journalism and public affairs from the American University. He is an IABC Fellow and an accredited business communicator. Captain Lundquist is the communications chair of the Surface Navy Association and a member of the SNA executive committee. He writes on naval, maritime, defense and security issues for international trade and professional journals.

Captain Ben Van Buskirk

Senior Advisor, NavalX
Captain Ben Van Buskirk

CAPT Van Buskirk was born and raised in Menlo Park, CA. He attended the University of Arizona, receiving a Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance in 1998 and his commission in January, 1999. He attended naval flight training in Pensacola, Florida, graduating with distinction in September, 2000. After advanced training in Coronado, CA he was qualified as an SH-60F/HH-60H Seahawk pilot.
At sea, CAPT Van Buskirk served as Commanding Officer and Executive Officer of the “World Famous Golden Falcons” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 12 in Atsugi, Japan. During this tour, his command earned his 3rd “Battle E” and the Secretary of Defense Phoenix award for the best maintenance practices in the Department of Defense. Prior to HSC-12, he served with the “Chargers” of HS-14 in Atsugi, Japan. During this tour he earned his second “Battle E” and participated in OPERATION TOMODACHI relief
operations. Prior to arriving at HS-14, he served with Expeditionary Sea Combat Unit ONE as Director of Operations, where he flew multiple combat missions in support of JOINT SPECIAL OPERATIONS TASK FORCE - PHILIPPINES. Prior to arriving at HS-14, he served with the “Dusty Dogs” of HS-7 in Jacksonville. During this tour he deployed in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, where his squadron earned the “Battle E”.
Ashore, he served as a Secretary of Defense Executive Fellow at VMware, Inc. in Palo Alto, CA, where he worked with senior executives on business strategy and technology innovation. He also served on the Joint Staff, J-3 Directorate at the National Military Command Center, Washington D.C. as Presidential Strike Advisor, and Assistant Deputy Director for Operations.
Prior to arriving at the NMCC, he served as Aide to Commander, Navy Region Hawaii in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Prior to that, he served as an FRS Instructor Pilot in Coronado, CA.
Prior to assuming his role as Director of NavalX, CAPT Van Buskirk served as a founding member of the Strategic Warfighting Innovation Cell, OPNAV N7 Warfighting Development Directorate, Washington, D.C.
He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (Defense Focus) from Naval Postgraduate School at Monterey, California, and has completed executive programs at Harvard Business School (Entrepreneurship) and University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business (Finance, Marketing, and Business Strategy). CAPT Van Buskirk has over 3,000 flight hours in the SH/MH/HH-60 and holds numerous personal and unit level awards.

CAPT Van Buskirk is currently working with the SECDEF’s office on an innovation initiative focusing on new ways of leveraging private capital markets; however, he continues to serve as a senior advisor for NavalX and is assisting with NavalX’s ongoing DoN private capital efforts

Captain Jason Weed

Commodore, Unmanned Undersea Vehicles Squadron ONE (UUVRON-1), US Navy
Captain Jason Weed

CAPT Jason Weed hails from Kempton, PA, and enlisted in the Navy following graduation from Northwestern Lehigh High School in 1990. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1998 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Systems Engineering. He also holds a Master of Science Degree in Engineering Management from Old Dominion University.

CAPT Weed is a career submarine officer with tours that span several combatant commander areas of responsibility. He commanded USS NEW HAMPSHIRE (SSN 778) from April 2015 to October 2017. He currently serves as the first Commodore of Unmanned Undersea Vehicle Squadron ONE in Keyport, Washington.

Captain Thomas Remmers

Unmanned Systems Cross Functional Team Lead, Assistant Commandant for Capabilities (CG-7), US Coast Guard
Captain Thomas Remmers

CAPT Remmers reported as the Unmanned Systems Cross- Functional Team Lead in 2021. In this role, he leads all CG stakeholders in the development of a servicewide
strategy and framework to begin implementing unmanned systems across statutory mission sets.
Prior to his current assignment, CAPT Remmers was assigned as Program Manager for the US Coast Guard’s National Security Cutter (WMSL) Acquisition Program from 2019 to 2021. During this time, he was also detailed to co-chaired the Coast Guard's Crisis Action Team in responding to COVID-19. Previously, he was the first Commanding Officer of the U.S. Coast Guard’s Offshore Patrol Cutter Project Resident Office (OPC PRO) for the acquisition of the Offshore Patrol Cutter, the largest acquisition project in U.S. Coast Guard history.
CAPT Remmers previously served as the Surface Forces Logistics Center’s Medium Endurance Cutter Product Line Manager, providing engineering, logistics, and supply support for all 27 Medium Endurance Cutters and the Coast Guard’s Tall Ship, Barque EAGLE. He also served in command of Naval Engineering Support Unit Alameda providing organic and depot maintenance support for both shore infrastructure and surface forces throughout the Coast Guard including the first three National Security Cutters which were homeported in Alameda, CA.
In 2007, CAPT Remmers was assigned as the first maintenance integrator for the new National Security Cutter class, in which he established the maintenance management staff and planned and executed the first Post-Shakedown Availability and major maintenance periods for USCGC BERTHOLF (WMSL 750). Other shore assignments include Medium Endurance Cutter Typedesk Manager at Maintenance and Logistics Command Pacific and the Senior Port Engineer for USCGC HEALY, the Coast Guard’s largest and most technologically advanced icebreaker.
CAPT Remmers’s underway assignments include Engineer Officer aboard USCGC MIDGETT (WHEC 726) and Damage Control Assistant aboard USCGC MUNRO (WHEC 724).
CAPT Remmers holds a Bachelor of Science in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, in New London, CT. He earned two Masters of Science in Engineering in Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the University of Michigan. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval War College where he earned a Masters of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies and served as an Arleigh Burke Fellow to the Naval Command College. He is a licensed professional engineer in Mechanical Engineering in the State of California and holds a DHS Senior Level Certification for Program Management.
CAPT Remmers’s awards include the Legion of Merit, three Meritorious Service Medals, four Coast Guard Commendation Medals (with operational distinguishing device), the Coast Guard Achievement Medal (with operational distinguishing device), and numerous unit commendations.
He was the recipient of the 2015 CAPT Richard D. Poore Award for significant contribution to the USCG Naval Engineering Program

Colonel Tom Ryall

Head of NavyX and Navy BattleLab, Royal Navy
Colonel Tom Ryall

Colonel Tom Ryall was born in 1980, educated at Sherborne School, Dorset followed by King’s College London where he completed a degree in Hispanic Studies.
He was commissioned into the Royal Marines in 2002 and, after completing Commando training, joined the Fleet Protection Group Royal Marines as a Troop Commander. Subsequently he moved to 42 Commando as
a Heavy Weapons Troop Commander and conducted a Norway deployment, represented the Navy in rugby at Twickenham, and deployed to Bosnia as the EUFOR Media Spokesperson to COM EUFOR. On return he was selected to be the first RM Troop Commander at the newly formed Special Forces Support Group from which he deployed to Iraq in 2006. After a brief stint in the RM Corps Colonel’s Recruitment Team he went on to complete a number of professional development assessments and courses. A steady tempo of operational deployments to Afghanistan, Iraq and wider Middle East followed, interspersed by Maritime Counter Terrorism duties and advising the UKMCC in Bahrain on counter-piracy and counter-terrorist operations.
On promotion to Major he attended Intermediate Command and Staff Course (Land) at Shrivenham, before returning as Chief of Staff (Operations), both in the UK and deployed in Afghanistan. Sub-Unit command followed, with the bulk of this period on operations. For the success achieved on one of these operational tours he was awarded the MBE in 2015. In September 2016 he moved to Deputy Commander and established a human performance and resilience programme.
Following promotion to Lt Colonel he moved to Navy Command Headquarters as SO1 Land, the principal desk officer for Royal Marine Dismounted Close Combat and Ground Manoeuvre Capabilities. This required
close and detailed integration with Army, DE&S, DSTL and industry. Concurrently he led on the procurement of new and more novel technologies to enable the Royal Marines to develop and experiment with innovative technology in support of the Future Commando Force vision.
In 2020 he deployed to the Middle East as the permanent in theatre Commander for a regional, International Task Force. On return he assumed the Chief of Staff role in the Naval Special Operations Cell, assisting both the Navy and wider Defence to design and implement processes to deliver the Special Operations Transformation Programme concept.
In April 2021 he was promoted to Colonel to lead the Royal Navy’s technology and innovation accelerator, NavyX, as well as overseeing the Navy’s contribution to the Defence BattleLab at the Dorset Innovation Park.
Colonel Ryall is married and has 2 children and 2 dogs. His interests include rugby (now spectating), teaching his family to sail and working his older dog while trying to train the new addition.

Commander Filip Clauwaert

Director, NATO Naval Mine Warfare Centre of Excellence (NATO NMW COE)
Commander Filip Clauwaert

Commander Filip Clauwaert joined the Belgian Navy as conscript in 1986.
As of August 2022, he is Director of the NATO Naval Mine Warfare Centre of Excellence, in Ostend, Belgium.
He is an experienced Naval Mine Warfare officer, with an operational background on frigate, command and support ship and minehunters/sweepers and has national and international staff experience.
He was Commanding Officer of the minehunters BNS Crocus and Narcis. He held the post of Head of Training and Head of Simulators at the Binational Mine Warfare School EGUERMIN in Ostend, Belgium. He became Head of the Belgian MCM Services in 2018, where he was involved in the rMCM project.
As Staff Officer NMCM he participated in the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) in 2007 and 2011.

Commander Paul Hornsby

Operational Requirements Sponsor – Autonomous Warfare, Royal Australian Navy
Commander Paul Hornsby

Paul Hornsby is a marine geophysicist by education and a Mine Warfare specialist by profession. Since early 2019, he has been Navy Lead – Autonomous Warfare Systems, which has included being capability sponsor for multiple innovation projects and representational duties on various FVEY and NATO working groups. Previously he was responsible for Navy’s Mine Warfare, Diving and Special Operations capability, and was concurrently Navy Lead for the successful Autonomous Warrior 2018. Prior to this, Hornsby was responsible for Littoral Warfare projects, including Capability Sponsor for SEA 1180 and SEA 3036, in addition to drafting Navy’s position on most Army projects including LAND 400.
His recent operational roles within HQJOC have included responsibility for maritime planning and commitments, including running a number of exercises in SE Asia. Prior to this he served with US Central Command as Branch Chief for US Joint Operations Planning covering US and Coalition maritime operations in the Middle East, in addition to US operations in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan. For this he was awarded the US Meritorious Service Medal. With two US officers, he co-drafted the US Theatre Campaign Plan for all US operations in the Middle East, and is the only non-US officer to have led an entire Line-Of-Effort planning team, convening with multiple US departments and other agencies. He was previously the Australian Defence Force’s liaison with US Central Command Forward HQ where he worked with Coalition forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Middle East.
In areas of strategic management Hornsby has previously been the RAN’s Director Navy Governance, Director Navy Business Improvements, Director Navy Improvement Strategies and Deputy CIO of the Navy. Prior to this he was the Operational Test Director for Mine Warfare and Hydrographic projects. At sea he has commanded patrol boats, mine hunters and the submarine rescue ship HMAS Protector. Additionally, he has commanded a number of Advance Force Task Groups as part of some large FVEY exercises. In areas of training he has been both Commanding Officer of the Navy’s Recruit Training School and Head of Faculty for Maritime Warfare Officers Training (previously EXAC).
Despite a broad Navy career, he is better known outside the RAN for his Chairmanship of the International Federation HS (2004 to 2008) and as President of the Australasian Hydrographic Society (1999 to 2008). With the support of the then CN, among other achievements he established the tripartite MoUs with the IHO and Federation Internationale Geometric, in addition to having his views on maritime exploration and the future of undersea technology published widely. He retired from both positions in 2008 in order to pursue operational opportunities. Since 2013, he has been Chairman of Australia On The Map (AOTM).
In his early career, he qualified in DDGs, FFGs and DEs and served as Diving Officer of HMA Ships Perth and Jervis Bay. Hornsby also served over a year in the US as part of the Commissioning Crew of HMAS Sydney, in addition to serving briefly with the Royal Marines 3rd Raiding Squadron, 10th Ghurkha Rifles and HM Ships Yarnton and Monkton. He was awarded the Peter Mitchell Prize on graduating 1st in his class from the Royal Australian Naval College and the University of NSW. In July 2018 he became one of two people to be the longest continuously commissioned officers in the permanent Navy and ADF.

Dr Jason D. Strickland

Maritime Staff Specialist, Platform & Weapons Technology, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Dr Jason D. Strickland

Dr. Strickland is a maritime systems expert. Previous posts include Technical Director for Unmanned Surface Warfare (USuW), Senior Naval Architect for Advance Concepts, FFG(X) [FFG62] Indicative Design Lead, T-AKE Senior Ship Design Manager, Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) Deputy Ship Design Manager, JHSV Design Integration Manager, and OPLOG Deputy Program Manager. Prior to those appointments, Jason held several positions in support of naval expeditionary logistics R&D.
Dr. Jason Strickland earned his Ph.D from the University of Michigan, a MS in Engineering and Technology Management from George Washington University, and a BS in Ocean Engineering from Florida Institute of Technology.

Dr Jason Stack

Director of the Ocean, Atmosphere, & Space Research Division, Office of Naval Research
Dr Jason Stack

Dr. Jason Stack is the Director for the Ocean, Atmosphere, and Space Research Division of the Office of Naval Research (ONR). In this role, he is responsible for planning, execution, and management of integrated basic research, applied research, and advanced technology development for Science and Technology programs in the ocean sciences. This Division includes ocean acoustics, physical oceanography, marine meteorology & space, coastal geosciences, Arctic & global prediction, and marine mammals & biology. It also provides advanced environmental observational and prediction capabilities in support of warfare areas including anti-submarine, mine, and naval
special warfare. Dr. Stack is also appointed as the US Voting Member to the Systems, Concepts, and Integration (SCI) Panel within the NATO Science & Technology Organization. Dr. Stack entered the Senior Executive Service in Jan. 2019 and from Jan. 2021 to Feb. 2022 served as the ONR Technical Director. In that role, he advised the Chief of Naval Research on corporatelevel strategy, policy, and ONR’s investment portfolio. He also coordinated the strategic management and oversight of ONR’s technical investments, governance procedures, and policies.
He joined the Civil Service in 2003 as a researcher in the Signal & Image Processing branch of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Panama City, Florida where he conducted basic research in machine learning and applied research in signal processing, automatic target recognition, and autonomy. He joined ONR in 2008 as a Program Officer leading investments in machine learning, autonomy, and sensor development for the underwater domain. He became the Team Lead for the Mine Warfare and Ocean Engineering Programs in 2015 where he coordinated ONR’s overall portfolio in mine countermeasures, naval mining, explosive ordnance disposal, naval special warfare, and ocean engineering. He is a former US National Lead for TTCP, Maritime Group, TP-13 (Mine Warfare); has led multiple NATO Joint Research Projects; and is a co-founder of the Mine Warfare Community of Interest focusing on data standards, systems interoperability, and modular open architectures. In Jan. 2018, Dr. Stack became ONR's Portfolio Manager for Autonomy where he led ONR’s corporate strategy; managed the corresponding investment portfolio; and provided focus on transition, operationalization, and fielding for autonomy and autonomous unmanned systems. He also served as the NATO SCI Panel the Member-at-Large for Autonomy. Prior to joining Civil Service and his graduate studies, Dr. Stack was employed in industry in Raleigh, NC as a design engineer developing power electronics and hydraulic control systems. Dr. Stack holds the MSE and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the BSE degree in electrical engineering from Mercer University. He was a Georgia Tech President’s Fellow, an MIT Seminar XXI Fellow, a registered Professional Engineer, and holds over 45 publications and 2 patents in the fields of signature recognition and autonomous systems. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

Mr Adam Outlaw

Subsea and Seabed Warfare Branch Head, OPNAV N974, US Navy
Mr Adam Outlaw

Adam Outlaw graduated from Florida Institute of Technology in 2006 with a B.S. in Ocean Engineering and in 2007 with a M.S. in Ocean Engineering. Mr. Outlaw has held various positions across the acquisition lifecycle to develop unmanned systems in the air, on the surface, and under the sea. In May 2015, he joined the OPNAV Staff as the senior analyst for UUVs before becoming the UUV Branch Head for N97 in January 2017. Mr. Outlaw promoted to Branch Head, Subsea and Seabed Warfare (N974) in June 2020.

Mr Logan Jones

President & General Manager, SparkCognition Government Systems (SGS)
Mr Logan Jones

Logan Jones is the President and General Manager of SparkCognition Government Systems (SGS). He has over a decade of national security and defense experience in the U.S. and globally, in which he’s worked extensively with the DoD and with commercial defense companies. He is the former Vice President and founding member of the largest aerospace venture fund and innovation group, Boeing HorizonX.
He has been interviewed by Inside Defense, Aviation Week, and Janes and has spoken at numerous events, including ICAO and GMFUS Brussels Forum, on how artificial intelligence and machine learning are readying government and defense for the future. He is a proud member of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) and the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA).
Jones has a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Montana State University and a master’s degree in program management from Boston University. He also holds a master’s degree in business administration from Washington University in St. Louis

Mr Matan Peled

Co-Founder & Head of US Business, Windward
Mr Matan Peled

Mr Michael Stewart

Unmanned Task Force Executive Director, US Navy
Mr Michael Stewart

Mr. Michael Stewart currently serves as the Director of the Unmanned Task Force (UTF) and acts as the Department of the Navy senior accountable official for unmanned systems technology and concept of employment development and capability fielding. In his previous role, Mr. Stewart was the Deputy Director, Integrated Warfare (N9IB). There, he was charged with comprehensively integrating warfare requirements and ensuring those requirements are fielded within fiscal controls set by Acquisition Program Baselines. He also served as the primary advisor, spokesperson and representative for the Division Director on all matters pertaining to warfighting integration, requirements, acquisition, planning, programming and budgeting. Mr. Stewart is Chairman of the NATO Tri-Service Main Armaments Group since July 2019 and Chairman NATO Naval Armaments Group since October 2020 in Belgium.
Additionally, from 2016-2018 Mr. Stewart was the Director of Business Operations in the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy (Management). In this role, he led Strategic Business Transformation Planning, Management Consulting and Program Assessment Enterprise Architecture Strategy, and Continuous Process Improvement teams.
He is a recognized expert with deep insight into the root causes of success and failure of Department of Defense (DoD) transformation efforts. His leadership has changed the focus of transformation efforts across the DoD.
In 2008, Mr. Stewart was a Business Development Manager for the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations in Iraq, where he worked closely with Department of State and industry experts to revitalize the Iraqi economy in support of counterinsurgency efforts. Specifically, he worked to restart the Iraqi Republic Railroads and conducted on-the-ground venture capital analysis of factories in the Baghdad area.
During the 2006 Quadrennial Review, he was a Special Assistant and analyst in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Policy). In this role he coordinated the Joint Tactical Aviation Integration study on behalf of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, led the initial development of the QDR Irregular Warfare roadmap with experts from the Army and Marine Corps and was a primary contributor to the development of the Navy 3-1 strategy, which fundamentally changed the Navy defense posture. He also traveled throughout Afghanistan on fact-finding missions for the Secretary of Defense.
Formerly, in 2005 to 2009, in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics [AT&L]), he led the Enterprise Risk Assessment Methodology (ERAM) team which conducted cross-service and cross-functional risk assessments on the DoD’s largest business transformation efforts. Lessons learned from his work led to the development of the Business Capability Lifecycle, the DoD’s newly implemented process for acquiring defense business systems. Also due to the success of ERAM, the concept was instantiated into the DoD 5000 Acquisition Policy.
Before coming to the DoD as a civilian, he was senior manager in Venture Capital and a member of an internal consulting team for the Boeing Company.
Mr. Stewart is a retired Navy Captain, having served in both the active and reserve Navy as a Naval Aviator, Flight Instructor, and Landing Signal Officer. In this capacity he was a Battle Watch Captain in the Navy Operations Center and deployed to the Persian Gulf, South America and Somalia as part the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN’s Air Wing Eleven.
Mr. Stewart is a Secretary of the Navy distinguished graduate of the United States Naval Academy, a graduate of Naval War College and holds an MBA from the Harvard Business School.

Mr Robert Iannuzzi

Director of Unmanned and Autonomous Systems Development and Integration, Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD), US Navy
Mr Robert Iannuzzi

Mr Robert Iannuzzi

Director of Unmanned and Autonomous Systems Development and Integration, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Mr Robert Iannuzzi

Mr Samuel Bendett

Analyst, CNA
Mr Samuel Bendett

Samuel Bendett is an Adviser with CNA' Adversary Analysis Group, where he is a member of the Russia Studies Program. He is also an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security. His work involves research on the Russian defense and technology developments, unmanned and autonomous military systems and Artificial Intelligence, as well as Russian military capabilities and decision-making during crises. He is a Member of CNA’s Center for Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence, and an honorary Mad Scientist with the USARMY TRADOC’s Mad Scientist Initiative. He is also a Russian military autonomy and AI SME for the DOD’s Defense Systems Information Analysis Center.
Prior to joining CNA, Mr. Bendett worked at the National Defense University on emerging and disruptive technologies for the Department of Defense response in domestic and international crisis situations. His previous experience includes working for US Congress, private sector and non-profit organizations on foreign policy, international conflict resolution, defense and security issues.
Mr. Bendett’s analyses, views and commentary on Russian military robotics, unmanned systems and Artificial Intelligence capabilities appear in the Washington Post, Voice of America, Forbes, C4ISRnet, DefenseOne, War on the Rocks, Breaking Defense, Popular Science, The National Interest and The Strategy Bridge.
Samuel Bendett received his M.A. in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School, Tufts University and B.A. in Politics and English from Brandeis University. He has native fluency in Russian.

Mr Spencer Fraser

Naval & Defense Specialist, Current Scientific Corporation
Mr Spencer Fraser

Mr Thomas Blanchard

UAS Program Manager, National Air Security Operations Directorate, U.S. Customs And Border Protection
Mr Thomas Blanchard

Thomas H. Blanchard is the Unmanned Aircraft System Program Manager, National Air Security Operations, Air and Marine Operations (AMO), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). AMO’s mission is to safeguard our nation by anticipating and confronting security threats through our aviation and maritime law enforcement expertise, innovative capabilities, and partnerships at the border and beyond. AMO has approximately 1,800 federal agents and mission support personnel, 240 aircraft, and 300 marine vessels operating throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. We conduct our mission in the air and maritime environments at and beyond the border and within the nation’s interior.
Mr. Blanchard has more than 14 years of law enforcement experience and 12 years of Emergency Medical Technician experience. He began his law enforcement career in 2008 as a Border Patrol Agent in Willcox, Arizona. In 2011, he was assigned to National Air Security Operations Center–Sierra Vista as a Supplemental Aircrew Member and MQ-9 Predator B sensor operator. Mr. Blanchard served as one of the first two Vehicle and Dismount Exploitation Radar operators in CBP, developing new tactics, techniques, and procedures. He served on the Tucson Sector Honor Guard Team and as the primary Less-Lethal Training Instructor.
In 2014, Mr. Blanchard joined AMO as an Aviation Enforcement Agent at National Air Security Operations Center–Sierra Vista. Upon graduation from the Air and Marine Operations Academy, he received the Office of Training and Development Assistant Commissioner’s top award for Academic Excellence. He accumulated over 1,800 combined aircrew hours as an MQ-9 Predator B sensor operator, sensor instructor, standardization instructor, and Tactical Flight Officer. Mr. Blanchard was an Emergency Medical Technician in the Air and Marine Emergency Medical Service and advanced to Operations Officer, later serving as a Supervisory Aviation Enforcement Agent leading the training department.
In 2020, Mr. Blanchard was promoted to National Air Security Operations Headquarters and serves as the Unmanned Aircraft System Program Manager, responsible for developing and implementing AMO unmanned aircraft system operations’ strategic efforts in collaboration with interagency and external stakeholders.
Mr. Blanchard holds a private pilot certificate and a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice. He is a recent graduate of the National War College with a Master of Science in National Security Strategy and is currently pursuing a Master of Business Administration at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He received the CBP Commissioner’s Top Unit Citation Award in 2015 and the Secretary of Homeland Security’s Unity of Effort Award in 2017.

Mr Thomas Huryn

Director of Product Development, Current Scientific Corporation
Mr Thomas Huryn

Mrs Ann Witt

Technical Sales Director, Honeywell
Mrs Ann Witt

Ms Dorothy Engelhardt

Director for Unmanned Systems DASN Ships, US Navy
Ms Dorothy Engelhardt

Ms. Schuyler Moore

Chief Strategy Officer, Task Force 59, US Navy
Ms. Schuyler Moore

Schuyler Moore is currently Director for Strategic Plans (N00Z) for Task Force 59, integrating unmanned systems and AI into fleet operations for NAVCENT. Schuyler was previously Senior Defense & Foreign Policy Advisor at the U.S. House of Representatives for the Armed Services Committee, and Director of Science & Technology (S&T) on the staff of the Defense Innovation Board (DIB) in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering before that. Schuyler was also a Senior Analyst at an aerospace & consulting firm, with a special focus on defense budget forecasting and emerging technologies. She taught at a women's boarding school in Kabul, Afghanistan in 2013 and continued to remotely tutor and mentor her students until 2018. Schuyler was named Forbes 30 Under 30 in 2021, and holds a Master of Arts degree in Technology & Security from Georgetown University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government from Harvard University.


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Captain (Ret.) Edward Lundquist, Chair, Communications Committee, Surface Navy Association



Achieving the US Navy’s Strategic Vision

Mr Michael Stewart, Unmanned Task Force Executive Director, US Navy

  • Unmanned Task Force: vision and mission following the USN’s Unmanned Campaign Framework
  • Supporting asset prototyping, scaling, and testing of unmanned and autonomous systems in the US fleet
  • Overcoming the challenges faced in achieving the USN’s unmanned systems R&D initiatives
  • clock


    Enhancing US Navy Undersea Warfighting Capabilities and Readiness with Unmanned Systems

    Mr Adam Outlaw, Subsea and Seabed Warfare Branch Head, OPNAV N974, US Navy

  • Guaranteeing US undersea superiority to optimize missions across the theater, operational and tactical levels of war
  • Leveraging the US Navy’s unmanned undersea portfolio to maintain asymmetric advantage and readiness for combat
  • Tackling the broad and complex USW challenges facing the US Navy using UUVs
  • clock


    Session Reserved for Sponsor - Honeywell

    Mrs Ann Witt

    Mrs Ann Witt, Technical Sales Director, Honeywell



    Morning Coffee



    Information vs. Knowledge: Leveraging Multi-Source Maritime AI to Turn Data Overload into Actionable Insights

    Mr Matan Peled

    Mr Matan Peled, Co-Founder & Head of US Business, Windward



    Augmenting US Naval Unmanned Surface Warfare Capabilities

  • Design implications of Unmanned Systems
  • Technology Introduction hurdles
  • Legacy System Management
  • Dr Jason D. Strickland, Maritime Staff Specialist, Platform & Weapons Technology, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering



    Enhancing US Coast Guard Capabilities with UxS

    Captain Thomas Remmers, Unmanned Systems Cross Functional Team Lead, Assistant Commandant for Capabilities (CG-7), US Coast Guard

  • Developing a comprehensive strategy to pursue integrated and interoperable unmanned systems for the USCG
  • Deploying small ship-based UAS to supplement manned assets
  • Enhancing USCG capabilities with the new Legend-class National Security Cutter and ScanEagle UAS
  • Overview of USCG USV and UUV capabilities and strategies
  • The importance of UxS for USCG maritime missions – increasing range, scope and endurance
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division: R&D and T&E of Unmanned Vehicles and Autonomous Maritime Systems

    Mr Robert Iannuzzi

    Mr Robert Iannuzzi, Director of Unmanned and Autonomous Systems Development and Integration, Naval Surface Warfare Center



    Autonomous Warfare – Beyond Tactical Unmanned Operations

    Mr Logan Jones, President & General Manager, SparkCognition Government Systems (SGS)

  • The current state of tactical autonomy, unmanned maritime systems, and the future of UMS
  • The shift and advantage to expanding the aperture of strategic autonomous warfare and AI
  • Elements that surround deploying strategic autonomy and the technologies needed
  • The importance of allies and partnerships in creating the future autonomous ecosystem
  • clock


    Session Reserved for Sponsor - Current Scientific Corporation

    Mr Thomas Huryn

    Mr Thomas Huryn, Director of Product Development, Current Scientific Corporation

    Mr Spencer Fraser

    Mr Spencer Fraser, Naval & Defense Specialist, Current Scientific Corporation



    Afternoon Break



    Supporting Future Naval Power by Developing the US Navy’s Next Strategic Hedge: Advanced Unmanned Maritime Systems

  • Reimagining US naval formation by leveraging advanced data and software capabilities
  • Diversifying the US naval portfolio to prepare for a potential change in future naval warfare
  • “The small, the agile and the many”: building collaborating, autonomous, unmanned formations
  • Dr Jason Stack, Director of the Ocean, Atmosphere, & Space Research Division, Office of Naval Research



    Overcoming the Threat of Russian Unmanned Maritime Capabilities

    Mr Samuel Bendett, Analyst, CNA

  • Assessing the current status of Russian unmanned maritime systems
  • Evaluating future Russian developments in the AI and autonomy fields
  • The Russian unmanned threat and appropriate US responses
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Captain (Ret.) Edward Lundquist, Chair, Communications Committee, Surface Navy Association



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Captain (Ret.) Edward Lundquist, Chair, Communications Committee, Surface Navy Association



    Rapid Integration of Unmanned Systems and A.I. into Fleet Operations to Achieve Maritime Domain Overmatch

    Ms. Schuyler Moore, Chief Strategy Officer, Task Force 59, US Navy

  • Creating naval overmatch with uncrewed maritime systems
  • Identifying and overcoming the challenges to integrating UMS and AI into fleet operations using innovative solutions
  • The advantages of UMS and AI for maritime operations and achieving strategic overmatch
  • The future of Task Force 59 and the roadmap to future integration and innovation with UMS
  • clock


    Identifying the Gaps in Current UMS Capabilities to Drive Future Investments

    Ms Dorothy Engelhardt

    Ms Dorothy Engelhardt, Director for Unmanned Systems DASN Ships, US Navy

  • Overarching enterprise view of USN and USMC unmanned capabilities
  • Enabling future technologies with unmanned systems
  • Collaborating with industry to fill capability gaps
  • clock


    Developing Requirements for Upcoming UUVs for Success in Future Operations

    Captain Jason Weed, Commodore, Unmanned Undersea Vehicles Squadron ONE (UUVRON-1), US Navy

  • Challenges faced in shifting to a focus on UUVs
  • Training requirements to ensure a successful shift
  • How UUVRON-1 is growing, changing, and building to overcome these challenges
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    NavalX: Enabling R&D Partnerships to Accelerate Unmanned Systems

    Captain Ben Van Buskirk, Senior Advisor, NavalX

  • Guiding naval stakeholders to rapidly deliver unmanned capabilities to the warfighter
  • Utilizing a series of tech bridges to collaborate with international allies and enhance unmanned systems
  • Connecting the growing US Naval unmanned needs and challenges with expert solution providers across industry, academia, and the Department of the Navy
  • clock


    NavyX: Accelerating Royal Navy Autonomy and Lethality Capabilities

    Colonel Tom Ryall, Head of NavyX and Navy BattleLab, Royal Navy

  • Developing, testing and trialing cutting-edge equipment and new technology to deliver to the operational environment at pace
  • Collaborating with the wider stakeholder community to integrate emerging UMS and AI into existing platforms
  • Updates from REPMUS 2021 and a look at priorities for the 2022 exercise
  • Leveraging UAS and RPAS for a range of mission-sets, including SAR and reconnaissance
  • New possibilities: leveraging disruptive and emerging technology to augment uncrewed systems
  • clock


    Utilizing UAS For CBP Maritime Operations

    Mr Thomas Blanchard, UAS Program Manager, National Air Security Operations Directorate, U.S. Customs And Border Protection

  • Overview of CBP Air & Marine Operations
  • The possible future of UAS maritime operations
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Panel Debate: Collaboration to Augment Future Navy Unmanned Capabilities

     • Strengthening collaboration with industry to develop new platforms
    • Experimenting and testing UMS platforms to ensure success
    • Speeding up the integration of new unmanned maritime systems into Naval operations

    Captain (Ret.) Edward Lundquist, Chair, Communications Committee, Surface Navy Association

    Captain Ben Van Buskirk, Senior Advisor, NavalX

    Ms. Schuyler Moore, Chief Strategy Officer, Task Force 59, US Navy

    Colonel Tom Ryall, Head of NavyX and Navy BattleLab, Royal Navy



    Scalable Unmanned Systems and Technologies

    Captain (Ret.) Edward Lundquist, Chair, Communications Committee, Surface Navy Association

  • Scalable in size and complexity, unmanned systems can be adapted for new missions
  • Extensions and derivatives of existing systems can serve new purposes
  • Technology demonstrations can enable new partnerships to provide solutions
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    The Nato Naval Mine Warfare Vision

    Commander Filip Clauwaert, Director, NATO Naval Mine Warfare Centre of Excellence (NATO NMW COE)

  • Protecting resources
  • Shaping the battlespace
  • Risk management
  • Interoperability/interchangeability
  • A sea of data to process
  • clock


    Leveraging Unmanned Maritime Systems and AI In Support Maritime Security

    Commander Paul Hornsby, Operational Requirements Sponsor – Autonomous Warfare, Royal Australian Navy

  • The importance of advanced RAS-AI capabilities for Australian, and Indo-Pacific, maritime security
  • Optimising Australian Naval capabilities with human-autonomy teaming
  • Integrating and enhancing – not replacing – crewed platform capabilities
  • Future mission potential for the RAN’s evolving UUV, USV and UAV platforms
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Captain (Ret.) Edward Lundquist, Chair, Communications Committee, Surface Navy Association

    Chair, Communications Committee
    Surface Navy Association
    Senior Advisor
    Commodore, Unmanned Undersea Vehicles Squadron ONE (UUVRON-1)
    US Navy
    Unmanned Systems Cross Functional Team Lead, Assistant Commandant for Capabilities (CG-7)
    US Coast Guard
    Head of NavyX and Navy BattleLab
    Royal Navy
    NATO Naval Mine Warfare Centre of Excellence (NATO NMW COE)
    Operational Requirements Sponsor – Autonomous Warfare
    Royal Australian Navy
    Maritime Staff Specialist, Platform & Weapons Technology
    Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
    Director of the Ocean, Atmosphere, & Space Research Division
    Office of Naval Research
    Subsea and Seabed Warfare Branch Head
    OPNAV N974, US Navy
    President & General Manager
    SparkCognition Government Systems (SGS)
    Co-Founder & Head of US Business
    Unmanned Task Force Executive Director
    US Navy
    Director of Unmanned and Autonomous Systems Development and Integration, Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD)
    US Navy
    Director of Unmanned and Autonomous Systems Development and Integration
    Naval Surface Warfare Center
    Naval & Defense Specialist
    Current Scientific Corporation
    UAS Program Manager, National Air Security Operations Directorate
    U.S. Customs And Border Protection
    Director of Product Development
    Current Scientific Corporation
    Technical Sales Director
    Director for Unmanned Systems DASN Ships
    US Navy
    Chief Strategy Officer, Task Force 59
    US Navy

    Sponsors and Exhibitors



    Preliminary Attendee List (As of August 31st, 2022)


    Full Agenda


    Short Agenda


    Speaker Biographies


    Unmanned Maritime Systems Technology USA 2022 Brochure


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Kongsberg Discovery

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Kongsberg Discovery operates in the maritime domain from the deepest sea to outer space. While we are headquartered in Kongsberg, Norway, with the rest of Kongsberg’s business divisions, we have a global footprint, including local facilities and support in the United States. From commercial to military applications, our product portfolio offers a wide range of leading sonar, sensors, navigation, and autonomous systems. Our Uncrewed Platforms product group has been at the forefront of Uncrewed Underwater Vehicle (UUV) and Uncrewed Surface Vehicle (USV) development for over 30 years. Our HUGIN family of UUVs can be configured for a variety of capabilities and mission duration, from 24 hours to several weeks of autonomous operation. Equipped with the best sensor fit and navigation solution, HUGIN Superior is the most capable commercially available UUV today. HUGIN Endurance pushes this capability further, providing deep water operation capability for weeks at a time. Stop by to learn more!

    Silvus Technologies

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Silvus Technologies develops advanced MIMO technologies that are reshaping broadband wireless connectivity for mission critical applications. Backed by an unmatched team of PhD scientists and design engineers, its technologies provide enhanced wireless data throughput, interference mitigation, improved range, mobility, and robustness to address the growing needs of its government and commercial customers. Silvus has demonstrated an aggressive product development cycle, with a focus on continually improving the size, weight, power, and cost–while simultaneously introducing next-generation features and capabilities. Silvus’ StreamCaster family of MIMO enabled mesh radio products are designed to address the growing demand for distributing video, voice and high-speed data in harsh tactical environments. StreamCaster radios, featuring MN-MIMO, join together to form a robust, self-healing, self-forming fluid mesh network to provide high-speed, reliable wireless video and data connectivity. Today, Silvus continues to innovate, with an ever-growing line up of R&D contracts, COTS products, and happy customers. The experience gained through our early research efforts made possible the StreamCaster radios, and new concepts currently incubating in our R&D labs will pave the way for tomorrow’s product breakthroughs


    Applied Intuition


    As the foremost enabler of autonomous vehicle development, Applied Intuition equips engineering, product, and testing teams with software that makes it faster, safer, and easier to bring autonomy to both commercial and defense markets. Applied’s suite of products focuses on all domain simulation and analytics for development, testing, and evaluation. Companies of all sizes use Applied to comprehensively test and rapidly accelerate their autonomous vehicle development. Headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices in Washington DC, Los Angeles, Detroit, Tokyo, Munich, and Seoul, Applied is composed of software and automotive experts from the top companies in the world (such as Google, Amazon, Apple, Waymo, Tesla, Aptiv, GM, and Bosch). Applied Intuition is a non-traditional small business that is leveraging its commercial technologies and successes to accelerate autonomy in defense.

    Current Scientific Corporation


    Current Scientific Corporation is a leader in rugged, marinized, compact and low maintenance electro-optical systems improving security and safety at sea. This includes long range surveillance, situational awareness, non-lethal deterrent, obstacle detection, and night navigation. We strive to always integrate the latest technology in Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) solutions and lead the industry to higher standards. Night Navigator is the system selected by true professional mariners who rely on their electro-optical system for their security at sea and critical missions. Installed worldwide on superyachts, workboats, high-speed craft, Coast Guard ships, fast patrol vessels and research vessels, in addition, Night Navigators are deployed internationally for coastal surveillance. Current Corporation continually invests in Night Navigator R&D to create and refine a diverse range of applications, including safety and security, environmental and conservation measures. These include anti-piracy, whale and whale spout detection, extreme weather search and rescue, and oil spill detection



    Honeywell Aerospace products and services are found on virtually every commercial, defense and space aircraft. The Aerospace business unit builds aircraft engines, cockpit and cabin electronics, wireless connectivity systems, mechanical components and more. Its hardware and software solutions create more fuel-efficient aircraft, more direct and on-time flights and safer skies and airports. For more information, visit www.honeywell.com or follow us at @Honeywell_Aero.



    Sayres is a leader in defense support services to the US Navy and DCSA. Our 300+ program support experts empower our customers’ senior leadership with long term planning and analytics, insightful decision making, and day-to-day operations. Headquartered in Washington, DC, Sayres has offices in California, Maine, and Alabama. As a proud partner of the DoD, we support our counterintelligence and security clients in the execution of investigations and analysis required to secure the DoD’s supply chain. Supporting our Warfighter every step of the way.

    SparkCognition Government Systems


    SparkCognition Government Systems' (SGS) award-winning AI solutions solve the most critical challenges for government, national security, and defense. Using its patented AI, machine learning, and natural language technologies, SGS analyzes complex and diverse data in real time to inform and accelerate decision making, predict future outcomes, prescribe next-best actions, and augment human intelligence. We partner with organizations to ensure mission readiness, national security, and operational excellence. For in-depth information about SGS and its offerings, visit www.sparkgov.ai



    UMS SKELDAR, a joint venture between Saab AB and UMS AERO Group, is Europe’s leading provider of Rotary Unmanned Aerial Vehicle platforms including the unmatched NATO-compliant rotary SKELDAR V-200 and the smaller V-150 designed to support tactical operations for surveillance, emergency response, homeland security and defense. Incorporating a wide variety of payload options (including Commercial Off-The-Shelf High-Resolution Electro Optical/Infrared, Synthetic Aperture Radar, and Electronic Warfare sensors) into its vertical take-off & landing (VTOL) fleet. UMS SKELDAR is engaged in highly active research and development programs, and provides solutions to a wide variety of defense, civil security, and maritime sectors globally.



    Windward (LSE:WNWD) is the leading Maritime AI™ company providing an AI-driven decision-support platform to accelerate global trade. By combining predictive intelligence, agnostic multi-source approach, and unmatched maritime expertise, Windward identifies maritime anomalies and trends in real-time to optimize strategic operations, tipping and cueing, and strategic decision-support processes.

    Media Partners

    My Dear Drone


    Are you a UAV Fan? MyDearDrone is perfect for you because it's a free, original and best community to learn everything from news, reviews, guides and much more about drone and it's technology. So come and experience the Quadcopter (UAV) world with us.



    SEGURANÇA & DEFESA (“Security & Defense”) is the recognized leader among South American printed defense magazines. It has been in the market for 37 years, and presently is the only one of its kind in Brazil to be nationally distributed. Sold on news stands and by subscriptions, it is sent free of charge to key names and addresses in the defense sector in Brazil and in South American countries.



    SecurityClearedJobs.com is an on-line job board designed and marketed to attract candidates who work within Defence, Government and Nuclear sectors. We advertise 1000’s of job opportunities both on a Permanent and Contract basis covering opportunities within all industry sectors. Visit our site www.SecurityClearedJobs.com to search for your next job opportunity.

    Asian Military Review


    Asian Military Review is ABC audited publication, read & discussed by key decision makers & advisors to Asia Pacific militaries. Published since 1993 it’s widely recognised as authoritative provider of unbiased & objective information to Asian military. Editorial content comprises capability analysis, special reports & relevant news coverage from the region. AMR provides information, opinion & facts allowing military professionals to track & understand defence developments worldwide, concerning equipment, training, organisation & doctrine issues. The magazine is a proven source keeping military professionals up to date on national & international defence & security issues.

    Port News


    IAA PortNews is the leading and most popular Russian media resource providing sea and river transport news, as well as a tool of interaction between businesses, government and the media. Every day, around 8,000 readers visit the Russian and English pages of the media agency’s web portal.



    The DEFENCE SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY is an authoritative online information resource for all defence purchasers. This comprehensive listing of Defence Suppliers has enabled thousands of purchasing professionals to find exactly what they are looking for - in seconds. THE DEFENCE SUPPLIERS DIRECTORY provides a total overview of all the UK's Armed Forces - with a wealth of valuable information about the organisation and structure of the UK's Defence Services, as well as useful facts about developments in the UK Defence Industry Contact us: defenceenquiries@armedforces.co.uk Tel: 01743 241962 website: www.armedforces.co.uk

    Defence Today


    Defence Today is an online publication covering the latest in global defence and security news, defence intelligence and strategic insight. Terrorism and emerging threats, defence industry coverage, the latest technology developments and emerging platforms and systems. Military equipment profiles and industry showcases. Advertising, press releases and event listings are available.

    MySecurity Media


    A dedicated media provider for security and technology professionals, as well as end-users across multiple channels. Stay updated by downloading the MySecurity Media app now!

    Robotics Tomorrow


    RoboticsTomorrow.com is an Online Trade Magazine featuring Products, Companies, News, Articles and Events for the Industrial Automation, Robotics and Unmanned Vehicle industries. With an emphasis on the state of the art and on the horizon technologies that have strong prospects of commercialization, our philosophy is to create an outlet where the industry can share information and report on itself.

    Military Systems and Technology


    Military Systems & Technology is a comprehensive web portal, design agency and publication designed for the International Defence & Aerospace Industry. It is a source of daily information for Manufacturers, OEM’S, System Integrators and Contractors. We even have Government & Military Readers. The portal encompasses all aspects of Military equipment, technology, design and services. www.militarysystems-tech.com info@militarysystems-tech.com +44 (0)1392 881545

    Soldier Modernisation


    Soldier Modernisation (SoldierMod.Com) is an authoritative policy and technology publication for the international defense community, serving the integrated equipment needs of the dismounted soldier and marine in operations today and the fielding of Soldier Modernisation Programmes over the next few years. SoldierMod.Com is designed to provide insights into how decision makers plan to transform operations in the areas of survivability, sustainability, C4I, lethality and mobility; managing the balance between the promise of 'leap-ahead technology balance and mature cost effective solutions. SoldierMod is distributed in many formats which will include an 50 page journal 10,000 copies BPA Audited, twice annually , in January and June Our Website www.soldiermod.com , Has a 24 hour news service , anytime ( currently at over 20,000 individual visits per month ) . We also have an online technical forum where anyone in the industry can ask us strategic or technological questions , our partners and experts will respond directly back.

    21st Century Asian Arms Race


    21st Century Asian Arms Race (21AAR) is an online resource for conflict and security related information specific to Eurasia. 21AAR's editorial style and open source approach to gathering public intelligence ensures a unique and independent presentation of events in real-time.

    Homeland Security Research Corporation


    HSRC provides premium off-the-shelf market reports on present and emerging technologies and industry expertise, enabling global clients to gain time-critical insight into business opportunities. All reports include in-depth information and analysis of emerging markets, technologies, and industries broken down by geography, market, vertical, technology, product, and revenue stream. Our reports support Homeland Security & Public Safety communities worldwide in their strategic decision-making process, providing up-to-date market knowledge, analysis, and insights. HSRC offers customized research services geared towards providing our clients with clear, actionable recommendations designed to empower decision-making and to help exploit emerging opportunities in the market. The customized research services provide a deep analysis of specific markets and eco-systems, target geographies, strategic segments and verticals, competitor analysis and technological benchmarks. The custom research services are provided as an ad hoc assignment or as an ongoing service.



    EduMaritime is a maritime and logistics education, training, Internship, Career, News & Job resources portal. It provides the most valuable and accurate information and tools in maritime, logistics & supply-chain management, merchant marine, marine engineering, naval architecture, shipping management, ship broking, sailing, and other related areas worldwide including the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia.

    Aerospace & Defense Technology


    For the past 12 years, Aerospace & Defense Technology has been the mil/aero industry’s most trusted source for cutting-edge design and engineering information. Whether it’s in-depth feature articles on the hottest technology topics, application briefs that illustrate innovative uses of products and systems, tech briefs that describe how specific technologies are developed, or new product information that highlights the latest releases to the market, Aerospace & Defense Technology has the resources engineers need to do their jobs better.

    Armada International


    ARMADA INTERNATIONAL is leading defence magazine which reports on and analyses defence systems, equipment and technology. Together with its Compendium supplements, ARMADA provides defence planners in the militaries, in government, in procurement and in the defence industry itself with the information they need to plan their strategies.

    MySecurity Marketplace


    Connecting security and technology professionals to the latest events, education and technology across a global security domain.



    We are the world’s leading maritime and offshore website, and we are dedicated to quality news and building an interactive community of maritime professionals. Our founder, Captain John Konrad, started gCaptain in 2007, and since then we have grown into the go-to source for maritime news, information, and networking. gCaptain promotes user interaction, discussion, and the sharing of ideas and information through social media tools. By bridging the communication gap between print and the end reader, gCaptain fosters ideas that improve safety and efficiency aboard ships globally. gCaptain.com has grown quickly in the past few years to become the leading online destination for maritime and offshore professionals, currently welcoming hundreds of thousands of unique visitors a month who view millions of pages. At gCaptain, we’re committed to providing news and community platforms to professionals working at sea. Even though we’re growing quickly, we’re still focused on our mission.

    Actualidad Maritima y Portuaria


    Oferta diaria de empleos en los sectores marítimo-portuario y logístico Noticias, Buques, Empresas, Puertos, Aduanas, Eventos … Daily Offer of jobs into the maritime, port and logistics sectors News, Vessels, Companies, Ports, Customs, Events … Más información: www.actualidadmp.com (http://www.actualidadmp.com/)

    Uncrewed Systems Technology Magazine


    Uncrewed Systems Technology magazine focuses entirely on the innovative engineering that's successfully pushing boundaries on land, at sea, in flight and even through the universe. The magazine is unique - the first ever publication to focus entirely on providing independent coverage of the engineering at the heart of uncrewed vehicles. It applies the same rigorous scientific approach to this brave new world as critically acclaimed Race Engine Technology has brought to the subject of racing powertrain technology. Published 6-times a year, we probe today's cutting-edge projects to provide in-depth research insights - rigorous investigation is backed by professional peer review and critical analysis.

    Hilton Arlington

    950 North Stafford Street
    Arlington VA 22203

    Hilton Arlington



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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