Achieving Enhanced ISR Interoperability in a Coalition Environment
16 November 2010
Achieving Enhanced ISR Interoperability in a Coalition Environment
NATO C3 Agency

This interactive workshop will address the issues of achieving enhanced interoperability of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) systems in a coalition environment.  The problem is far broader than simply ensuring the use of common technical formats – although this is of course key – and so the workshop will discuss the latest initiatives within NATO to derive the doctrine, concepts of employment, concepts of operation, tactics, techniques and procedures and technical standardization needed to achieve ISR interoperability.  The workshop will be illustrated with examples from recent experimentation and operational experience.

Who should attend?

The workshop will have a broad scope and will be of interest to anyone involved in the ISR process – from government to industry, researcher to operator, policy maker to acquisition authority.

Why should you attend this workshop?
  • Learn about the challenges of achieving JISR interoperability in coalition operations
  • Learn about major NATO and Alliance ISR platforms
  • Understand the issues facing the warfighter today
  • Learn about ongoing spiral developments towards JISR interoperability
  • Learn about the NATO ISR Interoperability Architecture
  • Learn about achieving JISR Interoperability in a Network Enabled Capability
  • Discover how JISR and C2 are rapidly converging
  • Learn about the NATO JISR Concept and its 3-Step Plan
  • Understand how NATO is achieving ISR interoperability in ISAF today
  • Learn about future developments and research challenges

NATO C3 Agency

NATO C3 Agency is a customer-funded Agency responsible for providing technical advice and acquisition support to NATO and the Alliance nations in the areas of C4ISR.  The comprises around 800 staff from the 28 NATO nations, with backgrounds in science, engineering, project management and acquisition, as well as many serving and ex-military staff.

It is located in The Hague and Brussels, with field offices at the NATO Strategic Commands, Norway and Afghanistan.  It is responsible for managing the acquisition of around 60% of all the common-funded capability provided to ISAF and has significant expertise in a wide range of C4ISR areas, including Joint ISR, NATO Network Enabled Capability, C2 systems, Coalition Interoperability, Logistics, Communications and Information Systems, Information Assurance, Cyber Defence, Operational Research and Defence Planning.

About your workshop leaders
Dr Paul Howland

Dr Paul Howland has been Chief Scientist C2ISR since September 2009. He is responsible for providing technical guidance to the Agency’s portfolio of work in the C2 and ISR areas and ensuring maximum coherence across the projects and with related work outside of the Agency.  Dr Howland is actively involved in the NATO Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) having chaired Task Groups in the area of passive sensor technology and more recently serving as the NC3A Sensors and Electronic Technology (SET) Panel Member.  He also represents NC3A on the NATO Working Group of National Air Defence Ground Experts (Working Group 28).

Matt Roper Matt Roper is a Programme Manager, principally engaged in NC3A activities in support of the Multi-sensor Aerospace-ground Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Interoperability Coalition (MAJIIC) project, NATO AEW&C Force support programmes, the NATO AGS Programme and operationally focussed activities linked to Joint ISR interoperability. He is also engaged in the urgent operational requirements delivery of Joint ISR capabilities for the NATO mission in ISAF, Afghanistan.



Workshop agenda



Registration & Coffee



An Introduction to Joint ISR Systems Interoperability

  • What is meant by JISR systems, example sources and data products, including non-traditional ISR
  • What is meant by interoperability in a coalition context -  technical, procedural, political, etc
  • Introduction to the intelligence cycle, collection coordination intelligence requirements management (CCIRM), etc
  • Overview of major NATO JISR platforms – NAEW, AGS, ACCS sensors and key Alliance platforms – Global Hawk, JSTARS, Horizon, etc.
  • How the perfect world would look
  • Illustration of JISR Interoperability problem in ISAF (before recent projects to address full-motion video distribution, CCIRM and intelligence analysis tools).
  • clock


    Spiralling Towards Interoperability

  • Discussion of the CAESAR and MAJIIC multinational programmes: goals, key events, achievements
  • The NATO ISR Interoperability Architecture (NIIA) – key JISR STANAGS
  • Coalition Shared Data (CSD) Server – providing JISR interoperability in a NATO Network Enabled Capability
  • Convergence of JISR and C2
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea Break



    JISR Interoperability: Today and Tomorrow

  • MC0582 – the NATO JISR Concept
  • The NATO JISR 3 Step Plan: Step 1, 2, 3; including details of recent projects to address full-motion video distribution, CCIRM and intelligence analysis tools
  • NATO Intel Functional Services
  • clock


    JISR Interoperability: Future Challenges

  • MAJIIC2 – future JISR interoperability experimentation
  • Data overload
  • JISR interoperability with non-military organizations
  • clock


    Close of Workshop

    Millennium Gloucester Hotel

    Harrington Gardens
    London SW7 4LH
    United Kingdom

    Millennium Gloucester Hotel



    speaker image












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    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

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    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

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    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

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