Counter UAS Technology USA
December 2 - December 4, 2024
Counter UAS Technology USA

SAE Media Group is delighted to announce the 4th annual Counter UAS Technology USA Conference, taking place in Arlington, VA, on December 2-4, 2024.

Building from the sell-out 2023 edition, Counter UAS Technology USA 2024 will return in a bigger platform than ever before, to bring together key military and government C-UAS program managers, policy makers, research and development experts, along with industry partners, to forge valuable discussions on how to strengthen US protection against the threat of UAS.

With the recent release of the new Counter UAS legislation - ‘Safeguarding the Homeland from the Threats Posed by Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act of 2023’- it is evident that advancing robust C-sUAS capabilities is critical to enable the DoD and Military to protect personnel, assets and locations from the proliferation of illegal and hostile drones.

Counter UAS Technology USA 2024 is the perfect forum for this important topic, as it will facilitate discussions surrounding C-sUAS priorities, challenges and solutions, promoting dedicated discussion and networking to enhance the approach, analysis, and solutions to address one of the most prevalent pressures facing the US military, government, and allies: the sUAS threat.


Brian Fishpaugh

Brian Fishpaugh

National Intelligence Manager for Military Integration (NIM-MIL), Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski

Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski

Air and Missile Defence Department Chief, Polish Armed Forces
Colonel Adam M. Miller

Colonel Adam M. Miller

Deputy Director for Directed Energy C-sUAS, RCCTO, US Army
Colonel Chris Labbé

Colonel Chris Labbé

Head of the Canadian Joint C-UAS Office, Chief of Combat Systems Integration, Canadian Armed Forces
Colonel Glenn A. Henke

Colonel Glenn A. Henke

46th Commandant, USAADASCH, Chief of Air Defence Artillery and Deputy Commanding Officer, FCoE and Fort Sill, OK, U.S. Army Air Defence Artillery School
Colonel Guy Yelverton

Colonel Guy Yelverton

Deputy for Acquisition Systems Management DASM and Program Manager, Integrated Fires and Rapid Capability Office IFRCO, PEO Missiles and Space
Colonel Shaun S. Conlin

Colonel Shaun S. Conlin

Director, ACM-IBCT
Colonel Tony Behrens

Colonel Tony Behrens

Executive Director, Joint Program Office - Guam Defense System, Headquarters, JPEO, Department of the Army
Colonel Yuka Nakazato

Colonel Yuka Nakazato

Air and Space Attache, Embassy of Japan in the US, Japan Air Self-Defense Force
Dr Kimberly Sablon

Dr Kimberly Sablon

Principal Director, Trusted Artificial Intelligence & Autonomy, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering/Critical Technologies Department
Garry P. Bishop, SES

Garry P. Bishop, SES

Deputy Director, Land and Expeditionary Warfare, Director, Operational Test and Evaluation Office of the Secretary of Defense
Robert “Bob” Hribar

Robert “Bob” Hribar

Acquisition and Technology Deputy Division Chief, Joint C-sUAS Office
Sarah J. Parker

Sarah J. Parker

Air and Missile Defense Capability Area Lead, DEVCOM Aviation & Missile Center

Assistant Chief Patrol Agent J. Michael Douglas

Director of Training SUAS/CUAS, U.S. Border Patrol
Assistant Chief Patrol Agent J. Michael Douglas

Assistant Chief Patrol Agent (ACPA) J. Michael Douglas has served in the United States Border Patrol for 17 years. During his career he has served in multiple U.S. Border Patrol areas of operation in support of border enforcement efforts. He was selected to join the U.S. Border Patrol Special Operations Group (SOG) where he was responsible for carrying out operations for SOG teams on a national and international level as well as managing personnel on deployments, operational strategies, and training. Additionally, ACPA Douglas led Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) Force Modernization Branch, responsible for the acquisition and provision of innovative use-of-force solutions to fill identified capability gaps in both CBP and DHS law-enforcement operational environments through extensive requirements development, market research, testing and evaluation, legal/policy reviews, and large-scale procurements; positively impacting CBP’s mission readiness as well as increasing the safety of CBP’s 40,000 plus officers and agents. Currently, ACPA Douglas is leading CUAS and SUAS training efforts for CBP’s law enforcement personnel.

Brian Fishpaugh

National Intelligence Manager for Military Integration (NIM-MIL), Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
Brian Fishpaugh

Mr. Brian Fishpaugh was appointed as the National Intelligence Manager (NIM) for Military Integration in August 2023. Mr. Fishpaugh is the DNI’s principal advisor and senior representative for leading the Intelligence Community’s (IC’s) mission management of intelligence related to military equities, focusing on aerial, ground, surface, and subsurface unmanned systems; unidentified anomalous phenomenon; advanced weapons; hardened and deeply buried targets; intelligence on threats to U.S. Nuclear Command, Control and Communications (NC3); and assisting with Department of Defense operational and intelligence integration.
On a Joint Duty Assignment from the U.S. Air Force, his prior positions in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) were as the Deputy NIM for Russia, Europe, and Eurasia and the Deputy NIM for Aviation. Prior to this assignment, he served as a Senior Analyst/Program Manager in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, and was responsible for an annual $100-million-dollar Joint Hard Target Strategy.
Other previous assignments include the Deputy Director/Senior Analyst of the Headquarters, U.S. Air Force A2D (Strategy, Plans, Doctrine, and Force Development Division), where he led analytical policy efforts in the initial U.S. Air Force’s Program of Analysis. In 2015/2016, he deployed as a Senior Analyst for Combined Joint Task Force-Operation INHERENT RESOLVE at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait where he led the analysis of Russian/Syrian military operations, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Unmanned Aircraft Systems operations, and the integration of key multi-national intelligence cell partners. Prior to that deployment, he was the Senior Intelligence Representative to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force’s (CSAF) Strategic Studies Group (SSG), and co-led the 10-person cell reporting directly to the CSAF on the U.S. Air Force’s prioritized strategic issues. Working closely with sister services, the Interagency, and “think tanks” (the Brookings Institution, the Heritage Foundation, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Center for a New American Security), he was the SSG Lead for the U.S. Air Force/U.S. Navy Air Sea Battle, the U.S. Air Force’s Director for the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force-tasked, RAND Corporation-produced Libya Air War After Action Report, and was also responsible for the U.S. Air Force’s Innovation Cells during the Strategic Choices and Management Review, and final Quadrennial Defense Review.
Earlier career assignments include Senior Intelligence Officer in the U.S. Southern Command Commander’s Innovation Cell, Senior Air Analyst in the Air Force Intelligence Analysis Agency, Air and Air Defense Analyst at Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, and an Air Tactics Analyst at Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe.
Mr. Fishpaugh is a 38-year Air Force Civilian Intelligence Analyst and a Defense Intelligence Senior Leader since 2021. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History from the University of Maryland; a Master of Arts Degree in International Relations from Troy State University; is a graduate of the USAF Air War College; the Senior Executive Fellowship Program at the Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government; and the Federal Executive Institute’s Leadership in a Democratic Society. He has received numerous individual and team awards including two Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Awards, a Department of Defense Medal for Exceptional Civilian Service, two Director of National Intelligence Intelligence Professional Awards (one for Intelligence Integration in 2010 and one for Mission Integration in 2020), and a Joint Service Commendation Award for his work while deployed to Operation INHERENT RESOLVE.

Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski

Air & Missile Department Chief, Polish Armed Forces
Brigadier General Kazimierz  Dynski

Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski

Air and Missile Defence Department Chief, Polish Armed Forces
Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski

Kazimierz Dynski earned his commission from the Radar Engineering Military School. He is graduated from the National Defence University and the Air War College.
He started his career in Air Defence as a targeting officer up to A3 Division Chief of the POLAF HQ. He served as A7 Division Chief at the CC Air HQ Ramstein and J7 Deputy Chief the General Staff of the PAF, Deputy Chief of Staff - J3 Division Chief of the GENCOM and Director of the National Military Standardization Committee. He was assigned as commander of the 3rd Air Defence Brigade.

Captain (Ret.) Dariusz Wichniarek

VP Business Development, Advanced Protection Systems SA
Captain (Ret.) Dariusz Wichniarek

CAPTAIN (Navy) Ret. Dariusz Wichniarek is a director of Business Development in Advanced Protection Systems in Gdynia, Poland. He is a retired officer of the Naval Special Operations Forces, former commander of the Naval Special Operations Unit “Formoza”. He graduated from the Military Academy (Engineering) in Wroclaw, the University of Technology in Gdansk, the Naval Academy in Gdynia, the Joint Special Operations University at Hurlburt Field (now Tampa), the National Defense University in Washington, DC, and the Naval War College in Newport, RI, USA.
CAPT Dariusz Wichniarek was appointed to numerous positions in the Polish Navy and Special Operations Forces: a platoon leader in the Military Diving Center in Gdynia, a commander of the Combat Diving Group, an underwater demolition and weaponry systems
officer, a senior specialist of the Naval Special Operations Department in the Navy HQ in Gdynia. In 2007 he was appointed a head of the Operational Planning Department in the newly created Polish Special Operations Forces Command HQ (POL SOFCOM). In 2009 he became a commander of the Naval Special Operations Unit “Formoza” (NSOU). In the years 2013/2014, as the first Pole, he served on the chief of staff position in the newly created NATO Special Operations Component Command in Afghanistan (NSOCC-A). From 2015 to 2018 he performed his duties as a director of the Strategy and Defense Planning Department in the Ministry of the National Defense in Warsaw, Poland. After retirement in 2018 he has held managerial positions in business, focusing on business development, protection and defense concepts, and implementation of modern technologies in security systems of critical infrastructure.
CAPT Dariusz Wichniarek completed numerous specialist courses in the country and abroad, which include: combat diving course, underwater demolitions course, special warfare course, parachute course, NATO Combined Joint Forces Special Operations Component Command Staff Officer Course, NATO CJFSOCC Operational Planning Course, Security Stability Transition and Reconstruction Course, Special Operations Combating Terrorism Course, NSOCC-A Staff Course, ISAF SOF Predeployment Training.
His awards include: a gold medal "For Merit for National Defense," silver medal "Armed Forces in the National Service ", "Star of Afghanistan", "Non-Article 5 NATO Medal", US medal "The Legion of Merit ".

Christian Bach

North America Account Manager, Robin Radar Systems BV
Christian Bach

Christian C. Bach serves as the North American Account Manager for Robin Radar Systems, leveraging over two decades of distinguished service as a Special Agent in the U.S. Secret Service. With an extensive background in counter-unmanned aircraft systems (CUAS), physical security, and federal law enforcement, Christian is a trusted expert in protecting critical infrastructure and ensuring public safety.

During his tenure with the Secret Service, Christian led pivotal initiatives in the CUAS and Radio-Controlled IED Countermeasure branches within the Technical Security Division. His hands-on experience and leadership in these cutting-edge fields have equipped him with a deep understanding of the operational challenges faced by U.S. government agencies and critical infrastructure operators.

Christian's career has been defined by his ability to anticipate emerging threats and implement innovative solutions. This expertise aligns seamlessly with Robin Radar’s mission to provide advanced radar technology that addresses evolving CUAS challenges for government and commercial customers.

At Robin Radar, Christian is committed to building trusted partnerships and delivering tailored solutions to help safeguard critical infrastructure across North America. His insider perspective as a former federal agent ensures he brings both strategic insight and practical solutions to the table.


Colonel Adam M. Miller

Deputy Director for Directed Energy C-sUAS, RCCTO, US Army
Colonel Adam M. Miller

Colonel Miller is the Deputy Director for the Army’s Directed Energy Prototype Office, within the Army’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO). He leads and advises the development, integration, testing, and fielding of multiple laser weapon systems in support of Joint, Army, and Combatant Command priorities. He is a graduate of the US Army War College, Carlisle, PA.

He received his commission in the Air Defense Artillery from Ohio University in 2001. His initial assignment was in the 3rd Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 10th Mountain Division (Light), Fort Drum, NY where he served as platoon leader and deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

In 2004, Colonel Miller was assigned to 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, Republic of South Korea (later Fort Lewis, WA) where he served as assistant operations officer and battalion logistics officer. In 2007, he assumed command of Foxtrot Company, 3d Battalion, 13th Infantry Regiment, Fort Jackson, SC.

His follow-on assignments include: Program Integrator for Bradley Fighting Vehicle and Paladin Integrated Management System, Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) BAE Systems, York, PA; Program Manager at United States Forces Command-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), DCMA-Afghanistan; Chief of Programs, DCMA New Cumberland, New Cumberland Army Depot, PA; Assistant Product Manager for PATRIOT Advanced Capability Three (PAC-3), Huntsville, AL; Assistant Product Manager for Integrated Air & Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS) Modernization, Huntsville, AL; Department of the Army System Coordinator for Counter-Rocket, Artillery, & Mortar (C-RAM), Pentagon; Special Assistant to the Director of the Army Staff, Executive Communication and Control, Office of the Army Chief of Staff, Pentagon; Product Manager, Integrated Fires Mission Command Software, Huntsville, AL; Executive Officer to the Director of the RCCTO and later Project Manager, Counter-small-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-sUAS) High Energy Lasers, RCCTO, Huntsville, AL.

Colonel Miller holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Clemson University. Other education includes the Air Defense Artillery Officer Basic Course, Short Range Air Defense Officer Course, Marine Corps Expeditionary Warfare School, Command and General Staff College, and multiple Army Acquisition courses.

His awards include the Bronze Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and Army Achievement Medal. He wears the Army Parachutist Badge and Army Staff Identification Badge.

He and his family reside in Madison, AL.

Colonel Adam Miller

PM for Directed Energy C-sUAS, US Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO)
Colonel Adam Miller

Colonel Chris Labbé

Head of the Canadian Joint C-UAS Office, Chief of Combat Systems Integration, Canadian Armed Forces
Colonel Chris Labbé

From Québec City, Québec, Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) Labbé joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 2005, attending the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston, Ontario where he received a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

After completing Aerospace Engineering Officer training in 2011, he joined the project team responsible for bringing the CC130J Hercules into service as a System Engineering Officer and subsequently transferred to the Weapon System Management office.

He was posted to 8 Wing Trenton, Ontario in 2015 where he performed the duties of Senior Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Officer as well as Operations Officer at 424 (Transport and Rescue) Squadron. During his five years supporting Search and Rescue (SAR), LCol Labbé had to opportunity to participate in multiple SAR operations including as an Air Task Force Commander for a major search.
Deploying to the 609th Air Operations Center of the United States Air Force in 2018, he contributed to coalition operations in Southwest Asia by fulfilling the duties of Chief of Air Tasking Order Coordination and Master Air Attack Planner.

Employed in the Royal Canadian Air Force Headquarters from 2021 to 2024, he served as the Director of Air and Space Programmes managing the Force Development coordination and capital investment portfolios, as well as spearheading Counter-Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) capability development.
In July 2024, LCol Labbé moved to the office of the Chief of Combat Systems Integration as the first Head of the Canadian Joint C-UAS Office.

LCol Labbé holds a Master’s degree in Engineering Management from the University of Ottawa. He has completed the Canadian Forces College Joint Command and Staff Programme Advanced Joint Warfighting Studies stream, obtaining a Master’s of Defence Studies from the Royal Military College of Canada.
LCol Labbé is married to a serving Canadian Armed Forces officer, and they have two lovely children.

Colonel Glenn A. Henke

46th Commandant, USAADASCH, Chief of Air Defence Artillery and Deputy Commanding Officer, FCoE and Fort Sill, OK, U.S. Army Air Defence Artillery School
Colonel Glenn A. Henke

Colonel Glenn Henke serves as the 46th Commandant of the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery, Chief of Air Defense Artillery, and Deputy Commanding Officer of the Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill, Oklahoma. His prior assignment was as the Military Deputy Director, Joint Counter-sUAS Office (JCO) in the Pentagon.
Born and raised in Boise, Idaho, COL Henke entered active duty in 1997 after graduating from Seattle University. As a lieutenant, he served as an Avenger/Stinger platoon leader in the 82nd Airborne Division and aide to the XVIII Airborne Corps Chief of Staff. As a captain, he served in the 1st Infantry Division as Assistant S-3, Operations Officer for Task Force Falcon in Kosovo, battalion S-3, and battery commander in Operation Iraqi Freedom II.
Following battery command, COL Henke served with the TRADOC Capability Manager for Ballistic Missile Defense in Arlington, VA, the 82nd Airborne Division Chief of Future Plans in Afghanistan, battalion executive officer at Fort Bragg, and on a Joint Test in support of NORAD and USNORTHCOM.
COL Henke commanded 1-43 ADA at Fort Bliss, then served as G-3 for the 32d AAMDC. As a colonel, he served as the Missile Defense Division Chief for CFC & USKF, commanded the 35th ADA Brigade in South Korea, and served as the Deputy Commanding Officer for 32d AAMDC.
COL Henke holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Seattle University, a Master of Arts in International Security Studies from Kansas State University, a Master in Military Art and Science from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and a Master of Science in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College. He is a graduate of the ADA Officer Basic Course, the Armor Captains Career Course, CGSOC, SAMS, and the Army War College.
COL Henke’s military awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, with campaign and service medals for Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, and the Global War on Terror. COL Henke is a master rated parachutist and holds the Army Basic Space Badge.
COL Henke married Katherine Anselmo from Spokane, Washington, in 1997, and they have two teenage daughters.

Colonel Guy Yelverton

Deputy for Acquisition Systems Management DASM and Program Manager, Integrated Fires and Rapid Capability Office IFRCO, PEO Missiles and Space
Colonel Guy Yelverton

Colonel Guy Yelverton, III was commissioned a Field Artillery Officer upon graduation from Texas A&M University in 1996 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering. After completion of the Field Artillery Basic Course, Colonel Yelverton was assigned as the Fire Support Officer for Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 9th US Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division, Ft. Hood, Texas. He next served as the Fire Direction Officer and then Platoon Leader for Alpha Battery, 2nd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery, after which he was selected to serve as the Aide-de-Camp for the Commanding General, Test and Experimentation Command, Ft. Hood, Texas. After attending the Captain’s Career Course, he served as the Battalion Fire Direction Officer for 1st Battalion, 15th Field Artillery. Colonel Yelverton then assumed
command of Bravo Battery, 1st Battalion, 15th Field Artillery on 19 June 2001. Bravo Battery was recognized as runner-up for the 2002 Henry Knox Award (best battery in the Army). Upon relinquishing command in 2003, he moved to Fort Belvoir to serve as the Battalion S3 for the USAG Headquarters Battalion. In 2005, he was selected to join the Army Acquisition Corps and attend Advanced Civil Schooling where he earned a Master of Arts degree with Honors in Computer Resource Information Management from Webster University. He was then assigned as the Strategic Planning Division Chief for the Ballistic Missile Defense System Operational Test Agency, Army Evaluation Center, Army Test and Evaluation Command. Colonel Yelverton next served as an Assistant Product Manager for Soldier Precision Targeting Devices in PEO Soldier. He next deployed to Afghanistan as the Executive Officer and Chief of Acquisition and Contracts for Task Force Biometrics, Combined Joint Interagency Task Force 435. Colonel Yelverton was next selected as a Department of the Army Systems Coordinator for Program Executive Officer Missiles and Space and the Space and Missile Defense Command in the office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology. He was next selected as a Special Assistant to the Director of the Army Staff in the Executive Communications and Control for the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army and later selected to serve as a Special Assistant and Acquisition Advisor to the Vice Chief of Staff, Army. Colonel Yelverton was the Product Manager of the Re-designed Kill Vehicle program at the Missile Defense Agency. He previously served as the Project Manager for Strategic and Operational Rockets and Missiles at PEO Missiles and Space. He is currently assigned as the Project Manager for Integrated Fires and Rapid Capability Office at PEO Missiles and Space and also serves as the acting Deputy for Acquisition and Systems Management. Colonel Yelverton’s military education includes the Field Artillery Officer Basic Course (Commandant’s List), Field Artillery Captain’s Career Course (Honor Graduate), Combined Arms and Services Staff School, Army Acquisition Basic Course (Distinguished Graduate), Intermediate Contracting Course (Honor Graduate), Intermediate Level Education, the Acquisition Intermediate Qualification Course, the DAU Program Manager’s Course, and the Air War College with Academic Distinction. Colonel Yelverton’s decorations include the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal with four oak leaf clusters, the Army Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters, the Joint Service Achievement Medal with one oak leaf cluster, the Army Achievement Medal with seven oak leaf clusters, the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, the ISAF NATO Medal, the Joint Meritorious Unit Award with two oak leaf clusters, the Army Superior Unit Award, the Basic Space Badge, and the Army Staff Identification Badge. He has also received the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara and the Noble Patron of Armor awards.

Colonel Shaun S. Conlin

Director, ACM-IBCT
Colonel Shaun S. Conlin

Colonel Tony Behrens

Executive Director, Joint Program Office-Guam Defense System, Headquarters - Department of the Army
Colonel Tony Behrens

Colonel Tony Behrens serves the Executive Director for the Guam Defense System Joint Program Office, Headquarters, Department of the Army in Huntsville, Alabama. His chief responsibility is to lead and synchronize the Joint Force and Integrated Air & Missile Defense (IAMD) enterprise to support the defense of Guam. A career Air Defender, COL Behrens spent the last decade influencing strategic and national Joint Fires and IAMD priorities, requirements, operational concepts, capability development, integration and warfighter advocacy from various positions, to include Army Capability Manager for Army Air & Missile Defense Commands (Army Futures Command); Director, Army Fires Capabilities Development & Integration Directorate (Army Futures Command); Deputy Director, Joint Integrated Air & Missile Defense Organization (Joint Staff, Pentagon), and Senior Advisor to the Air & Missile Defense Cross Functional Team (Army Futures Command). In 2017, COL Behrens developed the Army’s initial vision for the Multi-Domain Task Force. At the Joint Staff, COL Behrens contributed to policy decisions and the strategy to equip and integrate Ukrainian air defenses by advising national and operational leaders. He also led the Joint IAMD enterprise in support of Air & Cruise Missile Defense of the Homelands and the Defense of Guam by developing a process to synchronize and prioritize global joint IAMD requirements. COL Behrens first commanded in combat as a battery commander of the Army’s newest Patriot advanced capability in 2002-2003. He has since commanded and led staffs in combat in support of multiple named operations. His service at the JPO will culminate over 30 years in uniform.

Colonel Yuka Nakazato

Air and Space Attache, Embassy of Japan in the US, Japan Air Self-Defense Force
Colonel Yuka Nakazato

Colonel Yuka Nakazato serves as Air and Space Attaché at the Embassy of Japan in the US. She is the first woman to serve as a defense attaché to the US for Japan. She has made her career as a Weapon control officer responsible for air defense operations in the Japan Air Self-Defense Force with 20 years of service. She graduated Air Command Staff Course at the US Air Force University in Montgomery, Alabama and she has over 10 years of experience working related to Japan-U.S. defense cooperation.


Networking Reception, Crystal City Sports Pub

David Goldstein

C-UAS Lead, US Army DEVCOM Armaments Center
David Goldstein

Mr. David Goldstein graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, NJ) with a Bachelors and Masters of Mechanical Engineering in 2007 and from Fairleigh Dickinson University (Madison, NJ) with a Masters of Business Administration in 2014. He has spent his entire career at US Army DEVCOM Armaments Center in Picatinny Arsenal, NJ and has developed ballistic C-sUAS systems for the last decade. He is the lead for C-sUAS at Armaments Center and a co-chair of the Tri-Service Counter-Swarming Working Group.

David W. Morrison

Vice President, Surveillance Radars, Weibel Scientific A/S
David W. Morrison

David W. Morrison is the Vice-President of Surveillance Radars for Weibel Scientific, North America. Since retiring from the U.S. Army in June of 2017 after 32 years of service, David has worked in the Defense Industry in various Strategy and Business positions (GDMS, Raytheon) supporting vehicle and systems integration for ISR and EW systems. David is a former Army Military Intelligence Officer with experience in the Army, Special Operations, and Joint Intelligence. He has led at every echelon from Battalion to Theater Army Service Component as the Senior Intelligence Officer (S2/G2/J2). He has multiple Combat deployments: Combat Jump into Panama during Operation JUST CAUSE; two deployments into Bosnia during Operation JOINT GUARDIAN for the hunt of Persons Indicted for War Crimes (PIFWICSs); a myriad of deployments into Afghanistan for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM as Ranger Task Force S2, CJTF-76 J2 (10th Mountain Division), and CJSOTF J2; the invasion of Iraq and follow-on deployments during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM; and culminating his career as the JSOC J2 for critical National mission sets and finally as the US Army Pacific G2 as the Army Senior Intelligence Officer for the Indo-Pacific Theater.

DJ Smith

Technical Surveillance Agent Unmanned Aerial & CUAS Program Coordinator, Virginia State Police
DJ Smith

DJ Smith is a Technical Surveillance Agent for the Virginia State Police and has worked in the area of Covert Technical/Tactical Surveillance for almost 30 years. Several areas of specialty are GPS Installs, Video-Audio Clarification, Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM), Title III Intercepts, Mesh-Node Camera Deployments, Technical/Tactical Lock Bypass & Safe Penetration including GSA locks & containers, Cellular Tracking and Geo-Locating, Covert Audio/Video deployments, sUAS & Counter UAS deployment operations to name a few.

In the area of sUAS and Counter UAS Operations:

  • He is the Unmanned Aerial Systems Program Coordinator for sUAS & Counter UAS operations for the Virginia State Police
  • He serves on the Virginia Safe and Secure Commonwealth Sub-Panel dealing with UAS/Counter UAS implementation and legislative issues for the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • Has served as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on various technologies for the DHS office of Electronic Surveillance, Law Enforcement Technology Board (SPAWARS Atlantic & Saver program).
  • As a representative of the Virginia State Police, he is a stakeholder on the Mid-Atlantic UAS Partnership group (Google Wing) at Virginia Tech for Commercial/Enterprise UAS deliveries.
  • He has served on the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate First Responder Robotic Operational System Test (FFROST) assessment & evaluations of sUAS for Public Safety.
  • He has presented and moderated discussions at: Semi-Annual Counter UAS Summit in Washington DC, AUVSI Xponential, Commercial UAV Expo, Center for Innovative Technology and various agencies across the US.
  • He also provides technical advice to legislative groups in Washington, DC assisting in getting the legislative carve-outs for SLTT agencies to obtain sUAS mitigation technology.
  • He is also licensed part 107 pilot and has been flying sUAS for over 13 years.

Donald Shiffler

Chief Scientist for Directed Energy, US Air Force Research Laboratory
Donald Shiffler

Dr Craig Robin

Chief Executive Officer, EO Solutions
Dr Craig Robin

Dr. Craig A Robin is the Chief Executive Officer and owner of EO Solutions. Founded in 2022, EO Solutions is a physics and engineering company with technical and programmatic expertise in providing electro-optical technology solutions for multi-domain warfighting capability gaps.

Prior to starting EO Solutions, Dr. Robin was the Director of the Directed Energy Project Office within the Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO), Redstone Arsenal, Al. In that position, Dr. Robin was responsible for oversight and execution of research, development, prototyping, test, evaluation, procurement and fielding directed energy technologies and capabilities that address immediate, near-term, and mid-term threats, consistent with the Army’s modernization priorities.
Dr. Craig A. Robin was appointed as a Senior Scientific Professional (ST) in August 2017, and served as Senior Research Scientist (Directed Energy Applications), Technical Center, United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command/ Army Forces Strategic Command. In this role, Dr. Robin was responsible for the overview, execution, and coordination of programs in basic research, exploratory development, advanced development, and system integration in the technological and functional areas of directed energy weapons necessary to advance the pioneering development of revolutionary military systems and equipment.
Dr. Robin previously worked with Lockheed Martin Laser and Sensor Systems in Bothell, Washington as a Research Scientist from October of 2013 to August of 2017. Prior to that, Dr. Robin spent 10 years, from 2003 to 2013, as a Research Physicist and graduate student with the Air Force Research Laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Dr. Robin holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon; a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico; and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Mexico.
Dr. Robin is a member of the Directed Energy Professional Society, the Optical Society of America, the International Society for Optics and Photonics, and the Association of the United States Army.

Dr Daniel Guillette

Program Manager, HPEM Weapon System Transition, High Power Electromagnetics Division, US Air Force Research Laboratory
Dr Daniel Guillette

Daniel Guillette is an Electronics Engineer for the Air Force Research Laboratory's High Power Electromagnetics Division. He joined AFRL as a student in 2011 before becoming a full-time employee in 2014. He received his B.S. and M.S. In Electrical Engineering from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in 2012 and 2014, and his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Mexico in 2022. Dr. Guillette has held a number of jobs in his 12 years at AFRL most notably as the THOR System Principal Investigator.

Dr Donald Shiffler

Chief Scientist for Directed Energy, US Air Force Research Laboratory
Dr Donald Shiffler

Dr Kimberly Sablon

Principal Director, Trusted Artificial Intelligence & Autonomy, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering/Critical Technologies Department
Dr Kimberly Sablon

Dr. Kimberly Sablon is the Principal Director for Trusted AI and Autonomy at the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E)). In this role, she oversees AI/ML and autonomy research activities across the DOD enterprise. She also has responsibility for shaping the strategic direction for integrated AI and autonomy with an emphasis on trust and responsible decision making. Previously, Dr. Sablon served as the Army’s S&T Director – setting strategic direction and with responsibility and oversight of $2.6B per year budget. She also served as the Director for Basic Research in the office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology where she was responsible for formulating and defending selected basic research budgets, programs, plans, priorities and investments to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), and to Congress. Dr. Sablon received a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from the University of Arkansas in 2009. She has published more than 70 peer-reviewed papers and contributed to nine scientific and technical books.

Dr Shankha Mallick

COO, Skycope Technologies Inc.
Dr Shankha Mallick

Dr. Shankha Mallick is the Chief Operating Officer of SKYCOPE, a global leader in advanced
RF-based counter-UAS technology. He oversees strategic operations, product innovation, and
international partnerships, driving the development of AI-powered RF systems that can detect,
identify, and track over 450 UAV models—including most of the COTS, MOTS, DIYs, and
FPVs— ALL in a compact, wearable form. His leadership has solidified SKYCOPE’s reputation
as a global frontrunner in drone defense technology.
Dr. Mallick holds a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of British
Columbia (UBC) and has previously served as faculty at UBC and the Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology. With 23 IEEE publications, three book chapters, and a patent, he
is a recognized expert in RF AI, C-UAS technologies, and wireless communications.

Dr Tom Driscoll

CTO, Echodyne
Dr Tom Driscoll

Tom Driscoll is a technologist, inventor, and entrepreneur with a drive to advance the art of the possible. Currently, Dr. Driscoll serves as Founder and CTO of Echodyne, the Seattle startup bringing breakthrough radar capability to meet commercial, and defense needs across autonomy, security, and intelligence markets. Prior to Echodyne, Tom was Managing Director of the Metamaterials Commercialization Center, the technology incubator which launched the words first metamaterials-enabled ventures. Dr. Driscoll is a named inventor on over 100 patents, has co-founded five startups, and served on the board of directors of four. Tom holds a PhD in physics from UCSD, a B.S. in Physics from Harvey Mudd

Erik Grant

VP, C-UxS Solutions, CACI
Erik Grant

Mr. Erik Grant is the Vice President for the Counter Uncrewed Systems (C-UxS) Solutions Division at CACI. Mr. Grant oversees a team of 250+ program managers, engineers, and technologists developing sophisticated systems to detect and defend against unmanned system threats. Mr. Grant’s division develops the Skytracker™ portfolio of C-UxS systems which provides industry leading detection, tracking, identification, deterrence, and defeat of unmanned systems to multiple U.S. Government organizations. SkyTracker™ systems employ radio frequency (RF), radar, and electro optical / infrared (EO/IR) sensors, automated command and control software, and sophisticated electronic defeat techniques to protect critical U.S. Government installations. His division also designs, develops, manufactures, and sustains other tactical SIGINT / electronic warfare (EW) systems for various Department of Defense (DoD) organizations.
He joined CACI in October 2020 as the Chief Engineer for the Advanced Solutions Group (ASG) which focuses on end-to-end space system solutions, critical space and launch infrastructure sustainment and operational support, specialized mission expertise, collection/mission management, mission processing, rapid prototyping, agile development, threat detection/mitigation, data fusion, RF/signal exploitation, activity-based intelligence, data visualization tools, and analytics. Mr. Grant provided technical oversight of engineering activities across the operating group, focusing on the development of innovative solutions to challenging customer problems. He was promoted to Vice President and assumed responsibility for the ASG C-UxS Solutions Division in August 2021.
Prior to joining CACI, Mr. Grant spent 16 years at Raytheon Technologies in multiple business and engineering leadership roles. During his time at Raytheon, Mr. Grant blended technical acumen and strategic business development experience to capture and execute complex technology development programs. As a Raytheon Engineering Fellow Mr. Grant served in several senior technical leadership positions including Chief Engineer for the Defense and Civil Solutions business area and Technical Director for the Mission Support and Modernization product line and before that the Intelligence Processing and Exploitation business area. Mr. Grant received certifications as a strategic capture manager and as a program manager.
Prior to his time at Raytheon, Mr. Grant worked for CAE-Link, Lockheed Martin, and Orincon Corporation in various engineering leadership roles and supported multiple Intelligence Community and Department of Defense programs.
Mr. Grant earned his B.S. degree with Honors in Aerospace Engineering and Master of Science in Engineering Science from the Pennsylvania State University.

Garry P. Bishop, SES

Deputy Director, Land and Expeditionary Warfare, Director, Operational Test and Evaluation Office of the Secretary of Defense
Garry P. Bishop, SES

After a multi-decade career of service to the nation, Mr. Garry P. Bishop was promoted to the Senior Executive Service in December 2022 and appointed DOT&E Deputy Director for Land and Expeditionary Warfare. In this capacity, he is responsible for the oversight and adequacy of operational test and evaluation for land force capabilities, including ground vehicles and platforms, rotary-wing aviation, tactical unmanned aerial systems, command, control and communications systems, force protection systems, and artillery, mortars and missiles. Mr. Bishop was commissioned at the United States Military Academy in May 1985 as a lieutenant in Armor. During his 27 years of distinguished Army service, he held numerous key assignments, including: Armored Company Commander during Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm; Executive Officer, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division; Commander, 1-37 Armor Regiment during its 15-month Operation Iraqi Freedom deployment in Baghdad and Karbala; and Aide de Camp, United States Security Coordinator, Israel-Palestinian Authority (later, Deputy Commander, U.S. European Command). These critical experiences continue to inform his warfighter-centric approach to operational test and evaluation. Following his retirement in the grade of colonel, Mr. Bishop chose to continue supporting national defense by joining DOT&E as a civilian military analyst and interdisciplinary engineer. During his 10 years in this position, Mr. Bishop was responsible for the evaluation of most land-based ground combat systems. He also led development of a new Department of Defense Instruction for test and evaluation, which encompasses developmental, operational, and integrated test and evaluation. In addition, he developed DOD’s Test and Evaluation Guidebook and was instrumental in crafting the 2022 DOT&E Strategy Update and its implementation plan. Mr. Bishop is a native of Philadelphia. He holds a Bachelor of Science from the United States Military Academy, a master’s degree in industrial engineering from New Mexico State University, and a Master of National Security Strategies from the National Defense University. His many awards and decorations include the Presidential Unit Citation, Joint Meritorious Unit Award with one oak leaf cluster, the Army Superior Unit Award, the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal with Valor Device, the Bronze Star Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the Meritorious Service Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Commendation Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Achievement Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, the Southwest Asia Service Ribbon with three Bronze Stars, the Iraq Campaign Medal with two Bronze Stars, and the National Defense Service Medal with Bronze Star.

Group Captain Gary Darby

Deputy Head UK Joint C-UAS Office, UK Ministry of Defence
Group Captain Gary Darby

Gus Anderson

CUAS Security Specialist, Transport Security Administration (TSA)
Gus Anderson

Jeffrey Starr

Chief Marketing Officer, D-Fend Solutions
Jeffrey Starr

Jeffrey Starr is the Chief Marketing Officer at D-Fend Solutions, a leading global provider of RF-cyber counter-drone solutions for sensitive and challenging environments. Jeffrey is a frequent writer, speaker, and evangelist on next generation C-UAS/counter-drone technology topics. He has authored numerous articles and has been interviewed on the topic in many professional, technical, trade and news publications. Jeffrey brings a record of generating new defense and security technology adoption with thought leadership, visionary strategies, and insightful direction for rapid and sustained growth. Jeffrey has served in CMO and executive roles for fast growing companies in the security, public safety, defense, compliance, and risk management sectors – including AlgoSec, Cellebrite, Verisk 3E, Magic Software Enterprises and Amdocs. Jeffrey also served as General Partner at Mission Ventures Venture Capital and as an Analyst at Booz Allen.

Julie Balduf

Deputy Chief, CUAS Division, US Air Forces Central (AFCENT/A3B)
Julie Balduf

Ms. Balduf is the Deputy Chief of the CUAS Base Defense Branch for AFCENT, working within the CENTCOM AOR to ensure our bases have the appropriate CUAS for their given threats. She and her team lead a bi-weekly TS CUAS/CLACM VTC that is always looking for more participation to help define the threat and determine the gaps in coverage and defeat capabilities. She works extensively with numerous outside agencies to ensure the entire community of interest is tied together on the same path. Prior to her current position, Ms. Balduf graduated from the Air Force Academy and was an Air Battle Manager, serving in Germany (NATO), Korea and CONUS. In addition, she finished her active duty time at Shaw, working for AFCENT in the Personnel Recovery Branch, Airfields and C2 Branch and as the Deputy Chief of Staff.

Kris Brost

General Manager North America, Robin Radar Systems BV
Kris Brost

Kris Brost is the General Manager for Robin Radar USA Inc., where he leads the expansion and optimization of U.S. operations. He began his distinguished career as a U.S. Marine Communications and Cybersecurity Officer, serving tours in Iraq and the Pentagon, where he played a pivotal role in integrating joint common operational picture efforts. With over 20 years of experience in the government innovation ecosystem, Kris has been a key player in both startups and large corporations, focusing on radio and SATCOM communications, artificial intelligence, and research and development. His firsthand experiences in Iraq, where he encountered critical technology gaps, fuel his passion for enhancing US and NATO partner's ability to defend their people and homelands.

Larry Satterfield

Vice President, International Sales, BlueHalo, LLC
Larry Satterfield

Larry Satterfield served as an airborne electronic warfare officer in the United States Marine Corps, deploying to Iraq, Qatar, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Turkey, and Japan. He spent two years as a liaison to the Department of State, developing international C-UAS policy, before retiring in 2021. Larry has been a part of BlueHalo’s international sales team since February 2023.

Lieutenant Colonel Josh Mickle

SO1 CUAS Modernisation, Australian Army
Lieutenant Colonel Josh Mickle

Lieutenant Colonel Mickle is an infantry officer who has served in various roles since graduating from RMC in 2005. His experience spans Platoon and Company Command, Military Instruction, project management, operational analysis, and capability development. He has participated in several operational deployments, including OP SLIPPER, VIC FIRES ASSIST, PARAPET and RESOLUTE.
Over a twenty-year career, he has received several recognitions for his contributions to Army and Defence. In 2015, he received an Army Bronze Commendation for designing Army’s Regional Force Surveillance Group contribution to OP RESOLUTE. In 2018, he received an Army Silver Commendation for his leadership as a company commander. In 2022, during a posting to VCDF Executive as an operational analyst, he was part of a team who received a VCDF group gold commendation for their contribution to improving Joint Force Interoperability.
Lieutenant Colonel Mickle has experience in the Land 400 phase 3 acquisition program for Army’s future infantry fighting vehicle in which he is currently working in the Army’s Robotics and Autonomous Systems Implementation and Coordination Office (RICO), where developed a new road map for an improved culture of innovation and agile thinking in the Army to align with the Chief of Army’s vision for enterprise innovation. As the lead for Army Innovation, he sponsored the Army MakerSpace program as Army’s innovation collaboration software and Army Innovation Day. He is a conduit to the Advanced Strategic Capabilities Accelerator (ASCA) to represent Army’s interests in pursuing emerging technologies from Australian industry and academia.
Lieutenant Colonel Mickle is currently the Project Lead for Land 156, Army’s accelerated Counter Small Uncrewed Aerial Systems project responsible to deliver cutting edge technology solutions to protect deployed forces from the threat of drones and autonomous systems.
Lieutenant Colonel Mickle is a Capability and Technology Management College graduate with a Masters of Business and a Masters of Capability Management. He is also a qualified Test and Evaluation practitioner, experienced Operational Analysis practitioner and a Certified Practicing Project Manager with the Australian Institute of Project Management.
Lieutenant Colonel Mickle is married to his wife of 14 years Katey, and has two children Harriet (10) and Wallace (8) at primary school in Canberra.

Lieutenant Colonel Rudiger Rauch

Assistant Branch Chief, Federal Ministry of Defense, Germany
Lieutenant Colonel Rudiger Rauch

Assistant Branch Chief Strategy and Operations Directorate I 6, C-sUAS, NATO Biometrics, Data Protection Military Intelligence, Federal Ministry of Defense, Germany
Lieutenant Colonel Rudiger Rauch was born on May 08th 1968 in Harderberg near Osnabrueck Lower Saxonia.
1988 Airforce Basic Training Essen-Kupferdreh
1992 67. Officercourse Airforce Officerschool Fuerstenfeldbruck
1994 Electronic Warfare Officer Course Airforce Technical School Lechfeld
1994 - 2000 Electronic Warfare Officer (Duty Officer COMINT, Platoonleader)
Signal Sector D, Berlin-Gatow
2000 - 2002 Electronic Warfare Officer, Desk Officer
German Airforce Command A3Va, Cologne
2002 - 2003 Electronic Warfare Officer, Desk Officer
Strategic Reconnaissance Command, Directorate Future Development, Equipment Department, Rheinbach
2003 - 2006 Sector Commander
3./COMINT Bn 911, Stadum
2006 - 2009 Teaching Staff Officer Airforce
Strategic Reconnaissance School, Flensburg
2009 - 2012 J3 and Deputy Commander
COMINT Bn 911, Stadum
2012 - 2013 Deputy Commander and J3
Signal Analysis Center 91, Flensburg
2013 - 2014 Group Leader 4 Technical Analysis and Head of COMINT Department
Bundeswehr SIGINT Technical Analysis Center (BwSTAC), Hof
05/2014 – 07/2018 Assistant Branch Chief for the authorised representative FMOD within the Paliamentary Inquiry Council, SME SIGINT
FMOD Berlin
08/2018 – 10/2018 Assistant Branch Chief Strategy and Operations Directorate II 4, EUTM MLI
FMOD Berlin
11/2018 – 07/2019 Assistant Branch Chief Strategy and Operations Directorate I 1, C-sUAS, NATO Biometrics, Data Protection Military Intelligence FMOD, Berlin
07/2019 –
today Assistant Branch Chief Strategy and Operations Directorate I 6, C-sUAS, NATO Biometrics, Data Protection Military Intelligence
FMOD, Berlin

Lieutenant Commander Phillip Durand

Project Director – Electromagnetic Systems and C-UxS, Director of Naval Requirements, Royal Canadian Navy
Lieutenant Commander Phillip Durand

LCdr Phillip Durand joined the Royal Canadian Navy in 2003. After graduating from RMC, he was posted to HMCS Athabaskan as a Bridge Watchkeeper, then as the ship’s Navigating Officer. In 2011, LCdr Durand return to RMC as a Squadron Commander, where he concurrently completed his Masters in Disaster Management. In 2013, he was posted to HMCS Montreal as the ship’s Combat Officer, in which he oversaw several different missions, including the At-Sea Demonstration for MTMD. In 2016, he was posted to Ottawa in various roles, including positions at Strategic Joint Staff, CFINTCOM and at the Director of Naval Requirements.

Maarten van den Oeve

Scientist, NATO Communications and Information Agency
Maarten van den Oeve

Maarten van den Oever

Scientist, NATO Communications and Information Agency
Maarten van den Oever

Maarten van den Oever was born in 1985 in the Netherlands. His BEng he obtained in the topic of cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum usage. He received his Masters degree in electrical engineering with specialization remote sensing and telecommunications from the Delft University of Technology in 2012 with a thesis on Space-Based FMCW SAR Systems. After working on instrument pre development the European Space Agency and on EW systems at the Dutch research agency NLR he moved to the NATO Communication and Information Agency (NCIA). Since 2021 he supports the Joint ISR Centre on Countering Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS), Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Navigational Warfare (NAVWAR). Currently he is involved in the development of STANREC 4869 to promote interoperability in the counter UAS domain.

Magnus Wallmark

EVP Worldwide Sales & Business Development, Fortem Technologies
Magnus Wallmark

Major Andrew Durfee

Assistant Product Manager, PdM Medium Caliber, PM MAS, JPEO Armaments and Ammunition
Major Andrew Durfee

MAJ Andrew F. Durfee is currently assigned to JPEO Armaments and Ammunition and PM Maneuver Ammunition Systems, where he serves as the Assistant Product Manager (APM) for PdM Medium Caliber focusing on rapidly producing proximity munitions for a C-UAS solutions. MAJ Durfee’s prior acquisition experience includes APM for PdM Terrain Shaping Obstacles, and graduate of the Naval Postgraduate School. Prior to his Acquisition career, MAJ Durfee served as a HHC Commander deployed to Iraq, and a Light Infantry commander with the 1-506IN BN, 101st ABN DIV. Additionally he served as a Mechanized Infantry Platoon Leader and HHC Executive Officer while supporting the Army’s Network Integration Evaluation at Fort Bliss, TX.

Major Jason Dempsey

Counter UAS and GBAD Capabilities Integration Officer, Capabilities Development Directorate, Combat Development & Integration, US Marine Corps
Major Jason Dempsey

Maj Dempsey commissioned in May 2005. He is a former CH-53E pilot and Air Support Control Officer. He served as the lead integrator at the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab for sUAS and CUAS from 2014-2017. Since 2020, he has been the Ground Based Air Defense and CUAS Capabilities Integration Officer at Capabilities Development Directorate. Maj Dempsey has deployed to Djibouti, Belize, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and on the USS Boxer as part of the 13th MEU. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Business from Longwood University and a Masters Degree in Business from Marshall University.

Major Michel K.C. Koopman

C-UAS Program Manager, Royal Netherlands Air Force
Major Michel K.C. Koopman

The Major Michel Koopman has been an FP officer for twenty years, the first four years as an ground defense force platoon commander. Then followed different functions as an training officer for ground defense forces and basic military personnel, in the same area’s he then did two tours as a Captain.
After a short staff tour he became an FP officer within the Army staff of an GBAD unit. At the last post before his current task, as an C-UAS program manager, he was Squadron Commander of the 640 Sqn at Airbase Volkel. Throughout the years he has been deployed to Afghanistan, Kirgizstan, Kuwait, Mali and Jordan. He’s married with Sabine and has 1 daughter of 9 years (Senna) and 1 dog (Stacey) and lives in the southern part of Holland. (Brabant)

Major Michel Koopman

C-UAS Program Manager, Royal Netherlands Air Force
Major Michel Koopman

Mario Behn

DEU VNC/Principal Scientist, Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, NCI, NATO
Mario Behn

Mario Behn is working at the NATO Communication and Information Agency (NCIA). He supports the Joint ISR Centre on Countering Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) and Navigational Warfare (NAVWAR) as a German Voluntary National Contribution (VNC). Immediately before, he was the German National Technical Expert (NATEX) for IAMD/AirC2. He is a graduate from the German Federal Civil Service Academy (Senior Track in Defence Technology and Procurement) and holds two Master degrees (Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA & Business Administration, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, Germany).

Max Cooper

Assistant Deputy, Weapons and Sensors, Surface Warfare, U.S. Navy / OPNAV N96C
Max Cooper

Maxwell L. Cooper

Assistant Deputy, Weapons and Sensors, Surface Warfare, OPNAV N96
Maxwell L. Cooper

Max is currently serving as the Assistant Deputy for Weapons and Sensors in the Surface Warfare Directorate of the OPNAV staff (OPNAV N96C). His duties include planning for and managing the development of requirements for future weapons and sensors while sustaining existing systems, ensuring the continued lethality of the surface fleet. His portfolio includes 38 different lines of effort totaling over $21B. Other assignments within the OPNAV staff include Assistant Deputy for Operations, Maintenance and Modernization (OPNAV N96G) and Ship Inactivation Manager on the CNO’s Integrated Warfare staff (OPNAV N9I).
Prior to arriving at OPNAV, Max served as the Chief of Staff for Surface Warfare (SEA 21) within the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), where he managed operations in support of the Navy’s surface ship maintenance and modernization programs, inactive ships disposal and transfer, foreign military sales fleet support, and surface training systems development. He also served as the Pre-Commissioning Manpower, Personnel, and Training Project Manager in PMS 339, Surface Training Systems, where he developed and executed manning and training plans for new construction platforms across the PEO Ships portfolio.
Max served on the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Ships) and OPNAV N96, Surface Warfare staffs, including serving as the Navy’s liaison to the Missile Defense Agency to ensure alignment between MDA, DASN (Ships), and OPNAV N96 in the development and fielding of the Navy’s afloat and ashore Ballistic Missile Defense capability in support of the European Phased Adaptive Approach.
Max holds a Master of Arts degree in National Security Studies with a focus in Terrorism and Middle Eastern Studies from American Military University, Bachelors of Arts degrees in History and Religion from the University of Rochester, and is an MIT Seminar XXI National Security Fellow. He was commissioned an officer in the United States Navy in 2003 through the University of Rochester Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps. He served on USS Decatur (DDG 73), USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), and at the Military Sealift Command.


Michael Torphy

Unit Chief / Supervisory Special Agent, UAS and Counter UAS, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Michael Torphy

Mike Powell

CUAS Executive Director, ICR, inc
Mike Powell

Mike Powell is the CUAS Executive Director at ICR, Inc., with more than 30 years of experience in delivering advanced force protection technologies to the Department of Defense (DoD).
At ICR, Mike’s primary mission is to deploy the company’s military-grade, best-in-class Cyber Takeover and Passive Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (CUAS) solutions to enable advanced air littoral defense.
Mike’s career is defined by pioneering innovations, strategic partnerships, and a deep commitment to saving lives through advanced CUAS solutions.
A proactive leader, Mike’s expertise includes DoD capture management, strategy, market entry, and product management. Throughout his career, he has successfully secured large contract awards and fostered collaborations with the DoD, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and industry partners.
As a subject matter expert on Counter Drone Technology, Mike has championed life-saving innovations and strengthened force protection capabilities that have proven crucial to deploying warfighter protection systems for the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, and industry.
In recognition of his exceptional contributions, Mike was awarded the esteemed "Innovator of the Year" award in 2014 from the state of Arizona for his work in force protection and border security.

Oren Poleg

Vice President of Strategy and Business Development, Sentrycs
Oren Poleg

Oren Poleg, US VP of Strategy and Business Development at Sentrycs and Founder and President of Cedar Strategies, is a renowned expert in navigating complex business, political, and regulatory landscapes to drive strategic growth across industries. With a distinguished career, Oren previously served as President & CEO of Israel Aerospace Industries North America, where he led U.S. operations, fostered government and industry partnerships, and advanced strategic acquisitions and sales. His prior roles include Vice President for Strategy & Business Development at Rafael USA, where he achieved groundbreaking milestones in the U.S. defense market. A former Executive Naval Officer in the IDF and a diplomat, Oren combines deep expertise in defense, aerospace, and international business. He holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland.

Rob Helweg

Senior C-UAS Manager, Royal Netherlands Air Force
Rob Helweg

Rob Helweg joined in 1992 the new formed Airmobile Brigade and was deployed in 1994 to Srebrenica in former Joegoslavia. After this tour he stayed as an reservist till present time as an warrant officer. In 2023 the Royal Netherlands Airforce (RNLAF) contracted him as an civilian on the Counterdrone program. During 2024 he is also deploying drone (UAS) within the RNLAF. At the Airmobile Brigade he is working on the same progams.
He’s married with Myrna and has 1 son of 16 year old and a daughter of 12 years and lives in the southern part of the Netherlands in the city Dordrecht.

Robert "Bob" Hribar

Acquisition and Technology Deputy Division Chief, Joint C-sUAS Office
Robert "Bob" Hribar

Robert “Bob” Hribar

Acquisition and Technology Deputy Division Chief, Joint C-sUAS Office
Robert “Bob” Hribar

Robert “Bob” Hribar is the Acquisition and Technology Deputy Division Chief for the Joint Counter-small Unmanned Aircraft Office (JCO). Bob served in a variety of program management and acquisition positions in the Department of the Defense and the General Services Administration. Bob is a retired Army officer, who served 22 years, including wartime service in Iraq and Afghanistan. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the United Stated Military Academy, a master’s degree in business administration from Oklahoma City University, and a Program Management Professional certification.

Robert Woodall

Manager, Product Success, BlueHalo, LLC
Robert Woodall

Robert Woodall served in US Army Infantry and Special Operations as an UAS/CUAS operator from 2017-2022, deploying to Afghanistan. He has been with BlueHalo for two years, travelling to Ukraine on three separate occasions.

Ryan Berry

Senior Advisor for Aviation Security, UAS Security Branch , Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Ryan Berry

Ryan Berry is currently the Senior Advisor for Aviation Security to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Security Branch, while also serving as a FAA liaison. In this role he provides advisement on a variety of aviation security related factors and serves as a subject matter expert on UAS and C-UAS efforts. Previously, Mr. Berry was the manager of the UAS Security Division within FAA’s Office of Security and Hazardous Materials Safety (ASH).

Prior to joining the FAA, Mr. Berry served as a subject matter expert in the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense-Policy, Homeland Defense Integration, helping to develop and improve the counter-UAS coordination process between DoD and the FAA. Mr. Berry also served for 11 years in the US Navy as a tactical naval flight officer in the EA-6B Prowler conducting afloat flight operations supporting US and coalition partners in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Indian and Pacific oceans.

Mr. Berry is a graduate of the Federal Executive Institute and holds a MA in International Security from George Mason University, a MBA from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and Bachelors in History from Virginia Tech.

Sarah J. Parker

Air and Missile Defense Capability Area Lead, DEVCOM Aviation & Missile Center
Sarah J. Parker

Sarah Parker serves as the Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Capability Area Lead (CAL) for the Technology Development Directorate (TDD) of the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) Aviation and Missile Center (AvMC). The AMD Capability Area Lead serves as the primary representative for AMD Science and Technology (S&T) activities for all of DEVCOM and the primary representative for AvMC to the AMD Cross Functional Team, PEO Missiles and Space and various Program Offices.

Ms. Parker has served numerous assignments that provided oversight, guidance and direction for a variety of technology development initiatives for the U.S. Army. Her expertise is in infrared sensor and seeker development and system integration. She recently led a radar seeker development and system integration as chief engineer for a seeker-based missile program. She has also led several initiatives within the AvMC to investigate swarming missile and counter swarm UAS technologies.

As the DEVCOM AvMC AMD CAL, Ms. Parker sets the strategic direction for AvMC AMD S&T, leads the DEVCOM C-UAS Community of Practice, and oversees the AMD portfolio of missile interceptor, air defense radar and fire control technology developments in support of AMD modernization priorities.

She completed both her Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and her Master of Science degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). Ms. Parker has accomplished Level III certification in Systems Planning, Research, Development, and Engineering (SPRDE) and is an Army Acquisition Corp member. She resides in Huntsville, Alabama with her husband, Tony and three children, Andrew, Olivia and Levi.

Sean Bittick

C-UAS and Capability Development Officer, NATO
Sean Bittick

Sean Bittick is the C-UAS and Capability Development officer for the Innovation, Hybrid, & Cyber (IHC) Division at NATO Headquarters in Brussels. He contributes to the evolution of the Defence Against Terrorism and Asymmetric Threats Programme of Work (DAT POW) and its role within the IHC Division. He serves as Secretary for the C-UAS Working Group (to include updating the Terms of Reference, Doctrine development, and the Programme of Work), and liaises with internal and external C-UAS stakeholders. His formational experiences derived from service in the United States Armed Forces at the Tactical, Operational, and Strategic levels within the Air Force’s Security Forces career field as well as service out of uniform with the United States’ Joint Counter-Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Office (JCO). Sean holds a Master of Arts Degree in European and Eurasian Studies from the George Washington University.

Second Lieutenant Ruben Hasselman

C-UAS Program Officer, Royal Netherlands Air Force
Second Lieutenant Ruben Hasselman

Lieutenant joined the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) in 2021 and has actively participated in the C-UAS program since then. Currently stationed at RNLAF headquarters, his primary responsibility involves planning and conducting C-UAS operations within the RNLAF. His main focus is preparing the force by education and training courses. He also involved in concept development and experimentation with the latest generation of C-UAS systems, as well in the implementation of proven C-UAS concepts.


Squadron Leader Hugo Morris

SO2 Counter-small Uncrewed Air Systems, Project 6 Lead, British Army HQ
Squadron Leader Hugo Morris

Squadron Leader Morris joined the RAF Regiment in 2000. His first assignment was as a Flight Commander on 26 Squadron with operational deployments to Op RESINATE SOUTH in Kuwait and Op TELIC I in Iraq. In 2004, he was posted to RAF Honington as the Ground Defence Training Officer and Officer Commanding the Nuclear Accident Response Team. After a second Op TELIC tour commanding an Iraq Department of Border Enforcement Training Team, in September 2006 Morris was amongst the first Bowman Signals Officers and assigned to 3 Squadron. During 3 Squadron’s Op HERRICK deployment in southern Afghanistan, Morris concurrently commanded a Rifle Flight and Support Weapons Flight.
On return from Afghanistan Morris joined the Bowman Training and Advisory Group (Joint), responsible for converting 3 Commando Brigade and 16 Air Assault Brigade units to the Bowman communication system. This role required a four-month deployment embarked on HMS Ocean whilst on attachment to 40 Commando Royal Marines. Following an extended Op HERRICK (LANSBURY) Afghanistan tour with UK Special Forces and the Security and Intelligence Agencies at the end of his Bowman role, in January 2012 Morris was posted to the Joint Counter-Terror Training and Advisory Team as the Pakistan High-Threat Team Leader on Op MONOGRAM
Returning from two years in Pakistan in January 2014, Morris was posted to the Full Spectrum Coordination Cell in London, a joint Ministry of Defence and Security and Intelligence Agency body for whom he spent a year in the United States as Liaison Officer. Promoted to Squadron Leader in November 2015 whilst in the United States, Morris returned to the UK in January 2016 for his first OF3 tour as the Close Combat and C-UAS Capability Development staff officer at Air Command. In November 2018 he was assigned to the Defence Portfolio & Approval Secretariat as the Air Desk Officer, during which time Morris deployed for eight months with UK Special Forces on Op BLANCA in Afghanistan in a high-threat mentoring capacity. In October 2022 Morris returned to the CUAS world as SO2 C-sUAS in Army HQ Programmes Directorate, responsible for the delivery of Land GBAD Project 6.
Morris is married to Caroline, a consultant Transplant physician, and they have a son, Rufus, aged 8.

Stefanus Coetzer

Sales Director Ground and Naval Radar, Hensoldt
Stefanus Coetzer

Stephan Kraschansky

Managing Director, Aaronia AG
Stephan Kraschansky

Stephan Kraschansky, the Managing Director of AARONIA Austria, a subsidiary of AARONIA AG Germany, has a global portfolio overseeing military, law enforcement, and critical infrastructure clients; At the age of 33, Mr. Kraschansky currently manages a Team of C-UAS experts in Austria. His professional journey and educational background are deeply rooted in his service as an EW & C-UAS Officer with the Austrian Armed Forces. Furthermore, he assumed command of Austria's sole Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) Element. During his tenure, he successfully led more than a hundred C-UAS operations, which included safeguarding high-profile events like the G20 Summit 2022, Austria's European Council Presidency and providing C-UAS support for Europe's largest air show, AIRPOWER.

Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Snyder

CUAS Program Manager, FBI
Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Snyder

Vijay Srinivas

Director cUAS Product & Strategic Business Management, Ninja C-sUAS
Vijay Srinivas

Vijay serves as the Director c-UAS Product and Strategic Business Management at Black River Systems Company. Black River Systems designs, develops, deploys, and analyzes radar, infrared, acoustic, and electronic warfare sensing systems. Black River is the OEM for the Ninja C-sUAS product line. The Ninja C-sUAS capabilities have been operationally deployed since 2019 at several hundred locations, both CONUS and OCONUS. In his role, Vijay oversees for the international strategy for Black River and is responsible for all export related matters. He is also integrally involved in product and market growth, including product positioning to develop and capture new markets and customers.

 This year's Counter UAS Technology USA will feature a brand-new Focus Day on December 2, dedicated to Mobile Deployable Counter UAS. This will provide a unique opportunity for the community to discuss the integration of mounted, dismounted, and on-the-move capabilities to provide the US war fighter with operational advantage against rogue drones.

The Main Conference, taking place on December 3-4, will continue to forge insightful discussions around the development and integration of effective countermeasures to identify, target, intercept and ultimately defeat illicit UAS activity.


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee

Counter UAS Technology USA 2024 will feature a brand-new Focus Day, dedicated to Mobile Deployable Counter UAS.

This will provide a unique opportunity for the  C-UAS community to discuss the integration of mounted, dismounted, and on-the-move capabilities to provide the US war fighter with operational advantage against rogue, illicit and malicious drones.



Chair's Opening Remarks

Dr Craig Robin, Chief Executive Officer, EO Solutions



ACM-IBCT Keynote Address: Overview of Current Infantry Brigade Combat Team C-sUAS Priorities

Colonel Shaun S. Conlin

Colonel Shaun S. Conlin, Director, ACM-IBCT

  • ACM-IBCT’s role in advancing technology to address C-sUAS capability gaps and future operational concepts
  • The IBCT C-sUAS Fight: detecting, tracking and defeating sUAS through overmatch
  • Latest updated on mounted C-sUAS capabilities
  • Integrating advanced Counter UAS systems at infantry level
  • clock


    Training C-UAS at the Speed of Relevance

    Colonel Glenn A. Henke, 46th Commandant, USAADASCH, Chief of Air Defence Artillery and Deputy Commanding Officer, FCoE and Fort Sill, OK, U.S. Army Air Defence Artillery School

  • Joint Counter UAS University
  • C-UAS Training; an Army approach
  • Modernizing doctrine to counter the UAS threat
  • clock


    C-UAS Technology to Support Indo-Pacific Operations: Joint Force Capabilities and Integrated Air and Missile Defense Systems

    Colonel Tony Behrens, Executive Director, Joint Program Office-Guam Defense System, Headquarters - Department of the Army

  • UAS threats in archeologic regions: from the insider to state actions
  • Joint Force requirements, concepts and employment strategies
  • Combined Indo-Pacific, homeland defense and homeland security operations
  • Protection and Defense: defending critical areas and protecting the defenders
  • Joint Force and multi-national command & control integration: challenges and solutions


  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Assessing the Effectiveness of CUAS Technologies: Key Insights from DOT&E

    Garry P. Bishop, SES, Deputy Director, Land and Expeditionary Warfare, Director, Operational Test and Evaluation Office of the Secretary of Defense

  • The ongoing conflicts (e.g., Ukraine/Russia, Gaza/Israel, Yemen) have shown that UAS and C-UAS systems are deeply entrenched into, if not central to, modern military tactics.
  • Evolution of Unmanned Air System Threat
  • Peer threats have emerged to cover all levels of battle space, based on lessons from SCW + Ukraine. Operational gaps are now filled.
  • Commercial C-UAS vendors are developing solutions to detect and mitigate UAS threats. C-UAS technology is not as mature or widespread as UAS technology.
  • clock


    USMC Dismounted Counter UAS Systems

    Major Jason Dempsey, Counter UAS and GBAD Capabilities Integration Officer, Capabilities Development Directorate, Combat Development & Integration, US Marine Corps

  • Overview of current USMC dismounted CUAS capabilities
  • Enhancing all Marines’ ability to conduct self-defense against Group 1 & 2 UAS
  • Challenges encountered and areas of focus going forward
  • clock


    C-UAS at the Tactical Edge

    Major Andrew Durfee, Assistant Product Manager, PdM Medium Caliber, PM MAS, JPEO Armaments and Ammunition

  • Problem Statement:
  • Current cost exchange ratio is too high using current C-UAS methods
  • Limited proliferation of C-UAS capabilities at the tactical level
  • Every maneuver platform as a C-UAS platform
  • How PM MAS is enabling any medium caliber platform to take on a C-UAS role through proximity munitions
  • Future concepts for smarter munitions for platforms and dismounted soldiers.
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Ninja CUAS Solutions in Support of Highly Mobile and Expeditionary Missions

    Vijay Srinivas, Director cUAS Product & Strategic Business Management, Ninja C-sUAS

  • Need for mobility in the CUAS fight
  • Examples of Ninja CUAS supporting mobile and expeditionary missions
  • Ninja as a part of layered solutions to address the evolving threats
  • clock


    Ballistic Counter-Uncrewed Aerial Systems (C-UAS) Technologies for the Current and Future Fight

    David Goldstein, C-UAS Lead, US Army DEVCOM Armaments Center

  • Role of gun-based weapons as part of a layered defense
  • How to increase effectiveness of gun systems against difficult targets
  • Challenges and advantages of achieving closed-loop solutions
  • clock


    UK Close Combat C-sUAS

    Squadron Leader Hugo Morris, SO2 Counter-small Uncrewed Air Systems, Project 6 Lead, British Army HQ

  • Project 6 Update
  • Kinetic vs Non-Kinetic – current thinking for future procurement
  • FP ECM vs C-sUAS RF – benefits and challenges
  • CUAS Generalist to CUAS Specialist – Divisional Warfighting
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Enabling Commander’s Decision Advantage: CUAS Sensing, in Depth

    David W. Morrison, Vice President, Surveillance Radars, Weibel Scientific A/S

  • Gaining Commander’s Decision Advantage against threat use of UAS
  • Creating Commander’s Decision Space to afford time and space for critical decisions
  • Positional Advantage Leads to Decisional Advantage; Fighting Sensor placement supports Counter-Aerial Surveillance (ISR & CUAS)
  • clock


    Advancing Maritime Counter Uncrewed System (C-UxS) Capabilities: Key Insights from the Royal Canadian Navy

    Lieutenant Commander Phillip Durand, Project Director – Electromagnetic Systems and C-UxS, Director of Naval Requirements, Royal Canadian Navy

  • The evolution of the use Uncrewed Systems in the maritime operational theatre
  • Current challenges in deploying C-UxS systems in maritime operations
  • The Royal Canadian Navy’s approach to Countering the Threat

  • clock


    Enhancing the Navy’s Afloat C-UAS Capabilities

    Maxwell L. Cooper, Assistant Deputy, Weapons and Sensors, Surface Warfare, OPNAV N96

  • Capabilities rapidly deployed
  • Future problem set
  • Requirements from OPNAV N96 perspective
  • clock


    Panel Discussion: Enhancing Dismounted and Mounted C-UAS Capabilities for the Warfighter

  • Understanding the different C-UAS requirements for mounted vs dismounted war fighters
  • Current challenges in integrating mobile Counter UAS systems
  • Working with industry to advance more technologically innovative systems that meet the requirements of the war fighter in an evolving battlefield
  • Dr Craig Robin, Chief Executive Officer, EO Solutions

    Major Andrew Durfee, Assistant Product Manager, PdM Medium Caliber, PM MAS, JPEO Armaments and Ammunition

    Squadron Leader Hugo Morris, SO2 Counter-small Uncrewed Air Systems, Project 6 Lead, British Army HQ

    Major Jason Dempsey, Counter UAS and GBAD Capabilities Integration Officer, Capabilities Development Directorate, Combat Development & Integration, US Marine Corps

    Sean Bittick, C-UAS and Capability Development Officer, NATO



    Chair’s Closing Remarks and Close of Focus Day

    Dr Craig Robin, Chief Executive Officer, EO Solutions



    Registration & Coffee



    Chair's Opening Remarks

    Dr Craig Robin, Chief Executive Officer, EO Solutions



    RCCTO’s Keynote Address: Developing and Fielding Directed Energy to Address the UAS Threat

    Colonel Adam M. Miller, Deputy Director for Directed Energy C-sUAS, RCCTO, US Army

  • Overview of RCCTO’s Mission and current modernization priorities
  • Directed Energy efforts across mobile air defense and fixed and semi-fixed base defense
  • Latest updates on the Army’s multi-purpose high energy laser
  • clock


    Developing Materiel Solutions to Counter UAS Threats

    Robert “Bob” Hribar, Acquisition and Technology Deputy Division Chief, Joint C-sUAS Office

  • Developing a holistic C-UAS strategy across the DoD
  • The JCO’s role in providing C-UAS materiel solutions
  • Results and lessons learned from recent Counter-Swarm Demonstration
  • Expectations for upcoming Demonstrations
  • clock


    An Update from Recent Operational Deployments

    Stephan Kraschansky, Managing Director, Aaronia AG

  • C-UAS from PowerPoint to Real-Life Scenarios: Transitioning counter-UAS strategies from theoretical frameworks to practical applications.
  • FPV and Other Non-COTS Drones as the New Standard: Addressing the rising challenges posed by custom-built and non-commercial drones.
  • AARONIA's C-UAS Approach in Civilian and Military Environments: Implementing adaptable counter-UAS solutions tailored for diverse operational contexts.
  • Latest Deployment at G20 in Rio de Janeiro: Showcasing AARONIA's AARTOS DDS system's role in securing the 2024 G20 Summit in Brazil.
  • clock


    Integrating AI and Machine Learning into Counter UAS Technology: Key Insights from the Principal Director of Trusted AI and Autonomy

    Dr Kimberly Sablon, Principal Director, Trusted Artificial Intelligence & Autonomy, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering/Critical Technologies Department



    Morning Coffee



    Counter-UAS at Scale: Perspectives on Realistic Requirements for Sensors and Systems

    Dr Tom Driscoll, CTO, Echodyne

  • Key attributes of the UAS defensive capability gap.
  • "Engagement Economics" as a framework.
  • Cat & Mouse: Layered defense meets layered offense.
  • Sensors in real world (and contested) environments.
  • Systems on the edge and networked.
  • clock


    PEO Missiles and Space Keynote Address: Integrating Advanced C-UAS Capabilities into the US Air and Missile Defence

    Colonel Guy Yelverton, Deputy for Acquisition Systems Management DASM and Program Manager, Integrated Fires and Rapid Capability Office IFRCO, PEO Missiles and Space

  • Outlining current PEO Missiles and Space C-UAS projects
  • An update on SHIELD: enhancing short-range and medium-range air defence through advanced effectors
  • Employing offensive and defensive fires capabilities to counter rogue and illicit UAS
  • clock


    Is RF Based C-UAS Obsolete?

  • UAS trends in Ukraine
  • The relevance of RD C-UAS in today's modern day battlefield
  • The importance of industry collaboration in integrating multiple sensors and effectors into a layered approach to detect and defeat various types of hostile drones
  • Robert Woodall, Manager, Product Success, BlueHalo, LLC

    Larry Satterfield, Vice President, International Sales, BlueHalo, LLC



    DEVCOM C-sUAS Overview: Enabling the Development of Advanced Capabilities that Meet the Army C-sUAS Framework and Strategy

    Sarah J. Parker, Air and Missile Defense Capability Area Lead, DEVCOM Aviation & Missile Center

  • The Role of S&T in the CUAS fight
  • Near, Mid, and Far term strategies
  • Joint strategies for advanced capabilities
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Detect and Classify: Micro-Doppler Radar for CUAS

  • The Evolution of Robin Radar
  • New U.S. Support Team
  • Radar 101
  • Why Use Radar in CUAS?
  • The Power of Micro-Doppler Analysis
  • Applications and Highlights in the Public Sector
  • Kris Brost, General Manager North America, Robin Radar Systems BV

    Christian Bach, North America Account Manager, Robin Radar Systems BV



    Securing the Air Domain Within the Homeland through C-UAS System Synchronization

    Brian Fishpaugh, National Intelligence Manager for Military Integration (NIM-MIL), Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)

  • The sUAS Threat Within the Gaps and Seems of Government
  • Leveraging Interagency Data for Mutual Benefit
  • The Need for a Common UAS Signature Database and Activity Visualization Tool
  • clock


    Advanced RF-Cyber C-UAS Concepts and Capabilities: Tackling Real-World Challenges in Drone Defense

    Jeffrey Starr, Chief Marketing Officer, D-Fend Solutions

  • Recent conflicts and incidents – The changing nature of the drone threat
  • Legacy C-UAV limitations; overcoming constraints to protect personnel, assets, and sensitive sites
  • Advanced RF-Cyber C-UAS Technologies for challenging environments
  • Overlooked but mission critical requirements for C-UAS Evaluation
  • Flexible operational configurations for diverse use cases, including the need for extreme on the go mobility and flexibility
  • clock


    Protecting Airports from Small UAS

    Gus Anderson

    Gus Anderson, CUAS Security Specialist, Transport Security Administration (TSA)

  • TSA current authorities (CUAS)
  • Understanding TSA roles / responsibilities for Airport protection
  • Risk / Mitigation strategies for Airports to protect against small UAS
  • clock


    Panel Discussion: Protecting Critical Infrastructure, Airports and Large-Scale Events from Illicit Drone Activity

  • Outlining current efforts to enhance the protection of critical infrastructure, locations and assets from the threat of drones
  • Lessons learned from recent large-scale events
  • Driving collaboration to improve future efforts
  • DJ Smith, Technical Surveillance Agent Unmanned Aerial & CUAS Program Coordinator, Virginia State Police

    Gus Anderson

    Gus Anderson, CUAS Security Specialist, Transport Security Administration (TSA)

    Ryan Berry, Senior Advisor for Aviation Security, UAS Security Branch , Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

    Assistant Chief Patrol Agent J. Michael Douglas, Director of Training SUAS/CUAS, U.S. Border Patrol

    Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Snyder

    Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Snyder, CUAS Program Manager, FBI



    Afternoon Tea



    Confronting the New sUAS Challenge: Compact Solutions for Complex Threats

    Dr Shankha Mallick, COO, Skycope Technologies Inc.

  • Growing Threat: sUAS are increasingly deployed in modern conflicts and illicit activities.
  •  Diverse Types: The expanding variety of small UAVs, including COTS, MOTS, DIYs,
    and FPVs, often operate with unknown or dynamic protocols across wide frequency
    ranges and increasingly employ drone swarm tactics.
  • Challenge: Effectively countering these varied threats with a compact solution that
    ensures fast, reliable, precise, and long-range detection.
  • Innovative Solution: SKYCOPE’s AI-powered multi-layered-RF technology delivers
    advanced capabilities in a lightweight, wearable form factor.
  • clock


    Overview of NATO’s Latest C-UAS Exercises: Improving Counter Drone Technology through Live Testing Events

    Mario Behn, DEU VNC/Principal Scientist, Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, NCI, NATO

  • NATO C-UAS work programme and standardisation roadmap
  • RALY24, NOVUS, TIE24 and Innovation Continuum: overview of NATO’s 2024 exercises
  • Lessons identified on standards, testing and interoperability
  • clock


    Current C-UAS / UAS Detection Capabilities for the Dutch Air Force

  • Future capabilities for the Dutch Air Force
  • Cooperation with the other OPCO’s within the Dutch MOD
  • The experience (so far) on implementing a C-UAS system across the Dutch Air Force
  • Major Michel K.C. Koopman, C-UAS Program Manager, Royal Netherlands Air Force

    Rob Helweg, Senior C-UAS Manager, Royal Netherlands Air Force



    Chair’s Closing Remarks and Close of Main Conference Day One

    Dr Craig Robin, Chief Executive Officer, EO Solutions



    Networking Reception Hosted by C-UAS Hub

    C-UAS Hub

    C-UAS Hub, Networking Reception, Crystal City Sports Pub

    The C-UAS Hub invites you to join a Networking Reception, taking place on Tuesday, December 3, at the Crystal City Sports Pub from 18:30h.



    Registration & Coffee



    Chair's Opening Remarks

    Dr Craig Robin, Chief Executive Officer, EO Solutions



    Canadian Armed Forces C-UAS Strategic Environment, Structure and Capabilities

    Colonel Chris Labbé, Head of the Canadian Joint C-UAS Office, Chief of Combat Systems Integration, Canadian Armed Forces

  • Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) C-UAS Capability Development
  • Policy Framework and Challenges
  • The Canadian Joint CUAS Office – Mandate and relationships
  • clock


    The Evolution in Use of Drones in Modern Conflicts - Experiences from the Ukraine and Middle East

    Magnus Wallmark

    Magnus Wallmark, EVP Worldwide Sales & Business Development, Fortem Technologies

  • Evolution of drone threats in Ukraine
  • Continuous adaptation of technology
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Methods for threat mitigation
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    SKYctrl as a Key Counter-Drone Element of Security and Defense Correlation

    Captain (Ret.) Dariusz Wichniarek, VP Business Development, Advanced Protection Systems SA

  • APS Company, Technology, Products and Projects
  • SKYctrl Peacetime Capabilities
  • SKYctrl Scalability and Modularity in Crisis and War
  • clock


    Latest Updates on the Polish Armed Forces Strategy to Counter UAS

    Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski, Air and Missile Defence Department Chief, Polish Armed Forces

  • The Polish Armed Forces Development Concept
  • The critical importance of layered defense to counter UAS: network centric, multi-layered air and missile defense
  • Key elements of C-UAS superiority
  • clock


    Integrating Advanced Capabilities to Counter the UAS Threat: Latest Updates from the Australian Army

    Lieutenant Colonel Josh Mickle, SO1 CUAS Modernisation, Australian Army

  • Australian investment into sovereign Counter UAS technologies through the Defence Innovation Ecosystem
  • How might Defence procurement processes improve to enable speed to capability and keep up with disruptive technologies
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    A Snapshot from the War in the Middle East - Evolving Threats and Trends in Drone Warfare

    Oren Poleg, Vice President of Strategy and Business Development, Sentrycs

  • Emerging Adversary Capabilities
  • Existing and Emerging Counter Measures
  • Case Study: The Possibilities of Cyber Over Radio Frequency
  • clock


    Man-Portable Downlink-Enabled Cyber CUAS

    Mike Powell, CUAS Executive Director, ICR, inc

  • The Convergence of RF & Cyber
  • Backpackable CUAS systems
  • Machine Speed Threat Defeat
  • clock


    Advancing Japanese C-UAS Capabilities to Boost Regional Security

    Colonel Yuka Nakazato, Air and Space Attache, Embassy of Japan in the US, Japan Air Self-Defense Force

  • National security environment surrounding Japan.
  • National Defense Strategy
  • Japanese C-UAS Capabilities and future efforts
  • clock


    Primary Counter-UAS radar sensor SPEXER 2000 in the European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI)

    Stefanus Coetzer

    Stefanus Coetzer, Sales Director Ground and Naval Radar, Hensoldt

  • Radar sensor of choice for ESSI nations.
  • C-UAS as part of a true multi-mission capability.
  • Scalable radar technology from RCWS via 30mm VSHORAD effector to HEL applications.
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Domestic UAS Threats and the Evolving Role of RF Detection / Defeat

    Erik Grant, VP, C-UxS Solutions, CACI

  • The ability to detect, track, and defeat UAS employing RF data links will remain an important component of C-UAS systems
  • C-UAS capabilities are constrained domestically by legal and policy considerations
  • Protection of Government facilities is being challenged by new UAS technologies
  • Modified or non-commercial drones present a challenge for many deployed systems
  • Effective defense against evolving threats requires a collaborative partnership between Government and industry
  • clock


    Employing High Power Microwave Directed Energy to Counter the Growing Threat of UAS: Latest Updates from the Air Force Research Laboratory

    Dr Daniel Guillette, Program Manager, HPEM Weapon System Transition, High Power Electromagnetics Division, US Air Force Research Laboratory

  • Overview of recent activities
  • Evaluation of air, ground transport, system mobility, vs. size weight and power
  • Collateral damage myths and considerations
  • clock


    Directed Energy and the UAS Threat: Air Force Directed Energy Systems and Applications

  • Review of Air Force Directed Energy Systems and Research
  • Barriers and Obstacles to Employment
  • Science and Technology Needs
  • Dr Donald Shiffler

    Dr Donald Shiffler, Chief Scientist for Directed Energy, US Air Force Research Laboratory



    International Panel Discussion: Working in Collaboration to Effectively Integrate C-UAS into Wider Air Defense Networks

  • Overview of current efforts to integrate counter drone systems into national air defense platforms
  • Driving international cooperation to strengthen air defence against rogue UAS
  • Specific challenges in countering Class 1 drones: limiting the enemy’s ability to operate UAS, while enabling effective friendly uses of UAS
  • Areas of focus for future C-UAS integration
  • Brigadier General Kazimierz Dynski, Air and Missile Defence Department Chief, Polish Armed Forces

    Lieutenant Colonel Rudiger Rauch, Assistant Branch Chief, Federal Ministry of Defense, Germany

    Second Lieutenant Ruben Hasselman, C-UAS Program Officer, Royal Netherlands Air Force

    Maarten van den Oever, Scientist, NATO Communications and Information Agency

    Julie Balduf, Deputy Chief, CUAS Division, US Air Forces Central (AFCENT/A3B)



    Chair’s Closing Remarks and Close of Main Conference Day Two

    Dr Craig Robin, Chief Executive Officer, EO Solutions

    Director of Training SUAS/CUAS
    U.S. Border Patrol
    National Intelligence Manager for Military Integration (NIM-MIL)
    Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
    Air & Missile Department Chief
    Polish Armed Forces
    Air and Missile Defence Department Chief
    Polish Armed Forces
    VP Business Development
    Advanced Protection Systems SA
    North America Account Manager
    Robin Radar Systems BV
    Deputy Director for Directed Energy C-sUAS
    RCCTO, US Army
    PM for Directed Energy C-sUAS
    US Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO)
    Head of the Canadian Joint C-UAS Office, Chief of Combat Systems Integration
    Canadian Armed Forces
    46th Commandant, USAADASCH, Chief of Air Defence Artillery and Deputy Commanding Officer, FCoE and Fort Sill, OK
    U.S. Army Air Defence Artillery School
    Deputy for Acquisition Systems Management DASM and Program Manager, Integrated Fires and Rapid Capability Office IFRCO
    PEO Missiles and Space
    Executive Director
    Joint Program Office-Guam Defense System, Headquarters - Department of the Army
    Air and Space Attache
    Embassy of Japan in the US, Japan Air Self-Defense Force
    Networking Reception
    Crystal City Sports Pub
    C-UAS Lead
    US Army DEVCOM Armaments Center
    Vice President, Surveillance Radars
    Weibel Scientific A/S
    Technical Surveillance Agent Unmanned Aerial & CUAS Program Coordinator
    Virginia State Police
    Chief Scientist for Directed Energy
    US Air Force Research Laboratory
    Chief Executive Officer
    EO Solutions
    Program Manager, HPEM Weapon System Transition, High Power Electromagnetics Division
    US Air Force Research Laboratory
    Chief Scientist for Directed Energy
    US Air Force Research Laboratory
    Principal Director, Trusted Artificial Intelligence & Autonomy
    Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering/Critical Technologies Department
    Skycope Technologies Inc.
    VP, C-UxS Solutions
    Deputy Director, Land and Expeditionary Warfare
    Director, Operational Test and Evaluation Office of the Secretary of Defense
    Deputy Head UK Joint C-UAS Office
    UK Ministry of Defence
    CUAS Security Specialist
    Transport Security Administration (TSA)
    Chief Marketing Officer
    D-Fend Solutions
    Deputy Chief, CUAS Division
    US Air Forces Central (AFCENT/A3B)
    General Manager North America
    Robin Radar Systems BV
    Vice President, International Sales
    BlueHalo, LLC
    SO1 CUAS Modernisation
    Australian Army
    Assistant Branch Chief
    Federal Ministry of Defense, Germany
    Project Director – Electromagnetic Systems and C-UxS, Director of Naval Requirements
    Royal Canadian Navy
    NATO Communications and Information Agency
    NATO Communications and Information Agency
    EVP Worldwide Sales & Business Development
    Fortem Technologies
    Assistant Product Manager, PdM Medium Caliber, PM MAS
    JPEO Armaments and Ammunition
    Counter UAS and GBAD Capabilities Integration Officer, Capabilities Development Directorate, Combat Development & Integration
    US Marine Corps
    C-UAS Program Manager
    Royal Netherlands Air Force
    C-UAS Program Manager
    Royal Netherlands Air Force
    DEU VNC/Principal Scientist, Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
    Assistant Deputy, Weapons and Sensors, Surface Warfare
    U.S. Navy / OPNAV N96C
    Assistant Deputy, Weapons and Sensors, Surface Warfare
    OPNAV N96
    Unit Chief / Supervisory Special Agent, UAS and Counter UAS
    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    CUAS Executive Director
    ICR, inc
    Vice President of Strategy and Business Development
    Senior C-UAS Manager
    Royal Netherlands Air Force
    Acquisition and Technology Deputy Division Chief
    Joint C-sUAS Office
    Acquisition and Technology Deputy Division Chief
    Joint C-sUAS Office
    Manager, Product Success
    BlueHalo, LLC
    Senior Advisor for Aviation Security, UAS Security Branch
    Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
    Air and Missile Defense Capability Area Lead
    DEVCOM Aviation & Missile Center
    C-UAS and Capability Development Officer
    C-UAS Program Officer
    Royal Netherlands Air Force
    SO2 Counter-small Uncrewed Air Systems, Project 6 Lead
    British Army HQ
    Sales Director Ground and Naval Radar
    Managing Director
    Aaronia AG
    CUAS Program Manager
    Director cUAS Product & Strategic Business Management
    Ninja C-sUAS

    Gold Sponsor



    Powered by


    Preliminary Attendees List - Attending Organizations


    Speaker interview - Colonel Chris Labbé, Canadian Armed Forces


    Speaker interview - Lieutenant Commander Phillip Durand, Royal Canadian Navy


    Counter UAS Technology USA 2024 Brochure


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Advanced Protection Systems

    Gold Sponsor

    Advanced Protection Systems from Gdynia creates pioneering FIELDctrl 3D MIMO radars and SKYctrl anti-drone systems that detect and neutralise unmanned aerial vehicles.

    The company independently develops, manufactures and implements every component of the technology in-house: from integrated circuits, electronics, mechatronics to software and final implementation.

    Advanced Protection Systems radar technologies protect key locations around the world. The company cooperates, among others, with telecommunication corporations from the Gulf region, the airport network in Norway, the Azoty Group and the Port of Gdynia.

    The SKYctrl system has been part of the equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces since the end of September and is already being used in the war zone.

    "So far, this is the best system that I and the other units have seen and experienced," shared one of the Ukrainian commanders.


    Gold Sponsor

    BlueHalo is purpose-built to provide industry-leading capabilities in the domains of Space, C-UAS and Autonomous Systems, Cyber, and AI/ML. BlueHalo focuses on inspired engineering to develop, transition, and field next-generation capabilities to solve the most complex challenges of our customers’ critical missions and reestablish our national security posture in the near-peer contested arena. Learn more at http://www.bluehalo.com.


    Gold Sponsor

    Echodyne is a U.S. designer and manufacturer of advanced radar solutions for government and homeland security applications. The company’s proprietary metamaterials electronically scanned array (MESA®) is a rare breakthrough in advanced radar engineering. Leveraging a novel physics-design approach, Echodyne combines solid-state, low-SWaP designs with advanced software capabilities to deliver superior performance and data integrity, radically improving system performance and enhancing safety. With leading positions in counter-drone, border security, public safety, and VIP asset security, security companies and governmental agencies rely on Echodyne radar for extraordinary accuracy and consistent, reliable operation. For more information, please visit: Echodyne.com.

    Elbit Systems of America

    Gold Sponsor

    Elbit Systems of America, headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, is a leading provider of high-performance products, system solutions, and support services focusing on the defense, homeland security, law enforcement, commercial aviation, and medical instrumentation markets. With facilities throughout the U.S., Elbit Systems of America is dedicated to supporting those who contribute daily to the safety and security of the United States. We are a market leader for medium and small UAS, as well as loitering munitions, capable of providing the warfighter with advanced, cost-effective surveillance and precision strike capabilities in a single platform and is intended to overcome the challenge of multi-domain operations. The platform has the capability to detect, track and strike moving or static targets in varied weather conditions and across complex terrain. Elbit Systems of America, LLC is wholly owned by Elbit Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ: ESLT and TASE: ESLT), a global high technology company engaged in a wide range of programs for innovative defense and commercial applications. For additional information, visit: www.ElbitAmerica.com or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram

    Fortem Technologies

    Gold Sponsor

    Fortem Technologies is the leader in airspace awareness, security, and defense for detecting and defeating dangerous drones. Through an advanced, end to end system of distributed radar, AI at the Edge, deep sensor integration, and autonomous drone capture, Fortem monitors and defends the world’s venues, infrastructures, cities, and regions. The same system is accelerating the safety of the world’s airspace for urban air mobility.

    Northrop Grumman Corporation

    Gold Sponsor

    Northrop Grumman solves the toughest problems in space, aeronautics, defense and cyberspace to meet the ever evolving needs of our customers worldwide. Our 100,000 employees are Defining Possible every day using science, technology and engineering to create and deliver advanced systems, products and services.


    Black River Systems OEM: Ninja C-sUAS


    The Ninja C-sUAS are Radio Frequency (RF) sensing solutions that passively detect, identify, classify, track, and mitigate Group 1-3 UAS, with an emphasis on commercially available sUAS. Ninja can detect communication signals ranging from 70 MHz to 6 GHz in real-time—without causing any indiscriminate interference to friendly RF systems typically realized by conventional UAS jamming technologies. The RF detection method detects UAS communications at significant ranges (>10km in many cases) with near-zero false alarms). Ninja C-sUAS is designated by the US DoD Joint C-UAS Office (JCO) as an approved solution. The Ninja family of Counter-small UAS (C-sUAS) systems, comprising the Ninja Gen2, TRx, and Dismount, and Rx footprints, are tailored to meet different Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) requirements in support of fixed site, expeditionary, and hand-held operational deployments. When used in concert, multiple Ninja products offer increased system-of-system capabilities such as increased area coverage and swarm mitigation. Black River is the OEM for the Ninja C-sUAS family of products. The Ninja C-sUAS are widely deployed operationally CONUS and OCONUS, including by foreign militaries across 200+ installations. Black River Systems Company is an employee-owned small business founded in 1996 and headquartered in Utica, NY. Black River’s expertise is R&D for the collection, processing, exploitation, and dissemination of intelligence products and rapid transitioning for operational users in the Defense and Intelligence communities. It includes cyber, SIGINT, geolocation, Moving Target Indicator (MTI) tracking, data fusion and exploitation, sensor resource management, machine learning, modeling and simulation, and end-to-end systems analysis.



    At CACI International Inc (NYSE: CACI), our 23,000 talented and dynamic employees are ever vigilant in delivering distinctive expertise and differentiated technology to meet our customers’ greatest challenges in national security and government modernization. We are a company of good character, relentless innovation, and long-standing excellence. Our culture drives our success and earns us recognition as a Fortune World's Most Admired Company. CACI is a member of the Fortune 1000 Largest Companies, the Russell 1000 Index, and the S&P MidCap 400 Index. For more information, visit us at caci.com.

    D-Fend Solutions Ltd.


    D-Fend Solutions is the leading counter-drone takeover technology provider, enabling full control, safety and continuity during rogue drone incidents across complex and sensitive environments, to overcome both current and emerging drone threats. With hundreds of deployments worldwide, EnforceAir, the company’s flagship offering, focuses on the most dangerous drone threats in military, public safety, airport, prison, major event and critical infrastructure environments. D-Fend Solutions’ technology has been chosen as best-in-class and is in deployment at top-tier U.S. government agencies – including with U.S. military, federal law enforcement and homeland security – as well as major international airports globally. EnforceAir autonomously executes RF, cyber-takeovers of rogue drones for a safe landing and outcome, ensuring the smooth flow of communications, commerce, transportation and everyday life.



    HENSOLDT is a leading company in the European defence industry with global reach. Based in Taufkirchen near Munich, the company develops complete sensor solutions for defence and security applications. As a technology leader, HENSOLDT drives the development of defence electronics and optronics and is continuously expanding its portfolio based on innovative approaches to data management, robotics and cyber security. With more than 6,500 employees, HENSOLDT achieved a turnover of 1.7 billion euros in 2022. HENSOLDT is listed in the MDAX on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.



    About ICR: We will be the first to identify and solve the Intelligence and Defense Communities’ toughest engineering and operational problems by establishing a true partnership with our Customers. Despite our advanced degrees and heavy R&D focus, it is our hands-on experience and scars from the field that will enable us to create very practical and reliable solutions. Our purpose at ICR is to establish a company where the best minds in their career field want to work. Our Customer’s problems will become our own and our employees will wake up each day wanting to solve them. Through a culture of stewardship and calculated risk-taking, we hope to mentor, develop and ultimately transition ICR’s ownership and leadership from our earliest employees to our future generation of employees. Who we are: • We are employee owned and deeply committed to our U.S. Defense mission • 800 Employees • 90%+ of staff hold TS-SCI Clearance • We pride ourselves in solving the most difficult challenges for the USGOV • Headquartered in Colorado, with 15 offices throughout the U.S. • 2 decades in Counter Drone experience

    Raytheon UK


    Robin Radar Systems


    Robin Radar Systems is a Netherlands-based technology leader in radar systems for tracking and classification of small targets. Combining affordable sensors with smart software, Robin provides actionable information to increase safety and security with its specialised bird and drone radars. Robin’s advanced drone detection radars are used at airports, and for protecting critical infrastructure, military installations, and security events the world over. Our flagship counter-drone radar, IRIS®, has the capacity to detect and track rogue drones, automatically distinguishing them from birds with full 360° coverage; providing essential support for military operations and VIP events. Robin’s installed base of radars is over 140 and counting. For more info visit www.robinradar.com



    Convexum are excited to announce they have rebranded to Sentrycs. With this name and brand change we embark on a new journey that reflects the evolution of our company, and our commitment to protecting the sky from threats caused by unauthorized commercial drones, while enabling the progress drones are bringing to society, and contributing to a healthy drone economy. Under our new ownership by Treo Asset Management, we will keep focusing on providing the best possible service to and protecting the interests of our customers and partners while driving the Integrated Counter-drone category in the market. If you want to learn more, you can read the press release we've just published. We hope that you will join us in embracing this new chapter and continue to support us as we strive to foster a safe and secure drone-empowered future. Thank you for following Convexum. We look forward to continuing our joint journey as Sentrycs. Visit us at sentrycs.com



    Skycope develops radio frequency (RF) spectrum sensing devices, including software and hardware, that search for drones and their remote-controllers, classify and identify them, and track their direction and location. The four pillars in Skycope products are being data-driven, development of cutting edge signal processing technologies, continuous innovation in RF artificial-intelligence (AI), and countless real world experiments.

    Weibel Scientific A/S


    Weibel Scientific is a high-tech radar company that since the 1970s has been dedicated to provide precision data for user all over the world. The modern day company develops and produces a wide range of tactical and instrumentation X-band Doppler-based radars, utilizing CW, MFCW and FMCW waveforms for small object detection and tracking with high resolution in both the velocity and range domain. Weibel Scientific’s portfolio ranges from small muzzle velocity radars to radars for the full IAMD spectrum. The technology covers applications from counter drone operations around high value targets through SHORAD/LLAD to air surveillance radars for GBAD and upper tier air defense applications and BMD capable radars. Throughout the last 40 years, Weibel has provided more than 5000 radars to more than 50 countries.


    Adler Aerospace


    Adler Aerospace is a pioneering US aerospace and defense company, renowned for its expertise in integrating cutting-edge technologies from NATO and Allied nations. With a strong focus on counter-unmanned aerial systems (UAS) solutions, Adler Aerospace is committed to delivering state-of-the-art products that ensure airspace security and mission-critical resilience. The company specializes in a comprehensive range of counter-UAS technologies, including passive radar and UAV detection, electronic warfare, and drone mitigation systems tailored to protect both military and civilian assets. By collaborating with top defense and aerospace firms from allied countries, Adler Aerospace stays at the forefront of technological innovation, providing highly adaptable and robust solutions that meet the evolving needs of modern warfare. With its dedication to precision, reliability, and international collaboration, Adler Aerospace has earned a reputation as a trusted partner in safeguarding airspace and defending against emerging airborne threats in complex and dynamic operational environments.

    Argus Interception GmbH


    ARGUS INTERCEPTION GmbH offers an innovative and currently unique solution for the safe interception of unauthorized drones “Made in Germany”. The AI-supported overall solution, which has already proven itself in use, can be configured as a highly mobile, partially mobile or permanently installed system, depending on the scenario and customer needs. The heart of the High Performance Counter UXS system is the autonomous interceptor drone, which, together with the ground station, monitors the defined airspace, intercepts intruding, unauthorized drones and stores them for evidence. In combat mode, the system is capable of causing kamikaze fixed-wing drones to crash in a controlled manner, thereby preventing damage to human life and infrastructure.



    OpenWorks is a UK based developer of autonomous technology for Surveillance applications and Air Defence. We are committed to pushing innovation and delivering high-performance products within the Defence industry to our partners all around the world. OpenWorks provides autonomous systems for Surveillance and Air Defence applications, ideally suited to Fire Control and vehicles, vessels and UGVs/USVs. Our Vision products are used in CUAS, Air Defence and surveillance, sensing and tracking missions. The SkyWall products provide physical capture for CUAS. OpenWorks can provide integrated sub-systems/systems using in-house technology/products, for standalone use or integration by Defence primes/Integrators. The standard OpenWorks products can be modified to enable advanced customer specifications and end-user capabilities to be achieved. Examples include mounting sensors or effectors onto a Vision Flex platform or support for the development of a custom vehicle installation of Vision Pace On-the-Move (OTM).



    RFcore, a vertically integrated leader in RF technology, delivering advanced radar solutions. Specialization in radar systems applications in short-range drone detection, anti-collision radar for eVTOL, and meteorological radar wind profilers. RFcore designs and manufactures all key components in-house. This includes Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs), High Power Amplifiers (HPAs), TR modules, and antennas of various requirements at significantly shorter delivery time compared to competition. One of RFcore’s standout innovations is its Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) technology, which enables real-time multi-target detection and tracking. The company’s vertically integrated approach across all its radar systems allows it to design and produce critical components without getting complicated with export restrictions imposed by many countries. By combining its hardware components with software capability in algorithm, RFcore delivers tailored, high-performance radar solutions to specific needs of modern defense and security operations. RFcore's engineering excellence has been demonstrated in the Korean DAPA (Defense Acquisition Program Administration) Anti-Drone System program, where it deployed over 120 AESA radars to more than 20 critical government facilities in just 10 months. This achievement underscores RFcore’s contribution in countering direct UAS threats from North Korea and the level of maturity of its radar technologies.

    Xtend Defense


    Xtend is a leader in Group 1 FPV platforms, offering battlefield-tested technology and GPS-denied flight capabilities used in Gaza and by SOCOM. Our patented XOS operating system enables reconnaissance, precision strike and loitering munition, and countermeasures with multi-drone or hybrid pairings on a single Ground Control Unit (GCU). Utilizing an advanced AI-robotic-skills with the combination of 3rd party application integration, the user can perform various autonomous tasks while making critical decisions which require professional real-time decision making.

    Media Partners

    C-UAS Hub

    Powered by

    This information hub for Counter-UAS and airspace awareness content includes news, original articles, vendors, products, services, events, multimedia content, and a comprehensive reference library. This site is an excellent resource for professionals from the defense, public safety, government, academia, critical infrastructure, corporate security, and private security sectors.

    Media Partners



    BATTLESPACE Publications cover the whole spectrum of the battlespace, from sensor to shooter. Our news coverage and readership is truly international, contacting the main decision makers in the worldwide defence industry. We aim to provide our readers with the latest developments in the complex and ever changing world of C4ISTAR and the Global Battlespace. Our coverage is unique in its breadth of topics in the International C4ISTAR arena from airborne sensors and UAVs, fast jets and military transports, rotorcraft, airborne communications, radar and avionics, thru specialist naval systems and communications to land-based communications, EW, infantry equipment and armoured vehicles, trucks and unmanned robots.

    UAS Weekly


    UASweekly.com is an independent and authoritative source for Unmanned Aerial Systems and Drone industry news and information. Our industry-focused approach provides you with the latest news, product reviews, videos, and unbiased perspective on the UAS and commercial drone market.

    EchoBlue Media Group


    Armada International


    ARMADA INTERNATIONAL is leading defence magazine which reports on and analyses defence systems, equipment and technology. Together with its Compendium supplements, ARMADA provides defence planners in the militaries, in government, in procurement and in the defence industry itself with the information they need to plan their strategies.

    Uncrewed Systems Technology Magazine


    Uncrewed Systems Technology magazine focuses entirely on the innovative engineering that's successfully pushing boundaries on land, at sea, in flight and even through the universe. The magazine is unique - the first ever publication to focus entirely on providing independent coverage of the engineering at the heart of uncrewed vehicles. It applies the same rigorous scientific approach to this brave new world as critically acclaimed Race Engine Technology has brought to the subject of racing powertrain technology. Published 6-times a year, we probe today's cutting-edge projects to provide in-depth research insights - rigorous investigation is backed by professional peer review and critical analysis.

    Aerospace & Defense Technology


    For the past 12 years, Aerospace & Defense Technology has been the mil/aero industry’s most trusted source for cutting-edge design and engineering information. Whether it’s in-depth feature articles on the hottest technology topics, application briefs that illustrate innovative uses of products and systems, tech briefs that describe how specific technologies are developed, or new product information that highlights the latest releases to the market, Aerospace & Defense Technology has the resources engineers need to do their jobs better.

    Unmanned Network


    The Unmanned Network connects unmanned stakeholders throughout the extensive unmanned ecosystem - from OEMs, via sub-system manufacturers, service providers, to end-users, and all other relevant parties. Requirements, posted directly by network members, are immediately converted to direct, viable leads to other members of the network with instant access via the unique opportunity module. Whether as a company, or as an individual, and seeking unmanned systems, components, services, consulting, open positions (HR), manufacturing, logistics, training, events and more the network is the perfect platform.

    Asian Military Review


    Asian Military Review is ABC audited publication, read & discussed by key decision makers & advisors to Asia Pacific militaries. Published since 1993 it’s widely recognised as authoritative provider of unbiased & objective information to Asian military. Editorial content comprises capability analysis, special reports & relevant news coverage from the region. AMR provides information, opinion & facts allowing military professionals to track & understand defence developments worldwide, concerning equipment, training, organisation & doctrine issues. The magazine is a proven source keeping military professionals up to date on national & international defence & security issues.

    Defense Advancement


    DefenseAdvancement.com (DA) is a defense marketing and supplier sourcing platform, showcasing supplier capabilities across aerospace, land, naval and security domains. Operated by the team behind UnmannedSystemsTechnology.com, DA connects governments, armed forces and the entire defense and security supply chain, giving suppliers an online platform to showcase their technologies and capabilities.



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    My Dear Drone


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    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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