Global MilSatCom 2009
2 November - 4 November 2009
Global MilSatCom 2009
Returning for its 11th year, we are delighted to invite you to join us at Global MilSatCom 2009 in London this November. With delegate and exhibition places sold out in previous years, book early to avoid disappointment and guarantee your place at Europe's leading event for satellite communication professionals. 

Global MilSatCom gives you the opportunity to assess and reflect upon the latest issues affecting the SatCom industry. From the latest national programmes and procurement, to technological developments, operational realities and civil-military interoperability, this is your opportunity to network with the major players from across the globe and establish your future strategy.

For sponsorship and exhibition opportunities please contact: sponsorshipdept@SAE Media Group-online.co.uk



  • Lieutenant General Larry James, Commander, 14th Air Force (Air Forces Strategic), Air Force Space Command, and Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Space, US Strategic Command, US Air Force
  • Rear Admiral Liz Young, Director, System Engineering, National Reconnaissance Office, and Commander, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) Space Field Activity (SSFA), and Program Executive Officer for Space Systems
  • Malcolm Green, Chief, Network Information Infrastructure (NII) Communications, NATO C3 Agency
  • Richard Pino SES, Technical Director, Military Satellite Communications Systems WIng, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Centre, US Air Force

SMi provide a wide range of conference documentation which allows you to benefit from the invaluable information shared by our expert speakers now and in the future. Our Hard Copy Documentation and CD ROMs, PLUS NEW CD Collections provides you with timely information valuable to your industry, which can be used as a future reference tool. Our conference fee includes a copy of the event proceedings in both hard copy and CD ROM.


CD Collections

SMi are proud to present their CD Collection CD ROM. It will provide you with all the latest information on this subject, plus allows you to look back over the previous year's developments.

 This collection includes:

  • MilSatCom 2008
  • MilSatCom 2007
  • MilSatCom 2006
  • MilSatCom 2005
  • MilSatCom 2004

Purchase this collection and benefit from having 5 years' events on 1 disc and a 20% saving.

Conference agenda






Start of workshop



Afternoon Tea



End of workshop



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Gerard Donelan

Gerard Donelan, Head of Public Sector Projects, SES ASTRA




Malcolm Green

Malcolm Green, Chief, Network Information Infrastructure (NII) Communications, NATO C3 Agency

  • Dealing with increased coverage and capacity requirements
  • Trading off space segment availability and costs
  • Meeting the high deployability and mobility challenge
  • Commercial augmentation services: short and long term
  • Interoperability and NATO/National cross-support services
  • clock



    Lieutenant General Larry James

    Lieutenant General Larry James, Commander, 14th Air Force (Air Forces Strategic), Air Force Space Command, and Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Space, US Strategic Command, US Air Force



    Concept of Finnish Defence Forcecs SatCom CRO (Crisis Management Operations)

  • Concept of C4 services in FDF operations
  • Usage of SatCom in FDF present and previous operations (EUFOR BiH, KFOR, Kosovo, ISAF Afghanisatan, UN Chad)
  • FDF lessons learned
  • FDF future plans concerning SatCom concept
  • Nicholas Daly

    Nicholas Daly, Regional Director, UK & Ireland, Eutelsat UK

    Captain Jouko Vankka

    Captain Jouko Vankka, Research Engineer, Finnish Army Signal School, Finnish Defence Forces



    Morning Coffee



    Spectrum Interference: A Mission Critical Challenge for Military SatCom

    Bruno Dupas

    Bruno Dupas, President, Integral Systems Europe

  • Military and commercial efforts in dealing with interfaces
  • The need to provide integrated solutions that address both terrestrial and satellite spectrum issues
  • Interface knowledge and its input to Situational Awareness systems
  • Dealing effectively with interferences
  • Commerical Off-The-Shelf solutions
  • clock


    Delivering Communications for Enhanced Network Enabled Capability - The Belgian Perspective

    Colonel Roland Teheux

    Colonel Roland Teheux, Director, Operational Support, Ministry of Defence, Belgium

  • MilSatCom in the Belgian MoD
  • Latest programmes and plans
  • Non technical issues
  • Future perspectives
  • clock


    Vision of the French Joint Staff on SatCom

    Commander Alexandre Baillot

    Commander Alexandre Baillot, Military & Civil SatCom Leader, Space & Joint Systems Division, French Joint Staff

  • Future vision for French forces
  • MilSatCom and the use of commercial SatCom for the military
  • Design of the future French MilSatCom system
  • clock


    Networking Lunch Sponsored by Eutelsat



    Satellite Communications for the Canadian Department of National Defence

    Lieutenant Colonel Abde Bellahnid

    Lieutenant Colonel Abde Bellahnid, Directorate of Joint Capability, SATCOMS & SAR Requirements, Canadian Department of Defence

  • Overview of the Canadian Forces space strategy
  • Overview of the Canadian Forces SatCom requirements 
  • Overview of current and future SatCom programmes
  • clock


    Commercial Satellite Operations in a Contested Environment

    Richard DalBello

    Richard DalBello, Vice President, Legal and Government Affairs, Intelsat General

  • How commercial satellite operators are dealing with the challenges of space traffic control, radio frequency interface, an uncertain political environment, and the potential for cyber and physical attack 
  • The status of commercial satellites in future political and military conflcits
  • clock


    Transformational Communications Architecture: A New Vision

    Colonel Patrick Rayermann

    Colonel Patrick Rayermann , Chief, Communications Functional Integration Office, National Security Space Office, Pentagon, USA

  • National Space Security Office's approach to architecting
  • Essential elements and features of future architectures
  • Effectivites: providing affordable, executable specifics via which to achieve the long-term objective/architecture
  • Evaluating the possibilities: considerations and metrics
  • The architecture out to 2030 as we envision it today
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Ubiquitous Low Data Rate SatCom on the Move - Trends, Innovations and Market Demand

    Dylan Browne

    Dylan Browne, Vice President Sales & Marketing, EADS Astrium Services

  • What factors are driving demand for SatCom on the move?
  • Which technologies fit the requirement, how are these changing?
  • How can satellite operators such as Paradigm support the emergence of new technologies?
  • Who is playing a key role in this market development?
  • Where and when will we see true ubiquitous comms on the move?
  • clock


    SatCom as the Third Network Dimension

    Bruce Bennett

    Bruce Bennett, Director, Program Executive Officer for SATCOM, Teleport & Services, Defence Information Systems Agency (DISA), USA

  • Deployment of Advanced IP Modems allowing true peering of terrestrial data networks with SatCom Networks
  • Advanced Routing techniques improved SatCom efficiency by 72%
  • Advanced algorithms improved availability by 46%
  • End-to-end performance and utilisation improved 207%
  • clock


    Technology Trends

    Tim Shroyer

    Tim Shroyer, CTO, General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies

  • Overall technology trends
  • Spacecraft factors
  • Spectrum factors
  • Earth station electronics factors
  • Technologies of special interest
  • clock


    SatCom as an In-Depth IP Full Capability: Key Milestones for MilSatCom

    Hugues Lancrenon

    Hugues Lancrenon, Satcom System Senior Engineer, Thales

  • SatCom Aero services and platforms
  • Key features and system view
  • Usual IP offer and limitations in SatCom
  • IP bringing Constraint-Free Networking
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One



    Networking Drinks Reception Sponsored by SES ASTRA



    Re-registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Colonel Patrick Rayermann

    Colonel Patrick Rayermann , Chief, Communications Functional Integration Office, National Security Space Office, Pentagon, USA




    Richard Pino SES

    Richard Pino SES, Technical Director, Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Centre, US Air Force

  • Delivering capability at speed of need
  • Right sizing the investment
  • Providing end-to-end integrated capabilities
  • Being relevant in today's fight
  • clock


    Yahsat: The UAE MilSatCom as a Key Enabler of Network Enabled Capability

    Major Dr Mohammed N Mubarek Alahbabi

    Major Dr Mohammed N Mubarek Alahbabi, Information Communication Technology (ICT) Advisor , United Arab Emirates Armed Forces

  • UAE approach towards NEC
  • Yahsat satellite system: an overview
  • Yahsat to enhance regional interoperability
  • The benefit of Ka-band in the region
  • Other UAE space programmes
  • clock


    Life After TSAT

    Richard Skinner

    Richard Skinner, Vice President, Strategic Planning, Global Communications Systems, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company

  • With the cancellation of the Transformational SatCom program in the US DoD, what will become of the US investment in TSAT?
  • Examine how various TSAT capabilities fit into protected SatCom and wideband SatCom programs
  • High speed communications-on-the-move
  • Advantages of dynamic bandwidth resource allocation
  • Advantages of Internet Protocol
  • clock


    Morning Coffee




    Commander Harry Straughan RN

    Commander Harry Straughan RN, SO1, Core Networks, DEC CC&II, Ministry of Defence, UK

  • Overview of current PFI arrangements
  • Drivers for increased demand in SatCom bandwidth
  • Options for delivering this
  • clock



    Dylan Browne

    Dylan Browne, Vice President Sales & Marketing, EADS Astrium Services

    Rodolphe Paris

    Rodolphe Paris, PT SatCom Chairman, Space & Radio Spectrum Project Officer, Capabilities Directorate, European Defence Agency

    Bruce Bennett

    Bruce Bennett, Director, Program Executive Officer for SATCOM, Teleport & Services, Defence Information Systems Agency (DISA), USA

    Skot Butler

    Skot Butler, Director, Strategic Initiatives, Intelsat General Corporation

    Colonel Patrick Rayermann

    Colonel Patrick Rayermann , Chief, Communications Functional Integration Office, National Security Space Office, Pentagon, USA

    Commander Harry Straughan RN

    Commander Harry Straughan RN, SO1, Core Networks, DEC CC&II, Ministry of Defence, UK



    Networking Lunch Sponsored by Lockheed Martin



    The Paradigm Strategic Partnership - the MoD Joint User's View from Head Office

    Commander Nigel Chandler RN

    Commander Nigel Chandler RN, Chief Information Officer - J6 Operations 1, Ministry of Defence, UK

  • A key UK national capability
  • Role of CIO J6
  • A partner on the international stage
  • The future (up to 2020)
  • clock


    EDA and SatCom: A New European Tool for Common Military Space

    Rodolphe Paris

    Rodolphe Paris, PT SatCom Chairman, Space & Radio Spectrum Project Officer, Capabilities Directorate, European Defence Agency

  • EDA and Space Policy - How does the agency interface with ESA, European bodies and Member States to launch new projects?
  • EDA and commercial SatCom - Building a responsive tool with a centralised procurement of Commercial SatCom
  • EDA and MilSatCom - What paths can be explored for the next generation of 2020?
  • clock


    Defining the MilSatCom Experience - From Projects Today to the Requirements of Tomorrow

    Norbert Hölze

    Norbert Hölze, Chief Executive Officer, NDSatCom

  • Technological innovation
  • Challenges and lessons learned
  • Future vision
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    The Role of Innovation as a Game Changer in the Economics of Global MilSatCom Systems

    Dr Robert Pearson

    Dr Robert Pearson, Director, Cobham Technical Services

  • Global transition of forces and the rollout of new military SatCom infrastructure
  • Operational expenditure versus capital investment in new systems
  • Requirements for next generation broadband tactical terminals
  • Innovation requirements - barriers to deployment
  • Case study of X and Ka-band flat panel technologies for integrated terminals
  • clock


    French MilSatCom: How New Technologies meet Emerging Requirements

  • Syracuse III as cornerstone of the French NEC
  • Satisfaction of emerging requirements and benefits of the introduction of new technologies
  • Long term perspective
  • Michael Pascaud

    Michael Pascaud, Syracuse III Team Leader, Ministry of Defence, France

    Arnaud Pellen

    Arnaud Pellen, Syracuse III System Architect, DGA,, Ministry of Defence, France



    Over Horizon - In Theatre Communications for the 21st Century

  • Ultra portible terminals
  • Multi megabit broadband throughput
  • True SatCom on the move
  • Fast, secure, assured
  • Ku-band access as never seen before
  • Per Wahlberg

    Per Wahlberg , Chief Executive Officer, OverHorizon

    James Gerow

    James Gerow, President, OverHorizon



    Flexible, Secure Satellite Communications Enabled Networking for both Government and Non-Government Applications

    Andy Hoyle

    Andy Hoyle, Chief Engineer, Secure Satcomm Systems Division, EADS Astrium Services

  • An approach to modern satellite networks - highlighting I/P issues and security
  • Satellite networks as part of Homeland Security - applications, issues and user benefits
  • Satellite terminals for the modern threat - comms on the move
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two



    Pub Night Sponsored by EADS Astrium Services



    Re-registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Martin Jarrold

    Martin Jarrold, Chief, International Programme Development, Global VSAT Forum




    Rear Admiral Liz Young

    Rear Admiral Liz Young, Director, Systems Engineering, National Reconnaissance Office and Commander, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command’s (SPAWAR) Space Field Activity (SSFA), and Program Executive Officer for Space Systems, United States Navy



    The Uncertain Future Needs of MilSatCom

    Åke Jönsson

    Åke Jönsson, Vice President, Marketing and Sales, Rockwell Collins Sweden

  • The nature of SatCom in today's military operations
  • Trends for use of MilSatCom
  • Defining needs to enable future capabilities
  • Challenges technical and operational
  • Flexibility through open architecture
  • clock


    NATO Operational Overview

    Colonel Jared Kline

    Colonel Jared Kline, Chief, Systems Management Agency, NATO CIS Services Agency (NCSA)

  • Scope of NATO operations
  • Managing SatCom from a multinational perspective
  • SatCom capabilities in the field
  • Some thoughts on the future role
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Future Mobile SatCom for Emergency and Security Services

    Nick Green

    Nick Green, Satcoms Account Director, Logica

  • Current state-of-the-art in mobile communications for public safety and security applications
  • Critical communications needs of peace keeping, border control and emergency service organisations
  • Scenarios where future mobile SatCom systems could significantly imrove operational effectiveness
  • Key advancements in mobile SatCom technology and applications to support these missions
  • Resulting improvements in situational awareness and overall coordination of operations
  • clock


    Navy SatCom Roadmap Strategy

    Melinda Ratz

    Melinda Ratz, PEO C4I PMW 170, Navy Communications Program Office, Assistant Program Manager, Commercial Broadband SATCOM Program (CBSP), United States Navy

  • PEO C4I organisation
  • Current and potential commercial SatCom
  • Navy SatCom roadmap
  • Navy SatCom acquisitions - lessons learned
  • clock


    Capacitive and Flexible Payload for Future MilSatCom

    Pierre Gaudemet

    Pierre Gaudemet, Technical Expert, MilSatCom, Thales Alenia Space

  • What are the flexibility parameters?
  • Coverage solutions
  • Bandwidth sharing solutions
  • RF power sharing solutions
  • Benefit of flexibility
  • clock


    US Space-Related Export Controls - Avoiding Launch Failure

    Gary Stanley

    Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services

  • Can satellites truly be ITAR free and what is the Department of Defense's position?
  • What is unique about US space related export controls?
  • Specific ITAR licensing requirements for export and re-export of US-origin satellite components
  • What is a Technology Transfer Control Plan (TTCP) and when does the US Government require it?
  • US monitoring of satellite launches - the ultimate fontier
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Conference



    Networking Lunch followed by Optional Afternoon Workshop

    Millennium Gloucester Hotel

    Harrington Gardens
    London SW7 4LH
    United Kingdom

    Millennium Gloucester Hotel



    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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