Global MilSatCom 2012
27 November - 29 November 2012
Global MilSatCom 2012
Global MilSatCom is the leading military satellite communications conference & exhibition in Europe and, in our opinion, the best networking event of its kind in the world. This year’s 14th annual event taking place in London in November 2012 promises to be the best yet! Last year’s conference was a sell-out once again as attendees joined us from every continent representing more than 30 countries. In total, approximately 400 attendees visited the event over the four days.

This year’s conference programme features 50 speakers including representatives from 20 mature and emerging MilSatCom nations’ militaries and governments. A number of new initiatives will also be taking place for the first time this year including a pre-conference gala dinner.To avoid disappointment and to guarantee your place alongside your industry colleagues, book early by contacting us now! Regular updates will be made available on this website.


Cindy Moran

Cindy Moran

Director of Network Services, Defence Information Systems Agency
Lieutenant Colonel Holger Luschow

Lieutenant Colonel Holger Luschow

Bundeswehr Military Satellite System , German MoD

Alexis Bancet

SatCom Futures, DGA France
Alexis Bancet

Brigadier General (Res) Hanan Gefen

Military and Defense Initiatives, Gilat Satellite Networks
Brigadier General (Res) Hanan Gefen

Britt Lewis

Vice President, Marketing, Business Development & Strategy, Intelsat General
Britt Lewis

Captain Giovanni Durando

Navigation, Surveillance and Communication Satellite Systems Director, Italian Navy
Captain Giovanni Durando

Captain Ulrich Berrevoets

Military Satellite Communication Program Manager, Ministry of Defence, The Netherlands
Captain Ulrich Berrevoets

Catherine Dargeou

Business Development, Commercial & Military Markets , Thales Alenia Space
Catherine Dargeou

Christopher Baugh

Chief Executive Officer, Northern Sky Research (NSR)
Christopher Baugh

Cindy Moran

Director of Network Services, Defence Information Systems Agency
Cindy Moran

Colonel Andrew Weate

Chief Architecture and Analysis Division J9, USAF
Colonel Andrew Weate

Colonel Christophe Debaert

SYRACUSE Team Leader, DGA France
Colonel Christophe Debaert

Colonel Mario Arancibia

Deputy Head Development and Projects Division, Logistic Command, Chilean Air Force
Colonel Mario Arancibia

Commander Adrian Raybould

Information Royal Navy Systems & Services Networks Team, UK MoD
Commander Adrian Raybould

Commander Andy Rayner

SO1 Strategic Networks, CapC4ISR, UK MoD
Commander Andy Rayner

Commander Martin Walker

Deputy Inspector General Evaluation, NZDF
Commander Martin Walker

Daniel Losada

Senior Director Defense Systems, Hughes Networks Systems
Daniel Losada

Dan Losada has more than 17 years of experience with every facet of satellite communication technology, from developing hardware to designing and implementing strategic satellite applications and systems. In his current role as Sr. Director of Defense Systems, Defense and Intelligence Systems Division (DISD) at Hughes, he manages Defense programs for Hughes. Mr. Losada is a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering – both from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has published in the field of Communication Systems and design of Frequency Hopping Patterns for Spread Spectrum Communications.

Dave Bettinger

CTO, iDirect
Dave Bettinger

David Brunnenmeyer

Boeing COMSATCOM Services Technical Director, Boeing
David Brunnenmeyer

David Cavossa

President, Harris CapRock Government Solutions
David Cavossa

David Furstenberg

co-Chairman of the Board, NovelSat
David Furstenberg

David Steare

Lead, MILSATCOM International Engagement , USAF
David Steare

Dr. Mohammed Alahbabi

Senior Advisor, UAE Armed Forces
Dr. Mohammed Alahbabi

Dr. Robert Pearson

Managing Director, Cobham Technical Services
Dr. Robert Pearson

Gerard Donelan

Head of Public Sector Projects , SES
Gerard Donelan

Gregory Edlund

Deputy Satellite Communications, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Gregory Edlund

John Roldan

VP Sales, Eutelsat
John Roldan

Justin Keller

Advanced Programs Director Military Space, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company
Justin Keller

Koen Willems

Strategic Marketing Manager Government IP Trunking, Newtec
Koen Willems

Lieutenant Colonel Abde Bellahnid

Director Space Requirements, Canadian Forces
Lieutenant Colonel Abde Bellahnid

Brigadier-General Pitre joined the Canadian Forces in 1980. Following fighter controller training at the Air Weapons Control and Countermeasures School in North Bay, ON, he went on to serve in a variety of challenging operational, training, staff and command appointments in Canada, the US and the UK.

Brigadier-General Pitre gained his early air defence experience with the 22nd NORAD Region working from the Cold War era nuclear hardened complex 600 ft below ground in Northern Ontario. Later he trained basic officer candidates at the Canadian Forces Officer Candidate School in beautiful British Columbia and went on to log 1600-plus hours on-board US Airborne Warning and Control aircraft supporting combat operations in Desert Storm/Desert Calm, as well as counter-drug interdiction sorties over the Gulf of Mexico and Cold War surveillance missions in the GIUK gap. Perhaps his most enduring memory will be as Director of Operations, Canadian Air Defence Sector, NORAD during 9-11. Staff tours include G3 coordination at Air Command HQ, Winnipeg during the mid-nineties, Executive Assistant to the Chief of the Air Staff in 2002, and Director Space Development and Acting Director General Joint Force Development from 2003 to 2006. He counts himself very fortunate to have commanded three outstanding units – 12e Escadron de Radar in Bagotville, QC, as well as 21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron and 22 Wing, both located in North Bay, ON.

Brigadier-General Pitre is a graduate of the Canadian Forces Command and Staff College and the Royal College of Defence Studies London, UK. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Politics and Economics and a Master's in International Relations from Kings College London. Special recognitions include the Gulf and Kuwait Liberation Medal, US Air Medal, Peacekeeping Medal and CDS and DCDS Commendations. Promoted to his present rank on 1 January 2009, Brigadier-General Pitre was selected to form and stand-up 2 Canadian Air Division in Winnipeg. In 2011, Brigadier-General Pitre was appointed Director General Space.

Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Smith

DE&S ISS Future BLOS Requirements Manager, UK MoD
Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Smith

Lieutenant Colonel Holger Luschow

Bundeswehr Military Satellite System , German MoD
Lieutenant Colonel Holger Luschow

Lieutenant Colonel Peter van der Sman

Sr ILS and Project Manager MilSatCom, Royal Netherlands Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel Peter van der Sman

Malcolm Green

Chief CAT 9 NII Communication Infrastructure Services, NATO Communications & Information Agency
Malcolm Green

Mark Dale

VP Product Marketing, Comtech EF Data
Mark Dale

Martin Agnew

EDRS Project Manager, Astrium
Martin Agnew

Martin Jarrold

Chief, International Programme Development, Global VSAT Forum
Martin Jarrold

Martin Shelley

Project Manager, Antenna Systems, Cobham Technical Services
Martin Shelley

Masayuki Iwaike

Director of Missile Defence and Space Policy, Defence Policy Division, Ministry of Defence, Japan
Masayuki Iwaike

Matthias Motzigemba

Director Laser Products, Tesat-Spacecom
Matthias Motzigemba

Nigel Chandler

Head of UK Sales, Satcom Systems & Solutions, Astrium Services
Nigel Chandler

Patrick Heuline

Satcom & Tactical Networks Head of Marketing, Thales Communications & Security
Patrick Heuline

Patrick Rayermann

Senior Director, Strategy & Policy, Orbital Sciences Cooporation
Patrick Rayermann

Paul Feenan

Corporate Development Director, Avanti Communications Group
Paul Feenan

Peter Hadinger

President, Inmarsat Government Services
Peter Hadinger

Peter Malmberg

Satellite Specialist, Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation
Peter Malmberg

Phill Ryan

DE&S ISS Future BLOS Team Leader, UK MoD
Phill Ryan

Robert Tipton "Tip" Osterthaler

CEO, SES Government Services
Robert Tipton "Tip" Osterthaler

Rodolphe Paris

CIS Project Officer, European Defence Agency
Rodolphe Paris

Rory Eddings

Certified Trainer and Evaluator, Global VSAT Forum
Rory Eddings

Simon Kershaw

Executive Director, Astrium Services Government Communications
Simon Kershaw

Squadron Leader Paul Martin-Jones

CI0 J6 Ops, UK MoD
Squadron Leader Paul Martin-Jones

Steve Collar

CEO, O3b Networks
Steve Collar

Tac Bartlett

Director Defence & Security Europe, iDirect
Tac Bartlett

Tim Shroyer

Chief Technology Officer, General Dynamics Satcom Technologies
Tim Shroyer

Wing Commander Nik Smith

SO1 Policy Permanent Joint Headquarters J6 Staff , UK MoD
Wing Commander Nik Smith

Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Setting the Scene

  • The insatiable demand for satellite bandwidth
  • Early days of satellite communications on the move (SOTM)
  • SOTM in the Naval environment
  • SOTM on military aircraft and UAVs
  • Tactical satellite communications on the battlefield
  • clock


    Networking Coffee Break



    What are the potential game changers?

  • The satellite segment – benefits and shortcomings of moving to Ka-Band
  • Advances in Network management
  • Dealing with the interference issue
  • Improving the waveform
  • Improving terminal performance

    - More efficient RF amplifiers
    - Smarter antennas
    - Understanding and improving the tracking performance

  • clock


    What does the future hold?

  • A satellite operators perspective
  • An equipment suppliers perspective
  • A service provider perspective
  • clock


    Close of Workshop



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Gerard Donelan

    Gerard Donelan, Head of Public Sector Projects , SES



    The Bundeswehr Military Satellite System (SATCOMBw)

    Lieutenant Colonel Holger Luschow

    Lieutenant Colonel Holger Luschow, Bundeswehr Military Satellite System , German MoD

  • The scope and concept of operations
  • Current status and capabilities
  • Challenges and solutions for German SatCom
  • Summary and the way ahead for the programme
  • clock


    Syracuse III Update Cross-Domain C2 Management and the Next Generation of French MilSatCom: The Forecast and Challenges

  • The Syracuse III requirement: Flexibility, scalability and security
  • The payload: Utilising SHF (super high frequency) and EHF (extremely high frequency) bands
  • The capability: Transfer speed, enhanced security and interoperability with other NATO countries
  • Ensuring capacitive and adapted end-to-end systems
  • Operating a three dimensional user ground segment
  • The challenging way forward and solutions
  • Colonel Christophe Debaert

    Colonel Christophe Debaert, SYRACUSE Team Leader, DGA France

    Alexis Bancet

    Alexis Bancet, SatCom Futures, DGA France



    Capacity & Versatility: Key Qualities of Next Generation SATCOM

    Peter Hadinger

    Peter Hadinger, President, Inmarsat Government Services

  • Impact of changing usage patterns and the role of commercial SATCOM
  • Greater mobility: is L-band the answer? Is there a technology shift?
  • Greater bandwidth: is Ka-band the answer? Capacity & versatility assessments
  • Strategy Drivers: Operations, budgets and technology development
  • clock



    Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd



    New Platform Choices With High Throughput Satellite Capacity and its Practical Implications on MoD Requirements

  • HTS and spot beam satellites capacity platform choices and how to respond to new platform requirements
  • How new capacity choices have practical implications on equipment SWP (size, weight and power) combined with bandwidth efficiencies and a migration path for future MoD requirements
  • Dave Bettinger

    Dave Bettinger, CTO, iDirect

    Tac Bartlett

    Tac Bartlett, Director Defence & Security Europe, iDirect



    MilSatCom Positioning Evolution

    Patrick Heuline

    Patrick Heuline , Satcom & Tactical Networks Head of Marketing, Thales Communications & Security

  • Satcom position within defense communication systems
  • New coming environment with software defined radio (SDR), cloud, smart terminals
  • On the field user services  perspectives and related new satcom technologies  
  • Satcom global networks management within a global information and communication system
  • clock


    HOST NATION SESSION: UK MoD Military Satellite Communications Today and in the Coming Decades- Briefings and Panel Discussion

    1. Intro and Overview
    - Team introductions
    - Current SatCom Requirements
    - Strategic changes in the last 12 months

    2. The Operational Perspective
    - The nature of contemporary operations
    - Management of IS capabilities and requirements
    - The contingent operations challenge
    - Enduring challenges for information superiority

    3. Prioritising Defence’s Needs and Satisfying the Wider Needs of the User
    - Deployment of capabilities at short notice
    - Prioritising air time within the user community
    - UHF channel assignment

    4. Delivering the Solutions and Managing the PFI Contract
    - How the MoD delivers and assures SatCom services
    - Recent achievements and the next challenges

    5. MilSatCom Capability Strategy
    - Optimising capabilities within the PFI concession period.
    - Emerging capabilities.
    - Looking to beyond 2022 – what are we likely to need?
    - What other alternatives are there?

    6. UK MoD Future Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) Programme Update
    - Concept phase activities
    - BLOS programme overview
    - Update on UK/French cooperation option

    7. Q&A Panel Discussion

    Commander Andy Rayner

    Commander Andy Rayner, SO1 Strategic Networks, CapC4ISR, UK MoD

    Wing Commander Nik Smith

    Wing Commander Nik Smith, SO1 Policy Permanent Joint Headquarters J6 Staff , UK MoD

    Squadron Leader Paul Martin-Jones

    Squadron Leader Paul Martin-Jones, CI0 J6 Ops, UK MoD

    Commander Adrian Raybould

    Commander Adrian Raybould, Information Royal Navy Systems & Services Networks Team, UK MoD

    Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Smith

    Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Smith, DE&S ISS Future BLOS Requirements Manager, UK MoD

    Phill Ryan

    Phill Ryan, DE&S ISS Future BLOS Team Leader, UK MoD







    Military SatComs in the Next Decade: An Insight into the Factors that will Shape Market Demand Drive Technology and Enable New Service Propositions

    Simon Kershaw

    Simon Kershaw, Executive Director, Astrium Services Government Communications

  • New approaches for SatComs
  • What’s evolving in the commercial military SatComs market?
  • Exploring military Ka-band opportunities
  • clock


    An Overview of Italian Military Satellite Programmes

    Captain Giovanni Durando

    Captain Giovanni Durando, Navigation, Surveillance and Communication Satellite Systems Director, Italian Navy

  • Sicral-1B: Continuing operations until 2019
  • Memorandum of Understanding: The provision of UHF and SHF-band capacities to NATO forces
  • Sicral-2: Future operations to 2026
  • The Bracciano control centre and program management
  • clock


    Netherlands Milsatcom: Introducing New Capabilities

  • Strategic vision, ambition & consequence
  • Capabilities (old and new)
  • Requirements
  • WGS Operations
  • Challenges
  • Captain Ulrich Berrevoets

    Captain Ulrich Berrevoets, Military Satellite Communication Program Manager, Ministry of Defence, The Netherlands

    Lieutenant Colonel Peter van der Sman

    Lieutenant Colonel Peter van der Sman, Sr ILS and Project Manager MilSatCom, Royal Netherlands Air Force




    Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd



    Be Ready for More Data: How to Increase Efficiency Across Satellites for Beyond Line of Sight ISR Operations

    Koen Willems

    Koen Willems, Strategic Marketing Manager Government IP Trunking, Newtec

  • ISR airborne platforms
  • Increasing data rates through video and data in ISR applications
  • Budget cuts in government and the defence market
  • Increasing efficiency across satellites
  • Inclined orbit satellites
  • clock


    Military Satellite Communications in a Small Country

    Peter Malmberg

    Peter Malmberg, Satellite Specialist, Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation

  • Applications and purpose: Why Denmark uses satellites
  • Applied satellite capacity: Frequency bands and civilian / military usage
  • SatCom Systems to be used for land operations
  • SatCom Systems to be used for maritime operations
  • clock


    Flexible Partnerships: Re-examining the Commercial – Military relationship to meet the challenges of Ka-band milsatcoms in the 21st Century

    Paul Feenan

    Paul Feenan, Corporate Development Director, Avanti Communications Group

  • Delivering operational capability in an unpredictable and fiscally challenged world
  • Utilising available assets to deliver a cost effective balance between military and commercial satellite capacity
  • The reality for commercial satellite operators – balancing urgent operational demand with the need for balanced investment and long term financial security
  • The need for early engagement with the commercial sector by military planners to provide military ready capability for unforeseen deployments now and in the future
  • The need to examine common standards across the milsatcom community to support existing and emerging satellite requirements
  • The critical role of equipment vendors and satellite operators in achieving an effective and flexible value chain to deliver milsatcom services
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One





    Join SES Astra for a post-conference drinks reception at the close of Day One in the conservatory of the Millennium Gloucester Hotel. Discuss the key talking points from the day's presentations and Q&As, network with your peers, and unwind over a drink. Commences at 6.20pm.



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Christopher Baugh

    Christopher Baugh, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Sky Research (NSR)



    NATO Communications & Information Agency Briefing

    Malcolm Green

    Malcolm Green , Chief CAT 9 NII Communication Infrastructure Services, NATO Communications & Information Agency



    KEYNOTE ADDRESS: The Future of US Military SATCOM

    Cindy Moran

    Cindy Moran, Director of Network Services, Defence Information Systems Agency

  • Improved commercial satellite utilization: Hosted payloads; shared teleports; early adoption via Anchor Tenant Leases; commercial access to the DOD Global Information Grid
  • The inclusion of commercial satellite providers in operationally responsive space efforts
  • More effective ground architecture and remote terminal integration technology upgrades to DoD teleports
  • clock


    An Assessment of FCSA Two Years On

    Robert Tipton

    Robert Tipton "Tip" Osterthaler, CEO, SES Government Services

  • The first Future ComSatCom Services Acquisition (FCSA) contract awards
  • Task order awards under the Transponded Capacity and Managed Services
  • The End-To-End Services contract was yet to be awarded- Has FCSA has achieved its stated objectives?
  • What actions should the government or industry take in order to ensure the best possible long-term outcomes are achieved?
  • clock



    Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd



    SATCOM as an Enabler for Force Transformation in Future Tactical Operations

    Dr. Robert Pearson

    Dr. Robert Pearson, Managing Director, Cobham Technical Services

  • Trends in military operations and force transformation
  • Next generation portable SatCom terminals for tactical applications
  • Asymmetric warfare and the requirements for intelligence gathering
  • Enablers for integration of satellite and terrestrial systems at the tactical edge
  • Situational awareness: requirements and limitations
  • Increased use of automony and the role of SatCom in reach back for UAVs/UGVs
  • Case study on radio-over-satellite system offering meshed communications, situational awareness, remote sensor monitoring and video streaming, as well as infrastructure independent base station and use of COFDM mesh technology for enhanced resilience
  • clock


    Update on the US International Wideband Global SatCom (WGS) International Partnership

    David Steare

    David Steare, Lead, MILSATCOM International Engagement , USAF

  • US strategic guidance
  • WGS system description
  • Program status
  • Partnership overview and benefits
  • clock


    COCOM Mission Focus Area: Utilizing the Inmarsat-5 High Capacity Payload

    David Brunnenmeyer

    David Brunnenmeyer, Boeing COMSATCOM Services Technical Director, Boeing

  • Inmarsat as COCOMSAT
  • Inmarsat Continuity of Operations
  • Considerations for COCOMSAT Systems
  • Beam-to-Beam Handoffs
  • Capacity Portability
  • clock


    PANEL SESSION: Military Solution Choices and Budget Priorities

  • Will co-sharing among nations (a lá the WGS-9 arrangement) be the model to follow going forward?
  • Or will national (e.g. Syracuse) or regional programs take precedence over multinational arrangements (WGS-9)?
  • Where do commercial satcoms fit into the overall scheme of things?
  • What is the overall impact of the U.S. Pivot Strategy towards Asia in terms of planning, procurement and solution choices for other countries?
  • Will the Paradigm/Skynet model work in other regions? If so, how and who will be the major players?
  • Christopher Baugh

    Christopher Baugh, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Sky Research (NSR)

    Patrick Rayermann

    Patrick Rayermann, Senior Director, Strategy & Policy, Orbital Sciences Cooporation

    Rodolphe Paris

    Rodolphe Paris, CIS Project Officer, European Defence Agency

    Masayuki Iwaike

    Masayuki Iwaike, Director of Missile Defence and Space Policy, Defence Policy Division, Ministry of Defence, Japan




    Thales Communications



    The Future Role of Satcom in Military Satellite Communications Planning

    John Roldan

    John Roldan, VP Sales, Eutelsat

  • Future trends in Milsatcom
  • New technologies (i.e. Ka-band)
  • The future role of commercial satellite operators in the MilSatCom Domain
  • clock


    CF SATCOM Requirements Review

    Lieutenant Colonel Abde Bellahnid, Director Space Requirements, Canadian Forces

  • Current CF SATCOM Program: Protected Military SATCOM (PMSC); Mercury Global (MG); Tactical Narrowband SATCOM (TNS)
  • Future CF SATCOM Requirements; Arctic Communications; Polar Comms and Weather (PCW)
  • clock


    Advances in Satellite Communication Bandwidth Efficiency

    Mark Dale

    Mark Dale, VP Product Marketing, Comtech EF Data

  • Review recent advances in modulation, forward error correction
  • Latest advanced algorithms and signal processing to further increase throughput and reduce required bandwidth
  • Impact of advanced techniques on critical applications such as airborne and mobile communications
  • clock


    Evolved Commercial Satellite Architectures Delivering More for Less

    Steve Collar

    Steve Collar, CEO, O3b Networks

  • Introducing O3b’s Game Changing Capability
  • How big a problem is latency in government networks?
  • Efficiency, Flexibility, Latency and Bandwidth driving Mission Success
  • clock



    Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd



    The Role of SatCom in Meeting the Information Superiority Challenge

    Nigel Chandler

    Nigel Chandler , Head of UK Sales, Satcom Systems & Solutions, Astrium Services

  • What is the information superiority challenge for the armed forces?
  • The assumptions and constraints of SatCom
  • The options and opportunities: A former operator's view on theopportunities being offered to industry
  • clock


    The Resilient Basis for SatCom (RBS) in Joint Operations Study

    Colonel Andrew Weate

    Colonel Andrew Weate, Chief Architecture and Analysis Division J9, USAF

  • The enterprise and architectural perspectives on DoD use of and future plans for SatCom
  • Near term MilSatCom investment strategy study and follow-on studies
  • Joint space communications layer study (i.e. the JSCL analysis of alternatives)
  • Vision for the future
  • clock


    Flexibility: The MilSatCom Solution

    Catherine Dargeou

    Catherine Dargeou , Business Development, Commercial & Military Markets , Thales Alenia Space

  • Raising the need for flexibility
  • State-of-the-art flexible solutions
  • TAS heritage
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two





    With the London 2012 Olympic Games and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, 2012 presents a year like no other for Great Britain to celebrate. Astrium invites its customers and industry partners to join the celebrations with a “traditionally British” cocktail reception onboard HMS Belfast.



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Martin Jarrold

    Martin Jarrold, Chief, International Programme Development, Global VSAT Forum



    Low-Cost Protected SatCom Terminals

    Gregory Edlund

    Gregory Edlund, Deputy Satellite Communications, Northrop Grumman Corporation

  • What implications arise from the fork in the road: building your military on protected vs. unprotected communications?
  • Understanding assured communications: resiliency and protection – You are  only as protected as your weakest link
  • What if Protected Satcom was available for the cost and schedule of unprotected Satcom today – hosted payloads and free flyers?
  • Introducing Low Cost Protected Satcom terminals (Comm-on-the-move and on-the-halt)
  • clock


    A Highway to the Future of Space Data Transfer for Changing Military Operational Demands

  • How best to meet the needs of demanding military applications and increased pressures on data transfer capacity for growing C4ISR surveillance needs
  • Adapting to the fast paced changing military operations with flexibility and instance response
  • Enabling high speed and high capacity data relay for large volumes of data in near real time
  • Martin Agnew

    Martin Agnew, EDRS Project Manager, Astrium

    Matthias Motzigemba

    Matthias Motzigemba, Director Laser Products, Tesat-Spacecom



    New Zealands SATCOM Programme Developments

    Commander Martin Walker

    Commander Martin Walker, Deputy Inspector General Evaluation, NZDF

  • Current developments in New Zealand's SatCom capability
  • The importance of SatCom in New Zealand
  • Future research and development
  • clock



    Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd



    Gilat Defense-on-the-Move

    Brigadier General (Res) Hanan Gefen

    Brigadier General (Res) Hanan Gefen, Military and Defense Initiatives, Gilat Satellite Networks

  • Transforming Netcentric Warfare From Front Line to Central Command
  • Using Broadband to Integrate Assets in Military C4I Networks for Information Superiority
  • Increasing Speed of Command and Decision Making with Shared Awareness
  • Implementation of Collaborative Network with Small Tactical SOTM Terminals
  • clock


    Intelsat EpicNG Platform: A New Measure of Performance for Mission Critical Applications

    Britt Lewis

    Britt Lewis, Vice President, Marketing, Business Development & Strategy, Intelsat General



    Innovations in SatCom Technology for Beyond-Line-of-Sight C2 and ISR Missions

    Daniel Losada, Senior Director Defense Systems, Hughes Networks Systems

  • High throughput BLOS SatCom solutions for fixed and rotary wing aircraft
  • Microsat technology for C2 COTM and Patrol Manpack applications
  • Data extraction terminals for unattended missions
  • clock


    PANEL SESSION: Frequency Exploitation & Bandwidth Security: Military Applications in the C- Ku- X- and Ka-band Spectrum Space & Fighting the Interference Challenge

  • What does commercial C-, Ku-, and X-band currently offer to the military applications requirement?
  • What can commercial Ka-band offer to the military applications requirement?
  • How can the military user maximise the benefits of the service-level and cost-benefit “game change” that is Ka-band and the new generation of HTS payloads?
  • Profiling the satellite industry’s strategic approaches to challenging & combating satellite RFI.
  • Developing satellite industry-military vertical collaborative strategies on fighting interference.
  • Martin Jarrold

    Martin Jarrold, Chief, International Programme Development, Global VSAT Forum

    Dr. Robert Pearson

    Dr. Robert Pearson, Managing Director, Cobham Technical Services

    Peter Malmberg

    Peter Malmberg, Satellite Specialist, Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation

    Tim Shroyer

    Tim Shroyer, Chief Technology Officer, General Dynamics Satcom Technologies

    Rory Eddings

    Rory Eddings, Certified Trainer and Evaluator, Global VSAT Forum







    MilSatCom Architecture in Transition

    Justin Keller

    Justin Keller, Advanced Programs Director Military Space, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company

  • Status of the Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) and Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) programs
  • Opportunities and Lessons: Transitioning from development to affordable production
  • International MilSatCom partnerships for mutual support, cost sharing, and enhanced resilience
  • Adapting to emerging trends: National strategies, SatCom threats, Technology, Market forces and Declining national budgets
  • Thoughts on "Dis-Aggregated" architectures: Options for improved affordability, capability, and resilience
  • clock


    Operating Latin America's Most Powerful Satellite

    Colonel Mario Arancibia

    Colonel Mario Arancibia, Deputy Head Development and Projects Division, Logistic Command, Chilean Air Force

  • FASat-Charlie goes operational: Initial feedback from 2012
  • The emergency and crisis management requirement
  • Civil-military cooperation on future space programmes
  • SSOT: a small Earth-observation satellite for the Chilean military
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    Don’t Overlook Narrowband: The Future of International Government and Industry Partnerships

    David Cavossa

    David Cavossa, President, Harris CapRock Government Solutions

  • Much recent attention has been paid to broadband; what’s happening in the narrowband world?
  • What are some of the benefits and constraints of narrowband offerings for users who need secure voice, text and low-data-rate critical communications?
  • How are international governments and industry collaborating to meet narrowband demand despite the ongoing shortage?
  • clock



    Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd



    MoD Japan: Follow-on SatCom

    Masayuki Iwaike

    Masayuki Iwaike, Director of Missile Defence and Space Policy, Defence Policy Division, Ministry of Defence, Japan

  • Current status of MoD/SDF SatCom
  • Requirements and organization for new SatCom
  • Next X-band SatCom project highlights
  • Future concept and timeline
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    UAE and Regional Space Developments

    Dr. Mohammed Alahbabi

    Dr. Mohammed Alahbabi, Senior Advisor, UAE Armed Forces

  • Potential cooperation on MENA region space programmes
  • How the UAE views the region’s progression
  • The Y1B system in practice: 2012 launch
  • Bandwidth and commercial requirements
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    Maximizing Satellite Bandwidth

    David Furstenberg

    David Furstenberg, co-Chairman of the Board, NovelSat

  • Fastest data rates: More than twice as fast as the next best solution
  • Widest pipe: The only ones that can handle 72Mhz at once
  • Most compelling ROI: In a matter of weeks, not years
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Three

    co-Chairman of the Board
    Inmarsat Government Services
    O3b Networks
    Vice President, Marketing, Business Development & Strategy
    Intelsat General
    Harris CapRock Government Solutions
    Head of Public Sector Projects
    Bundeswehr Military Satellite System
    German MoD
    SYRACUSE Team Leader
    DGA France
    SatCom Futures
    DGA France
    Director Defence & Security Europe
    Satcom & Tactical Networks Head of Marketing
    Thales Communications & Security
    SO1 Strategic Networks, CapC4ISR
    UK MoD
    SO1 Policy Permanent Joint Headquarters J6 Staff
    UK MoD
    CI0 J6 Ops
    UK MoD
    Information Royal Navy Systems & Services Networks Team
    UK MoD
    DE&S ISS Future BLOS Requirements Manager
    UK MoD
    DE&S ISS Future BLOS Team Leader
    UK MoD
    Executive Director
    Astrium Services Government Communications
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    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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