Air and Missile Defence Technology
16 November - 17 November 2022
Air and Missile Defence Technology

SAE Media Group is proud to present the 6th Annual Air and Missile Defence Technology Conference taking place in London on the 16th and 17th November 2022. This event will follow in the wake of five successful Air and Missile Defence Technology conferences, which featured exceptional international representation.

The conference will provide a unique insight into GBAD, Counter Medium and Ballistic Missile technologies, C-RAM, Integrated and Networked Radar systems, Confronting ICBM threats and developing coherent international strategies. This conference will allow attendees to gain contacts within the most cutting-edge programs in a growing and critical market.

This event will provide an opportunity to hear the latest developments from senior international programme managers and will provide an opportunity to learn what technologies nations are investing in, to protect from a widening array of missile and airborne threats.


Brigadier General Dynski Kazimierz

Brigadier General Dynski Kazimierz

Air and Missile Defence Division Chief - Deputy Inspector, General Command of the Polish Armed Forces
Colonel Fernando Prada

Colonel Fernando Prada

71st ADA Regiment, Spanish Army
Colonel Graham Taylor CBE

Colonel Graham Taylor CBE

7th UK Air Defence Group, British Army
Dr Brendan S. Mulvaney

Dr Brendan S. Mulvaney

Director, China Aerospace Studies Institute
Dr Thomas Karako

Dr Thomas Karako

Senior Fellow, International Security Program/Director, Missile Defence Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Ian  Spillane

Ian Spillane

Chief Engineer, Missiles and Fire Control, Lockheed Martin UK
Lieutenant Colonel Andrius Konovalovas

Lieutenant Colonel Andrius Konovalovas

Commander of the Air Defense Battalion, Lithuanian Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel Roger Ahfelt

Lieutenant Colonel Roger Ahfelt

Head of Swedish Air Defence Combat School, Swedish Army
Nicolas Giacometti

Nicolas Giacometti

Policy Adviser, NATO
Thomas Doss

Thomas Doss

Assistant Program Executive Officer, International, Missiles and Space, International

Alon Amitay

Chief Business Development Officer, RADA
Alon Amitay

Alon Amitay

Chief Business Development Officer, RADA
Alon Amitay

Brigadier General (Ret'd) John Shapland

Strategic Planner , EUCOM
Brigadier General (Ret'd) John Shapland

 John Shapland is the Senior Director for Operations, Innovation, and Exercises for Stellar Solutions, Inc.  With nearly three decades of service as an Air Force officer, retiring as a brigadier general, he is a developmental test pilot with over 4,000 flying hours and has extensive experience in flight operations, flight test, command and control, missile defense, and cyber operations.  

Shaps is highly experienced in leading allies across Europe and the Middle East to strengthen national security while enhancing their air, space and cyberspace capabilities.  His unique expertise and proven record of building highly capable teams to overcome the most complex multinational security challenges enables him to provide clients a perfect balance of strategic leadership, international acumen and technical expertise.  
Having attended Euro-NATO Pilot Training, British Test Pilot School, and French Joint Service War College in Paris, his ability to work in partnership with our nations’ allies is second to none. Follow-on assignments to NATO Headquarters in Brussels, the US Embassy in Baghdad, and the US Embassy in Tel Aviv provide John with extraordinary international relations and diplomatic expertise.  Additionally, John directed operations for Air Force Materiel Command, blending his flight test expertise with the contracting functions to deliver senior leader insight into the acquisition and sustainment mission sets and the future development of next generation US Air Force air, space, and cyber systems.
Shaps is currently based in Europe and teaches Stability & Dynamics and High Order Flight Control laws as an Instructor Pilot in the variable stability Lear-25D at the British and French Test Pilots Schools.  He is optimally located to support short-notice projects in the UK or on the European continent.
Shaps’ recent exercise experience as a Stellar Advisor includes EUCOM’s Austere Challenge joint exercise series and USAFE’s Ballistic Missile Defense Table Top Exercise.

Brigadier General Dynski Kazimierz

Air and Missile Defence Division Chief - Deputy Inspector, General Command of the Polish Armed Forces
Brigadier General Dynski Kazimierz

 Kazimierz Dynski earned his commission from the Radar Engineering Military School. He is graduated from the National Defence University and the Air War College.

He started his career in Air Defence as a targeting officer up to A3 Division Chief of the POLAF HQ. He served as A7 Division Chief at the CC Air HQ Ramstein and J7 Deputy Chief the General Staff of the PAF, Deputy Chief of Staff - J3 Division Chief of the GENCOM and Director of the National Military Standardization Committee. He was assigned as commander of the 3rd Air Defence Brigade.

Colonel Anthony Behrens

Deputy Director, Joint Integrated Air & Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO), Joint Staff J8
Colonel Anthony Behrens

 Colonel Tony Behrens is assigned to the Joint Integrated Air & Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO), Joint Staff, J-8, under the Deputy Director for Force Protection at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Native to St. Louis, Missouri, Colonel Behrens is a 1995 graduate of Wentworth Military Academy, Lexington, Missouri.

A career Soldier, Colonel Behrens has held numerous air and missile defense leadership, staff and command positions from the platoon to general staff levels. He has deployed in combat on several occasions as a commander and staff officer from 2002 to 2014 and has served as an air and missile defense expert to senior military commanders, Army, Joint service and U.S. Congressional leaders.
Most recently, COL Behrens served as the Director, U.S. Army Fires Capabilities Development & Integration Directorate (CDID), one of the Army’s eight organizations responsible for the modernization and integration of warfighter capabilities.
Colonel Behrens holds a Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement from Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, a Master of Public Administration and National Security Policy from Troy University in Troy, Alabama, and a Master of National Security and Strategic Studies from the United States Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island.

Colonel Fernando Prada

71st ADA Regiment, Spanish Army
Colonel Fernando Prada

 Colonel Fernando PRADA was born in Cartagena (Spain) in 1967. He joined the Military School in 1988 and 5 years later he was promoted Lieutenant.

As General Staff course graduated, he worked as a Faculty in the Spanish Army War College and in the Spanish Joint Operations Command, Intelligence Branch.

In the air defence arena, as a Major he was posted in the 94th ADA Regiment. He is currently posted as 71th ADA Regiment Commander.

Colonel PRADA has participated in NATO missions in Bosnia i Herzegovina and Afghanistan, as well as in the UN mission in Lebanon.  

Colonel Graham Taylor CBE

7th UK Air Defence Group, British Army
Colonel Graham Taylor CBE

Colonel Graham Taylor was educated at RGS Worcester, Swansea University and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Commissioned into the Royal Regiment of Artillery in 1996, his formative years of service were with 7th (Parachute) Regiment Royal Horse Artillery and 40th Regiment Royal Artillery. He was then appointed Adjutant of 47th Regiment Royal Artillery on Thorney Island. On promotion to Major he was posted to the Army Officer Selection Board as a member of the assessment staff. During his time at Westbury he had the distinct pleasure of assessing the suitability for commissioned service of HRH Prince William and HRH Prince Harry.

He was posted to Germany in 2005 and commanded T (Shah Sujah’s) Battery Royal Artillery, 12th Regiment Royal Artillery before being appointed Deputy Chief of Staff, Offensive Support Group, 1st (UK) Armoured Division. During this tour he was selected as the Royal Artillery representative at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and joined the Directing Staff in January 2008.

He attended ACSC 14 and completed a Master of Arts degree in Defence Studies. Following Staff College, he was posted as Second-in-Command of 16th Regiment Royal Artillery, North Luffenham, which included GBAD deployment in support of Op OLYMPICS in London 2012. He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in February 2013 and his initial OF4 appointment was as SO1 G5 at HQ Force Troops Command responsible for managing A2020 transformational activity across FTC’s 10 brigades. He was hugely privileged to be given command of 12th Regiment Royal Artillery in June 2016 and spent two superb years back on Thorney Island. In 2018 he was promoted to Colonel and appointed as DACOS Personnel Services in the APSG. He was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in recognition of his work in APSG. Colonel Taylor returned to Thorney Island as the Commander of 7th Air Defence Group in October 2020.

Colonel Taylor has seen operational service in Bosnia, Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Cyprus and Afghanistan.


Colonel Lisa Bartel

Deputy Commanding Officer, 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command
Colonel Lisa Bartel
COL Lisa Bartel is a native of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. She enlisted in the Wisconsin Army National Guard in 1990 and was commissioned into the Air Defense Artillery through ROTC from the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh in 1994. She has served in a variety of leadership and staff positions both in the United States and overseas. 
In 1995, COL Bartel’s first duty assignment was with the 1-43 ADA Battalion at Suwon, South Korea where she served in a variety of positions to include Platoon Leader, Battalion Tactical Evaluations Officer and Battery Executive Officer. Upon completion of her assignment at Suwon in 1997, she was assigned to the 35th ADA Brigade at Ft. Bliss, Texas as a Brigade Tactical Director. COL Bartel moved to the 6-52 ADA Battalion in Ansbach, Germany from 1999-2002 serving as the Battalion Deputy Operations Officer and Battery Commander for Charlie Battery, deploying her battery to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in October 2001. 
 Her next assignment, from 2002-2006, took her to Burbach and, subsequently, Heidelberg, Germany where she was assigned to the tri-national Extended Air Defense Task Force (EADTF) in the Operations Branch. COL Bartel deployed to Eskisehir, Turkey with NATO during the onset of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 and she served with the EADTF until June 2006. From 2007-2009, COL Bartel was assigned as the Battalion Operations Officer for the 6-52 ADA Battalion at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma and subsequently served as the Brigade Operations Officer for the 31st ADA Brigade also at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. In 2009, she deployed to Kuwait where she served as the Executive Officer to the Army Central Command Deputy Commanding General, and in February of 2010, COL Bartel continued her deployment in Bahrain as the Battalion Executive Officer for the 1-7 ADA Battalion. In July 2010, she was assigned as Aide de Camp for the Commanding General of United States Army Europe in Heidelberg, Germany, and in March 2011, she moved to Stuttgart as Aide de Camp to the Commander, United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM). She served as the Strategy Branch Chief in the J5 Directorate at USAFRICOM from July 2011 until July 2012 and followed on as the Strategy and Theater Posture Deputy Division Chief until June 2013. From June 2013 to June 2015, COL Bartel commanded the 5-7 ADA Battalion at Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Kaiserslautern, Germany. While in command, she deployed the unit to Turkey for the NATO Mission Operation Active Fence and moved the battalion to Smith Barracks, Baumholder, Germany. From June 2016 to April 2018 she served as the Deputy Director of the Chief of Staff of the Army’s Coordination Group in the Pentagon. From May 2018 to August 2020 COL Bartel was assigned as the Commander, 31st ADA Brigade at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma and deployed the Brigade Headquarters to Qatar from May 2018 to February 2019. She served as the Executive Officer to the Deputy Vice Chief of the Space Force in the Pentagon from September 2020 to August 2022 and is currently assigned as the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command Deputy Commanding Officer.

Dr Brendan S. Mulvaney

Director, China Aerospace Studies Institute
Dr Brendan S. Mulvaney

Dr. Brendan Mulvaney is currently the Director of the China Aerospace Studies Institute at National Defense University. He is a Marine who served for a quarter of a century, where he flew more than 2000 hours as an AH-1W Cobra pilot, and was an Olmsted Scholar in Shanghai, China.

He enlisted in 1991 and was commissioned in 1993 after graduating from UC San Diego. He earned his Master’s in Leadership from the University of San Diego in 2002, and was selected as one of three Marine Olmsted Scholars for 2003. He studied at Fudan University in Shanghai, China from 2003-2005 where he earned his Ph.D. in International Relations. 
He served several tours in California, Iraq, Japan, and the Western Pacific. He served as the first Director of the Commandant’s Red Team, and supervised the implementation of Red Teaming in the Marine Corps. In 2013 he transferred to the U.S. Naval Academy, where he was the Associate Chair for the Languages and Cultures Department, and taught Mandarin Chinese, Chinese culture, and cross-cultural literacy.

Dr Thomas Karako

Senior Fellow, International Security Program/Director, Missile Defence Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Dr Thomas Karako

 Dr. Thomas Karako is a senior fellow with the International Security Program and the director of the Missile Defense Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), where he arrived in 2014. His research focuses on national security, missile defense, nuclear deterrence, and public law. For 2010–2011, he was an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow, working with the professional staff of the House Armed Services Committee and the Strategic Forces Subcommittee on U.S. strategic forces policy, nonproliferation, and NATO. Karako is also currently a fellow with the Institute for Politics and Strategy of Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University and his B.A. from the University of Dallas.

Gil Schwartz

Vice president of business development and marketing, RADA Industries
Gil Schwartz

Group Captain (Ret.) Bob Daisley

Independent Consultant & Former Deputy Commander, UK Joint Ground Based Air Defence HQ
Group Captain (Ret.) Bob Daisley

 During Robert’s 31 years in the RAF he accrued broad experience as an air operations officer in the UK and overseas.  He also served as the deputy commander of the UK’s Joint Ground Based Air Defence HQ. Robert’s last full-time appointment was as the programme manager for doctrine at the Development, Concept and Doctrine Centre - the UK’s military think tank at Shrivenham.  He still fulfils a part-time Reservist role within the HQ Air staff where his duties have included programme management and business transformation.  

Robert has worked as a defence consultant since 2017, specialising in air command and control. He presently works as the operations lead for QinetiQ’s support to the British Army’s Ground Based Air Defence Programme.  Robert also sits as a Judiciary Service Member of the War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation Chamber.

Henrik Olsson

Product Line Director, Surveillance Radars, Weibel Scientific A/S
Henrik Olsson

Henrik Olsson is Product Line Director for XENTA Doppler Radars at the Danish radar manufacturer Weibel. Henrik has an international background in technical and product management of integrated sensor systems for situational awareness & surveillance applications. The main focus throughout his career has been radar sensors, spanning from airborne early warning to ground border surveillance, and now most recently SHORAD, and drone detection radars. Henrik has spent over 7 years in the middle east working as the Chief Engineer for one of the largest border security programs to date.

Ian Spillane

Chief Engineer, Missiles and Fire Control, Lockheed Martin UK
Ian  Spillane

 Ian Spillane graduated from the University of Manchester, UK in 1985 with an Honours Degree in Mathematics. He has since worked in a variety of Engineering roles in the Defence industry covering Air, Land and Sea systems, delivering to customers in the UK, USA, Europe and the Middle East. In his 35 years working in the Systems Engineering field he has worked on a wide variety of programmes, both military and commercial. He has been involved in all aspects of the Development lifecycle, from Concept/Project Definition, through Requirements Analysis, Software/Hardware development, Integration and Test, Customer Acceptance into Post Delivery Support.

Ian’s roles have seen him operating in senior leadership roles, where he has been instrumental in determining business strategy, developing technology roadmaps, planning investment and R&D activities, running business capture activities, and preparing and reviewing the technical and financial aspects of subsequent bid submissions. He has extensive experience in operating in customer facing roles, whether that is working with the UK MoD, Defence Departments in other countries, other major Primes (in the UK and overseas), or other parts of the same business (most recently in the US and France).
Ian is currently the Chief Engineer for the Mission Support business area at Lockheed Martin UK Ampthill, prior to which he had been Engineering Director at Rockwell Collins UK Ltd. In both his role at Rockwell Collins, and his current role at Lockheed Martin, his focus has been on Command & Control, with particular application in the fields of Air-Land integration and Ground Based Air Defence. In December 2019 Ian was made a Lockheed Martin Fellow to recognise his technical leadership with the Lockheed Martin Corporation.
In addition to his direct programme responsibilities Ian has represented both Lockheed Martin and Rockwell Collins on a variety of NATO committees, including being Chairman of the NATO Industrial Advisory Group study on Threat Evaluation Weapon Assignment (TEWA) interoperability.

Lennart Steen

Senior GBAD Specialist, Saab AB
Lennart Steen

 Lennart Steen is the Senior GBAD Specialist at Saab’s business area Surveillance and has spent 20+ years in the industrial domain of GBAD, C-RAM, C-UAS and Air Surveillance with focus on sensors, command, control and communication systems as well as systems integration. Long-term teaming with industry partners to deliver customer programmes, including UK GBAD among others, has been an important part.

Lennart Steen holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering with specialisation in microwave engineering from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. His work interests span from operational analysis, concept studies to systems engineering, radar antennas and command and control topics such as threat evaluation and weapon allocation functions. Strategy, roadmaps development and the technical side of business captures have been other important areas. Lennart has been contributing to the series of studies on GBAD performed by NATO Industrial Advisory Group.
Lennart Steen is also a reserve officer of the Swedish Armed Forces, serving in the air defence domain.

Lieutenant Colonel Adam Miller

PM for Directed Energy, C-sUAS , U.S. Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office
Lieutenant Colonel Adam Miller

Lieutenant Colonel Miller is the Program Manager for the Army’s Directed Energy, Counter-small Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-sUAS) Office, part of the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO).  His office is responsible for developing, integrating, testing, and fielding a low-cost palletized prototype laser weapon system capable of detecting and defeating groups 1 and 2 UAS threats.  He previously served as the Executive Officer to the Director of the RCCTO.  

He graduated from Ohio University in 2001, receiving his commission in the Air Defense Artillery.  His initial assignment was in the 3rd Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 10th Mountain Division (Light), Fort Drum, NY where he served as platoon leader and deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.  
In 2004, Lieutenant Colonel Miller was assigned to 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, Republic of South Korea (later Fort Lewis, WA) where he served as assistant operations officer and battalion logistics officer.  In 2007, he assumed command of Foxtrot Company, 3d Battalion, 13th Infantry Regiment, Fort Jackson, SC.  
His follow-on assignments include: Program Integrator for Bradley Fighting Vehicle and Paladin Integrated Management System, Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) BAE Systems, York, PA; Program Manager at United States Forces Command-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), DCMA-Afghanistan; Chief of Programs, DCMA New Cumberland, New Cumberland Army Depot, PA; Assistant Product Manager for PATRIOT Advanced Capability Three (PAC-3), Huntsville, AL; Assistant Product Manager for Integrated Air & Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS) Modernization, Huntsville, AL; Department of the Army System Coordinator for Counter-Rocket, Artillery, & Mortar (C-RAM), Pentagon; Special Assistant to the Director of the Army Staff, Executive Communication and Control, Office of the Army Chief of Staff, Pentagon; and Product Manager, Integrated Fires Mission Command Software, Huntsville, AL. 
Lieutenant Colonel Miller holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Clemson University.  He is also a graduate of the US Army War College, Carlisle, PA.  Other education includes the Air Defense Artillery Officer Basic Course, Short Range Air Defense Officer Course, Marine Corps Expeditionary Warfare School, Command and General Staff College, and multiple Army Acquisition courses. 
His awards include the Bronze Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and Army Achievement Medal.  He wears the Army Parachutist Badge and Army Staff Identification Badge.

Lieutenant Colonel Andrius Konovalovas

Commander of the Air Defense Battalion, Lithuanian Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel Andrius Konovalovas


2004-2008 Platoon Commander
2009-2012 Battery Commander, Air Defense Battalion;
2012-2017 A3 / 5 Head of Military Cooperation Division, Air Force Headquarters;
2017-2019 Chief Specialist, Department of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, Ministry of National Defense;
From 04.12.2020 Battalion Commander, Air Defense Battalion.

Lieutenant Colonel Nikolaos Oikonomakis

Contract, Programme Manager, Ministry of National Defence
Lieutenant Colonel Nikolaos Oikonomakis

 Lt Col N. Oikonomakis is a Staff Officer (OF4) at General Directorate for Defence Investments & Armaments in Ministry of National Defence. He is responsible for the management of Principal Contracts with Companies & Government to Government Agreements in the field of Aeronautics (F-16 Viper Upgrade, FOS Patriot, FOS AEW&C, FOS Crotale NG-GR,etc.).

He has more than 13 years’ flying experience in managing and directing air operations, as well as working experience in developing or overseeing projects/programs from concept to completion. His operational background includes flying with Greek and NATO AWACS (more than 2200 flying hours), planning and executing a wide range of peacetime and wartime Airborne Battle Management, C2 & Joint ISR operations. 
He lectures International Business, Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Project Management at New York College of Athens.

Lieutenant Colonel Roger Ahfelt

Head of Swedish Air Defence Combat School, Swedish Army
Lieutenant Colonel Roger Ahfelt

 Head of Air Defence Combat School, responsible for GBAD officers education and training, doctrines and future GBAD development. 

LTC Åhfelt started his military career as a conscript 1987, followed up with studies at the Army Infantry School. His career in the Air Defence branch started 1994 at a sensor unit (GIRAFFE 75) followed up as a platoon commander SHORAD (RBS 70). LTC Åhfelt has been a Battalion Commander (HAWK/RBS70) for several years and a staff member at the SWE Air Force HQ and at KFOR HQ.

Matthew Hawes

Senior Director, Noblis
Matthew Hawes

 Matthew C. Hawes was born and raised in Northeast Ohio. He served in the United States Navy submarine force earning his “dolphins” onboard USS CINCINNATI (SSN 693).  Ashore posts included Submarine Squadron Eight, Joint Task Force 160 in Guantanamo Bay, and Bureau of Naval Personnel.  His final tour was as a Naval Liaison Officer to the United States Senate.  Mr. Hawes began his post-Navy career as the Deputy Public/Congressional Affairs Officer for the Deputy PEO, Theater Surface Combatants at Naval Sea Systems Command.  

In August 2001, Mr. Hawes joined the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) serving as the Assistant to the Technical Director. In December 2001, he was selected as Deputy and Special Assistant to the Technical Advisor serving until December 2003.  In December, Mr. Hawes was selected as Special Assistant and Chief of Staff to the Director for Engineering (MDA/DE) leading efforts across engineering and its sub-directorates. Simultaneously, he developed and served as the Director, Independent Assessments Directorate (MDA/DEA) leading reviews of Missile Defense Systems recommending whether they be continued, truncated, or modified.  In early 2006, he was selected as the Deputy, Technical Director, and Chief of Staff for the Integration, Test, and Fielding Directorate (MDA/DT-DF) and in February 2007, assumed additional duties as Acting Deputy Director, Combined Test Force. 
Mr. Hawes left Civil Service in June 2007 and became the Director, Missile Defense Programs and Business Development at Aerojet in Washington, DC and Sacramento, CA.  In June 2008, he became a Senior Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton leading DoD and International efforts. In January 2011, he left Booz Allen to serve as the Director of Strategy and Business Development at Northrop Grumman Information Systems supported U.S. and International Programs.  Mr. Hawes rejoined Booz Allen in January 2013 lead Integrated Air and Missile Defense and Missile Defense activities and was promoted to Principal/Director.  He led a myriad of programmatic and technical programs including IAMD, Hypersonic, Directed Energy, and cybersecurity. Mr. Hawes also led and served on multiple DoD level assessments and review boards.  
Mr. Hawes left Booz Allen in September 2019 to form Matthew C. Hawes LLC. His company supported multiple US and international government and commercial clients providing strategy, management, and solutions consulting. In August 2022, Mr. Hawes joined Noblis as a Senior Director where he provides leadership and advice across multiple Markets and Mission Areas. 
Mr. Hawes is married and has one daughter Kathryn Page. He graduated with honors from American University with a Master of Public Administration and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Government and Politics.  He resides in Madison, Alabama.  

Moshe Manor

Senior Air and Missile Defence Specialist, IAI ELTA Systems Ltd
Moshe Manor

Mr. Moshe Manor Col' (Res.) is a senior Air and missile defense and Air surveillance systems expert. 

Moshe has served more than 38 years in the Israeli Air Force, and his last position was the central C4 commander of Israel Air force.   
Moshe obtain a Master degree in Buisson's management and BA in Behavioral Sciences Ben Gurion University – ISRAEL

Moshe Manor

Senior Air and Missile Defense Specialist, IAI ELTA Systems Ltd.
Moshe Manor

 Mr. Moshe Manor Col' (Res.) is a senior Air and missile defense and Air surveillance systems expert. 

Moshe has served more than 38 years in the Israeli Air Force, and his last position was the central C4 commander of Israel Air force.   
Moshe obtain a Master degree in Buisson's management and BA in Behavioral Sciences Ben Gurion University – ISRAEL

Nicolas Giacometti

Policy Adviser, NATO
Nicolas Giacometti

 Nicolas Giacometti is a policy adviser in the Integrated Air and Missile Defence Section of NATO’s International Staff. In this capacity, he supports NATO negotiations and serves as an expert on air and missile defence policy issues within the broader organisation. 

Throughout his career at NATO, in the French Ministry of Defence and as a diplomat, Nicolas has gained extensive knowledge of NATO’s policies and capabilities for deterrence and defence, with a particular interest for the nuclear and aerospace domains.
He holds a Master in European Affairs from Sciences Po Strasbourg and a Master in Strategic Studies from Aberystwyth University. 

Thomas Doss

Assistant Program Executive Officer, International, Missiles and Space, International
Thomas Doss

Mr. Doss is the Assistant Program Executive Officer for International at Program Executive Office Missiles and Space.  He is a graduate of the Defense Acquisition University Senior Service College Fellowship.   Mr. Doss has served as Chief of Special Projects for PEO Missiles and Space for over four years.  Prior to his current assignment, he served as Assistant Chief of Staff, PEO Missiles and Space, 2004-2006; Executive Officer, PEO Missiles and Space, 2003-2004; Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003; Assistant Project manager for Operations, Precision Fires Rocket and Missile Systems Project Office, 2002-2003; Deputy Product manager for High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) and the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) BAT, 2001-2002; Assistant Project manager for Integration, Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS, 1999-2001).  Additionally, he was centrally selected as a Product Manager.  

His military career spans 24 years and crosses all three components of the Army (Active, Reserve and National Guard).  His assignments have included tours in Alaska, Greece, Fort Bragg, Fort Sill, Redstone Arsenal, and included three combat tours in Iraq.  He retired in 2000 with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Mr. Doss attended Marion Military Institute earning an Associate’s Degree and his commission as an Army Officer in 1983.  He then earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 1986, and a Master’s Degree in Acquisition and Contract Management from Florida Institute of Technology in 2003.  His military training includes the Field Artillery Officer Basic Course, the Field Artillery Officer Advanced Course, Combined Armed Service Staff School, and the US Army Command and General Staff College.  He is currently Level III Certified in Program Management and has been a member of the Acquisition Corps since April 2002.
His military career spans 24 years and crosses all three components of the Army (Active, Reserve and National Guard).  His assignments have included tours in Alaska, Greece, Fort Bragg, Fort Sill, Redstone Arsenal, and included three combat tours in Iraq.  He retired in 2007 with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Mr. Doss’ awards and decorations include the Civilian Service Commendation Medal, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology Defense Exports and Cooperation Professional of the Year, Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Army Commendation Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters, Army Achievement Medal, Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal with five Oak Leaf Clusters, National Defense Service Medal with Bronze Star, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal with Bronze Star, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, Armed Forces reserve medal with Silver Hour Glass, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Army Reserve Component Overseas Training Ribbon, Army Superior Unit Award, Airborne Badge, Air Assault Badge,  Combat Action Badge, and the German Cross of Honor of Bundeswehr in Silver.
Mr. Doss is a member of the Association of the US Army and the US Army Field Artillery Association and has been awarded both the Honorable and Ancient Orders of Saint Barbara.  


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Group Captain (Ret.) Bob Daisley, Independent Consultant & Former Deputy Commander, UK Joint Ground Based Air Defence HQ



2022 Update on the Integration of Sky Sabre into British Air Defence

Colonel Graham Taylor CBE, 7th UK Air Defence Group, British Army

  •  Optimisation of the Sky Sabre system to combat future UK threats and lessons learned after its introduction
  • Integrated air defence systems and the strategic need for ever-increasing range capabilities
  • Next steps for Sky Sabre


    Spanish ADA Material Upgrades and Future Organization of the Spanish Anti-aircraft Artillery System.

    Colonel Fernando Prada, 71st ADA Regiment, Spanish Army

  •  Development of the ADA combat.
  • ADA responsibilities regarding the A2/AD.
  • Spanish ADA units in operations.


    MARSS NiDAR - Defeating real world drones



    Morning Coffee



    Polish Integrated and Network Centric Air and Missile Defence

    Brigadier General Dynski Kazimierz, Air and Missile Defence Division Chief - Deputy Inspector, General Command of the Polish Armed Forces

  • Concept for variable use of a SHORAD system
  • Limitations on a short-range air and missile defence system
  • Training on SHORAD systems and strengthening their efficiency for the Polish Armed Forces
  • Interoperable needs and NATO involvement for air defence systems
  • Discussing Eastern European and NATO AMD in view of the situation in Ukraine
  • clock


    Integrated Air and Missile Defense – Advanced Threats Detection

    Moshe Manor, Senior Air and Missile Defense Specialist, IAI ELTA Systems Ltd.

  • Hypersonic threats detection
  • EXO/ENDO atmospheric detection
  • HRGV challenges & solutions
  • clock


    3D Detection and Classification of Air Targets in Complex Environments

    Henrik Olsson, Product Line Director, Surveillance Radars, Weibel Scientific A/S

  • Weibel overview
  • Operational challenges
  • XENTA 3D SHORAD radar
  • Performance examples
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Integration of Nation-State and Coalition Integrated Air and Missile Defense Systems

    Matthew Hawes, Senior Director, Noblis

  • Backround
  • Technical Integration enables Allied/Bi-Multi-Lateral Interoperability – But its hard
  • What is the Agnostic/Independent Integrator Model – How U.S. government organizations are changing the game
  • clock


    Lithuanian Air Defence Priorities

    Lieutenant Colonel Andrius Konovalovas, Commander of the Air Defense Battalion, Lithuanian Air Force

  •  Development of air defence infrastructure
  • NASAMS and expectations for their integration into NATINAMDS
  • Lithuanian airspace monitoring and reaction capabilities


    Advanced Approach in Air Defense Sensors Design

    Gil Schwartz

    Gil Schwartz, Vice president of business development and marketing, RADA Industries

  • Shape of conflict
  • Advanced capabilities – Sensors and solutions
  • Weapon systems integration
  • Multi-Mission support
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Discussing Swedish GBAD: Air Defence and the Eastern Threat

    Lieutenant Colonel Roger Ahfelt, Head of Swedish Air Defence Combat School, Swedish Army

  •  The current status of Swedish AMD: Strategic considerations and threats
  • Ongoing implementation of new systems
  • The future of GBAD capability
  • clock


    Evaluating Greek Defense Investments in the Realm of Air Missile Defence

    Lieutenant Colonel Nikolaos Oikonomakis, Contract, Programme Manager, Ministry of National Defence

  •  Air Missile Defense considerations for the F-16 Viper Upgrade Program
  • Counter UAS Considerations in AMD
  • Evaluating Patriot and Crotale systems 


    Perspectives on China’s Missile and Missile Defence Capability

    Dr Brendan S. Mulvaney, Director, China Aerospace Studies Institute

  •  Contrasting China’s capability to the Wests’
  • Are we doing enough to counter the threat?
  • Looking forward towards the 2030s
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Group Captain (Ret.) Bob Daisley, Independent Consultant & Former Deputy Commander, UK Joint Ground Based Air Defence HQ



    Drinks Reception Hosted by Lead Sponsor MARSS



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Group Captain (Ret.) Bob Daisley, Independent Consultant & Former Deputy Commander, UK Joint Ground Based Air Defence HQ



    The 10th AAMDC’s Role in European Air Defence: Facing the Threat

    Colonel Lisa Bartel, Deputy Commanding Officer, 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command

  •  Evaluating the capabilities of the 10th AAMDC
  • An update on the implementation of the M-SHORAD; Defending manoeuvre forces in an increasingly complex Air and Missile Defence environment
  • Ongoing work with allies to ensure interoperability and holistic missile protection
  • Looking forward at the strategic challenges for the 10th AAMDC and the preparations to overcome them
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    Integration and Synchronised Capabilities Across U.S. Missile Defence Programs

    Thomas Doss, Assistant Program Executive Officer, International, Missiles and Space, International

  •  Future expectations and requirements in the run-up to 2023 hypersonic operability
  • The Integrated Fires and Rapid Capabilities portfolio; c-UAS, hypersonic weapons and integrated systems
  • Strategic fires and their differences to practical laser-based defence systems


    Morning Coffee



    The Joint Integrated Air & Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO)

    Colonel Anthony Behrens, Deputy Director, Joint Integrated Air & Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO), Joint Staff J8



    NATO’s Integrated Air Missile Defence: Policy Framework

    Nicolas Giacometti, Policy Adviser, NATO

  •  From a policy perspective, what are the main challenges for NATO IAMD today and in the future?
  • How has the policy framework on NATO IAMD changed in the past years and how may it further evolve?
  • How can NATO contribute to enhancing Allies’ awareness about IAMD and their IAMD capabilities? 
  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Evaluating the Vital Role of Integrated Air and Missile Defence in an Increasingly Complex Threat Environment: Ukraine as a study

    Brigadier General (Ret'd) John Shapland, Strategic Planner , EUCOM

  •  Risk – Managing risk through integrating air and missile DefenseI
  • Interoperability & Integration – What does it mean across Europe?
  • Sensors - Understanding ‘360-degree’ threat – sensor coverage will enable Defense
  • Layered Defense - Left of Launch, Active, and Passive Defense – delivering, credible, and effective Air and Missile Defense
  • clock


    Adapting AMD Efforts to Near Peer Threats After Ukraine (Virtual)

    Dr Thomas Karako, Senior Fellow, International Security Program/Director, Missile Defence Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies

  •  Assessing US budgets and program changes
  • Reorienting from rogue states to Russia and China
  • The need for full spectrum AMD efforts integrated with passive defense and distributed operations
  • Lessons from the Ukraine conflict for fires and air defense 
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    Lockheed Martin Ground Based Air Defence and Architectures

    Ian Spillane, Chief Engineer, Missiles and Fire Control, Lockheed Martin UK

  •  Ground Based Air Defence technologies
  • Improving Air Defence Architectures
  • Current effectiveness of Ground based solutions to new air and missile threats


    Developing GBAD capability with incremental materiel inserts

    Lennart Steen, Senior GBAD Specialist, Saab AB

  • Integration platforms
  • Examples of key capability additions
  • Simultaneous missions
  • Non-technical considerations
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    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Group Captain (Ret.) Bob Daisley, Independent Consultant & Former Deputy Commander, UK Joint Ground Based Air Defence HQ

    Chief Business Development Officer
    Chief Business Development Officer
    Strategic Planner
    Air and Missile Defence Division Chief - Deputy Inspector
    General Command of the Polish Armed Forces
    Deputy Director
    Joint Integrated Air & Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO), Joint Staff J8
    71st ADA Regiment
    Spanish Army
    7th UK Air Defence Group
    British Army
    Deputy Commanding Officer
    10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command
    China Aerospace Studies Institute
    Senior Fellow, International Security Program/Director, Missile Defence Project
    Center for Strategic and International Studies
    Vice president of business development and marketing
    RADA Industries
    Independent Consultant & Former Deputy Commander
    UK Joint Ground Based Air Defence HQ
    Product Line Director, Surveillance Radars
    Weibel Scientific A/S
    Chief Engineer, Missiles and Fire Control
    Lockheed Martin UK
    Senior GBAD Specialist
    Saab AB
    PM for Directed Energy, C-sUAS
    U.S. Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office
    Commander of the Air Defense Battalion
    Lithuanian Air Force
    Contract, Programme Manager
    Ministry of National Defence
    Head of Swedish Air Defence Combat School
    Swedish Army
    Senior Director
    Senior Air and Missile Defence Specialist
    IAI ELTA Systems Ltd
    Senior Air and Missile Defense Specialist
    IAI ELTA Systems Ltd.
    Policy Adviser
    Assistant Program Executive Officer, International
    Missiles and Space, International

    Sponsors and Exhibitors


    Short Agenda


    Full Agenda


    Preliminary Attendee List (As of 26 October 2022)


    Air and Missile Technology 2022 Brochure


    Speaker Biographies


    Past Attendee List


    2021 Past Presentation - Lieutenant Colonel Zach Fennell, U.S. Air Force


    2021 Past Presentation - Mr Richard Engleholm, Weibel Scientific A/S


    2021 Past Presentation - Mr Paddy Mallon, Thales UK


    2021 Past Presentation - Colonel Graham Taylor, British Army


    2021 Past Presentation - Colonel Jaime-Vidal Mena Redondo, Spanish Army


    2021 Past Presentation - Lieutenant General Neil Thurgood, U.S. Army


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    IAI ELTA Systems Ltd.

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is a world-class aerospace and defense company innovating and delivering state-of-the-art technologies in space, air, land, naval, cyber & homeland security for defense and commercial markets. Combining the “Start-up Nation” spirit of innovation with decades of combat-proven experience, IAI provides customers with tailor-made, cutting-edge solutions to the unique challenges they face including satellites, UAVs, missiles, intelligence solutions, weapon systems, air defense systems, robotic systems, radars, business jets, aerostructures, and more. Established in 1953, IAI is one of Israel’s largest technology employers with offices and R&D centers in Israel and abroad. For more information, visit https://www.iai.co.il/.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    For more than 25 years, Noblis has been an innovator within the federal government, committed to enriching lives and making our nation safer while investing in the missions of tomorrow. As a nonprofit, Noblis works for the public good, providing independent and objective science, technology and engineering solutions. Together with our subsidiaries, we work with a wide range of government clients in the defense, homeland security, intelligence, law enforcement and federal civil sectors.

    Noblis is a nonprofit independent of shareholders. Our profits are directly reinvested in strengthening what makes us different – our research and our people. We have no commercial interests to advance, no vendor alliances to protect and no sponsors to represent. Instead, we are free to focus on what matters most – delivering the most impactful, practical solution for your mission.

    Your mission will benefit from the best Noblis has to offer, every time. Collaboration, objectivity and innovation are hallmarks of our company culture and are reflected in every solution. We stay tightly connected to industry and academia to ensure we apply the most current and relevant science and technology. We don’t wait for threats and challenges to impact our clients before we take action. Instead, we crowdsource our experts’ firsthand mission experience and translate it into Noblis Sponsored Research, our internally funded projects which are aligned to anticipate and solve our clients’ most challenging objectives. We offer state-of-the-art technology, integrated laboratories and high-performance computing resources to allow our clients to rapidly prototype, form immediate solutions and achieve “the art of the possible.”

    At Noblis, we are thinkers and doers who combine leading-edge research and labs with centers of excellence to drive innovation in the areas of analytics, augmented intelligence and machine learning, autonomous systems, cyber, cloud, space, energy, biosciences, telecom and many others. Our experts collaborate across a variety of backgrounds, disciplines and technologies to create mission-driven impacts for our federal agency customers.

    Together with our subsidiaries, we work with a wide range of government clients in the defense, homeland security, intelligence, law enforcement and federal civil sectors.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    RADA is a pioneer of combat-proven, multi-mission software-defined radars for enhanced survivability of on-the-move operations.

    Offering a wide range of compact, lightweight radar platforms based on cutting-edge 4D AESA pulse Doppler technology, our systems meet the highest SWaP-C criteria.

    RADA’s cutting-edge software defined radars enable lifesaving, mission-critical capabilities for the maneuver force. With simultaneous multi-mission capability, our radar systems provide real-time 360° Situation Awareness for operational superiority.

    Weibel Scientific A/S

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Weibel Scientific is a high-tech radar company that since the 1970s has been dedicated to provide precision data for user all over the world. The modern day company develops and produces a wide range of tactical and instrumentation X-band Doppler-based radars, utilizing CW, MFCW and FMCW waveforms for small object detection and tracking with high resolution in both the velocity and range domain. Weibel Scientific’s portfolio ranges from small muzzle velocity radars to radars for the full IAMD spectrum. The technology covers applications from counter drone operations around high value targets through SHORAD/LLAD to air surveillance radars for GBAD and upper tier air defense applications and BMD capable radars. Throughout the last 40 years, Weibel has provided more than 5000 radars to more than 50 countries.

    Media Partners

    Asian Military Review


    Asian Military Review is ABC audited publication, read & discussed by key decision makers & advisors to Asia Pacific militaries. Published since 1993 it’s widely recognised as authoritative provider of unbiased & objective information to Asian military. Editorial content comprises capability analysis, special reports & relevant news coverage from the region. AMR provides information, opinion & facts allowing military professionals to track & understand defence developments worldwide, concerning equipment, training, organisation & doctrine issues. The magazine is a proven source keeping military professionals up to date on national & international defence & security issues.

    Homeland Security Research Corporation


    HSRC provides premium off-the-shelf market reports on present and emerging technologies and industry expertise, enabling global clients to gain time-critical insight into business opportunities. All reports include in-depth information and analysis of emerging markets, technologies, and industries broken down by geography, market, vertical, technology, product, and revenue stream. Our reports support Homeland Security & Public Safety communities worldwide in their strategic decision-making process, providing up-to-date market knowledge, analysis, and insights. HSRC offers customized research services geared towards providing our clients with clear, actionable recommendations designed to empower decision-making and to help exploit emerging opportunities in the market. The customized research services provide a deep analysis of specific markets and eco-systems, target geographies, strategic segments and verticals, competitor analysis and technological benchmarks. The custom research services are provided as an ad hoc assignment or as an ongoing service.

    21st Century Asian Arms Race


    21st Century Asian Arms Race (21AAR) is an online resource for conflict and security related information specific to Eurasia. 21AAR's editorial style and open source approach to gathering public intelligence ensures a unique and independent presentation of events in real-time.

    Defence Online


    Defence Online is one of the fastest-growing communities of key decision makers representing defence sector buyers and influencers within the Ministry of Defence, Prime Contractors and Industry. Providing up-to-date and informative news, insight and intelligence, Defence Online allows organisations to engage directly with a range of sector-based solutions, designed specifically to enhance their knowledge and understanding of this ever-evolving marketplace. No matter the size of your organisation, Defence Online has a range of advertising and marketing solutions to suit your business development requirements, connecting you with a marketplace worth over £19 billion annually in the UK alone.

    Army Technology


    Army-technology.com brings you up-to-date international news and features on the defence industry, covering military projects, trends, products, services and more in the army sector. With a team of journalists around the world, army-technology.com, along with sister sites naval-technology.com and airforce-technology.com, is the only business service that focuses on the technologies required by military personnel and companies working in this important field. When you combine this with one of the most comprehensive and detailed listings of military equipment suppliers, products and services, free white paper downloads and company press releases, you see why army-technology.com is the key point of reference for the defence industry.

    Blog Before Flight


    Blog Before Flight is an online news and information website related to the aviation and aerospace industries. It offers daily news about new products, future projects, military exercises and operations, airshow info and reportages made in close contact with the international armed forces. Blog Before Flight combines technical concepts with a common language to reach everyone wants to know more about aviation.

    Armada International


    ARMADA INTERNATIONAL is leading defence magazine which reports on and analyses defence systems, equipment and technology. Together with its Compendium supplements, ARMADA provides defence planners in the militaries, in government, in procurement and in the defence industry itself with the information they need to plan their strategies.



    Key.aero was created by Key Publishing to bring the best of expert aviation content online. You can now easily access in one place outstanding content from our world-leading aviation publications including Aeroplane, FlyPast, Airforces, Air International, Airports of the world, Airliner World, Aviation News, Combat Aircraft and PC Pilot. Plus, enjoy articles, video and content created exclusively for key.aero. Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about aviation is now just one click away!

    Uncrewed Systems Technology Magazine


    Uncrewed Systems Technology magazine focuses entirely on the innovative engineering that's successfully pushing boundaries on land, at sea, in flight and even through the universe. The magazine is unique - the first ever publication to focus entirely on providing independent coverage of the engineering at the heart of uncrewed vehicles. It applies the same rigorous scientific approach to this brave new world as critically acclaimed Race Engine Technology has brought to the subject of racing powertrain technology. Published 6-times a year, we probe today's cutting-edge projects to provide in-depth research insights - rigorous investigation is backed by professional peer review and critical analysis.

    Global Military Communications


    Global Military Communications is a publication that tracks the trends, drivers and technology that fuel the military communications sector. Communications continue to be the lynchpin of modern warfare and is crucial to any military campaign. The sector is going through unprecedented change as militaries and governments across the world move towards a network centric approach to their communications. From operations in war zones to homeland security and disaster recovery operations, Global Military Communications provides you with the latest communications developments on land, sea, and in the air.



    ARMSCOM.net is a B2B /B2G platform for brokers of military goods. ARMSCOM.net is dedicated for Aerospace and Defense Industry with database containing more than 4000 companies and 3400 defense industrial sectors. Add Company and Products Profiles. For more information e-mail: armscom.net@gmail.com or visit http://www.armscom.net, tel.: + 372 816 946 77

    Military Systems and Technology


    Military Systems & Technology is a comprehensive web portal, design agency and publication designed for the International Defence & Aerospace Industry. It is a source of daily information for Manufacturers, OEM’S, System Integrators and Contractors. We even have Government & Military Readers. The portal encompasses all aspects of Military equipment, technology, design and services. www.militarysystems-tech.com info@militarysystems-tech.com +44 (0)1392 881545

    Defence Global


    Defence Global provides an essential link between the Defence & Security Manufacturers and Suppliers, Government and Military sectors globally. Defence Global is a quarterly, tri-service publication providing articles and informative analysis from respected journalists and writers worldwide to attract a sophisticated and broad audience. Defence Global is published in February, May, August and November, with a professional and stylish design in both printed copy and digital format. The printed copies are perfect bound, full colour throughout with high quality art and photography. Defence Global is used as a reference tool providing a professional and intelligent read. We work with industry experts and corporate clients to include Defence and Security Manufacturers and Suppliers, as well as Governments, MoDs, Military Authorities and Senior Management Teams.

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    speaker image












    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7827 6000 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7827 6001
    Website: http://www.smgconferences.com Email: events@saemediagroup.com
    Registered in England - SMi Group Ltd trading as SAE Media Group

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