Now in its 8th annual year, this conference will offer you an up-to-date overview of the latest international perspectives, programmes and technology in Software Defined Radio. Analyse the way ahead and examine the latest developments in providing software-based wireless systems and devices for effective operational communications.
You Will:
- Learn about the latest national military SDR programmes, technology and capabilities
- Analyse spectrum management from UK and US perspectives
- Hear about the latest operational experiences in the use of tactical radios
- Assess approaches to interoperable SDR and the way ahead
- Discuss the ongoing operations for establishing an international commercial standard
This event is a must attend in ensuring that you stay up-to-date with the latest developments, challenges and technology.
Confirmed Speakers Include:
Brigadier General Ugo Manetti, Director, International Programs Coordination Office, General Directorate for Telecommunications, IT and Advanced Technologies, Ministry of Defence, Italy
Jim Nixon, Head of Defence Spectrum Management, Directorate of Command & Battlespace Management J6, Ministry of Defence, UK Bob Wilson, Deputy Project Manager, Command Posts, US Army
Steve Bernier, Project Leader, Software Defined Radio, Communications Research Centre, Canada Major Jari Seppala, Research Coordinator, Electronics and Information Technology Division, Finnish Defence Forces Technical Research Centre
Heikki Rantanen, Principal Scientist, Finnish Defence Forces Technical Research Centre
Paige R. Atkins, Director, Defense Spectrum Organisation, Defense Information Systems Agency, USA
Michel Gari, Principal Officer, Policy, European Defence Agency
Scott Hepburn, FAB-T Chief Engineer, Mitre Corporation, USA
Christian Serra, Chairman, SDR Forum
Eric Nicollet, Embedded SDR Architecture Specialist, Thales Communications
Annalies Squires, Product Development Director, Etherstack
Peter Dingley, Head of Skynet 5 PMS Project, Astrium Services
Dominic Paniscotti, General Manager, Software Defined Radio Products, PrismTech
Post Conference Drinks Reception - Monday 9th June Etherstack has the pleasure of inviting you to a post conference drinks reception at the end of the first day of the conference. Network with colleagues and discuss the days' proceedings in the luxurious surroundings of Home House. 
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Conference agenda
Chairman's Opening Remarks
Phil White, Lead, Military Radio Systems, PA Consulting Group
Programme Update - Italian Future Capabilities
Brigadier General Ugo Manetti, Director, International Programs Coordination Office, General Directorate for Telecommunications, IT and Advanced Technologies, Ministry of Defence, Italy
- Working with industry to develop a next generation radio
- Latest developments of research national contracts
- The Italian participation in the international SDR programs
- Further planned projects to drive forward national requirements and expertise in military SDR
Finnish Approach from the National SDR Demonstrator Project to the Multinational SDR Prototype Programme
- Military requirements for future radio communications systems
- Recent results of the Finnish SDR studies
- Challenges and prospects of SDR - a Finnish view
- The way ahead after the Finnish SDR demonstrator programme
Major Jari Seppala, Research Co-ordinator, Electronics and Information Technology Division, Finnish Defence Forces Technical Research Centre
Heikki Rantanen, Principal Scientist, Finnish Defence Forces Technical Research Centre
Using the SCA with DSP's and FGPA's
Steve Bernier, Project Leader, Software Defined Radio, Communications Research Centre, Canada
- Review of the SCA deployment mechanisms
- How are DSP's and FPGA's different from GPP's?
- How can an SCA application use a DSP/FPGA?
SDR Market and Technology Trends Creating a New SDR Ecosystem
Dominick Paniscotti, General Manager, Software Defined Radio Products, PrismTech
- Global SDR market overview and standards development efforts to support national and international requirements
- SDR hardware and software enabling technologies accelarating SDR adoption
- The emerging SDR products and supplier ecosystem that will speed deployment and lower total cost of ownership of Software Defined Radios
Transforming Spectrum Management to Support Future Net-Centric Operations
Paige R. Atkins, Director, Defence Spectrum Organization, Defence Information Systems Agency (DISA), USA
- Defense spectrum environment
- Global spectrum challenges
- Net-centric spectrum management vision
- Spectrum management transformation
Spectrum Management in the UK
Jim Nixon, Head, Defence Spectrum Management, Directorate of Command & Battlespace Management J6, Ministry of Defence, UK
- Spectrum space needs in the UK
- Initiatives for freeing up spectrum space
- Spectrum regulation
Ongoing Operations for Establishing an International Commercial Standard
Christian Serra, Chairman, SDR Forum
- Drivers for accepted SDR standards
- SDR Forum and Object Management Group (OMG) - how are they working together?
- Building an international commercial standard based on the SCA - current status
- Perspectives and contributions from the various ITU regions
- Impact on the SDR Certification aspects
Proven Techniques for Commercial SDR Waveform Development
Annalies Squires, Product Development Director, Etherstack
- Development under a commercial business model
- Key role of specialist design practices, expertise and tools in reducing development and maintenance costs
- Designing to maximise software reusability, upgradeability and portability
- Significance of SDR standardisation
- Real-world commercial examples
Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One
Post Conference Drinks Reception Sponsored by Etherstack
Chairman's Opening Remarks
Phil White, Lead, Military Radio Systems, PA Consulting Group
Tactical Radios - An Operational Insight
Bob Wilson, Deputy Project Manager, Command Posts, US Army
- Technologies used
- Requirements for SDR
- Experiences and lessons learned
OMG Software Radio Standards Overview
Andrew Watson, Vice President and Technical Director, Object Management Group, USA
- Middleware specifications for software radio - CORBA and CORBA/e
- General-purpose modelling languages used in SDR - UML & SysML
- UML profile for Software Radio
- UML profile for Modelling & Analysis of Real-time & Embedded systems (MARTE)
- UML profile for DODAF & MODAF
- Model-Driven Architecture
The European Dimension in SDR
Michel Gari, Principal Officer, Policy, European Defence Agency
- EDA, as the venue for coordination and exchange of information between the various European initiatives
- Catalyst of European Standardisation approach including close relation with the Commission
- Initiator of the development of an European network of T&E capabilities for SDR certification: an example of European Defence Test & Evaluation Base rationalisation
Air Combat Command Update
Scott Hepburn, FAB-T Chief Engineer, Mitre Corporation, USA
- Air Force family of advanced beyond-line-of-sight terminal (FAB-T) programme update
- Operational requirements
- Technological and design challenges
Perspective on SDR and CR R&T Stakes for the European Wireless Commercial Industry
Eric Nicollet, Embedded SDR Architecture Specialist, Thales Communications
- Some commercial business cases
- Technology and associated standardisation stakes
- Cross-domain standardisation approaches - the Transceiver case
The Practical Realisation of SDR
Peter Dingley, Head of Skynet 5 PMS Project, Astrium Services
- Discussion of Astrium's strong practical SDR capability
- Illustrations of practical experience of SCA for SDR
- Highlights of lessons learned from the use of reference implementations
- Multi-purpose / multi-mode illustrations of secure, robust and high data rate waveforms
- Demonstrations of platform reconfigurability and portability
SDR in Commercial and Civil Systems - Is there something to offer the Military?
Peter Relph, Principal Consultant, PA Consulting Group
- The state of the art in SDR in commercial products
- Commercial SDR standards and thinking
- Comparison with military SDR
- What benefits and lessons learned can be cross-fertilised between the two camps
Chairman’s Closing Remarks, Afternoon Tea and Close of Conference
Copthorne Tara Hotel
11 June 2008
London, United Kingdom