Colonel Jay Bickley (USAF), Combat Air Branch Head, NATO Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC)
Col Jay R. Bickley is the Branch Head, Combat Air Branch, North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Joint Air Power Competence Center (JAPCC) in Kalkar Germany. The JAPCC provides innovative and timely advice and subject matter expertise, both proactively and responsively, for the transformation of Joint Air and Space Power to the Alliance and Nations. As a Center of Excellence, with a strategic and operational level focus, it offers independent thought, analysis and solutions. As the Branch Head, Combat Air, Col Bickley provides and oversees subject matter expertise for Suppression of Enemy Air Defences, Electronic Warfare, Manned Air including attack helicopters, Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles, Precision Guided Munitions, Cruise Missiles, Ground Based Air Defence, Theatre Missile Defence, and Maritime Air including Carrier Operations. Col Bickley completed pilot training at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas in December 1991. He has served as a Flight Commander, Director of Operations and Squadron Commander. He has flown the T-37, T-38, TC-18, and E-3 aircraft. He is a command pilot with more than 4300 hours of flight time including 160 hours in combat. C
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