Mobile Deployable Communications 2019
31 January - 1 February 2019
Mobile Deployable Communications 2019

SAE Media Group's 12th annual Mobile Deployable Communications conference returns to Warsaw on the 31st January and 1st February 2019.

As data requirements for the modern warfighter continue to grow, there is a clear and present need to analyse the flexibility, interoperability and resilience of CIS systems among allied forces. With additional importance in the face of continued operations within asymmetrical and hybrid conflict zones - as well as near peer adversaries exploiting new electronic warfare technologies - the need to achieve secure communications has never been greater.

With over 120+ attendees, 7 hours of networking and an extensive exhibition space - Mobile Deployable Communications remains the key calendar date for anyone within the radio, LTE and ground segment community.


Brigadier General Christopher L. Eubank

Brigadier General Christopher L. Eubank

39th Chief of Signal, US Army Signal School
Brigadier General Vasil Sabinski

Brigadier General Vasil Sabinski

Director of Communications and Information Systems, EU Military Staff
Colonel Grzegorz Szmit

Colonel Grzegorz Szmit

Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch J6, Polish Armed Forces
Colonel Marek Gladysz

Colonel Marek Gladysz

Deputy Chief of the Command and Control, Polish Armed Forces
Colonel Mihai Burlacu

Colonel Mihai Burlacu

Deputy Head of Communications and IT Department, Romanian Defence Staff
Colonel Thomas Wirsching

Colonel Thomas Wirsching

NATO CIS Group J5 Division Head, NATO CIS Group
Mr Peter Stracke

Mr Peter Stracke

Branch Chief, Federal Office of the Bundeswehr for Information Management and Information Technology

Brigadier General Christopher L. Eubank

39th Chief of Signal, US Army Signal School
Brigadier General Christopher L. Eubank

BG Christopher L. Eubank is a native of Roanoke, Virginia. He was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant from the Virginia Military Institute as an Armor officer; upon his promotion to Captain, he joined the Signal Corps. Throughout his 28 years of service, BG Eubank has deployed eight times in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. BG Eubank’s previous assignment was the fifth Director of the J6 for the United States Africa Command in Stuttgart Germany. Currently BG Eubank serves as the 39th Chief of Signal and Signal School Commandant.

BG Eubank is a graduate of numerous professional military ethic courses, including the U.S. Army War College. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from Virginia Military Institute, a Master of Arts in Computer Resource and Information from Webster University and a Master of Science in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College, Carlisle, PA.

Brigadier General Vasil Sabinski

Director of Communications and Information Systems, EU Military Staff
Brigadier General Vasil Sabinski

Brigadier General Vasil SABINSKI began his military career in the General Staff Signal Brigade of the Bulgarian Armed Forces in 1988 after completion of a master's degree in Telecommunications from the "Vasil Levski" National Military University.

He subsequently commanded at company and battalion level within the Signal Brigade as well as undertaking positions teaching communication and information systems (CIS) in the National Military University and being the Chief of Unit of the Bulgarian Armed Forces Strategic CIS Command.

Selected for the General Staff Course at the "G.S.Rakovski" Defense and Staff College, he was promoted to Colonel on completion of the course in 2006 and appointed as the Deputy Commander of the Signal Brigade. In 2007 he moved to the Ministry of Defence, initially to be a Government expert on NATO and EU integration and interoperability and then as the Capability Management Branch Chief. In 2010, he was selected to be the Branch Chief for CIS Policy and Requirements within the EU Military Staff in Brussels, a position he held for 4 years before going back to Bulgaria to become the Commander of the Stationary CIS of the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces.

Promoted to General rank in August 2017, he returned to the EU Military Staff to assume the position of Director CIS with responsibility for developing policies and guidance for CIS and Cyber Defence in support of Common Security and Defence Policy operations and missions.

Brigadier General SABINSKI is married, with two children.

Captain Dez Hill

G-6 Projects Officer , US Marine Corps
Captain Dez Hill

Captain Hill joined the Marine Corps in 2009 and served as a cyber network operator before commissioning as a C4 systems officer in 2012. He has since served as a radio platoon commander and battalion communications officer in the 4th Marine Logistics Group and as section officer-in-charge at the Marine Corps Cyber Operations Group. He is currently the G-6 projects officer at the Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, where he is primarily concerned with coalition C4 interoperability and posturing the northern flank of NATO and the European Arctic in support of EUCOM operational planning.

Captain Guillaume Journaux

Deputy Head of Telecommunication Branch , DGA
Captain Guillaume Journaux

Captain (Armament) Guillaume Journaux is the deputy head of the telecommunications branch of the Technical Directorate of the DGA (Délégation Générale de l’Armement), part of the French Ministry of Armed Forces. He is in charge of the technical roadmaps for future communication systems regarding technology, performance and interoperability.
Graduated from the French Engineering Officer’s College ENSTA-Bretagne, Capt. Guillaume Journaux has worked on Land Tactical Communications and Software Defined Radio in the Test and Evaluation center DGA Information Superiority near Rennes.

Colonel (Ret'd) Mike Sweeny

VP of Government Strategy, REDCOM
Colonel (Ret'd) Mike Sweeny

Col Mike Sweeney, USMC (Ret) is the Vice President of Government Strategy for REDCOM Laboratories, Inc. Col Sweeney’s last duty assignment was at Marine Forces Pacific where he served as the Chief of Staff. Prior to that he served as the Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander at U.S. Marine Special Operations Command. Col Sweeney has a Master’s Degree in Systems Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School, a Masters in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College, and a Master’s in Business Administration from National University.

Colonel Carlos Jorge de Oliveira Ribeiro

Deputy Director, Communications and Information Systems Directorate, Portuguese Army
Colonel Carlos Jorge de Oliveira Ribeiro

Colonel of Signals (Engineer) / (PRT Army)
Was born 1964 and joined to the Army in 1983.
Amongst other carrier courses, the Staff Course, the Flag Officer Course, the Electrical Engineering degree and Post-Graduations in Intelligence Warfare/Competitive Intelligence and Project Management.
Signals Regiment: Support Services Company Commander (1993-94), Deputy Commander (2006-07), Commander (2014-16);
UNAVEM III in Angola: Signals Company Deputy Commander (1995-96);
Mechanized Brigade: Signals Company Commander (2001-02);
Military Academy: Signals Courses Director and Professor (2002-06);
Assistant to the Army Chief of Staff (2007-11);
PRT MILREP: Assistant for EU Operations, Exercises and Cooperation (2011-14);
Communications and Information Systems Directorate: Project Coordination Office Chief (2016-17), Deputy Director (2018-…).

Colonel Grzegorz Szmit

Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch J6, Polish Armed Forces
Colonel Grzegorz Szmit

Colonel Grzegorz Szmit was born on 05 December 1972.
A graduate of the Military Technical Academy in Warsaw (1996) and the Institute of National Research Institute of Telecommunications in Warsaw (2008). He finished Doctoral Study in Military University of Technology in Warsaw (2014). I am doing my PhD study at Military University of Technology in Warsaw.
In the years 1996-2003 he worked at the centre for Computer Science of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, where he was responsible for the design of military LAN/WAN, testing devices for compliance with the military requirements and technical support for exercises and missions. Then from 2003 to 2006 he worked at the Centre for Information Technology and Communications National Defence where he was the head of the systems Integration Section of the Telecommunications Networks Division. In 2007 was moved to the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications where among other things acts as a project manager for some key projects developing of the MoD networks infrastructure: (e.g. building a deployable mobile network). Since 2012 employee of the J6 of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces as the head of Mobile Deployable Communications and Information Systems. Than in 2015 became the Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch of the Command & Control Directorate – J6.
He has international experience too. Since 1999 he had been working in the programme for testing the interoperability of NATO and PfP countries codenamed Combined Endeavour (CE) where from 2004 to 2012 worked in exercises management. He is Polish Armed Forces representative at NATO Capability Panel 1 and in IDT Command and Info at European Defence Agency.
Privately, he is married, have two children, interested in history, sports (skiing, tennis, biking mountain, swimming, soccer - football, handball, volleyball) and tourism.


Colonel Herman Hendrickx

G6, Land Component , Belgian Armed Forces
Colonel Herman Hendrickx

LTC Herman Hendrickx, born in 1967, graduated from the Royal Military Academy (RMA) and obtained a master’s degree in civilian engineering (Polytechnic) in 1993. He completed his officers training at the CIS School in PEUTIE (Belgium).

After several operational appointments at platoon and company level, and a period in the Joint Forces Command Headquarters in BRUNSSUM (Holland), he attended the Senior Officers’ Course at the Royal High Institute for Defence in 2001/2002.

From 1995 until 2000, he executed six missions in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia.

After the Senior Officers Course, Maj Hendrickx was assigned to the Material Resources Division where he was responsible for the purchase of new Radio Relays for the Belgian Army.

From January 2007 until July 2008 he attended the Dutch Advanced Staff Course in DEN HAAG (The Netherlands), where he obtained a master in “Security and Defence”.

In September 2008, he was assigned as the Commander of the 10th CIS Gp in Leopoldsburg (Belgium). After this assignment, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in September 2011.

In October 2011, he became Staff Officer at the Doctrine & Requirements Department of the Belgian Defence Staff where he wrote the ‘Ops CIS Support’ Doctrine.

In July 2014, he became a teacher in CIS matters at the Royal High Institute for Defence in BRUSSELS (Belgium).
Since May 2016, Col Hendrickx is, in his function as G6, the commander of the land CIS Units and the advisor in all CIS matters for the Belgian Land Component Command.
In 2017, het was promoted to the rank of Colonel.
Col Herman Hendrickx is married and has two daughters.


Colonel Manfred Kutz

Assistant Chief of Staff, J6, NATO Multinational Corps Northeast
Colonel Manfred Kutz

Colonel Manfred Kutz started his military career as Non Commissioned Officer in the DEU Signal Troops in 1978.

After serving as platoon and company commander having been assigned as Battalion Commander, he was assigned as a Desk Officer to the DEU Ministry of Defence and responsible for all CIS related topics concerning NATO Response Force (NRF). In between he had served as G6 Staff Officer at the Division Level.

Being an instructor at German Armed Forces Command and Staff College, he was responsible for the all Command and Control and CIS related topics and for Information Operations as well.

Colonel Kutz is experienced in missions abroad after several assignments (UNOSOM, SFOR, KFOR, ISAF) and was responsible for establishment of the DEU CIS Network Operations Center as part of the Bundeswehr Communication and Information Systems Services Centre.

Since January 2015, he is assigned as Assistant Chief of Staff Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast, being responsible for all the CIS topics related to the Headquarters and to prove CIS to the subordinated formations.

Colonel Kutz is 60 years old, he is married and is living in Szczecin for more than four years.

Colonel Marek Gladysz

Deputy Chief of the Command and Control, Polish Armed Forces
Colonel Marek Gladysz

Colonel Marek Gladysz was born on 06 October 1963.
A graduate of the High Military School of Communication(1986), Warsaw University of Technology (1992), National Defense Academy in Warsaw (2002) and the National University of the People's Republic of China in Beijing (2015)
In the years 1986-1999 he served at the 15 Signal Brigade in Sieradz, where he held positions from the platoon leader up to the battalion commander.
Then from 2000 to 2009 he was assigned to the Land Forces Command taking positions from a Specialist in the Training Branch to the Major Specialist in the Command and Communication Division(G6). He also has an extensive international experience. In 2010 Col Marek Gladysz was appointed to the HQ JFC Brunssum in Netherlands as the J6 head. After completing returning from the Netherlands he took a position of the Chief of the Division of Communication and Information Technology in the Operational Command. Since 2015, he has been working as the Deputy Chief of Command & Control Directorate – J6 in the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces in Warsaw. During his service in the Polish Armed Forces, he was assigned four times to perform duties in the Polish Military Contingent in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and once in the Polish Military Contingent in the Republic of Iraq.
Privately, his hobbies are sport, paragliding, sailing.

Colonel Michele Antonio Galantino

Signal Department Deputy Chief, Army General Staff - Italian Army
Colonel Michele Antonio  Galantino

Current Appointment: Signal Department Deputy Chief at Army General Staff

Previous Work Experiences
Main National Command Duties
1989-1995: 7th Signal Regiment, 5th ”ROLLE” Battalion Platoon and Coy Commander in Sacile;
2003-2004: “Rolle” Signal Battalion Commander in Sacile;
2009-2011: 232nd Signal Regiment Commander in Avellino.

Main National Staff Duties
1995-1996: 7th Signal Regiment, 5th ”ROLLE” Battalion S1 cell Chief in Sacile;
1997-1999: 7th Signal Regiment S1 cell Chief of the in Sacile;
2004-2007: Signal Brigade S3 Ops cell Chief in Anzio;
2008-2009 e 2011-2012: Signal Brigade Chief of staff in Anzio;
2012-2016: Signal Corps Chief of staff;
2017: Signal Department Deputy Chief at Army General Staff.

Main international and operational Duties
2001: Information System Manager Section head in HQ KFOR, Kosovo;
2003: Planning Team leader during the “Antica Babilonia” Operation in IRAQ;
2003-2004: JTFC4, “Rolle” Signal Battalion Commander during Joint Endeavour Operation in MNBW – Kosovo - KFOR;
2005: ISAF Multinational Brigade Planning Team leader, Afghanistan Kabul;
2007-2008: ISAF Regional Command West Chief CJ6, Afghanistan Herat.

Education and Training
He attendend the 166th course of the Army Military Academy in Modena, Advanced School of Military Studies in Turin, Staff Army Course and the Advanced Command and Staff course at the Joint services Command and Staff College;
Degree in electrical engineering from the University of Turin;
Degree in Military Science from the University of Turin;
Master in Military Science from the University of LUISS in Rome;
He has an airborne qualification and lifeguard qualification, and he is a PT and driving school military instructor.

Military awards and decorations
- Knight of the Italian Meritorious Military Order;
- “Mauriziana” Cross for Long Service (50 yrs);
- Long Period Achievment Gold Medal;
- National Medal for Peace Support Operations;
- NATO Medal for Joint Guardian Operation in Kosovo;
- NATO Medal for Joint Endeavour Operation in Kosovo;
- NATO Medal for ISAF in Afghanistan;
- Spanish “Operaciones de Mantenimiento de Paz” Medal for Peace Support Operations.

Colonel Mihai Burlacu

Deputy Head of Communications and IT Department, Romanian Defence Staff
Colonel Mihai Burlacu

Col Mihai Burlacu was commissioned with the 48th Signal Regiment in 1985. He was assigned in various command positions and after the university graduation was appointed with the CIS Command. He undertook various assignments in CIS Operations and Capability Planning within the J6 General Staff and afterwards between 1998-2001 and 2003-2007 worked as the C3 Representative to NATO. In 2008 he took over CIS Planning Branch/CIS Directorate and later the 48th CIS Centre. Between 2016-2017 he worked for EUAM as Senior IT Advisor in Ukraine. He assumed the current position in October 2017. He is married and has one son.

Colonel Rui Manuel Marques Da Silva

Army CIS Project Manager, Portuguese Armed Forces
Colonel Rui Manuel Marques Da Silva

1984/1988 Military Academy Signals Course
1989/1992 University Education, Computer Systems Engineering
1992/1993 CIS Platoon Commander, Signal Company, Mechanised Brigade
1993/1994 Deputy Signal Company Commander in the ONUMOZ Operation (Mozambique)
1994/1995 Company Commander, Electronic Militar Centre
1995/1998 CIS Projects, Research & Development, Electronic Militar Centre
1998/1999 Staff Officer Promotion Course, Military Studies
1999/2000 Teacher of Tactical Communications and Information Systems, Military Academy
2000/2002 Staff Course, Staff College, Lisbon
2002/2004 Communications and Electronic Warfare Branch, CIS Division, Army Staff
2004/2006 Chief of Engineering Support Group, Electronic Militar Centre,
SIC-T Project Team Leader – Project to Develop a Deployable Communications and Information System for Portuguese Army
2006/2008 Branch Chief, Command and Control, CIS Directorate,
Radio GRC-525 Project Manager (Fiscalization and Support Mission)
2008/2010 Deputy Commander, Electronic Militar Centre
2010/2013 Branch Chief, Communications and Electronic Warfare, CIS Division, Army Staff
2013/2016 NATO Defence Planning Process, CIS & Cyber Defence, Allied Commander Transformation (ACT)
2016/…. Army Signal Centre Commander, CIS Directorate
Army CIS Project Manager, CIS Directorate

Colonel Thomas Wirsching

NATO CIS Group J5 Division Head, NATO CIS Group
Colonel Thomas Wirsching

Colonel Wirsching was born in Bremerhaven/Germany on 24 July 1957. On 01 July 1976, he entered the Army as an Officer Cadet of the Tank Forces. He completed basic training, Platoon Leader and Officer training at Army Armoured Training Centre Munster and Army Officers School Hannover End 1977. From January 1978 to September 1984, he served as Platoon Leader and S2-Officer in different Tank Battalions in Northern Germany. !984 to 1986 he served as Company Commander of 2nd Coy/TankBn 314.

When being accepted as professional Officer, COL Wirsching was transferred to the Army Signal Corps End 1984. He served in various positions in Signal Units at Division and Corps level as well as instructor at the Army Signal School. 1993 – 1996 he became S6-Officer of 31st Airborne Brigade. 1998 – 2000 Col Wirsching worked as Desk Officer in the SHAPE CIS Division. 2000 – 2002 he assumed the function of Commanding Officer of 610 SigBn, the DEU contribution for the new MNC NE.

Followed by an appointment at the DEU War College as Army G6 Instructor. Between 2005 and 2008, He was assigned as Desk Officer to the Army Development Department at the DEU MOD.

October 2008 he became Head G6 Land Component Command Heidelberg where he served until Mid 2011.

In July 2011, he was assigned as NCSA Branch Head Configuration & Quality Management at SHAPE. Since July 2012 he assumed the roles and responsibilities as NATO CIS Group Head J5.

Col Wirsching’s recent deployments where in 2010 for 1 year as Chief of Staff/MILAD to the NATO Senior Civilian Representative to AFG and in Spring 2013 as Dep CJ6 HQ ISAF.

Col Wirsching is married to his wife Sonja and they have two sons, Patrick (30) and Mark-Robin (23).

Dr Fulvio Arreghini

Technical Specialist, ESSOR Programme Division, OCCAR
Dr Fulvio Arreghini

Fulvio Arreghini is a Commander of the Italian Navy, engineering corps. After the Naval Academy course he then served aboard different warships.
He has been a lecturer at the Italian Naval Academy and University of Pisa and he worked at the Italian Navy experimentation centre for communication and electronics located in Livorno (CSSN ITE) focusing on Software Defined Radio test and evaluation and experimentation. He has a PhD in Communication Engineering with particular focus on SDR.
His international experiences include being the Italian delegate at the NATO line of sight and beyond line of sight capability teams and a constant involvement in support to the Italian MoD in the Italian National SDR programme.
Since February 2016 he is assigned to OCCAR EA in support to the ESSOR programme as technical specialist.

Dr Joanna Sliwa

Head of C4I Systems, Military Communications Institute
Dr Joanna Sliwa

Joanna Sliwa holds the position of Head of C4I Systems Department in Military Communication Institute (MCI) in Zegrze, Poland. She graduated from the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science of Warsaw University of Technology in 2003. Since 2003 she has been working in MCI. She was involved in development of Polish Network Enabled Capability Feasibility Study and NATO working groups focusing on Secure Communications Interoperability Protocol (SCIP), Information Infrastructure Supporting NCW Communications, SOA challenges Over Real Time and Disadvantaged Grids and SOA recommendations for disadvantaged grids in the tactical domain. In 2011 she received with Honours Ph.D. in telecommunications from Military University of Technology. She is the author and co-author of dozens of articles related to tactical communications, service oriented architecture, ontology engineering and reasoning, cyber security and information protection. Currently she is leading and actively taking part in national and international R&D projects related to traffic optimisations for DIL (Disconnected, Intermittent and Limited) networks, cyber threats’ detection and risk assessment in IT infrastructures.

Dr Tim Wilkinson

Chief Technologist, General Dynamics
Dr Tim  Wilkinson

Dr Tim Wilkinson received his BSc and PhD from the University of Leeds UK in 1984 and 1989. His PhD was in the cellular radio area sponsored by Racal, which later formed Vodafone. He subsequently worked for a year as a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds on radio propagation for tactical radio in conjunction with the Royal Signals Research Establishment. In 1990 he spent a year in Australia as a Research Fellow at Sydney University on mobile satellite terminals and at Phillips, later to become Sepura, in Melbourne on PMR radio design. Back in the UK, he worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds carrying out link simulations in a collaborative project with industry on building the first demonstrator of DECT, which ultimately became the dominant cordless telephone technology globally. In 1991 he moved to the University of Bradford to manage a group researching the new emerging subject area of Wireless LANs.
In 1994, Tim joined Hewlett Packard Research Labs to manage a group researching connectivity solutions for all HP products. This work inspired many research projects around the world, generating hundreds of citations, and developing concepts that were ultimately embedded into LTE.
In 2001, Tim moved to IPWireless as VP of Technical Marketing. He evangelised the use of 3GPP derived technologies for new applications, with one of the trials culminating in winning the contract to supply what is still the world’s largest public safety broadband network in New York City. This success of IPWireless resulted in its acquisition by General Dynamics in 2012. This culminated in General Dynamics delivering the first ‘starter networks’ for the US FirstNet Public Safety Broadband Network in Colorado and New Mexico.
Tim is currently Chief Technologist at General Dynamics Mission Systems in the UK.

Lieutenant Colonel Aleksandrs Holmanovs

Head of J6 department, Latvian Armed Forces
Lieutenant Colonel Aleksandrs Holmanovs

LtCol Aleksandrs Holmanovs is a Latvian National Armed Forces (LNAF) Communication and Information Systems (CIS) specialist with 11 years Air Force service experience and 8 years’ experience at JHQ level. LtCol Holmanovs earned a Bachelor of Science in Radioelectronics at Riga Aviation University, 1999 and Master of Science in Electronic at Transport and Communication Institute, 2001. He managed significant Air Force CIS projects: BALTNET development, Air surveillance system installation, Air-Ground-Air communication system deployment, Air Operation Centre’s CIS infrastructure development. 2010 – 2013 he led LNAF JHQ INFOSEC Branch and got an exceptional experience in the areas of CIS security and Cyber Defence. 2013 - 2016 he was working at SHAPE J6 directorate Service Management branch as a lifecycle manager for NATO Core Enterprise services (CES) and coordinate CIS operational planning and budgeting. In 2017 LtCol Holmanovs passed ITIL intermediate level certification. From August 2017 LtCol Holmanovs is LNAF JHQ Head of J6 department, Latvian C3B Principal and representative on FMN MG.

Lieutenant Colonel Grzegorz Wodzynski

Polish Liaison Officer, FMN Secretariat, SHAPE
Lieutenant Colonel Grzegorz  Wodzynski

Lt Col Grzegorz Wodzynski was commissioned into the the 17th Mechanized Brigade in 1997. He undertook CIS Operations and Capability Planning assignments within various units of the Polish Armed Forces and subsequently he served at JFC Naples between 2006-2009. In 2009 he assumed command of the C2IS Branch within the Polish Armed Force’s C2IS Support Centre. Most recently 2010-2016, he was involved in preparation and deployment of the Polish network extension of Afghanistan Mission Network called the White Eagle Network and in the implementation of Polish solution for Federated Mission Networking called the Polish Mission Network. He assumed his current position within the FMN Secretariat in July 2016. He is married and has two daughters.

Lieutenant Colonel Kev Simmons

Director J6, NATO Special Operations HQ
Lieutenant Colonel Kev Simmons

Lt Col Kev Simmons has 36 years of experience in delivering deployable CIS capability from the Strategic level to the tactical edge. Prior to taking up his current post as the Director J6 at the NATO Special Operations HQ in Mons Belgium, his last two post have been in support of ‘at readiness’ elements of UKSF and conventional supporting airborne forces both in UK and on operations. Having now served at NSHQ for almost three years he has added significant knowledge of NATO to his portfolio.

Major Jason Clement

D/PD TNS-GEO, Canadian DoD
Major Jason Clement

Major Jason Clement, Deputy Project Director TNS-GEO.

Maj Clement joined the Canadian Armed Forces Sept 1991 as an Army Signals Officer and has worked both on the operational side and support side. Has worked in a number of field positions including Operations Officer, Chief of Staff and Unit CO. Posted to NDHQ he has held several project management positions on communications projects, as an Industrial Security Officer, a Liaison Officer for 7 Defence renewal projects and currently employed with DG Space as the Deputy Project Director TNS-GEO. During his career he has deployed on 4 operations and a tour with NATO as the JFC Naples JOC IMO.

Mr Charles Chedhomme

Commercial, Finance and Programme Management Support Officer, ESSOR Programme, OCCAR
Mr Charles Chedhomme

Charles Chedhomme is a military “radar and communication” Engineer of the French DGA (Defence Procurement Agency). He graduated in 2005 at ENSIETA French Engineering Armament School with a specialisation done in Military Technical Academy of Bucharest. He then served as an Electronic Warfare and Radar technical expert for several years.
He is experienced in management of weapons programs. He has been Program Manager from various areas from Radio Frequency R&T contracts to operational assets like C160 Gabriel (French SIGINT Airborne system). He also served as the French international Software Defined Radio manager and CONTACT deputy program director for 3 years.
His international experiences include being the French National Program Coordinator for ESSOR, the French National Program Officer for COALWNW and Tactical Radio Liaison Officer in a Middle East Country.
Since July 2016 he is assigned to OCCAR EA in support to the ESSOR programme.

Mr Francis Raveneau

VP Sales and Marketing, Base Camp Connect
Mr Francis Raveneau

Francis Raveneau is the Vice President of Sales & Marketing for BaseCampConnect. In his 20-year career he served several companies in their international business development, mainly in Electronics. Prior to working at BaseCampConnect he was responsible for the business development of Asia and the Americas for a subsidiary of Danaher, a Fortune-500 company. Francis holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Laval University with specialization in International Business at the École Supérieure de Commerce de Grenoble. He has also attended Executive training programs from Harvard Business School.

Mr John Dowdell

Product Manager for Deployed ICT, Networked Products and Services, Airbus Defence & Space
Mr John Dowdell

John has a long history as a Communication Systems Architect for fixed and deployable secure networks, mostly for UK military customers. John’s passion for making his designs better serve the needs of the military and civilian tactical user community led him and his colleagues at Airbus to develop new approaches in information handling across such networks, resulting in two granted patents. John is now the Product Manager for the team, bringing a number of products to the market. He is also a regular contributor to the Internet Engineering Task Force.

Mr Marty Conrad

Data Controller Products, ViaSat
Mr Marty Conrad

Marty Conrad is the Director, Narrowband Systems Solutions, Government Systems at Viasat. In his current position he is responsible for assisting international government customers in solving complex system level communications problems. He works across multiple ViaSat government business areas and encompassing multiple innovative ViaSat RF, satellite communications and secure networking technologies.

Mr. Conrad has over 38 years of experience in the communications business. He has been with Viasat in numerous roles encompassing multiple business development and sales for the past 18 years. His areas of expertise are narrowband (UHF) and wideband (L, X, Ku and Ka Band) satellite communications, data in transit and data at rest encryption, and tactical communications systems. Prior to joining Viasat, he retired from the United States Air Force after 20 years of service as a Secure Communications Systems expert.

At Viasat, we’re driven to connect every warfighter, platform, and node in the battlespace. As a global communications company, we power millions of fast, resilient connections for military forces around the world. With innovations spanning in our secure satellite and wireless communications, we’re driven to redefine connectivity for the battlespace.

Mr Peter Sevenich

Contact for Projects Network Architecture, MANET and ConSIS , Fraunhofer Institute
Mr Peter  Sevenich

Dipl. Phys.  Peter Sevenich, since 1998 at Fraunhofer Institut for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE. He is Head of the Robust Networks Research Group and responsible for the research areas architectures for coalition networks, wireless tactical networks and sensor/effector networks.
Peter Sevenich  is the German governmental expert for the EDA CapTech IAP4 that focuses on the area of Communication, Information Systems and Cyber Defence as well as the German representative in the NATO STO IST Working Group on Heterogeneous tactical networks focusing on improving connectivity and network efficiency.
In the multinational test and demonstration project Coalition Networks for Secure Information Sharing (CoNSIS/FIST) he is member a of the Steering Committee.

Mr Peter Stracke

Branch Chief, Federal Office of the Bundeswehr for Information Management and Information Technology
Mr Peter Stracke

Since July 2016 Mr. Peter Stracke is Branch Chief at the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw). The „Mobile Tactical Communication“ branch focus on ground radio communication and software defined radio. The branch is mainly formed by the program organization for the realization of the “Digitization of Landbased Operations” (D-LBO) program. D-LBO aims to provide IT services for networked operations, in the area of mobile IT, starting with the dismounted soldier up to the level of deployable command posts.
After he had received a degree in automation engineering and electrical communication engineering he joined the Federal Office of Defense Technology and Procurement in 1992.
Since 1998 he has worked in different assignments in the field of radio communications.
Between 2013 and 2016 he was senior administrative officer at the German Federal Ministry of Defense. His assignment was in the Military Communication and Information Systems branch with focus on radio communications.

Mr Scott Smith

International Marketing Manager, Comtech Systems, Inc
Mr Scott Smith

Scott Smith is an International Marketing Manager for Comtech Systems in Orlando, Florida. Scott is responsible for the sales and marketing of Comtech’s Troposcatter and other communications solutions throughout Europe. A graduate of the University of Central Florida, Scott also earned a Masters of Business Administration from the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida.

Mr Tim Hooper

Business Development Manager, General Dynamics UK
Mr Tim Hooper

Tim Hooper has more than 30 years’ experience working with defence forces to provide them with resilient and secure communication and information systems.
Since 2016, Tim has been leading the Business Development for General Dynamics UK supporting a number of defence forces to digitise their land tactical C4I systems.
Following a degree in Engineering and a post graduate diploma in marketing, Tim joined Racal Acoustics where he progressed to lead their Sales and Marketing team. In this role, he secured a number of contracts providing a number of armies with new communication products and systems including the UK, the Netherlands, Canada, Norway and Sweden.
Following the merger with Thales, Tim moved to Paris where he gained experience working at a Corporate level. This included the Product Manager for Soldier Systems and then the Strategy Director for Services.
Tim now lives in Bristol, UK and is married with three children.

Mr Timo Haas

CTO, Blackned GmbH
Mr Timo Haas

Timo is managing director and one of the founding partners of blackned GmbH - a systems integration and consulting company based in Heimertingen, Germany.
The main activity of the company is the development and improvement of operational wireless and wired communication infrastructure systems. The focus of their work lies in a software appliance driven by military experience called RIDUX. This solution with the patented MESH EPC for 4G and the integrated complete collaboration suite offers users a completely autonomous security and communication framework with a focus on tactical edge systems and information transmission in a constantly dynamically changing environment. Add-ons such as an in-house created Android software application enable collaboration solutions to be used seamlessly and without network border effects.
This is complemented by a hardened and compact processing unit - the Mobile Unified Platform (MUP). The combination of hardware and software in adaptation of various communication media up to analog radio devices creates a holistic approach to service delivery in tactical and strategic environments.
Timo has direct experience with deployable LTE and other wireless transmission systems. He served as a commissioned communications officer in the German Air Force for 12 years and holds a Bachelor of Science in business information systems.

Mr Tom Sheehan

Technical Marketing Manager, Comtech Systems, Inc
Mr Tom Sheehan


Conference agenda



Registration & Coffee



Chairman's Opening Remarks

Colonel Grzegorz Szmit, Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch J6, Polish Armed Forces



CIS Requirements for the Polish Mission Network

Colonel Marek Gladysz, Deputy Chief of the Command and Control, Polish Armed Forces


  • How the Polish Mission Network is structured and ambitions to integrate it to the FMN
  • Current C2 structures and how requirements for battlespace management are changing
  • Interoperability standards among NATO partners and how the Polish Armed Forces are working to ensure continuity of function
  • Capability planning and future equipment structures
  • Building a network that is adaptable to the modern era: cyber and resiliency considerations
  • Flexible architecture designs and future ambitions for the programme
  • clock


    Connecting the Commander to the Front Line: The French Approach to Mobile Telecommunication

    Captain Guillaume Journaux, Deputy Head of Telecommunication Branch , DGA


  • The DGA mission – equipping forces for operations in the 21st century
  • The important of SATCOM on the move for deployment and how it is integrated into existing platforms
  • PCN and FMN for interoperability
  • Artificial Intelligence for military use



    Converged Connectivity for Multi-Mission Flexibility

    Mr Marty Conrad, Data Controller Products, ViaSat


  • Best Available Network
  • Layered, Assured, and Resilient
  • Cyber Hardened
  • Flexible
  • Interoperable
  • clock


    Morning Coffee



    Romanian Battlefield Communication & Information Systems

    Colonel Mihai Burlacu, Deputy Head of Communications and IT Department, Romanian Defence Staff


  • What CIS the Romanian Armed Forces are currently deploying and how it fits into wider NATO modernisation efforts
  • Work integrating tactical net-enabled capability into the Federated Mission Network
  • Radio spectrum management and ensuring that communications remain robust and resilient
  • Modernising IT equipment and ongoing procurement efforts
  • Operating in degraded and hostile battlespaces – key considerations
  • SATCOM and the space segment: current bandwidth & plans for growth in the data age
  • clock


    A New Open Architecture for Information Guided Operations


  • The key outcomes required from Land Tactical Deployed C4I systems
  • Exploiting over 25 years’ experience in supplying C4I systems
  • The characteristics of the VERTEX delaminated and open information architecture to enable information guided operations
  • An example of exploiting external communication and information systems at Autonomous Warrior 2018
  • Dr Tim Wilkinson, Chief Technologist, General Dynamics

    Mr Tim Hooper, Business Development Manager, General Dynamics UK



    Mission Network Solutions of the Armed Forces of Latvia

    Lieutenant Colonel Aleksandrs Holmanovs, Head of J6 department, Latvian Armed Forces


  • Current CIS architectures and the Latvian approach to communications-on-the-move
  • CIS requirements and development within the FMN framework
  • Building generic architecture to ensure C2 and situational awareness tools can be integrated to tactical communication systems
  • Maintaining the smooth transition of communications from static to mobile networks
  • Defence capabilities development: exploring tactical radio effectiveness
  • Reducing the size, weight and power to minimise the burden on the warfighter
  • clock


    Mobile Communications Against the Odds

    Mr John Dowdell , Product Manager for Deployed ICT, Networked Products and Services, Airbus Defence & Space



    Networking Lunch



    From Critical to Exhausting Services Within Military 4G/5G Networks


  • Centralized vs. decentralized approach within military environments
  • Transition from 4G to 5G in tactical networks
  • Service Provisioning in tactical edge
  • End user security solutions in tactical environments
  • Scalability and massive data handling within military use cases
  • Mr Timo Haas, CTO, Blackned GmbH


  • Centralized vs. decentralized approach within military environments
  • Transition from 4G to 5G in tactical networks
  • Service Provisioning in tactical edge
  • End user security solutions in tactical environments
  • Scalability and massive data handling within military use cases

  • Centralized vs. decentralized approach within military environments
  • Transition from 4G to 5G in tactical networks
  • Service Provisioning in tactical edge
  • End user security solutions in tactical environments
  • Scalability and massive data handling within military use cases
  • clock


    European Strategic and Tactical Communications Roundtable Discussion


  • How key battlegroups are maintaining interoperability across Central and Eastern Europe
  • Creating a holistic framework for communications architectures across the region – key challenges and considerations
  • Communications ‘on the ground’ terminal requirements from a commander’s perspective
  • Voice over IP (VoIP) for effective telemetry – enhancing global reach and feature flexibility
  • How to ensure your allies can access encrypted data without compromising cyber security standards
  • Integrating rugged systems that are compatible across all partner nations
  • Plans for further interoperability harmonisation and how industry can assist in achieving this
  • Brigadier General Vasil Sabinski, Director of Communications and Information Systems, EU Military Staff

    Colonel Mihai Burlacu, Deputy Head of Communications and IT Department, Romanian Defence Staff

    Lieutenant Colonel Aleksandrs Holmanovs, Head of J6 department, Latvian Armed Forces

    Lieutenant Colonel Grzegorz Wodzynski, Polish Liaison Officer, FMN Secretariat, SHAPE



    DLBO Introduction to the Program and Flanking Research


  • Growth in the use of software defined radio’s and mobile CIS platforms
  • An overview of critical procurement projects: Mobile Tactical Communications (MoTaKo) and Mobile Tactical Information Network (MoTIV)
  • Overcoming router challenges for MANET radios and how to maintain ad hoc networks at the ‘last tactical mile’
  • Future priorities for German communications procurement and R&D
  • Battlespace management of the future – considering the space segment requirements for mobile networks
  • Mr Peter Stracke, Branch Chief, Federal Office of the Bundeswehr for Information Management and Information Technology

    Mr Peter Sevenich, Contact for Projects Network Architecture, MANET and ConSIS , Fraunhofer Institute



    Afternoon Tea



    CIS in the Belgian Land Component

    Colonel Herman Hendrickx, G6, Land Component , Belgian Armed Forces


  • New CIS organization at the Belgian Armed Forces (major changes)
  • The tactical Land Communications Program (Radio’s)
  • C2 evolutions at the Belgian Armed Forces
  • clock


    Federate - Share – Win

    Lieutenant Colonel Grzegorz Wodzynski, Polish Liaison Officer, FMN Secretariat, SHAPE


  • Introduction to Federated Mission Networking (FMN)
  • Staying ahead of more global and complex threats & federation as an organisational model in response

  • Background
  • From Afghanistan Mission Network (AMN) to FMN

  • The FMN Framework
  • Enabling the connection of forces through the FMN Framework

  • Working with nations to ensure FMN Capabilities (services, procedures, staff) remain interoperable

  • Achieve FMN-Ready Forces 

  • Current Status
  • Timetables for further development


  • clock


    ESSOR TLM Approach in Supporting the Coalition Interoperability


  • SDR solutions for the digital battlefield
  • Providing flexible and interoperable SDR capability across the ESSOR partner nations & upgrading legacy systems
  • Roadmaps for through life support for software defined radios
  • The Through Life Management (TLM) approach in OCCAR

    Mr Charles Chedhomme, Commercial, Finance and Programme Management Support Officer, ESSOR Programme, OCCAR

    Dr Fulvio Arreghini, Technical Specialist, ESSOR Programme Division, OCCAR



    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day One

    Colonel Grzegorz Szmit, Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch J6, Polish Armed Forces



    Networking Drinks Reception Hosted by SMi Group



    Registration & Coffee



    Chairman's Opening Remarks

    Colonel Grzegorz Szmit, Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch J6, Polish Armed Forces



    Modernising Communication Networks to Meeting US Army Requirements


  • Managing and coordinating IT requirements within NETCOM
  • The changing nature of expeditionary warfare - creating holistic networks that can be deployed in degraded environments
  • Deploying IT assets for forward deployed forces: how to create mobile communications for a 21st century force
  • Maintaining the cyber resilience of tactical radio networks and data sharing networks
  • Further high profile IT programmes planned and how they fit within the US Army's modernisation requirements
  • Brigadier General Christopher L. Eubank, 39th Chief of Signal, US Army Signal School



    An Introduction to the Work of DG SPACE and How it Fits Within the Wider DND


  • Current Capabilities
  • Future Capabilities
  • Maintaining interoperability within the alliance and SATCOM bandwidth MOU’s with partner nations


  • Major Jason Clement, D/PD TNS-GEO, Canadian DoD



    Operational Flexibility at the Tactical Edge


  • Policy, Concepts & Reality
  • Multi-Tiered Command and Control
  • Multi-Nation Radio Interoperability issues & solutions
  • Mr Francis Raveneau, VP Sales and Marketing, Base Camp Connect

    Colonel (Ret'd) Mike Sweeny, VP of Government Strategy, REDCOM



    Morning Coffee



    Mobile Deployable Communication Systems for Tactical Operations Roundtable Discussion


  • The US vision for a ‘Strong Europe’ – mission parameters and planned exercises
  • Creating one tactical network for joint and coalition operations: challenges to creating an interoperable network that is modular and flexible in design
  • The space segment requirements from the user & ensuring that terminals remain compatible with new SATCOM systems
  • From Marines to SOCOM balancing generic radio architecture with the requirements of the warfighter
  • Preventing communication paralysis – embedding cyber resiliency into IP-based software defined radios
  • Considering the size, weight and power requirements that communication systems add to the warfighter
  • Concluding remarks: how to optimise future mobile deployable communication systems
  • Colonel Grzegorz Szmit, Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch J6, Polish Armed Forces


  • The US vision for a ‘Strong Europe’ – mission parameters and planned exercises
  • Creating one tactical network for joint and coalition operations: challenges to creating an interoperable network that is modular and flexible in design
  • The space segment requirements from the user & ensuring that terminals remain compatible with new SATCOM systems
  • From Marines to SOCOM balancing generic radio architecture with the requirements of the warfighter
  • Preventing communication paralysis – embedding cyber resiliency into IP-based software defined radios
  • Considering the size, weight and power requirements that communication systems add to the warfighter
  • Concluding remarks: how to optimise future mobile deployable communication systems

  • The US vision for a ‘Strong Europe’ – mission parameters and planned exercises
  • Creating one tactical network for joint and coalition operations: challenges to creating an interoperable network that is modular and flexible in design
  • The space segment requirements from the user & ensuring that terminals remain compatible with new SATCOM systems
  • From Marines to SOCOM balancing generic radio architecture with the requirements of the warfighter
  • Preventing communication paralysis – embedding cyber resiliency into IP-based software defined radios
  • Considering the size, weight and power requirements that communication systems add to the warfighter
  • Concluding remarks: how to optimise future mobile deployable communication systems
  • Captain Dez Hill, G-6 Projects Officer , US Marine Corps

    Major Jason Clement, D/PD TNS-GEO, Canadian DoD

    Colonel Thomas Wirsching, NATO CIS Group J5 Division Head, NATO CIS Group

    Colonel Manfred Kutz, Assistant Chief of Staff, J6, NATO Multinational Corps Northeast



    The Next Generation of Troposcatter Communications


  • A History of Troposcatter
  • Use Cases for Beyond Line of Sight Troposcatter Communications
  • Current Troposcatter Users
  • The CS67PLUS, Comtech’s New 100+ Mbps Troposcatter Radio
  • Mr Tom Sheehan

    Mr Tom Sheehan, Technical Marketing Manager, Comtech Systems, Inc

    Mr Scott Smith, International Marketing Manager, Comtech Systems, Inc



    Equipping Our Marines: CIS in Support Expeditionary Capabilities

    Captain Dez Hill, G-6 Projects Officer , US Marine Corps


  • Current areas of responsibility for the USMC and why this requires a flexible & expeditionary force
  • Integrating Networking-On-The-Move systems to support the warfighter
  • CIS requirements in the arctic from an end-user perspective
  • From platforms to radios exploiting the MUOS (Mobile User Objective System) for dismounted marines
  • Fielding plans for MUOS and feedback from design work
  • Maintaining effective C2 through a family of networkable communication infrastructure


  • clock


    Networking Lunch



    Driving a Net-Enabled Approach to Special Forces Operations

    Lieutenant Colonel Kev Simmons, Director J6, NATO Special Operations HQ


  • An introduction to what NSHQ does and how it fits within the NATO force structure
  • Creating adaptive and versatile forces by exploiting network enabled capability
  • Exploiting mesh networks to reduce node points of failure on missions
  • Integrating pan-NATO forces into a cohesive and interoperable network
  • Case study of the NATO FMN
  • Priorities for NSHQ to drive battlefield connectivity and future C2
  • Food for thought. final reflections on NEC in action
  • clock


    Mobile deployable CIS and C2 systems in Network Centric Warfare

    Colonel Michele Antonio Galantino, Signal Department Deputy Chief, Army General Staff - Italian Army


  • Current timetable to phase out the Larimart RV2/400 and introduce new Selex software defined radio’s
  • Ensuring that radios remain lightweight enough for dismounted soldier operations and integration into the Soldato Futuro
  • Limiting points of failure by networking radio communications through the Forza NEC programme
  • Working with industry to integrate C4i systems to the platform
  • Anticipated SATCOM requirements for the system – ensuring global coverage is secure and resilient
  • R&D in future radio programmes and defining requirements for industry
  • clock


    Afternoon Tea



    The Portuguese Approach to Mobile CIS

    Colonel Carlos Jorge de Oliveira Ribeiro, Deputy Director, Communications and Information Systems Directorate, Portuguese Army


  • Current structure of the Portuguese Armed Forces and area of responsibility
  • Introduction of the PRC-525 multimode tactical radio system: roadmap for delivery
  • Integrating new tactical radios to the Army’s Tactical Communication and Information System (SIC-T)
  • Integrated Command & Control and Information Systems: from soldier (DSS) till main headquarters (HMS)
  • Developing the knowledge, products and solutions required for future operations
  • Overcoming challenges in supporting joint and coalition communication networks within operation
  • Path forward for future Portuguese software defined radios
  • clock


    Enhancing Deployable CIS Capabilities

    Colonel Thomas Wirsching, NATO CIS Group J5 Division Head, NATO CIS Group


  • NATO CIS Support to Allied Operations and Missions
  • Recent and future developments of NATO Static and Deployable CIS
  • Setting requirements for future operational and tactical communications
  • Enhancing CIS interoperability across the Alliance
  • clock


    Deployable Communications in Allied Command

    Colonel Manfred Kutz, Assistant Chief of Staff, J6, NATO Multinational Corps Northeast


  • What is the role of MNC NE and what CIS requirements does the multinational force have?
  • Information sharing requirements for NATO’s response force: assurance considerations for the enhanced presence
  • Interoperability priorities for the corps and how different harmonisation approaches can be brought together
  • CIS in the field: recent experiences from deployed exercises
  • clock


    R&D in C4i Systems

    Dr Joanna Sliwa, Head of C4I Systems, Military Communications Institute


  • An introduction to the work of the Military Communication Institute and its organisational structure
  • Collaboration with other research agencies in building C4i capability
  • Why effective command and control remains important for modern operations & the role of tactical communications in achieving this
  • Minimising the size, weight and power of radio and CIS platforms to reduce soldier burden
  • Spectrum management in the increasingly congested frequency environment
  • Communication requirements for the future battlespace – key considerations
  • clock


    Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

    Colonel Grzegorz Szmit, Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch J6, Polish Armed Forces

    39th Chief of Signal
    US Army Signal School
    Director of Communications and Information Systems
    EU Military Staff
    G-6 Projects Officer
    US Marine Corps
    Deputy Head of Telecommunication Branch
    VP of Government Strategy
    Deputy Director, Communications and Information Systems Directorate
    Portuguese Army
    Chief of the IT Infrastructure Branch J6
    Polish Armed Forces
    G6, Land Component
    Belgian Armed Forces
    Assistant Chief of Staff, J6
    NATO Multinational Corps Northeast
    Deputy Chief of the Command and Control
    Polish Armed Forces
    Signal Department Deputy Chief
    Army General Staff - Italian Army
    Deputy Head of Communications and IT Department
    Romanian Defence Staff
    Army CIS Project Manager
    Portuguese Armed Forces
    NATO CIS Group J5 Division Head
    NATO CIS Group
    Technical Specialist, ESSOR Programme Division
    Head of C4I Systems
    Military Communications Institute
    Chief Technologist
    General Dynamics
    Head of J6 department
    Latvian Armed Forces
    Polish Liaison Officer, FMN Secretariat
    Director J6
    NATO Special Operations HQ
    Canadian DoD
    Commercial, Finance and Programme Management Support Officer, ESSOR Programme
    VP Sales and Marketing
    Base Camp Connect
    Product Manager for Deployed ICT, Networked Products and Services
    Airbus Defence & Space
    Data Controller Products
    Contact for Projects Network Architecture, MANET and ConSIS
    Fraunhofer Institute
    Branch Chief
    Federal Office of the Bundeswehr for Information Management and Information Technology
    International Marketing Manager
    Comtech Systems, Inc
    Business Development Manager
    General Dynamics UK
    Blackned GmbH
    Technical Marketing Manager
    Comtech Systems, Inc

    Sponsors and Exhibitors


    Presentation Snapshot: Charles Chedhomme, Commercial, Finance and Programme Management Support Officer, ESSOR Programme


    Speaker interview with: Lieutenant Colonel Kev Simmons, Director J6, NATO Special Operations HQ




    Event Brochure


    List of Past Attendees 2017-2018


    Sponsors and Exhibitors


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Airbus are world leaders in providing global fixed and mobile secure communication services to governments, militaries and security forces. Indeed, as the world’s number one private-sector military communications provider, we deliver the flexibility, resiliency and security required by demanding governments and militaries. And we do this for all communications applications, whether they’re land, airborne or naval. As a truly global organisation, we at Airbus understand local markets, allowing us to support our customers wherever they are. With regional strategic sales and support services in Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific, our presence on the ground where our customers need us most is bolstered by our global reach.

    Base Camp Connect

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    For the next generation of highly mobile military unit and Special Ops teams, radio, telephony and data network systems access are critical to their success. Mobility also means serving in harsh conditions with limited resources and the specter of unstable/unpredictable communications. Our highly resilient communication systems are easy to transport, deploy and operate. Our portfolio of portable communication systems provide the pinnacle in interoperability in order to interconnect any communications technology in a secure way for your unit and coalition partners. BaseCampConnect is a Canadian company that has been proudly serving various military, special ops, public safety, and USAR teams around the world. Our mission is to keep building the most interoperable and reliable tactical communications solutions for mission-critical objectives. We build small-sized portable tactical kits that can connect to any network, any SAT and any type of radio to provide a fully integrated, secured interoperable forward operating base. The many variants of the BaseCampConnect can incorporate a simple radio interoperability kit all the way to secured /encrypted telephony, data and radio interoperability systems for different user types and needs. Our enhanced tactical kits that incorporate state of the art security & encryption carry those of features that were built by REDCOM with their decades of experience in the Defense & Security world. REDCOM solutions span the gap between disparate systems and allow for on-the-move configurations via a GUI interface, connecting resources laterally based on mission requirements. The REDCOM solution we incorporate has been carefully evaluated for cybersecurity (CS) and interoperability (IO) by JITC and is on the DoDIN Approved Product List.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    blackned is a high-tech IT and consulting company based in Southern Germany. Our portfolio offers command, control and communication solutions for different industries with the aim to bring services to the end user at any time without delay and without interruptions. Building on our many years of experience addressing the demanding mission critical communications needs of defence forces and first responders, our solutions focus on user-friendly, intuitive interfaces designed to improve performance while reducing complexity. Our solutions are tailored to efficiently and effectively manage the constantly changing communications conditions presented in harsh environments. As a result, we have developed into one of Europe's leaders in the design and operation of deployable and highly mobile tactical cellular networks. Our adaptive and hardened inhouse software solution RIDUX, already meets the diverse network requirements for a team of first responders up to a cellular system capable of servicing a complete base camp with several thousand users. Our unique approach of a fully integrated SDN-EPC architecture meets the ever-increasing requirements for transmission rates while at the same time providing the necessary reliability. The MeshFLOW mechanism developed by us guarantees service delivery at all times and enables real-time communication across all levels of a corresponding command and control hierarchy. Our Mission Critical Push-to-Talk over Cellular and Push-to-Video solutions follow the Anytime and Anywhere communication approach aligned to an Always on strategy. Therefore, our solutions serve as an extension or complete replacement of existing digital radio solutions and offer you today the possibilities of tomorrow's state-of-the-art technologies in the field of broadband data transmission. The platform-independent RIDUX Collaboration Client serves as the key to the connection, integration and use of legacy radios in a robust and path-independent IP communication solution and therefor guarantees a cost efficiency transition.

    Comtech Systems

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Founded in 1967, Comtech Systems, Inc. has spent over 50 years designing and implementing cutting-edge solutions to the toughest communications challenges worldwide. In addition to the US military, our customers include foreign governments and militaries across the globe. Additionally, we provide remote communication solutions to the commercial sector, including some of the world’s largest energy companies, such as Royal Dutch Shell, Petronas, and PEMEX. Comtech Systems, Inc. has two interrelated focuses: Modern Troposcatter Communications Troposcatter provides a high data-rate, low latency, over-the-horizon communication link at ranges far beyond what is achievable with line-of-sight communications, without the need to rely upon satellites or intermediate relays. With Comtech troposcatter modems used in over 90% of the modern troposcatter systems deployed worldwide, Comtech is the undisputed leader in advanced troposcatter technology. Over 40 years of continuous troposcatter research and development (more than any other company in the world) have made Comtech responsible for a number of industries “firsts:” • The first 50 Mbps troposcatter terminal • The first Troposcatter specific Forward Error Correction [FEC] • Automatic Power Control and Code Rate to maximize performance and reduce interference • The first operational troposcatter link on an offshore floating platform • Rapidly deployable troposcatter systems that can be deployed in under one hour Complex Communication Network Design and Systems Integration Comtech Systems, Inc. draws upon decades of experience in a vast array of communications technologies to provide customized video, voice, and data network solutions specifically designed to meet each client’s unique needs. Comtech has designed and delivered these systems to military and commercial customers on every continent except Antarctica, utilizing HF/VHF/UHF, Microwave, Troposcatter, Satellite, and Fiber technologies, as well as many others. Comtech expertise has been utilized for a wide variety of applications, ranging from commercial telecom and offshore oil platform communications to air defense systems and secure military networks.

    General Dynamics Mission Systems

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    General Dynamics Mission Systems is a leading international defence company, supplying avionic and tactical communication systems around the world. We have been providing avionic, maritime and vehicle-based systems for more than 70 years, including Bowman, which is currently in-use on a variety of platforms in the British Armed Forces. Our communication and information transfer capabilities offer an open architecture, facilitating a tailored system and hassle-free integration to give the best possible performance for the end-user in their unique environment.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    GISS executes technologically advanced projects in the fields of satellite and military communication and air traffic control. Based on our experience and engineering capabilities we design and manufacture range of Ku and X bands satellite terminals starting from man-pack up to flyaway applications. Our man-pack terminals - SatPack Cobalt – is in operation of Polish Armed Forces. We are also providing integration, modernization and service activities for military satcom applications.

    Hytec Inter

    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Hytec Inter provides solutions for streaming live video over bandwidth constrained networks. Powered by our unique video codec HEVC-ULC, we make it possible to deliver critical video feeds stably over Tactical IP radio, 3G/LTE or satellite links. Our solutions have been developed for applications in defence, disaster relief, SAR and border control.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    Thuraya, is the mobile satellite services subsidiary of Yahsat, a leading global satellite operator based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), wholly owned by Mubadala Investment Company. Established in 1997, Thuraya offers innovative communications solutions to a variety of sectors including maritime, energy, government, broadcast media, military, aerospace and humanitarian NGO.


    Sponsors and Exhibitors

    At Viasat, we’re driven to connect every warfighter, platform, and node in the battlespace. As a global communications company, we power millions of fast, resilient connections for military forces around the world – connections with the capacity to transform the mission – in the air, on the ground, and at sea. Our customers depend on us for connectivity that counts, whether we’re securing the U.S. Government’s networks, delivering satellite and wireless communications to the remote edges of the battlespace, or providing senior leaders with the ability to perform mission-critical communications while in flight. We’re driven to redefine connectivity for the battlespace.

    Media Partners

    Global Military Communications


    Global Military Communications is a publication that tracks the trends, drivers and technology that fuel the military communications sector. Communications continue to be the lynchpin of modern warfare and is crucial to any military campaign. The sector is going through unprecedented change as militaries and governments across the world move towards a network centric approach to their communications. From operations in war zones to homeland security and disaster recovery operations, Global Military Communications provides you with the latest communications developments on land, sea, and in the air.

    Defence and Security Alert


    Defence and Security Alert (DSA) is the first and only ISO 9001:2015 certified, world-class monthly Indian magazine in defence and security journalism. Covering a strictly research based spectrum of dynamic scenarios in India and challenging horizons beyond national borders, DSA is the only Indian defence magazine available on the intranets of Indian Air Force (IAF) and Border Security Force (BSF). DSA is an ideal platform in this domain to showcase your products, services and cutting-edge technologies. DSA is very extensively circulated among key policy and decision makers in the federal and 28 state governments and corporate world in India and worldwide through print and online editions.

    Defence Suppliers


    Defence-Suppliers provides a unique platform to present your latest equipment and systems to the world's defence and security industry. We are a key information resource for MODs, DODs, decision makers, governments, prime contractors, service chiefs, defence ministers, police forces and system integrators. Delivering a comprehensive breakdown of products and services from leading industry contractors, with up-to-date news and press releases when developments occur. With links to all the major industry events, the portal provides an opportunity for visitors to develop international relationships and generate new business opportunities.

    Homeland Security Corporation (HSRC)


    HSRC provides premium off-the-shelf market reports on present and emerging technologies and industry expertise, enabling global clients to gain time-critical insight into business opportunities. All reports include in-depth information and analysis of emerging markets, technologies, and industries broken down by geography, market, vertical, technology, product, and revenue stream. Our reports support Homeland Security & Public Safety communities worldwide in their strategic decision-making process, providing up-to-date market knowledge, analysis, and insights. HSRC offers customized research services geared towards providing our clients with clear, actionable recommendations designed to empower decision-making and to help exploit emerging opportunities in the market. The customized research services provide a deep analysis of specific markets and eco-systems, target geographies, strategic segments and verticals, competitor analysis and technological benchmarks. The custom research services are provided as an ad hoc assignment or as an ongoing service.

    Microwave Journal


    Microwave Journal provides leading-edge technical content for RF, microwave and wireless engineers worldwide. MWJ the magazine reaches 50,000 qualified subscribers with practical design application articles for working engineers. MWJournal.com delivers the latest news, events, webinars, whitepapers, videos and newsletters to RF/microwave professionals. EDI CON China and USA events bring industry and engineers together for information exchange and education. For over 60 years, Microwave Journal has been THE resource for engineers who are developing infrastructure for the next-generation of wireless and defense technologies. www.mwjournal.com

    Military Systems and Technology


    Military Systems & Technology is a comprehensive web portal, design agency and publication designed for the International Defence & Aerospace Industry. It is a source of daily information for Manufacturers, OEM’S, System Integrators and Contractors. We even have Government & Military Readers. The portal encompasses all aspects of Military equipment, technology, design and services. www.militarysystems-tech.com info@militarysystems-tech.com +44 (0)1392 881545



    Technologies.org is a collaborative research tool maintained and supported by team of market analysts to track, monitor and share vital information on the latest technology trends by following money trail of government grants and venture capital deals. Sharing market intelligence data helps all parties develop a more complete integrated picture of market and technology trends.

    Satellite Interference Reduction Group (IRG)


    Satellite Interference Reduction Group (IRG) is the global industry organisation, established to combat the increasing and costly problem of satellite radio frequency interference. It also as a group focuses on the future of satellite communication technology and the effects or issues of that technology relating to interference. IRG has a number of practical initiatives, all aimed at reducing satellite interference, including establishing Carrier ID, Training & Certification and Type Approvals. The group itself comprises working groups, chaired by key industry experts, charged with the task of establishing the practical initiatives and obtaining the support of the entire industry.

    Space Data Association


    The Space Data Association Limited (SDA) is a non-profit international association of satellite operators that supports the controlled, reliable, and efficient sharing of data critical to the safety and integrity of the space environment. The SDA is open to all satellite operators and other participants. Its membership comprises many of the world’s major satellite communications companies, as well as key scientific, remote sensing, and environmental satellite system operators.

    Wojsko i Technika


    This is a professionally edited magazine which focuses on the most important problems of the Polish military, security and defence industry. Much attention is paid on the current political and military situation in the region, new models of armament and military equipment, weaponry exhibitions, current tenders and laid contracts.

    Soldier Modernisation


    Soldier Modernisation (SoldierMod.Com) is an authoritative policy and technology publication for the international defense community, serving the integrated equipment needs of the dismounted soldier and marine in operations today and the fielding of Soldier Modernisation Programmes over the next few years. SoldierMod.Com is designed to provide insights into how decision makers plan to transform operations in the areas of survivability, sustainability, C4I, lethality and mobility; managing the balance between the promise of 'leap-ahead technology balance and mature cost effective solutions. SoldierMod is distributed in many formats which will include an 50 page journal 10,000 copies BPA Audited, twice annually , in January and June Our Website www.soldiermod.com , Has a 24 hour news service , anytime ( currently at over 20,000 individual visits per month ) . We also have an online technical forum where anyone in the industry can ask us strategic or technological questions , our partners and experts will respond directly back.

    Defense Express


    Limited Liability Company “DEFENSE EXPRESS MEDIA AND CONSULTING” highlights events in security, defense and military cooperation areas. Regular information products of the company: - Daily News Wire and Analysis on http://www.defense-ua.com; - Weekly newsletter “Ukrainian Defense Survey”; - “DEFENSE EXPRESS” Magazine; - “Ukrainian Defense Review” Magazine (in English); - Book series “Weapons of Ukraine”. Company also provides advice and assistance based on deep analytical skills and knowledge of the conditions and characteristics of Ukrainian military market to companies, government bodies and intermediaries in the implementation of their strategy, relating to finding new partners and interests promoting.



    SecurityClearedJobs.com is an on-line job board designed and marketed to attract candidates who work within Defence, Government and Nuclear sectors. We advertise 1000’s of job opportunities both on a Permanent and Contract basis covering opportunities within all industry sectors. Visit our site www.SecurityClearedJobs.com to search for your next job opportunity.

    Defence Today


    Defence Today is an online publication covering the latest in global defence and security news, defence intelligence and strategic insight. Terrorism and emerging threats, defence industry coverage, the latest technology developments and emerging platforms and systems. Military equipment profiles and industry showcases. Advertising, press releases and event listings are available.

    Aerospace Technology


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    CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development’. It is essentially a philosophy, which maintains that in order to be effective, learning should be organised and structured. The most common definition is:

    ‘A commitment to structured skills and knowledge enhancement for Personal or Professional competence’

    CPD is a common requirement of individual membership with professional bodies and Institutes. Increasingly, employers also expect their staff to undertake regular CPD activities.

    Undertaken over a period of time, CPD ensures that educational qualifications do not become obsolete, and allows for best practice and professional standards to be upheld.

    CPD can be undertaken through a variety of learning activities including instructor led training courses, seminars and conferences, e:learning modules or structured reading.


    There are approximately 470 institutes in the UK across all industry sectors, with a collective membership of circa 4 million professionals, and they all expect their members to undertake CPD.

    For some institutes undertaking CPD is mandatory e.g. accountancy and law, and linked to a licence to practice, for others it’s obligatory. By ensuring that their members undertake CPD, the professional bodies seek to ensure that professional standards, legislative awareness and ethical practices are maintained.

    CPD Schemes often run over the period of a year and the institutes generally provide online tools for their members to record and reflect on their CPD activities.


    Professional bodies and Institutes CPD schemes are either structured as ‘Input’ or ‘Output’ based.

    ‘Input’ based schemes list a precise number of CPD hours that individuals must achieve within a given time period. These schemes can also use different ‘currencies’ such as points, merits, units or credits, where an individual must accumulate the number required. These currencies are usually based on time i.e. 1 CPD point = 1 hour of learning.

    ‘Output’ based schemes are learner centred. They require individuals to set learning goals that align to professional competencies, or personal development objectives. These schemes also list different ways to achieve the learning goals e.g. training courses, seminars or e:learning, which enables an individual to complete their CPD through their preferred mode of learning.

    The majority of Input and Output based schemes actively encourage individuals to seek appropriate CPD activities independently.

    As a formal provider of CPD certified activities, SAE Media Group can provide an indication of the learning benefit gained and the typical completion. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the delegate to evaluate their learning, and record it correctly in line with their professional body’s or employers requirements.


    Increasingly, international and emerging markets are ‘professionalising’ their workforces and looking to the UK to benchmark educational standards. The undertaking of CPD is now increasingly expected of any individual employed within today’s global marketplace.

    CPD Certificates

    We can provide a certificate for all our accredited events. To request a CPD certificate for a conference , workshop, master classes you have attended please email events@saemediagroup.com

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